Business Law Ethical Basis for Laws Business Management & Administration Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Performance Objective Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to define ethics and explain how ethics are reflected in laws. Specific Objective Students will define ethics. Students will compare and contrast consequence‐based ethics with rule‐based ethics. Students will discuss ways in which ethics are reflected in laws. Terms Ethics ‐ a practice of deciding what is right or wrong in a reasoned, impartial manner. Civil disobedience ‐ an open, peaceful, violation of a law to protest its alleged or supposed, injustice. Time When taught as written, this lesson should take approximately 2‐3 days to teach. Preparation Preparation TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. 130.117. (c) Knowledge and Skills (1) The student identifies the different types of law, courts, and regulations in the judicial system. The student is expected to: (A) identify the concepts of civil and criminal law (B) explain the different categories and types of courts and traditional court procedures (C) differentiate between business torts and crimes (D) comprehend the rationale for government regulations of business activities Interdisciplinary Correlations: College Readiness and Study Skills 110.48(b)(2)(A). The student is expected to expand vocabulary through wide reading, viewing, listening, and discussion. 110.48(b)(2)(F). The student is expected to use context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative language, idiomatic expressions, homonyms, and technical vocabulary. 110.54(b)(4)(D). The student is expected to summarize texts by identifying main ideas and relevant details. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 1 110.47(b)(7)(A). The student is expected to read silently or orally such as paired reading or literature circles for sustained periods of time. Economics 118.4(c)(17)(A). The student understands the role of financial markets/institutions in saving, borrowing, and capital formation. The student is expected to explain the functions of financial institutions and how they affect households and businesses. Occupational Correlation (O*Net – Job TitleJob Title: Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators O*Net Number: 11‐9199.02 Reported Job Titles: Business Practices Supervisor, Compliance Coordinator, Global Ethics and Compliance and Assistant General Counsel, Internal Review and Audit Compliance Tasks: Conduct periodic internal reviews or audits to ensure that compliance procedures are followed. Serve as a confidential point of contact for employees to communicate with management, seek clarification on issues or dilemmas, or report irregularities. Provide employee training on compliance related topics, policies, or procedures. Verify that all firm and regulatory policies and procedures have been documented, implemented, and communicated. Soft Skills: Active Learning, Social Perceptiveness, Speaking, Judgment and Decision Making Accommodations for Learning Differences It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special Populations page of this website. Preparation Write the following question on the board: “What does “ethics” mean?” Also, ask students what they would do if they found a $20 bill in the school hall. Ethics are involved with all of the answers. Ask students to write a paragraph about cheating in school. Cheating has become a major issue for all levels of education. The paragraph should explain ethical issues involved with cheating and strategies to decrease the amount of cheating taking place. References Local newspapers Television Network Newscasts and the Internet State of Utah Business Law Curriculum: Instructional Aids “Ethical Basis for Laws” Presentation Internet Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 2 “Ethics Presentation” Assignment Rubric for the “Ethics Presentation” Assignment “Emotions vs. Ethics Table” Assignment Rubric for the “Emotions vs. Ethics Table” Assignment Materials Needed: Construction paper Scissors and glue Poster board Equipment Needed: Computers for students to complete projects Projector for presentation Introduction Introduction Split the class into groups of two students. Each group must outline a current ethical issue in society. Each group will report about their ethical issue to the class. Tiffany, Jill, and Logan were employees of the Rolling Wheel Restaurant. They were aware that the owner never checked the totals on the sales checks against the cash in the register, making it very easy to steal from the cash register. The three employees did not steal from the restaurant. Tiffany said she did not take the money because she was afraid of being caught. Jill said that she did not take the money because she felt obligated to obey the law. Logan said he did not take the money due to religious beliefs. Ask students which person they relate to the most. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 3 Outline Outline Instructors can use the presentation, slides, handouts, current events, the Internet, and note pages in conjunction with the following outline. Instructor Notes MI Outline I. Ethics and the Law Give students examples of A. ethics ‐ practice of deciding what is I. Ethics and the Law ethical dilemmas and ask A Give students examples of A. Ethright or wrong in a reasoned, ics ‐ practice of deciding what is how they would respond. ethical dilemmas and ask rigimpartial manner ht or wrong in a reasoned, Ask students to give nd. how they would respo 1. decision must affect you or others impartial manner examples of business Ask students to give 1. decin a significant way ision must affect you or others in activities that involve examples of business 2. reasoned out by referring to an a significant way questionable ethics. One activities that involve established authority that 2. rea soned out by referring to a n example may be moving questionable ethics. One esprovides consistency tablished authority that provides the company to a country example may be moving the 3. the law and religious texts provide consistency cowith very inexpensive mpany to a country with authority 3. the law and religious texts provide labor. ve ry inexpensive labor. 4. impartial decision ‐ same ethical authority 4. impstandards are applied to artial decision ‐ same ethical BAsk students who has taught Ask students who has everyone st andards a re applied to everyone them about ethics. Then survey taught them about ethics. 5. profit maximization may overlook 5. profit maximization may overlook students to determine how Then survey students to etethics hics many of their families are determine how many of B. Basic forms of ethical reasoning B. Basic forms of ethical reasoning influenced by religious luenced their families are inf 1. Consequence‐based ethical 1. Consequence‐based ethical guidelines. by religious guidelines. rereasoning asoning a. look for alternative ways to ter a. look for alternative ways to al thalter the current situation e current situation b. alternative that generates the b. alternative that generates the grgreatest good (financial eatest good (financial reward, reward, pleasure, love, pleasure, love, justice) justice) c. who will be receiving “the good” c. who will be receiving “the often is a major consideration 2. Rule‐good” often is a major based ethical reasoning consideration a. act s are judged as right or wrong b. standard for judging comes from a recognized authority or human reasoning c. authority is frequently a religious source (Ten Commandments) d. universalizing ‐ picture everyone doing the action and then Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 4 2. Rule‐based ethical reasoning a. acts are judged as right or asking would the result be wrong irrational, illogical or b. standard for judging comes from a demeaning II. Ethics Reflerecognized authority or cted in Laws A. U.S. Demhuman reasoning ocracy ‐ representatives must c. authority is frequently a vote for laws that are acceptable to the majoreligious source (Ten rity of people if the represenCommandments) tatives expect to be d. universalizing ‐ picture reelected (consequences‐based ethics) everyone doing the action B. Constitutand then asking would the ion ‐ seeks to protect the well‐beiresult be irrational, illogical ng of minorities that might be or demeaning taken advantage of by the wrong II. Ethics Reflected in Laws actions of the majority A. U.S. Democracy ‐ representatives C. Ethics based on consequences and hics based on rules conclude that etmust vote for laws that are e are obligated to obey the law wacceptable to the majority of people if the representatives se D. Laws can easily be broken by tho ith superior abilities or knowledge wexpect to be reelected (consequences‐based ethics) bond – an insurance policy 1. fidelity B. Constitution ‐ seeks to protect the that pays the employer money in well‐being of minorities that might the case of theft by employees be taken advantage of by the 2. scoffl aws ‐ persons who do not wrong actions of the majority respect the law at all and are not C. Ethics based on consequences and deterred by the risk of being ethics based on rules conclude that caught and punished we are obligated to obey the law 3. lack personal integrity (capacity) to D. Laws can easily be broken by those do what is right in the face of with superior abilities or temptation or pressure to do knowledge otherwise 1. fidelity bond – an insurance policy E. Civil disobedience ‐ open, peaceful, violathat pays the employer money in tion of a law to protest its allegthe case of theft by employees ed or supposed injustice 2. scofflaws ‐ persons who do not re 1. goal to make the legal system mo just respect the law at all and are not 2. viedeterred by the risk of being w a written law being in conflict wcaught and punished ith ethical reasoning 3. lack personal integrity (capacity) 3. no effective political methods are avto do what is right in the face of ailable to change the law 4. thetemptation or pressure to do civil disobedience is nonviolent 5. the civotherwise il disobedience does not advance A Ask students how politicians are sometimes influenced by unethical decisions. B Ask students to give examples of current political issues that involve protecting the rights of minority groups. D Ask students to give Ask students how politicians examples of current people are sometimes influenced by with authority who are now unethical decisions. facing the consequences of unethical behavior. Ask students to give examples of current political issues that E Ask students what would involve protecting the rights of happen at school if they minority groups. participated in civil disobedience. Ask students to give examples of current people with authority who are now facing the consequences of unethical behavior. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 5 E. Civil disobedience ‐ open, peaceful, violation of a law to protest its a person’s immediate self‐interest alleged or supposed injustice 6. the civil disobedience is public and one 1. goal to make the legal system more just willingly accepts the punishment for violating the law 2. view a written law being in conflict with ethical reasoning 3. no effective political methods are available to change the law 4. the civil disobedience is nonviolent 5. the civil disobedience does not advance a person’s immediate self‐interest 6. the civil disobedience is public and one willingly accepts the punishment for violating the law Multiple Intelligences Guide Existentialist Interpersonal Intrapersonal Kinesthetic/ Bodily Logical/ Mathematical Ask students what would happen at school if they participated in civil disobedience Musical/Rhythmic Naturalist Verbal/Linguistic Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 6 Visual/Spatial Summary Application Guided Practice Using the lesson presentation, the teacher will explain the meaning of ethics and the law. Three elements of ethics include a decision about right or wrong, decision is reasoned, and decision is impartial. Culture refers to a society’s shared values, beliefs, and behaviors. Values express the culture’s ideas of how people should act, as well as ideas about what is good, right, and desirable. Ask students to survey family members to learn more about their culture. Students should learn at least five facts about the laws that their relative had to live by when they were young. Then have students write a paper about the ethics that form the foundation for their culture. Independent Practice Ethics Presentation: Divide the class into teams consisting of two students. Each team must prepare a presentation that deals with three ethical situations: shoplifting—stashing candy in the purse, cheating on income taxes to save nearly $2,000, and skipping the automobile emissions inspection with the rationale that you are a mechanic who takes better care of your automobile than a service station. The presentation must indicate the ethical issues involved with each situation, consequences, and who is affected by the unethical actions. Emotions vs. Ethics Table: Split the class into teams of two students. Design a three‐column table. The first column should list different situations that involve emotions and ethics. Students should list 10 situations in the first column and then list the response based on emotions and ethics. Review Summary Review Q: What is the definition for ethics? A: Ethics is a practice of deciding what is right or wrong in a reasoned, impartial manner. Q: How are ethics reflected in the U.S. system of democracy? A: The U.S. system of democracy is based on rules embedded in and sanctioned by the form of government created by our Constitution. Q: What type of ethical reasoning is involved with majority rule? A: Rule‐based reasoning Q: What are two elements of civil disobedience? A: Two elements include violating the law openly, peacefully, and accepting punishment for the violation. Evaluation Evaluation Informal Assessment Instructor will observe students during Independent Practice. Instructor will assist students as needed. Formal Assessment Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 7 Use the assigned rubric to evaluate the projects assigned for Independent Practice. Enrichment Enrichment Extension Ask students to use the Internet to learn more about Henry David Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience ( case and then write a report that summarizes the situation. Survey a religious, political, educational, or community leader to find out their definition for ethics and ethical conduct. Prepare an oral presentation to report on the information learned from the survey. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 8 Business Law – Ethical Basis for Laws Independent Practice Assignment #1 Ethics Presentation Student Name: ________________________________________ Your team will prepare a presentation that deals with three ethical situations: shoplifting ‐ stashing candy in the purse, cheating on income taxes to save nearly $2,000, and skipping the automobile emissions inspection with the rationale that you are a mechanic who takes better care of your automobile than a service station. The presentation must indicate the ethical issues involved with each situation, consequences, and who is affected by the unethical actions. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 9 Multimedia Project: Ethics Presentation Ethical Basis for Laws Independent Practice Assignment #1 Rubric Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY Presentation 20 Well‐rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention. Attractiveness Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation. Content Organization Originality 15 Rehearsed with fairly smooth delivery that holds audience attention most of the time. Makes good use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance to presentation. 10 Delivery not smooth, but able to maintain interest of the audience most of the time. Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but occasionally these detract from the presentation content. Covers topic in‐ Includes essential Includes essential depth with details knowledge about information about and examples. the topic. Subject the topic but there Subject knowledge knowledge appears are 1‐2 factual is excellent. to be good. errors. Content is well Uses headings or Content is logically organized using bulleted lists to organized for the headings or organize, but the most part. bulleted lists to overall group related organization of material. topics appears flawed. Product shows a Product shows Uses other people's large amount of some original ideas (giving them original thought. thought. Work credit), but there is Ideas are creative shows new ideas little evidence of and inventive. and insights. original thinking. 5 or less Delivery not smooth and audience attention often lost. Use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. but these often distract from the presentation content. Content is minimal or there are several factual errors. There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts. Uses other people's ideas, but does not give them credit. Total Score___________ Maximum 100 Points Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 10 Business Law – Ethical Basis for Laws Independent Practice Assignment #2 Emotions vs. Ethics Table Student Name: ________________________________________ Your team must design a three‐column table. The first column should list different situations that involve emotions and ethics. List 10 situations in the first column and then list the response based on emotions in column #2 and the response based on ethics in column #3. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 11 Public Awareness Campaign: Emotions vs. Ethics Table Ethical Basis for Laws Independent Practice Assignment #2 Rubric Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY 10 Situations 25 Students create an original, accurate and interesting product that adequately addresses the issue. Students accurately define ethics for each of the 10 cases. Ethics Defined 20 15 10 or less Students create Students create The product is an accurate an accurate not accurate. product that product but it adequately does not addresses the adequately issue. address the issue. Students accurately define ethics for fewer than 5 cases. Accurately Accurately Accurately Accurately described described described described emotional emotional emotional emotional responses for responses for at responses for 5‐ responses for each of the 10 least 8 cases. 7 cases. fewer than 5 cases. cases. Entire project was Project Project Project clear and illustrated 80% illustrated 70% illustrated less appropriate for clarity and 20% clarity and 30% than 70% clarity. the age group. that could use that could use improved improved communication. communication. Emotions Project Clarity Students accurately define ethics for at least 8 cases. Students accurately define ethics for 5‐7 cases. Total Score __________ Maximum 100 Points Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 12