Technology for Marketing and Student Recruitment Publications and Marketing Services (PAMS)

Technology for Marketing and
Student Recruitment
Publications and Marketing Services (PAMS)
• Ian Bartlett, Head of PAMS
• Ben Johnston, PAMS Web Developer
PAMS’ role
Based in Communications and Marketing. Amongst other
activities, PAMS...
Prospectuses – print and web
Study Abroad Guide production
Prospective Students website (
Content for use on departmental/faculty websites
Support and advice to departments
Assistance with development of student recruitment communications
Information hierarchy: 3 levels of enquiry
what/where is UCL?
what degrees offered?
entry requirements
degree structure and content
what can I do with my degree (careers)?
more detailed study information
facilities in dept.
staff etc.
Information hierarchy
PAMS concerned primarily with primary and secondary enquiry levels
Dept/faculty sites provide answers for secondary/tertiary levels of
Typical web journey:
UCL home >> Prospective Students site >> Prospectus pages >>
Degree programme page >> Departmental site
Not in every case, but generally holds true as shown by web stats.
Enquirers can enter UCL site anywhere (usually from Google), so
information consistency is important.
Aims and objectives
With regard to student recruitment communications, PAMS
seeks to:
improve breadth and depth of communications with prospective
improve consistency of information across the range of formats and
channels (print, electronic, central website, dept websites)
improve accuracy of information
widen the range of channels
simplify navigation of information available to prospective students
focus content on the needs of our target audience (students, parents,
funders etc.)
Degree programme database
In order to help achieve our aims, PAMS has developed a database of
degree programme marketing content:
content is focused on market research feedback
database is separate from SITS/Portico for now – hosted on UCL’s MySQL
structure is intended to allow for future integration with SITS/Portico
two instances: one for UG, one for PGT programmes
allows for a single entry for each programme: 190 for UG, 350 for PGT
content updates requested annually as part of prospectus update cycle; BUT
updates can be made at other times if requested
content owners can update their sections (e.g. Admissions info)
content can be used for multiple purposes...
Database content uses
programme database
PDF brochures
(print format via DTP plugin)
(print locally and professionally)
Departmental websites
Printed Prospectus
content pulled in via plugin for DTP software
uses limited fields in database
content flows in and populates subject sections of print file
requires a ‘content first’ approach to production
produced on an annual cycle
intended as a teaser for more detailed online content
still treated as main first point-of-contact by many, despite
web developments
Web prospectus
more detailed content – complements print prospectus
uses more fields from database, but consistent across
print and web formats
content pulled in via PHP
can be pulled in via code source in Silva
mid-year content updates can be displayed (e.g.
programme changes)
PDF leaflets
use same database content
can be printed locally via download or available for
order by departments from UCL print supplier
(Optichrome) via online order page
suitable for mailing out or distribution at events
one brochure for each taught programme
updated overnight with any database content changes
fully within UCL corporate identity
Departmental websites
database content can be pulled through to departmental
aids consistency of core (primary and secondary level)
content across UCL website
more detailed department-produced (i.e. tertiary level)
content can supplement the core content
content appears styled in line with departmental site
content updates automatically fed through
templates being developed within Silva for ease of use
minimises duplication and could save departmental staff
hours of work
Other projects/services
Module descriptions
PAMS to populate the module description field in Portico. Would allow content
to be pulled into websites and used for module selection, HEAR, transcripts,
Study Abroad Guide etc.
Online posters/postcards/flyer templates
Would allow departmental staff to access an online range of corporate identitycompliant, templated materials which they could edit and order for print to
promote events, degrees, scholarships etc.
Developing templates for staff to produce e-newsletters. These could be used
for maintaining contact with offer holders, prospective students etc.
Support for departments
Provision of support and advice to departmental colleagues with regard to
student recruitment communications
Contact us
See also: for assistance with nonstudent recruitment communications
Tel xtn: