School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) RECOGNITION OF STUDENT/SCHOOL SUCCESS October 3, 2005 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends congratulations to the following students/groups for these outstanding examples of success: DISTRICT • Since the mid 1990’s the Penticton Fire Department has presented Safety Star awards recognizing individuals and organizations which have contributed significantly to fire and life safety in Penticton. Mayor David Perry and Fire Chief Mac Lockhart presented the 2005 Safety Star awards at a special luncheon. John Hickling received a Safety Star for being instrumental in ensuring SD67 is kept fire safe. The school district was also recognized for its support of fire safety education, including Fire Prevention Week activities and class visits to the Fire Safety House at Penticton Safety Village. • The Okanagan Skaha school district presented its annual $1,000 district scholarships to six 2005 grads excelling in one or more applied areas of study. Penticton Secondary recipients include Byron Atkinson, front (culinary arts) and back row from left, Ryan Watt (woodwork/drafting), Justin Hilditch (drafting), Britney Zelmer (fashion design) and Charlynne Guay of Summerland Secondary School (textiles/human services). Not able to attend was Luc Beauchamp (woodworking-technical) of Princess Margaret Secondary School. CARMI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • Visiting classes is such a joy when learning is happening, teachers are enthusiastic and smiles are on children’s faces. That is exactly what you find when visiting classrooms at Carmi. Many, many thanks and compliments go out to staff, students, PAC, and Carmi families for helping to make the start-up so successful. • Congratulations to all students for beginning the school year in such a positive manner. Many, many thanks to the grade 5 patrollers who were ready to work right from day one! Their enthusiasm, cooperation and hard work provide a positive example for others!! Students are already receiving CARMI CARES slips for demonstrating Cooperation, Achievement, Respect, Excellence and Safety. Way to go students!!! • We continue to honour our students during our weekly Monday assemblies with Student of the Week awards. Students receive these awards for exemplary citizenship, academic, athletic, and artistic endeavours, as well as notable improvement in work habits and social responsibility. We are very proud of our students’ accomplishments!! Pictures of students who receive Student of the Week are displayed on the bulletin board across from the library. • Soccer, Cross Country Running, and Action Schools are already underway at Carmi. Soccer practices for grades 3-5 students are on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 4:15. Many thanks go out to Mr. Gardner for being an awesome head coach and to Miss Mackenzie for volunteering to help out. Cross Country Running practices for grades 3-5 classes are on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays at 11:30 AM and Action Schools for all grades are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00 AM. • Carmi’s Open House was on Thursday, September 29th. We enjoyed a wonderful barbecue sponsored by PAC; parents/caregivers met their children’s teachers and visited classrooms. We also had the opportunity to listen to KVR’s very talented band lead by Derry Addison. Many thanks go out to our PAC, staff, student leaders, and KVR’s band!! • The Terry Fox Run and Assembly on Friday, Sept. 16th was a very successful and meaningful event. The school raised $226.02 for the fight against cancer! GIANT’S HEAD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • The Breakfast Club has started up and will remain open throughout the year on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays beginning at 8:00 AM. Mrs. Val Wright is again coordinating the club with the able assistance of parents, secondary students and senior volunteers from the community. All students are welcome at the club. A nutritious light breakfast is offered and the chance to connect with an adult. Giant’s Head appreciates the generous support of several community members and businesses. • Students and parents participating in the Terry Fox Run on Friday September 16 and donated $838.30 to cancer research. Thank you to Mrs. Xenis for again coordinating a successful run. KALEDEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • • The school’s open house and family pizza night was a big hit … and very well attended. The school participated in the Terry Fox Run. It was great fun and a sum of money was raised despite the rainy weather!! -2- McNICOLL PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL • A great job was done this year of organizing the 25th Annual Terry Fox Run. In addition to the run, there was a hot lunch BBQ for all participants and Vice-Principal Thomas Schimmer was taped to the wall with duct tape. All activities contributed to the $700.00 raised for the Canadian Cancer Society. A special thanks to Mr. Kocsis for running this successful event and to Mr. Schimmer for being such a good sport. Also, thanks to all the volunteers and students for their support. NARAMATA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • The 6th Annual Pancake Breakfast was a sizzzzling success the cool morning of Friday, September 16th. The Naramata Staff and seconded pancake flipper volunteers (i.e. Director of Instruction Garth Schafer and former Naramata Teacher Paul Kopf) served up a breakfast second to none. Numbers participating included 165 guests, a number which “inclined” this year, despite declining enrolment. Coffee served was sponsored by our own ‘Village Grounds’ Coffee House. Families sat and joined other families and got caught up with all the news. Staff enjoyed seeing former Naramata students. A great way to end the week and set the welcoming tone. PENTICTON SECONDARY SCHOOL • Penticton Secondary School has been short-listed by the Fraser Institute for the Garfield Weston Award for Excellence in Education. The school has been short listed in the category of "Fastest Improvement in Academics" in the five year period between 1999 and 2004. • The Pen High Peer Tutors Program is up and running with over 100 peer tutors working hard at Pen High facilitating instruction in classrooms by assisting their fellow students with their school work. They do an incredible job and are greatly appreciated by their sponsor teachers. • Stacey Cote was one of three Interior winners in an ICBC contest to discourage dangerous drivers. Stacey won second prize in the Why Die Before You’ve Lived road safety campaign sponsored by ICBC. Stacey took home a $500 Future Shop gift certificate. Well done. • Members of the Pen-Hi archery club found the target in recent provincial and national competitions. • Mynga Keller won a gold medal in the Canadian Ladies’ Masters field archery category, setting a new Canadian record in the division. She also won a silver medal in the Canadian 3D competition in the women’s masters division. • Clint Keller placed fourth in the Traditional Longbow division at the Canadian 3D competition. • In the junior ranks, a young trio performed well in their first season in archery. Alecia Duncan, competing in the cadet girls Olympic bow category, has made tremendous progress since taking up archery. She finished fifth at the annual Canadian Indoor Regional competition and was the top cadet girl in BC, just a few points away from a bronze medal. Alecia also won gold medals in cadet girls at the BC Archery Association Junior Championships, the BC Open Indoor Championships where she recorded a personal best indoor score and the BC Archery Association Outdoor Championships in Duncan, where she was first in both the target and field events. She was also the top scoring cadet girl at the BC junior outdoor championships. • Rebecca Macdonald placed in the top four in the junior girls’ Olympic bow category at the BC Junior Indoor Championships. She is also the top ranked junior girl in BC for the outdoor season, despite not being able to compete at the outdoor championships in Duncan. • Terry Calderbank, competing in the cadet boys Olympic bow category, won a silver medal at the BC Outdoor Championships. A first-year archer, he was competing against boys who had seven or eight years of shooting experience. Terry also finished fifth at the BCAA junior indoor championships and eighth in the Canadian regionals in March. -3- PRINCESS MARGARET SECONDARY SCHOOL • • • • Austin Selvig won an entrance scholarship to Carleton University for high marks in science. At the time of his application to Carleton, Austin had 95% in physics and 97% in chemistry. Austin plans to apply the $16,000 scholarship ($4,000 for each year) to a four-year engineering degree in aerospace engineering. He will have to maintain an A- standing each year to retain the scholarship. Well done Austin. Advance Placement courses are “up and running”. The pilot “No Zero Policy” for grade 9’s is in place. The Leadership students will be spearheading this year’s C.A.R.E. night. (C – Communication; A – Attitude and Attendance; R – Responsibility and Respect; E – Education) All students and parents are welcome to attend. Everyone will congregate for a welcome and introduction and then be split into three groups (grade 12’s, grade 10’s and 11’s, and grade 9’s). Each group will discuss grade relevant issues (i.e. grade 12’s – grad, grade 9’s, “No Zero Policy”, etc.). At the end of these groups meetings, teachers will be available to meet with parents/students. SUMMERLAND SECONDARY SCHOOL • • • • The school held the grand opening for its expanded automotive and metal shop. The original shop was built in 1970 and has undergone modifications and minor expansions over the years. Congratulations to Nick Cottrell, who received a tool box and tools from the Okanagan Rodtiques at the school’s awards ceremonies in June. The club presents two tool boxes each year (one to a Summerland student and one to a Penticton student) and has done so for three years as a way of showing thanks for the community’s support of the Blossom Run. The total package is worth close to $1,000. Over forty grade 9/10 students and fifteen Senior Leadership students will be participating in our annual Unity Conference being held at the Naramata Center on October 19/20. This is a youth leadership conference sponsored by the local Rotary Club and SADI (third year running). Over forty Biology 11 students have just returned from their week long marine biology field trip to Bamfield sponsored by Gord Northcote and Marty Godsmark. All of our participants enjoyed five fantastic days of west coast sunny weather (absolutely no rain). QUEEN’S PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • • The Terry Fox Run was very successful with full school participation. The Open House is scheduled for Sept. 29 between 5:00 and 7:00pm. This is always a popular and well attended evening as Mrs. Lichty, the meals coordinator, provides a wonderful meal. SKAHA LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL • • • • • • • • • • • A school-wide Spirit Day activity was held on the afternoon of September 9th. It was a great success. A grade 8 Pancake Breakfast was held on September 14th. The school raised $349.00 for cancer research at the Terry Fox Run. A Parent Teacher Night was held on September 29th. Students can attend an Open Gym every morning prior to school. The Cross Country Team up and running. The Rugby Team is up and running. Grade 7 and 8 girls’ have been coming out for field hockey practice. Superhoops began for all grade 7 and 8 boys. Many students have come together for a choir under the direction of Ms. Grant. The Jazz band has started practices. -4- SUMMERLAND MIDDLE SCHOOL • Terry Fox Run 2005 – the school is currently completing a "school wide read" of the novel "Run" by Canadian author Eric Walters. The novel is a story of Terry Fox's run. The book is factual, as the author spent a great deal of time researching with the Fox family and Doug Alward (Terry's best friend who drove him across Canada) to ensure the book was factual. There is also a character in the story who is not factual, but one whom the students relate with as he is a grade 8 boy who has had difficulties in school and has been suspended and ends up going with his father, a newspaper reporter, to cover the story of Terry's run. The school wide read also has involved students making connections to heroes, goal setting and contacting in person Doug Alward (who is a friend of Mrs. Hicks) and the Fox family (friends of Mme Haddow's family). The school has also been in contact with The Terry Fox Foundation and Darryl Fox and they are thrilled to hear of the school's initiative (the only one in Canada that they are aware of). The school's annual Terry Fox Run has always been a key focus for the school, but this year, under the leadership of Mr. Neil McPhedran, it was even more so. The school wide run involved dignitaries from the community, the police, and the fire chief (complete with the truck). Students raised $1000.00, and as a result some staff "stepped up to the plate" and had their hair cut (rather short) in front of the whole school. The spirit continues as we now finish the novel and continue our school wide theme of "Heroes". • Live TV at Summerland Middle ("SMS NEWS") – Summerland Middle School has a new way of delivering their morning announcements ...... Summerland Live TV!! Each morning students are responsible for delivering the morning announcements and news, with students viewing the report on their classroom TV's. Students have signed up for various jobs including Broadcasters: News, Sports and Weather, Techs: running computers, sound systems, live cameras, News Reporters: filming and collecting news "as it happens" (live games, assemblies, individual interviews, good news reports), Photographers and Cameras: taking live shots, editing film and creating power points. The new venture has been very successful in involving students in a leadership role and creating our school spirit and culture. We would like to thank the district Techs and especially Jay Buck for his support in getting "SMS NEWS" up and running! Also, thank you to teachers Holly Colquhoun and Traci Steves for their involvement and guidance with our students! • Team Building as Summerland Middle - On Friday, September 23rd ALL students were "missing from the building" as they traveled to various locations to take part in various "Team Building" activities. Grade 8's went to Sunoka Beach and took part in scavenger hunts, games, and sand castle building contests; Grade 7's went to Camp Boyle and their focus was working as teams to solve various problems and complete various challenges; and the Grade 6's were at Powell Beach taking part in team sports events, sandcastle building contests and scavenger hunts. A great day was had by all, including the MANY parents who volunteered to assist students and staff and cook and serve to the many hungry students. TROUT CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • • • • • • The history of the Kettle Valley Railway chugged its way into classrooms for the first week of school. Students studied the KVR all week including the exploration of the KVR steam engine and a school hike along the rail bed. Great participation in Terry Fox Run by students, staff and parents. There was a presentation of grade 4/5 skits highlighting the school logo of "We learn, we care, we cooperate”. Tremendous social responsibility was shown by the grades 3/4/5 students who signed up for a wide variety of monitor jobs. A school wide running program is in full swing. Students run every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:20 AM. The grade 4/5 students have commenced practice for the Cross Country Running Club. -5- UPLANDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • • • • • • • Thank you to all of the families who donated to the Terry Fox Foundation and to the students, staff and parents who participated in the Terry Fox Run. The school raised $446.52 for the Terry Fox Foundation. Well done, everyone! The Used Book and Toy Sale raised $700.00 for the Red Cross to help with Hurricane Katrina Relief efforts. Thank you for your support with this cause. A very successful Open House was held (about 90% attendance by families...INCREDIBLE!) and the PAC hosted over 400 people for a spaghetti dinner. All Primary classes are running three times a week for 20 minutes. Over fifty grade 3, 4, and 5 cross country runners are running a 1.6, 2.6 or 3.6 km route three times a week. Several parents are also volunteering by running with students. Many wonderful art displays are up for all to enjoy. Monday morning weekly assemblies are going very well. WEST BENCH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • • • • Monday morning assemblies have started and we were pleased to recognize Maia McDonald and new student Emma Duske for their early in the year successes. Everyone has enjoyed the Run for Fun mornings (11:40 – 12:00 Monday, Wednesday and Fridays). All West Bench students and staff ran for Terry Fox on Friday, September 23rd. (The monies are being counted and the coins are being rolled. A good donation will be sent to the Terry Fox Run Foundation). Soccer practice has started (Tuesday and Thursday at 12:15) and games have been scheduled for October. Ref: 05-06SUP/00300-01/Admin/Board of Trustees-General/Student Successes/ Success Stories 05Oct03 -6-