Management and Interpersonal Skills Advanced Animation Practicum Lesson Plan Performance Objective Upon completion of this lesson, students will defend the purpose of management as it relates to efficient operation of an animation studio. Students will discuss the relationship of interpersonal and team building skills and how they are used by effectively by managers. Specific Objectives • Students will identify the three levels of management. • Students will theorize how a self-managing team functions. • Students will evaluate the five functions of management. • Students will discuss the difference between traditional and horizontal organizations. • Students will explain how interpersonal and team building skills are vital to an employee, management, and customer interaction. • Students will demonstrate effective interpersonal and team building skills. This unit should take 25 class days to complete, including presentation days. Preparation TEKS Correlations This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. 130.111. Practicum in Animation. (c) Knowledge and Skills (1) The student demonstrates professional standards/employability skills as required by business and industry. The student is expected to: (A) participate in training, education, or certification for employment; (B) demonstrate positive work behaviors and personal qualities needed to be employable such as oral and written communication, leadership, teamwork, appreciation for diversity, conflict management, customer service, work ethic, and adaptability; (C) demonstrate skills related to seeking and applying for employment; (D) create resume and cover letter/letter of interest to document work experiences, licenses, certifications, and work samples; and Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 1 (E) demonstrate skills in evaluating and comparing employment opportunities. (2) The student applies academic knowledge and skills in production projects. The student is expected to: (A) apply English language arts knowledge and skills by consistently demonstrating use of content, technical concepts, and vocabulary; using correct grammar, punctuation, and terminology to write and edit documents; and composing and editing copy for a variety of written documents such as scripts, captions, schedules, reports, manuals, proposals, and other client-based documents; (B) apply mathematics knowledge and skills in invoicing and time based mathematics by consistently demonstrating knowledge of arithmetic operations and applying measurement to solve problems. (3) The student implements advanced professional communications strategies. The student is expected to: (A) adapt language for audience, purpose, situation, and intent such as structure and style; (B) formulate, analyze, and organize oral and written information; (C) formulate, analyze, interpret, and communicate information, data, and observations; (D) create and present formal and informal presentations; (E) apply active-listening skills to obtain and clarify information; (F) listen to and speak with diverse individuals; and (G) exhibit public relations skills to increase internal and external customer/client satisfaction. (4) The student implements advanced problem-solving methods. The student is expected to: (A) employ critical-thinking skills, including data gathering and interpretation independently and in teams; and (B) employ interpersonal skills in teams to solve problems and make decisions. (5) The student implements advanced technology applications and processes. The student is expected to: (A) use technology applications such as social media, email, Internet, writing and publishing, presentation, and spreadsheet or database applications for animation projects; and (B) use processes such as personal information management, file management and file sharing. (6) The student implements advanced knowledge of the evolution and current trends of the animation industry. The student is expected to: (A) summarize the history and evolution of the animation industry; and (B) analyze the current trends of the animation industry. (7) The student applies safety regulations. The student is expected to: (A) consistently implement personal and workplace safety rules and regulations; (B) recognize and resolve potential safety concerns; and Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 2 (C) follow emergency procedures. (8) The student implements leadership characteristics to student organizations and professional development activities. The student is expected to: (A) employ leadership skills to accomplish goals and objectives by analyzing the various roles of leaders within organizations, exhibit problem-solving and management traits, describe effective leadership styles, and participate in civic and community leadership and teamwork opportunities to enhance skills; (B) employ teamwork and conflict-management skills to achieve collective goals; (C) establish and maintain effective working relationships by providing constructive praise and criticism; demonstrate sensitivity to and value for diversity; and manage stress and controlling emotions; (D) conduct and participate in meetings to accomplish work tasks by developing meeting goals, objectives, and agendas; prepare for and conduct meetings to achieve objectives within scheduled time; producing meeting minutes, including decisions and next steps; and using parliamentary procedure, as needed, to conduct meetings; and (E) employ mentoring skills to inspire and teach others. (9) The student implements ethical decision-making and complies with laws regarding use of technology. The student is expected to: (A) exhibit ethical conduct related to providing proper credit for ideas and privacy of sensitive content; (B) discuss and apply copyright laws in relation to fair use and acquisition, trademark laws, personal privacy laws, and use of digital information by citing sources by using established methods; (C) model respect of intellectual property when manipulating, morphing, and editing graphics, video, text, and sound; (D) demonstrate proper etiquette and knowledge of acceptable use policies when using networks, especially resources on the Internet and intranet; and (E) analyze the impact of the animation industry on society, including concepts related to persuasiveness, marketing, and point of view. (10) The student demonstrates appropriate career building characteristics and maintains a professional portfolio. The student is expected to: (A) maintain a career portfolio to document work experiences, licenses, certifications, and work samples; (B) demonstrate skills in evaluating and comparing employment opportunities; (C) examine and employ professional networking opportunities such as Career and Technology Student Organizations, professional social media, industry professional organizations; and (D) examine employment opportunities in entrepreneurship (11) The student employs effective planning and time management skills to enhance productivity. The student is expected to: (A) employ effective planning and time management skills to complete work tasks; and (B) use technology to enhance productivity. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 3 (12) The student implements an advanced understanding of a client based production in all stages of production. The student is expected to: (A) determine client needs through conducting client meetings to identify specific project requirements and demographics to meet client needs; and (B) develop a production proposal for client approval including creation of a production schedule, researching and determining production costs, and appropriate delivery and distribution options. (13) The student engages in pre-production activities for a successful execution of the project. The student is expected to: (A) identify cast, crew, equipment, and location requirements; (B) develop a budget with considerations for cast, crew, equipment, and location; (C) analyze the script and storyboard processes; and (D) assign team roles required for production. (14) The student engages in production activities for successful execution of the project. The student is expected to: (A) conduct a client meeting for presenting production strategies and implement client feedback; (B) implement a coherent sequence of events; (C) use necessary equipment and crew for quality productions; (D) demonstrate teamwork and knowledge of interpersonal skills with sensitivity to diversity; (E) demonstrate appropriate use of editing systems; and (F) make decisions appropriate for each element of production. (15) The student engages in post-production activities for a successful output and distribution of the project. The student is expected to: (A) make necessary adjustments regarding compatibility issues, including digital file formats and cross platform connectivity; (B) use the appropriate delivery formats for the target audience; (C) research various compression standards; (D) advise clients on optimal delivery options; and (E) discuss distribution options with optimal project reach. (16) The student practices business skills for freelance entrepreneurs. The student is expected to: (A) implement standard freelance entrepreneur self-promotion techniques; (B) develop proposals, standard billing and collection practices; (C) research freelance entrepreneur start-up practices; and (D) use information technology applications common to freelance entrepreneurs. (17) The student develops an understanding of professional employment strategies through practical experience in the career cluster. The student is expected to: (A) identify types and requirements of potential employers; (B) use clear and appropriate communications to convey skill set to others; and Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 4 (C) understand and apply federal laws regarding lawful employment interviews. (18) The student develops an understanding of appropriate interview strategies in professional contexts. The student is expected to: (A) employ appropriate verbal, nonverbal, and listening skills; (B) use clear and appropriate communications to convey skill set to others; (C) understand and apply federal laws regarding lawful employment interviews; and (D) identify and use appropriate strategies for dealing with differences such as gender, ethnicity, and age. Interdisciplinary Correlations English 110.42(b) Knowledge and skills (6) Reading/word identification/vocabulary development. The student uses a variety of strategies to read unfamiliar words and to build vocabulary. The student is expected to: (A) expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening, and discussing; and (B) rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative language, idioms, multiple meaning words, and technical vocabulary. (7) Reading/comprehension. The student comprehends selections using a variety of strategies. The student is expected to: (F) identify main ideas and their supporting details; (G) summarize texts; and (J) read silently with comprehension for a sustained period of time. Speech 110.56 (b) Knowledge and skills (1)(A) Explain the importance of communication in daily interaction. (2)(E) Participate appropriately in conversations for a variety of purposes. (3)(A) Use appropriate communication in group settings. (E) Use appropriate verbal, non-verbal, and listening strategies to communicate effectively In groups. (5)(B) Use language clearly and appropriately. Tasks • Students will take notes, as directed by the teacher. • Students will complete individual and group assignments. • Students will present their projects to the class. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 5 Accommodations for Learning Differences It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special Populations page of this website ( Preparation • Secure a computer lab, if none is readily available in the classroom. • Copy the handouts and assignments. Instructional Aids • Student handouts and multimedia presentations Materials Needed • Copies of assignments, empty CD cases Equipment Needed • Teacher computer and printer • Projector (for digital presentation) Introduction Learner Preparation • Ask what makes management effective. • Ask what character traits are common in “good” managers. • Explain how interpersonal skills are important in the work place. Lesson Introduction • Ask the class if anyone has ever had to “manage” other people. • Explain how effective interpersonal skills are necessary for managers to function in business. • Tell students the information they will learn in this lesson will be important to them as they complete the assigned projects as well as in their chosen career field. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 6 Outline MI OUTLINE Management I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Management: Another piece of the puzzle Terminology Management Structures Management Functions Management Styles An Effective Manager Interpersonal Skills I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. Interpersonal Skills Personal Traits Personal Ethics Creativity, Initiative, Responsibility Attitude Self-control/Orderliness Self-awareness & Willingness to Change Self-esteem Empathy Personal Skills Goal Setting NOTES TO TEACHER Teacher will hand out student notes sheets and go over the material, using the multimedia presentation. Teacher will lead the discussion of material, using multimedia presentations for management and interpersonal skills. Students will complete all activities, whether individually, in pairs or groups at the discretion of the teacher. This unit will easily take 25 class days due to the length of the projects assigned. Teacher will move about the classroom and will monitor the students’ progress while the students assume the role of selfdirector. It is suggested that the students present all projects to the class. Option: The teacher may want to set up a competition among the students and offer a small prize. Counselors or school administrators could serve as judges. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 7 Multiple Intelligence Guide Existentialist Intrapersonal Kinesthetic/ Bodily Logical/ Mathematical Musical/Rhythmic Naturalist Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spatial Interpersonal Application Guided Practice The teacher will present the multimedia presentations (one each for management and interpersonal skills) and will have the students complete the included assignments. It is up to the teacher’s discretion whether to assign some of the larger projects to pairs or small groups instead of to individual students. Independent Practice • • • • • The class will work as a group to design, market, and manage a film festival for their school. All work is to be done in class, so the teacher can check for understanding and monitor progress. Students are strongly encouraged to take ownership of this activity and establish time management skills for completing the assignment on time. They will designate a project manager and divide the project into departments (i.e. Marketing, Judging, Facilities, etc.) and execute their plan. Students should strive to produce the highest quality product. Students will be prepared to present a presentation of their projects to the class. Summary Review • • • We all possess personal traits that make us unique. Everyone has a set of personal ethics; however, the degree to which we use them is an individual choice. Developing and using effective interpersonal skills is necessary for successful managers. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 8 Evaluation Informal Evaluation: It is up to the teacher’s discretion of how to grade the daily and desk assignments. The teacher will monitor the students’ work to check for understanding. Formal Evaluation: Students will complete extensive projects to demonstrate knowledge of material covered in this unit. Rubrics have been provided. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 9 Management: Another Piece of the Puzzle Student Notes TERMINOLOGY: VERTICAL INTEGRATION: ______ to __________ management structure of an organization (consists of ____________, ____________, and __________________levels). TOP MANAGEMENT: Makes __________________ affecting _______________; decisions have _________________ effect on the company. MIDDLE MANAGEMENT: _________________ the _________________ of ________ management; plans ways to implement ___________; communicates with __________________ level management. SUPERVISORY LEVEL MANAGEMENT: _________________ the activities of employees; _________________the instructions of Middle and Top management; _____________ tasks and __________________ performance of employees. HORIZONTAL ORGANIZATION: _______________________teams set their own _________ & make their own ______________. Organized by _____________ instead of ______________. EMPOWERMENT: __________________ team members’ _____________________ and willingness to take ________________________. MANAGING: ______________________ the___________ of an organization through its __________ and _________________. ORGANIZING: Bringing people, activities, and resources together for the _____________ of the company. STAFFING: ______________ _______________ with the __________ to be done. CONTROLLING: __________________ performance; ___________________performance with company ____________________ and goals for effective outcome. LONG-RANGE PLANNING: Information is __________________ and _________________, serving goals ranging from one to five years; or five to ten years. SHORT-TERM PLANNING: Specific objectives are identified for implementation of _______ year or _______. Usually evaluated on ________________ or _________________ basis. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 10 MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES: A. Vertical Organization 1. ________________ performs ___________department function 2. _____ management 3. _______________ management 4. __________________level B. Horizontal Organization 1. Became ______________ due to _______________ in the _______ and __________. 2. __________ set own __________ and make own ________________. 3. ________________ oriented 4. Adopted by most _______ manufacturers MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS: A. Planning 1. __________________ 2. __________________ B. Organizing 1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________ C. Controlling 1. Performance is __________________ and _________________ with goals 2. ________________ standards ,areas of improvement D. Staffing 1. _____________ and________; _________; ______________ performance E. Leading 1. _____________________ direction of business; ____________________; _____________________________, drive MANAGEMENT STYLES A. __________________: Makes decisions with virtually no input “_________________________________” B. __________________: Allows employees to make all decisions Can be a “circus” C. _________________: Gets ____________________ and adjusts when necessary Can be slow; ________________________ can be helpful D. ______________________: Allows majority rule; sometimes slow process, but it’s easier to get employee’s approval Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 11 E. ______________________: Manager acts as a mentor; allows employees ________ _________ Focus on results, not how work gets done F. ______________________: Makes decision, then takes time to convince employees it was good Spend time getting people to “_______ _______” AN EFFECTIVE MANAGER… • • • • • Shows a __________ __________ o It’s ok to smile! It’s contagious! Cares about ___________ o Encourages and looks for the _______ in others o Says “________________” Is considerate o Takes ___________ o Calls people by their __________ o ____________________ birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Listens o _______ questions o __________ information Encourages ________________ o Does not ____________ o Treats everyone ____________ o Is a _________ player o Is __________________ AN EFFECTIVE MANAGER also: A. Is able to give _________ directions B. Has skills to ___________ employees adequately C. Has ____________ D. Is consistent and _______, and _________ E. Acts as a good _________________ F. Delegates __________________ G. Fosters ________________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 12 Management: Another Piece of the Puzzle Student Notes TERMINOLOGY: VERTICAL INTEGRATION: Top to bottom management structure of an organization (consists of Top, Middle, and Supervisory levels). TOP MANAGEMENT: Makes decisions affecting entire company; decisions have broadest effect on the company. MIDDLE MANAGEMENT: Implements the decisions of Top management; plans ways to implement goals; communicates with Supervisory level management. SUPERVISORY LEVEL MANAGEMENT: Supervises the activities of employees; carries out the instructions of Middle and Top management; assigns tasks and evaluates performance of employees. HORIZONTAL ORGANIZATION: Self-managing teams set their own goals & make their own decisions. Organized by process instead of function. EMPOWERMENT: Encourages team members’ contributions and willingness to take responsibility. MANAGING: Completing the work of an organization through its people and resources. ORGANIZING: Bringing people, activities, and resources together for the benefit of the company. STAFFING: Matching workers with the tasks to be done. CONTROLLING: Measuring performance; comparing performance with company objectives and goals for effective outcome. LONG-RANGE PLANNING: Information is gathered and analyzed, serving goals ranging from one to five years; or five to 10 years. SHORT-TERM PLANNING: Specific objectives are identified for implementation of one year or less. Usually evaluated on quarterly or semi-annual basis. MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES: A. Vertical Organization 1. Manager performs particular department function well. 2. Top management 3. Middle management 4. Supervisory-level B. Horizontal Organization Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 13 1. Became popular due to downsizing in the 1980s and 1990s. Self-managing teams set own goals and make own decisions. 2. Customer oriented 3. Adopted by most car manufacturers MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS: A. Planning 1. Long range 2. Short range B. Organizing 1. Arrange staff to accomplish goals 2. Organizational chart C. Controlling 1. Performance is measured and compared with goals 2. Setting standards, areas of improvement D. Staffing 1. Recruit and hire; evaluate performance E. Leading 1. Communicate direction of business, commitment, motivation, drive MANAGEMENT STYLES A. Autocratic: Makes decisions with virtually no input “My way or the highway” B. Chaotic: Allows employees to make all decisions Can be a ll decisio C. Consultative: Gets feedback and adjusts when necessary Can be slow; Advisory Board can be helpful D. Democratic: Allows majority rule; sometimes slow process,but it its,majority rule; sometimes slow pr E. Laissez-faire: Manager acts as a mentor; allows employees some control; Focus on results, not how work gets done F. Persuasive: Makes decision, then takes time to convince employees it was good Spend time getting people to mbuy in”ny Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 14 AN EFFECTIVE MANAGER… • Shows a happy face o Itppy faceVE MANA Itpy faceVE MANAGCares about others o Encourages and looks for the good in others o Says tthank you”hank yousderate o Takes interest o Calls people by their names o Recognizes birthdays, anniversaries, etc. • Listens o Asks questions o Recalls information • Encourages interaction o Does not gossip o Treats everyone equally o Is a team player o Is trustworthy AN EFFECTIVE MANAGER also: A. Is able to give clear directions B. Has skills to train employees adequately C. Has vision D. Is consistent, fair and firm E. Acts as a good example F. Delegates responsibilities G. Fosters initiative Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 15 The (your school here) Film Festival OBJECTIVE: Students will use management decision-making skills to complete all the necessary tasks of staging a local film festival. MATERIALS NEEDED: Computers, projector, Internet access, paper, and printer for print items PROCEDURE: You are the Chairperson of the “(School) Film Festival” Committee. Your goal is to ensure 100% entry by student filmmakers located within school district. You have space for 15 different classes, such as Animation, first period, Advanced Theater, fourth period, etc. The event will take place on PICK A DATE. Your duties are as follows: 1. Determine your Target Market (who you want to draw to your event) 2. Select the classes (such as animation, film and production, theater, etc.) that will participate (plan for variety) 3. Decide on admission charges 4. Plan the arrangement of the floor plan or viewing rooms for the event 5. Secure the site (must be in YOUR School). Look up the location on Internet 6. Decide how you will promote the event to the public 7. What type of films will be entered? Length? Genre? 8. Form of advertising? a. 1 direct mail (postcard or flyer) b. 1 press release (story that tells who, what, where, when, why) and you must include at least 2 quotes from someone who has participated in the past; c. 1 TV commercial (use multimedia software or a video production software) d. 1 Non-traditional promotion such as an airplane trailer, a “sandwich promo” walker, skydiver, etc. 9. Design a viewing schedule and floor plan and list the classes in their viewing locations. (Use a word processing software.) 10. What considerations did you take in deciding where to locate the participating classes within your chosen site? Be prepared to present your project to the class. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 16 Group Presentation Rubric Presentation Title:_______________________________________________ Name: ________________________ Teacher: ______________________ Date of Presentation: ____________ Title of Work: ___________________ Criteria 1 Organization Content Knowledge Visuals Mechanics Delivery 2 Points 3 4 Student presents Audience cannot Audience has difficulty Student presents information in logical, understand presentation following presentation information in logical interesting sequence because there is no because student jumps sequence which which audience can around. sequence of information. audience can follow. follow. ____ Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject. Student is Student demonstrates uncomfortable with Student is at ease full knowledge (more information and is only with content, but fails than required) with explanations and able to answer to elaborate. elaboration. rudimentary questions. ____ Student used no visuals. Student occasional Student used visuals used visuals that rarely Visuals related to text to reinforce screen support text and and presentation. text and presentation. presentation. ____ Presentation has no Student's presentation had Presentation had three more than two four or more spelling errors misspellings and/or misspellings and/or and/or grammatical errors. grammatical errors. grammatical errors. Student mumbles, Student incorrectly incorrectly pronounces pronounces terms. terms, and speaks too Audience members quietly for students in the have difficulty hearing back of class to hear. presentation. Student's voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. ____ Student used a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms. ____ Total----> ____ Teacher’s Comments Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 17 Group Progress Rubric Name: _____________________ Teacher: __________________ Date: ______________________ Title of Work: ______________ Skills Criteria 0 10 Points 15 20 Helping: The teacher observed the students offering assistance to each other. Listening: The teacher observed students working from each other's ideas. None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time ____ None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time ____ None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time ____ None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time ____ None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time ____ Total Points ____ Participating: The teacher observed each student contributing to the project. Persuading: The teacher observed the students exchanging, defending, and rethinking ideas. Sharing: The teacher observed the students offering ideas and reporting their findings to each other. Teacher Comments: Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 18 Your Personal Brand OBJECTIVE: Now is the time to shine and create something all about you! Your job is to create the framework for a video portfolio that you will use to market yourself to universities or prospective employers. MATERIALS NEEDED: Computer, Internet access, personal pictures, blank DVD cases, good quality glossy or matte paper, printer • • • Select a name for your business that represents the “real you.” You may not use the name of another animation company or individual. Create an animated personal logo & include a still shot of it on your DVD cover. You will create the opening framework or title page, which will lead into "chapters." You might not have your best work to put in them yet, so plan on making artwork or films throughout the year to fill up your portfolio. The portfolio will include: • • • • • • • • • • A chapter called "Characters and Character Design Sheets" A chapter called "Backgrounds and Set Design" A chapter called "Storyboards" A chapter called "Short Animations, Fragments and Commercials" A chapter called "Completed Films" A chapter called "Resume and Contact Information" Make sure you acknowledge all contributors and their roles (music, etc.) in the closing credits Add a copyright notice Design the front & back cover of a DVD. Make sure to include your artist name, CD title & logo (size= 4.5”x 4.5”). Create a professional online video or a social media page using your logo and correct information. Make sure the addresses are on your DVD, resume, etc. Written Report • How will you market your DVD? Type a summary on the following (one page minimum). Product: Tell why these animations, films, and drawings are a valid representation of your professional work. Explain why you have selected these works. Price: How much would you charge? (Per storyboard, 30-second animation, etc.) Place: Tell people where they can get your animations. Promotion: Tell how you will promote your original films. Extra credit – Design the inside of the DVD jacket. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 19 Name: _____________________ Date: ___________________ Project Rubric Title: ___________________________________________ Process Below Avg. Satisfactory Excellent Has clear vision of final product; directions were followed 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 2. Properly organized to complete project 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 3. Managed time wisely 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 Below Avg. Satisfactory Excellent 1. Format (required # of slides present) 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 2. Mechanics of speaking/writing 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 3. Organization and structure 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 4. Creativity 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 5. Demonstrates knowledge 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10 4. Acquired needed knowledge base 5. Communicated efforts with teacher Product (Project) Teacher’s Comments: Total Score:____________________________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 20 Interpersonal Skills Student Notes I. Personal Traits Personal Ethics Creativity, Initiative and Responsibility Attitude Self-Control/Orderliness Self-Awareness & Willingness to Change Self Esteem Empathy Personal ethics: • _______________________ • _______________________ • _______________________ Creativity Initiative and Responsibility • • • _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Attitude • • • _________________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Self-Control/Orderliness • • _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Self-Awareness & Willingness to Change • • • • _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 21 Self-Esteem • • • • • _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Empathy • • II. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Personal Skills Assertiveness: • _________________________________________ • _________________________________________ • _________________________________________ Time Management: • • • _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Goal Setting: • • • • _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 22 Interpersonal Skills KEY Student Notes I. Personal Traits Personal Ethics Creativity, Initiative and Responsibility Attitude Self-Control/Orderliness Self-Awareness & Willingness to Change Self Esteem Empathy Personal ethics: • • • Honesty Integrity Play Fair Creativity Initiative and Responsibility • • • Find new ways to do your job (cuts boredom) Doing what needs to be done without being told Be accountable for your actions Attitude • Develop a positive attitude o View difficult assignments as a challenge o Positive attitude flows over into other areas Self-Control/Orderliness • • Tactfulness…what does it mean? A must when dealing with difficult customers Self-Awareness & Willingness to Change • • • • Make a list of strengths & weaknesses You may think you know everything! The first 100 years are the hardest! Adaptable employees are valuable Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 23 Self-Esteem • • • The way you see yourself – your value Demonstrate self-esteem on the job by showing confidence in your work Build Customers’ self-esteem too o Call them by name o Smile and greet them Empathy • • II. Understand another’s situation or frame of mind Putting oneself in another’s place Personal Skills Assertiveness: • • • Stand up for yourself, but don’t be pushy Don’t boss others Make sure you know what you’re talking about Time Management: • • • Budget your time Don’t over commit yourself or you will regret it Sometimes “NO” is okay! Goal Setting: • • What do you want out of: o Life o Career? o Personal Relationships? Where do you plan to be in ______ years? o Continue to ask yourself this question! Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 24 “Personal Bucket List” 50 Things You Want to Do Before Age 65 Think about this carefully before you begin. In your “50 Things,” you will need to use a word processing program to devise a list of 50 things to do before you reach age 65, and include a brief (one or two sentence) explanation why you would do each task/activity. You may not repeat or combine any! Your list must include: 1 challenging sport (counts as one “thing”) 1 regular activity you never tried but would like to 2 sites in the world you would like to see (each counts as 1 “thing”) 2 career options (each counts as 1 “thing”) 2 personal goals (each counts as 1 “thing”) 3 activities that includes your family members 2 things you would do for someone else (each counts as 1 “thing”) 2 activities you would do for your community The rest are up to you! Date Due: __________________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 25 Character Marketing and Development OBJECTIVE: Students will use management and leadership skills learned in order to successfully complete all assigned tasks in this project. MATERIALS NEEDED: Computers, Internet access, projector for presentations, printer and paper for proposal and brochure Cartoon characters are used to market products and to be marketed as products. Once a character is developed, another income stream for media companies is to market their characters to the general public and to ad agencies, theme parks, and toy developers. You will take one of the characters that you have created in a previous project and you and your group will develop a plan to market that character. First rule of thumb…Be sure to read the through the whole project before beginning. Part 1: Group Formation and Preparation A. Decide on a team leader and divide up all tasks. B. Create a survey to be given to students in your math or English class. The survey is to find out the kind of character your peers would like to buy on clothes and toys. The survey must include at least 10 QUALITY questions. Type the questions and turn them in and include the number of copies you will need. C. After your surveys have been completed, you are to write a final analysis of "A New Character for Marketing," based on personal ideas and survey results. Part 2: Research and Development A. Research two different characters that are similar to yours. (They can be professional characters.) For each of the two characters you will need to find the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the character Country its animations are most widely seen in Demographic information on the character's fan base Types of items the character is marketed on (i.e. T-shirts, mugs, figures) Type of locations the products are sold (i.e. specialty shops, online, major toy stores) 6. Iterations of the character (i.e. Action hero who is also a reporter, child/adult, warrior/princess) 7. Games the character is used in 8. Price points for products 9. Comic books and publications the character is also used in 10. Any other pertinent information you discover Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 26 Part 3: Your Proposed Character Marketing Outline A. This is the section where YOUR plan for YOUR Character Marketing comes to life. 1-Name of character and overall theme 2- Principal Sponsor (film company, ad agency, etc.) 3- Best marketing venues (online, conventions, etc.) 4- Number of iterations of the character you plan to market 5- Ten Items that can be made to sell with your character on them (toys, caps, figures etc) 6- Identify your target market for each item. There can be overlap. 7- Price points for each item. 8- Target demographics of your character's fan base 9- Other accessories and tie in products (food, companies who might want to use your character in advertising their own products) Considerations… - Define your target market, its location and income (for price points). Be prepared to defend your reasoning. - What is the name, type of character, and overall theme? - Include a logo design. - What types of accessories and iterations will your character have? What kind of products will be sold for each area? - What other companies would like to use your character to market their products? - What general rules and guidelines will you have to market your character? Will you let ANYONE use it? If not, who will not be permitted to buy its image and why? - What will be your price points for each item you sell? - What accommodations will you make for handicapped customers? Small children? - What kind of store is best to retail your character? - What kind of point of purchase displays will you offer your retailers? You must include the following: - A typed proposal for the character (limited to seven pages) - A brochure for the character - A cardboard, 3D scale mock-up of a point of purchase display Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 27 -A 3D scale mock-up of the character (a figure) The project needs to be neat and look professional. All written information must be typed or word-processed. Prepare a multimedia presentation or video to use as you present your project to the Board of Directors. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 28 Character Marketing Rubric Presentation Title:_______________________________________________ Name: ________________________ Teacher: Date of Presentation: ____________ Title of Work: ___________________ Criteria 1 Organization Content Knowledge Visuals Mechanics Delivery 2 Points 3 4 Student presents Audience cannot Audience has difficulty Student presents information in logical, understand presentation following presentation information in logical interesting sequence because there is no because student jumps sequence which which audience can sequence of information. around. audience can follow. follow. ____ Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject. Student is Student demonstrates uncomfortable with Student is at ease full knowledge (more information and is only with content, but fails than required) with explanations and able to answer to elaborate. elaboration. rudimentary questions. ____ Student used no visuals. Student occasional Student used visuals used visuals that rarely Visuals related to text to reinforce screen support text and and presentation. text and presentation. presentation. ____ Presentation has no Student's presentation had Presentation had three more than two four or more spelling errors misspellings and/or misspellings and/or and/or grammatical errors. grammatical errors. grammatical errors. Student mumbles, Student incorrectly incorrectly pronounces pronounces terms. terms, and speaks too Audience members quietly for students in the have difficulty hearing back of class to hear. presentation. Student's voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. ____ Student used a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms. ____ Total----> ____ Teacher’s Comments: Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 29