Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Construction Technology
Session Title: Basic Foundation Layout and Squaring Functions
Time:2 Days (Second day for Hands-on application of knowledge)
[Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor]
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to demonstrate the basic
techniques of Foundation Layout and Squaring through verbal and written performance
Specific Objectives:
Upon completion of this lesson, the learner will be able to:
• Locate an existing property line;
• Establish a baseline;
• Layout and check a foundation layout using the tools and techniques provided;
• Develop specific "right & wrong" solutions.
• Demonstrate how to utilize basic tools to create foundation layouts.
• Demonstrate their knowledge of foundation layout by working form the base lone
to establish foundation corners through the use of the 3/4/5 Right Triangle Rule.
• Correctly use of the "Cross Check Rule."
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to
the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
130.54. Building Maintenance Technology
(a) Recommended for students in grades 10-12 with the recommended
prerequisite of Principles of Architecture and Construction.
(b) Students will gain knowledge and in plumbing, electrical, and Heating,
Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. Additionally, students
learn methods for repair and installation of drywall, roof, and insulation
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to
the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
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110.xx(6) - Reading/word identification/vocabulary development
...expand vocabulary through...listening and discussing .
...rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative
language, idioms, multiple meaning of words, and technical vocabulary...
110.xx(15) - Listening/speaking/critical listening
...rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative
language, idioms, multiple meaning of words, and technical vocabulary...
• Instructor knowledge.
• Numerous websites for information.
• Personal notes and lessons collected during tenure in residential construction .
• Personal experiences in designing residential solutions .
• Samples of foundation layouts taken from various sources.
Instructional Aids:
Basic Foundation Layout PowerPoint
Basic Foundation Layout Outline Handout (Gantt Chart)
Basic Foundation Layout Quiz
Basic Foundation Layout Quiz Key
Materials Needed:
Ink Pens
Notebook/drafting Paper
Research Information.
Tape measures (30' and 100')
Board materials for batter board construction/layout
White board and white board markers
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Equipment Needed:
Internet Access
Power Point Software
Multi-media Projector
Foundation plan examples
Drafting boards
Engineering and Architect Scales
Compasses, triangles, etc.
Knowledge of internet search engines
Self control and discipline for layout solutions
Ability to work well in a group assignment
Ability to communicate orally and in writing
Ability to create clean, neat and well organized drawings and accurate layouts
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
NOTE: It is important that students recognize and relate to the need for clean,
organized drawings and that they recognize their responsibilities as a problem
SAY: "There are multiple solutions to most problems".
Refer students to real world scenarios where you demonstrate the relations of
drafting and design, as well as, examples of design layouts and foundation
layouts and how they have
evolved. You may wish to refer to a large scale design change, such as that
available online through the Army Corps of Engineers and Lake Pontchartrain.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructor Notes:
Introduce students to the topic.
Use real examples whenever
possible to highlight how
problems were solved.
Show the PowerPoint. Engage students in discussion
and questions.
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Students research residential design techniques.
Students gather information of related facts:
Problem solving techniques,
application of materials,
climate influences, etc
Think of a local construction
expert or builder who can come
in and speak to your class.
Students will work in individual settings and as teams
of two.
Learners will then utilize their knowledge to create
design needs
in a classroom setting
Actual residential foundation layout/planning needs
problems will be discussed and solved.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Team Planning.
Information gathering from internet and guest speakers.
Development of scenarios by students.
Development of testing scenarios by instructor .
Freedom of students to apply their own solutions.
Creation of scenarios and presentation of foundation solutions.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
• Detailed presentation of step by step approach to creating foundation layouts.
• Drawings of scenarios presented on whiteboard.
• Selection of various information to be presented to class.
• Utilization of Presentation media: Multi-media projector, computer, whiteboard,
• Creation of presentation materials.
• Instructor guided scenarios with direct group and individual critique.
• Instructor check of proper use of grammar, spelling, and projection.
• Controlled techniques and focus during scenarios.
• Professionalism in scenario creation and presentation.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Instructor presentation of basic drafting tools and techniques.
Instructor presentation of basic foundation layout tools and techniques.
Individual and Team selection of problem scenarios.
Individual and Team performance in final presentations.
Variability of presentations.
Group and individual assessment of final presentations.
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Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Constant direction and input from instructor during learning process and scenario
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Rubric presents a basis for grading student work and performance
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Offer re-learning opportunities.
Repeat scenarios with varying circumstances to portray influence in foundation
layout solutions.
Allow extra time for performance and testing.
Project awareness of the student's future involvement in residential design
solutions .
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Gantt Chart
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Foundation Quiz
“Setting Up The Foundation”
The following questions are “True” or “False”. You must choose the answer that
best satisfies the statement. All of the parameters must be met in order for a
statement to be “True” or “False”
1) __________ A Batter Board is the type of board used to contain the concrete for the
2) __________ One parameter for choosing a commercial building site is the need for
ready access to rail service.
3) __________ The type of setting for your home, in other words, the location in which
you would like to live plays an important role in choosing a residential home site.
4) __________ When surveying your building site you should always start your survey
from the highest point of your natural grade level of the land.
5) __________ Batter Boards are set so that they create a corner shape outside the
form board location.
6) __________ The design of the foundation is established by running a string from a
set of “Wooden Stakes” hammered into the ground.
7) __________ Foundation form boards only function is to simply contain the concrete.
8) __________ Diagonal Bracing on the form boards is used to keep the form boards
plumb and level for the finished foundation.
9) __________A method used to help establish the square foundation corners is known
as the Equilateral Triangle Method.
10) __________ Cross Checking is a method used to act as a final method of checking
the string lines to make sure the forms will be set square.
The following questions offer multiple choice answers. Your answer must be the best
solution to the question.
11) In order to complete the cross check method of squaring the foundation forms you
must use a tape measure that is at least ______________.
A) 30 feet long
B) 50 feet long
C) 100 feet long
D) 150 feet long
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Foundation Quiz
Page 2
12) In order to make sure the foundation will be square you must _______________.
A) Make sure all corners are square
B) At least one corner is square
C) Make sure the opposing corners are square
D) None of the above
13) When setting the foundation form boards you must make sure the boards are
A) Long enough to span the distance of the foundation
B) Level with the string line
C) In line with the string line
D) Both B & C
14) One method used to help ensure a square foundation is _________________.
A) The Left Triangle Method
B) The Right Triangle Method
C) The Cross Triangle Method
D) The Equilateral Triangle Method
15) Very typically, a building must be constructed no closer to the existing property line
than ______________.
A) 10’-0”
B) 15’-0”
C) 20’-0”
D) None of the above
16) When using the 3/4/5 method the resulting dimensions should create a
A) Right Triangle
B) 30/60 Triangle
C) 90 Degree Triangle
D) All of the above
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Foundation Quiz
Page 3
17) When using the cross checking method if the dimension you measure between two
corners equals 78’-6” then the opposing measurement between the other two
corners should be ____________.
A) At least half of the 78’-6”
B) At least twice the distance of 78’-6”
C) Must be exactly equal to the dimension of 78’-6”
D) None of the above
18) The primary purpose of the string line is to ______________.
A) Establish the perimeter of the finished foundation
B) Establish the level position of the foundation form boards
C) It depends on the color of the string line
D) Both A and B above
19) This method of construction may be used to prepare a foundation layout or the
layout of a _____________________.
A) Box Board construction
B) Lap Board construction
C) Slab foundation
D) None of the above
20) If the parameters set forth in this study are not followed the finished slab or
foundation will very probably be ____________, ______________ & ____________.
A) Out of plumb, not level, out of square
B) Out of plumb, not properly cured, slanted
C) None of the above
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Foundation Quiz Key
“Setting Up The Foundation”
The following questions are “True” or “False”. You must choose the answer that
best satisfies the statement. All of the parameters must be met in order for a
statement to be “True” or “False”
1) _____F_____ A Batter Board is the type of board used to contain the concrete for the
2) _____T_____ One parameter for choosing a commercial building site is the need for
ready access to rail service.
3) _____T_____ The type of setting for your home, in other words, the location in which
you would like to live plays an important role in choosing a residential home site.
4) _____F_____ When surveying your building site you should always start your survey
from the highest point of your natural grade level of the land.
5) _____T_____ Batter Boards are set so that they create a corner shape outside the
form board location.
6) _____F_____ The design of the foundation is established by running a string from a
set of “Wooden Stakes” hammered into the ground.
7) _____F_____ Foundation form boards only function is to simply contain the concrete.
8) _____T_____ Diagonal Bracing on the form boards is used to keep the form boards
plumb and level for the finished foundation.
9) _____F_____A method used to help establish the square foundation corners is
known as the Equilateral Triangle Method.
10) _____T_____ Cross Checking is a method used to act as a final method of
checking the string lines to make sure the forms will be set square.
The following questions offer multiple choice answers. Your answer must be the best
solution to the question.
11) In order to complete the cross check method of squaring the foundation forms you
must use a tape measure that is at least ______________.
A) 30 feet long
B) 50 feet long
C) 100 feet long
D) 150 feet long
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Foundation Quiz Key
Page 2
12) In order to make sure the foundation will be square you must _______________.
A) Make sure all corners are square
B) At least one corner is square
C) Make sure the opposing corners are square
D) None of the above
13) When setting the foundation form boards you must make sure the boards are
A) Long enough to span the distance of the foundation
B) Level with the string line
C) In line with the string line
D) Both B & C
14) One method used to help ensure a square foundation is _________________.
A) The Left Triangle Method
B) The Right Triangle Method
C) The Cross Triangle Method
D) The Equilateral Triangle Method
15) Very typically, a building must be constructed no closer to the existing property line
than ______________.
A) 10’-0”
B) 15’-0”
C) 20’-0”
D) None of the above
16) When using the 3/4/5 method the resulting dimensions should create a
A) Right Triangle
B) 30/60 Triangle
C) 90 Degree Triangle
D) All of the above
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Foundation Quiz Key
Page 3
17) When using the cross checking method if the dimension you measure between two
corners equals 78’-6” then the opposing measurement between the other two
corners should be ____________.
A) At least half of the 78’-6”
B) At least twice the distance of 78’-6”
C) Must be exactly equal to the dimension of 78’-6”
D) None of the above
18) The primary purpose of the string line is to ______________.
A) Establish the perimeter of the finished foundation
B) Establish the level position of the foundation form boards
C) It depends on the color of the string line
D) Both A and B above
19) This method of construction may be used to prepare a foundation layout or the
layout of a _____________________.
A) Box Board construction
B) Lap Board construction
C) Slab foundation
D) None of the above
20) If the parameters set forth in this study are not followed the finished slab or
foundation will very probably be ____________, ______________ &
A) Out of plumb, not level, out of square
B) Out of plumb, not properly cured, slanted
C) None of the above
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