Career Exploration Module – DAY ONE Lesson Title Career Module Introduction Cluster Pathway All Pathways Essential Question What is the AAVTC Cluster? TEKS 1.A, 1.B, 2.A Prior Student Learning Students should already be aware that there are 15 other career clusters Estimated time 45 minutes Objectives - Discuss the Arts, AV Technology and Communications cluster - Identify and explore career opportunities within the AAVTC - Identify and discuss the 5 career pathways within the AAVTC Cluster Materials/Equipment/Handouts Needed - Introduction slide presentation (computer, projector, screen, etc.) - Career Pathway Matching Activity - Vocabulary List - Movie Clips activity - Three or four short movie clips (15 to 30 seconds in length) that show a character portraying an occupation related to the cluster currently being taught - Lesson Handouts for next day’s lesson, if needed Introduction/Engage Divide students into small groups and have each group record as many careers in the AAVTC cluster as they can. Have each group share one career at a time, rotating around the room, until no more can be named. (Record responses on the board.) Activities - Lecture: Introduction slide presentation - Identify the five career pathways for the AAVTC cluster and identify some careers in each one - Assignment: “Career Pathway Matching Activity” - Review and distribute AAVTC Career Module Vocabulary List - Use “Movie Clips” activity to review concepts Lesson Closure - Review the 5 AAVTC Pathways using questioning techniques - Use the “Movie Clips” activity to review terms and concepts - Review and collect Career Pathway Activity sheets - Distribute any handouts for the next day’s lesson, if applicable Homework: Students may begin working on definitions for the AAVTC vocabulary list, which will be ongoing throughout these two weeks Assessment - Assess verbal responses to questions - Participation - Completion of “Career Pathway Matching” activity - Completion of “Movie Clips” activity Extension Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved Day 1 of 10 Page 1 - Challenge students to make a list of personal skills and interests related to Arts, AV Technology and Communications Ask students to share any personal experiences they have had in the area of AAVTC Accommodations for Learning Differences - Accommodations Manual - Guidelines and Procedures for Adapting Instructional Materials - Sample Curriculum Customizations for Learning Differences - Lesson Plan/Curriculum Modification Checklist - Instructor Format for Curriculum Customization for Learning Differences Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved Day 1 of 10 Page 2 Career Cluster Vocabulary Materials needed: Career Cluster Vocabulary Sheet TEKS: §127.4.(c)(1)(A)(B), (2)(A) Approximate time: 15-20 minutes Directions: 1. Give each student a Career Cluster Vocabulary sheet and go over the directions with them. 2. Have the students define the vocabulary words. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved Day 1 of 10 Page 3 VOCABULARY LIST 1. Multimedia 2. Cinematography 3. Programming 4. Correspondent 5. Trademark 6. Storyboard 7. Compose 8. Shutter 9. Analyst 10. Postproduction Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved Day 1 of 10 Page 4 Movie Clips Activity Materials needed: Computer, projection equipment, 3-4 short movie clips, Movie Clips Questions TEKS: §127.4.(c)(1)(A) §127.4.(c)(2)(B)(E) §127.4.(c)(4)(A)(B)(C)(E)(F)(G)(H) Approximate time: 20 minutes Directions: 3. Search online videos and prepare three or four short movie clips or TV clips (15 to 30 seconds in length) that show a character portraying an occupation related to the cluster currently being taught. 4. Give each student a copy of the Movie Clips Questions. 5. Explain and give examples for the two questions on the Movie Clips Questions. 6. Show the clips. 7. Instruct the students to complete the Movie Clips Questions. 8. Review and discuss students' answers to the two questions. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved Day 1 of 10 Page 5 Movie Clips Questions 1. What characteristics (personality, tools, vocabulary, leadership, training, etc.) did the characters in the TV or movie clips display that agree with the occupation information presented in class? 2. What characteristics (personality, tools, vocabulary, leadership, training, etc.) did the characters in the movie clips display that disagree with the occupation information presented in class? Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved Day 1 of 10 Page 6 Career Pathway Matching Activity Materials needed: Career Pathway Worksheet TEKS: §127.4.(c)(1)(A)(B), (2)(A) Approximate time: 15-20 minutes Directions: 1. Give each student a Career Pathway worksheet and go over the directions with them. 2. Have the students use computers and the internet to follow the directions of the activity sheet. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved Day 1 of 10 Page 7 CAREER PATHWAY MATCHING ACTIVITY Group Members: Class Period: Date: Score: ___________ out of 40 The Arts, AV Technology, and Communications Cluster is divided into five career pathways according to the tasks of the AAVTC field. The five pathways of the AAVTC Career Cluster are: A. B. C. D. E. Audio and Video Technology and Film Printing Technology Visual Arts Performing Arts Journalism and Broadcasting Instructions: Using the list above, place the letter of the career pathway next to the occupation that it relates to. Be prepared to explain your responses. _______ 1. Broadcast News Analysts _______ 21. Archivists _______ 2. Computer Programmers _______ 22. Singers _______ 3. Photographers _______ 23. Graphic Designers _______ 4. Multimedia Artists and Animators _______ 24. Film and Video Editors _______ 5. Etchers and Engravers _______ 25. Proofreaders and Copy Markers _______ 6. Musicians, Instrumental _______ 26. _______ 7. Audio and Video Equipment Technicians Camera Operators: Television, Video, and Motion Picture _______ 27. Choreographers _______ 8. Broadcast Technicians _______ 28. Sound Engineer Technicians _______ 9. Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Post-Secondary _______ 29. Dancers _______ 10. Producers _______ 11. Desktop Publishers _______ 12. Actors _______ 13. Camera and Photographic Equipment Repairers _______ 14. Copy Writers _______ 15. Radio and Television Announcers _______ 16. Data Entry Keyers _______ 17. Radio Operators _______ 18. Reporters and Correspondents _______ 19. Directors: Stage, Motion Pictures, Television, and Radio _______ 20. English Language and Literature Teachers, Post-Secondary _______ 30. Technical Directors / Managers _______ 31. Print Binding and Finishing Workers _______ 32. Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators _______ 33. Poets, Lyricists, and Creative Writers _______ 34. Printing Press Operators _______ 35. Fashion Designers _______ 36. Set and Exhibit Designers _______ 37. Craft Artists _______ 38. Museum Technicians and Conservators _______ 39. Prepress Technicians and Workers _______ 40. Interior Designer Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved CAREER PATHWAY MATCHING ACTIVITY ANSWER KEY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. E A A,C,E A,B B D A,E A,E A,B,D,E D,E B D A B E B E E D,E E A D A,C A,D,E B A,D,E A,D A,E A,D A,D,E B C D B C A,B,D A,B,C,D B B C Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved