Risk Management Practicum in Business Management Lesson Plan Performance Objective Upon completion of this lesson, each student will understand how to use technology safely and responsibly. Students will also learn how to purchase and maintain supplies and equipment. Specific Objectives Students will identify and describe examples of cybercrimes. Students will list ways to protect themselves from cybercrimes. Students will identify ways to be safe while on the internet. Students will identify steps for purchasing and maintaining supplies and equipment. Terms Acceptable Use Policy – a policy that outlines, in writing, how a school or district expects its community members to behave with technology. Computer virus – a computer program usually hidden within another program or file and usually performs a malicious action. Cyber bullying – using the Internet to support deliberate, repeated and hostile behavior by an individual or group that is intended to harm someone else Cyber crime (also spelled cybercrime) – any criminal or other offense that is facilitated by or involves the use of electronic communications or information system Cyber security – the protection of computers, networks, programs and data from unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction data integrity – the accuracy and consistency of stored data Fraud – the crime of obtaining money or property by deceiving people Policies – a set of ideas or a plan for action followed by a business, a government, a political party, or a group of people Supplier – a person, company, or country that provides goods of a particular kind Vendor – a person or company that sells goods or services Definition references http://www.duhaime.org/LegalDictionary/C/Cyberbullying.aspx http://cybercrime.org.za/definition http://www.umuc.edu/cybersecurity/about/cybersecurity-basics.cfm http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/american-english/fraud 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. This lesson should take 3-5 class days to complete. Preparation TEKS Correlations This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. 130.122C Knowledge and skills (3) The student abides by risk-management policies and procedures for technology to minimize loss: (A) adhere to technology safety and security policies such as acceptable use policy and web page policies; (B) apply ergonomic techniques to technology tasks; (C) adhere to laws pertaining to computer crime, fraud, and abuse; (D) follow procedures used to restart and recover from situations such as system failure and virus infection; (E) follow policies to prevent loss of data integrity; and (F) adhere to the organization’s policies for technology use. (16) The student implements processes for purchasing business supplies, equipment, and services. The student is expected to: (A) maintain vendor and supplier searches; (B) conduct vendor and supplier searches; and (C) negotiate terms with vendors. (17) The student establishes procedures to maintain equipment and supplies. The student is expected to: (A) determine equipment needed; (B) determine supplies needed; (C) establish equipment and supplies maintenance systems; (D) schedule equipment maintenance; and (E) use equipment and supplies maintenance procedures. Interdisciplinary Correlations English 110.42(b) Knowledge and skills. (6) Reading/word identification/vocabulary development. The student uses a variety of strategies to read unfamiliar words and to build vocabulary. The student is expected to: (A) expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening, and discussing; and (B) rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative language, idioms, multiple meaning word(9s, and technical vocabulary. (7) Reading/comprehension. The student comprehends selections using a variety of strategies. The student is expected to: 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. (F) identify main ideas and their supporting details; (G) summarize texts; and (J) read silently with comprehension for a sustained period of time. Speech 110.56 (b) Knowledge and skills (1)(A) explain the importance of communication in daily interaction; (2)(E) participate appropriately in conversations for a variety of purposes; (3)(A) The student uses appropriate communication in group settings (E) use appropriate verbal, non-verbal, and listening strategies to communicate effectively in groups; (5)(B) use language clearly and appropriately; Tasks Students will secure signatures on all forms, as specified by the teacher. Students will return all paperwork in a timely manner. Accommodations for Learning Differences It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special Populations page of this website (cte.unt.edu). Preparation Copy the handouts Have multimedia presentations ready to show Instructional Aids Student Notes sheet Student worksheets Materials Needed Copies pencils Equipment Needed Teacher computer Projector (for digital presentation) Calculators Introduction Learner Preparation Ask students to think of actions that people do on the internet or with technology that may be illegal or unethical. 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Have students come up with real life consequences for each other actions listed above. Ask students why it is important to properly take care of equipment and keep up-to-date information on that equipment. Lesson Introduction Ask students to fold a sheet of paper in half and label one side of the paper as Do’s and the other side of the paper as Don’ts. Then have each student list things that a person should and should not do when they are using technology and the internet. Discuss with students the risks involved when not using technology safely. Have students make a list of all the technology in the classroom. Then ask students what type of information should be kept on each item for maintenance and ordering purposes. 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Outline OUTLINE MI NOTES TO TEACHER I. Acceptable Technology Use II. Acceptable Internet Use III. Equipment Purchases & Maintenance Acceptable Use Policy handout - The teacher may place the following information in a presentation format or simply give it to the students as a handout and have a class discussion over the information. Student Presentation of District Policy- The teacher will provide students with a copy of the district’s internet acceptable usage policy. Company Technology/Internet Use Policy- Students will research the Internet Use policy of a company and work together to come up with a skit. Teacher will share Equipment Maintenance Tips with the class. Students will take an inventory of the classroom supplies and equipment using the Classroom Inventory worksheet. Then students will use the Order Form to order any supplies/equipment that needs to be replaced or replenished. Students will take an inventory of the items in their house using the Household Inventory/Maintenance. Multiple Intelligences Guide Existentialist Interpersonal Intrapersonal Kinesthetic/ Bodily Logical/ Mathematical Musical/Rhythmic Naturalist Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spatial 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Application Guided Practice The teacher will use the multimedia presentations to teach the material. The teacher will monitor students’ independent practices. Summary Review List 3 things a person can do to stay safe on the internet. Why is it important to follow technology use and internet use policies? Why is it important to keep track of equipment? Evaluation Informal Evaluation: o Teacher will check for understanding o Very small work group option (students help each other) Formal Evaluation: o Tests over the material 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Acceptable Use Policy Class Discussion Teacher Instructions: You may place the following information in a presentation format or simply give it to the students as a handout and have a class discussion over the information. Tips when using technology: Visit websites recommended by responsible adults such as your parents or teachers Ensure I get the proper permission or license when downloading files from the Internet Share only legal files with my friends or fellow classmates Check with a responsible adult first before buying any items online When chatting be wary of strangers, and do not respond to people you do not know Just like going outside your house, let your parents know which sites you’ve been to and the people you have been communicating with online. It is important that your parents are informed of your activities online. Steps you can you take to help ensure that your computer is protected: Use of anti-virus software; keep your software updated Don’t open emails or attachments from unknown or suspicious sources – when in doubt delete the entire message, including attachments Use firewall software Use hard-to-guess passwords; don’t share your passwords and don’t use them in more than one place Regularly back-up your data Don’t share your computer with strangers Disconnect your computer from the Internet when not in use 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Student Presentation of District Policy Teacher Instructions: Provide students with a copy of the district’s internet acceptable usage policy. Student Instructions: In groups of 2 – 3, create a presentation that may be shown to the entire student body to summarize the district’s acceptable use policy for technology and internet usage. Presentation Rubric: 20 Points Organization Thoughts and points well organized throughout the presentation Delivery & The student is easy Clarity to hear and understand and engages the audience throughout the presentation. Content The student reflects on the experience and shows evidence of what was learned. Presentation The student appears Skills to be very knowledgeable on the content. Visuals The student incorporates appropriate pictures directly related to the content. 15 Points Thoughts show some organization throughout the presentation. The student is hard to hear and understand and the audience is somewhat engaged throughout the presentation. The student shows little evidence of what was learned. The student shows little knowledge of the content. The student incorporates pictures, or other products, not directly related to the content. 10 Points Points Earned Thoughts are unorganized throughout the presentation. The student is not heard or understood and the audience is only a little engaged throughout the presentation. The student shows no evidence of what was learned. The student shows no knowledge of the content. The student does not include pictures or any other visual products, in the presentation. 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Company Technology/Internet Use Policy Student Instructions: Search the internet to find the Technology/Internet Use Policy for a company. Then compare and contrast the company’s policy with the district’s policy using the Venn diagram below or another comparison chart. District’s Policy Company’s Policy 9 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Company Technology/Internet Use Policy Skit Student Instructions: In a small group (no more than 6 people), students will create a skit dealing with one of the following issues: Misuse of office supplies and equipment Misuse of technology or internet Computer crime, fraud, and/or abuse Criteria weight The skit should be 5 to 7 minutes long and the setting must be in a workplace. Understanding 40% of Topic Cooperation Presentation 30% 30% Exceptional Admirable Acceptable Attempted Factual Factual information is information is accurate mostly accurate Indicates a clear Good understanding of understanding topic of topic Factual information is somewhat accurate Fair understanding of topic Information is inaccurate Presentation is off topic Accepts ideas of others; able to compromise All members contribute Accepts most ideas without negative comments; able to compromise Some members contribute Unwilling to compromise Few members contribute Group does not work together One person does all the work Shows confidence Informative Entertaining; engages audience Speaks loudly and clearly Appropriate use of body language Shows some confidence Presents some information Engages audience Can be heard Some use of body language Unsure of responsibility Somewhat informative Engages audience intermittently Hard to hear Some movement Portrayal stalls Lacks information Audience bored Mumbles Body language is lacking; inappropriate 10 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Equipment Maintenance Tips Proper maintenance of equipment will extend the useful life of the equipment and reduce the need for repairs. Therefore it is important to: Develop a set of maintenance plans and procedures Keep proper records Create a cleaning schedule Store equipment in the proper environment Back up data on a daily basis Clean the outside of the case Inspect all devices on a weekly basis Delete any unnecessary temporary files Perform an extensive maintenance check every six months Keep track of the purchase dates, serial number, routine maintenance and repair of all equipment 11 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Classroom Inventory Student instructions: Students will take an inventory of the equipment and supplies located in the classroom. Students will note the quantity and condition of each item. Students may create a chart on paper or in a spreadsheet. See example below: CLASSROOM INVENTORY Objects Quantity Student Desks Student Chairs Student Tables Rectangular Student Tables Round Student Tables Crescent Lab Bench Computer Tables Combo Desk/Chair File Cabinets 2 Drawer File Cabinets 4 Drawer Standing Cabinets (metal with doors) Book Shelf Short (3 shelf) Book Shelf Tall (5 shelf) Teacher Desks Teacher Chairs Other (Please Describe) Condition 25 Fair 28 Good 1 Good n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 Fair 1 Good n/a 1 1 1 1 Fair Good Good Excellent n/a 12 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. New Equipment/Supplies Order Form Student instructions: Students will complete the form below to request any new equipment/supplies for the classroom. DEPARTMENT: EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES ORDERS REQUEST FORM DATE: CONTACT PERSON: TELEPHONE NUMBER: APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: RECEIVED BY: DATE STOCK # DESCRIPTION OF ITEM QTY REC'D B/O B/O REC'D 13 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Household Inventory/Maintenance Student Instructions: Take an inventory of your household items (this is often done for insurance purposes). Include the following information for each item: Name Brand Model Serial number Date of purchase Price Room the item is located in Create the inventory in a spreadsheet software so that it may be updated when needed. 14 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.