UCL DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY You are invited to the inaugural lecture of Matthew Gandy Borrowed light: a journey through Weimar Berlin PEARSON Professor of Geography, UCL Thursday 30 April 2009 JZ Young Lecture Theatre Reception ANATOMY Lecture at 6.30 pm Geography Exhibition Room RSVP: Valérie Viehoff at v.viehoff@ucl.ac.uk Photo still from: Robert Siodmak and Edgar G Ulmer, Menschen am Sonntag (1929), Courtesy of the British Film Institute, London JZ Young Lecture Theatre is located on the ground floor of the Anatomy Building, entrance on Gower Street. Geography Exhibtion Room G07 is located in the Pearson Building overlooking the main quadrangle of UCL on Gower Street. Further details on website: www.ucl.ac.uk/maps.