Document 13960888

Banner Finance
Banner Navigation .......................................................................................... 7 Quick Hints .................................................................................................... 10 Managing your Banner Account ................................................................. 11 Setting Up My Banner .................................................................................. 11 Document History [FOIDOCH] ..................................................................... 13 Budget Availability Status [FGIBAVL] ........................................................ 14 Organization Budget Status [FGIBDST] ..................................................... 15 Extracting Data from a list of records ........................................................ 16 Grant Inception to Date [FRIGITD] .............................................................. 18 Trial Balance Summary [FGITBSR]............................................................. 19 Organization Budget Summary [FGIBSUM] ............................................... 20 Entity Name/ID Search [FTIIDEN] ................................................................ 22
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Banner Finance System Chart of Accounts
One facet of using Banner is familiarity with the chart of accounts. The diagram below illustrates
Banner accounting terms.
FOAPAL (# characters)
Chart (1)
Fund (1-6) *
Type of money
Organization (1-6)
Whose money
Account (1-6) *
What is being spent/receipted
Program (1-6)
(purpose of expenditure/receipt)
Activity (1-6)
Location (1-6)
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Fund - Required
A Banner fund is a numeric designation for a fiscal and accounting entity with a set of accounts
in which transactions are recorded and segregated to carry on specific activities or attain certain
objectives in accordance with the prevailing regulations, restrictions, or limitations. Financial
managers are established at this level. For grants, the financial manager is the principal
Where Money
Comes From
Data Entry
General Funds - Departmental
1xxxxx – 2xxxxx
Trust - Departmental
Trust - Overhead
Capital Improvement
Contract & Grant
Loan Funds
Agency Funds
Organization - Required
The 5-digit Organization Code represents the Division, School, and Department. It will default
based on your fund. The following chart outlines the high-level breakdown of Orgs at ECSU. In
general, the first digit of the organization code correlates to its related division.
Whose Money
Data Entry
20xxx - 29999
Academic Affairs
30xxx - 39999
Business & Finance
40xxx - 49999
Student Affairs
50xxx - 59999
Institutional Advancement 60xxx - 69999
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Account - Required
The Account Code is the numeric designation for individual asset, liability, equity, revenue,
expenditure and/or transfer account classifications. The chart below outlines the basic
breakdown of the Account.
What is
Data Entry
Fund Balance
Budget Pools
When considering Expenditures, there are two types of accounts to consider: budget pools and
expenditure detail accounts. Budget Pools allow budget planning and management by expense
type (i.e. Services, Supplies).
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Program - Required
The program code is the numeric designation for group activities, operations or other units
directed to attaining specific purposes or objectives. These are defined by the National
Association of Colleges and University Business Officers Standards. The program code will
default based on your fund. The chart below outlines a few of the program codes.
Why Money
Data Entry
Summer-Term Instruction
Non-Credit Receipts Supported Instruction
Organized Research
Community Services
General Academic Support
Student Services
Activity - Optional
The Activity Code is the alphanumeric designation for special events or projects. When using the
Activity field, there is no warning to the user to input this data and there is no budgetary control
over this element.
Location - Optional
The location code is the alphanumeric designation for physical places or sites. This is primarily
used for fixed asset accounting. The location code is designed to indicate the building and room
number where the item will reside. Use the location code field in requisitions for purchases of
$5000 or more from account codes that start with 15 (except account codes that start with 156).
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Banner Navigation
This section will examine various methods of navigating within Banner Finance.
Banner uses the term “form” to represent a Banner screen. A form may have multiple windows
associated with it. The first element to know is how to access a form. Several navigation
methods are available; the primary ones are listed and described below.
Main Menu – An overview of Banner arranged in a top to bottom level format: system,
module, and form.
My Banner – Build a custom menu for yourself.
Direct Access – Access a form by typing its name.
Options Menu – From within a form you can access other forms, windows and blocks
related to the current form.
Direct Access
Your Personal
Banner Main Menu
Double click the folder
to expand and collapse
the menu.
Double click or press
Enter to open the form.
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The next component to understand is the various parts of a form. Forms contain the
following parts:
Title Bar
Menu Bar
Blocks - Key Block and Information Block(s)
Auto Hint and Status Line
Title Bar
Menu Bar
Key Block
Auto Hint and
Status Line
Title Bar
The title bar of a form shows the descriptive name, 7-character code name, version number and
database name. The title bar of a window will show the name of the information area, along with
the other information.
Menu Bar
The menu bar contains pull-down menus of functions and commands that can be performed in
Banner. Other areas of information can also be accessed through the menu bar. If the menu bar
item is grey, the item is disabled for that particular form or condition.
The toolbar, found along the top of all Banner forms, provides a common interface across the
entire Banner product. When you move your cursor to a button in a toolbar and pause, a yellow
bubble appears that describes the function of the button. Functions like ‘Save’, ‘Rollback’,
‘Insert Record’, etc. can be performed by clicking various toolbar buttons.
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View of the Horizontal Toolbar
Some of the most commonly used icons are listed below.
Used for…
1. Rollback – clears all information (except key information) and returns you to the first
enterable field in the key block. If you enter changes and do not save them before
trying to roll back, you are prompted to save.
2. Select value to return to form.
3. Previous Record – moves cursor to the previous record.
4. Next Record – moves cursor to the next record.
5. Previous Block - moves the cursor to the previous block that has at least one
enterable field.
6. Next Block – moves the cursor to the next block that has at least one enterable
7. Enter Query - puts the form into query mode so you can enter search criteria to see
what information is already in the database.
8. Execute Query – in query mode, searches the database and displays all records
that match your search criteria.
9. Cancel Query – removes all data and is ready for you to enter another query.
10. Exit – if you’re in a form, exits the form and returns to the main menu. If you’re on
the main menu, exits the Banner application.
Key Blocks
The Key Block is the first block on most forms. The information in this block determines what
is entered or displayed in a form. Information cannot be updated in a key block. The only way
to return to the Key Block once you have moved out of it is by using the Rollback function.
Information Blocks
Information blocks contain related information on a form. Usually a line separates the different
blocks on a window.
Auto Hint and Status Line
The Auto Hint and Status Line will display a variety of information depending on the form and
condition. Here you will find:
• Hints on the field the cursor is in.
• Certain error messages
• The number of records already displayed
• Whether there are records above (^) or below (v) the current record.
• If a field has a List of Values <List> associated with it.
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Banner Finance Form Naming Conventions
The forms within Banner Finance are accessible by typing their 7 character form name in Direct
Access (the field on the Main Menu). These form names have the following structure:
Position 1- Identifies the primary system
owning the form, report, job, or table
Position 2 - Identifies the module
owning the form, report, job, or table
Position 3 - Identifies the type of form,
report, job, or table
Positions 4, 5, 6, and 7 uniquely identify
the form, report, job, or table.
F Finance
G General
A Accounts Payable
G General Ledger
O Operations
P Purchasing/Procurement
R Research Accounting
U Utility
I Inquiry form
A Application form
Document History
Organization Budget Status
Budget Availability
Detail Transaction Activity
Trial Balance Summary
General Ledger Activity
Quick Hints
Banner runs with two windows open. Closing one of the windows will end the Banner
The wildcards for Banner querying are “_” (one space) and “%” (zero or more spaces).
For example,
any beginning with IN
any that contains APR-2014
any ending with CA
any with occurrence B in 2nd character
Use F5 on your keyboard to display the direct access field. This is useful if you want to
access another Banner form without exiting the current form.
To check available balance:
Budget Summary – Budget Pools – Fiscal Year
Grant Inception to Date – Grant period
To view detail transactions:
Detail Transaction Activity – Operating Ledger
Detail Transaction Activity – General Ledger
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Managing your Banner Account
Set up User Preferences to enable all the features of Banner and personalize the Main Menu.
Click on File from the menu bar and choose Preferences from the drop down list.
Click inside the blank check boxes for “Display Form Name on Menu” and “Include
Header Row in Data Extract” and save your changes.
When you exit this tab, an alert box will appear to tell you that your changes will take
effect after logging off and back on to Banner.
Click on the Menu Settings tab and change the User Default to *PERSONAL and save
your changes.
Setting Up My Banner
This section will explain how to organize your personal menu called “My Banner”.
Double click on the My Banner folder.
An option entitled “Empty: Select to build.” will display. Double click on the option.
The following form will display.
Click on the save icon
to commit the changes.
Double click to
select the
desired forms
from the list
and use the
arrow buttons
to move to your
personal menu.
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Or type the
objects in from
the list on the
next page.
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Type the following quick keys in the object field or double click on each of the following
forms (listed in alphabetical order by description). Be sure the text color turns to blue
when selecting.
[FGIBAVL] Budget Availability Status (use only for funds budgeted on a fiscal year
[FGIBDST] Organization Budget Status (shows detail expense and revenue accounts)
[FOIDOCH] Document History (to search for documents related to the purchase order)
[FGITBSR] Trial Balance Summary (to see cash or fund balance)
[FRIGITD] Grant Inception-to-Date (use this form for grants)
[FTIIDEN] Entity Name/ID Search (use this form to find vendors in Banner Finance)
After inserting the forms to be displayed in the My Banner menu, click the Save
Click the Exit
The “My Banner” menu will be displayed after you logout of Banner and log back in.
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Document History [FOIDOCH]
Use this form to check the status of a Purchase Order or other related document. Click the next
block icon to get to the information blocks. Then, use “Options” from the menu bar to look at
each of the documents in the information blocks.
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Budget Availability Status [FGIBAVL]
Before entering or approving a requisition in Viking Shoppes you must check the budget to
ensure that funds are available. Use this form to view the overall year-to-date activity in a fund
by budget pool. This form requires the account in the key block. To see all accounts, enter
“731110” as the account code, then, click on the next block icon. Budget pool accounts are
listed numerically.
Budgets for most funds are in budget pools rather than in the individual expense account.
You will not be able to Use “Options” from the menu bar to drill down for more detail on
a budget pool from this form.
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Organization Budget Status [FGIBDST]
Use this form to view the overall year-to-date activity for each account used in a fund during the
fiscal year. Accounts are listed numerically starting with expense accounts (1####) and ending
with budget pools (7#####). Uncheck “Include Revenue Accounts” in the key block to see the
total of all expense accounts.
Use “Options” from the menu bar to drill down for more detail on an account (from Options,
choose “Transaction Detail Information”).
Note…If budget pools are used, detail expense accounts will not show budget information.
Likewise budget pools will not show year-to-date activity or commitments.
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Extracting Data from a list of records
Banner will allow you to extract data on some forms to Excel. This feature may be available on
forms where Extract Data is an option under the Help Menu. If the option is grayed out, the
extract functionality is not available.
Select Help from the menu bar and choose Extract Data No Key.
The following window will display. Click Open.
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Excel will open in a new Internet Explorer window and the transaction information will
display. Save the file changing the type to an Excel workbook.
Close the Excel file window by clicking X.
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Grant Inception to Date [FRIGITD]
Use this form to view the budget, activity, commitments and available balance for a grant. Enter
the fund in the key block and perform a next block function. The activity represented is not
limited to fiscal year-to-date.
Use “Options” from the menu bar to drill down for more detail on an account (from Options,
choose “Transaction Detail Information”).
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Trial Balance Summary [FGITBSR]
This form allows users to query the account balances for a fund. It is an on-line trial balance
showing the current account balance and the beginning of the year balance for assets, liabilities,
and fund balance accounts including operating control accounts. The current fund balance is
assets minus liabilities.
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Organization Budget Summary [FGIBSUM]
Use the Organization Budget Summary Form to view summarized budget information by userdefined account type for a selected organization/fund combination. Access this form from the
General Budget Query Forms Menu (*FINGBUDQ) or by selecting Budget Summary
Information from the options list on the Organization Budget Status Form (FGIBDST).
FGIBSUM provides an online view of the organization's budget, year-to-date activity, reserve,
and available balance summarized by major category type (Revenue, Labor, Direct Expenditures
and Transfers, or other user-defined type).
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Access the Budget Status Information [FGIBDST] through “options” for more detail
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Entity Name/ID Search [FTIIDEN]
Use this form to search for Vendors in Banner. This is useful when you need the vendor’s
Banner ID for request forms (i.e. Direct Pay Form and Travel Advance Form).
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