Goin’ Global Lesson Plan Practicum in Animation

Goin’ Global
Practicum in Animation
Lesson Plan
Performance Objective
Upon completion of this lesson, each student will evaluate and conclude why international trade is
vital to a nation’s economy.
Specific Objectives
Students will discover the interdependence among nations.
Students will assess the benefits of international trade.
Students will examine the requirements of a balance of trade and its barriers.
Students will interpret the standard business practices involved in importing and exporting.
Students will determine the cultural, economic, and political factors that should be considered
when deciding whether to do business abroad.
This lesson should take five class days to complete.
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities
may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Practicum in Animation
(2) The student applies academic knowledge and skills in production projects. The student is
expected to:
(A) apply English language arts knowledge and skills by consistently demonstrating use
of content, technical concepts, and vocabulary; using correct grammar, punctuation,
and terminology to write and edit documents; and composing and editing copy for a
variety of written documents such as scripts, captions, schedules, reports, manuals,
proposals, and other client-based documents; and
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(B) apply mathematics knowledge and skills in invoicing and time based mathematics
by consistently demonstrating knowledge of arithmetic operations and applying
measurement to solve problems.
(3) The student implements advanced professional communications strategies. The student is
expected to:
(A) adapt language for audience, purpose, situation, and intent such as structure and
(B) formulate, analyze, and organize oral and written information;
(C) formulate, analyze, interpret, and communicate information, data, and
(D) create and present formal and informal presentations;
(E) apply active listening skills to obtain and clarify information;
(F) listen to and speak with diverse individuals; and
(G) exhibit public relations skills to increase internal and external customer/client
(4) The student implements advanced problem-solving methods. The student is expected to:
(A) employ critical-thinking skills, including data gathering and interpretation
independently and in teams; and
(B) employ interpersonal skills in teams to solve problems and make decisions.
(5) The student implements advanced technology applications and processes. The student is
expected to:
(A) use technology applications such as social media, email, Internet, writing and
publishing, presentation, and spreadsheet or database applications for animation
projects; and
(B) use processes such as personal information management, file management and file
(7) The student applies safety regulations. The student is expected to:
(A) consistently implement personal and workplace safety rules and regulations;
(B) recognize and resolve potential safety concerns;
(C) follow emergency procedures;
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(D) conduct and participate in meetings to accomplish work tasks by developing
meeting goals, objectives, and agendas; preparing for and conducting meetings to
achieve objectives within scheduled time; producing meeting minutes, including
decisions and next steps; and using parliamentary procedure, as needed, to conduct
meetings; and
(E) employ mentoring skills to inspire and teach others.
(9) The student implements ethical decision-making and complies with laws regarding use of
technology. The student is expected to:
(A) exhibit ethical conduct related to providing proper credit for ideas and privacy of
sensitive content;
(B) discuss and apply copyright laws in relation to fair use and acquisition, trademark
laws, personal privacy laws, and use of digital information by citing sources by using
established methods;
(C) model respect of intellectual property when manipulating, morphing, and editing
graphics, video, text, and sound;
(D) demonstrate proper etiquette and knowledge of acceptable use policies when using
networks, especially resources on the Internet and intranet; and
(E) analyze the impact of the animation industry on society, including concepts related
to persuasiveness, marketing, and point of view.
(11) The student employs effective planning and time management skills to enhance
productivity. The student is expected to:
(A) employ effective planning and time management skills to complete work tasks; and
(B) use technology to enhance productivity.
(12) The student implements an advanced understanding of a client based production in all
stages of production. The student is expected to:
(A) determine client needs through conducting client meetings to identify specific
project requirements and demographics to meet client needs; and
(B) develop a production proposal for client approval including creation of a production
schedule, researching and determining production costs, and appropriate delivery and
distribution options.
(13) The student engages in pre-production activities for a successful execution of the project.
The student is expected to:
(A) identify cast, crew, equipment, and location requirements;
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(B) develop a budget with considerations for cast, crew, equipment, and location;
(C) analyze the script and storyboard processes; and
(D) assign team roles required for production.
(14) The student engages in production activities for successful execution of the project. The
student is expected to:
(A) conduct a client meeting for presenting production strategies and implement client
(B) implement a coherent sequence of events;
(C) use necessary equipment and crew for quality productions;
(D) demonstrate teamwork and knowledge of interpersonal skills with sensitivity to
(E) demonstrate appropriate use of editing systems; and
(F) make decisions appropriate for each element of production.
(15) The student engages in post-production activities for a successful output and distribution
of the project. The student is expected to:
(A) make necessary adjustments regarding compatibility issues, including digital file
formats and cross platform connectivity;
(B) use various compression standards;
(C) research the appropriate delivery formats for the target audience;
(D) advise clients on optimal delivery options; and
(E) discuss distribution options with optimal project reach.
(16) The student practices business skills for freelance entrepreneurs. The student is expected
(A) implement standard freelance entrepreneur self-promotion techniques;
(B) develop proposals, standard billing and collection practices;
(C) research freelance entrepreneur start-up practices; and
(D) use information technology applications common to freelance entrepreneurs.
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(17) The student develops an understanding of professional employment strategies through
practical experience in the career cluster. The student is expected to:
(A) identify types and requirements of potential employers;
(B) use clear and appropriate communications to convey skill set to others; and
(C) understand and apply federal laws regarding lawful employment interviews.
Reading I, II, III
(1) The student uses the following word recognition strategies. The student is expected to:
(A) Apply knowledge of letter-sound correspondences, language structure, and
context to recognize words;
(B) Use reference guides such as dictionaries, glossaries, and available technology to
determine pronunciations of unfamiliar words;
(2) The student acquires an extensive vocabulary through reading and systemic word study.
The student is expected to:
(A) Expand vocabulary by reading, viewing, listening, and discussing;
(B) Determine word meanings through the study of their relationships to other
words and concepts such as content, synonyms, antonyms, and analogies;
(4) The student comprehends text using effective strategies. The student is expected to:
(A) Use prior knowledge and experience to comprehend;
(B) Determine and adjust purpose for reading; and
(D) Summarize texts by identifying main ideas and relevant details.
Public Speaking I, II, III
110.57 (b)
(4) Organization. The student organizes speeches. The student is expected to:
(B) Organize speeches effectively for specific topics, purposes, audiences, and
(7) Delivery. The student uses appropriate strategies for rehearsing and presenting speeches.
The student is expected to:
(C) Develop verbal, vocal, and physical skills to enhance presentations.
• Students will take notes and keep them in their notebook.
• Students will complete all assignments in a timely manner.
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Accommodations for Learning Differences
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified
to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special
Populations page of this website (cte.unt.edu).
• Make copies of all handouts for this unit.
• Secure a computer lab, if one is not readily available to your class.
Instructional Aids
• Student handouts
Materials Needed
• Copies of assigned activities
• Internet access
Equipment Needed
• Computer lab
• Teacher computer
• Projector (for digital presentation)
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Learner Preparation
Ask why it is necessary to get goods from other countries.
Ask why our government puts trade restrictions on imports.
How do emerging nations become involved in international trade?
Lesson Introduction
Show the multimedia presentation and lead class in a discussion.
Explain how all leading nations are interdependent.
Discuss the impact of cultural and social environments on global trade.
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(Students will fill in blanks from the multimedia
Business Cycle: (diagram in presentation)
U.S. and International Trade
”Approximately 1/3 of worldwide
production is sold outside of the
“home” country.”
Raw materials
Manufactured goods
Each student should have a
Student Notes sheet to complete
during the multimedia
presentation. Explain to the class
that the vocab will be on an exam
so it is important they fill in all
Have students take notes to keep
in notebook.
Notes Extension Activity: Hand
out the assignment sheet to be
completed in class. You may want
the group to partner up or just
have each student complete it
individually. This is one reason
why students should have taken
notes! DISCUSS the questions.
Services as popular exchanges
Data is transferred
Businesses are Going Global
Changing markets
Foreign markets draw attention
Assign the “Cultural Differences”
project. This project will take
approximately three to four class
periods to complete and one to
two class periods to present to the
Government support
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Importance of International Trade
Over 250,000 U.S. businesses
export products
11% of GNP
95% are small to med. Sized
Export over $500 billion in products
Wholesalers export over $100 billion
*Note: Prior to the onset of this
activity, the teacher will need to
go to the website and pre-select
the countries to use. Try to get
countries that are not popular and
those that are not in the news as
much, in order for the students to
really learn something when
U.S. is 2nd largest exporter
U.S. is 1st in imports
U.S. trade deficit in 1971
This activity allows for great class
discussion, especially when the
students present the final section.
Conduct an Online Search of the top 25
companies for this year.
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Multiple Intelligences Guide
Guided Practice
The teacher will present the multimedia presentation while students take notes using their handout.
Students will work in class to complete the Notes Completion Activity to ensure understanding of the
The projects are student-driven; therefore, the teacher will take on the role of a facilitator after
students begin working on them.
Independent Practice
The class will work as a group to design, market, and manage a film about their school suitable
for showing to foreign exchange students who will be coming to Texas for the first time.
All work is to be done in class, so the teacher can check for understanding and monitor
Students are strongly encouraged to take ownership of this activity and establish time
management skills for completing on time. They will designate a project manager; divide the
project into departments (ie. Writing, Production, Marketing and Publicity, etc.), and execute
their plan.
Students should strive to produce the highest quality product.
Students will be prepared to present a presentation to their principal describing the project
prior to filming and be prepared to present their film to interested community partners once
the film is completed.
Why do countries trade with each other?
Why do governments put trade restrictions on businesses?
Why is it important to an economy to maintain a balance of trade?
Conduct an online search to determine which country is most influential.
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Informal Evaluation:
Daily assessment of projects: The teacher will become the facilitator since the Cultural Differences and
Foreign Business activities are student-driven.
As a suggestion, the teacher may want to have students evaluate their peers as well. If so, copy extra
rubrics ahead of time.
Formal Evaluation:
Rubrics will be used as a formal assessment of students’ projects.
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Global Economy
Student Notes
Fill in the blanks as we discuss the multimedia presentation. Keep this as a study guide.
________: North American Free Trade Agreement
______: World Trade Organization
_____: European Union
International Trade: The _____ of products/services to people in _______ countries
Imports: Products/services _______________ from another _____________
Exports: Products/services _______ to _____________ country
Indirect Exporting: Marketers with ______________ experience __________ the ____________
company; ____________ for the _________ of products in other countries
Direct Exporting: Company handles ____ responsibilities to market products in other ___________
Balance of Trade: The ________________ between a country’s _________ and __________
Foreign Production: A company ______ and __________ production ___________ in another country
Joint Venture: ____ or_____ companies in ____________ countries with _____________ interests
develop a _______________ to join in ____________ __________________activities
Multinational Companies: Businesses that have_________________ all over the ___________ and
conduct planning for _________________ markets
Pre-industrial Economy: Based on _________________ and ______ _____________development;
_____ standard of living
Post-industrial Economy: Based on____ of business & consumer _____________________ produced
& marketed in the__________ marketplace
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Gross Domestic Product: The ________ $ value of all ______________________ produced within a
country in____ year
Gross National Product: The total___________ of all goods/services (_____________ _____________)
produced within a country in one year
Quota: _________ on the numbers of ___________ _________ of products ____________
_________________ can ______ in a country
Tariffs: _________ placed on imported products to increase the ____________ __________
Subsidy: ___________ provided to a business to _______ in the development and sale of products
Standard of Living: A ______________ of the quality of life for the citizens of a country
Productivity: The____________ output by workers for a ______________ period of time
Purchasing Power: The ___________ of goods/services that can be bought with a ______________ $
amount of money
Consumer Price Index: The _____________ in the ________ of a specified set of goods over _______
____________ _________: Consists of 4 stages: Prosperity, Recession, Depression and Inflation
U.S. and International Trade
”Approximately _____ of worldwide production is sold _________ of the _______ country”
The bulk of products that Americans use daily are_______________
U.S. __________music, movies, cars, airplanes and food items
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International Trade is Changing:
Raw materials once were an _____________ commodity; today makes up less than ____ of
world’s exports
__________________ goods/services are most popular
_____________ (communications, travel, education, and financial) are most popular exchanges
between _______________
_______ is transferred via phone, fiber optics, or satellite on a daily basis
Businesses are Going Global
_____________ are changing.
____________ markets are enticing to ________________ businesses who experience dropping sales
& profit
Foreign markets are another way to expand ________________and increase worldwide
___________for products
Benefit of international marketing: __________________ support is available
Importance of International Trade
U.S. economy: over ___________ businesses _________ products
Accounts for over _____ of GNP
_____ of U.S. exporting businesses are small to medium sized
Manufactures ________ over $500 billion of products
Wholesalers export over $____ billion worth of products
U.S. is __________ largest exporter
_____________ is #1 exporter
U.S. is #1 ___________ of products
Germany is _____ importer
_____ had 1st_________ deficit of the 20th Century in ______ (imports exceeded exports by
$1 billion that year)
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Top 25 Companies in 2000:
1. _______ (China; banking)
2. ___________________ (China; banking)
3. _________________________ (U.S.; banking)
4. _________________________ (U.S.; conglomerate, owns NBC & Comcast)
5. ___________________ (U.S.; oil/gas)
6. ______________________ (U.K.; banking)
7. ____________________________ (Netherlands; oil/gas)
8. ________________________________ (China; banking)
9. _______________________ (China; oil)
10. _______________________________ (U.S.; diversified financial)
11. ___________________ (China; banking)
12. __________________ (U.S.; banking)
13. ___________________ (U.S.; oil/gas)
14. ______________________ (Germany; world’s largest car manufacturer)
15. ____________ (U.S.; tech hardware/equipment)
16. _____________ (U.S.; retailing) tied with Apple for 15th place
17. _____________ (Russia; oil/gas—largest producer in the world)
18. ______ (U.K.; oil/gas)
19. ______________ (U.S.; banking)
20. _______________ (Brazil; oil/gas)
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Global 2000 companies:
Include ___ countries
$_____trillion in revenues
$______trillion in assets
Employ _____________ worldwide
Country ranking
_________ (543 members)
_________ (251 members)
_________ (136 members)
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Goin’ Global
Student Notes
Fill in the blanks as we discuss the multimedia presentation. Keep this as a study guide.
NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement
WTO: World Trade Organization
EU: European Union
International Trade: The sale of products/services to people in other countries
Imports: Products/services purchased from another country
Exports: Products/services sold to another country
Indirect Exporting: Marketers with exporting experience represent the exporting company; arranges
for the sale of products in other countries
Direct Exporting: Company handles all responsibilities to market products in other countries
Balance of Trade: The difference between a country’s imports and exports
Foreign Production: A company owns and operates production facilities in another country
Joint Venture: Two or more companies in different countries with common interests develop a
relationship to join in common business activities
Multinational Companies: Businesses that have operations all over the world and conduct planning for
worldwide markets
Pre-industrial Economy: Based on agriculture and raw material development; low standard of living
Post-industrial Economy: Based on mix of business & consumer products/services produced &
marketed in the global marketplace
Gross Domestic Product: The total $ value of all goods/services produced within a country in one year
Gross National Product: The total $ value of all goods/services (including imports) produced within a
country in one year
Quota: Limits on the numbers of certain types of products foreign companies can sell in a country
Tariffs: Taxes placed on imported products to increase the selling price
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Subsidy: Money provided to a business to help in the development and sale of products
Standard of Living: A measure of the quality of life for the citizens of a country
Productivity: The average output by workers for a specified period of time
Purchasing Power: The amount of goods/services that can be bought with a specific $ amount of
Consumer Price Index: The variance in the cost of a specified set of goods over time
Business Cycle: Consists of 4 stages: Prosperity, Recession, Depression and Inflation
U.S. and International Trade
The bulk of products that Americans use daily are imported
U.S. exports music, movies, cars, airplanes and food items
International Trade is changing:
Raw materials once were an abundant commodity; today makes up less than 1/3 of world’s exports
Manufactured good/services are most popular
Services (communications, travel, education, and financial) are most popular exchanges between
Data is transferred via phone, fiber optics, or satellite on a daily basis
Businesses are Going Global
Markets are changing.
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Foreign markets are enticing to domestic businesses who experience dropping sales & profit
Foreign markets are another way to expand competition and increase worldwide demand for
Benefit of international Advanced Animation: Government support is available
Importance of International Trade
U.S. economy: over 250,000 businesses export products
Accounts for over 11% of GNP
95% of U.S. exporting businesses are small to medium sized
Manufacturers export over $500 billion of products
Wholesalers export over $100 billion worth of products
U.S. is second largest exporter
Germany is #1 exporter
U.S. is #1 importer of products
Germany is #2 importer
U.S. had 1st trade deficit of the 20th Century in 1971 (imports exceeded exports by over $1
that year)
Top 25 Companies in 2000
(Activity- Conduct an online search for the present year and compare how the list of companies
have changed. Why did they change and what economic forces do you think account for the
ICBC (China; banking)
China Construction Bank (China; banking)
JP Morgan Chase (U.S.; banking)
General Electric (U.S.; conglomerate, owns NBC & Comcast)
Exxon Mobil (U.S.; oil/gas)
HSBC Holdings (U.K.; banking)
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Royal Dutch Shell Oil (Netherlands; oil/gas)
Agricultural Bank of China (China; banking)
PetroChina (China; oil)
Berkshire Hathaway (U.S.; diversified financial)
Bank of China (China; banking)
Wells Fargo (U.S.; banking)
Chevron (U.S.; oil/gas)
Volkswagen Group (Germany; world’s largest car manufacturer)
Apple (U.S.; tech hardware/equipment)
Wal-Mart (U.S.; retailing) tied with Apple for 15th place
Gazprom (Russia; oil/gas—largest producer in the world)
BP (U.K.; oil/gas)
Citigroup (U.S.; banking)
Petrobras (Brazil; oil/gas)
Global 2000 companies:
Include 63 countries
$38 trillion in revenues
$159 trillion in assets
Employ 87 million worldwide
Country ranking
U.S. (543 members)
Japan (251 members)
China (136 members)
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Global Economy
Notes Extension Activity (Optional)
Students will dissect information from their notes to answer the questions. Next, students will design
a graph of their choice that interprets the information learned.
Use your notes from the Global Economy multimedia presentation to complete this activity. (Use only
the information from the slides, even though the actual list is more extensive.)
1. What industry had the most listings in the Top 20?
2. What country led the list and how many did it have?
3. What is the percentage of U.S. countries?
4. Which country had the highest percentage of listings?
5. List the country or countries with the lowest percentage of listings.
6. Make a graph of the countries that depicts the information on the slides. Greatest to least)
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Cultural Differences
Foreign Exchange Student Project:
Creating a promotional video for your school
You are in charge of creating a promotional video that combines animation and live photography,
which will be shown to foreign exchange students who are planning on enrolling in your school next
year. Incorporate both sports and elective activities that are typical for your school as well as lodging,
entertainment, transportation and dining that a foreign exchange student can expect in your area.
Consider as well that these students will be in town for an immersive educational experience and will
be there during the entire school year, from September to June, so plan for holidays and free time.
Remember the following when researching and planning:
1. You must promote your school in a positive manner
2. You will draw to determine what country your guests are from. What are the possible
custom conflicts you may encounter?
3. You will be limited to the school year; include holidays.
4. How will you “sell” your school?
5. What key places and events will you include?
Your presentation must include a mixture of:
• Sporting Events
• Entertainment Events
• Cultural Events
6. Where and when will meals take place and at what cost? Remember foreign customs! How
will they be able to incorporate their dietary restrictions (if any) at your school and in your
7. Are your guests male or female?
8. Where will they stay? Will they stay with a local family? At a dorm? Will they change
housing at the semester?
9. What considerations have you taken regarding language barriers?
10. What would you tell a stranger to bring that they couldn’t get in your town?
11. What web sources will you include in your closing credits so your visitor can find more
12. What are the cost factors per person?
13. No Illegal activities! What is legal in their country but not legal here? (i.e. Drinking age)
14. What clothing and supplies will they need to bring?
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Project Pointers:
You will be graded on the following:
1. Participation with your partner
2. Daily work on computer
3. Appropriateness of your selections
4. Presentation to the class (oral)
5. Appearance of the presentation (minimum of three minutes run time)
6. Your appearance
7. Realistic nature of project
8. Discover important similarities or differences between countries
9. What about customs? No faux pas!
10. Presentation: Audience will be from the “country” that has been assigned to you
11. Consider any cultural food restrictions
12. Discuss transportation (public transportation, private car, school buses)
13. Remember: No activity may be repeated!
14. Your visiting student will handle payment of all activities and meals, etc., but you need to
advise them on expenses. Provide a budget on a spreadsheet.
15. ***Both students must present
Be as detailed as possible. Be as creative as possible.
Think outside the box.
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Detail Sheet:
Record each person’s responsibilities for this project. Check off the tasks as they are completed. This
will be a graded portion of your project.
Assigned Task
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Teacher-Facilitator Rubric
(To be used to grade daily work as part of a major group or partner project)
Name: _____________________
Teacher: __________________
Date: ______________________
Title of Work: ______________
The teacher observed the students
offering assistance to each other.
The teacher observed students
working from each other's ideas.
None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time
None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time
None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time
None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time
None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time
Total Points
The teacher observed each student
contributing to the project.
The teacher observed the students
exchanging, defending, and
rethinking ideas.
The teacher observed the students
offering ideas and reporting their
findings to each other.
Teacher Comments:
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Name: _____________________
Date: ___________________
Foreign Business Project Rubric
Title: ___________________________________________
Below Avg.
Has clear vision of final product; directions were
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
2. Properly organized to complete project
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
3. Managed time wisely
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
Below Avg.
1. Format (required # of slides present)
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
2. Mechanics of speaking/writing
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
3. Organization and structure
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
4. Creativity
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
5. Demonstrates knowledge
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10
4. Acquired needed knowledge base
5. Communicated efforts with teacher
Product (Project)
Total Score:____________________________
Teacher’s Comments:
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