6 + 0 ÷ 6 × 2 + 1 equals

ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Maths
6 + 0 ÷ 6 × 2 + 1 equals
(A) 18
(B) 7
(C) 3
(D) 0
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
Which of these sentences has no mistake?
(A) Does she know that the mehtas live
in swastik society.
(C) Does she know that the Mehtas live
in Swastik Society?
(B) Does she know that the mehtas live
in Swastik society
(D) Does she know that the Mehtas live
in swastik society?
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Maths
What is the area of the shaded part of the square?
(A) 2a2 - ab
(B) 4a - ab
(C) 4a2 - ab
(D) 2a2 + ab
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
Which of these words will take the second place if they are arranged alphabetically?
(A) radio
(C) radical
(B) radish
(D) radiant
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Maths
Raj has two identical jugs, both completely filled with mixtures of mango pulp and milk. The ratio of
mango pulp to milk in the first jug is 1 : 4 and in the second one it is 1: 3.
Raj now pours the mixtures from both jugs into a large jar. The ratio of mango pulp to milk in this
container is
(A) 9:31
(B) 7:12
(C) 2:7
(D) 1:7
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | English
''I climbed into the palanquin. It began to move unbidden, its destination unknown. In the silent
darkness my pulses attuned themselves to the rhythmic shouts of the bearers.''
What is the mood suggested by the lines given above?
(A) Terror
(C) Sadness
(B) Mystery
(D) Ecstasy
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Science
Which of these is OPAQUE?
(A) Cooking oil
(B) A mirror
(C) Spectacles
(D) River water
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
6 + 0 ÷ 6 × 2 + 1 equals
(A) 18
(C) 3
(B) 7
(D) 0
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Science
Matter may be classified as elements, compounds, or mixtures. Which of the following lists
includes only mixtures?
(A) dry ice, alcohol, brass
(B) sea water, milk, air
(C) copper, gasoline, bread
(D) paint, blood, mercury
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
Raj has two identical jugs, both completely filled with mixtures of mango pulp and milk. The ratio of
mango pulp to milk in the first jug is 1 : 4 and in the second one it is 1: 3.
Raj now pours the mixtures from both jugs into a large jar. The ratio of mango pulp to milk in this
container is
(A) 9:31
(C) 2:7
(B) 7:12
(D) 1:7
Correct Answer : A
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Science
3 ice cubes of similar shape and size were kept on three different surfaces - glass, copper and
concrete. The first to completely melt was the cube on the copper surface, while the one on the
glass surface melted last. Arrange Copper, Glass and Concrete from WORST heat conductor to
(A) copper, glass, concrete
(B) glass, concrete, copper
(C) copper, concrete, glass
(D) concrete, copper, glass
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
If x is reduced by 25%, the result will be:
(A) 0.25x
(C) 0.75x
(B) 25x
(D) 75x
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Maths
In which number line does the pointer show a number between -2 and -3?
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
3 ice cubes of similar shape and size were kept on three different surfaces - glass, copper and
concrete. The first to completely melt was the cube on the copper surface, while the one on the
glass surface melted last. Arrange Copper, Glass and Concrete from WORST heat conductor to
(A) copper, glass, concrete
(C) copper, concrete, glass
Correct Answer : B
(B) glass, concrete, copper
(D) concrete, copper, glass
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Science
Three identical beakers have 80 ml of water, 50 ml of water and 50ml of ICE as shown below.
The water in the first 2 beakers is initially at the same temperature.
If all three beakers are heated in a similar way for five minutes, in which beaker will the RISE IN
(A) Beaker containing 80ml of water
(B) Beaker containing 50ml of water
(C) Beaker containing 50ml of ice
(D) The RISE in temperature will be identical in the three beakers.
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
What is the area of the shaded part of the square?
(A) 2a2 - ab
(C) 4a2 - ab
Correct Answer : C
(B) 4a - ab
(D) 2a2 + ab
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Maths
The numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, ….are called whole numbers.
Which whole number is closest to the number shown by the pointer?
(A) 10
(B) 12
(C) 13
(D) 14
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
Which of these is OPAQUE?
(A) Cooking oil
(C) Spectacles
(B) A mirror
(D) River water
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Science
Look at the animals shown below. What is common to all of them?
(A) They are all herbivores.
(B) They are all carnivores.
(C) They all give birth to young ones.
(D) They are all small in size.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
The numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, ….are called whole numbers.
Which whole number is closest to the number shown by the pointer?
(A) 10
(C) 13
(B) 12
(D) 14
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Maths
Which of the following could represent the lengths of the sides of the triangle shown below?
(A) 6 units, 8 units, 12 units
(B) 4 units, 6 units, 5 units
(C) 15 units, 9 units, 12 units
(D) 10 units, 8 units, 4 units
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
Matter may be classified as elements, compounds, or mixtures. Which of the following lists
includes only mixtures?
(A) dry ice, alcohol, brass
(C) copper, gasoline, bread
(B) sea water, milk, air
(D) paint, blood, mercury
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Maths
What is 7799 ÷ 19?
(A) Quotient = 41, Remainder = 0
(B) Quotient = 41, Remainder = 9
(C) Quotient = 41.4, Remainder = 14
(D) Quotient = 410, Remainder = 9
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
Three identical beakers have 80 ml of water, 50 ml of water and 50ml of ICE as shown below.
The water in the first 2 beakers is initially at the same temperature.
If all three beakers are heated in a similar way for five minutes, in which beaker will the RISE IN
(A) Beaker containing 80ml of
(B) Beaker containing 50ml of water
(C) Beaker containing 50ml (D) The RISE in temperature will be identical in the
of ice
three beakers.
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Science
The volume of this irregular rock needs to be determined.
Sanyal has a scale, a calculator, a piece of string, a measuring cylinder and an electronic weighing
machine. Which of the combinations shown here should he use?
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
What is 7799 ÷ 19?
(A) Quotient = 41, Remainder = 0
(C) Quotient = 41.4, Remainder = 14
(B) Quotient = 41, Remainder = 9
(D) Quotient = 410, Remainder = 9
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Science
Which of these items of daily use does NOT come from living things?
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
In which number line does the pointer show a number between -2 and -3?
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Social Studies
These images portray stereotypes of people who are not white-skinned. Non-white people have
been portrayed here in a way that shows them as being less important than whites. Observe the
images carefully. How has the artist shown them as being less important? They are all
(A) depicted as being ignorant
(B) holding something in the images
(C) used as advertisements for products
(D) shown as dutiful and in a lower position
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Which of these items of daily use does NOT come from living things?
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Science
The fire shown below started in a factory due to a leaking petroleum product. Where should the
stream from the fire extinguisher be directed?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
Which of the following could represent the lengths of the sides of the triangle shown below?
(A) 6 units, 8 units, 12 units
(C) 15 units, 9 units, 12 units
(B) 4 units, 6 units, 5 units
(D) 10 units, 8 units, 4 units
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Social Studies
Shown here are some monuments. Look at them carefully.
What is common to all these monuments?
(A) They were built as places of worship.
(B) The style of architecture is Egyptian.
(C) They were built by followers of Islam.
(D) They are also locations of tombs.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
Look at the animals shown below. What is common to all of them?
(A) They are all herbivores.
(C) They all give birth to young ones.
(B) They are all carnivores.
(D) They are all small in size.
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Social Studies
Which of the following food types represents a blend of Indian and Persian cuisines?
(A) Udupi
(B) Mughlai
(C) Assamese
(D) Goan
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
The volume of this irregular rock needs to be determined.
Sanyal has a scale, a calculator, a piece of string, a measuring cylinder and an electronic weighing
machine. Which of the combinations shown here should he use?
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | English
There were so many mistakes in my report that I had to start from scratch!
What does ''to start from scratch'' mean as used in the sentence above?
(A) to start cutting out errors
(B) to correct all the mistakes
(C) to rewrite the untidy parts
(D) to redo something completely
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
Shown here are some monuments. Look at them carefully.
What is common to all these monuments?
(A) They were built as places of worship. (B) The style of architecture is Egyptian.
(C) They were built by followers of Islam. (D) They are also locations of tombs.
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | English
Choose the correct expression to complete the sentence meaningfully.
If someone behaves like a bull in a china shop, it means that
(A) he deals with difficult situations.
(B) he is accused wrongly.
(C) he is very careless or clumsy.
(D) he is indifferent to things.
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
Which of the following food types represents a blend of Indian and Persian cuisines?
(A) Udupi
(C) Assamese
(B) Mughlai
(D) Goan
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | English
Each option is a part of a sentence. The sentence can be read in the order of the options, A-B-CD.
Which option has an error in the sentence formed?
(A) The english scientist
(B) Thomas Young set up
(C) an experiment to diffract
(D) light through a slit.
Saturday's Question | Class 9 | Social Studies
Which of the following classical dances of India has been named after a place where it has
traditionally been performed?
(A) Kathak
(C) Mohiniattam
(B) Kathakali
(D) Kuchipudi
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Social Studies
Which of the following classical dances of India has been named after a place where it has
traditionally been performed?
(A) Kathak
(B) Kathakali
(C) Mohiniattam
(D) Kuchipudi
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
The fire shown below started in a factory due to a leaking petroleum product. Where should the
stream from the fire extinguisher be directed?
(A) A
(C) C
(B) B
(D) D
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | English
Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly?
(A) The students bags appeared to be filled with much more than was needed.
(B) If you'r friend had come earlier I would have introduced him to my boss.
(C) Ramesh's insect collection includes ten grasshoppers, eight moths and fifty beetles.
(D) The power failure occurred at exactly 2:20 am, and lasted for almost four hours'.
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
These images portray stereotypes of people who are not white-skinned. Non-white people have
been portrayed here in a way that shows them as being less important than whites. Observe the
images carefully. How has the artist shown them as being less important? They are all
(A) depicted as being ignorant
(B) holding something in the images
(C) used as advertisements for
(D) shown as dutiful and in a lower
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Maths
One thousandth part of 60 is
(A) 0.006
(B) 0.60
(C) 6.00
(D) 0.06
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
There were so many mistakes in my report that I had to start from scratch!
What does ''to start from scratch'' mean as used in the sentence above?
(A) to start cutting out errors
(C) to rewrite the untidy parts
(B) to correct all the mistakes
(D) to redo something completely
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Maths
The sum of two numbers is -6. 5 and their difference is 4. 5. What are the numbers?
(A) -1. 25 and -5. 25
(B) 1. 25 and -5. 25
(C) -1 and -5. 5
(D) 1 and -7. 5
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
Choose the correct expression to complete the sentence meaningfully.
If someone behaves like a bull in a china shop, it means that
(A) he deals with difficult situations.
(C) he is very careless or clumsy.
(B) he is accused wrongly.
(D) he is indifferent to things.
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Maths
What is the ratio of the SHADED squares to the UNSHADED squares in the figure shown below?
(A) 09:28
(B) 02:07
(C) 02:05
(D) 07:02
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly?
(A) The students bags appeared to be
filled with much more than was needed.
(C) Ramesh's insect collection includes ten
grasshoppers, eight moths and fifty
(B) If you'r friend had come earlier I
would have introduced him to my boss.
(D) The power failure occurred at
exactly 2:20 am, and lasted for almost
four hours'.
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Maths
Which of the following is the best approximation for the value of 541 ÷ (0.098)2 ?
(Hint: You need not actually calculate.)
(A) 50
(B) 5
(C) 5500
(D) 55000
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | English
Each option is a part of a sentence. The sentence can be read in the order of the options, A-B-CD.
Which option has an error in the sentence formed?
(A) The english scientist
(C) an experiment to diffract
(B) Thomas Young set up
(D) light through a slit.
Correct Answer : A
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Science
Compounds are substances in which the constituent elements always combine in a specific ratio.
Which of these substances is NOT a compound?
(A) sulphur dioxide
(B) water
(C) air
(D) table salt
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
What is the ratio of the SHADED squares to the UNSHADED squares in the figure shown below?
(A) 09:28
(C) 02:05
(B) 02:07
(D) 07:02
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Science
Bhoomi looked up at the night sky for 30 minutes. She saw something moving slowly in the sky. At
the end of 30 minutes, she could still see this object, but its position had changed. Which of the
following could it be?
1. a shooting star
2. a satellite
3. the Moon
4. a cloud
(A) only 1
(B) only 2 or 4
(C) only 2, 3 or 4
(D) all - 1, 2, 3 and 4
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
One thousandth part of 60 is
(A) 0.006
(C) 6.00
(B) 0.60
(D) 0.06
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Science
The figure here shows the position of a runner at one-second intervals as he moves from left to
right. Which of the following graphs will BEST represent the motion of the runner in the figure?
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
Which of the following is the best approximation for the value of 541 ÷ (0.098)2 ?
(Hint: You need not actually calculate.)
(A) 50
(C) 5500
(B) 5
(D) 55000
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Science
Which of these organs is NOT a part of our digestive system?
(A) endocrine glands
(B) salivary glands
(C) oesophagus
(D) liver
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
The sum of two numbers is -6. 5 and their difference is 4. 5. What are the numbers?
(A) -1. 25 and -5. 25
(C) -1 and -5. 5
(B) 1. 25 and -5. 25
(D) 1 and -7. 5
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Maths
654312 and 76536 are both divisible by 8. Which of the following might NOT be divisible by 8?
(A) 654312 + 76536
(B) 654312 -- 76536
(C) 654312 x 76536
(D) 654312 ÷ 76536
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
Bhoomi looked up at the night sky for 30 minutes. She saw something moving slowly in the sky. At
the end of 30 minutes, she could still see this object, but its position had changed. Which of the
following could it be?
1. a shooting star
2. a satellite
3. the Moon
4. a cloud
(A) only 1
(C) only 2, 3 or 4
(B) only 2 or 4
(D) all - 1, 2, 3 and 4
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Maths
A small cube is cut off from a larger cube as shown below.
(A) the volume
(B) the total surface area
(C) the number of edges
(D) The number of corners
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
Which of these organs is NOT a part of our digestive system?
(A) endocrine glands
(C) oesophagus
(B) salivary glands
(D) liver
Correct Answer : A
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Maths
Which of these equations has 0 as the solution?
(A) x + 4 = 7 - x
(B) 7x = 7
(C) 2x + 3 = x - 3
(D) 2x + 1 = 1 + 3x
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Compounds are substances in which the constituent elements always combine in a specific ratio.
Which of these substances is NOT a compound?
(A) sulphur dioxide
(C) air
(B) water
(D) table salt
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Maths
If the piece of paper shown above is folded up along the dotted lines, what will the cube formed
look like?
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
The figure here shows the position of a runner at one-second intervals as he moves from left to
right. Which of the following graphs will BEST represent the motion of the runner in the figure?
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Science
Which of these is a chemical reaction?
(A) Breaking a piece of chalk.
(B) Dissolving sugar in water.
(C) Slicing a piece of cork.
(D) Rusting of iron.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
654312 and 76536 are both divisible by 8. Which of the following might NOT be divisible by 8?
(A) 654312 + 76536
(C) 654312 x 76536
(B) 654312 -- 76536
(D) 654312 ÷ 76536
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Science
Shown alongside is a pendulum clock. What are the different types of motion that you would
observe in such a clock?
(A) rectilinear motion and circular motion
(B) circular motion and oscillatory motion
(C) oscillatory motion and rectilinear motion
(D) rectilinear, oscillatory and circular motion
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
Which of these equations has 0 as the solution?
(A) x + 4 = 7 - x
(C) 2x + 3 = x - 3
(B) 7x = 7
(D) 2x + 1 = 1 + 3x
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Science
''Farm Fresh'' shop in Kolkata advertises that they sell vegetables grown through organic farming
methods. What is likely to be special about such vegetables?
(A) They are available at much cheaper prices.
(B) They remain fresh for longer periods of time.
(C) They are genetically modified for better taste.
(D) They are grown without chemical fertilizers.
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
If the piece of paper shown above is folded up along the dotted lines, what will the cube formed
look like?
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Science
The direction of smoke from a moving train is as shown in the figure (top view).
Which of these could be the direction of the wind?
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
A small cube is cut off from a larger cube as shown below.
(A) the volume
(C) the number of edges
(B) the total surface area
(D) The number of corners
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Social Studies
The International Red Cross Movement has societies in nearly every country in the world. In India,
it is called the Indian Red Cross Society. What kind of service is provided by the Indian Red Cross
(A) animal health care
(B) life insurance services
(C) financial aid for the poor
(D) emergency medical services
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
Which of these is a chemical reaction?
(A) Breaking a piece of chalk.
(C) Slicing a piece of cork.
(B) Dissolving sugar in water.
(D) Rusting of iron.
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Social Studies
The life of which of these historical figures would provide information about a civilization that
existed around the same time as the Harappa Period in India?
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Shown alongside is a pendulum clock. What are the different types of motion that you would
observe in such a clock?
(A) rectilinear motion and circular motion (B) circular motion and oscillatory motion
(C) oscillatory motion and rectilinear
(D) rectilinear, oscillatory and circular
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Social Studies
Shown below are four gates from four historical buildings. Identify the one showing a fusion of
Islamic and Hindu art and architectural elements.
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
The direction of smoke from a moving train is as shown in the figure (top view).
Which of these could be the direction of the wind?
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Social Studies
The tourism department of which state of India would use the following images?
(A) Orissa
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Uttar Pradesh
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
''Farm Fresh'' shop in Kolkata advertises that they sell vegetables grown through organic farming
methods. What is likely to be special about such vegetables?
(A) They are available at much cheaper
(C) They are genetically modified for
better taste.
(B) They remain fresh for longer periods
of time.
(D) They are grown without chemical
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | English
Which of these sentences HAS a GRAMMATICAL ERROR?
(A) There are many children's parks in our city.
(B) The number of buses on the road are high.
(C) We cross the road only at the zebra crossing.
(D) People like to buy clothes that are fashionable.
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
The International Red Cross Movement has societies in nearly every country in the world. In India,
it is called the Indian Red Cross Society. What kind of service is provided by the Indian Red Cross
(A) animal health care
(C) financial aid for the poor
(B) life insurance services
(D) emergency medical services
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | English
My friend was in search of some reasonable _____________.
(A) acomodation
(B) accommodation
(C) accomodation
(D) ackomodation
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
Shown below are four gates from four historical buildings. Identify the one showing a fusion of
Islamic and Hindu art and architectural elements.
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | English
What is the Tense and Voice of the headline given below?
Notorious Burglar Held, 33 Cases Solved
(A) Simple Present, Active Voice
(B) Simple Past, Active Voice
(C) Present Perfect, Passive Voice
(D) Present Perfect, Active Voice
Saturday's Question | Class 9 | Social Studies
The tourism department of which state of India would use the following images?
(A) Orissa
(C) Madhya Pradesh
Correct Answer : C
(B) Maharashtra
(D) Uttar Pradesh
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | English
Choose the BEST punctuation for this sentence.
(A) He exclaimed and said ''what a lovely day it was?''
(B) He exclaimed and said, ''What a lovely day it was!''
(C) ''He exclaimed and said what a lovely day it was.''
(D) He exclaimed and said, ''what a lovely day it was!''
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
The life of which of these historical figures would provide information about a civilization that
existed around the same time as the Harappa Period in India?
Correct Answer : A