Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Construction Technology
Session Title: The Basics of HVAC
Two days
[Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor]
Performance Objective:
Demonstrate the basic knowledge HVAC systems for the home.
Specific Objectives:
Upon completion of this lesson, the learner will be able to:
Describe the various components of the typical HVAC system.
Develop specific "right & wrong" solutions for use. Define various HVAC terms.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to
the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
130.55. Advanced Building Maintenance Technology
(7) Students will demonstrate knowledge of installing and maintaining electrical devices
and knows wiring techniques common to commercial and industrial facilities, also:
(a) describe how to determine electrical service requirements for commercial and
industrial facilities;
(b) select the proper wiring methods for various commercial and industrial facilities;
(c) explain the role of the National Electrical Code;
(d) compute branch circuit loads and explain their installation requirements;
(e) explain the types and purposes of equipment grounding conductors;
(f) size and select outlet boxes for various wiring methods;
(g) describe the rules for installing electric space heating and HVAC systems
equipment; and
(h) describe the installation rules for electrical systems around swimming pools, spas,
and hot tubs.
(8) Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic principles of HVAC systems and:
(a) explain the principles of HVAC;
(b) describe what the Clean Air Act means to the HVAC systems industry; and
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(c) identify the types of schedules and drawings used in HVAC systems and
refrigeration industries.
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to
the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
125.22 xx - Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration
demonstrate knowledge of new and emerging technologies that may affect the
installation and service of air-conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation, and heating
125.75 xx - Power Technology
apply the competencies related to resources, information, systems, and technology in
appropriate settings and situations;
demonstrate knowledge of the function of power generating equipment, systems, and
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to
the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
125.22 xx - Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration
demonstrate knowledge of new and emerging technologies that may affect the
installation and service of air-conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation, and heating
125.75 xx - Power Technology
apply the competencies related to resources, information, systems, and
technology in appropriate settings and situations;
demonstrate knowledge of the function of power generating equipment,
systems, and components.
110.xx(6) - Reading/vocabulary development
...expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening, and discussing...
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There are numerous websites and publications for information.
Personal experiences in designing residential solutions .
Guest speakers from local HVAC companies .
Instructional Aids:
Basic HVAC Systems (for the home) PowerPoint Presentation.
Basic HVAC Systems (for the home) PowerPoint Slides.
Basic HVAC Systems (for the home) PowerPoint Notes.
Basic HVAC Systems (for the home) PowerPoint Handouts.
Basic HVAC Systems Presentation Rubric.
Materials Needed:
Ink Pens
Notebook/drafting Paper
Research Information
Equipment Needed:
Computer & Multi-media Projector
Internet Access
Knowledge of how to conduct an Internet search.
Pen/pencil and paper.
Ability to work well in a group assignment, communicate orally and in writing,
demonstrate .
knowledge of design, read and comprehend all related drafting tools .
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
Your Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning unit can not just make your house easier to
live in, it can save you, or cost you, thousands of dollars.
(Select an example of loss of heat or air and how it can be fixed to save money).
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Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructor Notes:
List objectives on the board
II. Introduction
i. Define HVAC terms
ii. Discuss HVAC systems
iii. Ask students what type of systems they have.
Show students pictures
of various houses and
compare them. Which
house do they feel is
most efficient?
III. Show PowerPoint
Explain why.
IV. Guided practice:
Students research residential HVAC systems
Students gather information of related facts: IE:
Problem solving techniques, application of
materials, climate influences, systems, etc.
Students present, in a group, their findings.
V. Review .
VI. Informal Assessment
VII. Formal Assessment
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The instructor assists students whenever needed, but allows for individual expression.
Students assist each other as well.
Team Planning .
Information gathering from internet and guest speakers.
Development of scenarios by students.
Freedom of students to apply their own solutions .
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Students perform the following independently.
Detailed presentation of step by step approach to developing energy
conservation solutions .
Drawings of scenarios presented on whiteboard.
Selection of various information to be presented to class.
Utilization of Presentation media: Multi-media projector, computer, whiteboard,
Creation of presentation materials.
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Instructor guided scenarios with direct group and individual critique.
Instructor check of proper use of grammar, spelling, and projection.
Controlled techniques and focus during scenarios.
Professionalism in scenario creation and presentation.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Instructor presentation of basic HVAC systems. Students review and complete
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Individual and Team selection of problem scenarios.
Variability of presentations.
Direction and input from instructor during learning process and scenario presentations
as needed. Correction given.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Individual and Team performance in final presentations Group and individual
assessment of final presentations .
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Regardless of what they do or where they go, most students will have a HVAC system
and knowledge of these systems will help these students in the future.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
1. HVAC Stands for
2. Which of the following is not part of MOST HVAC systems?
a. The generator
b. The heater
c. The ventilation
d. The air conditioning system
3. What is LOAD?
4. Which of the following is not a major manufacturer of HVAC units?
a. Ruud
b. Honeywell
c. Disney
d. Carrier
5. The HVAC and furnace use the same ventilation system.
a. True
b. False
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