Talking Points 3/30/15

Talking Points 3/30/15
Can what I put on my social networking site (FB, Instagram, snap chat, twitter, etc.)
really affect my future plans?
Yes, in fact:
2014 National Poll: 1 in 4 colleges say their admissions officers do research
prospective student’s social-networking profiles before extending admissions or
scholarship offers – and there are also companies they can hire to do it for them!
A 2015 Washington Post study found that a social-network profile was slightly
more likely to negatively affect (rather than enhance) a college’s view of an
Most colleges report that they simply do not have time/people to screen every
applicant – but it is very common when awarding scholarships - and nearly all say
that if they receive a “tip” or if there is a concern, they will investigate it!
According to an Internet Safety 101 article, "Mobile Statistics," 24 percent of
youths 14 to 17 sent suggestive messages, and 20 percent had sent nude
photos of themselves.
So what can we do to stay safe?
Send/Post appropriate text, email, or picture messages only. Do not post or use
inappropriate language or pictures, do not write hurtful comments or use it to
make fun of others.
Do not give out your address, password or other personal information on a phone
call, text, social media, internet, or email.
Do not respond to an email, text, picture, social media, or voice message from
someone you don’t know or to someone who is harassing you.
Tell an adult you trust if you receive anything on your phone—a call, a text
message, an email, a picture, a social media post, or voicemail message—that
makes you uncomfortable. If you are being bullied, harassed, or threatened tell a
trusted adult, contact the local police, and your social network provider.
Be aware of your surroundings and understand when talking or texting is
appropriate and when it is not.
Be a Good Online Citizen and do not do anything that hurts other people or is
against the law.
If you have concerns, please seek help right away by telling a trusted adult (parent, law
enforcement, teacher, counselor, coach, pastor, neighbor, friend, etc.). If you cannot find
an adult to help, please call one of the following numbers so an adult there can help you.
Montgomery County Emergency Service 610-279-6100
Children’s Crisis Support 1-888-HELP414
Horsham Clinic 1-800-237-4447
Foundations 1-800-445-4722
Crisis Line 1-800-999-9999