''Namita did not know the answer to the question in... a risk and guess the answer.'' Class 6 | English

Class 6 | English
''Namita did not know the answer to the question in the test. But she decided to take
a risk and guess the answer.''
Which of the following idioms can replace the underlined part of the above
A. to be in the dark.
B. to keep her teachers in the dark.
C. to take a shot in the dark.
D. to face dark days.
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
Shown here is the drawing of a place in Nagpur. Look at it very carefully.
Which of the maps show the above place correctly?
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | English
Which of the following sentences needs to be corrected?
A. Beena and Sneha are learning to make clay models.
B. Beena makes statues of animals that look beautiful.
C. Sneha makes equally beautiful statues.
D. Do you think their statues looks alike?
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
In 2001, United States had fought a war against Afghanistan. It included armed
combat on land. To succeed in this operation, American soldiers had to be welltrained to endure a particular terrain which dominates the Afghanistan landscape.
Which terrain could it be?
A. rugged mountains
C. thick rainforests
B. coastal lagoons
D. marshy deltas
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | English
'The crowded bus bursting at every stage, crawled heavily to a stop with a groan.'
What is the figure of speech used here?
A. simile (expresses resemblance between things of different kinds usually using
'like' or 'as')
B. metaphor (expression used to refer to something it does not literally denote)
C. alliteration (same starting sound in different words of a line)
D. personification (attributing human characteristics to inanimate objects)
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
Use this map to find out which of these places is farthest from Srinagar.
A. Leh
C. Katra
B. Pahalgam
D. Udhampur
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Maths
In Vidyamandir School, the duration of each period in the Junior Section is 20
minutes and in the Senior Section it is 35 minutes. Both bells ring together when
School starts at 10:30 am. The next time they ring together is at lunch time. At what
time does lunch break start?
A. 12:50 pm
B. 12 noon
C. 11:40 am
D. 12:30 am
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
''Namita did not know the answer to the question in the test. But she decided to take
a risk and guess the answer.''
Which of the following idioms can replace the underlined part of the above
A. to be in the dark.
C. to take a shot in the dark.
Correct Answer : C
B. to keep her teachers in the dark.
D. to face dark days.
Class 7 | Maths
Seventy crores seven lakhs seven hundred and seven is written as
A. 70,07,00,707
B. 70,70,00,707
C. 7,07,07,007
D. 7,07,00,707
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
Which of the following sentences needs to be corrected?
A. Beena and Sneha are learning to
make clay models.
C. Sneha makes equally beautiful
B. Beena makes statues of animals that
look beautiful.
D. Do you think their statues looks alike?
Correct Answer : D
Class 8 | Maths
If a number is decreased by 20%, it becomes
A. four fifths of itself
B. two fifths of itself
C. one fifth of itself
D. one eighth of itself
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
'The crowded bus bursting at every stage, crawled heavily to a stop with a groan.'
What is the figure of speech used here?
A. simile (expresses resemblance between
things of different kinds usually using 'like'
or 'as')
C. alliteration (same starting sound in
different words of a line)
Correct Answer : D
B. metaphor (expression used to refer
to something it does not literally
D. personification (attributing human
characteristics to inanimate objects)
Class 9 | Maths
Which battery will replace battery number 2 in device 2?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | English
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence below.
The students have __________ the best in Maths.
A. faired
C. fiared
B. fared
D. farred
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | Science
Climbing plants use other plants or rocks or man-made structures for support.
Which of these is a climber?
A. Banana plant
B. Sugarcane plant
C. Grape plant
D. Rice plant
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
In Vidyamandir School, the duration of each period in the Junior Section is 20
minutes and in the Senior Section it is 35 minutes. Both bells ring together when
School starts at 10:30 am. The next time they ring together is at lunch time. At what
time does lunch break start?
A. 12:50 pm
C. 11:40 am
Correct Answer : A
B. 12 noon
D. 12:30 am
Class 7 | Science
In the pictures below, which snail does the least amount of work? (The same scale
is used in all the pictures.)
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
Seventy crores seven lakhs seven hundred and seven is written as
A. 70,07,00,707
C. 7,07,07,007
B. 70,70,00,707
D. 7,07,00,707
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | Science
Study the figure and steps involved in the working of a cycle pump. These steps are
NOT in the correct sequence.
1. Air from the outside passes through the inner valve
2. Push the handle down and the inner valve is closed
3. Pull up the handle and the inner valve is opened
4. Piston forces the air out of the outer valve
5. Air fills the space between the piston and the outer valve
The correct sequence of steps is:
A. 3, 1, 5, 2, 4
B. 1, 5, 3, 4, 2
C. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4
D. 4, 5, 1, 3, 2
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
If a number is decreased by 20%, it becomes
A. four fifths of itself
C. one fifth of itself
B. two fifths of itself
D. one eighth of itself
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | Science
Which of the following best represents cell division?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
Which battery will replace battery number 2 in device 2?
A. 4
C. 6
B. 5
D. 7
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | Maths
Mrs. Ghosh had a piece of striped cloth.
She cut out a triangle and a square - each of area 100 sq cm from it to use in an
appliqué-work bedsheet that she was making. How many square centimetres of the
striped cloth remained?
A. 250 sq cm
B. 800 sq cm
C. 1050 sq cm
D. 1150sq cm
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
Climbing plants use other plants or rocks or man-made structures for support.
Which of these is a climber?
A. Banana plant
C. Grape plant
B. Sugarcane plant
D. Rice plant
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Maths
Tina called her friends Shama, Jenny, Roma and Aashka over to her house to play.
They all arrived at Tina's house at different times.
Shama arrived 5 minutes after Jenny but 10 minutes before Aashka.
Roma and Tina were playing chess when Jenny arrived.
In what order did they arrive at Tina's house?
A. Roma, Jenny, Shama, Aashka
B. Jenny, Roma, Shama, Aashka
C. Roma, Shama, Jenny, Aashka
D. Jenny, Shama, Aashka, Roma
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
In the pictures below, which snail does the least amount of work? (The same scale
is used in all the pictures.)
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | Maths
Which of the following is NOT equal to 4?
A. ( 1)-2 x 22
B. (-2) 2
C. 2-2
D. 2 x 21
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
Study the figure and steps involved in the working of a cycle pump. These steps are
NOT in the correct sequence.
1. Air from the outside passes through the inner valve
2. Push the handle down and the inner valve is closed
3. Pull up the handle and the inner valve is opened
4. Piston forces the air out of the outer valve
5. Air fills the space between the piston and the outer valve
The correct sequence of steps is:
A. 3, 1, 5, 2, 4
C. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4
B. 1, 5, 3, 4, 2
D. 4, 5, 1, 3, 2
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | Maths
The following pie-chart shows the percentages of ingredients in a Biscotti (a slightly
sweet Italian snack like Indian toast or rusk).
Which of the following graphs represents the ingredients (amount in grams) in a 200
gm Biscotti?
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
Which of the following best represents cell division?
A. A
C. C
B. B
D. D
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Science
Only one of these labels actually belongs to a packet of butter. Identify the correct
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
Tina called her friends Shama, Jenny, Roma and Aashka over to her house to play.
They all arrived at Tina's house at different times.
Shama arrived 5 minutes after Jenny but 10 minutes before Aashka.
Roma and Tina were playing chess when Jenny arrived.
In what order did they arrive at Tina's house?
A. Roma, Jenny, Shama, Aashka
C. Roma, Shama, Jenny, Aashka
B. Jenny, Roma, Shama, Aashka
D. Jenny, Shama, Aashka, Roma
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | Science
The phases of the moon designate both the degree to which the Moon is illuminated
and the geometric appearance of the illuminated part. Which is the correct order in
which the phases occur?
A. new moon - waxing crescent - first quarter - full moon - last quarter - waning
B. new moon - first quarter - waning crescent - waxing crescent - last quarter - full
C. new moon - waxing crescent - last quarter - full moon - first quarter - waning
D. new moon - first quarter - waxing crescent - full moon - last quarter - waning
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
Which of the following is NOT equal to 4?
A. ( 1)-2 x 22
C. 2-2
B. (-2) 2
D. 2 x 21
Correct Answer : C
Class 6 | Science
The picture below shows a conveyor that can move cardboard boxes. Rollers are
used in order to move the loads. Every box placed on the conveyor must be
supported by AT LEAST 3 ROLLERS OF DIAMETER 1CM EACH at any time.
Among the following cubical boxes, which is the SMALLEST one that can be
transported on this conveyor without tumbling into the gaps? A box of side
A. 8 cm
B. 15cm
C. 26cm
D. 40cm
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
Mrs. Ghosh had a piece of striped cloth.
She cut out a triangle and a square - each of area 100 sq cm from it to use in an
appliqué-work bedsheet that she was making. How many square centimetres of the
striped cloth remained?
A. 250 sq cm
C. 1050 sq cm
B. 800 sq cm
D. 1150sq cm
Correct Answer : C
Class 9 | Science
Each element in the periodic table can appear in gaseous form and will produce a
series of spectral lines unique to that element. Thus, scientists can identify what
elements are in stars from the lines they find in the star's spectrum. This type of
study is called spectroscopy.
Given below are the spectral lines of four elements and also an unknown gaseous
mixture. Identify the elements in the unknown mixture.
A. Lithium and sodium
B. Lithium and hydrogen
C. Helium and hydrogen
D. Helium and sodium
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
The following pie-chart shows the percentages of ingredients in a Biscotti (a slightly
sweet Italian snack like Indian toast or rusk).
Which of the following graphs represents the ingredients (amount in grams) in a 200
gm Biscotti?
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Social Studies
Ravi runs a restaurant in Delhi which serves traditional Indian food during festivals.
On the occasion of Ganesh Puja he wants to serve special Maharastrian food in his
restaurant. Which one of these must be included in the menu?
A. onion uttapam
B. modak
C. aloo paratha
D. rasgulla
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
The picture below shows a conveyor that can move cardboard boxes. Rollers are
used in order to move the loads. Every box placed on the conveyor must be
supported by AT LEAST 3 ROLLERS OF DIAMETER 1CM EACH at any time.
Among the following cubical boxes, which is the SMALLEST one that can be
transported on this conveyor without tumbling into the gaps? A box of side
A. 8 cm
C. 26cm
B. 15cm
D. 40cm
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Social Studies
The traffic symbol shown here indicates
A. Cross Roads
B. Pedestrian Crossing
C. Level Crossing
D. Do not run
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Only one of these labels actually belongs to a packet of butter. Identify the correct
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | Social Studies
Which of these farming methods in a hill slope is ideal for rice cultivation?
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
The phases of the moon designate both the degree to which the Moon is illuminated
and the geometric appearance of the illuminated part. Which is the correct order in
which the phases occur?
A. new moon - waxing crescent - first
quarter - full moon - last quarter - waning
C. new moon - waxing crescent - last
quarter - full moon - first quarter - waning
B. new moon - first quarter - waning
crescent - waxing crescent - last quarter
- full moon
D. new moon - first quarter - waxing
crescent - full moon - last quarter waning crescent.
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | Social Studies
The state of Arunachal Pradesh wants to encourage cottage industries in the state.
Considering the natural resources and geographical factors of the region such as its
high rainfall and temperate climate, which of these crafts is the best option to
A. bamboo and cane craft
B. ceramic pots and terracotta art
C. decorative shell article
D. brass metal craft
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
Each element in the periodic table can appear in gaseous form and will produce a
series of spectral lines unique to that element. Thus, scientists can identify what
elements are in stars from the lines they find in the star's spectrum. This type of
study is called spectroscopy.
Given below are the spectral lines of four elements and also an unknown gaseous
mixture. Identify the elements in the unknown mixture.
A. Lithium and sodium
C. Helium and hydrogen
B. Lithium and hydrogen
D. Helium and sodium
Correct Answer : C
Class 5 | English
______ of highway robbers have made travelling on that road at night unsafe.
A. Teams
B. Gangs
C. Crews
D. Bunches
Saturday's Question | Class 5 | Social Studies
The flag shown here came into use
A. during the Kalinga war (by Ashoka).
B. during the rule of Mughal king Akbar.
C. during Gandhiji's struggle to free India D. after India's independence.
Correct Answer : C
Class 6 | English
Which arrangement of the jumbled parts of the sentence given below make the
sentence correct?
The employer
1. who was loyal to him
2. punished the secretary
3. without any warning
4. when she left her work incomplete
A. 2143
B. 2134
C. 1234
D. 2341
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
Ravi runs a restaurant in Delhi which serves traditional Indian food during festivals.
On the occasion of Ganesh Puja he wants to serve special Maharastrian food in his
restaurant. Which one of these must be included in the menu?
A. onion uttapam
C. aloo paratha
B. modak
D. rasgulla
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | English
What is the subject of the sentence?
'Please tidy your room before dinner.'
A. tidy
B. room
C. Please
D. you
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
The traffic symbol shown here indicates
A. Cross Roads
C. Level Crossing
B. Pedestrian Crossing
D. Do not run
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | English
When the car is standing still, it is _____________.
A. stationery
B. stationary
C. stetionary
D. stationnary
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
Which of these farming methods in a hill slope is ideal for rice cultivation?
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | English
''Everything you make is delicious, Mom,'' Smita said. ''when will you teach me to
cook like you?''
Choose the option that identifies the correct type of error.
A. Spelling error
B. Punctuation error
C. Error in Tense
D. No error
Saturday's Question | Class 9 | Social Studies
The state of Arunachal Pradesh wants to encourage cottage industries in the state.
Considering the natural resources and geographical factors of the region such as its
high rainfall and temperate climate, which of these crafts is the best option to
A. bamboo and cane craft
C. decorative shell article
B. ceramic pots and terracotta art
D. brass metal craft
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Maths
A prime number is a number, which is not completely divisible by any number
except 1 and itself.
Using only the information in the table given here, which of the given numbers can
we say with CERTAINTY, IS NOT a prime?
A. only 63
B. only 83
C. only 91
D. 63 and 91
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
Which arrangement of the jumbled parts of the sentence given below make the
sentence correct?
The employer
1. who was loyal to him
2. punished the secretary
3. without any warning
4. when she left her work incomplete
A. 2143
C. 1234
B. 2134
D. 2341
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Maths
Which of these circles is divided into sectors?
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
What is the subject of the sentence?
'Please tidy your room before dinner.'
A. tidy
C. Please
B. room
D. you
Correct Answer : D
Class 8 | Maths
(-7) - ? = 14
A. -7
B. 7
C. 21
D. -21
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
When the car is standing still, it is _____________.
A. stationery
C. stetionary
B. stationary
D. stationnary
Correct Answer : B
Class 9 | Maths
If the numerator of an expression is the sum of p, q and r and the denominator of
the expression is the sum of 3p, 3q and 3r; the expression reduces to
A. 1⁄3
B. 1⁄9
C. 1⁄27
D. 1⁄3pqr
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | English
''Everything you make is delicious, Mom,'' Smita said. ''when will you teach me to
cook like you?''
Choose the option that identifies the correct type of error.
A. Spelling error
C. Error in Tense
B. Punctuation error
D. No error
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | Science
Which of the following is an example of a lever?
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
A prime number is a number, which is not completely divisible by any number
except 1 and itself.
Using only the information in the table given here, which of the given numbers can
we say with CERTAINTY, IS NOT a prime?
A. only 63
C. only 91
B. only 83
D. 63 and 91
Correct Answer : D
Class 7 | Science
Which statement about cells, molecules and atoms is true?
A. Cells are made of molecules, molecules are made of atoms.
B. Molecules are made of atoms, atoms are made of cells.
C. Cells are made of atoms, atoms are made of molecules.
D. Cells are not made of molecules or atoms.
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
Which of these circles is divided into sectors?
Correct Answer : D
Class 8 | Science
Waste can be classified based on its source as
1. Domestic 2. Industrial 3. Hospital 4. Agricultural
or based on its nature as
1. Toxic waste [may contain harmful chemicals or radioactive material]
2. Pathogenic waste [may contain disease producing virus and bacteria]
3. Non toxic waste [neither toxic nor pathogenic]
Pieces of brick that are too small to be used can be classified as
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
(-7) - ? = 14
A. -7
C. 21
B. 7
D. -21
Correct Answer : D
Class 9 | Science
In Delhi, Bankim is running in the north-eastern direction and casts a shadow on the
ground due to the Sun's light as shown below.
What could be the time of the day when this happened?
A. 10:30 am
B. 1:30 pm
C. 4:30 pm
D. This is never possible.
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
If the numerator of an expression is the sum of p, q and r and the denominator of
the expression is the sum of 3p, 3q and 3r; the expression reduces to
A. 1⁄3
C. 1⁄27
B. 1⁄9
D. 1⁄3pqr
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Maths
Which of the following is a prime number?
A. 19 x 2 x 3
B. 1 x 29
C. 21 x 1
D. 13 x 17
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
Which of the following is an example of a lever?
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Maths
In which of the following cases will the five rings form a single, straight chain when
Ring 1 and Ring 2 are pulled in opposite directions as indicated?
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Which statement about cells, molecules and atoms is true?
A. Cells are made of molecules, molecules
are made of atoms.
C. Cells are made of atoms, atoms are
made of molecules.
B. Molecules are made of atoms, atoms
are made of cells.
D. Cells are not made of molecules or
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | Maths
The height of triangle PQR is double the height of triangle ABC, while the base of
triangle ABC is double the base of triangle PQR. The ratio of the areas of triangles
ABC and PQR will be
A. 1:1
B. 1:2
C. 2:1
D. 2:3
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
Waste can be classified based on its source as
1. Domestic 2. Industrial 3. Hospital 4. Agricultural
or based on its nature as
1. Toxic waste [may contain harmful chemicals or radioactive material]
2. Pathogenic waste [may contain disease producing virus and bacteria]
3. Non toxic waste [neither toxic nor pathogenic]
Pieces of brick that are too small to be used can be classified as
Correct Answer : C
Class 9 | Maths
A matchbox has dimensions as shown in the figure above. 10 such matchboxes
have to be packed into a bundle.
Raju made a bundle (l= 10 cm, b= 3 cm and h= 5 cm) as shown here, whose
volume is 150 cm3.
(Matchboxes are arranged in such a way that there are no gaps between the
Can 10 matchboxes be arranged in any other way so as to get a bundle having
volume less than 150 cm3?
A. Yes, by arranging them so that all matchboxes come in one line.
B. No, in all other ways the volume will always be more than 150 cm3.
C. Yes, by arranging them so that the length of the bundle becomes 6 cm.
D. No, because the volume cannot change however they are arranged.
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
In Delhi, Bankim is running in the north-eastern direction and casts a shadow on the
ground due to the Sun's light as shown below.
What could be the time of the day when this happened?
A. 10:30 am
C. 4:30 pm
B. 1:30 pm
D. This is never possible.
Correct Answer : C
Class 6 | Science
To pull up the same load, which of the following methods requires the least effort?
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
Which of the following is a prime number?
A. 19 x 2 x 3
C. 21 x 1
B. 1 x 29
D. 13 x 17
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Science
When a carrot plant grows, the edible root and a leafy top are produced in the first
year. Flowers and seeds are produced in the second year. From this we can say
that the carrot plant is:
A. an annual plant
B. a biennial plant
C. a triennial plant
D. a perennial plant
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
In which of the following cases will the five rings form a single, straight chain when
Ring 1 and Ring 2 are pulled in opposite directions as indicated?
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | Science
Beakers P and Q both contain the same amount of water, but at 30oC and 70oC
respectively. If we could see the molecules of water in P and Q we would find that:
A. There is no difference in the nature of the molecules or the speed at which they
are moving in the two beakers.
B. There is no difference in the nature of the molecules but the molecules in Q are
moving faster than those in P.
C. Molecules in Q are moving faster than in P; and some of them have split into
Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms.
D. The speeds of molecules in P and Q are similar, but some in Q have split into
Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms.
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
The height of triangle PQR is double the height of triangle ABC, while the base of
triangle ABC is double the base of triangle PQR. The ratio of the areas of triangles
ABC and PQR will be
A. 1:1
C. 2:1
B. 1:2
D. 2:3
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | Science
400g each of water, oil and sand are taken and heated from room temperature to
70o C on identical Bunsen burners. The time taken for each to reach that
temperature is noted.
Heating is then stopped and the time taken for each to cool to room temperature is
Which of these will be true?
A. Substances that take more time to get heated will take more time to cool.
B. Substances that take more time to get heated will take less time to cool.
C. There is no connection between the time taken to get heated and to cool.
D. The time taken to get heated depends on the mass, the time taken to cool does
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
A matchbox has dimensions as shown in the figure above. 10 such matchboxes
have to be packed into a bundle.
Raju made a bundle (l= 10 cm, b= 3 cm and h= 5 cm) as shown here, whose
volume is 150 cm3.
(Matchboxes are arranged in such a way that there are no gaps between the
Can 10 matchboxes be arranged in any other way so as to get a bundle having
volume less than 150 cm3?
A. Yes, by arranging them so that all
matchboxes come in one line.
C. Yes, by arranging them so that the
length of the bundle becomes 6 cm.
B. No, in all other ways the volume will
always be more than 150 cm3.
D. No, because the volume cannot
change however they are arranged.
Correct Answer : D
Class 6 | Social Studies
Identify what is shown in the picture:
A. a railway platform ticket
B. an airport entry ticket
C. a state transportation bus ticket
D. a local train ticket
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
To pull up the same load, which of the following methods requires the least effort?
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Social Studies
Which of these dances shown in the figure is performed after the harvest in Assam?
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
When a carrot plant grows, the edible root and a leafy top are produced in the first
year. Flowers and seeds are produced in the second year. From this we can say
that the carrot plant is:
A. an annual plant
C. a triennial plant
B. a biennial plant
D. a perennial plant
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | Social Studies
The following is an imaginary dialogue between two characters in a historical novel.
'Maharaja, I grew some 100 maunds of Jawar in my field last year. But most of
these were taken as land tax - 50 maunds by the amil, 14 maunds by the zamindar
and 10 maunds by the village moneylender. And now this year a new tax is being
imposed. How will we pay all these taxes and what will we eat?'
The dialogue suggests:
A. exploitation of farmers
B. exploitation of moneylenders
C. exploitation of zamindars
D. exploitation of maharajas
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
Beakers P and Q both contain the same amount of water, but at 30oC and 70oC
respectively. If we could see the molecules of water in P and Q we would find that:
A. There is no difference in the nature of
the molecules or the speed at which they
are moving in the two beakers.
C. Molecules in Q are moving faster than
in P; and some of them have split into
Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms.
B. There is no difference in the nature of
the molecules but the molecules in Q are
moving faster than those in P.
D. The speeds of molecules in P and Q
are similar, but some in Q have split into
Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms.
Correct Answer : B
Class 9 | Social Studies
The picture here shows the legendary figure Mirabai. Which form of
Indian Music does she represent?
A. Bhakti
B. Sufi
C. Carnatic
D. Lavani
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
400g each of water, oil and sand are taken and heated from room temperature to
70o C on identical Bunsen burners. The time taken for each to reach that
temperature is noted.
Heating is then stopped and the time taken for each to cool to room temperature is
Which of these will be true?
A. Substances that take more time to B. Substances that take more time to get
get heated will take more time to cool. heated will take less time to cool.
D. The time taken to get heated depends
C. There is no connection between the
on the mass, the time taken to cool does
time taken to get heated and to cool.
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | English
In which sentence does the word 'key' have the same meaning as the word 'main' in
the sentence:
''The teacher identified the main point of the lesson.''
A. The old man opened the door with a huge key.
B. The guitarist tried to key his guitar to tune it.
C. One must remember the key words of a concept.
D. The teacher wrote the answer key on the board.
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
Identify what is shown in the picture:
A. a railway platform ticket
C. a state transportation bus ticket
Correct Answer : A
B. an airport entry ticket
D. a local train ticket
Class 7 | English
Krishna asked her mother if she thought it was greedy to eat more than two
chocolates at a time.
The direct form of narration of the above sentence is:
A. Krishna said to her mother, ''Did she think it was greedy to eat more than two
chocolates at a time?''
B. Krishna said to her mother, ''Did she think it is greedy to eat more than two
chocolates at a time?''
C. Krishna asked her mother, ''Do you think it is greedy to eat more than two
chocolates at a time?''
D. Krishna asked her mother, ''Do you think it was greedy to eat more than two
chocolates at a time?''
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
Which of these dances shown in the figure is performed after the harvest in Assam?
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | English
Which sentence contains an error?
A. Our manager is careful about who handles the music system on the stage.
B. Only people with a lot of self-confidence is selected as one of the performers.
C. Many of us have taken lessons in various forms of string instruments.
D. The music performers for the evening show come from all over the city.
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
The following is an imaginary dialogue between two characters in a historical novel.
'Maharaja, I grew some 100 maunds of Jawar in my field last year. But most of
these were taken as land tax - 50 maunds by the amil, 14 maunds by the zamindar
and 10 maunds by the village moneylender. And now this year a new tax is being
imposed. How will we pay all these taxes and what will we eat?'
The dialogue suggests:
A. exploitation of farmers
C. exploitation of zamindars
B. exploitation of moneylenders
D. exploitation of maharajas
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | English
Which word can complete the following sentence?
''The wild animal ____________ ran for cover when the hunters fired a shot.''
A. instinctively
B. reluctantly
C. deliberately
D. collectively
Saturday's Question | Class 9 | Social Studies
The picture here shows the legendary figure Mirabai. Which form of
Indian Music does she represent?
A. Bhakti
C. Carnatic
Correct Answer : A
B. Sufi
D. Lavani
Class 6 | Maths
Tapan thinks of a number, doubles it and adds 50 to the answer. He gets the
answer 120. What was Tapan's original number?
A. 290
B. 70
C. 35
D. 20
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
In which sentence does the word 'key' have the same meaning as the word 'main' in
the sentence:
''The teacher identified the main point of the lesson.''
A. The old man opened the door with a
huge key.
C. One must remember the key words of
a concept.
B. The guitarist tried to key his guitar to
tune it.
D. The teacher wrote the answer key on
the board.
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Maths
What number is 20 less than -25?
A. -5
B. 5
C. 45
D. -45
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
Krishna asked her mother if she thought it was greedy to eat more than two
chocolates at a time.
The direct form of narration of the above sentence is:
A. Krishna said to her mother, ''Did she
think it was greedy to eat more than two
chocolates at a time?''
C. Krishna asked her mother, ''Do you
think it is greedy to eat more than two
B. Krishna said to her mother, ''Did she
think it is greedy to eat more than two
chocolates at a time?''
D. Krishna asked her mother, ''Do you
think it was greedy to eat more than two
chocolates at a time?''
chocolates at a time?''
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | Maths
If the measure of one angle of an isosceles triangle is 400, another angle of the
triangle CANNOT measure
A. 40º
B. 70º
C. 80 º
D. 100 º
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
Which sentence contains an error?
B. Only people with a lot of selfA. Our manager is careful about who
confidence is selected as one of the
handles the music system on the stage.
C. Many of us have taken lessons in
D. The music performers for the evening
various forms of string instruments.
show come from all over the city.
Correct Answer : B
Class 9 | Maths
If the ratio of Ravi's age to John's age is 2 : 3, which of the following is true about
their actual ages?
A. John's age is 11⁄2 times Ravi's age
B. Ravi is a year younger than John
C. John is 3 times as old as Ravi
D. Ravi's age is half of John's age
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | English
Which word can complete the following sentence?
''The wild animal ____________ ran for cover when the hunters fired a shot.''
A. instinctively
C. deliberately
Correct Answer : A
B. reluctantly
D. collectively
Class 9 | Science
In a dark room, what will the shadow be like?
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
If the ratio of Ravi's age to John's age is 2 : 3, which of the following is true about
their actual ages?
A. John's age is 11⁄2 times Ravi's age
C. John is 3 times as old as Ravi
B. Ravi is a year younger than John
D. Ravi's age is half of John's age
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Maths
Nina, Upen, Varun and Geet earn equal monthly salaries.
Who saves the greatest amount every month?
A. Nina
B. Upen
C. Varun
D. Geet
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
In which of these test tubes would the seeds germinate?
Correct Answer : A
Class 7 | Maths
Razaq says to Ravi, ''Your phone number is divisible by 3 as well as 9.''If Ravi
wants to check whether this is true using a divisibility test, what should he do?
A. Use the divisibility test of 3 (sum of digits should be divisible by 3)
B. Use the divisibility test of 6 (number should be divisible by 2 and 3)
C. Use the divisibility test of 9 (sum of digits should be divisible by 9)
D. Use the divisibility test of 12 (number should be divisible by 3 and 4)
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Contour lines join points of equal height in a map. Given below is the contour of a
hill. The height along each line is also shown.
The height of the hill is about:
A. 60m
C. 40m
Correct Answer : A
B. 50m
D. 30m
Class 8 | Maths
Which is the largest negative integer having 4 digits?
A. -1000
B. -9999
C. -1023
D. -1111
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
A hydrometer is an instrument used to measure the density of liquids. Its markings
are not linear. A hydrometer, whose markings have got erased, is placed in three
vessels containing petrol (density 750 g/cc), water (density 1000 g/cc) and glycerine
(density 1250 g/cc).
Which of these could be the correct markings on the hydrometer?
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | Maths
Rita is given a sheet with a rectangular grid as shown here.
She is asked to draw squares with sides on grid lines of the sheet (one such square
is shown in the figure above).What is the maximum number of squares she
can draw?
A. 32
B. 28
C. 24
D. 18
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
In a dark room, what will the shadow be like?
Correct Answer : A
Class 5 | Science
The table shown below gives the distance between a few places in Hyderabad. What is
the distance between Golconda and Charminar?
A. 11 km
B. 13 km
C. 15 km
D. 27 km
Yesterday's Question | Class 5 | Maths
In how many different ways can we combine the weights shown here to add up to 2kg?
(Pairs of same weights are identical to each other)
A. 2
C. 4
B. 3
D. 5
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | Science
If a drop of water is put into a beaker of oil, what will happen?
A. The water drop will float on the top.
B. The water drop will settle in the middle of the oil.
C. The water drop will sink.
D. The water drop will initially sink and then float.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
Nina, Upen, Varun and Geet earn equal monthly salaries.
Who saves the greatest amount every month?
A. Nina
C. Varun
B. Upen
D. Geet
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Science
What was the average speed of the
cyclist for the total journey?
A. 3m/s
B. 4 m/s
C. 5 m/s
D. 6.67 m/s
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
Razaq says to Ravi, ''Your phone number is divisible by 3 as well as 9.''If Ravi
wants to check whether this is true using a divisibility test, what should he do?
A. Use the divisibility test of 3 (sum of
digits should be divisible by 3)
C. Use the divisibility test of 9 (sum of
B. Use the divisibility test of 6 (number
should be divisible by 2 and 3)
D. Use the divisibility test of 12 (number
digits should be divisible by 9)
should be divisible by 3 and 4)
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | Science
Three of the four organs mentioned here belong to a particular organ system in the
human body. Find the organ that is the odd one out.
A. liver
B. kidneys
C. pancreas
D. small intestines
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
Which is the largest negative integer having 4 digits?
A. -1000
C. -1023
B. -9999
D. -1111
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | Science
In 1935, a species of toad from central and south America was introduced into
Australia. It was thought that the toads would eat the beetles that were destroying
the sugarcane. Which of these was UNLIKELY to have been an effect of the
introduction of the toads?
A. The toads ate other useful wildlife also.
B. The toads themselves multiplied too much.
C. The toads themselves ate the sugarcane crop.
D. The toads brought in a new or unknown disease.
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
Rita is given a sheet with a rectangular grid as shown here.
She is asked to draw squares with sides on grid lines of the sheet (one such square
is shown in the figure above).What is the maximum number of squares she
can draw?
A. 32
C. 24
B. 28
D. 18
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Social Studies
Every Indian citizen has certain fundamental duties. Some fundamental duties, if
disregarded, are punishable by law. Which of the following is illegal and punishable
by law?
A. Not voting on election day.
B. Travelling in India without a passport.
C. Disrespecting the Indian national flag.
D. Remaining quiet when the national anthem is sung.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
If a drop of water is put into a beaker of oil, what will happen?
A. The water drop will float on the
C. The water drop will sink.
B. The water drop will settle in the middle of
the oil.
D. The water drop will initially sink and then
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Social Studies
Charles Lindbergh made aviation history when he flew from New York to Paris nonstop in 1927. He flew over parts of the US East Coast, Newfoundland, and southern
parts of Ireland and England before reaching Paris, as shown on the map below.
Many people were surprised at the route flown by Lindbergh. They felt the straight
line linking New York with Paris shown on the map, was the shortest, and felt he
was taking a longer route. The National Geographic Society issued a statement to
the New York Times on May 22, 1927. The statement said that the route taken by
Captain Lindbergh was in fact the shortest to Paris, and about 473 miles shorter
than the 'straight line' route on the map. How can this curved route be shorter than a
straight line route between New York and Paris on a map?
A. The route is the fastest because the wind direction helps the plane go faster.
B. The distance between 2 points on a map can be misleading, as the earth is not
C. The flight going from west to east, takes the shortest time because of the earth's
D. The maps in Lindbergh's time were not accurate, so the shortest route was
based on experience of sailors.
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
What was the average speed of the
cyclist for the total journey?
A. 3m/s
C. 5 m/s
Correct Answer : C
B. 4 m/s
D. 6.67 m/s
Class 8 | Social Studies
The conflict between these two lands has been an ongoing one since the mid 20th
century. Both the groups have sites of great religious and historical importance that
have been mentioned in the Christian Bible, the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and the
Quran. This refers to the conflict between ___________________.
A. Iran and Iraq
B. Iraq and Kuwait
C. Libya and Egypt
D. Israel and Palestine
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
Three of the four organs mentioned here belong to a particular organ system in the
human body. Find the organ that is the odd one out.
A. liver
C. pancreas
B. kidneys
D. small intestines
Correct Answer : B
Class 9 | Social Studies
In trade, the nearest markets usually receive the product first.
The MOST LIKELY reason for this is because ___________________.
A. it costs the least for the supplier to get it there
B. the governments have lesser regulations there
C. there is better infrastructure available there
D. the supplier gets the highest prices there
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
In 1935, a species of toad from central and south America was introduced into
Australia. It was thought that the toads would eat the beetles that were destroying
the sugarcane. Which of these was UNLIKELY to have been an effect of the
introduction of the toads?
A. The toads ate other useful wildlife
C. The toads themselves ate the
sugarcane crop.
B. The toads themselves multiplied too
D. The toads brought in a new or
unknown disease.
Correct Answer : C
Class 6 | English
In which sentence does the word 'run' mean 'in charge of'?
A. Natasha had to run for the bus, as she was already late.
B. Natasha likes the new model of cars as they run very smoothly.
C. Natasha and her mother run the garment shop together.
D. Natasha let the water run in the bathroom to clean it well.
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
Every Indian citizen has certain fundamental duties. Some fundamental duties, if
disregarded, are punishable by law. Which of the following is illegal and punishable
by law?
A. Not voting on election day.
C. Disrespecting the Indian
national flag.
B. Travelling in India without a passport.
D. Remaining quiet when the national anthem
is sung.
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | English
What kind of person seems dangerous but in fact is not so?
A. a dark horse
B. a paper tiger
C. a wolf in sheep's clothing
D. a white elephant
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
Charles Lindbergh made aviation history when he flew from New York to Paris nonstop in 1927. He flew over parts of the US East Coast, Newfoundland, and southern
parts of Ireland and England before reaching Paris, as shown on the map below.
Many people were surprised at the route flown by Lindbergh. They felt the straight
line linking New York with Paris shown on the map, was the shortest, and felt he
was taking a longer route. The National Geographic Society issued a statement to
the New York Times on May 22, 1927. The statement said that the route taken by
Captain Lindbergh was in fact the shortest to Paris, and about 473 miles shorter
than the 'straight line' route on the map. How can this curved route be shorter than a
straight line route between New York and Paris on a map?
A. The route is the fastest because
the wind direction helps the plane go
C. The flight going from west to east,
takes the shortest time because of
the earth's rotation.
B. The distance between 2 points on a map
can be misleading, as the earth is not flat.
D. The maps in Lindbergh's time were not
accurate, so the shortest route was based on
experience of sailors.
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | English
'The jasmine is one of the most fragrant flowers.'
This can be correctly rewritten as _____________________
A. No other flower is fragrant like the jasmine.
B. None of the other flowers are as fragrant as the jasmine.
C. The jasmine is more fragrant than any other flower.
D. The jasmine is more fragrant than most other flowers.
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
The conflict between these two lands has been an ongoing one since the mid 20th
century. Both the groups have sites of great religious and historical importance that
have been mentioned in the Christian Bible, the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and the
Quran. This refers to the conflict between ___________________.
A. Iran and Iraq
C. Libya and Egypt
B. Iraq and Kuwait
D. Israel and Palestine
Correct Answer : D
Class 9 | English
I haven't seen my aunt for nearly ten years but I still have _________ for her.
A. an apple in my eye
B. an arrow in my heart
C. a soft corner in my heart
D. a bright light in my head
Saturday's Question | Class 9 | Social Studies
In trade, the nearest markets usually receive the product first.
The MOST LIKELY reason for this is because ___________________.
A. it costs the least for the supplier to get
it there
C. there is better infrastructure available
B. the governments have lesser
regulations there
D. the supplier gets the highest prices
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Maths
10 - 4 ÷ ½ + 2 equals
A. 4
B. 5
C. 10
D. 14
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
In which sentence does the word 'run' mean 'in charge of'?
A. Natasha had to run for the bus, as
she was already late.
C. Natasha and her mother run the
garment shop together.
B. Natasha likes the new model of cars as
they run very smoothly.
D. Natasha let the water run in the
bathroom to clean it well.
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Maths
Which of the following measurements is most likely to be expressed in square
A. The capacity of a tank with a square base
B. The area of the surface of the moon
C. The distance between the opposite sides of a square field
D. The total surface of a room to be painted
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
What kind of person seems dangerous but in fact is not so?
A. a dark horse
C. a wolf in sheep's clothing
B. a paper tiger
D. a white elephant
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | Maths
Five identical rectangular pieces of cloth of different prints when arranged as shown
form a square patch. If the perimeter of each rectangular piece is 48 cm, what is the
perimeter of the square patch?
A. 240 cm
B. 120 cm
C. 96 cm
D. 80 cm
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
'The jasmine is one of the most fragrant flowers.'
This can be correctly rewritten as _____________________
A. No other flower is fragrant like the
C. The jasmine is more fragrant than
any other flower.
B. None of the other flowers are as
fragrant as the jasmine.
D. The jasmine is more fragrant than most
other flowers.
Correct Answer : D
Class 9 | Maths
m and n are non-zero rational numbers. Which of the following is also a rational
1. m + n
2. m - n
3. m x n
4. m ÷ n
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 1 and 3 only
C. 1, 2 and 3 only
D. All - 1, 2, 3 & 4
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | English
I haven't seen my aunt for nearly ten years but I still have _________ for her.
A. an apple in my eye
C. a soft corner in my heart
Correct Answer : C
B. an arrow in my heart
D. a bright light in my head
Class 6 | Science
Kamakshi is taking a train to Chennai. Her train has stopped at a station. She is
sitting next to a windows and is facing the direction of the train's motion. At that
moment, a train next to her own train, also bound for Chennai, starts. It would seem
to Kamakshi as if
A. She is moving backward
B. she is moving forward
C. the other train is moving backward
D. the people on the station are moving backward
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
10 - 4 ÷ ½ + 2 equals
A. 4
C. 10
B. 5
D. 14
Correct Answer : A
Class 7 | Science
The city authorities requested the citizens to have two separate dustbins for the
waste generated in their homes as shown below
What is the MOST LIKELY basis on which the authorities have made this
A. the good or bad smell of waste
B. the bio-degradable or non-bio-degradable nature of waste
C. the size of the waste items
D. There is no pattern or basis.
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
Which of the following measurements is most likely to be expressed in square
A. The capacity of a tank with a square base
B. The area of the surface of the
C. The distance between the opposite sides of D. The total surface of a room to
a square field
be painted
Correct Answer : D
Class 8 | Science
Saket saw his papaya tree developing flowers. He was sure that fruits would form
within a few days, but to his disappointment, this did not happen.
He plucked a flower and found that pollen grains were being produced in the
Which of these was definitely absent in the flowers?
A. Sepal
B. Ovule
C. Filament
D. Nectar
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
Five identical rectangular pieces of cloth of different prints when arranged as shown
form a square patch. If the perimeter of each rectangular piece is 48 cm, what is the
perimeter of the square patch?
A. 240 cm
C. 96 cm
B. 120 cm
D. 80 cm
Correct Answer : D
Class 9 | Science
Which of these forces is responsible for meteoroids entering the Earth's
A. frictional
B. gravitational
C. magnetic
D. both A and B
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
m and n are non-zero rational numbers. Which of the following is also a rational
1. m + n
2. m - n
3. m x n
4. m ÷ n
A. 1 and 2 only
C. 1, 2 and 3 only
B. 1 and 3 only
D. All - 1, 2, 3 & 4
Correct Answer : D
Class 6 | Maths
It is estimated that many adults consume about 28.8 g (about 12 teaspoons) of
sodium everyday. This quantity is twelve times the amount that is recommended for
a healthy heart. According to this, what is the recommended quantity of sodium per
day for a healthy heart?
A. 1 g
B. 2.4 g
C. 12 g
D. 16.8 g
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
Kamakshi is taking a train to Chennai. Her train has stopped at a station. She is
sitting next to a windows and is facing the direction of the train's motion. At that
moment, a train next to her own train, also bound for Chennai, starts. It would seem
to Kamakshi as if
A. She is moving backward
B. she is moving forward
C. the other train is moving
D. the people on the station are moving
Correct Answer : A
Class 7 | Maths
The overhead tank of a housing-complex was 4⁄5ths full in the morning. By 10 a.m.,
9000 litres of water was used up and the remaining water filled only half the tank.
What is the capacity of the tank?
A. 2700 litters
B. 7200 litres
C. 18000 litres
D. 30000 litres
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
The city authorities requested the citizens to have two separate dustbins for the
waste generated in their homes as shown below
What is the MOST LIKELY basis on which the authorities have made this
A. the good or bad smell of
C. the size of the waste
B. the bio-degradable or non-bio-degradable nature
of waste
D. There is no pattern or basis.
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | Maths
Bablu has three sticks of lengths 3, 4 and 5 cm. Ramesh has three sticks of lengths
3, 5 and 9 cm.
How many triangles can Bablu and Ramesh make with their sticks?
A. Bablu: 1, Ramesh: 0
B. Bablu: 2, Ramesh: 1
C. Bablu: 1, Ramesh: 1
D. Bablu: 0, Ramesh: 2
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
Saket saw his papaya tree developing flowers. He was sure that fruits would form
within a few days, but to his disappointment, this did not happen.
He plucked a flower and found that pollen grains were being produced in the
Which of these was definitely absent in the flowers?
A. Sepal
C. Filament
B. Ovule
D. Nectar
Correct Answer : B
Class 9 | Maths
A survey was conducted among Class 9 students of Ujjwal High School in which
each student was asked to name his or her favourite sport and the favourite player
from that sport.
40% of the group chose cricket as their favourite sport and of these, 40% named
Tendulkar as their favourite player.
What percentage of students in the group chose cricket as their favourite sport but
did NOT name Tendulkar as their favourite player?
A. 80%
B. 60%
C. 24%
D. 16%
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
Which of these forces is responsible for meteoroids entering the Earth's
A. frictional
C. magnetic
Correct Answer : B
B. gravitational
D. both A and B
Class 6 | Science
Which of these physical properties of a wire made of pure copper will NOT change if
a small piece is cut off from it?
A. Its mass
B. Its volume
C. Its size
D. Its density
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
It is estimated that many adults consume about 28.8 g (about 12 teaspoons) of
sodium everyday. This quantity is twelve times the amount that is recommended for
a healthy heart. According to this, what is the recommended quantity of sodium per
day for a healthy heart?
A. 1 g
C. 12 g
B. 2.4 g
D. 16.8 g
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Science
Which of these could be the width of a person's little finger?
A. 1 m
B. 0.1 m
C. 0.01 m
D. 0.001 m
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
The overhead tank of a housing-complex was 4⁄5ths full in the morning. By 10 a.m.,
9000 litres of water was used up and the remaining water filled only half the tank.
What is the capacity of the tank?
A. 2700 litters
C. 18000 litres
Correct Answer : D
B. 7200 litres
D. 30000 litres
Class 8 | Science
During digestion, the proteins in the food will be broken down into
A. simple sugars.
B. amino acids
C. uric acid.
D. nucleic acids
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
Bablu has three sticks of lengths 3, 4 and 5 cm. Ramesh has three sticks of lengths
3, 5 and 9 cm.
How many triangles can Bablu and Ramesh make with their sticks?
A. Bablu: 1, Ramesh: 0
C. Bablu: 1, Ramesh: 1
B. Bablu: 2, Ramesh: 1
D. Bablu: 0, Ramesh: 2
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | Science
After AB+, which is the 'safest' blood group, that is, it can receive blood from the
maximum percentage of people?
A. ABB. A+
C. B+
D. O+
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Maths
A survey was conducted among Class 9 students of Ujjwal High School in which
each student was asked to name his or her favourite sport and the favourite player
from that sport.
40% of the group chose cricket as their favourite sport and of these, 40% named
Tendulkar as their favourite player.
What percentage of students in the group chose cricket as their favourite sport but
did NOT name Tendulkar as their favourite player?
A. 80%
C. 24%
B. 60%
D. 16%
Correct Answer : C
Class 6 | Social Studies
In which of these states might you find a Marine National Park?
A. Bihar
B. Gujarat
C. Haryana
D. Uttaranchal
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
Which of these physical properties of a wire made of pure copper will NOT change if
a small piece is cut off from it?
A. Its mass
C. Its size
B. Its volume
D. Its density
Correct Answer : D
Class 7 | Social Studies
Which of these geographical features shown here is a BAY?
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Which of these could be the width of a person's little finger?
A. 1 m
C. 0.01 m
B. 0.1 m
D. 0.001 m
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | Social Studies
The following map shows the borders of the Mughal Empire as they were at the
death of three important Mughal emperors. It shows how the Mughal Empire
expanded. Look at it carefully. Which of the options below is correct?
A. 1: Death of Akbar; 2: Death of Babur; 3: Death of Aurangzeb
B. 1: Death of Babur; 2: Death of Akbar; 3: Death of Aurangzeb
C. 1: Death of Aurangzeb; 2: Death of Babur; 3: Death of Akbar
D. 1: Death of Aurangzeb; 2: Death of Akbar; 3: Death of Babur
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
During digestion, the proteins in the food will be broken down into
A. simple sugars.
C. uric acid.
B. amino acids
D. nucleic acids
Correct Answer : B
Class 9 | Social Studies
An 'ecosystem engineer' is any animal or plant that creates or modifies its habitat
and greatly affects other plant and animal species. They are capable of changing
entire ecosystems. Which one of the following is an example of ecosystem
engineering that would have a negative effect?
A. rapid growth of aquatic plants in waterbodies
B. creepers that monkeys use to swing from trees
C. beavers building dams and creating wetlands
D. caterpillars creating shelters from leaves
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | Science
After AB+, which is the 'safest' blood group, that is, it can receive blood from the
maximum percentage of people?
A. ABC. B+
B. A+
D. O+
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | English
Choose the correct meaning of the expression, 'to smell a rat'.
A. to detect a bad smell
B. to misunderstand
C. to suspect something
D. to see the hidden meaning
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
In which of these states might you find a Marine National Park?
A. Bihar
C. Haryana
B. Gujarat
D. Uttaranchal
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | English
A lawyer needs to 'think on his feet'. The underlined expression refers to a person
who thinks
A. while standing.
B. of big plans.
C. very quickly.
D. of different things.
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
Which of these geographical features shown here is a BAY?
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | English
Replacing 'too' in the sentence, 'The curd is too sour to eat.' we get:
A. The curd is too sour that it cannot be eaten
B. The curd is so sour that it can be eaten.
C. The curd is very sour for eating.
D. The curd is so sour that nobody can eat it.
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
The following map shows the borders of the Mughal Empire as they were at the
death of three important Mughal emperors. It shows how the Mughal Empire
expanded. Look at it carefully. Which of the options below is correct?
A. 1: Death of Akbar; 2: Death of Babur;
3: Death of Aurangzeb
C. 1: Death of Aurangzeb; 2: Death of
Babur; 3: Death of Akbar
B. 1: Death of Babur; 2: Death of Akbar;
3: Death of Aurangzeb
D. 1: Death of Aurangzeb; 2: Death of
Akbar; 3: Death of Babur
Correct Answer : A
Class 9 | English
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
___________________ than we put away our snack boxes.
A. No sooner the teacher entered the class
B. No sooner had the teacher entered the class
C. No sooner the teacher enters the class
D. No sooner did the teacher enter the class
Saturday's Question | Class 9 | Social Studies
An 'ecosystem engineer' is any animal or plant that creates or modifies its habitat
and greatly affects other plant and animal species. They are capable of changing
entire ecosystems. Which one of the following is an example of ecosystem
engineering that would have a negative effect?
A. rapid growth of aquatic plants in
C. beavers building dams and creating
B. creepers that monkeys use to swing
from trees
D. caterpillars creating shelters from
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Maths
In the International system of numbers, ten lakhs is read as one million. In this
system, two crores, fifteen lakhs, nine thousand, four hundred and ten will be read
A. Two million, one hundred and fifty nine thousand, four hundred and ten.
B. Twenty one million, fifty nine thousand, four hundred and ten.
C. Twenty one million, five hundred and nine thousand, four hundred and ten.
D. Two hundred and fifty nine thousand, four hundred and ten.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
Choose the correct meaning of the expression, 'to smell a rat'.
A. to detect a bad smell
C. to suspect something
B. to misunderstand
D. to see the hidden meaning
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Maths
In writing all the whole numbers from 1 to 100 (both included) once,
which digit would you write the LEAST number of times?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 5
D. 9
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
A lawyer needs to 'think on his feet'. The underlined expression refers to a person
who thinks
A. while standing.
C. very quickly.
B. of big plans.
D. of different things.
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | Maths
A corner of a square paper is folded along the dotted line as shown below.
After folding, ifSPQ = 20o, what is the measure ofPMQ?
A. 700
B. 550
C. 350
D. 200
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
Replacing 'too' in the sentence, 'The curd is too sour to eat.' we get:
A. The curd is too sour that it cannot be
C. The curd is very sour for eating.
B. The curd is so sour that it can be
D. The curd is so sour that nobody can
eat it.
Correct Answer : D
Class 9 | Maths
The prime power factorisation of some numbers are as follows:
Which of them are perfect squares?
A. only 3481
B. only 3481 and 61009
C. only 3481, 61009 and 35153041
D. all- 3481, 15625, 61009 and 35153041
Yesterday's Question | Class 9 | English
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
___________________ than we put away our snack boxes.
A. No sooner the teacher entered the
C. No sooner the teacher enters the
Correct Answer : D
B. No sooner had the teacher entered the
D. No sooner did the teacher enter the