RECOGNITION OF STUDENT/SCHOOL SUCCESS School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)

School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
February 13, 2006
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends congratulations to the following students/groups for these
outstanding examples of success:
Some of the highlights include:
• Student Leaders from Japan visited students in Divisions 8 and 9.
• Acts of Kindness week was held from January 5th – January 11th. Student leaders watched out for
students demonstrating random Acts of Kindness and gave them a “heart” CARES slip to put into a
draw, which will be held during Carmi’s Valentine Assembly on February 14th.
• To culminate the Panagos Home Reading Program, the school had Stop, Drop and Read from
January 30th – February 3rd. That means at any time during the day it was time to do exactly that:
Stop, Drop and Read.
• February 2nd was Ready, Set, Learn!! Parents of three and four year olds attended an inspirational
educational and health information gathering. The preschoolers also enjoyed a story time and fun
• February 3rd was Carmi’s Read-In and Pajama Day. Students, staff and parents wore pajamas to
school and in the afternoon we read together in the Gym.
• The Penticton Vees have been reading to various classes and on Feb. 23rd there will be a floor hockey
game between the Vees and Carmi’s Floor Hockey Team.
• On February 9th there was a fun Carmi CARES Carnival for Carmi families. Proceeds from the
Carnival go towards student fieldtrips at the end of the school year and to help out a Carmi family in
• Cross Country Skiing for grade 5 begins in February, along with basketball games for our dedicated
basketball team!!
Grade 4 students presented the South Okanagan SPCA with $100 cash and $150 worth of supplies for
the shelter. The students raised the money through a bake sale they held before Christmas. Well
The district’s Education Committee visited the school in early January. The committee was given a
student-led tour of the school by students Amy Aoki, Braydon Overhill, and Mallory Bergum. Students
focused on the strengths of Columbia including its running and music programs, the Home Reading
program, and the Accelerated Reading program, as well as the school's goals of literacy, numeracy,
and social responsibility.
Winter finally arrived in January with a few flakes of snow. This is what winter is intended to be … lots
of fun.
Grade 5 students in Mr. Olsen's class have been studying a unit on geometry this term. The unit is
from a new series called "Math Makes Sense" which all students in the district are using. The program
focuses on developing student knowledge through exploration and hands-on activities. In the activity
shown here, students were asked to develop a variety of prism shapes/models using toothpicks and
plasticine. Judging by the expressions on the student faces below, as well their products, they seem to
have a fairly good understanding of the activity.
Congratulations to Special Event Ambassadors Kindree Clay, Amanda West, Lindsey Jenner, Madison
Wilms, Carly Edge, Tanisha pretty, Kendall Echison-Bone and Hannah Young for the fine job they did
of introducing the Bully Stoppers to the students at the January assembly. The girls made up and
prepared short skits to demonstrate how to avoid being bullied. They have also helped educate the
student body on effective ways to deal with bullies through announcements each day. These girls have
been most generous with their time and skills.
The Special Events Ambassadors have also helped to have every student in the school be able to say
what the school’s mission statement says and means to them. Students have been writing and drawing
about the school’s mission statement and the girls have been reading submissions over the
announcements in the mornings. Bulletin boards around the school display student’s interpretations of
the mission statement.
Well done Ambassadors!!
Penticton Vees “Read to
Succeed Program”
Corey Milan and Mike Towns
read to students.
The school has begun hosting parent information sessions dealing with assessment. The focus and
information is being received with great interest.
A number of professional meetings with staff have been organized to review the school growth plan and
review data. All teachers are attending and the thoughtful focus and dialogue is very engaging and well
worth the time.
The PAC is busy planning and raising funds to refurbish the playground.
A successful start was had to the second session of the One-to-One Reading program.
Family Literacy Day was celebrated with Buddy Reading, Pajama and Stuffie Day. What great readers
the school has!
The School Planning Council has met recently to discuss Kaleden’s focus and plans for improvement.
In an effort to raise funds for the Terry Fox Foundation to fight cancer, popular grade 8 teacher Mr.
Kevin Epp challenged the students that if they brought in $4000, he would get his head shaved. The
students took on that challenge and raised the money. On January 26th, KVR held an assembly for the
whole school to watch Mr. Epp get his long hair cut off. We are very proud of the accomplishments of
KVR to raise $4000 for cancer research and much of the credit should go to Mr. Lloyd Lindsay and his
grade 8 leadership classes.
Staff, students and families contributed to the “Adopt a Family Christmas Fund Raiser and through their
generosity raised $600.00 to support three adopted families. The school received a wonderful letter
from the Salvation Army congratulating them on their support. Special thanks to Mr. Kocsis and Ms.
Blakely, who organized the purchase of the hamper items in time for the holidays. This is a tremendous
example of school and community spirit.
Students Annaka Ramsay and Blair Anderson hold a
school thank you card for Red Rooster representatives,
ex-manager Walter Mayer and present estate manager
Blair Dufty. For the third consecutive year, Red Rooster
Winery donated money from their August Bohemian
Event to Naramata to target Fine Arts Events. This year
the cheque was for the sum of $3,009. This art money
donation has provided funding for such events as:
soapstone carving for two years, with each and
every student creating a soapstone carving;
three murals representing the past, present, and
future of Naramata, with artist Glen Clarke, where
each student was responsible for the painting of at
least one portion of the mural;
student art gallery for the past two years; and
supplies for our Fine Arts Program, including
Christmas and Spring Concerts
Parkway hosted a Family Literacy Day (January 27, 2006). A great number of parents, guardians,
grandparents and others came to school to read to, and be read to, by students ranging from
kindergarten to grade five. During the day students not only displayed their literacy skills but also
dressed in their favorite pajamas to give a relaxed atmosphere to the day. Parents and staff are very
proud of the gains made in reading by the student body.
Three grade two classes learned about the making of maple syrup and candy from an authentic maple
farmer. Students not only got to hear about the process but got to taste the end product. This was
some real learning through more than one modality (using multiple senses).
Some grade ones to threes were studying the use of worms to compost recycled waste. They held the
worms, inspected the compost containers and had a first hand view of how the RDOS program works.
Meanwhile the crack Parkway recycling team continued to collect and organize cans, boxes, paper and
library books for recycling.
Grade four students (and some of their parents) answered the 2006 Foundation Skills Satisfaction
Survey on line. The students expertly navigated the questionnaire and took time to understand and
think about their answers. Students showed a very responsible attitude about the survey.
Congratulations on another great production “The Mumberley Inheritance” by playwright Warren
Graves. Mrs. Heather Ayris and her drama cast and crew staged an incredible performance. It was an
evening of comedy, drama and intrigue.
Michael Beckett and Wes Hopkins have been chosen to be part of the team representing BC at the
upcoming National Debating Championships in Montreal. Mrs. Sharon Lindstrom has been chosen as
a coach/chaperone. Good luck!
Grade 12 student Amy Boultbee was recently chosen as the “young citizen of the year” by the Penticton
and Wine Country Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards ceremonies. Along with her
volunteer work, Amy is the current school president, a published author, an accomplished athlete and
musician, a former member of the 77th Youth Parliament of BC, a member of the school choir, a
lifeguard, a swim team coach and Special Olympics swim team volunteer. Congratulations, Amy!
Congratulations to the Family Studies classes for their fantastic effort with the Christmas Adopt a
Family program. The students put together a wonderful hamper that enabled a less fortunate family in
our community to have a happy Christmas. Good job everyone!
The Aboriginal Education Team put together a luncheon for parents, students and staff.
The grade 7’s and drama casts attended Penticton Secondary’s performance of the Mumberley
The school’s RCMP liaison Constable Jacqui White visited the school to discuss a program of regular
school and classroom visits.
Over seventy grade 6 and 7 students are currently involved in the boys’ and girls’ volleyball program.
Over forty grade 8 students are currently involved in the South Okanagan Basketball League and
Recreation play.
Grade 6 students will be counting their steps soon as they prepare for the “Step into Action Pedometer
Program”. Students will have access to a website to log their steps and will be tracking their steps from
Summerland to Vancouver and then on to Whistler.
At a recent regional meeting, the BCIT Co-ordinator indicated that he was extremely pleased with the
number of successful candidates in his program coming from Summerland Secondary School. The
latest success story was Bryce Yastremski.
Grade 4 and 5 students will be attending a movie and pizza party at the Pen-Mar Theatre for bringing in
plenty of donations for the Summerland Food Bank. The grade 4 and 5 class brought in 188 items
while the grade 4 class brought in 90 items. One student (T.J. Hudon) contributed 52 food items for the
drive. Well done students!!
Mrs. Kantz organized a Spell-a-thon with students studying 50-100 words. This is a very successful
school fundraiser and students are committing to memory many spelling words.
Twin Day was held January 20 as a school spirit day! Great fun!
The school celebrated Family Literacy Day on January 27 with a visit from the Penticton Public
Librarian, the Bijvoet Family reciting a Robbie Burns Poem, students and staff dressing up as their
favourite literary characters and the whole school participating in a reading train in the gym.
On January 30, two students participated in the school Spelling Bee led by Ms. Babiak. There are
incredible spellers at Uplands!
Highlights of a busy January included:
Friday morning K-4 dance and song session
Novice & Intermediate Guitar Club
Basketball Season – Grades 4 & 5
Ready, Set, Learn – 3 year olds visit
Grade 5 Cross Country Skiing
On January 19th, Wiltse School hosted a Citizenship Ceremony. Fifty-seven candidates from nineteen
countries received their citizenship at a wonderful ceremony. The gym was festooned with flags that
students had made. In addition, students entertained the new citizens with two songs – “Capitals of
Canada” and “Canada in My Pocket”.
Project Dear Canadian Soldier: On January 9th, Lieutenant
Jonathan Snyder from Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry 1st
Battalion stationed in Edmonton visited Mr. Biollo’s & Mr.
Redden’s/Mrs. Stewart’s classes. The students were shown a
powerpoint presentation which gave them information about the
Canadian Army and Lt. Snyder himself and his life growing up in
Penticton. The students also learned about Afghanistan and why the
Canadian soldiers were being deployed there. Everyone got a little
taste of “army training”, saluting and marching. Finally, the students
were asked to participate in a “Pen Pal” program. Letters have been
written and will be mailed shortly to soldiers overseas. It is hoped
these letters from home will brighten their day. The students are
anxiously awaiting their replies.
Ref: 05-06SUP/00300-01/Admin/Board of Trustees-General/Student Successes/ Success Stories 06Feb13