1/26/2016 gBear Mail Fwd: Reminder: Summer Research Internship Opportunity for Students
Robert O'Connor <roconnor@barnard.edu>
Robert O'Connor <roconnor@barnard.edu>
To: Robert O'Connor <roconnor@barnard.edu>
Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 2:09 PM
Each summer, the Peter G.
Peterson Foundation partners with think tanks in Washington D.C. to offer fulltime paid internships to a select group of college and graduate students interested in fiscal and economic policy. Interns live and work in Washington D.C.
for ten weeks during the summer while gaining professional experience, skills, and contacts that will serve them throughout their careers.
PGPF Fiscal Interns have the opportunity to:
Live and work in our nation’s capital
Work under the direct supervision of a respected scholar or economist
Gain substantive policy research experience
Join a diverse community of experts and students interested in budgetary and economic issues
The participating institutions’ work spans a variety of policy issues including healthcare, Social
Security, infrastructure, economic policy, and tax policy.
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1/26/2016 gBear Mail Fwd: Reminder: Summer Research Internship Opportunity for Students
The Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship program is looking for a diverse group of talented students who are passionate about policy and good with numbers. The most successful candidates are ambitious, actively involved on campus or in their communities, and have demonstrated superior academic performance.
We seek applicants who have:
An academic background in economics, political science, public policy, public administration, or a related field
A demonstrated interest in fiscal and economic policy
An aptitude for numbers
Written communication skills
An open mind and willingness to engage with those who share different opinions and beliefs
A natural curiosity for learning new things
A desire to live and work independently in Washington D.C.
Rising juniors, seniors, and graduate students are eligible to apply. Students must have completed at least two courses in economics, math, statistics, or political science, and have a working fluency with numbers. Experience with Microsoft Excel is highly recommended.
2016 Internship Dates: June 1August 5, 2016
Summer Stipend: $5,000
Deadline to Apply: February 12, 2016
Website: http://pgpf.org/fiscalinternship
Website: http://www.pgpf.org/about/careers/researchinternship
2016 Internship dates: flexible
Deadline to Apply: March 15, 2016
To apply, please send a brief letter summarizing your interest and a résumé to careers@pgpf.org
Subject header on the email should be: “Research Internship Application.” https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=8d1d0f421f&view=pt&search=inbox&msg=1527f56cef63fe9d&dsqt=1&siml=1527f56cef63fe9d 2/3
1/26/2016 gBear Mail Fwd: Reminder: Summer Research Internship Opportunity for Students
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Robert O'Connor
Department Administrator
Barnard College
Economics Department
3009 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
212 8543454
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