Course Title: Graphic Design & Illustration
Session Title: Using Models in School – Original Imagery for
Lesson Duration: Approximately 2-3 weeks
[Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor]
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will use the camera for on-site and off-site photography, and incorporate a specified model for use in an ad for a client, to the satisfaction of the instructor.
Specific Objectives:
Review quality websites by commercial photographers who use models in their work.
Define terms associated with the lesson.
Plan the ad.
Archive photos for future use.
Style the shot and the model(s) they are choosing to photograph for the specified client.
Enhance photographs digitally.
Present ads for critique.
Evaluate work.
Identify safe work practices.
TEKS Correlations:
130.88 ( c) (1)
The student applies academic knowledge and skills in art and design projects. The student is expected to:
(A) apply English language arts knowledge and skills by demonstrating use of content, technical concepts, and vocabulary; using correct grammar, punctuation, and terminology to write and edit documents, and composing and editing copy for a variety of written documents such as brochures, programs, posters, flyers, and magazine covers;
130.88 ( c) (2)
The student understands professional communication strategies. The student is expected to:
(A) adapt language for audience, purpose, situation, and intent such as structure and style;
(G) exhibit public relations skills;
130.88 ( c) (6)
The student applies safety regulations. The student is expected to:
(A) implement personal and workplace safety rules and regulations;
(B) follow emergency procedures
130.88 ( c) (11)
The student develops an increasing understanding of graphic design and illustration. The student is expected to:
(D) conduct oral or written critiques of designs by:
(i) applying a critical method of evaluation;
(E) analyze and apply art elements and principles;
AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Using Models in School
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
(G) apply art elements and principles to photographic works;
Cohen, Luanne Seymour. (2004). Adobe Photoshop CS: Techniques for digital artists.
Adobe Press
Search online sites for information regarding photography, use of models in photography, commercial photography, and creating portfolios
Search for books and training DVDs on incorporating digital software with digital photography
Instructional Aids:
Slide Presentation – Using Models in School: Original Imagery for Ad Designers
Slide Presentation – Lab Safety
Checklist – Using Models in School: Original Imagery for Ad Designers
– Using Models in School: Original Imagery for Ad Designers
Materials Needed:
Photo paper for printing final ads
Equipment Needed:
A projection system to display the Slide Presentation
Digital cameras and studio lighting for student use
A color printer to print ads
Computer stations with digital editing software installed
Pencil and paper with which to sketch the initial concepts and thumbnails for the advertising piece.
MI Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
SAY: Sometimes it is difficult to find objects, people, animals, or props to use in ad photography. This is true for professionals, but it is even truer when we are in a school situation.
ASK: Has anyone ever thought about how to put a shot together like the pros do? What kind of planning must it take to get all of the elements to come together just the way they should in order to get the best possible shot for a client?
SAY: Today we will challenge ourselves to perform a photo shoot. We will need to do part of it outside of class and part of it in class. We will then combine these elements in digital editing software and get them all to work together using color matching and other techniques available inside the software.
AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Using Models in School
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
MI Outline (LSI Quadrant II): Instructor Notes:
I. Search online for sites regarding photographers using models in their work
A. As you view examples of photo shoots, identify the different objects and people involved
B. Identify different things that had to be taken into consideration for this shoot to occur (weather, time of year, location, animal handlers, considerations for children, etc.)
C. Discuss possible problems or difficulties that might occur
D. Compare and contrast different photo shoots to examine similarities and differences
Note: If desired, websites can be projected from the teacher ’s computer for the students to see as a group. This enables students to come to similar conclusions about why they should familiarize themselves with this occupational skill.
II. Define vocabulary terms and trends related to commercial photography with the following websites:
Select 10-12 terms you want to focus on prior to starting the lesson.
Develop a handout and vocabulary quiz to support the lesson.
III. Plan the ad
A. Evaluate the goal
1. What is the assignment?
2. How are you communicating the message?
3. Have you thought about the goal of the piece you are trying to create?
B. Set up the shot
1. Consider the lighting first (studio vs. natural)
2. Consider the product
3. Consider other props
4. Consider models
IV. Archive photos for future ads
A. Designated photo server
B. External hard drive
C. Flash drives
D. Take advantage of opportunities to capture quality photos
AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Using Models in School
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Note: Provide each student storage space.
Create an image index so students can share, but emphasize the importance of crediting the photo
V. Lab Safety Practices
A. Explain what OSHA stands for
B. Identify safe practices in the Lab
C. Identify safe practices on location (photo shoot) source.
Note: Show Lab
Safety slide presentation and discuss safety procedures.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The teacher will go over the websites and the slide presentation with the class. Students will begin their individual exercises after the instructor approves their topics.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Allow the students to create a concept for their social health ad (look at for concept ideas). It can be an anti-smoking ad, a healthy eating habits ad, or any other social health issue that you approve. Students are to plan a photo shoot with a model or models. Points to consider are
The types of model(s) that will be needed
The lighting needed for any studio shots
Planning any location shots for outside of class
The background used with the model (the students may want to experiment with different colors, textures, and fabrics to see what effect this has on the look of their product)
The props to be used (what does the message call for?)
The camera angle to use when they photograph the product
Copy/headlines needed to complete the ad
Print ad for submission
MI Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Students may partner up to review the vocabulary terms preselected by the instructor. (See
Number II in the outline portion of this lesson.)
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
The teacher monitors individual/group progress as students work on activities, and provides individual help/redirection as needed.
1. Ongoing evaluation by the instructor (the instructor may wish to develop a rubric on this)
2. Classroom critique
3. Information repeated, restated as needed
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Using Models in School
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Evaluate the results of the photo shoot and the ads that the students turn in. Ask them to explain how they solved problems they ran into as their ideas progressed. (Other students will learn from their mistakes.) Hold a verbal dialogue and have the students assess one another’s work. Ask the students to bring in the social health ads that they have found and assess their ability to discuss the effectiveness of the ads. Have them compare and contrast the ads they did with some of the ones currently in use.
Students will also complete the Using Models Quiz.
MI Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Students who have succeeded in learning the techniques may wish to try doing the following for additional practice:
Visit a social services agency and interview the chief of operations there. Have him or her look at the student’s ads and give feedback. Ask him or her what the business looks for in its advertisements and promotional pieces.
Have the students compile a report on some of the issues that seem to be important when shooting photos for social health organizations.
Create “Safety” posters that would be relevant to various on-site locations.
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Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Using Models in School
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Directions: Circle TRUE or FALSE to record your responses to the following statements:
AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Using Models in School
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Directions: Circle TRUE or FALSE to record your responses to the following statements:
1. You can get good photo shoots in schools, but you have to plan carefully. x TRUE
2. The first step in getting a good photo is to consider what type of photographic paper you will use.
TRUE x FALSE Consider the goal.
3. When setting up the shot, you should consider lighting first. x TRUE Always consider lighting needs.
4. Photos rarely need to be set up.
TRUE x FALSE Many shots need to be set up.
5. It is a good idea to archive regular photos, but you cannot archive digital photos.
TRUE x FALSE You can archive photos digitally by saving to a zip drive, flash drive, or backup hard drive.
AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Using Models in School
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.