Lesson Plan Course Title: Printing & Imaging Technology Session Title: Working with Layers * This is Lesson #13 if used as part of the overall unit on Printing & Imaging Technology. However, this lesson may be taught as a stand-alone project if desired. Lesson Duration: Approximately two 90-minute class periods [Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor] Performance Objective: Upon completion of this assignment, the student will understand how to use different kinds of Layers to create a composite image. Specific Objectives: 1. Use Layers in industry standard photo editing software. 2. Combine shape Layers and semi-transparent Layers to create visual effects. 3. Design a composite image with text to create a Donut Shop advertisement. Preparation TEKS Correlations: §130.96 (1) The student applies academic knowledge and skills in printing and imaging projects. The student is expected to: (A) apply English language arts knowledge and skills by demonstrating use of content, technical concepts, and vocabulary; using correct grammar, punctuation, and terminology to write and edit documents; and composing and editing copy for a variety of written documents such as brochures, programs, and newsletters. (10) The student applies technical skills for efficiency. The student is expected to employ planning and time-management skills to complete work tasks. (11) The student develops a technical understanding of printing and imaging. The student is expected to: (F) apply desktop publishing to create products by: (i) using word processing, graphics, or drawing programs; (iii) applying typography concepts, including font, size, and style; and (iv) applying graphic design concepts such as contrast, alignment, repetition, and proximity. Instructor/Trainer References: Ambrose, G. & Harris, P. (2010). The visual dictionary of pre-press and production. La Vergne, TN: Ingram Publisher Services, Inc. Industry appropriate software with layering tutorial Writer’s expertise AAVTC: Print and Imaging Technology: Working with Layers Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 1 Instructional Aids: Working with Layers slide presentation Donut image Donut Shop Rubric Materials Needed: None. Equipment Needed: Computer and projector with appropriate software to display presentation. Classroom set of computers with industry standard photo editing software loaded. Learner Students should be somewhat familiar with using the menus and commands in the industry standard photo editing software. Introduction MI Introduction (LSI Quadrant I): SAY: Using industry-standard photo editing software, artwork and other images can be created to look real. However, they are really just composite images, edited and/or enhanced for a particular effect. SAY: This is done by using Layers in photo editing software. Understanding how this is accomplished not only increases an awareness of the process, but also enables students to acquire skills that may make them more employable. ASK: Can you think of other things that are made with layers? (A Layer cake has layers – Introduce the slide presentation) Outline MI Outline (LSI Quadrant II): I. Use Layers in industry standard photo editing software. A. Layer Cake analogy B. Some layers cover or hide the layers below them C. Semi-transparent layers reveal part of the layers below them D. Start the Donut Workshop by loading the donut image provided E. Create a copy of the donut image layer – Always edit the copy! Instructor Notes: Note: Instructors can use the presentation in conjunction with the outline. Demonstrate how to set up and use Layers effectively. AAVTC: Print and Imaging Technology: Working with Layers Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 2 II. Combine shape Layers and semi-transparent Layers to create visual effects. A. Remove the white background from the donut image to create a donut shaped layer B. Add a background color layer C. Move the background color layer underneath the donut layer D. The background color should be seen through the hole in the donut Guide students through instruction in the Donut Workshop slide presentation. E. Create a blank layer above the donut layer F. Using a selection tool or a drawing tool add the color black to the new layer like putting icing on the donut G. Change the transparency of the icing layer from 100% to 40% III. Composite an image with text to create a Donut Shop ad. A. Add more layers like sprinkles and shadows B. Adding text creates a layer just like adding sprinkles C. Name the Donut Shop by adding text D. Layer order also makes a big difference when it comes to how the final image looks (For example: If your chocolate icing is underneath the donut, it might look like you dropped it on the floor.) MI Understanding and working with Layers is one of the keys to photo editing ASK: What other kinds of layers can be added with the photo editing software? [there are many different kinds of layers but specifically looking to add a Text Layer] Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): The teacher will go over the slide presentation with the class and demonstrate the step-by-step process by which the students will create a layered and composite image of a donut. MI Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Students will work independently to complete a composite image of a donut, which will be used for advertising purposes. The completed image must include: The original donut image A background and shadow A title At least 2 additional layers, including a semi-transparent layer AAVTC: Print and Imaging Technology: Working with Layers Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 3 Summary MI Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): Ask students why they think this skill would help them become more employable. Ask students to name various projects where they could use this skill. Have students review the step-by-step process involved in layering. Evaluation MI Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): Teacher will monitor student progress during Independent Practice and provide independent reteach/redirection as needed. MI Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): Students will print and display their final composite images. The teacher will assess completed projects using the “Working with Layers” Rubric. Extension MI Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): Students can show their creativity by creating five other kinds of donuts like strawberry glazed, cinnamon and sugar, powdered, blue raspberry, maple glazed, etc... Create an image compiling all 6 donuts with labels for each flavor. AAVTC: Print and Imaging Technology: Working with Layers Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 4 AAVTC: Print and Imaging Technology: Working with Layers Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 5 Rubric for Donut Shop Image Criteria Completeness (10 pts) Application of Software (30 points) Design elements (30 pts) Creativity (20 points) Professional Appearance (10 pts) Comments: Exceptional Above Average Below Average Unacceptable 9-10 points 5-8 points 1-4 points 0 points Work is complete and presents a unified whole. Work is complete, but lacks unity in the composite. Work is incomplete. No attempt was made to produce the document. 27-30 points 15-26 points 1-14 points 0 points Demonstrated knowledge of the software is exceptional. Software is used, but more practice is needed to demonstrate full knowledge of the software. Attempt is made to use software, but it is evident that knowledge of the software is very limited. No evidence of knowledge of software. 27-30 points 15-26 points 1-14 points 0 points Design elements are successfully applied. Design elements are applied but need refinement to achieve success. Design elements are poorly applied. No evidence of application of design elements. 17-20 points 8-16 points 1-7 points 0 points Design ideas are original in thought and exceptionally creative. Design ideas are somewhat original and creative. Limited evidence of creativity and originality in thought. No evidence of creativity or originality in thought or execution of project. 9-10 points 5-8 points 1-4 points 0 points Professional project. Final product is neat and professionally presented. Good presentation of project. Only minor corrections are needed Fair presentation of project. Several errors are evident. Project is unprofessional. Errors distract significantly from the content. TOTAL POINTS: AAVTC: Print and Imaging Technology: Working with Layers Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 6 Points