Training Station Orientation Practicum in Interior Design

Training Station Orientation
Practicum in Interior Design
Lesson Plan
Performance Objective
Upon completion of this lesson, each student will demonstrate thorough knowledge of his or her work
Specific Objectives
 Students will learn and/or reinforce basic knowledge of their respective training stations.
 Students will demonstrate an understanding of what is expected from their training sponsors.
 Students will compile information and will build a multimedia presentation.
 Students will communicate their knowledge orally to their peers.
 Training plan agreement – a written agreement between the school and the training sponsor for
each student enrolled in a work-based instruction component of a practicum course. The training
plan shall ensure that each student will receive classroom instruction coordinated with workbased instruction to develop the essential knowledge and skills identified for the chosen training
area. Work-based instruction may be provided through paid work experiences, internships,
and/or apprenticeships and may be enriched with job shadowing and/or mentoring experiences.
 Training site – the business/industry site where the student is placed for work-based instruction.
The student is provided occupationally-specific training experiences in accordance with the
training plan agreement, under the guidance and supervision of a qualified training sponsor, and
under the coordination and supervision of the teacher-coordinator.
 Training sponsor – the person serving as the student’s supervisor at the work-based training site.
The training sponsor confers regularly with the teacher-coordinator to plan, conduct, and
evaluate student training experiences in order to develop the knowledge and skills required in
the student’s chosen occupational training area.
 Work-based instruction – in addition to classroom instruction, occupationally-specific instruction
and training, either paid or unpaid, is provided by business/industry in cooperation with the
school. Written agreements between the school and a representative of the business/industry
training site and also agreed upon by the student and a parent or guardian, guide the
coordinated classroom instruction and work-based occupational instruction.
This lesson should take 12 class days to complete. Some of the days will be in class and others will be at
your training site.
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TEKS Correlations
This lesson, as published, correlates to the TEKS listed immediately below. Any changes/alterations to
the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Practicum in Interior Design
 130.45(c) Knowledge and skills.
o (5) The student applies safety and sanitation practices. The student is expected to:
(A) apply safety rules in performing various workplace procedures according to
industry standards;
(B) identify potential hazards and prevention practices;
(C) summarize laws pertaining to safety and sanitation practices;
(D) demonstrate appropriate responses to emergency situations; and
(E) determine workplace procedures that protect the environment.
o (9) The student evaluates customer relations as a tool for successful business operations.
The student is expected to:
(A) analyze the importance of good customer relations in building and
maintaining a business;
(B) demonstrate techniques for maintaining good client relationships; and
(C) describe conflict resolution techniques when dealing with customer
o (10) The student exhibits employability skills that lead to job success in the housing,
furnishings, and equipment industries. The student is expected to:
(A) demonstrate effective verbal, nonverbal, written, and electronic
communication skills;
(B) demonstrate effective methods to secure, maintain, and terminate
(C) demonstrate positive interpersonal skills, including conflict resolution,
negotiation, teamwork, and leadership;
(D) evaluate the relationship of good physical and mental health to job success
and achievement;
(E) demonstrate appropriate grooming and appearance for the workplace;
(F) demonstrate appropriate business and personal etiquette in the workplace;
(G) exhibit productive work habits and attitudes; and
(H) maintain a project portfolio that documents interior design projects using a
variety of multimedia techniques with a professional resumé.
o (11) The student determines employment opportunities and preparation requirements
for careers in the housing, furnishings, and equipment industries. The student is expected
(A) determine preparation requirements for various levels of employment in a
variety of careers in the housing, furnishings, and equipment industries;
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(B) analyze the future employment outlook in the housing, furnishings, and
equipment industries;
(C) describe entrepreneurial opportunities in the housing, furnishings, and
equipment industries;
(D) determine how interests, abilities, personal priorities, and family
responsibilities affect career choice;
(E) compare rewards and demands for various levels of employment in a variety
of careers; and
(F) determine continuing education opportunities that enhance career
advancement and promote lifelong learning.
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Interdisciplinary Correlations
Reading I, II, III
 110.47(b) Knowledge and skills.
o (1) The student uses a variety of word recognition strategies. The student is expected to:
(A) apply knowledge of letter-sound correspondences, language structure, and
context to recognize words; and
(B) use reference guides such as dictionaries, glossaries, and available technology
to determine pronunciations of unfamiliar words.
o (2) The student acquires an extensive vocabulary through reading and systematic word
study. The student is expected to:
(A) Expand vocabulary by reading, viewing, listening, and discussing; and
(B) Determine word meanings through the study of their relationships to other
words and concepts such as content, synonyms, antonyms, and analogies.
o (4) The student comprehends texts using effective strategies. The student is expected to:
(A) Use prior knowledge and experience to comprehend;
(B) Determine and adjust purpose for reading; and
(D) Summarize main texts by identifying main ideas and relevant details.
Public Speaking I, II, III
 110.57 (b) Knowledge and skills.
o (4) Organization. The student organizes speeches. The student is expected to:
(B) Organize speeches effectively for specific topics, purposes, audiences, and
o (7) Delivery. The student uses appropriate strategies for rehearsing and presenting
speeches. The student is expected to:
(C) Develop verbal, vocal, and physical skills to enhance presentations.
Technology Applications
 126.49 (c) Knowledge and skills.
o (1) Creativity and innovation. The student demonstrates creative thinking, constructs
knowledge, and develops innovative products and processes using technology. The
student is expected to:
(H) identify and solve problems, individually and with input from peers and
professionals, using research methods and advanced creativity and innovation
skills used in a selected profession or discipline; and
(J) produce original work to solve an identified problem and publish a product in
electronic media and print.
o (2) Communication and collaboration. The student uses digital media and environments
to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning experience of others. The student is expected to:
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(C) determine and implement the best method of presenting or publishing
(D) synthesize and publish information in a variety of print or digital formats; and
(E) use evolving network and Internet resources and appropriate technology skills
to create, exchange, and publish information.
o (3) Research and information fluency. The student applies digital tools to gather,
evaluate, and use information. The student is expected to:
(A) use evolving network and Internet resources for research and resource
sharing of technology applications;
(B) apply appropriate search strategies in the acquisition of information from the
Internet, including keyword and Boolean search strategies;
(D) acquire information using appropriate research strategies with source
citations through electronic formats, including interactive components, text,
audio, video, graphics, and simulations; and
(E) identify, create, and use available file formats, including text, image, video,
and audio files.
Occupational Correlation (O*Net –
Job Title: Interior Designers
O*Net Number: 27-1025.00
Reported Job Titles: Certified Kitchen Designer, Color and Materials Designer, Commercial Interior
Designer, Decorating Consultant, Designer, Director of Interiors, Interior Design Consultant, Interior
Design Coordinator, Interior Design Director, Interior Designer
 Confer with client to determine factors affecting planning interior environments, such as budget,
architectural preferences, and purpose and function. See more occupations related to this task.
 Advise client on interior design factors such as space planning, layout and utilization of
furnishings or equipment, and color coordination. See more occupations related to this task.
 Coordinate with other professionals, such as contractors, architects, engineers, and plumbers, to
ensure job success. See more occupations related to this task.
 Review and detail shop drawings for construction plans. See more occupations related to this
 Estimate material requirements and costs, and present design to client for approval.
Active Listening
Reading Comprehension
Service Orientation
Social Perceptiveness
Student Tasks
 Students will interview employer or owner to obtain necessary information.
 Students will obtain company information from employee handbooks or trade journals.
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Accommodations for Learning Differences
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to
accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special
Populations page of this website (
 Secure the computer lab if you do not have immediate access to one in your classroom.
 Copy the handout sheets and rubric for the students.
Instructional Aids
 Student handouts
 Grading rubric
 Internet
Materials Needed
 Paper for essay
 Camera or phone with camera
 Flash drive
Equipment Needed
 Computers (for students to complete project)
 Projector (for digital presentation)
 Scanner to scan pictures or materials brought to class
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Assignment Outline:
a. The packet of information must be
completed by interview, website, or
b. Minimum of 12 digital photos
c. Floor plan may be scanned
a. Completion of packet
b. Multimedia presentation
c. Pictures
d. Professionalism during presentation
Presentation must have:
a. Name and logo
b. Floor plan
c. Policies/procedures
d. Company history
e. Supervisor’s or owner’s previous experience
f. Site of company
g. Organizational chart
h. Miscellaneous supplemental information
i. Photos
j. If I were in charge: 3,2,1
Layout format must be followed.
Instructor Notes
Copy the instructions and
grading rubric and make
into a packet.
Tell the class about some
of the things you learned
at previous jobs. Explain
how those skills helped
you to become a teacher.
Explain the necessity of
learning as much as
possible about a job
because some of the skills
learned will help with
future employment.
Explain to the class that
customers see a business
much differently than the
employees see it.
Ask the class if they ever
wanted to work at a place
where they shopped.
Have them give reasons
why they wanted to work
***Handout the Employer Project Guidelines
Go over all the criteria in
the assignment and check
for understanding.
Explain the employer
project guidelines.
Students can set it up
while working on the
Training Station
Orientation project.
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Multiple Intelligences Guide
Guided Practice
Using the digital presentation, the teacher will go over the requirements of this project. The student will
follow along and make notes on their hard copy. Students will be strongly encouraged to take the
assignment packet to their job sites so employers will know about the activity.
Give some ideas to students during the brainstorming session before the end of the first class
Employer Project Guidelines
You are to complete this packet of information by conducting interviews with employers and/or coworkers. If you have an employee-training manual, you may use it as a source. You can even try
obtaining information from your company’s website.
In addition to the packet, you will include a minimum of 12 digital photos in your presentation. You may
bring the pictures to class on a flash drive, a memory card, or CD to import into your project.
All information will be compiled to prepare a multimedia presentation, which will be shown to the class
when you present your project.
You will be graded on
 Completion of the packet
 Multimedia presentation
 Use of pictures (as specified)
 Professionalism during presentation, including professional dress
**Bonus credit will be given if your employer attends your presentation!
Presentation must have
 Name and logo of company
 Floor Plan
 Policies and Procedures
 History of the company
 Supervisor’s (or owner’s) previous experience
 Site of company (including number of employees)
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Organizational chart
Miscellaneous supplemental information
Photos (either throughout presentation or at the end of the presentation)
If you were in charge, explain
 Three things you like about the training station
 Two things you would change
 One thing you have learned that will help you in your career choice
Layout Format
 Student’s name
 Company’s name/address
 Type of company
 In a minimum of 75 words, (typed and turned in separately) state what your first day on the job
was like.
 Procedures for reporting to work
 Procedures for calling in sick or calling in late
 Procedures for asking for time off
 What types of benefits are available
 Length of time manager/owner has been with company
 What prior training did manager/owner have?
 What type of education is needed for a managerial position with the company?
 Procedure for handling cash or legal documents (beginning and ending shifts), OR procedure for
accessing or handling clients files
 Names of competitors and their locations
 Organizational chart
 Floor plan
 Names of vendors and suppliers
 Procedures for handling returns, issuing credit, and keeping clients happy
 What types of jobs/careers will your current training station prepare you for?
 What is the procedure for handling theft (by employees or clients)?
 What is the strangest thing that has happened to you on the job?
This project is due on: ___________________________
Independent Practice
 Students will work at their own paces to complete this activity.
 All work is to be done in class so the teacher can check for understanding.
 Students are strongly encouraged to take ownership of this activity and to establish a workable
pace in order to complete it on time.
 Students will be prepared to present their projects to the class.
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 Why do customers see a different perspective of a business operation than that of the
 Why is it important to learn as much as possible about the business establishment?
 Why are procedures established and expected to be followed?
Informal Assessment
 Instructor will observe students during Independent Practice.
 Instructor will assist students as needed.
Formal Assessment
 Use the Individual Presentation Rubric to evaluate.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
Employer Project Guidelines
You are to complete this packet of information by conducting interviews with employers and/or coworkers. If you have an employee-training manual, you may use it as a source. You can even try
obtaining information from your company’s website.
In addition to the packet, you will include a minimum of 12 digital photos, in your presentation. You may
bring the pictures to class on a flash drive, a memory card, or CD to import into your project.
All information will be compiled to prepare a multi-media presentation which will be shown to the class
when you present your project.
You will be graded on:
 Completion of the packet.
 Multi-media presentation.
 Use of pictures (as specified).
 Professionalism during presentation, including professional dress.
**Bonus credit will be given if your employer attends your presentation!
Presentation must have:
 Name and logo of company
 Floor Plan
 Policies and Procedures
 History of the company
 Supervisor’s (or owner’s) previous experience
 Site of company (including number of employees)
 Organizational chart
 Miscellaneous supplemental information
 Photos (either interspersed within presentation or at the end of the presentation)
If you were in charge, explain:
 Three things you like about the training station
 Two things you would change
 One thing you have learned that will help you in your career choice
Layout Format:
 Student’s name
 Company’s name, address
 Type of company
 In a minimum of 75 words, (typed and turned in separately) state what your first day on the job
was like.
 Procedures for reporting to work
 Procedures for calling in sick or calling in late
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
Procedures for asking for time off
What types of benefits are available
Length of time manager/owner has been with company
What prior training did manager/owner have?
What type of education is needed for a managerial position with the company?
Procedure for handling cash or legal documents (beginning and ending shifts), OR
Procedure for accessing or handling clients files
Names of competitors and their locations
Organizational chart
Floor plan
Names of vendors and suppliers
Procedures for handling returns, issuing credit and keeping clients happy
What types of jobs/careers will your current training station prepare you for?
What is the procedure for handling theft (by employees or clients)?
What is the strangest thing that has happened to you on the job?
This project is due on: ___________________________
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
Individual Presentation Rubric
Presentation Title: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Teacher: ______________________________________
ID#: ______________________________________
Date of Presentation: ___________________________
Audience cannot
because there is
no sequence of
Student used no
presentation had
four or more
spelling errors
Student does not
have grasp of
student cannot
answer questions
about subject.
Student mumbles,
terms, and speaks
too quietly for
students in the
back of the class
to hear.
Audience has
difficulty following
because student
jumps around.
Student presents
information in
logical sequence
that audience can
Student presents
information in
logical, interesting
sequence that
audience can
Student used
visuals to
reinforce screen
text and
Presentation had
no misspellings or
occasionally used
visuals that rarely
support text and
Presentation had
three misspellings
Visuals related to
text and
Student is
with information
and is only able to
pronounces terms.
members have
difficulty hearing
Student is at ease
with content, but
fails to elaborate.
demonstrates full
knowledge (more
than required)
with explanations
and elaboration.
Student’s voice is
clear. Student
pronounces most
words correctly.
Student used clear
voice and correct,
pronunciation of
Presentation had
no more than two
Teacher Comments:
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