Which of these cities of India can be reached by... A. Delhi B. Mumbai

Class 6 | Social Studies
Which of these cities of India can be reached by land, sea and air?
A. Delhi
B. Mumbai
C. Bangalore
D. Ahmedabad
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
Useful waste can be categorised as:
1: Bio-degradable waste: Waste that decomposes naturally and quite easily
2: Recyclable waste: Waste that can be reused after changing its form
3: Reusable waste: Waste that can be used again without changing its form
Which of the following can come under ALL the three categories mentioned above?
A. used syringes
C. glass bottles
B. vegetable waste
D. papers
Correct Answer : D
Class 7 | Social Studies
As you go towards higher latitudes, the seasons become more and more prominent.
For example, in the highest latitudes, the sun does not set for many days during
summer and does not rise for many days during winter.
At which of these latitudes would the seasons be MOST prominent?
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Which of the gear systems shown has more than two gears turning
(The black wheel is turning clockwise as shown)
Correct Answer : C
Class 6 | English
According to a popular proverb, a bird in hand is worth two in the __________.
A. feet
B. mind
C. bush
D. air
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
Which of these cities of India can be reached by land, sea and air?
A. Delhi
C. Bangalore
B. Mumbai
D. Ahmedabad
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | English
She is one of the few students who writes well.
A. She writes better than any other student.
B. She writes better than most other students.
C. She writes better than all the other students.
D. She writes better than one or two students.
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
As you go towards higher latitudes, the seasons become more and more prominent.
For example, in the highest latitudes, the sun does not set for many days during
summer and does not rise for many days during winter.
At which of these latitudes would the seasons be MOST prominent?
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | English
If I say,''Hold your horses,'' what do I mean?
A. Don't let the horses run away.
B. Be patient, slow down.
C. Do not shout at the horses.
D. Tie the horses securely to the cart.
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
Artists use various symbols in painting. For example, the artist has used a skull in
this painting to remind the viewer that death is unavoidable and that everybody must
die someday.
He has also used many other symbols in the painting. One symbol has been used
to show that human life does not last very long and can be easily destroyed. Which
of the following MOST likely indicates the shortness of human life?
A. blown out candle
C. valuable statue
B. precious jewels
D. ancient book
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Maths
Prashant cuts a watermelon into 12 equal slices and eats 4 of them. If he was to
have the same portion of the watermelon for himself with the minimum number of
cuts, he should have made
A. three equal slices and taken one.
B. four equal slices and taken one.
C. six equal slices and taken two.
D. five equal slices and taken two.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
According to a popular proverb, a bird in hand is worth two in the __________.
A. feet
C. bush
B. mind
D. air
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Maths
In a survey to identify the popularity of different flavours of potato chips amongst
children, a group of children were asked about their favourite flavour of chips. Their
response is depicted in the pie chart below. Study it and answer questions 26, 27
and 28.
How many children were there in the group?
A. 28
B. 50
C. 60
D. 80
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
She is one of the few students who writes well.
A. She writes better than any other
C. She writes better than all the other
B. She writes better than most other
D. She writes better than one or two
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | Maths
24 + 32 is equal to
A. 14
B. 17
C. 24
D. 25
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
If I say,''Hold your horses,'' what do I mean?
A. Don't let the horses run away.
C. Do not shout at the horses.
B. Be patient, slow down.
D. Tie the horses securely to the cart.
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | Science
I filter gaseous waste from the blood. Who am I?
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Kidneys
D. Large intestines
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
Prashant cuts a watermelon into 12 equal slices and eats 4 of them. If he was to
have the same portion of the watermelon for himself with the minimum number of
cuts, he should have made
A. three equal slices and taken one.
C. six equal slices and taken two.
B. four equal slices and taken one.
D. five equal slices and taken two.
Correct Answer : A
Class 7 | Science
Materials expand upon heating. How much a material expands upon heating is
given by its coefficient of expansion.
There are three metals P, Q and R. Of them, P has the largest coefficient of
expansion, and R has the smallest.
When a thermostat is made with P and R, this is the shape it takes when heated:
Three pieces of P, Q and R are fused together as shown below.
What shape will it taken when heated?
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
In a survey to identify the popularity of different flavours of potato chips amongst
children, a group of children were asked about their favourite flavour of chips. Their
response is depicted in the pie chart below. Study it and answer questions 26, 27
and 28.
How many children were there in the group?
A. 28
C. 60
B. 50
D. 80
Correct Answer : D
Class 8 | Science
A gear is a toothed wheel used to transmit rotary motion. In the figure shown of farm
equipment, for example, the smallest gear is turned by the engine, and it in turn
makes the middle gear rotate, which makes the largest gear rotate. The largest gear
(not fully visible) has 32 teeth.
If the smallest gear completes one turn every minute, how much time will the largest
wheel take to complete one full turn?
A. about 30 seconds
B. 1 minute
C. about 1.5 minutes
D. about 2.5 minutes
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
24 + 32 is equal to
A. 14
C. 24
B. 17
D. 25
Correct Answer : D
Class 6 | Maths
x 5 + = 91
What could
= 7,
= 46
= 13, = 36
stand for?
= 9, = 34
= 15, = 16
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
I filter gaseous waste from the blood. Who am I?
A. Heart
C. Kidneys
B. Lungs
D. Large intestines
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Maths
What should be added to 995 to get the smallest 4-digit number divisible by 11?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 6
D. 11
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Materials expand upon heating. How much a material expands upon heating is
given by its coefficient of expansion.
There are three metals P, Q and R. Of them, P has the largest coefficient of
expansion, and R has the smallest.
When a thermostat is made with P and R, this is the shape it takes when heated:
Three pieces of P, Q and R are fused together as shown below.
What shape will it taken when heated?
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | Maths
A shopkeeper has only a 1 kg weight with him and a simple balance. He has to
weigh 31 kg of rice.
What is the least number of times he will have to use his balance to measure out 31
(Hint- He can weigh the maximum amount of rice in each turn, by using the rice
already weighed and the 1 kg weight on the other side!)
A. 5
B. 16
C. 30
D. 31
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
A gear is a toothed wheel used to transmit rotary motion. In the figure shown of farm
equipment, for example, the smallest gear is turned by the engine, and it in turn
makes the middle gear rotate, which makes the largest gear rotate. The largest gear
(not fully visible) has 32 teeth.
If the smallest gear completes one turn every minute, how much time will the largest
wheel take to complete one full turn?
A. about 30 seconds
C. about 1.5 minutes
B. 1 minute
D. about 2.5 minutes
Correct Answer : D
Class 6 | Science
The balance in figure 1 is used to measure the weight of gold ornaments, while the
balance in figure 2 is used by a vendor to weigh vegetables. Which of these is likely
to be a correct difference between them?
A. Balance 1 can be used to measure small weights accurately in labs.
B. Balance 1 can weigh greater weights than Balance 2.
C. Balance 1 will not be as accurate as Balance 2.
D. Balance 1 will be cheaper than Balance 2.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
x 5 + = 91
What could
= 7, = 46
= 13, = 36
stand for?
= 9, = 34
= 15, = 16
Correct Answer : D
Class 7 | Science
Consider the four cells P, Q, R and S of the table shown below.
Into which cell would a polar bear, found in the cold polar regions, fit?
A. P
B. Q
C. R
D. S
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
What should be added to 995 to get the smallest 4-digit number divisible by 11?
A. 2
C. 6
B. 5
D. 11
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | Science
An electric guitar is generating a sound of constant frequency. An increase in which
sound wave characteristic would result in an increase in loudness?
A. speed
B. wavelength
C. period
D. Amplitude
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
A shopkeeper has only a 1 kg weight with him and a simple balance. He has to
weigh 31 kg of rice.
What is the least number of times he will have to use his balance to measure out 31
(Hint- He can weigh the maximum amount of rice in each turn, by using the rice
already weighed and the 1 kg weight on the other side!)
A. 5
C. 30
B. 16
D. 31
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Social Studies
The ''pie chart'' here shows countries from which India buys oil. The size of the
''slice'' indicates how much oil is bought. For example, the ''slice'' of Kuwait is bigger
than that of Angola, which means that more oil is bought from Kuwait.
Going by this chart, you can say that India buys MORE oil from ____________ than
from Iran.
A. Iraq
B. Angola
C. Nigeria
D. Saudi Arabia
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
The balance in figure 1 is used to measure the weight of gold ornaments, while the
balance in figure 2 is used by a vendor to weigh vegetables. Which of these is likely
to be a correct difference between them?
A. Balance 1 can be used to measure small
weights accurately in labs.
C. Balance 1 will not be as accurate as
Balance 2.
Correct Answer : A
B. Balance 1 can weigh greater
weights than Balance 2.
D. Balance 1 will be cheaper than
Balance 2.
Class 7 | Social Studies
Sindhi food in India reflects the influence of several different cultures like Mughal
and Punjabi. Which other country has a large population of Sindhis who make
similar food preparations?
A. Malaysia
B. Pakistan
C. Indonesia
D. Sri Lanka
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Consider the four cells P, Q, R and S of the table shown below.
Into which cell would a polar bear, found in the cold polar regions, fit?
A. P
C. R
B. Q
D. S
Correct Answer : D
Class 8 | Social Studies
The Unity School of Christianity, known as the Unity Church, is a religious
movement which was founded in 1889. These are some beliefs of the Unity Church:
This is similar to the Bhakti movement's idea of _____________________.
A. rejecting all religious traditions
B. a personal relationship with a deity
C. the world around us being an illusion
D. all human beings being created equal
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
An electric guitar is generating a sound of constant frequency. An increase in which
sound wave characteristic would result in an increase in loudness?
A. speed
C. period
B. wavelength
D. Amplitude
Correct Answer : D
Class 6 | English
If we arrange the words Raupya, Rupiya, Rupee, Rupia in alphabetical order, which
one would take the third place?
A. Rupiya
B. Rupee
C. Rupia
D. Raupya
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
The ''pie chart'' here shows countries from which India buys oil. The size of the
''slice'' indicates how much oil is bought. For example, the ''slice'' of Kuwait is bigger
than that of Angola, which means that more oil is bought from Kuwait.
Going by this chart, you can say that India buys MORE oil from ____________ than
from Iran.
A. Iraq
B. Angola
C. Nigeria
D. Saudi Arabia
Correct Answer : D
Class 7 | English
Choose the correct representation of the given sentence without changing its
original meaning.
''But they need to be penalised'', said the Class Monitor.
Which option below reports the above correctly?
A. The Class Monitor said that but they need to be penalised.
B. The Class Monitor objected that they need to be penalised.
C. The Class Monitor protested saying that they needed to be penalised.
D. The Class Monitor declared that they need to be penalised.
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
Sindhi food in India reflects the influence of several different cultures like Mughal
and Punjabi. Which other country has a large population of Sindhis who make
similar food preparations?
A. Malaysia
C. Indonesia
B. Pakistan
D. Sri Lanka
Correct Answer : B
Class 8 | English
Choose the answer which means the same as the given statement.
''As you sow, so shall you reap.''
A. Good actions will bring rewards; bad ones, punishment.
B. We must be thankful for all that we get in life.
C. Seeds should be planted at the right time.
D. We should take advantage of every opportunity we get.
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
The Unity School of Christianity, known as the Unity Church, is a religious
movement which was founded in 1889. These are some beliefs of the Unity Church:
This is similar to the Bhakti movement's idea of _____________________.
A. rejecting all religious traditions
B. a personal relationship with a deity
C. the world around us being an illusion D. all human beings being created equal
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | Maths
4160 20 is equal to
A. 28
B. 208
C. 280
D. 2800
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
If we arrange the words Raupya, Rupiya, Rupee, Rupia in alphabetical order, which
one would take the third place?
A. Rupiya
C. Rupia
B. Rupee
D. Raupya
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Maths
What is the area of the shaded part
in the figure shown here?
A. 200 cm2
B. 150 cm2
C. 125 cm2
D. 100 cm2
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
Choose the correct representation of the given sentence without changing its
original meaning.
''But they need to be penalised'', said the Class Monitor.
Which option below reports the above correctly?
A. The Class Monitor said that but they
need to be penalised.
C. The Class Monitor protested saying that
they needed to be penalised.
B. The Class Monitor objected that
they need to be penalised.
D. The Class Monitor declared that
they need to be penalised.
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | Maths
Of the pieces shown here, which two could form a semicircle when placed next to
each other with their edges touching?
A. Z and W
B. W and Y
C. Y and Z
D. Z and X
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
Choose the answer which means the same as the given statement.
''As you sow, so shall you reap.''
A. Good actions will bring rewards; bad
ones, punishment.
C. Seeds should be planted at the right
B. We must be thankful for all that we
get in life.
D. We should take advantage of every
opportunity we get.
Correct Answer : A
Class 6 | Science
What does this road sign represent?
A. Cycles can be parked here.
B. Cycles may be crossing here.
C. Cycle Repair Shop.
D. Cycling not allowed here.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Maths
4160 20 is equal to
A. 28
C. 280
B. 208
D. 2800
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Science
The boiling point of water is 100oC at sea level. The boiling point of butane is 1.5oC. If we leave liquid butane in a bowl on a table in a room where the
temperature is 24oC, butane will
A. evaporate
B. condense
C. freeze
D. Melt
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Maths
What is the area of the shaded part
in the figure shown here?
A. 200 cm2
C. 125 cm2
B. 150 cm2
D. 100 cm2
Correct Answer : D
Class 8 | Science
Raju has two batteries. One is a 9V battery and the one is a regular 1.5V pencil cell.
Each battery has a + and - noted on it as shown.
How can Raju connect the two batteries together in a simple circuit?
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths
Of the pieces shown here, which two could form a semicircle when placed next to
each other with their edges touching?
A. Z and W
C. Y and Z
B. W and Y
D. Z and X
Correct Answer : B
Class 6 | Maths
90 - 30 ÷ 6 + 2 x 5 equals
A. 60
B. 75
C. 95
D. 435
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
What does this road sign represent?
A. Cycles can be parked here.
C. Cycle Repair Shop.
B. Cycles may be crossing here.
D. Cycling not allowed here.
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Maths
N is a number such that N÷1⁄8 = 16
What is the value of N?
A. 1⁄2
B. 2
C. 4
D. 128
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
The boiling point of water is 100oC at sea level. The boiling point of butane is 1.5oC. If we leave liquid butane in a bowl on a table in a room where the
temperature is 24oC, butane will
A. evaporate
C. freeze
B. condense
D. Melt
Correct Answer : A
Class 8 | Maths
Asha carpeted her hall with 6 identical mats (they have same area) as shown.The
total area of the hall is 192 m2 , and the perimeter of each mat is 24 m.
What is the perimeter of the hall?
A. 56 m
64 m
C. 76 m
D. (Cannot be determined, unless one of the sides of the hall is given)
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
Raju has two batteries. One is a 9V battery and the one is a regular 1.5V pencil cell.
Each battery has a + and - noted on it as shown.
How can Raju connect the two batteries together in a simple circuit?
Correct Answer : C
Class 6 | Social Studies
This map of Africa shows its oil reserves.
Which statement describes the information shown here MOST accurately?
A. Oil reserves are found all along the coastline of Africa.
B. Oil reserves in Africa increase as you go from north to south.
C. The west coast of Africa does not have any oil reserves.
D. Most of Africa's oil reserves are situated above the equator.
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | Science
A class 6 science teacher of a school gave the information as in the table for 5
items: paper, iron piece, stainless steel spoon, wood piece and pebble.
Which item/s from the list tested by the teacher would satisfy the conditions of
Material 1?
A. Only paper
C. Stainless steel spoon and pebble
B. Stainless steel spoon and iron piece
D. Pebble and wood piece
Correct Answer : C
Class 7 | Social Studies
The map shown here is trying to highlight a country. Which country could it be?
A. Iran
B. Japan
C. Papua New Guinea
D. Kenya
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | Science
Some carbohydrate-rich foods, like bread, can be digested almost immediately to
glucose. Others, like brown rice, are digested much more slowly. Foods that quickly
get digested to glucose are said to have a high glycemic index.
Which of these conclusions can be correctly drawn from the table showing high and
low glycemic foods?
A. Cereals are high glycemic foods
C. Processed foods are high glycemic
B. Fruits are low glycemic foods
D. Foods made from rice are low glycemic
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | Social Studies
Kalhana is regarded as Kashmir's first historian. In the opening verses of his book
Rajatarangini (The River of Kings, 1148-49 CE), he says:
This quote indicates that Kalhana MOST likely ______________________.
A. considered that poetry was superior to history
B. commended historians who could write short accounts
C. used a variety of primary sources to write his historical account
D. thought that it was not possible to write history without making mistakes
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science
Metal + Water --------->Metal hydroxide + ______
What is the other product in this reaction?
A. hydrogen
C. acid
B. oxygen
D. Salt
Correct Answer : A
Class 5 | English
Complete the sentence with the word OPPOSITE in MEANING to the
underlined word.
The expert mountaineer shared his knowledge with the new and
____________ members of the team.
A. weak
B. fresh
C. unknown
D. untrained
Saturday's Question | Class 5 | Social Studies
Shown here is a picture of Veerappan. He was a wanted criminal and was known to
be a sandalwood and ivory smuggler. He stole sandalwood trees from the forests in
the Western Ghats. He was killed by the police in 2004. From which states in India
could Veerappan have smuggled sandalwood?
A. Orissa, Bihar and West Bengal
B. Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram
C. Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu D. Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh
Correct Answer : C
Class 6 | English
Which of these proverbs mean that people find excuses for a job badly done?
A. Work expands so as to fill the time available.
B. A bad workman always blames his tools.
C. A good reaper deserves a good sickle.
D. Man apt to promise, is apt to forget.
Saturday's Question | Class 6 | Social Studies
This map of Africa shows its oil reserves.
Which statement describes the information shown here MOST accurately?
A. Oil reserves are found all along the
coastline of Africa.
C. The west coast of Africa does not
have any oil reserves.
B. Oil reserves in Africa increase as you go
from north to south.
D. Most of Africa's oil reserves are
situated above the equator.
Correct Answer : D
Class 7 | English
As soon as Monica saw the finishing line, she decided to make a final effort to
complete the race first.
A. No sooner Monica saw the finishing line that she decided to make a final effort to
complete the race first.
B. No sooner Monica see the finishing line that she decided to make a final effort to
complete the race first.
C. No sooner did Monica see the finishing line than she decided to make a final
effort to complete the race first.
D. No sooner does Monica see the finishing line than she decided to make a final
effort to complete the race first.
Saturday's Question | Class 7 | Social Studies
The map shown here is trying to highlight a country. Which country could it be?
A. Iran
C. Papua New Guinea
B. Japan
D. Kenya
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | English
In which of these sentences can 'since' be replaced by 'because'?
A. I have enjoyed studying Science since I was a child.
B. I am interested in this novel since I like mystery stories.
C. Since time immemorial, man has been worshipping nature.
D. I've been waiting for my friend since 5 oclock.
Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies
Kalhana is regarded as Kashmir's first historian. In the opening verses of his book
Rajatarangini (The River of Kings, 1148-49 CE), he says:
This quote indicates that Kalhana MOST likely ______________________.
A. considered that poetry was superior
to history
C. used a variety of primary sources to
write his historical account
B. commended historians who could write
short accounts
D. thought that it was not possible to write
history without making mistakes
Correct Answer : C
Class 6 | Maths
The length of each side of each SMALL square in this grid is 4 cm. The area of this
grid (in square cm) will be
A. 4
B. 8
C. 16
D. 64
Yesterday's Question | Class 6 | English
Which of these proverbs mean that people find excuses for a job badly done?
A. Work expands so as to fill the time
B. A bad workman always blames his
C. A good reaper deserves a good sickle. D. Man apt to promise, is apt to forget.
Correct Answer : B
Class 7 | Maths
123450 is NOT divisible by:
A. 2
B. 3
C. 9
D. 15
Yesterday's Question | Class 7 | English
As soon as Monica saw the finishing line, she decided to make a final effort to
complete the race first.
A. No sooner Monica saw the finishing
line that she decided to make a final
effort to complete the race first.
C. No sooner did Monica see the
finishing line than she decided to make a
final effort to complete the race first.
B. No sooner Monica see the finishing
line that she decided to make a final
effort to complete the race first.
D. No sooner does Monica see the
finishing line than she decided to make a
final effort to complete the race first.
Correct Answer : C
Class 8 | Maths
2.36 × 0.065 = 0.1534
Which of the following will have a value close to 15?
A. 0.236 × 0.0065
B. 2.36 × 0.0065
C. 23.6 × 0.65
D. 236 × 6.5
Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English
In which of these sentences can 'since' be replaced by 'because'?
A. I have enjoyed studying Science since I
was a child.
C. Since time immemorial, man has been
worshipping nature.
Correct Answer : B
B. I am interested in this novel since I
like mystery stories.
D. I've been waiting for my friend since
5 oclock.