School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
September 13, 2010
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends congratulations to the following students/groups for these
outstanding examples of success:
The district was pleased to announce the names of the recipients of the 28 Dogwood District Authority
Awards (formerly called the District Scholarship Awards) for 2009/10. Dogwood District Authority
Award Scholarships are provided by the Ministry of Education for presentation to graduates excelling in
one of more applied area(s) of study. Selection of the Dogwood District Scholarship winners is carried
out by local District Scholarship Committees within provincial guidelines.
Candidates for the Dogwood District Authority Award Scholarships come from a wide range of areas of
study including fine and performing arts, home economics, industrial education/technology, business
education, physical education, career prep programs and secondary school apprenticeship.
Winners receive a $1000.00 scholarship. A cheque for $500.00 will be issued directly by the Ministry to
each student in October. Dogwood District Scholarship certificates and vouchers will also be issued
directly from the Ministry. Students should receive their scholarship packages in November/December.
The Ministry will issue a balance of $500.00 directly to the student when the voucher, validated by an
approved post-secondary institution, is submitted to the Ministry of Education.
All the recipients are to be congratulated on their excellent achievement in these applied areas:
Penticton Secondary School
Sydney Brosseuk
John MacLeod
Tayler Thompson
Lucas Braithwaite
John D’Aoust
Marco Carboni
Colette Clark
Larissa Russell
Kalvin Clarke
Kadejha Johnson
Curtis Kaulback
Emily Lillian Cook
Chloe Richardson
Rylan Kinnin
Emma Knudsen
Cameron Reigh
Princess Margaret Secondary School
Courtney Olfert
Olivia Bordin
Samantha Whiffen
James Eden
Samantha McCall
Summerland Secondary School
Jan Bitara
Coulson Boothe
Rebecca Fafard
Johanna Krieger
Danelle Schiele
Shelby Cowie
Carmen McDowell
The 5 C’s Assembly in June took place at Columbia Elementary:
The 5 C’s assembly was held on the last Monday of each month. Students were recognized
for demonstrating Cooperation, Commitment to learning, Courtesy, Consideration and
Common sense. Students recognized in June were:
Amanda Spears
Aiden Canada
Chloe Ricketts
Michael Newmark
As well students were recognized for becoming members of the ‘100 point Club’ for
Accelerated Reading.
A very special thank you to the Smith Family, who generously gave one free ‘screamer’
coupon to every Columbia student, redeemable at the Duncan Grocery. What a yummy way
to celebrate the end of the year!
Columbia Elementary held a Volunteer Appreciation Tea in June:
Columbia staff and students celebrated a wonderful year by honouring the many volunteers
who have helped make the school such a wonderful place to work and learn. The event took
place on Thursday, June 10th in the gym. Primary classes entertained, yummy treats were
supplied, coffee and tea was served for all to enjoy!
Annual Run-A-Thon
When Columbia School held their annual run-a-thon in
May, teacher Judy Schneider added a small but
significant change to the format. “Water” has been the
schoolwide theme since September, and one activity
that students had been involved in was the raising of
funds to build a well in India. This goal was realized in
the Spring, when the school received word that a well
had been dug in the village of Ravulapadu, in India. An
idea was then formed to help students understand the
importance of the well to the villagers, and how the
school’s gift could change their lives. For the run-a-thon,
students were asked to carry large containers of water
for four kilometres (the approximate distance that
villagers needed to go in order to get clean water before
the well was built). Traditionally, the run-a-thon has
raised funds towards a scholarship in Rob MacIntosh’s
name (Columbia’s former principal), to support two
foster children from Sri Lanka, but this year funds will
also pay for over half the costs of an additional well in
India. The students are learning firsthand that “…you really can change the world if you
care enough.” (Marion Write Edelman)
Grade 4 and 5 Students Travel to Camp Boyle
In June the grade 4 and 5 students travelled to Camp Boyle to culminate a successful year.
Students learned how to make a shelter, a fire, orienteering, archery, and how to cook over an
open fire. Students were led through a series of hands-on activities with the skilled leaders at
Camp. In the evenings, the kids (and adults) entertained each other with skits around the
campfire. What a great way to end the school year!
All of the grade 4 and 5 students went to the Pow Wow at Princess Margaret. They all had a
great time!
Parkway held three school wide runs in June and the house team points continue to build up.
Three of the primary classes went to the Safety Village. All students learned a lot and had a
wonderful time.
The month-end assembly was once again run by two grade 5 students and the guests
included Julia Cox from the public library and the Concert and Jazz bands from Skaha Lake
Middle School. Everyone who attended really enjoyed it.
During the last week of June – on Wednesday, the staff and students enjoyed ‘Wear Your
Favorite Team Jersey to School” day. The variety of jerseys worn was quite amazing.
At the last PAC meeting of the year the new executive was elected. Congratulations to the
new members and a huge thank you went to Terri Wood for a great year as the PAC
The last Family Fun night was on June 16th at Parkway. Everyone really had a good time.
Many thanks to all the parents that agreed to volunteer for that wonderful event!
District Scholarship Winners The following students received $1000. scholarships based on their accomplishments in the following areas: Jan Bitara – Music (Piano) Coulson Boothe – Athletics (Karate) Shelby Cowie – Fine Arts (Photography and Sculpture) Rebecca Fafard – Textiles (Fashion Design) Johanna Krieger – Textiles (Fashion Design) Carmen McDowell – Music (Trombone) Danelle Schiele – Fine Arts (Musical Theatre) Two students who were awarded Provincial Scholarships of $1000….. Stephen Manders and Matt Numsen The Governor Generals Academic Bronze Medal Award Winner... Matt Numsen Congratulations for a job well done! UPLANDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
The 2009/2010 school year went by much too fast! It was filled with many rewarding experiences, challenges, fun events and most importantly our students’ learning. Everyone could see the fruition of hard work as students completed their current grade and moved on to the next. The staff at Uplands is so very proud of the students’ accomplishments, achievement and growth! Special recognition goes out to the grade 5 students who have moved on to Middle School. Many thanks to the grade 5 students for their leadership, citizenship and for setting such a positive example for the younger students. Mrs. Salting led a memorable grade 5 guitar and singing performance at the “Grade 5 Farewell Ceremony”on June 28th. This was followed by the presentation of certificates/awards, Snapshots of Uplands farewell poem written/presented by Mrs. Johnston, Powerpoint and a delicious lunch at the Penticton Lakeside organized by grade 5 teachers, Mrs. Kantz and Ms. Porteous. Many thanks go out to the caring families, dedicated staff, district and community for providing exciting educational experiences and opportunities for the students. Working together helps to build the foundation for the children’s future and makes such a positive difference in their lives! CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING, TRACK AND FIELD We had a very successful cross‐country running and track season. Congratulations to all of the participants! The cross‐country runners were recognized at the May 31st assembly. Many of the students placed in the top ten and achieved their personal best. We especially thank the running coaches, Mrs. Kantz and Mrs. Hancock. The students also excelled at the Track and Field Meet on June 2nd and demonstrated positive sportsmanship throughout the day. PENNIES FOR PATIENTS Uplands collected coins from May 31 to June 9th in support of the Luekemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada. The Society supports people who have cancers of the blood. Thank you to all students and their families for supporting the penny drive for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada. A total of $426.02 was raised by Uplands. Many thanks go out to educational assistant, Mrs. Stewart and grade 5 student, Harrison Whelen for promoting the campaign. Thank‐you to all who donated! VOLUNTEER TEA We are so thankful for all of the dedicated volunteers at Uplands’ School. Their hard work has made it possible for the students to enjoy so many valuable educational experiences and the fundraising has put Uplands Elementary technologically leading in the District. We are so grateful for the volunteers and words cannot express how we appreciate their talents, time, caring ways and commitment. A Volunteer Tea was held on June 22nd to honour the volunteers. Students performed, tea/goodies were served by the wonderful grade 5 student leaders and an enjoyable time was had by all! HEALTH FAIR Divisions 1‐4 had the opportunity to take part in an informative and engaging Health Fair on the morning of June 4th. Many thanks to student leaders from McNicoll Park Middle School, parent volunteers, community partners and a special thank‐you to Michou Szabo from “Hearts @ School” for working together to coordinate it. PAC BBQ Many thanks to all the volunteers, staff, families, students and sponsors who contributed to the success of the barbeque on June 16th. A variety of fun stations were set up in the gym and outside and parent class representatives raffled off beautiful baskets filled with all sorts of items for children and families to enjoy. FUN DAY June 24 was also so much fun for the students with all sorts of activities to try out! Many thanks once again to the staff and volunteers.