Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Company Mission and Vision Statements

Company Mission and Vision Statements
Business English
Business Management & Administration
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Performance Objective
The student employs appropriate research techniques to produce effective business communications.
Specific Objective
The student will be able to develop and communicate a vision and mission statement for a company.
 Develop-To elaborate or expand in detail.
 Communicate-to give or interchange thoughts, feelings, information, or the like, by writing,
speaking, etc.
 Mission Statement-an official statement of the aims and objectives of a business or other
 Vision Statement-a company’s goal for the long term. It is an idealistic or aspiration planning
tool, often describing lofty goals that the company is unlikely to achieve.
 Idealistic-of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of the reality of ideas.
 Philosophy-a set of ideas or beliefs relating to a particular field or activity.
 Doctrine-a principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief.
 Aspire-to have a great ambition or ultimate goal.
 Lofty-elevated, eminent, or superior.
When taught as written, this lesson should take approximately 140 minutes to complete.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities
may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
130.116. (c) Knowledge and Skills
(1.6) The student produces business documents using current and emerging technology.
(1.8) The student understands how to collect and use information in procedural texts and
(1.10) The student uses elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing,
and publisher) to compose text.
(1.14) The student is expected to spell correctly, including using various resources to
determine and check correct spellings.
(2.2) The student employs appropriate research techniques to produce effective business
(G) Develop and communicate a vision and a mission statement for a company.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
English-English IV
110.34(b)(1). Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it
when reading and writing.
110.34(b)(17). Students understand the function of and use the conventions of academic language
when speaking and writing. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity.
110.34(b)(18) Students will write legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation
conventions in their compositions. Students are expected to correctly and consistently use conventions
of punctuation and capitalization.
110.34(b)(19) Students are expected to spell correctly, including using various resources to determine
and check correct spellings.
110.34(b)(13) Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and
publishing) to compose text.
110.34(b)(23) Students organize and present their ideas and information according to the purpose of
the research and their audience. Students are expected to synthesize the research into an extended
written or oral presentation.
Occupational Correlation (O*Net – www.onetonline.org/):
Job Title: Regulatory Affairs Specialists
O*Net Number: 13-1041.07
Reported Job Titles: NA
Tasks: Review product promotional materials, labeling, batch records, specification sheets or test
methods for compliance with applicable regulations and policies,
Coordinate efforts associated with the preparation of regulatory documents or submissions.
Prepare or direct the preparation of additional information or responses as requested by
regulatory agencies.
Soft Skills: Complex Problem Solving, Active Listening, and Judgment and Decision Making
Accommodations for Learning Differences
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified
to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special
Populations page of this website.
 Review and familiarize yourself with the terminology, any and all website links, and any
resource materials required.
 Have materials and websites ready to go prior to the start of the lesson.
 Check with your school and district and see if you have both mission statement and vision
statement. If you do, then have these ready and available to share with your students.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Instructional Aids
Lesson 2.04 Company Mission Statement and Vision Statement Presentation
Instructor Computer/Projection Unit
Online Websites listed in the References Section
Class Mission and Vision Statements Template (Presentation-unformatted)
Personal Mission and Vision Statements Template (Word Processing Document-unformatted)
Company Mission and Vision Statements Template (Word Processing Document-unformatted)
The main purposes of this lesson are to help students understand what a company’s mission
statement and vision statement are in order to help them develop and communication a mission
statement and vision statement for a company.
Ask Do you know if your school or school district has a mission statement?
Ask Do you know if your school or school district has a vision statement?
Ask After looking up the definitions of those two terms, do you have a clear understanding of what
each is?
Ask If not, what questions can you ask that will with your understanding?
Ask If your school or school district does have a mission statement and a vision statement, do you
know them?
Say Most companies have both a mission statement and a vision statement.
Ask Do you understand the difference between the two, based on the definitions?
Say In a nutshell, both a mission statement and a vision statement are typically one-sentence
statements that encompass the ideas and goals of that company.
 Mission Statement=Short Term (can extend to long term)…where they are now, in the
present. This is written for the members of the company.
 Vision statement=Long term…where they want to be, in the future. This is written for
the company’s clients.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
I. Vocabulary/Personal Word Walls
During the 1st week of school,
students will have created personal,
possibly electronic, Word Walls.. The
method and location will be
established by you, the teacher.
II. Introduction (Ask and Say)
These are listed on page 3 of this
III. Discovery Activity-Samples of
Corporate Mission Statements and
Vision Statements
If you are in a computer lab, you can
have students use a search engine
and type in ‘company mission
statement’ and ‘company vision
statement.’ If not in a computer lab,
a document has been provided with
samples of both.
IV. Guided Practice-Classroom
Mission Statement and Vision
As a class, brainstorm ideas and
philosophies of the class. What is
the class purpose? What do
members of the class believe? What
does it want to be? What goals does
it have? You can use post-its and
have students write down their ideas
on the post-its and then take them
up, or brainstorm aloud as a class.
V. Independent Practice 1-Personal
Mission Statement and Vision
VI. Independent Practice 2-Company
Mission Statement and Vision
Have students compose their own
and post them around the room.
Have students work in partners/
groups to compose a mission
statement and a vision statement for
a variety of companies.
Multiple Intelligences Guide
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Guided Practice
Classroom Mission Statement and Classroom Vision Statement
Independent Practice
Students will complete the following:
 Personal Mission Statement (alone)
 Personal Vision Statement (alone)
 Company Mission Statement (partner/group)
 Company Vision Statement (partner/group)
Review and Lesson Evaluation
Review the lesson’s purpose and evaluate its effectiveness.
Informal Assessment
Any and all of the following can be used as informal assessments…
 Student Participation in Classroom Mission Statement and Vision Statement Brainstorming
 Personal Mission Statement
 Personal Vision Statement
 Company Mission Statement
 Company Vision Statement
Formal Assessment
 Company Mission Statement and Vision Statement Quiz
Have students research and find out if other organizations with which they are involved (through
volunteering, church, companies they work for, etc.) have mission statements and vision statements and
what they are. If they find one, have them analyze the statement to see if they align with their personal
mission and vision statements, and then explain why or why not.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Name________________________________________________ Class Period ____________ Date ____________ Mission Statement and Vision Statement Quiz 1. Using the Venn Diagram, compare and contrast a mission statement to a vision statement. Provide 3 points in each section. (30 points) Mission Statement Vision Statement 2. Based on what you know about company mission statements, write a mission statement for Wal‐Mart. (25 points) 3. Based on what you know about company vision statements, write a vision statement for Wal‐Mart. (25 points) Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Name________________________________________________ Class Period ____________ Date ____________ Mission Statement and Vision Statement Quiz 1. Using the Venn Diagram, compare and contrast a mission statement to a vision statement. Provide 3 points in each section. (30 points) Mission Statement 
Vision Statement 
Short Term, often achievable Goals and Objectives. Goals and objectives are written for the employees. Focus on the present. 
Goals and Objectives Written in sentence/para
graph form. 
Most businesses have them…all 
should have Long Term, often unachievable goals and objectives. Goals and objectives are written for the company’s clients. Focus on the future. them. 2. Based on what you know about company mission statements, write a mission statement for Wal‐Mart. (25 points) Answers will vary. Should be specific and achievable. 3. Based on what you know about company vision statements, write a vision statement for Wal‐Mart. (25 points) Answers will vary. Should be lofty, and possibly, unachievable. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Name________________________________________________ Class Period ____________ Date ____________ Company Mission Statement Current Objectives/Goals‐Written for Company Members‐Present Company Vision Statement Future Objectives/Goals‐Written for Others‐Future Name________________________________________________ Class Period ____________ Date ____________ My Personal Mission Statement Current Objectives/Goals‐Written for You‐Present My Personal Vision Statement Future Objectives/Goals‐Written for Others‐Future 