THE AGENCE INTER-ÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT 38 IRD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 THE AGENCE INTER-ÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT THE AGENCE INTERÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT 40 Mobilising, coordinating and leading research for development 42 Research and training programmes 44 The missions of the Agence inter-établissement de recherche pour le développement (AIRD, an agency bringing together the main French research and higher education institutes involved in development in the South) include dissemination of scientific knowledge, innovation, assessment, capacity-building in the South, and programme management. Capacity-building in the South 46 Promoting the results of research 48 Dissemination of knowledge and communication IRD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 39 THE AGENCE INTER-ÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT MOBILISING, COORDINATING AND LEADING RESEARCH FOR DEVELOPMENT MOBILISING, COORDINATING AND LEADING RESEARCH FOR DEVELOPMENT Following a joint mission by the general inspection services of the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Learning and Research and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2013, the governing ministries announced the abolition of the AIRD at the IRD's board meeting held in December of that year. Decree no.2014-1441 of 3 December 2014 officialises this and entrusts IRD with the task of "contributing to the national coordination of research for development". Throughout this transition period, the Agency continued with programmes already underway and endeavoured to fulfil its commitments. Several meetings with the Agency's partners were held to share information on current programmes and take the necessary collegial decisions. The Advisory Board (COrA): a forum for strategic reflection between North and South Partnership in the field/Cameroon 40 IRD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 The COrA was set up at the end of 2011 as a unique place for expression for partners from the South. Its role was to make proposals on the directions to be taken by the AIRD with regard to activities, partnerships, and the resources used to carry out its work. The COrA was therefore tasked with advising the AIRD and stakeholders in research for development on the definition of a research, training and innovation policy to benefit development in the countries of the South. After the governing ministries' announcement of its decision to abolish the AIRD at the end of 2013, the COrA's activity was partially suspended. However, the "innovation" working group met to conclude its work and a review of COrA's activities since its foundation was produced. It should be noted that the decree of 3 December 2014 stipulates the set-up of an "advisory board" comprising representatives from the Institute's partner establishments and organisations and from the Institute's governing ministries. Cross-cutting and inter-establishment partnerships in countries of the South One key mission of the AIRD was the co-development of partner research programmes based on demand from countries of the South. The aim of these initiatives is to have an impact on public policies, economic growth and the well-being of populations in the South. In 2014, the Institute's strategy reflected a triangle made up of research, training and innovation. Within an inter-establishment framework, the Agency's management implemented a number of actions and programmes focused on training in countries of the South, capacity-building, business start-ups, innovation, industrial partnerships, European partnerships, communication and the dissemination of scientific culture. At the end of 2014, there were more than twenty inter-establishment research programmes receiving support to pursue with their action in THE AGENCE INTER-ÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT MOBILISING, COORDINATING AND LEADING RESEARCH FOR DEVELOPMENT Sociological survey/Vietnam Inauguration of Valorisation Sud in Marseille the South. Cross-cutting programmes combine research and innovation initiatives, such as AMRUGE (project to support modernisation and research in universities and higher education establishments in Côte d'Ivoire) and the Sud Expert Plantes sustainable development initiative. Capacity-building in countries of the South continued with the Parraf programme (programme to support network-based research in Africa), as well as the organisation of training seminars and the funding of grants for doctorate students and young teams affiliated with the IRD (JEAI). Several initiatives are gradually making the IRD and its Agency partners an essential feature in the international innovation ecosystem, for example CVT Valorisation Sud for technology transfer, the organisation of an Africatechno forum to promote technological know-how in countries of the South, and the Paceim programme for the creation of innovative companies around the Mediterranean. IRD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 41 THE AGENCE INTER-ÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT RESEARCH AND TRAINING PROGRAMMES RESEARCH AND TRAINING PROGRAMMES One of the Agency's tasks was to initiate and support research excellence for and with the South. To achieve this, the AIRD co-constructed and managed research programmes with partners from the South and national research organizations or institutes working in the South. It has assured its partners of its commitment to coordinate research focused on development of the South. Programme management The Institute invested €1.1 million in more than fifteen programmes. For a Dugout canoe on the Amazon/Brazil 42 IRD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 high number of programmes, the co-funding from partners and international donors meant that support for projects was two to ten times higher. Some programmes, such as AMRUGE, are managed by IRD but funded by international donors. Several programmes were co-constructed with partners from the South: Guyamazon, aimed at structuring and supporting cooperation between research teams in the states of Northern Brazil, the Guyana region and mainland France in the field of the Amazonian biome, is set to receive the CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) label; STDF (partnership programme with the Egyptian Science and Technology Development Fund); the Great Green Wall programme with PAGGW (Pan-African Agency of the Great Green Wall) on the functioning of ecosystems and local use of semi-arid Sahelian environments; the tripartite France (AIRD)-Brazil (CNPq)-APGMV programme within the framework of the combat against desertification. IRD was also involved, alongside the ministries and research organisations, to provide financial backing for the Research and Watch Centre on emerging diseases in the Indian Ocean (CRV-OI), up to the structuring of a UMR bring-ing together the University of La Réunion, Inserm and IRD as of 1st January 2015. It also helped the Aviesan Alliance in establishing a regional centre for the study of emerging pathogens in Southeast Asia. The AIRD also managed a number of programmes with the ANR (French National Research Agency). Among them, we can mention Agrobiosphere, devoted to the transition towards sustainable production systems. Finally, it runs programmes with various partners: Agroforesterie, with Cirad, focused on agriculture in the temperate African zone; Mistrals, with CNRS, on the environment and climate change; Sud Expert Plantes, with AFD (French Development Fund) and the FFEM (French Global Environment Facility), on the promotion of research into plants in the South, a five-year programme with funding of €5.2 million that will move into its operational phase in early 2015. THE AGENCE INTER-ÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT RESEARCH AND TRAINING PROGRAMMES THE IF-EBOLA PROJECT: THE HEALTH CHALLENGE IN HORIZON 2020 IF-EBOLA (Control of the Ebola Outbreak by both innovative Ultrasensitive Detection of EBOV and therapy), coordinated by IRD, was selected by the European Commission in 2014, with funding of €2 million over two years. Thanks to two innovative approaches, its goal is the use of antibodies produced in horses to immunise patients carrying the virus. This project's goal is to respond as rapidly as possible to the Ebola virus epidemic and better protect populations at risk in emerging and industrialised countries. Great Green Wall project/Senegal Research on emerging diseases at the CRV-OI/Réunion The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI) also entrusted IRD with the coordination and management of the Parraf programme, with a budget of €1.8 million. The AIRD was also present in Haiti with the AUF, working on the reconstruction of the teaching and research system after the earthquake that devastated the island. Finally, within the framework of its debt reduction-development contract (C2D), the Côte d'Ivoire Research Ministry entrusted the Agency with management of the teaching and research aspect of the AMRUGE-CI project to support the implementation of the university/higher education reform (with a budget of €1.9 million in 2014). The Agency worked on the project for a second part to this programme (C2D2). IRD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 43 THE AGENCE INTER-ÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT CAPACITY-BUILDING IN THE SOUTH CAPACITY-BUILDING IN THE SOUTH Driven by a dual conviction that scientific research can provide solutions to development issues and that development requires stronger capacities among the scientific communities in the South, IRD endeavours to ensure that the projects it runs include actions to build those capacities. It also develops a set of specific programmes, ranging from individual backing for researchers to support for research institutes. JEAI VIP team/Peru 44 IRD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Training on malaria/Cameroon Targeted programmes, with a budget of €2.475 million, have contributed to capacity-building for researchers, research teams, partner institutions and enabled the scientific, cultural and economic development of the countries concerned. Support for thesis-based training is a key element in the individual backing provided to scientists in IRD's partner institutes. In 2014, 40 research allowances for a thesis paper in the South (known as ARTS) were granted, taking the number of ongoing support grants up to 100. Among them, six come from partnerships formed with the CNRS (IN2P3) and the Mérieux Foundation; moreover, Cirad has tasked IRD with the management of a fourth call for tenders for the Doctorant du Sud (DDS) programme. Ten new PhD candidates have been selected, bringing the total number of bursary students to 45. IRD is also involved in other thesisbased training programmes with the international PhD programme, in liaison with Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris (around ten bursary students per year). Finally, this individual support is completed by the BEST programme for scientific and technological exchange grants, where researchers, engineers and technicians from countries of the South have the opportunity to work in research or higher education institutions in other countries. In 2014, 15 BEST grants were awarded, taking the total number to 37 ongoing grants. Support for emerging teams in the South is also vital to increase the autonomy and international competitiveness of the Institute's partners. 2014 saw ten new teams selected within the framework of the JEAI (young teams affiliated with the IRD) programme, taking the total number up to 42. The PEERS Programme (Programme d’excellence pour l’enseignement et la recherche au Sud - Programme for Excellence in Teaching and Research in the South), founded to support North-South teams of two experienced teacher-researchers managing a research project, including a significant training component, was subject to an assessment of its impact. Eighteen PEERS currently receive backing. From an institutional point of view, the Base-Building Activities programme contributed to and supported the completion of twenty projects (setting up networks, training workshops and summer schools). Finally, in 2014, the GVal ("managing and promoting the results of research into food safety in West Africa") programme was concluded. THE AGENCE INTER-ÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT CAPACITY-BUILDING IN THE SOUTH 1 1 2 SYRIA 1 TUNISIA MOROCCO 4 3 5 LEBANON 1 10 ALGERIA 2 2 MEXICO 1 1 CUBA 1 MAURITANIA 1 HAITI 2 1 2 SENEGAL 2 12 3 COSTA RICA 2 1 1 4 1 4 1 2 2 7 1 PERU BRAZIL 4 1 1 MALI 1 1 1 4 6 NIGER 1 3 1 3 1 5 3 2 1 3 3 9 1 1 2 1 11 4 2 2 2 RD CONGO 2 THAILAND 1 2 1 VIETNAM 5 1 2 8 2 MALAISIA 1 INDONESIA 1 1 1 1 3 SEYCHELLES 1 COMOROS GABON 2 1 MOZAMBIQUE 1 BOLIVIA 2 UGANDA 1 KENYA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CAMBODIA ETHIOPIA 1 CAMEROON LAOS INDIA 1 TOGO GHANA 1 3 BENIN CÔTE D’IVOIRE 1 2 BURKINA FASO 3 1 1 1 1 1 ECUADOR 2 2 1 COLOMBIA 2 2 VENEZUELA 1 EGYPT 2 1 1 1 1 1 MADAGASCAR 1 5 3 1 REUNION CHILE 1 1 SOUTH AFRICA 1 GEOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF CAPACITYBUILDING 1 JEAI 2 PEERS 3 DDS ARGENTINA 1 4 ARTS 5 BEST 6 ATS IRD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 45 THE AGENCE INTER-ÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT PROMOTING THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH PROMOTING THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH 87 % AGREEMENTS SIGNED WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR The results of research for the South are promoted in political, social and economic spheres via partnerships and various services, including appraisals, actions to protect and use intellectual property, and industrial partnerships. The annual revenue thus generated comes to €4.61 million. Expert group review and consultancy The expert group review of the situation and future of Lake Chad1, commissioned by the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and the French Global Environment Facility (FGEF) was presented at N’Djamena in February and at the AFD's head office in June. This review led to a bilingual publication from Editions IRD and the release of an electronic version. 2014 also saw the launch of a new expert group review on "Deep mineral resources in French Polynesia". The first workshop was held at Papeete on 3rd July 2014 and was an opportunity to list the expectations and guidelines of the commissioning parties, the State and French Polynesia. In addition, around fifteen institutional consultancies, covering inquiries, surveys, project evaluations and training workshops, were finalised in 2014, in response to calls for expressions of interest or at the request of public authorities (World Bank), development agencies (such as the AFD) or private concerns (e.g. Suez Environnement). The issues dealt with, as well as the geographic areas concerned, were many and varied: a study into improved access to and maintenance of women in quality jobs in the Mediterranean region; map of the issues and stakeholders in underprivileged districts of Greater Mumbai in India; support for the evaluation of the "mediators" project in Benin; production of lists of fish species said to be essential in Mayotte; a system of forecasting squall lines to help with offshore exploration and operation in West Africa. 46 IRD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Intellectual property and technology transfer Despite abandoning inventions with low potential, the portfolio of inventions patented by IRD continued to expand in 2014, with nine new applications submitted. The portfolio now has 116 families, some of which are used under licence by industrial concerns, generating revenue of more than €1 million in licence fees. The share of this portfolio owned jointly by institutions from the South remains stable at 30%. IRD has appointed CVT Valorisation Sud to oversee the transfer of its technologies to the social and economic world. We are starting to see some very promising results ahead of the forthcoming signature of operating licences. Moreover, we have also entered into discussions with the SATTs (technological transfer acceleration companies), with around fifteen files under study. These partnerships favour the funding of the most promising technology development projects. A number of technology transfer initiatives were continued, alongside the actions of CVT Sud. Five licence agreements have been signed, including one with the SATT Lutech, covering peptides for therapeutic use, and another with a company founded in Morocco by a beneficiary of the PACEIM scheme. 1 Lake Chad: Current Situations and Possible Outcomes. THE AGENCE INTER-ÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT PROMOTING THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH DISTRIBUTION OF THE PATENT PORTFOLIO Measurement devices and other equipment 13% Neglected diseases 27% HIV 5% Plant genetics Agronomy 25% Aquaculture/Fishing 6% Extraction of natural marine substances/ French Polynesia Industrial partnerships With research partnerships, scientific service provision, corporate sponsorship, transfer of biological materials and confidentiality agreements, an increasing number of researchers are turning to publicprivate partnerships to bring their research work to fruition. These research partnerships, signed with industrials, entrepreneurs, professional associations, and corporate foundations, involve all the Institute's major research fields. As an example, several French companies, including Colas SA, the Total Foundation and Veolia, provided financial backing for the great Lengguru 2014 expedition in Indonesia. In 2014, 87 agreements were signed with the private sector. More than half of these agreements generate revenue for IRD's research teams, for a total amount of €3.31 million from industrial contracts. Business creation Around a hundred entrepreneurs of various origins have benefited from support via the schemes set up by IRD: Innodev incubators (Senegal), Bond'Innov (France), Noumea Incubator (New Caledonia), Paceim scheme, etc. To increase their number, IRD encourages the creation of North/South networks of support structures (incubators, special schemes, investors, etc.) for innovative start-up project backers in markets in the South. In 2014, a dozen IRD spin-off companies were active around the world. To date, they have led to around a hundred direct job creations with total income of more than €2.5 million. The Bond'innov incubator launched some new calls for projects. At the end of 2014, 16 start-up projects were housed in incubators, ten of which have activities linked to countries of the South. Some of the highlights: on 6 November 2014, the second "North/South innovative entrepreneurship" event was held on the IRD Bondy campus, while the QuickDo BookBox, an innovative e-book downloading system, presented to French president François Hollande at the Dakar Francophonie summit. In 2014, the New Caledonia "’iNCubateur" continued to grow with a new director and new premises provided by IRD as part of the partnership with Adecal (New Caledonia economic growth agency). Pollution Control Environment Bioremediation 7% Other diseases 9% Cosmetics 4% Nutrition/Food 4% François Hollande's visit to the QuickDoobox project's stand at Bondy IRD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 47 THE AGENCE INTER-ÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND COMMUNICATION DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND COMMUNICATION The dissemination of knowledge and the release of research results to research communities and civil society, in both the North and South, are an important part of the Institute's activity. Science Festival/ Marseille Disseminating knowledge Promoting free access to knowledge Several tools offering free access to resources have been developed. IRD collects all publications by its researchers and makes them available via the Horizon database and the HAL open archive. The Horizon database is very widely consulted with 10,000 pdf documents downloaded every day, most notably in countries of the South. In 2014, it was ranked second among French open archives (moving up one place since 2013), in the Ranking Web of Repositories by Webometrics, just behind HAL. On a worldwide level, it is ranked 83rd (moving up 45 places), and is actually 44th for the richness of its content, out of a total of more than 1,800 listed open archives. IRD's documentation centres played an active role during the Semaine de l’Open Access (open access week) and IRD has signed up to a partnership between 28 French stakeholders in research to encourage Open Access and the pooled HAL platform. The Sphaera cartographic database is comprised of more than 18,000 references and helps disseminate news of the Institute's achievements in terms of geographical information. In 2014, nearly 3,250 new photos covering a number of the Institute's research disciplines were added to the Indigo image bank which now contains almost 58,000 documents, accessible over the internet. 48 IRD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 IRD's publishing department opened its new web-based library in 2014, with the possibility of secure online purchasing. With reference works, high-quality illustrated books, atlases and maps, more than 300 items published or co-published by the Institute, in paper and/or electronic versions, are available on the web. Most works will soon be available in a digital version. In addition, 25 works were published or co-published, including: Une autre terre which questions environmental changes occurring on a planetary scale, and La Nouvelle-Calédonie, un destin peu commun, devoted to the future of this territory undergoing deep change. A significant share of editorial production in 2014 focused on African or Latin American issues and regions, with five titles on Africa and around a dozen on South America. Fourteen films were also produced or co-produced, and ten others are in production. IRD took part in thirty or so festivals in France and abroad, where six films were selected and two received awards. The full-length feature on Lyme disease, co-produced with IRD, was watched by 1.1 million viewers on the France 5 TV channel, accounting for a 4.2% audience share. The documentary Attaque de requins à la Réunion : l’enquête obtained the best audience figures of the year for its time slot on the Arte channel. The Lengguru 2014 expedition was filmed for a series of documentaries to be broadcast on Arte. A DVD was also produced to enhance the paper version of the Atlas of New Caledonia, published in partnership with the Congress of New Caledonia. THE AGENCE INTER-ÉTABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND COMMUNICATION It provides hundreds of previously unpublished maps and plans, more than 1,400 photographs, along with audio and video documents, notices and statistical data. Fifty-two colloquiums received support, including the international "Family farming and research" event held in Montpellier as part of the International Year of Family Farming. 10,000 % PDF DOCUMENTS DOWNLOADED EVERY DAY IN THE HORIZON DATABASE Helping promote the Institute More than 50 press releases and press packs were issued in 2014, resulting in almost 2,580 press mentions. These included: 27 articles in Le Monde, 26 AFP reports, 15 articles in Liberation, 20 articles in Le Figaro, 50 programmes or interviews on RFI, 30 on France Culture, 24 on France Inter and 13 articles in La Recherche. Scientific news sheets present the most recent IRD research results two or three times per month. Presently, more than 500 of these sheets can be consulted on Intended for French and foreign media, the governing ministries, IRD partners, decision-makers and the public, they provide an up-to-date summary of current research information. In 2014, 23 scientific news sheets resulted in more than 150 articles in the press. The periodical Sciences au Sud, with circulation of 70,000 in more than 120 countries, invites partner institutions to contribute; highlights last year included interviews with Monique Barbut, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and Manuel PulgarVidel, Peru's environment minister and chair of the COP 20 in Lima. IRD's websites benefit from high visibility in the South. IRD also boosted its presence on the social networks, with the number of Facebook and Twitter followers increasing respectively by 59% and 76% last year. Strengthening ties between science and society Raising society's awareness about the challenges of research for development and rallying younger generations around these questions has led IRD to roll out a broad palette of activities in France and in the countries of the South. Twenty-five travelling exhibitions, including four new ones, are now available. In the French network abroad and in the overseas regions and communities, the IRD exhibitions were presented 73 times in 21 different countries and 59 times in mainland France. Researchers contributed and took part in 245 conferences for the general public, including 75% in the overseas regions and communities and in the countries of the South. Conferences for high school students were also organised as part of the Lengguru expedition, in France and in Indonesia. Young people benefited from some innovative educational initiatives: during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years, IRD ran Webradio fennec, an introduction to environmental sciences and radio, in partnership with universities and associations in Cameroon, Morocco, Central African Republic and France. Supervised by researchers and journalists, 18 clubs of almost 200 students produced 67 programmes on their environment (broadcast on and over the local airwaves). The project received backing from the International Organization of la Francophonie, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region and sponsorship from Radio France Internationale. The "Villes en questions" (city issues) scheme was followed by 200 high school students. Accompanied by 15 social science researchers, 20 teachers and 5 mediators, these young people received an introduction to the scientific approach throughout their school year, where the goal was to understand the social relationships in different parts of their town and to carry out surveys on this theme. The programme has its own website and finished with an international conference that brought together the French, Moroccan, and Tunisian participants to discuss the question "How do Mediterranean city-dwellers live together?" Lastly, one thousand high school students from the PACA region were able to follow conferences on the Institute's headline issues. AN INNOVATIVE SCHEME FOR THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FAMILY FARMING. IRD launched a new web platform named "Suds en ligne" containing photo galleries and a web documentary. It is both entertaining and educational, showing how researchers help farming communities to address the three main challenges of family farming: feeding people, protecting the environment and fighting poverty. This platform also gives web visitors the chance to see the exhibition on the diversity of family farming in countries of the South, produced in 2014. For more information: IRD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 49