Lesson Plan Course Title: Principles of Architecture and Construction Session Title: Introduction to Sustainable Green Design Performance Objective: According to the TEKS, “The student identifies the relationship between available resources and requirements of a problem to accomplish realistic planning. The student is expected to determine alternative solutions for a specific problem and implement appropriate alternatives.” 5 Specific Objectives: (Refer to Outline below for further information) · What is “Green”? · Recognizing the benefits to “going green” · Asking the “green” questions · What is our impact · How we can change our impact Preparation TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS: 130.42.c.10.H 130.42.c.10.J These are stated above in quotation marks in the performance objective. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. Interdisciplinary Correlations: Related Industries that utilize the skill set in this lesson: Architecture and Design, Interior Design, Construction Trades, Landscape Architecture, Engineering, Construction Management, Real Estate, Property Development, Parks and Wildlife, Environmental Systems, Zoning and Regulations, Building Codes, among others. Relevant Core Curriculum Concepts: · Science: Life sciences, biology, physics, chemistry, renewable energy, recycling, life cycle, waste, environmental stewardship, sustainability, among others · English Language Arts: reading and writing skills Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 1 Teacher Preparation: PRIOR TO THIS LESSON, Students should already be able… · … to read · … to follow written and verbal instructions · … to access the internet and navigate a website · … to identify basic residential design components · … to form a hypothesis PRIOR TO THIS LESSON, Teacher should have knowledge and experience with… · … sustainable design · … alternative building materials and applications · … carbon foot printing · … appropriate verbal and written instructional communication · … Socratic seminar group discussion facilitation References: William P. Spence. Architecture. California, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. 1991. ISBN 0-02-677123-3 National Association of Home Builders. What is Green? 2008. www.nahbgreen.org/Resources/Homeowners/whatisgreen.aspx. November 12, 2010. National Association of Home Builders. Benefits for Homeowners. 2008. www.nahbgreen.org/Resources/Homeowners/benefits.aspx . November 12, 2010. Green Building Advisor. Getting Started in Green Building - A Primer for Beginners. 2010. http://www.greenbuildingadvisor.com/content/getting-started-green-building-primer-beginners . November 12, 2010. Low Impact Living. What’s your LILI? Impact Calculator. 2010. http://www.lowimpactliving.com/scores . November 12, 2010. National Association of Home Builders. Energy Innovation: How homes become green. http://www.nahb.org/fileUpload_details.aspx?contentID=62120&fromGSA=1 . November 12, 2010. Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 2 Instructional Aids: 1. The form which will allow you to pair partners. Please refer to the Microsoft Word document found alongside this Lesson titled: “Intro to Sustainable Green Design Student PARTNER match up” 2. The Student Activity sheet, which is the form students use to complete the exercise and the students will turn it in for the grade. Please refer to the Microsoft Word document found alongside this Lesson titled: “Intro to Sustainable Green Design HANDOUT” 3. The “How Homes Become Green” PDF, which is accessible at the last website listed above in the References section. All students should have access to view this document. 4. Teacher PowerPoint Presentation, please refer to PowerPoint document found alongside this Lesson entitled: “Intro to Sustainable Green Design PRESENTATION” Materials Needed: 1. 1 copy of the “Intro to Sustainable Green Design Student PARTNER match up” printed for each class period, cut into strips, following the instructions as typed at the bottom of the “match up” form 2. Pencils or pens- 1 per student 3. 8 ½” x 11” plain printer paper Equipment Needed: 1. Teacher computer workstation 2. Printer, black and white with the capacity to print single sided on size 8 ½” x 11” paper 3. Overhead projection screen that can exhibit the teacher’s monitor 4. A minimum of 1 computer for every 2 students - they are working in pairs and need to share a computer 5. Student access to Microsoft Word 6. Student access to the internet 7. Adobe Reader installed on the computers to read a PDF Learner Preparation: · Each Student is placed into pairs of 2. Preferably these pairs are balanced with students of varied skill levels and learning styles. Also, if there is a group of students with much slower learning processes or difficulty with English proficiency, you would place them accordingly. · Refer to “Teacher Preparation” above for list of specific items students should already be familiar with. · Each pair of students receives the proper materials: the “Intro to Sustainable Green Design HANDOUT,” a writing utensil, and access to the proper equipment and internet access. · Definitions* of various vocabulary words should be prominently placed in a visible location in the room: Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 3 Sustainable: to keep up or keep going, as an action or process Energy: the capacity to do work Environmental: the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences Conservation: the act of conserving; prevention of injury, decay, waste, or loss; preservation Toxic: acting as or having the effect of a poison Renewable: able to be renewed Depleted: to decrease seriously or exhaust the abundance or supply of Waste: anything unused, unproductive, or not properly utilized Alternative: one of the things, propositions, or courses of action that can be chosen Recycle: to treat or process (used or waste materials) so as to make suitable for reuse * NOTE: These words were defined online using www.dictionary.com as a reference. Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 4 Introduction Introduction (LSI Quadrant I): Students enter and receive the slip of paper with their name written on one side and a common term from the industry of architecture found on the opposite side. Students are instructed to find the other person in the room with the same vocabulary word, as this will be their partner for today’s exercise. SAY: Everyone should have found their partner by finding their matching word. ASK: Has everyone found their partner? Are we ready to begin being green? SHOW: Green is a term used in the building industry when saying that something or some process is friendly to the environment, or a less wasteful way of doing something we’ve already done before. ASK: Who can tell me what do all these words have in common? (Exhibit the new vocabulary words as listed on page 4 from of this lesson and on page 2 of the “Intro to Sustainable Green Design PRESENTATION”.) (Pause and wait for an appropriate amount of time to allow the students to think about the words first. Direct the discussion as needed.) SAY: One of the building industry’s biggest areas of growth is in what we call Green, or Sustainable Design. People want their old homes to be more energy efficient and other folks want to build new homes that don’t waste valuable resources. ASK: Why do you think we are going green? (Pause and wait for an appropriate amount of time to allow the students to think about their responses. Direct the discussion as needed.) SHOW: Hold up a copy of the PDF document titled: “Energy Innovation: How Homes Become Green.” (This is a copyrighted document generated by the NAHB. This document can be located online as listed above in the References portion of this lesson.) This is a great way to see all the things we can do to make positive changes to our homes - both newly built and older homes alike. (Pass the document around the room, let all students see it, and post it up in the room so they can reference back to it.) SAY: There is a lot we can do to help reduce our impact on the environment. Let’s take a look at what the experts say “green” is all about, then we can take a look at an example of a typical family who might live in this area and what their impact is. ASK: Ok, I need one person from each pair to come get your activity sheet where you will document your work today with your partner. Let’s get started. Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 5 Outline Outline (LSI Quadrant II): · Instructor uses the PowerPoint presentation (Intro to Sustainable Green Design PRESENTATION) to help with the activities pace and sequencing. · Instructor will ensure that all Student Partner pairs receive the required materials: · Printed copies of the Activity sheet. (Intro to Sustainable Green Design HANDOUT) This is what they will turn in for a grade. Give one copy to each pair of students. · Writing utensils MI · · · · · · · · · · · · Outline What is “Green”? Students learn the key components to “green design,” using this website resource: www.nahbgreen.org/Resources/Homeowners/wha tisgreen.aspx Each student pair explores the basic fundamentals of Green Design as explained by the NAHB. Collaborative joint effort with their peer to use the internet to navigate successfully to this website. Notes to Instructor · Students will read and discuss with their partner the components to green design as explained by the NAHB. · Students will follow the handout. Recognizing the benefits to “going green” Students learn the essential benefits for homeowners, using this website resource: www.nahbgreen.org/Resources/Homeowners/ben efits.aspx Each student pair continues to explore the possibilities within this content area. Collaborative peer efforts with their partners · Students continue to read and discuss with their partner the basic benefits to homeowners for going green, as explained by the NAHB. · Students will follow the handout. · Students will follow Asking the “green” questions the handout. Students will take ownership of digging deeper into specific areas, there are 20 altogether, using · Students “count off” this website for research: 1-20, and each http://www.greenbuildingadvisor.com/content/getti student will take ng-started-green-building-primer-beginners some time to explore their Student partner pairs will share their further assigned topic. exploration with the larger group. · Students will Students follow the Socratic seminar method of paraphrase and sharing, asking questions, and discussing the summarize their information they obtain. findings to the class as a whole. Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 6 · Students will be given a chance to ask questions with their peers. The teacher models this expected behavior for the class. · · · · · · · Verbal Linguis tic Logical Mathemati cal What is our impact Using the Low Impact Living “Impact Calculator” at the following web resource: http://www.lowimpactliving.com/scores, students will investigate the results of a hypothetical family called the Typicals. Students will follow the appropriate steps to complete the data entry to obtain the desired end result. Students will work with their partner to make sure they complete everything correctly. · Students will refer to the Handout to obtain the correct table of data for this part of the exercise. · Students will work with their partner. · Students should obtain the required results per the data entry from the table. How we can change our impact Students will, as a class, determine what steps could make an improvement. Students will deduce appropriate modifications to the lifestyle of the Typicals, in order to obtain a desirable lower impact result. · Students will follow the handout. · Teacher will facilitate a group discussion. · Teacher will follow the Presentation to keep the pace of the class moving with the prompts as listed on the last slide of the Presentation. Visual Spatial Musical Rhythmic Bodily Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Interperson al Naturali st Existential ist Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 7 Application Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Students work with a partner and as members of the larger discussion group as described and explained above in the Outline. Refer to all related documents for completion of this activity. Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Students take time to read and comprehend the information they are reading on their own first before discussing it with their partner and with the larger group as a whole, allowing them to digest the information on their own first before probing for further comprehension through peer to peer collaborative efforts. Summary Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): Students participate in teacher-led discussions and share their own observations about how we can all make an impact on being “green.” Evaluation Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): During the 30 minutes or so of group activity when Students are working together with their partners and with the group as a whole, the teacher practices active classroom monitoring and regular checking for understanding by individuals while moving around from team to team. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): Students should be able to exhibit knowledge independently - with both spoken and written words - the completeness of their understanding of sustainable/green design components and their impact. Refer to the “Intro to Sustainable Green HANDOUT” document for assessment of the partnerships, as well as the individuals, observations logged on the activity sheet Extension Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): Advanced students can take it further in their comprehension of sustainable/green design by using the Low Impact Living impact calculator and filling it in with their actual household data to determine their own results. Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 8 Elevation Elevation Section Section Plan Plan Roofline Roofline Perimeter Perimeter Foundation Foundation Axonometric Axonometric Orthographic Orthographic Scale factor Scale factor Perspective Perspective Tension Tension Compression Compression Parallel Parallel Perpendicular Perpendicular Use these words to help students find their assigned partner. It’s a “matching” game - their partner for today’s exercise is the other person in the room with the same term as theirs. Print off one copy. Cut each word out. Write their name on one side of the slip of paper, and hand their assigned slip of paper to them when they come into class. Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 9 Handout 1 Student #1: ___________________________________________________________________________ Student #2: ___________________________________________________________________________ Class period: __________________ Today’s Date: ___________________________________ 1. What is Green? a. With your partner, access the internet and go to this website: Type it EXACTLY like you see it here! www.nahbgreen.org/Resources/Homeowners/whatisgreen.aspx b. Read the article. Discuss it with your partner. In the space below on the left, write down a paraphrased summary of what the article is talking about. Also write down in the space below on the right any words that you think you might not understand. c. 2. Recognize the benefits for homeowners. a. With your partner, go to this new website: Type it EXACTLY like you see it here! www.nahbgreen.org/Resources/Homeowners/benefits.aspx b. Read the article. Discuss it with your partner. In the space below on the left, write down a paraphrased summary of what the article is talking about. Also write down in the space below on the right any words that you think you might not understand. Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 10 3. Asking the “green” questions. a. With your partner, go to this new website: Type it EXACTLY like you see it here! http://www.greenbuildingadvisor.com/content/getting-started-green-buildingprimer-beginners b. You will each be assigned a number, 1-20. Take turns accessing the topic that goes with your assigned number. c. In the spaces below, paraphrase your own assigned reading. Be prepared to share this with the whole class- so be ready! Student #1: Student #2: Your Topics # and title: Your Topics # and title: Write your summary here: Write your summary here: 4. What is the average impact of a home in our area? a. Access this new website now. Remember to type it EXACTLY like you see it typed here! http://www.lowimpactliving.com/scores b. This is a handy way to calculate the impact a household has on the environment. On the next page is a table of data. Enter ALL the data as prompted. c. We will go through a few together as a class, and then with your partner you will finish the rest. d. When you reach the end of the Calculator, STOP and wait for the teacher. This is a hypothetical local family, they are called the Typicals. Calculate the impact of their household and life style. Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 11 Question the Calculator is asking you. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Enter your ZIP code to get started How big is your home? Number of people in household Type of housing unit Number of floors in home or unit Lot size Approximate year your home was built Heating fuel Hot water fuel Type of heating system Is your heater > 10 years old? Type of cooling system Is your air conditioner > 10 years old? How often do you use your cooling system? How much of your home is cooled? Level of insulation Percentage of fluorescent bulbs Do you have a dishwasher? Loads per week? Age & Efficiency 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Do you have a stove? Hours used per week Do you have an oven? Hours used per week Cooking fuel Do you have a clothes washer? Loads per week Age & Efficiency 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Do you have a clothes dryer? Loads per week Dryer fuel How many refrigerators do you have? Refrigerator 1: Age & Efficiency Size (cubic feet) Do you have a standalone freezer? Response you need to give 76133 2,200 sq ft 4 Single family 1 7,940 sq ft 1975 Electricity Electricity Furnace No Central AC No Almost all summer 90% Fair 10% Yes 4 Standard, < 10 Years old Yes 3 Yes 2 Natural Gas Yes 8 Standard, < 10 years old Yes 8 Electricity 1 Energy Star Large (19-21 cu ft) No Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 12 36 Age (years) 37 Size (cubic feet) 38 What percentage of trash is recycled in your home? 39 Do you water your lawn or use irrigation? 40 What percentage of your overall yard do you water? 41 What percentage of your yard is grass? 42 What percentage of your yard is covered by pavement (driveway, paths, etc)? 43 How many vehicles do you have? 44 Vehicle 1 Year, Make, and Model 45 Annual Mileage 46 Vehicle 2 Year, Make, and Model 47 Annual Mileage 48 Number of short flights/year 49 Number of medium flights/year 50 Number of long flights/year Let’s Get you Registered! 1 Username 2 Password 3 Email 4 Zip Code Review the Results! STOP here for the teacher to come and check your work. NO RESPONSE! Leave it blank. NO RESPONSE! Leave it blank. I recycle sometimes Yes 50% 50% 20% 2 2001, JEEP, Grand Cherokee 4WD Auto 22,000 2008, VOLKSWAGEN, Passat Wagon Auto (Gas) 26,000 8 8 0 Your Initials_Student ID# Your student ID# 76133 Teacher Initials for Completion: 5. How can we change the Typical’s impact? a. Turn in this handout. b. Discuss with the class some of the options available at the end of the Calculator that would improve the Typical’s impact. Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 13 Rubric Student Handout to be turned in for a daily work activity. This is a graded assignment. Student #1: Students wrote their names, class ___________________________________________________________________________ period, and today’s date. Student #2: ___________________________________________________________________________ Not at all = 0 points Class period: __________________ Today’s Date: __________________________________ Partially = 5 points Completely = 10 points 1. What is Green? a. With your partner, access the internet and go to this website: Type it EXACTLY like you see it here! www.nahbgreen.org/Resources/Homeowners/whatisgreen.aspx b. Read the article. Discuss it with your partner. In the space below on the left, write down a paraphrased summary of what the article is talking about. Also write down in the space below on the right 2-3 words that you think you might not understand. c. Students wrote a summary about the reading on the 1st web article. Students both contributed to the process. Not at all = 0 points Somewhat, but incomplete = 5 points Summarized in complete sentences = 10 points Students wrote down 2-3 words that they felt they need to look up definitions for. Not at all = 0 points Only 1 word = 5 points 2 or more words = 10 points 2. Recognize the benefits for homeowners. a. With your partner, go to this new website: Type it EXACTLY like you see it here! www.nahbgreen.org/Resources/Homeowners/benefits.aspx b. Read the article. Discuss it with your partner. In the space below on the left, write down a paraphrased summary of what the article is talking about. Also write down in the space below on the right 2-3 words that you think you might not understand. Students wrote a summary about the reading on the 2nd web article. Students both contributed to the process. Not at all = 0 points Somewhat, but incomplete = 5 points Summarized in complete sentences = 10 points Students wrote down 2-3 words that they felt they need to look up definitions for. Not at all = 0 points Only 1 word = 5 points 2 or more words = Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 14 3. Asking the “green” questions. a. With your partner, go to this new website: Type it EXACTLY like you see it here! http://www.greenbuildingadvisor.com/content/getting-started-green-buildingprimer-beginners b. You will each be assigned a number, 1-20. Take turns accessing the topic that goes with your assigned number. c. In the spaces below, paraphrase your own assigned reading. Be prepared to share this with the whole class- so be ready! Student #1: Student #2: Your Topics # and title: Your Topics # and title: Write your summary here: Write your summary here: Student wrote his/her name, topic # and title, and summarized in complete sentences their assigned reading. They took turns with their partner accessing the correct articles to read. Not at all = 0 points Somewhat, but incomplete = 5 points Fully completed all the Student wrote his/her name, topic # and title, and summarized in complete sentences their assigned reading. They took turns with their partner accessing the correct articles to read. Not at all = 0 points Somewhat, but incomplete = 5 points Fully completed all the 4. What is the average impact of a home in our area? a. Access this new website now. Remember to type it EXACTLY like you see it typed here! http://www.lowimpactliving.com/scores b. This is a handy way to calculate the impact a household has on the environment. On the next page is a table of data. Enter ALL the data as prompted. c. We will go through a few together as a class, and then with your partner you will finish the rest. d. When you reach the end of the Calculator, STOP and wait for the teacher. This is a hypothetical local family, they are called the Typicals. Calculate the impact of their household and life style. Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 15 Question the Calculator is asking you. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Enter your ZIP code to get started How big is your home? Number of people in household Type of housing unit Number of floors in home or unit Lot size Approximate year your home was built Heating fuel Hot water fuel Type of heating system Is your heater > 10 years old? Type of cooling system Is your air conditioner > 10 years old? How often do you use your cooling system? How much of your home is cooled? Level of insulation Percentage of fluorescent bulbs Do you have a dishwasher? Loads per week? Age & Efficiency 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Do you have a stove? Hours used per week Do you have an oven? Hours used per week Cooking fuel Do you have a clothes washer? Loads per week Age & Efficiency 29 30 31 32 33 34 Do you have a clothes dryer? Loads per week Dryer fuel How many refrigerators do you have? Refrigerator 1: Age & Efficiency Size (cubic feet) Response you need to give 76133 2,200 sq ft 4 Single family 1 7,940 sq ft 1975 Electricity Electricity Furnace No Central AC No Almost all summer 90% Fair 10% Yes 4 Standard, < 10 Years old Yes 3 Yes 2 Natural Gas Yes 8 Standard, < 10 years old Yes 8 Electricity 1 Energy Star Large (19-21 cu ft) Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 16 35 Do you have a standalone freezer? 36 Age (years) 37 Size (cubic feet) 38 What percentage of trash is recycled in your home? 39 Do you water your lawn or use irrigation? 40 What percentage of your overall yard do you water? 41 What percentage of your yard is grass? 42 What percentage of your yard is covered by pavement (driveway, paths, etc)? 43 How many vehicles do you have? 44 Vehicle 1 Year, Make, and Model 45 Annual Mileage 46 Vehicle 2 Year, Make, and Model 47 Annual Mileage 48 Number of short flights/year 49 Number of medium flights/year 50 Number of long flights/year Let’s Get you Registered! 1 Username 2 Password 3 Email 4 Zip Code Review the Results! STOP here for the teacher to come and check your work. No NO RESPONSE! Leave it blank. NO RESPONSE! Leave it blank. I recycle sometimes Yes 50% 50% 20% 2 2001, JEEP, Grand Cherokee 4WD Auto 22,000 2008, VOLKSWAGEN, Passat Wagon Auto (Gas) 26,000 8 8 0 Your Initials_Student ID# Your student ID# 76133 Teacher Initials Initial here for Completion: that they finished Students filled in all the correct data into the calculator, they registered, and obtained the correct final impact estimation (The correct answer is 134… which is too high! We will need to see what we can do to reduce it. Under the “saved projects” tab, there is a checklist to make choices about improvements.) Not at all = 0 points They got most of it done correctly = 15 points Completely = 30 points Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 17