JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 85, NO. A13, PAGES 7861-7870, DECEMBER 30, 1980 Morphologyof the VenusUltraviolet Night Airglow A. I. F. STEWART,J.-C. GERARD,l D. W. RUSCH, AND S. W. BOUGHER Laboratoryfor Atmospheric and SpacePhysicsandDepartmentof Astrogeophysics Universityof Colorado,Boulder,Colorado80309 Imagesof thenightside of Venusin the(0,1)/Jbandof nitricoxidehavebeenobtainedby the Pioneer Venusorbiterultravioletspectrometer (OUVS).Theemission, whichisproduced by radiativeassociation of N and O, showsa brightspotreaching-•5 kR andlocatedat 2 a.m.localsolartimejust southof the equator.The emittinglayeris at 111+ 7-kmaltitude.A onedimensional verticaltransportmodelshows that the hemisphericaveragebrightness of 0.8 kR is consistent with the orbiterneutralmassspectrometer (ONMS)measurements of N andO near167km,andthatthealtitudeof theemittinglayeris consistent with the eddymixingmodelproposedto explainthe daysideheliumprofilemeasuredby the busneutral massspectrometer. In themodel,N reaches a peakof 7 x 108cm-3 at 114km, andO reaches a peakof 2.6 x 10• cm-3 at 106km. Thereis a fair degreeof consistency betweenthe ONMS, OUVS, and other airglow measurements, exceptas regardsthe local time dependence. INTRODUCTION The ultraviolet night airglow of Venus was first detectedby Barth et al. [1968] from Mariner 5. Subsequently,the visual Hemberg II and Chamberlain bands of molecular oxygen were seen from Venera 9 and 10 [Krasnoœolsky et al., 1976; Lawrenceet al., 1977;S!angerand Black, 1978]. The ultraviolet nightglowwas again detectedfrom PioneerVenus [Stewart et al., 1979] and subsequentlyidentified as the gamma and delta bands of nitric oxide [Feldrnanet al., 1979; Stewart and Barth, 1979] excited by the radiative associationof atoms of nitrogen and oxygen. Since in the spectrumof the night airglow the emissions that might be expectedto accompanythe dissociativeproductionof O and N are weak or absent [Stewart and Barth, 1979; Stewart, 1980], it is evident that the night airglow is a result of the transportof atomsfrom the dayside by the generalcirculationof the thermosphere. Stewart and Barth [1979] reported that the maximum emission apparentlyoccurrednear the equator at about 2 a.m. local solar time and that bright patcheswere occasionallyseen elsewhere.Since then, the precessionof the orbit of the Pioneer Venus spacecraftthrough local time has allowed the ultraviolet spectrometerto obtain numerousimagesof the dark side of Venus showing the spatial and temporal variation of the emission. In the present paper we describe these images and their analysis.We alsodeterminethe altitude of the emitting layer, using data from an earlier phase of the mission when periapsiswas on the nightside. We investigate the production of the emission using a simpleone dimensionalsteadystatemodelof the transportof N and O downward through the nightsidethermosphere.The comparisonof this model with our observationsconfirmsthe plausibilityof the conceptof the daysideorigin of the atoms and confirmsalso that vertical mixing on the nightsideis very vigorous. ultraviolet spectrometer observations of the planet [Stewart, 1980]. The essentialcharacteristicsare presentedin Figure 1. The slant range from the spacecraftto the limb seenby the ul- traviolet spectrometervariesfrom 31900 km at P- 2:03 (2 h, 3 min before periapsis)to 11700 km at P- 0:33, and from 6100 km at P - 0:16 to < 1000 km at periapsisto 4100 km at P + 0:10. The planet is in view for a maximum of 36ø of spin during the first view period and for a maximum of 186ø during the second. The imagesthat concernus here were obtained from orbit 167 (May 20, 1979) throughorbit 210 (July 2, 1979), during which period the subspacecraft point at 30øN (---P - 0:55) moved from 2225 to 0300 local time. The images were acquiredin a seriesof swaths,normally 36 s but occasionally 24 s apart. The integrationperiod usedwas 8 ms, giving an angular resolutionacrossthe planet of 0.23ø. Resolutionin the north-south direction was determined by the length of the slit, 1.38ø; there was considerable overlap of successive swaths.The wavelengths usedwere 1980/• (the 0,1 delta band)and2365/• (the0,1gammaband).We concentrate on the 1980-/•images, whicharelesssubject to contamination by internally scatteredlight near the terminatorsthan are the 2365-/• images. Images obtained during the secondview period were obtained with a 32-ms integration period (0.94ø of spin). Because of the lower spacecraftaltitude, successiveswaths do not overlap, and in addition, the changesin range are much more severe.Several such imageswere analyzed by Stewart and Barth [1979];none are consideredhere. However, swaths from these images taken near periapsiswere used to determine the altitude of the emitting layer. Near periapsisthe long axis of the slit aligns with the limb and this, combined with the low altitude and short slant ranges,givesgood altitude resolution on the limb. Although •<5-km resolution is possible usinga 4 msintegrationperiod,smalluncertainties in the data timing preventan absolutealtitudedeterminationat this reso- OBSERVATIONS The orbit of the Pioneer Venus spacecraft has been describedelsewhere[Colin, 1979a, b], as has the geometry of the lution. The method used was to selectswathsthat clearly show both limbs in the limb-brightened airglow emission,and to resolve the uncertaintiesin timing by assumingthat the emis- •On leave from Institut d'Astrophysique,Universit6 de Liege, Liege, Belgium. sion layer altitude is the same on both limbs. The disadvantage here is the 32-ms integration period, which degradesthe altitude resolutionto --•20 km. The remaining uncertainty in the emissionaltitude arises from the small Copyright¸ 1980by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper number 80A0731. 0148-0227/80/080A-0731501.00 7861 7862 STEWART ET AL.' MORPHOLOGY OF VENUS UV NIGHT AIRGLOW l m m mm • • ill m m i m m Plate1. Unrectified imageat 1980A obtainedonorbit 186.The colorcodeis shownat thelowerleft andthescaleis l kR per color level. The sunlit crescentis set to 15 kR. The blue spotsoutsidethe planet discare due to instrumentbackground. STEWART ET AL.: MORPHOLOGY Plate 2. OF VENUS UV NIGHT AIRGLOW Consecutiveunrectifiedimagesobservedbetweenorbits 181 and 196 The empty casescorrespondto orbits when no NO • or ¾observations wereavailable.The colorscaleis the sameasin Plate1. 7863 7864 STEWART ET AL.: MORPHOLOGY OF VENUS UV NIGHT AIRGLOW P-33 <•--• P-123 The color scaleis the same as in Plate 1. The displacementof the terminatorwith respectto the limb is due to the revolution of the planet about the sun by 1.60ø/24 hours. Occasional dark stripesacrossthe discare due to a lossof telemetrydata P or to scansmade in other wavelengthsthan the NO &(0, 1) band. Large variationsof the airglow are readily seenboth in intensity and morphology. From these and other images, we find no clear periodicity in either the average or the peak brightness(cf. Figure 2). The morning sectorbright spot is Fig. 1. Drawing (not to scale) of the OUVS observinggeometry. usually present, and the equator is generally brighter than The dotted line representspart of a typical trace acrossthe disc (the other latitudes.Random bright patchesare seento occurat all remainder is on the other side of the planet). The dashedlines representthe envelopesof the endpointsof thesetraces,i.e., the limb of the latitudes and local times, with the exception of the mid-latitude regionnear the eveningterminator (in the upper right of planet as seenby OUVS. P+IO '• these images). Maps in eclipticlatitude and longitudecoordinates have changesin spin period and in spin axis orientation that occur near periapsisdue to aerodynamic drag and to the deploy- been made for orbits 167 to 210, following the procedure outlined below. Each individual monochromatic image is first ment of the radar antenna. correctedfor the emissionangle. The angle from nadir is calThe presenceof the diffuselyreflectingcloud layer beneath culated for each image element, and the correspondinginthe airglow layer enhancesthe observedsignalat wavelengths tensity is convertedinto a vertical emissionrate by applying >2000 A, but at 1980A the single-scattering albedoof CO2is the appropriateChapmanfunction;the topsidescaleheightof 0.25, and the enhancement is less than 10%. The instrument the airglow distributionis taken to be 5 kin, and the peak of the layer is assumedto be locatedat 110 kin. The image elementsare subsequentlysortedout into latitude and longitude RESULTS bins of 3ø x 4.8ø size, respectively.Ecliptic longitudesare fiApoapsisimagesobtainedbetweenMay 20 and July 2, 1979, nally convertedinto hour angleby shiftingthe longitudescale in the wavelength of the (1,0) & band have been analyzed to by an amountdependingon the date of observation.The map study the Venus nitric oxide nightglow emission. Plate 1 obtained on orbit 186 is shown in Plate 3, superimposedon a showsan exampleof a falsecolorunrectified imageat 1980A latitude and hour angle grid. In this casethe color scaleis 400 obtained during orbit 186 on June 8, 1979. The intensity scale R per color level from 0 to 6 kR, and as before,intensitiesexhas 15 levelsranging from 1 (dark blue) to 15 (bright yellow) ceeding the maximum value have been set to color level 15. kR. The color scaleis displayedat the lower left of the image. Becauseof the viewing geometry the grid cannot be entirely In this particular representation,intensitiesequal to or larger filled in since the most southern latitude seen by the OUVS than 15 kR are set to the 15th color level. The yellow crescent instrumentis 60ø and other parts of the planet are not reached near the top of the image correspondsto the sunlit portion of by the field of view. The high intensitylevelsalongthe 90øN the discwhere the intensity of the scatteringof solar radiation latitude line and the 90ø and 270ø hour angle meridans are on the dayside greatly exceedsthe 15-kR limit. The coordi- causedby contaminationof the observationsby scatteredlight nates of the image are spin phase angle in abscissaand time originatingfrom the dayside.The centerof the bright airglow from periapsisin ordinate. The tick marks along the vertical spotseenin Plate 1 is locatednear 15øSlatitude and 0130 LT. axis correspondto 4-min time intervals from periapsisfrom P The fainter bright area near the limb in Plate 1 is also vis- 126 to P - 32 min. Some averaging of adjacent data points ible on the map, but the maximum emissionrate is no longer has been performed in order to present the image in a 128 x situated on the limb as a consequenceof the correction ap128 pixel format. The distorted aspectof the planet's disc is plied for the emissionangle. causedby the motion of the spacecraftalong its inclined orbit In order to investigatethe statisticalmorphologyof the NO during the --•90min necessaryto scan the planet. & nightglow,a latitude hour angle map was constructedfor The disc of the planet is readily distinguishedfrom the each of 35 available images between orbits 167 and 210. The background where the count rate is substantiallysmaller than daysideand the scatteredlight contributionswere removed on the disc, indicating the presenceof the nightside airglow. from each map, and the resultingnightsidemaps were added The airglow distribution is structured with emission rates together.The intensitywas then normalizedby the total numranging from lessthan I to 15 kR in this particular image. A ber of entriescontributing to each bin of the final map. This bright area is clearly visible in the southern hemisphere,and global map is shownin Plate 4 on a 200 R per color level the attitude data indicatesthat it is locatednear the equator in scale.As was expectedfrom the individual maps, it showsa the morning sector. bright patch reachinga maximum brightnessof 7.5 kR and Since one apoapsisimage of the planet is obtained every 24 centerednear 10øS and 0200 LT. In addition, the equatorial hours, the opportunity is given to examine the variability of regionin the premidnightand a high-latitudearea in the postthe airglowstructure. A setof 14imagesat 1980A fromorbit midnight sectoralso exhibit secondaryintensity maxima. A 181 to 196 is displayedin Plate 2 in chronologicalorder. relativelydark regionnear40øN and 2000LT is alsoseen.The The missingimagescorrespondto orbits 182 and 190 when Ly areas located north of 75øN or having hour angles greater a observationswere made. In order to insert the imagesinto a than 60ø and less than 285ø have been excluded by the re128 x 128 array, each individual image was compressedlinmoval of the daylight. The averagevertical emissionrate deearly by a factor of 4. Consequently, 16 elementsof the un- duced from this map is 780 R for the NO & (0, 1) band, which rectified imagesare averagedto make one element of Plate 2. correspondsto 2.7 kR for the total NO • system. sensitivity at 1980A is 1.5c/kR/32ms. STEWARTET AL.: MORPHOLOGYOF VENUS UV NIGHT AIRGLOW Since large day-to-day variations are observedin the air- 7865 where K is the eddy coefficient and H is the ambient scale glow morphology,a systematicstudy of its variability was height.If we adoptthe form K-- A/M •/2 [vonZahn et al., this made,usingthe setof orbitsincludedin Plate 4. The average issue],where M is the ambient number density and A is a conintensityin a rectangleboundedby 60øS and 66øN and by stant, then the solution to theseequationsis 2000 LT and 0400 LT was calculated. The result is shown in Figure 2 by the curvelabelled 'dark disk average,'where the dots representthe average emissionrate as a function of the orbit number. The intensity variation of the brightest area of the nightsideis also plotted at the top of Figure 2 on the same intensity scale. The emissionrate is obtained by av- eragingthe intensityovera 9ø of latitudex 15o of hour angle area centeredon the brightestimage element. Finally, the F10.7 cm solar flux is plotted at the bottom. The fluxes are measured from the earth and shifted in date to account for the fact that the two planetsare at differentsolarlongitude.This delay is given in daysby AT = 27 a/360, where a is the difference in longitudebetweenthe two planets. The curvesshow fluctuationsby almosta factor of 2 of the averagebrightness.The variationsof the maximumbrightness are evenlarger but generallyin phasewith the total nightside intensity.Thesefluctuationsare statisticallysignificantdue to the large number of countsincludedin each map. Each raw image of the nightside contains .•104 counts, and consequently,the standarddeviationfor each point of the average brightnesscurve is on the order of 1%, much smaller than the measuredday-to-day variations. The standard deviation for the points of the maximum brightnesscurve is on the order of 5%. There is no evidence of correlation between the two brightness curvesand the solarflux, and in fact, the average n .... 2qbH K • B.M where B is a constantof integration(this solutioncan be verified by substitution).For a minor constituentflowing downward from a high-altitude sourceto sink at lower altitudes, the appropriatevalue for B is zero. Thus for atomic oxygenintroducedby high-altitudehorizontal transportfrom the dayside, we have at altitudes above its recombination sink [O]-- 21q, oIH/g where [O] and q•oare the number densityand vertical flux of atomic oxygen,respectively.We assumethat this expression describesthe oxygendensityat the altitudeswhereN is being consumedby radiative associationwith O. A good rule of thumb in problems of downward transport into a chemical sink region is that the minor constituentreachesits maximum density at the altitude where the transportand chemical lifetimes are equal [Rishbethand Barron, 1960];that is, for atomic nitrogen, where H2/K = (k[O])-• Using our expressions for [0] and K it is readily seenthat at this altitude, brightnesskeepsincreasingafter orbit 198 when the solar ac- M = Me = A2/2klq, oltP tivity decreases. This trend is causedby the changein local time of the orbital plane sincethe early imagestend to emphasizethe eveningsector,whereasthe later onesmostlyinclude the morningside.The intensityof the brightestspotremains almost constantsince the bright area near 2 a.m. is within the area coveredby all the imagesusedin Figure 2. [o1 -- [Ol•-- (21q, ol/kH) '/• INTERPRETATION We have used a one dimensional chemical diffusion model similar to that employed by Ruschand Cravens[1979] to solve for the density distributionsof CO, N, O, 02, NO, and 03 on the nightside of Venus. The upper and lower boundaries in the model are at 140 km and 70 km, respectively.Table 1 details the chemical reactions employed and the adopted rate coefficients.We compare the results of the model with the OUVS airglow measurements of the emission in the nitric oxide delta bands formed by reaction 1. The downward flowing atomic nitrogen is consumedby radiative associationwith atomic oxygen, with a rate coefficient k; the atomic oxygen subsequentlyrecombinesat a lower altitude. In this situation the N and O satisfy some simple relationships,which we demonstrateby using a one dimensional analytic model. For simplicity, we assumethat the thermosphereis isothermal and that eddy transport greatly exceeds transport by molecular diffusion. Then, in the absence of sourcesand sinks,the vertical flux • and number densityn of a minor constituentsatisfythe equation d4'_ O dz and the chemical lifetime of N is (r•), = (k[O],)-• = (H/2klrkol)•/2 Thus the altitude of the maximum N density dependson A (i.e., on the strength of eddy mixing) and on the downward flux of O, while the chemicallifetime of N at its peak depends on the flux of O but not on the eddy mixing coefficient. For example,for A = 2 x 10•3[yonZahnet al., 1979]and I½ol-- 1 X 10•2cm-2 s-l, we find M• = 1.5x 10•4cm-3, corresponding to about 110 km; at this altitude, rs-- 8 x 104 s or about 1 day. We have performeda detailedvertical transportcalculation to extend the above arguments.We chose a vertical (down- ward) flux of 1 x 10•2cm-2 s-• for O and 1 x 10•øcm-2 s-• for N. The value for q•ois representativeof valuescalculatedby Dickinsonand Ridley [1977], while the value for N is simply scaledfrom this by the ratio of the N and O densities[Niemann et al., this issue].The resultsof the calculation are shown in Figure 3 for a valueof K•4o-' 3 x 108cm2 s-• (i.e.,A -- 1.6 x 10•3).The atomic oxygen and nitrogen measurementsof Niemann et al. [this issue]extrapolatedto 140 km assuming diffusive equilibrium agree with our values there to within a factor of 2. The atomic oxygenprofile has a maximum density at 106km of 2.6 • 10• cm-3, and the maximumnitrogendensityis 7.3 x 10• cm-3 at 114km. The atomicoxygendensityat the nitrogenpeak is 2 x 10• cm-3 in reasonableagreement with the value 3 x 10• cm-3 predictedby our simpletheoretical treatment. The curve labeled P(O2) is the productionrate of molecular oxygen by reaction 4 of Table 1. We will discuss its importance later in this section. 7866 STEWART ET AL.' MORPHOLOGY OF VENUS UV NIGHT AIRGLOW II Plate 3. Mercator projectionof the image from orbit 186 (Plate 1). Lines are plotted every 30ø of latitude from 90øN to 90øS and hour angle from 270ø (right) to 90ø (left). The color scaleis 400 R per color level and the yellow regionsare contaminated by instrumentally scatteredlight. STEWART ET AL..' MORPHOLOGY OF VENUS UV NIGHT AIRGLOW Plate4. Map of the NO/• (0, 1) bandverticalintensitydistributionobtainedby summingup 35 orbits.The latitudeand hour angle grid are similar to Plate 3. The color scaleis 200 R per color level. 7867 7868 STEWART ET AL.: MORPHOLOGY OF VENUS UV PV OUVS'.Nitric Oxide8 (0,1) Band,1980 mize and the altitude AIRGLOW of the maximum volume emission rate. This dependenceis shown in Figure 4. The curve labeled P(O2) representsthe altitude where the productionof 02 from reaction 4 is maximum. The nitrogen density and nitric oxide I0- Brightest Spot 5 - NIGHT emission rate maxima are more sensitive to K than the atomic oxygen and 02 production rate maxima. For the values of K used the maximum density of N changesfrom 133 km to 107 km, a differenceof 26 km, while the O density maximum Dork changes from 117 to 102 km, a 15 km difference. Also the curve for the delta band maximum lies parallel to that for the nitrogen density. Thus a determination of the altitude at which the nitric oxide emissionrate maximizesis a fairly sensitive indicator of the eddy diffusion coefficient.We have de- D•sc Averoge I 254: - eeel el I ee terminedthe altitude of the emissionlayer near periapsison 8 orbits. The resultsare shown in Figure 5; the mean value is 150111 km with a standard deviation of 7 km. We use only the I I 21o 170 180 190 200 values obtained before periapsis,since the pulse of aerody16o 220 ORBIT NUMBER •' namic drag at periapsis perturbs both the spin rate and the Fig. 2. Variation of the average(lower curve)and maximum (up- spin axis orientation and renders the pointing information per curve)brightness in the (0, 1)&band of NO over 35 orbits.The suspectafter periapsis.Using Figure 4, this mean altitude imlowercurveis averagedoverall latitudesbetween60øSand 66øN and pliesKi4o-•3 x 108cm2 s-l, (,4 -• 1.6x 1013); thisvalueis conall localtimesbetween8 p.m. and 4 a.m. The uppercurveis averaged sistent with the value ,4 = 2 x 1013 derived by vonZahn et al. over a 9ø (latitude)x 15ø (hour angle)box containingthe brightest [1979] near the morning terminator. spot. ße 20C eeeeeeeeeeee ß lee#eel eel eel ß F 10.7 ß eeee DISCUSSION The volume emissionrate profile in the nitric oxide delta bandspeaksat 110km with an intensityof 3.6 x 103ph cm-3 s-l. The integrated vertical intensity is 2.8 kR, which is in good agreementwith the measuredaverageintensityon the nightsideof 2.6 kR. In the model the efficiencyof nitrogen atoms in producingexcited NO moleculesis determinedby the fraction that are lost through reaction 1. Nitrogen atomsare also lost by reactions2 and 3. Reaction 3 is a potential sourceof gamma and delta emission,but the efficiencyfor production of an excited NO molecule is extremely small and we ignore its contribution.In an equilibrium calculation, half of the N atoms must be lost through reaction 2, the remainder by reactions 1 and 3. Reaction 1 accounts for 45% of the loss,and reaction 3 accountsfor 5% of the lossin this model. Thus a photon is producedby 45% of N atoms subsidingon the nightside.This efficiencyis independent of the N flux but is dependenton the strengthof the verti- cal mixing. An increasein K resultsin a deeperpenetrationof N atomsinto the atmosphereand a subsequent increasein the importanceof the three body reaction,reaction3 relativeto reaction 1. Additional calculations show the efficiency of N atomsin producingphoton changesfrom -•50% for Ki4o = 1 X 107 cm2 S--I to 36% for Ki4o -- 1 X 109cm2 S--l. The strengthof the vertical mixing affectsthe altitude at which the atomic oxygen and nitrogen densityprofilesmaxi- TABLE Reaction 1. Table Our observationshave shown that the nitric oxide night airglow typically showsa bright spot at about 2 a.m., that this spot is -•5 times brighter than the hemisphericmean brightness,and that the emitting layer is near 111 km. Our one dimensionalsteadystatetransportmodel showsthat the zenith emissionrate in the NO & systemis -•0.25 times the downward flux of N atoms, that the column production rate of 02 is 0.5 times the downward flux of O (as expected),and that the altitude of the emitting NO layer dependson the flux of O and on the strengthof eddy mixing. A first-orderinterpretation of our measurementswould be that the brightnessmap is also a map of the downward flux of N. Since the N and O have similar atomic weights, we might expect their velocity fields in the thermosphericcirculation pattern to be similar, so that the N/ O ratio would be fairly uniform over the night hemisphere, at least at altitudes above the chemical sinks. Several other data sets bear on this question. First, the ONMS in situ measurementsof N and O [Niemann et al., this issue]show that at 167 km, the N and O densitiesreach a minimum near 2 a.m., rather than a maximum as the above simple interpretation suggests.However, the density scale heights also reach a minimum near midnight, and if the ONMS measurementsare extrapolated to 140 km (the upper boundary of our model), we find that both the N and O densitiesrise from dusk to maxima near 10 p.m. and decline toward dawn; the of Chemical Reactions Rate Coefficient Source (1) O + N -• NO (2) N + NO -• N2+ O (3) O + N + CO2-• NO + CO2 (4) O+ O+CO2•->O2+CO 2 (5) O + CO + CO2-• CO2+ CO2 2.5 X 10--17cm3 S-1 2.1X 10-ll cm3 s-I 1.1X 10-32(T/300)-1/2cm6$--1 4.7X 10-33(T/300)-2cm6s-l 2 x 10-37cm6s-l Mandelrnan etal. [1973] Phillips andSchiff[1962] Baulchetal. [1973] Campbell andGray[1973] Sirnonaites andHeicklen [1972] (6) O + 02 + CO2-• 03 + CO2 (7) O + 03 -• 02 + 02 1.4x 10-33(T•v/300)-2'5cm6s-l Kaufman[1969] 1.9x 10-ll exp(-2300/7) cm3s-1 Harnpson [1973] STEWART ET AL.' MORPHOLOGY OF VENUS UV I01 102 103 AIRGLOW ALTITUDE PRODUCTION RATE(CM-;5 SEC-I) i00 140 NIGHT 104 7869 OF EMI'I-I'ING LAYER 105 130 -- 120 -- 130 '• 120 -- ::3 i10 LU 110-- i00 -J 9O 8O 107 , , , ,, 108 D9 DIO 100-- 12 90-- I011 10 13 13 14 10 '-• OF SAMPLES I01• DENSITY(CM-3) I -8 Fig. 3. Calculated profiles of the densitiesof atomic oxygen and atomic nitrogen. The volume emissionrate of the NO & bands is due to reaction 1, and the production of 02 moleculesis due to reaction 4 for an eddydiffusioncoefficient of 3 x 108cm2 s-' at 140km. -6 ! -4 ! 1 -2 0 TIME FROM PERIAPSIS (MIN) Fig. 5. Measurements of the altitude of the emitting layer, groupedin 1-min bins. At P- 6.5 min, the limbs are at 35øN; at P .5 min, they are at 12øN. maxima are quite pronounced in that the l0 p.m. densities ("•1 X 108cm-3 and --1 x 10'ø cm-3 for N and O) exceed thoseat 8 p.m. and at 2 a.m. by a factor of about 2. From this we would anticipate the peak in the airglow emissionto occur before midnight rather than after. Second, the Herzberg II emission from molecular oxygen observedfrom Venera 9 [Krasnopolskyet al., 1976] shows a peaknear 11 p.m. and a steadydeclinefromthat time until 4 a.m. This is consistentwith the extrapolatedONMS measurements of O but not with the average NO brightnessmap. We may note, however, that we occasionallysee NO airglow brightnessdistributionssimilar to the Venera distribution;on orbit 184,for example,the bright spotlies at or slightly before midnight.It would be of greatinterestto know what the average distributionwasfor the severaldawn-to-duskpassesmade by Venera 9. The averageintensityof--5 kR seenby Venera 9 a value an order of magnitude smaller than this, but the uncertainty is large. A third relevant observation is the detection of the 1.27 /• emissionfrom molecular oxygen on the nightside of Venus by Connes et al. [1979]. Their field of view lay in the postmidnight sectorand the mean zenith intensity was --600 kR. If we assumea unit efficiency for the production of 1.27 /• photons upon recombination of molecular oxygen, then the necessary flux of O is 1.2 x 10'2 cm-2 s-', entirelycompatible with our model and, by implication, with the ONMS measurementsalso. Thus given the simplicity of our model and the possibilityof other sourcesfor the 02 emissions[Conneset al., 1979] there is a fair degree of consistencybetween the measured O and N densities and the measured NO and 02 represents a quantumefficiencyof--10 -2 photons/Oatom, airglow intensities. givenour O flux of 1 x 10'2 cm-2 s-'. A laboratorydetermia, aThe discrepanciesbetween the local time dependenciesof tion (G. M. Lawrence,privatecommunication,1979)suggests the NO and 02 emissions and the ONMS measurements are difficult to assessin the absence of an adequate dynamical model. The descendingpart of the thermosphericcirculation might be displacedtoward the morning terminator if the 4day retrograderotation seen at the cloud top (--65 km) level persiststo higher altitudes.However, our current ideascannot account for morphological differencesbetween the NO and 02 emissions,and we are forced to invoke the day-to-day variability of the morphology to explain the observed discrepv 120 - ancy. The variations in morphology and overall brightnessare themselves of interest. Our simple model shows that the brightnessof the NO emissiondependsonly on the downward flux of N atoms;thus the observedpatchinessof the emission must result from spatial irregularitiesin the high-altitude circulationpattern. This interpretationis consistentwith the variability of the nightsideN and O concentrationsobservedby the ONMS. By the same token, the variations in overall i07 i0B iob brightness imply variationsin the supplyof N atomsfrom the K140 (CM 2 SEC-I dayside,perhapsindicativeof variationsin the relative imporFig. 4. The dependenceof the altitudesof the maximum densities of oxygenand nitrogen,the maximum & band emissionrate, and the tance of global and local transport processesin the dayside maximum 02 productionrate as a function of the eddy diffusion coef- thermosphere. Such variations would certainly affect the ficient. global transportof N (and O), sincethe dissociationof N2 •_ •o 7870 STEWARTET AL.: MORPHOLOGYOF VENUS UV NIGHT AIRGLOW peaksat altitudesnear the locationof the homopauseinferred by yon Zahn et al. [!979]. Lawrence,G. M., C. A. Barth, and V. Argabright, Excitationof the Venus night airglow, Science,195, 573, 1977. Mandelman, M., T. Carrington, and R. A. 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