Lesson Plan Spreadsheet Applications  Business Information Management I  Business Management & Administration 

Spreadsheet Applications Business Information Management I Business Management & Administration Lesson
Performance Objective Students will understand spreadsheet technology and how to use spreadsheets appropriately to solve business problems. Specific Objectives  Identify parts of a spreadsheet  Design spreadsheets to display information accurately and efficiently Terms  Cell‐ the intersection of a row and a column  Cell address‐ the name of a cell, consisting of a letter representing a column and a number representing the row  Spreadsheet‐ an electronic version of a worksheet that is made up of a matrix of columns and rows into which data is entered for various purposes  Name box‐ the location below the ribbon where the active cell address appears  Formula bar‐ the location below the ribbon where the contents of the active cell appear  Number format‐ the description of the number formatting within a cell such as General, Accounting, Currency, etc.  Sheet‐ short for ‘worksheet’ / the area made up of cells where data and calculations are entered  Workbook‐ a collection of worksheets  Sheet tab‐ the tabs at the bottom of the screen that display the worksheets that make up the workbook that is displayed  Text wrap‐ a cell format that changes cell contents from one line to more than one line/ results in a narrower cell  Fill handle‐ a “+” that appears at the bottom, right‐hand corner of a cell that carries a formula or other contents of a cell down or across a range of cells  Formula‐ a calculation entered into a cell/ always begins with an =  Chart‐ a graphical representation of data  Column chart – what was typically referred to as a “bar graph” /consists of vertical bars and is used to compare and contrast data/ contains more than one set of data  Bar chart‐ a chart consisting of horizontal bars/ also used to compare and contrast data/ contains more than one set of data  Pie chart‐ a round chart that typically displays percentages or parts of a whole/ contains one set of data  Line chart‐ a chart displaying data in the form of a line with markers placed at specified intervals/ useful in showing trends over time/ contains more than one set of data Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Time When taught as written, this lesson should take approximately four to five days to complete. Preparation
TEKS Correlations This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. 130.114 (c) Knowledge and Skills (11) The student applies spreadsheet technology. The student is expected to: (A) perform mathematical processes, including: (i) addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; (ii) percentages and decimals; (iii) order of operations principle; (iv) estimation; and (v) prediction of patterns of data; and (B) formulate and produce solutions to a variety of business problems, including: (i) budget, personal, and business; (ii) payroll; (iii) inventory; (iv) invoices; (v) balance sheets; (vi) profit‐loss statements (vii)income tax preparation (viii)charts and graphs; and (ix) conversion of foreign currencies. Interdisciplinary Correlations English‐English I  110.31(b)(1) Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing.  110.3(b)(11) Reading/Comprehension of informational text/procedural texts. Students understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents. Math‐Algebra I  111.32(b)(1)(C) Interpret and make decisions, predictions, and critical judgments from functional relationships. Social Studies‐World Geography Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
113.34(c)(20)(A) Describe the impact of new technologies, new markets, and revised perceptions of resources. Occupational Correlation (O*Net – www.onetonline.org/) Job Title: Treasurers and Controllers O*Net Number: 11‐3031.01 Reported Job Titles: Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief School Finance Officer, Comptroller Tasks 
Prepare or direct preparation of financial statements, business activity reports, financial position forecasts, annual budgets, or reports required by regulatory agencies.  Coordinate and direct the financial planning, budgeting, procurement, or investment activities of all or part of an organization.  Prepare and file annual tax returns or prepare financial information so that outside accountants can complete tax returns. Soft Skills: Written Comprehension, Written Expression, Critical Thinking Accommodations for Learning Differences It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special Populations page of this website. Preparation  Review and familiarize yourself with the terminology, website links, and proper spreadsheet formatting techniques.  Have materials, websites, and lesson presentation ready prior to the start of the lesson. References  0135108381, Learning Microsoft Office 2010 Deluxe Edition, Pearson Instructional Aids  LessonPresentation  Instructor Computer/Projection Unit  Online Websites Introduction
The main purposes of this lesson are to help students understand the following concepts:  that there is a program that will make calculations for them using formulas, without them having to use a calculator; and  that the different ways to use spreadsheet software can make their documents more interesting to read and easier to understand data. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Ask students if they know what deductions will come out of their paychecks when they get a job. 
Ask students if they have ever done anything with a spreadsheet application program. Outline
I. II. III. IV. Common Spreadsheet Applications A. Budgets, business, personal * B. Payroll * C. Inventory D. Invoices * E. Balance sheets F. Profit‐loss statements G. Income tax preparation H. Currency conversion I. Basically any use that requires calculations or charts * Illustrated in this lesson Common formulas A. All mathematical operations (sum, difference, multiply, divide) B. Average C. Max‐ highest D. Min‐ lowest E. Count‐ number of Spreadsheet Enhancements A. Number styles (for example, accounting style) B. Borders C. Cell formatting such as dates and percentages D. Highlighting using conditional formatting E. Charts and graphs F. Font formatting including size, color, and alignment Commonly Used Chart Types A. Column‐ compares >1 item vertically B. Line‐ can compare >1 items over time Ask students how many of them work. If they do, are they aware of how their paychecks are calculated? Also, ask students if they know if their parents keep a budget. Discuss how both of these concepts require calculations. Many people shy away from anything involving making mathematical calculations. Explain that calculations are made much easier when you understand how to create formulas in a spreadsheet program. Demonstrate some formulas using simple calculations on the computer. Discuss how businesses, with such large amounts of data (such as employee payroll or inventory to track), can make calculations with spreadsheet formulas. Demonstrate how formulas can copy to other cells or how a sum formula can add multitudes of values without much effort. Numeric data is greatly enhanced with formatting as well as converting the data to charts. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Multiple Intelligences Guide
C. Pie‐ compares parts related to a whole/ can “explode” a slice for emphasis D. Bar‐ usually compares >1 item horizontally E. Area‐ similar to column but can show parts of a whole over time Demonstrate how quickly data can be converted to different types of graphs. Ask students whether they would prefer to look at data in chart form or text/numeric form. Word Walls
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Multiple Intelligences Guide
Guided Practice  To familiarize students with a spreadsheet, have students go through the Spreadsheet Ribbon Worksheet (located later in this lesson) by opening their spreadsheet program and pointing to the areas in question. Give them some time and then go over the answers with them.  Have students conduct Internet research for images of charts. In pairs, have students compile a list of all of the components of the chart (for example, chart title, axis titles, scale, data labels, and any other items they can see). Ask students for responses on the chart components and the types of charts that they located. Tally the chart type to see which one seemed more common. Independent Practice  After going through the lesson and how to create the spreadsheets and charts, provide students with a chart from a magazine or the Internet. Have them recreate the spreadsheet that, when highlighted properly, will create the chart on the page. They may have to change the scale (by right clicking on the scale and changing a major axis at the top of the screen) or add data labels depending upon the chart you find for them to duplicate. Summary
Review Question #1: Answer #1: Question #2: Answer #2: Question #3: Answer #3: Question #4: Answer #4: List three of the most common applications for spreadsheets. Budgets, payroll, and invoices are popular uses for spreadsheets. What symbol begins all formulas in a spreadsheet? All formulas begin with an equal sign (=). True or False. Taxes are added to gross pay to arrive at net pay. False. Taxes are always subtracted from gross pay. True or False. Net pay can never be negative. True. Net pay cannot be negative nor can it be larger than gross pay. If either of these occurs, check to make sure the taxes were multiplied using a percent (%). Question #5: True or False. Sales tax is added to the amount. Answer #5: True. Sales tax is always added to a purchase amount, unless payroll taxes are subtracted from gross pay. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Informal Assessment Any and all of the following can be used as informal assessments.  Bring a container of colored Goldfish® crackers, Skittles®, or M & M®’s (if nutrition guidelines prevent you from bringing any to class, have students guess) to class and have them count how many of each color there are. Have them create a spreadsheet with the colors and the numbers of each. Then ask them to create a pie chart with correct and complete labels using the data. Switch papers with a “shoulder partner” and critique the partner’s chart. Formal Assessment The following can be considered a formal evaluation.  Shopping Cart Assignment #1 Students are to go on a shopping spree with $2,000. They may conduct Internet research to purchase at least 10 different items of their choice (not 10 in quantity, but 10 different items in any quantity). They are to create a spreadsheet listing a description of each item, the unit price, the quantity, the amount (quantity x unit price), sales tax (amount x 8.25%), and total amount (amount + sales tax). At the bottom of the “total amount column,” there should be a “grand total” using a sum formula. The students’ totals should be within $10 of the $2,000 without going over. It is generally easier to input the column headings and formulas prior to the costs and items, so students can see how close they are getting to their $2,000 grand total as they work. Students should include formulas for a maximum and minimum unit price. To enhance the spreadsheet, borders and shading (somewhere) should be included.  Class Survey Assignment #2 Depending upon the class size, students should (individually or in pairs) create a minimum 10‐question survey to ask each student in the class. The topic should be appropriate or the teacher can assign topics. After students receive all responses, they will create a spreadsheet with the questions (shorten or abbreviate if necessary) and the number of responses. Then they will create a chart type of their choice including a chart title, axis titles if necessary (depends upon chart type), data labels, and enhancements such as shading, borders, or font formatting.  Student Budget Assignment #3 Students, in pairs, are to create a spreadsheet that displays their income and expenses when they graduate from college or high school. They are to research websites (or use their personal experiences) to determine an approximate monthly income from a job and appropriate monthly expenses such as rent, car payment, cell phone, food, entertainment, savings, and other expenses they will be responsible for. At least 10 different expenses should be included. A column should include income, expenses, below the income, and another column will have the dollar amounts. The spreadsheet should include appropriate formulas to show total income, total expenses, and the difference between the two, whether it be positive or negative. Then the students should prepare two different types of graphs displaying information from the spreadsheet. One document should be turned in that includes the spreadsheet and the graph. The websites used should also be included on the document. Attractive and professional formatting should be included as well. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Extension Students will interview someone from the business community and ask them about the types of and reasons for using spreadsheets in their business. They will also ask about the types of graphs they use most. They will report their findings in a document and e‐mail the document to the teacher. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
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Spreadsheet Ribbon
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Spreadsheet Ribbon ANSWER KEY
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Spreadsheet Applications Business Information Management I Shopping Cart Assignment #1 Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY 20 15 8 Formulas All formulas present and accurate. All formulas More than two present but one is Two formulas are formulas are not accurate. inaccurate. inaccurate. Work Ethic Student always Student usually Student Student does not uses classroom‐ uses classroom‐ occasionally does use classroom‐ project time well. project time well. not use classroom‐ project time well. project time well. Spelling and Grammar There are no errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. There are one to three errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. There are four to five errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. There are more than five errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. Borders/Shading Uses borders and Adequate use of shading very borders and effectively. shading. Either borders or shading missing. Borders and shading are missing from spreadsheet. Content Student very thoroughly understands the topic of the assignment and how it relates to real life. Student comprehends the assignment but not how it relates to the real world. Student does not understand the purpose of this assignment. Student understands the assignment adequately. 1 Maximum Points Possible: 100 Student Points: __________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Spreadsheet Applications Business Information Management I Class Survey Assignment #2 Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY 20 15 8 1 Survey Questions Very informative topic selected and all questions are appropriate. Somewhat interesting topic and all questions are appropriate. Some questions off topic. The student did not prepare any questions for the survey. Knowledge Gained Student thoroughly understands how to obtain data and create a chart from it. Student adequately understands converting data into a chart. Student needed assistance in converting data into a chart. Student does not understand the purpose of the assignment. Mechanics There are no There are one to There are three to There are more spelling or two spelling or four spelling or than four spelling grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical errors or grammatical in the document. in the document. in the document. errors in the document. Chart Labels Chart contains all Chart is missing appropriate labels. one label. Chart Accuracy Chart data Chart data is Chart data not accurately reflects slightly inaccurate. related to survey survey results. results. Two labels missing More than two from chart. labels missing from chart or chart missing. Chart missing. Maximum Points Possible: 100 Student Points: ___________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Spreadsheet Applications Business Information Management I Student Budget Assignment #3 Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY 20 15 8 Originality Product shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive. Product shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights. Uses other Uses other people's ideas, people's ideas. with little evidence of original thinking. Collaboration The pair worked extremely well together and turned in a complete product. The pair did an average job of collaborating. The product was adequate. Not much Only one student collaboration. Each in the pair worked student worked on the independently to assignment. turn in an incomplete product. Requirements All requirements are met and exceeded. All requirements are met. One requirement More than one was not requirement was completely met. not completely met. Mechanics No misspellings or Three or fewer grammatical misspellings errors. and/or mechanical errors. Four misspellings and/or grammatical errors. Charts Both charts are clearly and completely labeled. Labels are One or both charts incomplete on one are missing from or both charts. document. Both charts are labeled adequately. 1 More than four errors in spelling or grammar. Maximum Points Possible: 100 Student Points: ___________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.