Shown here is a road safety ad for people on... A. It is dangerous to ride your bike too fast.

Class 6 | Social Studies
Shown here is a road safety ad for people on vehicles. What is it trying to say?
A. It is dangerous to ride your bike too fast.
B. Fasten your seatbelt before you start to drive.
C. Always wear your seatbelt when you are driving.
D. It is dangerous to leave your helmet buckle undone.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
The pictures show a light bulb connected to a battery. The bulb(s) in which arrangement will light?
A. All will light
C. Only P will light
B. Only P and R will light
D. EITHER P or R will light
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | Social Studies
Which one of the following is an issue that an MLA would be able to discuss in the Legislative
Assembly and help solve?
A. a nuclear cooperation pact between India and Mongolia
B. reduce the customs duty on sugar due to rising prices
C. decide on adding new rail networks and changing train schedules
D. make changes to sewerage facilities in areas where it is not accessible
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
When Sanya called her mother from her friend Seemas place, she heard short beeps about 30
seconds after she had started her conversation. These beeps most probably indicate that:
A. her call is about to be cut.
B. the telephone instrument is faulty.
C. somebody is calling Seemas phone. D. there is a cross-connection in the line.
Correct Answer : C
Class 9 | Social Studies
In recent years, the severe desertification of West Asia has been an environmental issue of
concern. Of the following causes of desertification of this region, which one is NOT necessarily a
result of thoughtless human actions?
A. over-grazing
B. reduction of forest cover
C. advancing of sand dunes
D. over-use of water for irrigation
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
A ray of white light is passed through two filters - a Cyan Filter and a Magenta Filter. (A cyan filter
is one which allows only cyan coloured light to pass through) Also,
White = Red + Green + Blue
Cyan = Green + Blue
Magenta = Red + Blue
Which colour light will be seen by the observer?
A. green
C. yellow
B. blue
D. black: no light is seen
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | English
What do you call a group of bananas?
A. a clutch of bananas
B. a group of bananas
C. a bunch of bananas
D. a clump of bananas
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
Shown here is a road safety ad for people on vehicles. What is it trying to say?
A. It is dangerous to ride your bike too
C. Always wear your seatbelt when you
are driving.
B. Fasten your seatbelt before you start to
D. It is dangerous to leave your helmet
buckle undone.
Correct Answer : D
Class 7 | Social Studies
Many countries are switching to cleaner forms of fuel but some of them face problems in doing
this. Which issue faced by some countries switching to solar power is this cartoon addressing?
A. The powerful coal industry trying to prevent the success of the solar power industry.
B. The solar industry unable to succeed because of its dependence on weather conditions.
C. The problem with using solar power because it is more expensive than fossil fuels.
D. The fact that resources like coal must be used carefully or they will be used up very soon.
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Which of these correctly shows the maximum number of pins that can be supported by a bar
magnet at different positions?
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | English
Which of these words means 'malicious' as well as 'midway between extremes'?
A. evil
B. rude
C. mean
D. cruel
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
Many countries are switching to cleaner forms of fuel but some of them face problems in doing
this. Which issue faced by some countries switching to solar power is this cartoon addressing?
A. The powerful coal industry trying to
prevent the success of the solar power
C. The problem with using solar power
because it is more expensive than fossil
B. The solar industry unable to succeed
because of its dependence on weather
D. The fact that resources like coal must
be used carefully or they will be used up
very soon.
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | English
Which word represents the expression 'to show a clean pair of heels'?
A. flee
B. dance
C. dismiss
D. skip
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
Which one of the following is an issue that an MLA would be able to discuss in the Legislative
Assembly and help solve?
A. a nuclear cooperation pact
B. reduce the customs duty on sugar due to
between India and Mongolia
C. decide on adding new rail
networks and changing train
rising prices
D. make changes to sewerage facilities in
areas where it is not accessible
Correct Answer : D
Class 9 | English
Choose the word that completes the given sentence CORRECTLY.
The ____ are moving into the enclosure quickly.
A. cattle
B. flock
C. team
D. company
Saturday's Question | Class 9 | Social Studies
In recent years, the severe desertification of West Asia has been an environmental issue of
concern. Of the following causes of desertification of this region, which one is NOT necessarily a
result of thoughtless human actions?
A. over-grazing
C. advancing of sand dunes
B. reduction of forest cover
D. over-use of water for irrigation
Correct Answer : C
Class 6 | Maths
711 + 177 + 33 =
A. 888
B. 1021
C. 921
D. 1158
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
What do you call a group of bananas?
A. a clutch of bananas
B. a group of bananas
C. a bunch of bananas
D. a clump of bananas
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Maths
2 pencils are held in four different positions as shown below. In which position would the pencils
be said to be parallel?
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
Which of these words means 'malicious' as well as 'midway between extremes'?
A. evil
C. mean
B. rude
D. cruel
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | Maths
The average height of 3 boys is 130 cm. If the shortest boy is 120 cm tall, how tall could the tallest
boy be?
A. 180 cm
B. 165 cm
C. 145 cm
D. 130 cm
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
Which word represents the expression 'to show a clean pair of heels'?
A. flee
C. dismiss
B. dance
D. skip
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | Maths
5x + y - 5 (x + y) =
A. 0
B. 2y
C. 6y
D. -4y
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | English
Choose the word that completes the given sentence CORRECTLY.
The ____ are moving into the enclosure quickly.
A. cattle
C. team
B. flock
D. company
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Science
The freezing points of some oils are given in the table: If Surat had a maximum temperature of 29
C and a minimum temperature of 14oC on one day, which of these oils would have been solid for
part of the day and liquid for another part in Surat that day?
A. Corn oil
B. Coconut oil
C. Sunflower oil
D. Peanut oil
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
711 + 177 + 33 =
A. 888
C. 921
B. 1021
D. 1158
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Science
The axis of the earth's rotation is tilted with respect to the plane of its revolution. What would be
the MAIN difference if the axis were NOT tilted but perfectly upright?
A. We would not have day and night
B. The weather would be similar throughout the world.
C. The weather would be similar throughout the year.
D. There would be no change.
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
2 pencils are held in four different positions as shown below. In which position would the pencils
be said to be parallel?
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | Science
In the figure given, compared to wave P, wave Q would be _________
A. louder
B. softer (less sound)
C. of higher pitch
D. of lower pitch
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
The average height of 3 boys is 130 cm. If the shortest boy is 120 cm tall, how tall could the tallest
boy be?
A. 180 cm
C. 145 cm
B. 165 cm
D. 130 cm
Correct Answer : C
Class 9 | Science
Aaditya kept the same shirt under different coloured light bulbs and observed the following.
Which of the following could be the actual colour of the shirt when viewed under sunlight?
A. white
B. black
C. either white or black
D. any of these - red, blue or green
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
5x + y - 5 (x + y) =
A. 0
C. 6y
B. 2y
D. -4y
Correct Answer : D
Class 6 | Maths
The solid shown below is made of identical cuboidal blocks like the shaded one. How many such
blocks have been used to build this solid?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
The freezing points of some oils are given in the table: If Surat had a maximum temperature of 29
C and a minimum temperature of 14 oC on one day, which of these oils would have been solid for
part of the day and liquid for another part in Surat that day?
A. Corn oil
C. Sunflower oil
B. Coconut oil
D. Peanut oil
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Maths
This is what Laxman sees on his computer screen while printing a document. The total size of the
document is shown in kilobytes (KB). Assuming the size of each page is the same, about how
many kilobytes may have already been printed?
A. 120 KB
B. 250 KB
C. 400 KB
D. 1575 KB
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
The axis of the earth's rotation is tilted with respect to the plane of its revolution. What would be
the MAIN difference if the axis were NOT tilted but perfectly upright?
A. We would not have day and night
B. The weather would be similar
throughout the world.
C. The weather would be similar
throughout the year.
D. There would be no change.
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | Maths
A small cube is cut off from a larger cube as shown below.
A. the volume
B. the total surface area
C. the number of edges
D. The number of corners
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
In the figure given, compared to wave P, wave Q would be _________
A. louder
C. of higher pitch
B. softer (less sound)
D. of lower pitch
Correct Answer : D
Class 9 | Maths
A regular pentagon has side lengths as shown:
The value of 't' is
A. 9.
B. 4.
C. 3.
D. 2.
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
Aaditya kept the same shirt under different coloured light bulbs and observed the following.
Which of the following could be the actual colour of the shirt when viewed under sunlight?
A. white
C. either white or black
B. black
D. any of these - red, blue or green
Correct Answer : A
Class 7 | Science
As the girl taps on the metal railing, the boy listening with his ear to it.
How many sound does the boy hear and why?
A. Two sounds (Sound travels faster through air than through the railing.)
B. Two sounds (Sound travels faster through the railings than through air.)
C. One sound because sound travels only through air.
D. One sound because sound travels only through the railings.
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
This is what Laxman sees on his computer screen while printing a document. The total size of the
document is shown in kilobytes (KB). Assuming the size of each page is the same, about how
many kilobytes may have already been printed?
A. 120 KB
C. 400 KB
B. 250 KB
D. 1575 KB
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | Science
In the picture below which shows an arm being extended, P and Q respectively denote
A. relaxed biceps and contracting triceps
B. contracting biceps and relaxed triceps
C. contracting biceps and contracting triceps
D. relaxed biceps and relaxed triceps
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
A small cube is cut off from a larger cube as shown below.
A. the volume
C. the number of edges
B. the total surface area
D. The number of corners
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | Science
Two identical iron spheres, X and Y were dropped onto a pit of soft sand as shown below. The iron
sphere X made a deeper hole in the sand. Which of these could be the reason?
A. Sphere X was bigger and heavier than sphere Y
B. Sphere X had more stored energy than sphere Y
C. The force of gravity on sphere X was more than on sphere Y
D. The sand beneath sphere X was softer than beneath sphere Y
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
The solid shown below is made of identical cuboidal blocks like the shaded one. How many such
blocks have been used to build this solid?
A. 7
C. 9
B. 8
D. 10
Correct Answer : C
Class 9 | Science
The orbit of most planets about the Sun is elliptical. According to Kepler's Laws, the area swept by
a body orbiting the sun is the same for any fixed duration of time (This is shown in the figure.)
From this we can deduce that a planet would be traveling fastest at:
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
A regular pentagon has side lengths as shown:
The value of 't' is
A. 9.
C. 3.
B. 4.
D. 2.
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | Social Studies
If a person wants to open a new bank account and has to submit proof of identity and proof of
residence, which one of the following is the only document that can he or she can use as BOTH
proof of identity and residence?
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
Two identical iron spheres, X and Y were dropped onto a pit of soft sand as shown below. The iron
sphere X made a deeper hole in the sand. Which of these could be the reason?
A. Sphere X was bigger and heavier
than sphere Y
C. The force of gravity on sphere X was
more than on sphere Y
B. Sphere X had more stored energy than
sphere Y
D. The sand beneath sphere X was softer
than beneath sphere Y
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Social Studies
Bunti and Babli are a brother and sister living in Chandigarh. During the winter vacation they are
planning a holiday in one of the Indian states whose key attractions are shown in the figure here.
They are planning to visit
A. Uttarakhand.
B. Karnataka.
C. Gujarat.
D. West Bengal.
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
As the girl taps on the metal railing, the boy listening with his ear to it.
How many sound does the boy hear and why?
A. Two sounds (Sound travels faster
through air than through the railing.)
C. One sound because sound travels
only through air.
B. Two sounds (Sound travels faster
through the railings than through air.)
D. One sound because sound travels
only through the railings.
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | Social Studies
It is important to distinguish between facts and opinions. One of the following statements is a fact,
the rest are opinions. Identify which one is a fact.
A. The First Amendment to the Constitution is the most important one.
B. The official English version of the Constitution is better than the Hindi version.
C. The number of representatives a state has depends on the size of a state's population.
D. MPs and MLAs voting in the presidential elections have always remained politically neutral.
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
In the picture below which shows an arm being extended, P and Q respectively denote
A. relaxed biceps and contracting triceps
B. contracting biceps and relaxed
C. contracting biceps and contracting
D. relaxed biceps and relaxed triceps
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | Social Studies
Renewable resources are seldom perfectly renewable. If their levels are heavily decreased, they
may not be able to completely replenish themselves. Or they might be lost through pollution and
become unusable. Perpetual energy resources, on the other hand, are sources of renewable
energy that are not affected by human use. Which one of the following is such a resource?
A. biomass fuel
B. water energy
C. wind energy
D. natural gas
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
The orbit of most planets about the Sun is elliptical. According to Kepler's Laws, the area swept by
a body orbiting the sun is the same for any fixed duration of time (This is shown in the figure.)
From this we can deduce that a planet would be traveling fastest at:
A. A
C. C
B. B
D. D
Correct Answer : A
Class 7 | English
Choose the option that means the same as the sentence below.
''Find a game that you like,'' she said, ''as long as you play in the open for an hour at least.''
A. She asked us to find a game that we liked, as long as we played in the open for an hour at
B. She made us to find a game that we liked, as long as we play in the open for an hour at least.
C. She forced us to play a game that we liked as long as you played in the open for an hour at
D. She ordered us to find a game that we liked, as long as we are playing in the open for an hour
at least.
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
Bunti and Babli are a brother and sister living in Chandigarh. During the winter vacation they are
planning a holiday in one of the Indian states whose key attractions are shown in the figure here.
They are planning to visit
A. Uttarakhand.
C. Gujarat.
B. Karnataka.
D. West Bengal.
Correct Answer : D
Class 6 | English
Which word rhymes best with 'fence'?
A. scents
B. cents
C. sense
D. friends
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
If a person wants to open a new bank account and has to submit proof of identity and proof of
residence, which one of the following is the only document that can he or she can use as BOTH
proof of identity and residence?
Correct Answer : D
Class 8 | English
Imagine you are looking through a series of volumes of an encyclopaedia which contain subjects
listed alphabetically.
Which of the following would you be likely to find in the volume which contained the subjects
''Kimono'' to ''Loris''?
A. Kuala Lumpur
B. Lunar
C. Keratin
D. Lotto
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
It is important to distinguish between facts and opinions. One of the following statements is a fact,
the rest are opinions. Identify which one is a fact.
B. The official English version of the
A. The First Amendment to the
Constitution is better than the Hindi
Constitution is the most important one.
C. The number of representatives a
D. MPs and MLAs voting in the presidential
state has depends on the size of a
elections have always remained politically
state's population.
Correct Answer : C
Class 9 | English
Which word means 'a tool for smoothening edges' and is 'a line of people'?
A. saw
B. rank
C. file
D. bolt
Saturday's Question | Class 9 | Social Studies
Renewable resources are seldom perfectly renewable. If their levels are heavily decreased, they
may not be able to completely replenish themselves. Or they might be lost through pollution and
become unusable. Perpetual energy resources, on the other hand, are sources of renewable
energy that are not affected by human use. Which one of the following is such a resource?
A. biomass fuel
C. wind energy
B. water energy
D. natural gas
Correct Answer : C
Class 6 | Maths
In a magic square, the sum of the four numbers in every row, column and diagonal are the same.
The figure shown below is an incomplete 4 x 4 magic square.
If you had to complete this magic square, what number would you put in the box with the question
A. 13
B. 9
C. 8
D. 7
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
Which word rhymes best with 'fence'?
A. scents
C. sense
B. cents
D. friends
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Maths
In which of the following will the answer be a positive number?
A. (-2) + (-3) + (-4) + (-5)
B. -30 - 40 + 50
C. (-20) x (-30) x (-40) x (-50)
D. (3)÷ (-9)
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
Choose the option that means the same as the sentence below.
''Find a game that you like,'' she said, ''as long as you play in the open for an hour at least.''
A. She asked us to find a game that
we liked, as long as we played in the
open for an hour at least.
C. She forced us to play a game that
we liked as long as you played in the
open for an hour at least.
B. She made us to find a game that we
liked, as long as we play in the open for an
hour at least.
D. She ordered us to find a game that we
liked, as long as we are playing in the open
for an hour at least.
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | Maths
Ami is playing with small identical cubes. She joined 8 of them to form a cube as shown.
At least how many more of the small cubes will she need to join to this formation to get the next
sized cube?
A. 9
B. 12
C. 19
D. 27
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
Imagine you are looking through a series of volumes of an encyclopaedia which contain subjects
listed alphabetically.
Which of the following would you be likely to find in the volume which contained the subjects
''Kimono'' to ''Loris''?
A. Kuala Lumpur
C. Keratin
B. Lunar
D. Lotto
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | Maths
Look at the figure below.
Which of the following conditions, along with those given in the figure is sufficient to prove that
ΔPRQ is congruent to ΔPST?
A. PR = PS
B. TR = SQ
C. T = Q
D. (none of the above)
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | English
Which word means 'a tool for smoothening edges' and is 'a line of people'?
A. saw
C. file
B. rank
D. bolt
Correct Answer : C
Class 6 | Science
About one-seventh of the earth's surface is desert. The term desert refers to an area which
A. is very hot.
B. is very dry.
C. has no vegetation at all.
D. has all the above features.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
In a magic square, the sum of the four numbers in every row, column and diagonal are the same.
The figure shown below is an incomplete 4 x 4 magic square.
If you had to complete this magic square, what number would you put in the box with the question
A. 13
C. 8
B. 9
D. 7
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Science
Which of these is UNLIKELY to result in a reduction in wildlife in a region?
A. pollution in the region
B. deforestation in the region
C. a new factory in the forest
D. heavy monsoon rains
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
In which of the following will the answer be a positive number?
A. (-2) + (-3) + (-4) + (-5)
C. (-20) x (-30) x (-40) x (-50)
B. -30 - 40 + 50
D. (3)÷ (-9)
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | Science
Normal rain water has a pH of 5.6. Fishes and other aquatic animals die when the
water becomes more acidic. Which of these gases is likely to make rain water more
A. Ozone
B. Sulphur dioxide
C. Nitrogen
D. Hydrogen peroxide
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
Ami is playing with small identical cubes. She joined 8 of them to form a cube as
At least how many more of the small cubes will she need to join to this formation to
get the next sized cube?
A. 9
C. 19
B. 12
D. 27
Correct Answer : C
Class 9 | Science
The light from the Sun falls on one-half of the moon's surface, during the phase
shown in the figure. In which of the other phases does the light from the Sun fall on
only one-half of the moon's surface? Disregard eclipses.
A. in all other phases of the moon that are visible only at night
B. in all other phases of moon that are visible in the day time
C. in all phases of the moon except the new moon
D. in all phases of the moon
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
Look at the figure below.
Which of the following conditions, along with those given in the figure is sufficient to
prove that ΔPRQ is congruent to ΔPST?
A. PR = PS
C.  T =  Q
B. TR = SQ
D. (none of the above)
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Maths
2 identical objects X are weighed as shown below.
Which of the following weighings with object X is correctA.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
About one-seventh of the earth's surface is desert. The term desert refers to an area which
A. is very hot.
C. has no vegetation at all.
B. is very dry.
D. has all the above features.
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Maths
What will be the one's digit in the product
5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 2?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 5
D. 7
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Which of these is UNLIKELY to result in a reduction in wildlife in a region?
A. pollution in the region
C. a new factory in the forest
B. deforestation in the region
D. heavy monsoon rains
Correct Answer : D
Class 9 | Maths
One of the numbers below can be written as 2.828427125...... (The pattern of digits does NOT
repeat). Which one is it?
A. 20⁄7
C. 2 + 9⁄11
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
The light from the Sun falls on one-half of the moon's surface, during the phase shown in the
figure. In which of the other phases does the light from the Sun fall on only one-half of the moon's
surface? Disregard eclipses.
A. in all other phases of the moon that
are visible only at night
C. in all phases of the moon except the
new moon
B. in all other phases of moon that are
visible in the day time
D. in all phases of the moon
Correct Answer : D
Class 8 | Maths
A wall hanging that Jayati sold in the school funfair for Rs. 20 had cost her Rs. 25 to make. Jayati
made a ___________ on the wall hanging.
A. profit of 80%
B. loss of 5%
C. loss of 20%
D. loss of 25%
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
Normal rain water has a pH of 5.6. Fishes and other aquatic animals die when the water becomes
more acidic. Which of these gases is likely to make rain water more acidic?
A. Ozone
C. Nitrogen
B. Sulphur dioxide
D. Hydrogen peroxide
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | Science
What happens to our body temperature on a cold winter day or a hot summer day?
A. There is no difference. It remains approximately 37 degrees C.
B. The temperature of the body is much lower in winter and higher in summer.
C. The temperature of the body is much lower in summer and higher in winter.
D. The temperature of the body changes with season, but depends on body weight.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
2 identical objects X are weighed as shown below.
Which of the following weighings with object X is correctA.
Correct Answer : D
Class 7 | Science
A representation of a biogas plant is shown in the figure. A biogas plant uses micro-organisms to
convert domestic and agricultural sewage into methane gas which is used as fuel.
Which option below contains materials that can ALL be put into the biogas plant?
A. crop residues, plastic and aquatic weeds.
B. paper, human excreta and leather pieces.
C. cow dung, glass pieces and sticks.
D. water hyacinth, poultry wastes and husk.
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
What will be the one's digit in the product
5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 2?
A. 0
C. 5
B. 2
D. 7
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | Science
In general, how does the size of the cells of an animal relate to the animals size?
A. It is directly proportional to the size of the animal
B. It is inversely proportional to the size of the animal.
C. It is almost the same irrespective of the size of the animal
D. The smallest and largest animals have larger cells than others.
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
A wall hanging that Jayati sold in the school funfair for Rs. 20 had cost her Rs. 25 to make. Jayati
made a ___________ on the wall hanging.
A. profit of 80%
C. loss of 20%
B. loss of 5%
D. loss of 25%
Correct Answer : C
Class 9 | Science
H2 + N2------>NH3
The MINIMUM number of molecules of ammonia that can be produced from the above reaction is:
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
One of the numbers below can be written as 2.828427125...... (The pattern of digits does NOT
repeat). Which one is it?
A. 20⁄7
C. 2 + 9⁄11
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | Social Studies
An ''ancient monument'' is a man-made structure or place which has been in existence for not less
than one hundred years, and has historical significance. Which of these World Heritage Sites can
be called an ancient monument?
A. Darjeeling Himalayan Train
B. Elephanta Caves
C. Sunderban National Park
D. Agra
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
What happens to our body temperature on a cold winter day or a hot summer day?
A. There is no difference. It remains
approximately 37 degrees C.
B. The temperature of the body is much
lower in winter and higher in summer.
D. The temperature of the body changes
C. The temperature of the body is much
with season, but depends on body
lower in summer and higher in winter.
Correct Answer : A
Class 7 | Social Studies
Which of these may harm the environment if proper care is not taken while trekking in a forest?
A. use of detergent in streams while washing and bathing
B. taking photographs of scenic beauty of the forest and wildlife
C. recording of sound of forest and wildlife in a tape recorder
D. eating potato chips and aerated drinks during the trek
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
A representation of a biogas plant is shown in the figure. A biogas plant uses micro-organisms to
convert domestic and agricultural sewage into methane gas which is used as fuel.
Which option below contains materials that can ALL be put into the biogas plant?
A. crop residues, plastic and aquatic
C. cow dung, glass pieces and sticks.
B. paper, human excreta and leather
D. water hyacinth, poultry wastes and
Correct Answer : D
Class 8 | Social Studies
The region of deltaic Bengal has been known to art scholars for its rich folk art tradition. The artists
of this region use locally available resources to make beautiful art objects. Which of these is likely
to be the art type popular in deltaic Bengal?
A. Stone carving
B. Ivory sculpting
C. Terracotta modeling
D. Marble sculpting
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
In general, how does the size of the cells of an animal relate to the animals size?
A. It is directly proportional to the size
of the animal
C. It is almost the same irrespective of
the size of the animal
B. It is inversely proportional to the size of
the animal.
D. The smallest and largest animals have
larger cells than others.
Correct Answer : C
Class 9 | Social Studies
A Remote Sensing map helps geographers to
A. interpret political boundaries of states
B. identify religious places in a country
C. make weather forecasts for a region
D. locate railway tracks across a country
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
H2 + N2------>NH3
The MINIMUM number of molecules of ammonia that can be produced from the above reaction is:
A. 1
C. 3
B. 2
D. 4
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | English
Choose the word most suitable to make the following sentence meaningful.
''My mother says that it is very difficult to ..... children.''
A. rays
B. raze
C. raise
D. race
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
The figure shown here is an aerial photograph of which kind of natural disaster?
A. tsunami
C. flood
B. cyclone
D. volcano
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | English
Bhaskar lives in the heart of the city. He lives in a new apartment overlooking the stadium.
Choose the option which CORRECTLY combines the two given sentences in a way that it
A. Bhaskar lives in the heart of the city, a new apartment overlooking the stadium.
B. Bhaskar lives in the heart of the city, in a new apartment overlooking the stadium.
C. Bhaskar lives in the heart of the city and a new apartment overlooking the stadium.
D. Bhaskar lives in the heart of the city and also in a new apartment overlooking the stadium.
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
Given below are four maps showing different states of India and their capitals. One of the maps
has an error in it. Which one?
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | English
The first and the last sentence of the passage below are numbered (1) and (6) respectively. The
rest of the passage is split into four parts named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not in the
proper order. Find the correct combination among the given alternatives that sets the sequence
1. Factories and power stations release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.
P. The moisture in the atmosphere dissolves the rest of the chemicals.
Q. When it rains, these chemicals come down, too as acid rain.
R. Some, such as sulphur, fall to the ground as tiny particles.
S. It damages trees and other plants, and poisons the soil.
6. Eventually acid rain drains into rivers and lakes, where it kills many fish.
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
Economic inequality is the gap between the rich and the poor.
In which of these societies would the gap between the rich and the poor be the LEAST?
A. people in the democratic republic of France
in the 21st century
C. hunter-gatherer bands of the Paleolithic
B. people of ancient Egypt ruled
by the Pharaoh
D. people in India under Mughal
Correct Answer : C
Class 9 | English
''The police constable was attacked while on his watch.''
In the above sentence, the underlined word is a/an _____________.
A. noun
B. verb
C. adjective
D. adverb
Saturday's Question | Class 9 | Social Studies
An 'ecosystem engineer' is any animal or plant that creates or modifies its habitat and greatly
affects other plant and animal species. They are capable of changing entire ecosystems. Which
one of the following is an example of ecosystem engineering that would have a negative effect?
A. rapid growth of aquatic plants in
C. beavers building dams and creating
B. creepers that monkeys use to swing
from trees
D. caterpillars creating shelters from
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Maths
The three consecutive whole numbers that come just before 6510001 are
A. 6510098, 6510099, 6510100
B. 6510998, 6510999, 6511000
C. 6509998, 6509999, 6510000
D. 6519998, 6519999, 6510000
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
Choose the word most suitable to make the following sentence meaningful.
''My mother says that it is very difficult to ..... children.''
A. rays
C. raise
B. raze
D. race
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Maths
Mahima draws a triangle PQR obtuse angled at P. What COULD BE the sum of the degree
measures of angle Q and angle R?
A. 1200
B. 980
C. 90 0
D. 870
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
Bhaskar lives in the heart of the city. He lives in a new apartment overlooking the stadium.
Choose the option which CORRECTLY combines the two given sentences in a way that it
A. Bhaskar lives in the heart of the city,
a new apartment overlooking the
C. Bhaskar lives in the heart of the city
and a new apartment overlooking the
B. Bhaskar lives in the heart of the city, in
a new apartment overlooking the stadium.
D. Bhaskar lives in the heart of the
city and also in a new apartment
overlooking the stadium.
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | Maths
Akhil's office in a high-rise building was on a floor that had as many floors above it as below.
One day, he went up 7 floors from his office, then down 4 floors and finally up 9 floors. If he was at
the top floor now, how many floors did the building have in all?
A. 53
B. 41
C. 39
D. 25
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
The first and the last sentence of the passage below are numbered (1) and (6) respectively. The
rest of the passage is split into four parts named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not in the
proper order. Find the correct combination among the given alternatives that sets the sequence
1. Factories and power stations release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.
P. The moisture in the atmosphere dissolves the rest of the chemicals.
Q. When it rains, these chemicals come down, too as acid rain.
R. Some, such as sulphur, fall to the ground as tiny particles.
S. It damages trees and other plants, and poisons the soil.
6. Eventually acid rain drains into rivers and lakes, where it kills many fish.
Correct Answer : C
Class 9 | Maths
p, q and r are integers such that p > q and r > q.
Which of the following is NECESSARILY true about their values?
A. q has the least value.
B. r has the greatest value.
C. p is greater than r.
D. r is greater than p.
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | English
''The police constable was attacked while on his watch.''
In the above sentence, the underlined word is a/an _____________.
A. noun
C. adjective
B. verb
D. adverb
Correct Answer : A
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Science
If the sun, the moon and the earth are in an arrangement as shown here:
Which of these would be the view seen from a place P on the earth?
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
The three consecutive whole numbers that come just before 6510001 are
(A) 6510098, 6510099, 6510100
(C) 6509998, 6509999, 6510000
(B) 6510998, 6510999, 6511000
(D) 6519998, 6519999, 6510000
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Science
Ammonia has a chemical formula NH3. Which of these pictures represent the correct composition
of ammonia?
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
Mahima draws a triangle PQR obtuse angled at P. What COULD BE the sum of the degree
measures of angle Q and angle R?
(A) 1200
(C) 90 0
(B) 980
(D) 870
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Science
The density of ice is less than that of water. Shown here is a beaker that contains ONLY SOLID
ICE. The initial level is as indicated in the figure.
If all the ice becomes water, the level will (A) go up.
(B) come down.
(C) remain at the same place.
(D) (cannot say without knowing the exact room temperature)
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
p, q and r are integers such that p > q and r > q.
Which of the following is NECESSARILY true about their values?
(A) q has the least value.
(C) p is greater than r.
(B) r has the greatest value.
(D) r is greater than p.
Correct Answer : A
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Science
If you took all of the atoms out of a chair, what would be left?
(A) The chair would still be there, but it would weigh less.
(B) The chair would be exactly the same as before.
(C) There would be nothing left of the chair.
(D) A pool of liquid would be left in place of the chair.
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
Akhil's office in a high-rise building was on a floor that had as many floors above it as below.
One day, he went up 7 floors from his office, then down 4 floors and finally up 9 floors. If he was at
the top floor now, how many floors did the building have in all?
(A) 53
(C) 39
(B) 41
(D) 25
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Maths
Mrinalini's grandfather gives her three choices for collecting pocket money every TEN WEEKS :
Choice 1 :Starting with Re. 1 in the first week, take double the previous week's amount the next
week (up to the tenth week).
Choice 2: Starting from the first week, take Rs.150 every alternate week.
Choice 3:Take Rs. 700 once every ten weeks.
Which choice will give Mrinalini the greatest amount?
(A) Choice1
(B) Choice2
(C) Choice3
(D) All choices given equal amounts
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
If the sun, the moon and the earth are in an arrangement as shown here:
Which of these would be the view seen from a place P on the earth?
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Maths
Which of the following is the same as 3a²?
(A) 3a + 3a
(B) 3 + a²
(C) a² + 2a²
(D) a² x 2a²
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Ammonia has a chemical formula NH3. Which of these pictures represent the correct composition
of ammonia?
Correct Answer : A
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Maths
The number of pencils in Ketan's box is 6 more than the number of rulers in it. If the number of
pencils in his box is P and the number of rulers R, which of the following is true?
(A) R + 6 = P
(B) P + 6 = R
(C) 6R = P
(D) 6P = R
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
If you took all of the atoms out of a chair, what would be left?
(A) The chair would still be there, but it
would weigh less.
(C) There would be nothing left of the
(B) The chair would be exactly the
same as before.
(D) A pool of liquid would be left in
place of the chair.
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Maths
Points P, Q and R are co-planar. In which of the following cases will they NECESSARILY be
(A) When PQ = PR
(B) When PQ + PR > QR
(C) When PQ + QR = PR
(D) When PR < PQ + QR
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
The density of ice is less than that of water. Shown here is a beaker that contains ONLY SOLID
ICE. The initial level is as indicated in the figure.
If all the ice becomes water, the level will (A) go up.
(C) remain at the same
(B) come down.
(D) (cannot say without knowing the exact room
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Science
David and Peter start at the same time from P to go to Q. Finally, David reaches Q first. From this
we can say that
(A) David was always moving faster than Peter.
(B) David was always ahead of Peter.
(C) David's average speed was higher than Peter's.
(D) David did not stop anywhere on the way
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
Mrinalini's grandfather gives her three choices for collecting pocket money every TEN WEEKS :
Choice 1 :Starting with Re. 1 in the first week, take double the previous week's amount the next
week (up to the tenth week).
Choice 2: Starting from the first week, take Rs.150 every alternate week.
Choice 3:Take Rs. 700 once every ten weeks.
Which choice will give Mrinalini the greatest amount?
(A) Choice1
(C) Choice3
(B) Choice2
(D) All choices given equal amounts
Correct Answer : A
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Science
If a mineral is defined as follows:
Which of the following is a mineral?
(A) Coal
(B) Kerosene
(C) Glass
(D) Diamond
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
Which of the following is the same as 3a²?
(A) 3a + 3a
(C) a² + 2a²
(B) 3 + a²
(D) a² x 2a²
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Science
The atomic number of oxygen is 6. This means that oxygen has 6 positively charged particles
called protons in its nucleus. An atom does not possess any charge. What is the number of
electrons (negatively charged particles) in an oxygen atom?
(A) 0
(B) 2
(C) 6
(D) 12
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
The number of pencils in Ketan's box is 6 more than the number of rulers in it. If the number of
pencils in his box is P and the number of rulers R, which of the following is true?
(A) R + 6 = P
(C) 6R = P
(B) P + 6 = R
(D) 6P = R
Correct Answer : A
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Science
Study the scale carefully. Ashok should represent the length of the nail as
(A) 3.8 cm
(B) 3.85 cm
(C) 4.8 cm
(D) 4.85 cm
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
Points P, Q and R are co-planar. In which of the following cases will they NECESSARILY be
(A) When PQ = PR
(C) When PQ + QR = PR
(B) When PQ + PR > QR
(D) When PR < PQ + QR
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Social Studies
Ruchi, who lives in Pune, had visited a well-known place of India during the vacation. She visited
a famous monument in the city and clicked a picture of the information board near it.
Which city did Ruchi visit?
(A) Mumbai
(B) Agra
(C) Delhi
(D) Ahmedabad
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
David and Peter start at the same time from P to go to Q. Finally, David reaches Q first. From this
we can say that
(A) David was always moving faster than
(B) David was always ahead of Peter.
(C) David's average speed was higher than (D) David did not stop anywhere on
the way
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Social Studies
India is a democracy, which means that the government is made ''of the people, for the people, by
the people''. Which of the following is a characteristic of the Indian democracy?
(A) Only the ruling party and the opposition can contest the elections.
(B) Candidates independent of political parties cannot contest the elections.
(C) Several political parties having different ideologies can contest the elections.
(D) Only former ministers can contest the elections and become Prime Minister.
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
If a mineral is defined as follows:
Which of the following is a mineral?
(A) Coal
(C) Glass
(B) Kerosene
(D) Diamond
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Social Studies
The Padma Bhushan is an award given to recognize service of high order to the nation in the
fields of
(A) art and literature
(B) bravery in war
(C) science and technology
(D) (any field)
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
The atomic number of oxygen is 6. This means that oxygen has 6 positively charged particles
called protons in its nucleus. An atom does not possess any charge. What is the number of
electrons (negatively charged particles) in an oxygen atom?
(A) 0
(C) 6
(B) 2
(D) 12
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Social Studies
From the above passage it can be concluded that _____________________.
(A) wars were financed by non-agricultural taxes
(B) the Bahmani sultans also waged war with the Chola empire
(C) temples caused major cash drain in the Vijayanagar empire
(D) commercial guilds drained cash in the Vijayanagar empire
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
Study the scale carefully. Ashok should represent the length of the nail as
(A) 3.8 cm
(C) 4.8 cm
(B) 3.85 cm
(D) 4.85 cm
Correct Answer : A
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | English
Which set of words are in the correct alphabetical order?
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
Ruchi, who lives in Pune, had visited a well-known place of India during the vacation. She visited
a famous monument in the city and clicked a picture of the information board near it.
Which city did Ruchi visit?
(A) Mumbai
(C) Delhi
(B) Agra
(D) Ahmedabad
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | English
Choose the correct answer to fit the blank.
''My father is the sort of person who calls a spade a spade. This means he_______.''
(A) hides his true feelings
(B) says exactly what he thinks
(C) gets impatient easily
(D) likes gardening
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
India is a democracy, which means that the government is made ''of the people, for the people, by
the people''. Which of the following is a characteristic of the Indian democracy?
(A) Only the ruling party and the
opposition can contest the elections.
(C) Several political parties having
different ideologies can contest the
(B) Candidates independent of political
parties cannot contest the elections.
(D) Only former ministers can contest
the elections and become Prime
Correct Answer : C
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | English
Look at this sentence:
She said to the boy, ''Why did you do such a silly thing?''
This sentence can be rewritten as: ________________________
(A) She told the boy why did he do such a silly thing
(B) She asked the boy why he do such a silly thing?
(C) She asked the boy why he did such a silly thing?
(D) She asked the boy why he had done such a silly thing.
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
The Padma Bhushan is an award given to recognize service of high order to the nation in the
fields of
(A) art and literature
(C) science and technology
(B) bravery in war
(D) (any field)
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | English
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence below.
The students have __________ the best in Maths.
(A) faired
(B) fared
(C) fiared
(D) farred
Saturday's Question | Class 9 | Social Studies
From the above passage it can be concluded that _____________________.
(A) wars were financed by nonagricultural taxes
(C) temples caused major cash drain in
the Vijayanagar empire
(B) the Bahmani sultans also waged war
with the Chola empire
(D) commercial guilds drained cash in
the Vijayanagar empire
Correct Answer : A
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Maths
-9 subtracted from -8 equals
(A) -1
(B) 1
(C) 17
(D) -17
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
Choose the correct answer to fit the blank.
''My father is the sort of person who calls a spade a spade. This means he_______.''
(A) hides his true feelings
(C) gets impatient easily
(B) says exactly what he thinks
(D) likes gardening
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 6 | Maths
Which angle in the figure measures about 135o?
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
Which set of words are in the correct alphabetical order?
Correct Answer : A
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 8 | Maths
23418 is exactly divisible by 6. Which of the following numbers will leave a remainder 2 when
divided by 6?
(A) 23412
(B) 23416
(C) 23420
(D) 23422
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
Look at this sentence:
She said to the boy, ''Why did you do such a silly thing?''
This sentence can be rewritten as: ________________________
(A) She told the boy why did he do
such a silly thing
(C) She asked the boy why he did
such a silly thing?
(B) She asked the boy why he do such a
silly thing?
(D) She asked the boy why he had done
such a silly thing.
Correct Answer : D
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Maths
Tiles identical to the one shown below are piled up one on top of another to form a tower of
volume 1830 cm3. What is the height of the tower (in cm)?
(A) 18.3
(B) 30.5
(C) 183
(D) Can not say unless the number of tiles used is given.
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | English
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence below.
The students have __________ the best in Maths.
(A) faired
(C) fiared
(B) fared
(D) farred
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 7 | Science
Among these species, which one appeared most recently on the earth?
(A) Fish
(B) Reptiles
(C) Man
(D) Birds
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
-9 subtracted from -8 equals
(A) -1
(C) 17
(B) 1
(D) -17
Correct Answer : B
ASSET Question-A-Day
Class 9 | Science
When a substance changes from LIQUID to GASEOUS state, it is said to EVAPORATE. Some
substances change from SOLID to GASEOUS state without passing through the LIQUID state.
They are then said to
(A) evaporate.
(B) condense.
(C) diffuse.
(D) sublime.
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
Tiles identical to the one shown below are piled up one on top of another to form a tower of
volume 1830 cm3. What is the height of the tower (in cm)?
(A) 18.3
(C) 183
(B) 30.5
(D) Can not say unless the number of tiles used is given.
Correct Answer : B