Word Processing Lesson Plan Practicum in Business Management

Word Processing
Practicum in Business Management
Lesson Plan
Performance Objective
Upon completion of this lesson, each student will create business letters, memorandums, and reports
while gaining an understanding of how to use word processing technology.
Specific Objectives
 Students will compose a business letter.
 Students will use templates to create memorandums.
 Students will discuss the proper format used for business reports.
 Business letter – usually a letter from one company to another, or between such organizations
and their customers, clients, and other external parties.
 Cursor – an indicator used to show the position on a computer monitor or other display
 Executive summary – a short document or section of a document, produced for business
purposes that summarizes a longer report or proposal or a group of related reports in such a
way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having
to read it all.
 Memorandum – a note, document, or other communication that helps the memory by
recording events or observations on a topic; may be used in a business office.
 References – the relationship of one thing to another.
 Report – is any informational work made with the specific intention of relaying business
information or recounting certain events in a widely presentable form.
 Template – a standardized non-executable file type used by computer software as a preformatted example on which to base other files, especially documents.
This lesson should take three class days to complete.
TEKS Correlations
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities
may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
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Practicum in Business Management
130.122 (c) Knowledge and skills
(9) The student selects a format and procedure to produce memoranda appropriate for a given
purpose. The student is expected to:
(A) select proper layout such as direct and indirect;
(B) apply correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other English mechanics;
(C) prepare correct memoranda format;
(D) enter data without error; and
(E) disseminate to appropriate persons.
(10) The student selects document type and layout to produce business letters. The student is
expected to:
(A) determine use of documents for purposes such as sales, claims, and good news;
(B) prepare correct layout;
(C) apply correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other English mechanics; and
(D) enter data without error.
(11) The student selects appropriate writing methods to produce a variety of reports. The
student is expected to:
(A) determine purpose of a report;
(B) select proper method of writing such as short and informal;
(C) prepare tables, graphs, and graphics;
(D) use references and prepare notations;
(E) apply correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, other English mechanics; and
(F) enter data without error.
(24) The student selects and applies word processing technology. The student is expected to:
(A) identify customary styles of business documents;
(B) input data using the touch system;
(C) demonstrate basic writing techniques;
(D) produce business documents;
(E) edit a variety of written documents; and
(F) identify technologies that enhance or replace the touch system of data entry.
Interdisciplinary Correlations
110.42(b) Knowledge and skills.
(6) Reading/word identification/vocabulary development. The student uses a variety of
strategies to read unfamiliar words and to build vocabulary. The student is expected to:
(A) expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening, and discussing; and
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(B) rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as
figurative language, idioms, multiple meaning words, and technical vocabulary.
(7) Reading/comprehension. The student comprehends selections using a variety of
strategies. The student is expected to:
(F) identify main ideas and their supporting details;
(G) summarize texts; and
(J) read silently with comprehension for a sustained period of time.
110.56 (b) Knowledge and skills.
(1)(A) Explain the importance of communication in daily interaction.
(2)(E) Participate appropriately in conversations for a variety of purposes.
(3)(A) The student uses appropriate communication in group settings.
(E) Use appropriate verbal, non-verbal, and listening strategies to communicate
effectively in groups.
(5)(B) Use language clearly and appropriately.
 Students will secure signatures on all forms as specified by the teacher.
 Students will return all paperwork in a timely manner.
Accommodations for Learning Differences
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified
to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special
Populations page of this website (cte.unt.edu).
 Copy the handouts.
 Have multimedia presentations ready to show.
Instructional Aids
 Student “Business Reports Worksheet”
 Student worksheets
Materials Needed
 Copies
 Pencils
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Equipment Needed
 Teacher computer
 Projector (for digital presentation)
 Calculators
Learner Preparation
 Tell students word processing software is used to create a variety of business documents
including letters, memorandums, and reports.
 Word processing software consists of templates that may be used when creating particular
 Explain to students that memorandums are generally inter-office documents that are used as a
communication tool within an organization.
 Ask students if they have ever written a report for school. (Some responses may be research
paper, book report, etc.) Explain to students that certain reports have formats that must be
followed, and today we will discuss the proper format for a business report.
Lesson Introduction
 Ask students to brainstorm when it may be necessary to write a business letter, a
memorandum, or a business report.
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Instructor Notes
Word Processing Technology
Business Letter
A. Sender’s address
B. Date
C. Inside address
D. Greeting
E. Body
F. Closing
G. Signature
A. To
B. From
C. Date
D. Re:/Subject:
A. Cover letter/memorandum
B. Title page
C. Executive summary
D. Table of contents
E. Introduction
F. Conclusion
G. Recommendations
H. Findings and discussion
I. References
J. Appendices
The teacher will explain the parts of a
business letter and give examples of
when and how business letters are
The teacher will model the steps of
using a template to create
Writing an effective business report is
a necessary skill for communicating
ideas in the business environment.
Reports usually address a specific
issue or problem, and are often
commissioned when a decision needs
to be made.
Begin by showing students the
attached Business Reports
presentation. Have students
complete the worksheet while
viewing the presentation.
Multiple Intelligences Guide
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Guided Practice
The teacher will use the multimedia presentations to teach the material. The teacher will monitor
students’ independent practices.
 List the parts of a business letter.
 List and explain some of the reasons for writing a business report.
Informal Evaluation
o Teacher will check for understanding
o Very small work group option (students help each other)
Formal Evaluation
o Tests over the material
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Parts of a Business Letter
Directions: Type Letter #1 as shown, changing the initials to your initials and the footer to your name
and period. Letter #2 needs to be formatted like the first letter. You should include your initials and
your name.
Your Street Address
City, Street Zip code
Current Date (Press Enter three times)
Anytown, Inc.
1234 Anytown Street
Anytown, TX 77123
Dear Mr. Banks:
Your question about the effects of word processing equipment on keying accuracy is
a good one.
A major weakness of those who take employment tests is their inability to detect
and correct the errors they make. Therefore, we suggest that employee training
should emphasize proofreading and correcting errors rather than error-free initial
A grading system rewarding efficient proofreading and correcting skills instead of
penalizing errors on initial input is worth your serious consideration.
Sincerely yours,
(First and Last Name)
Employment Office Manager
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Your Street Address/City, Street Zip code/Current Date
Anytown, Inc./1234 Anytown Street/Anytown, TX 77123
Dear Mrs. Smith
Congratulations! You are now the sole owner of the car you financed through our
bank. We also want to say thank you for choosing us to serve your credit needs.¶
The original Certificate of Title and your Installment Loan Contract marked “Paid in
Full” are enclosed. These papers are evidence that you have fulfilled all the
obligations of your automobile loan. File the papers in a safe place with your other
important records. ¶ The promptness with which you made all monthly payments
gives you a preferred credit rating at our bank. Please let us know when we may be
of service to you again.
Cordially / Your Name/ Vehicle Loan Department/ hq/Enclosures
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Personal Business Letter
For this assignment, you will be responsible for writing a personal business letter to a living person
that you admire but do not personally know (professional athlete, actor/actress, author, politician,
well-known businessman or businesswoman, etc.). Business letters and personal business letters are
almost always typed, so you will type your letter. This will make your letter look professional. Use a
professional-looking font, single-spaced. Your entire letter must be at least one page in length,
consisting of at least three body paragraphs. The overall letter must include the following parts:
1. Use all parts of a business letter in your letter, including the following: Date, Sender’s Address,
Inside Address, Salutation, Body, Closing, and Signature.
2. The first body paragraph should be a friendly opening. The first sentence should state who
you are and why you are writing to the person. Next, tell the person a few things about
yourself in a few sentences.
3. In the second body paragraph, explain how you know of the person and why you admire him
or her. Commend the person for things (example: accomplishments) he or she has done in the
past. Give specific examples. Describe any relevant personal experiences (try to establish a
connection with the person by sharing any similar interest, talent, goals, background, etc.).
Tell the person anything else that you would like to mention.
4. In the third body paragraph, ask the person at least five questions. Ask questions that you
would ask the person if you could interview him or her. Next, if you are interested in receiving
an autograph, politely ask for one. Lastly, let the person know that you appreciate that he or
she has taken the time to read your letter.
5. Include a closing (e.g. “Sincerely,”), press enter four times and then type your first and last
name. After you print your letter, write your signature (use cursive) between the closing and
your typed name.
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Personal Business Letter Rubric
Name: ________________________
Teacher: ______________________
Date: _________________________
Below Average
Good - Excellent
1. Used all parts of a business letter.
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10
2. Met requirements of the first body
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10
3. Met requirements of the second body
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10
4. Met requirements of third body
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10
5. Met requirements for a proper closing.
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10
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Creating a Memorandum Using a Word Processing Template
1. Open a blank word processing document.
2. Go through the steps to locate the proper memorandum template.
3. Fill in the following information:
a. To: Ms. Janet Smith, Personnel Manager
b. From: Mr. Bobby Banks, IT Department Manager
c. Date: (use today’s date)
d. Re: Thank you
e. (Body) I have received over 100 applications for the new position in the IT Department
and have put together a short list of 10 candidates. I have made copies of their CVs
and letters of application and will send them over to you this afternoon.
Could you let me know when you would like the interview to take place so that I can
inform the candidates when I write to them to invite them for the interview?
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Creating a Memorandum Rubric
Name: ________________________
Teacher: ______________________
Date: _________________________
Below Average
Good - Excellent
1. Used proper template and font.
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10
2. All required information was included.
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10
3.Work was neat and without mistakes
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10
4. Student showed an overall understanding
of the requirements and required little
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10
5. Work completed in a timely manner.
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10
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Business Reports Worksheet
Business Reports are used to organize information in an accurate, timely, and concise manner in order
to assist with the decision-making process in an organization. Business reports share characteristics
and may also be customized for a particular use.
Directions: While viewing the Business Report Presentation, fill in the following blanks.
Informal reports may feature:
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
Formal reports may feature:
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
The key questions to ask when planning a business report are:
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
A business report may contain:
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Business Reports Answer Key
Business Reports are used to organize information in an accurate, timely, and concise manner in order
to assist with the decision-making process in an organization. Business reports share characteristics
and may also be customized for a particular use.
Directions: While viewing the Business Report Presentation, fill in the following blanks.
Informal reports may feature:
 Letter/memo format
 Minimal use of headings and visual aids
 Personal pronouns and contractions
 May be a few paragraphs in length
 Mainly for an internal audience
Formal reports may feature:
 A more standard format organized into separate sections
 Front and back sections along with the body of the report
 A greater number of headings and visual aids
 A length of greater than five pages
 Content designed for internal and/or external audiences
The key questions to ask when planning a business report are:
 What is the purpose of this report?
 Who are the readers of this report?
 What are the report’s main messages?
 How will the report be structured?
A business report may contain:
A cover letter/memo
A title page
An executive summary
A table of contents
An introduction
Findings and discussion
A list of references
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Acceptance Letter
Your Job
You will create an original acceptance letter file for the university. You can use the Save As function to
create and save different versions of the letter. The text has only been provided as a hard copy and
needs to be keyed into a word processing document. The letter provided is a draft and requires
careful proofreading.
Key the content as shown below. There are spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors in total. Your
final versions should not include any of the errors that you found in the document.
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(Applicant’s Name)
(City, State Zip Code)
Dear (Applicant’s Name)
Congratulations on yor acceptance to the University of Learning.
You are now challenged with making the very important decision of selecting which college or university you are
going to attend. We know that this can often be an extremely difficult decision for the young man or woman
about to enter college?
At University of Learning, we recognize the importance of your dicision and the commitment it entails to learn and
develop by means of association with an outstanding center of learning. As awesome as it may sound, this
decision may very well have an impact on the quality of your life.
I believe that University of Learning offers no t only an a superb educational experience, but also promotes
individual growth and development. Sixty percent of our faculty holds PhDs or law degrees and we offer our
students over 320 courses.
We encourage you to visit our campus if you can. If you have not made a commitment as to where you will
attend college next fall, I hope you will carefully evaluate the information contained it this letter and seriously
consider our university.
My very best wishes to you for a successful collegiate experience, and I sincerely hope you will be joing usin the
Robin Smart
Director of Admissions
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Price List
Your Job
You will create a list of services with prices that can be used in many different ways: as a handout, a
worksheet, a flyer, and as an insert for mailings.
Insert a two-column, 38-row table. The left column should be 5 inches wide and the right column
should be3 1.5 inches wide.
Change the border style for the bottom of the first row to a double line.
In the first row, key the headings using point size 14, bold, and vertically and horizontally centeralign the headings within the cells.
In the second row, key the text as show below. Use all caps and bold for the section headings and
bold, initial caps only, for the sections subheadings.
Bold and center-align the contents of the right column.
Carefully proofread your work for accuracy and format.
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Standard care includes:
Blower clear-up
Extra care includes:
Mow with clean equipment (no cross pollination)
Quarterly pest control
Sweep and wash down to clean up
Garden tilling
Premier care includes:
Custom lawn care
Control weeds
Pest management
Use catch basket
Seasonal plant and flower replacement
Spot re-seed and re-sod
Disease control
Fall leaf removal
Total lawn renovation
Landscaping and/or lighting
Soil testing
Sprinkler repair
Add sprinkler system
Yard clean up
Trim trees and top Pines
Trim Palm and Yucca trees
Trim bushes
Remove stumps
Root control
$75.00 monthly
$125.00 monthly
$200.00 monthly
Will bid
Will bid
$100.00 - $300.00
Will bid
$75.00 per
$50.00 per
$30.00 per
Will bid
$250.00 per
Will bid
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Business Memo to Staff
Your Job
You will create a business memo from the company owners to the cleaning staff that announces their
plan to expand their services and explains how it will be introduced to their customers. The client will
supply the content for the memo, but formatting and keying the text will be your task. This memo will
be short, to the point, and with no salutation or complimentary close.
1. Key the text, left-aligned and double-spaced as shown below.
2. Single-space and insert a solid line that extends from margin to margin.
3. Single-space and key the text for the body of the memo as shown below. Left-align and
double-space between paragraphs.
4. Key the footer as shown.
5. Carefully proofread your work for accuracy and format.
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Susan Albright, Betty Shines, Nancy Workman, Beth Duster, Cleaning Staff
Joe and Marie Whiteglove, Owners
(Insert today’s date)
New Service Strategy
We are about to announce a new service to our current and potential customers. We have made a commitment
to establish ourselves as the most unique and comprehensive cleaning service in our market area.
To ensure that everyone is fully aware of what this will mean for our business and your earning power, we are
requiring everyone to attend an informational meeting this Wednesday in our conference room beginning at
8:00 a.m.
We will introduce our new promotional materials and share the distribution strategy that will begin the Monday
after this meeting. Every will walk away with a packet of materials to use with your customers and a
demonstration of our new Web site that will be live that same week.
A continental breakfast will be available for everyone along with a goody bag of new cleaning supplies.
In addition, a competition is planned called Share What You’ve God. If the name hasn’t given it away, what we
can is come prepared with more ideas for spreading our news. The prize for our contest will be well worth your
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Report in MLA Style
Your Job
The owner of a company is asking for a prepared report using Modern Language Association (MLA)
style that he can provide to a few small colleges that are beginning to show interest in offering
coursework in this field. Your job is to create this report.
1. Use Times New Roman 12 point font.
2. Set up the document in proper MLA report-style format as follows:
a. Set the page margins to 1 inch on all sides.
b. Insert a header that includes the last name of the owner and the page number, rightaligned, as shown below.
c. Use only one space after periods and other punctuation marks.
d. Set up the document so that all text is double-spaced.
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Shine 1
Robert Shine, CEO
Jazz My Wheels
<current date>
Customize Your Life with Your Car
Welcome to Jazz My Wheels, one of the Philadelphia area’s top custom automotive shops. Our
expertise is backed by over 15 years of experience in the industry, while our commitment to our customers is
best described in three words: Quality, Service, and Pride. Our services include, but are not limited to, auto
security, window tinting, custom audio/video systems, performance upgrades, wheel/tire packages, and auto
A custom care is a passenger vehicle that has been modified in either of the following two ways. First, a
custom car may be altered to improve its performance, often by altering or replacing the engine and
transmission. Second, a custom car may be a personal “styling” statement by the re-style/re-builder, making
the car look “unique” and unlike any care that might have been factory finished.
Additionally, our auto detailing centers are committed to complete customer satisfaction. Our
professionally trained staff utilizes the most effective and proven systems to bring and maximize value to our
customers’ investment. Our auto detailing centers use proven methods and specific systems to ensure
customer satisfaction and consistency in service.
One of our specialties is car restorations and customizations, which allow owners to pick and choose
exactly how they want their car to look and feel. Auto restorations can be done by our professionally trained
mechanics or by owners who want to rebuild their car in their own time. Our shops have a wide range of paint,
floor mats, replacements parts, and accessories that customers can choose for their vehicle.
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The duration of car restoration projects varies depending on how much work is required, what parts need
to be ordered, and how much time a person has to do the work. Car owners who want to customize their cars
own their own can visit several different auto stores to look at what interior and exterior parts and accessories
they have for sale. Restoring automotives at auto shops is another option owners have if they don’t feel they can
make the changes on their own. Mechanics order and install the parts and ensure that they are working properly.
Working on bumpers, engines, transmissions seat covers, and new exterior paint are common jobs required
during auto restorations.
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