RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting

Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
January 12, 2016
Duvall, WA 98019
Educational Service Center – Board Room
Ms. Van Noy, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Ms. Van Noy, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Oviatt, Mrs. Parnell, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Sophie Hunter
Student Representative: Mr. Pascal Nagata
Dr. Smith read Governor Inslee’s proclamation, declaring January 2016 as School Board Recognition
Month. Dr. Smith handed out certificates of appreciation to the Board. He also gave each Board member
a framed certificate for receiving the Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA) Board
of Appreciation for the second year in a row.
Although she was unable to be at tonight’s meeting due to a UW Bothell class to complete her Master’s
Degree, the Board recognized the outstanding accomplishment of Shelley Heinson, Third Grade Teacher
at Stillwater Elementary, in achieving National Board Certification. The district currently has 24
National Board teachers. Like board-certified doctors and accountants, teachers who achieve National
Board Certification have met rigorous standards though intensive study, expert evaluation, selfassessment and peer review. The Board is adding her name to the NBCT plaque and Dr. Smith will
present her with a NBCT pin at an upcoming Stillwater staff meeting. Ms. Heinson provided some
thoughts on National Board Certification, which Dr. Smith read. Ms. Heinson wrote that the process of
working on National Boards was exciting and reflective; and many of the questions she was asked
provided her the opportunity to take a deeper look at her practice and each of her students. The most
amazing part was setting goals and achieving them by focusing on her students and their academic needs.
Student Rep Report
Ms. Hunter reported on the following activities at Cedarcrest High School:
Student Rep Report (Continued)
NHS: NHS just had a meeting last Thursday planning for the biggest volunteer event this month, which
is the Tolt Trivia Night! It will be held on February 28th in the Tolt multi-purpose room. NHS is also
planning a volunteer opportunity with the homeless in our area, but the details are to be announced. NHS
has been busy prepping to get second year members sweatshirts and is working to get them at reasonable
price for all members who want them. As usual they are still providing plenty of opportunities for
members to get their hours with tutoring and many other options being available.
Stealth Robotics attended the debuting of the new FRC game this past weekend and is working to
develop a strategy for this year’s game called Stronghold. Also, the last FTC match is scheduled for this
month, so last minute adjustments are being made on the otherwise final two FTC robots.
Cedarcrest ASB is focused on planning for the Martin Luther King Jr. assembly this Friday where the
focus will be on equality. Each of the foreign language classes will be singing traditional songs from
their individual cultures. ASB has been holding the Leadership Advisories again this year, which is a
big hit. They are currently working on the MLK assembly that the Diversity Club is holding. The next
event on the ASB agenda is a Club Carnival. Tickets will be sold as a fundraiser and clubs will have
booths with games and prizes for the students to enjoy! Also, March Magnanimous is around the corner,
so ASB is hard at work.
Art Club: Art Club is still working on their space mural in the hallway by Mrs. Descheemaeker’s room
and working closely with Mr. Guyer and the Science Olympiad club to make it as accurate as possible.
RAK: Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) is starting their annual Bead Buddies fundraiser this week!
Bead Buddies started two years ago and has been growing every year since. RAK is also working on
choosing a local charity to donate the money to. The top choice right now is the Senior Center in
Carnation, which the club works closely with.
Science Olympiad: The team is hard at work meeting weekly after school and on their own time to
prepare for the upcoming competition in March.
Literary Club: Literary Club is welcoming new members and spreading their words and books
throughout the school. This month they are focusing on spoken poetry and short stories; next month
they will be focusing on romantic novels.
Boys’ Basketball had away games on last Tuesday and Friday against Central Park Christian (CPC) and
South Whidbey respectively. The game against CPC went into overtime and after a long game, the Red
Wolves could not pull out the victory and lost a nail biter. However, the Red Wolves rebounded with
their second game against South Whidbey and won convincingly with a final score of 68-53. Their next
game is a quad game against Lakewood High School today.
Girls’ Basketball also played on last Tuesday and Friday against CPC and South Whidbey respectively
due to quad games. The Lady Wolves managed to win both games; both by convincing scores with a
final score of 41-34 against Cedar Park Christian and 54-39 against South Whidbey. Their next game is
also part of the quad games against Lakewood High School today.
Student Rep Report (Continued)
Wrestling participated at the Bearcat Invite on Saturday, facing a multitude of high schools outside of
our district. Their next match is at home against Sultan on January 14 and is Wrestling’s Senior Night.
Ms. Van Noy thanked Ms. Hunter for her report.
Board Communications
Mr. Edwards participated in the risk assessment inquiry conversation with Amanda Wang, who is from
the State Auditor’s Office. The district’s audit is beginning this week. He gave congratulations to Josh
Budig of Cedarcrest High School, who was selected as a recipient of the Washington CTE Student
Success Award. Mr. Edwards reported that Jessica Vavrus is new Director of Government Relations for
the Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA). He also reported that Senators Andy
Hill and Mark Mullett are on the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee, while
Representatives Chad Magendanz and Larry Springer are on the House Education Committee. Mr.
Edwards is leaving for Washington D.C. to attend the National School Board Association’s Advocacy
Institute on January 24-26, 2016.
Ms. Fletcher wished everyone a happy new year.
Ms. Hunter announced that she received an internship at The Borgen Project. She reported that she has
been accepted and received a $15,000 scholarship offer to a university in Switzerland and a $20,000
scholarship offer to one in London.
The Board wished Ms. Bechtel a happy birthday tomorrow and gave her a card and beautiful flower
arrangement. She thanked them for their thoughtfulness.
Mrs. Parnell reported that she is glad to be back, starting the new year.
Ms. Oviatt noted that on January 20th, the district is having a Full-Day Kindergarten information meeting
at the Educational Service Center for parents. She said 24 Australian students have come to visit this
area through EWC (Educational World Travel), an educational travel agency, and one of their teachers
is staying at her house. The students go to different events, like the Snoqualmie Pass, North Bend
shopping, Seattle, and will probably be at the basketball tournament tonight at Cedarcrest and wrestling
tournament tomorrow night.
Ms. Van Noy reported the Board had a Work Study tonight on property acquisitions and prioritization
of the annual capital projects. She was selected to be a judge for the Cedarcrest Science and Engineering
Fair. She told the student reps that they will be meeting with the Governor and Secretary of State as part
of the Legislative Conference on January 31st through February 1st.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 16-01: To amend Consent Agenda, Item C. Personnel Actions, and Item E. 2016-17 CHS
Student Fees, to reflect current changes; and add agenda Item F. 2015-16 CHS Student Fees. Ms. Van
Noy and Mrs. Parnell) Motion passed unanimously.
Hearing of the Public
Debbie Leone, Preschool Teacher at Carnation Elementary, reported that the early childhood program
has been very busy. About 5 years ago, they did Child Find, which is federally mandated, twice a year
and had about 3 or 4 children. Our numbers have grown and last year, they did Child Find 8 times during
the year and screened 19 children. Of those 19 children, 63% qualified for services. Of those 63%, 26%
qualified for preschool and the rest are all receiving itinerant services. When Ms. Leone started doing
this years ago in the district, she said they had about 4 students and then up to 6 or 7 when they blended
the classes. This year they have 3 preschool classes, with 32 total students. We are doing a really good
job of looking for children and getting them referred. And we’re doing a really good job of getting them
qualified and into programs for early intervention.
Mrs. Van Noy thanked her for coming, sharing this information, and said the Board is totally supportive
of early childhood education.
Fred Bereswill, Carnation City Council member and council liaison to the Riverview School District,
wished everyone a happy new year. He reported that Jim Berger was reelected Mayor of Carnation for
the next two years and Mr. Bereswill will be the Deputy Mayor for one year. The city was unable to
secure a grant for Entwistle Street, but will reapply this year. As far as growth, the new development
behind Carnation Elementary has been selling homes. There are also houses going up behind the Bible
Church. Mr. Bereswill is still volunteering every Tuesday at Carnation Elementary.
Ms. Van Noy said the Board appreciates Mr. Bereswill coming and reporting to them.
Ms. Van Noy recognized the proficiency of three board members that completed classes through
WSSDA (Washington State School Directors’ Association). Mr. Edwards and Ms. Oviatt each received
a certificate for Advanced Leadership and Mrs. Parnell received one for Foundations of Leadership.
A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board members received and studied
background information on all items.
Motion 16-02: To approve the January 12, 2016, Consent Agenda, as presented. (Ms. Oviatt and Mr.
Edwards) Motion passed unanimously.
Approve of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for December 8, 2015, and Board Work Study
Minutes for December 4, 2015 and January 8, 2016.
Approval of Warrants.
General Fund Warrant No. 198487 through 198582 in the amount of $191,596.45 and No. 198662
through 198694 in the amount of $294,303.38; and direct deposits of $47,299.34, $1,591.35, and
$5,339.13 for a total of $54,229.82. Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 198583 through 198590 in the
amount of $51,621.79 and No. 198695 through 198696 in the amount of $1,914.62; and direct deposits
of $54.60 and $815.15 for a total of $869.75. ASB Fund Warrant No. 198591 through 198609 in the
amount of $6,237.40 and No. 198697 through 198710 in the amount of $10,226.61; and direct deposits
of $1,719.63 and $470.46 for a total of $2,190.09. (Continued on next page)
Approval of Warrants. (Continued)
Total payroll for December 15, 2015, was $37,461.03, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 198484
through 198486 (Employee Warrants) in the amount of $1,046.31; and direct deposits of $28,905.07.
Total payroll for December 29, 2015, was $2,408,058.55, which includes General Fund Warrant No.
198610 through 198621 (Employee Warrants) in the amount of $6,362.00; and General Fund Warrant
No. 198711 through 198761 (Payroll Vendor Warrants) in the amount of $840,859.06; and direct
deposits of $1,134,134.63.
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Cedarcrest High School Fees for 2016-2017.
Approval of Revised Cedarcrest High School Fees for 2015-2016.
2016-2017 RSD Ambassador Program
Dr. Smith passed out the most recent Ambassador Program synopsis from the 2014-2015 school year
and asked if Board members had suggestions or recommendations for next year’s program.
Mrs. Parnell asked that consideration given to extending each session to go from 5:00-7:00 PM, rather
than 5:00-6:30 PM. If it ran that late, perhaps the district could provide boxed meals for participants.
Ms. Oviatt recommended giving presenters more direction of what is expected and keeping them to their
time frame. She also recommends making presentations more interactive. So much information is
covered and it would be nice if it were more interactive and participants could engage amongst
Ms. Van Noy suggested adding an additional session or combining them in different ways if the sessions
are kept at 1-1/2 hours per session.
Ms. Fletcher noted that she is very interested in having this program again, while Ms. Oviatt said she
was glad the Board implemented the program when they did. We now have a new Board member, as
well as more people that are knowledgeable and can direct people to the district for more information as
a result of this program.
Ms. Van Noy asked if a Board Work Study was needed, but Dr. Smith replied only if they think it is
needed. Right now he has enough feedback to move forward for next year. The Board has a placeholder
for a future work study on this topic, if necessary.
Board Agenda Topics
The Board reviewed upcoming agenda items and made the following additions or revisions:
Board Agenda Topics (Continued)
January 26th Board Meeting – Ms. Van Noy has a work conflict and will not be in attendance.
Mr. Edwards also may be unable to attend, due to returning late from Washington, D.C. Ms.
Oviatt will run the meeting if needed. The agenda item on School Improvement Plans will move
to a Board Work Study at a later date.
The Board Work Study on January 26th on Superintendent Evaluation Tool will be moved to the
Board Breakfast Work Study on February 5th at 7:00 AM. Dr. Smith will work on a draft
legislative brochure and get feedback from Board members.
February 6th is the Snoqualmie Valley Community Network Dinner and Dance Gala at 5:30 PM.
February 9th is the Board Work Study on School Start Times. The administrators from Cedarcrest
have been invited to attend this work study.
RSD Ambassador Program – Ms. Oviatt suggested having Student Reps attend the Ambassador
Enrollment Report
Dr. Smith reported that the district is up 8.13 FTE students, which is the opposite direction of past district
trends for enrollment from December to January. This is a very good sign for the district.
Superintendent Report
Dr. Smith reported on the following:
Met with Lisa Allen, Valley View Reporter, who came in for information on Mr. Lavarias’
resignation. Dr. Smith also gave her information on projected district growth.
Worked on setting up a meeting with Cedarcrest counselors, other district counselors, district
administrators, and representatives from Cascadia College centered around pathways. Pathways
are getting students to think about their pathway from high school and beyond and how it matches
up with different programs that are available. In addition to that, they are working on increasing
student opportunities to offer college credits in the high school classroom.
Sent out a prototype district dashboard to the Board on key leading indicators, which shows the
district is doing outstandingly well in offering classes for credit or leading students to classes for
credit in the high school. We want to expand on that even more.
Working with Duvall and Carnation police departments to have a better police presence at our
schools, besides the high school.
Worked on a rental contract with the Bridge of Promise, who will be renting an additional room
at the Riverview Ancillary Programs (RAP) Center.
Met with Davin Henrikson and Jeanette Ophielia regarding creating bench seating and a small
stage behind ERMA for application of science in the forest for Cedarcrest and other schools to
Weather was an issue. John Mark, Jenny Bullard, and Dr. Smith were out on the roads at 4:00
AM every day last week to check the roads for safety of our students, staff, and community
Superintendent Report (Continued)
Mentoring Heather Sanchez, who is working on her superintendent credentials. She is interning
with Dr. Smith and will attend the King/Pierce County Superintendents meeting on Friday.
Participated in visitations to Sammamish High School and Mercer Island High School regarding
1-to-1 classrooms. They have another visitation this Thursday. This allows us to see what we
are doing well, ask about lessons learned, and to make some adjustments based on what we are
seeing and hearing.
Ms. Van Noy thanked Dr. Smith for his report.
Ms. Van Noy recessed the regular Board meeting at 8:00 PM to enter into Executive Session to discuss
one personnel item for approximately 10 minutes.
One personnel issue was discussed.
Ms. Van Noy called the meeting back to order at 8:11 PM. There being no further business, Ms. Van
Noy, Board President, adjourned the January 12, 2016, Board meeting at 8:12 PM.
Danny Edwards
Acting Board President
Board Secretary
Sandy Bechtel, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.