JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 103, NO. All, PAGES 26,833-26,849,NOVEMBER 1, 1998 Interplanetary Lyman observationsfrom Pioneer Venus over a solar cycle from 1978 to 1992 WayneR. Pryor,1ScottJ.Lasica, 1A. IanF. Stewart, 1DoyleT. Hall,1 SeanLineaweaver, l WilliamB. Colwell,l Joseph M. Ajello,2OranR. White,3 and W. Kent Tobiska 4 Abstract. The PioneerVenus Orbiter ultravioletspectrometer(PVOUVS) routinelyobtainedinter- planetaryhydrogenLyman ot datawhile viewingeclipticlatitudesnear30øSfrom 1978to 1992 (during solarcycles21 and22). We describe"hot"modelsfor this interplanetary Lymanotdatathat include the solarcyclevariationof (1) the solarflux, as a functionof latitudeand longitude;(2) the radiation pressure on hydrogenatoms;(3) the solarwind flux; (4) the solarEUV flux; and(5) the multiplescattering correctionto an opticallythin radiativetransfermodel. Thesemodelsmakeuseof solarradiation flux parameters (solarwind, solarEUV, andsolarLymanor)from spacecraft andground-based solar proxyobservations.Comparison of the upwinddataandmodelindicatesthatthe ratio of the solarLyman ot line centerflux (responsiblefor the interplanetary signal)to the observedsolarLyman ot inte- gratedflux is constant to within-•20%,withaneffective linewidthnear1.1A. Averaging thesolarradiationpressureand hydrogenatomlifetimeover 1 year beforethe observation reproduces the upwind intensitytime variationbut not the downwind. A betterfit to the downwindtime seriesis foundusing the 1 year averageappropriatefor the time thatthe atomspassedclosestto the sun. SolarLymanot measurements from two satellitesare usedin our models. UpperAtmosphereResearchSatellite(UARS) solarLymanot measurements are systematically higherthan SolarMesosphere Explorer(SME) values andhavea largersolarmaximumto solarminimumratio. UARS-basedmodelsworkbetterthanSMEbasedmodelsin fitting the PVOUVS downwindtime seriesLyman ct data. 1. Introduction drogenatoms are also ionized by solar EUV radiation. Solar Lyman otresonancescatteringfrom the surviving slow hydrogen atomscreatesthe observedglow. Modeling the interplanetary Lyman ot brightness pattern of the processeslisted above. from the Sun, well inside the solar wind termination shock, requiresdetailedunderstanding thesehydrogenatomsare currentlydescribedby a temperature The Pioneer Venus Orbiter ultraviolet spectrometer T=8000 K, a velocity v--20 km s-1 with respectto the Sun (PVOUVS) interplanetary Lyman ot observations provide a [Bertauxet al., 1985] and,in our models,by a density n--0.17 particularly good test of our understandingof the solar proc- The interplanetary Lymanotglow comesfrom solarLymanot that hasbeenscatteredby hydrogenatomsin the very local interstellarmedium. At a distanceof perhaps30 AU upwind cm-3[Ajello et al., 1994]. A recenttabulation of the rather wide rangeof hydrogendensity values in the literature is givenby Puyoo,et al. [1997]. Theirwork finds a neutraldensityat largedistances of n=0.25+0.08cm-3. Solargravity acts to focusthe hydrogen atomsas they pass the Sun, but is largelycanceledby solarLymanotradiationpressurethat repelstheatoms.Theratioof the radiationpressureto the solar gravity is called g. Solar cycle variationsin g can makethe Suneitherrepelthe atomsor slightly focusthemdownstream. esses and their variations, since the data were obtained over more than a full solar cycle (December29, 1978, to April 18, 1992) at a nearly constantdistance of 0.72 AU fromthe Sun. Other spacecraft(Pioneer 10 and Voyagers 1 and 2) have obtained a long time seriesof interplanetaryLyman ct observations, but thesedata samplea range of distancesfromthe Sun, complicatingthe interpretation becauseof the possible presenceof outerheliosphericeffects [e.g., Hall, 1992; Hall et al., 1993; Quemeraiset al., 1995, 1996]. Successfulmodeling of Fastmovingsolarwind protonschargeexchange with the thePVOUVSinnerheliosphere datasetis a firststeptoward slower interstellar neutral hydrogen atoms, creating apopula-understanding theouter heliospheric data. The modeling describedhere builds on our earlier efforts. the solarLyman ot line and leaving behind a cavity depleted Ajello et al. [1987] examinedthe PVOUVS interplanetary Lyin the slow neutralsthat scattersolar Lyman ot photons. Hy- man ot data set (1979-1985) and used the parallax shift over the Venus year of the brightest emission region to determine •Laboratoryfor Atmospheric and SpacePhysics,Universityof the hydrogenatom lifetime. Ajello 1990 analyzeda unique set Colorado, Boulder. of PVOUVS Lyman ot observations from 1986 covering high 2JetPropulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. 3High Altitude Observatory/National Centerfor Astmospheric ecliptic latitudes during observations of Comet Halley. Improvementsin the model reflect subsequenteffortsat modeling Research, Boulder, Colorado. 4FederalData Corporation/Jet Propulsion Laboratory,Pasadena, Galileo and Voyager data describedelsewhere[Pryor et al., tion of fastmovinghydrogenatomsDoI3pler-shifted outside California. Copyright1998by theAmericanGeophysical Union. Papernumber98JA01918. 0148-0227/98/98JA-01918509.00 1992, 1996; Hall, 1992; Ajello et al., 1993, 1994]. This paper applies our latest modelsto the full PVOUVS data set. These modelsexplicitly computethe solar Lyman otflux at each latitude and longitudeas a functionof time by using He 1083 nm imagesas a proxy for solarLyman ot [Pryor et al., 1996]. 26,833 26,834 2. PRYOR ET AL.: LYMAN ctOBSERVATIONS FROM PIONEER VENUS Instrumentation hydrogencoronawas necessary. We examinedthe brightness of the coronaas a functionof the closestapproachdistanced of The PVOUVS instrument [Stewart, 1980] was a compact the look vectorto the centerof the planet[Lasicaet al., 1993]. 1/8-m Ebert-Fastiespectrometer with a programmable grating Data obtained with d greater than 5 Venus radii from the drive and two photomultiplier tube detectors. The Pioneer planet center (30,255 km)had <5% contaminationand could VenusOrbiter spin rate was typically 0.52 + 0.01 rad s-• be- safelybe included in the interplanetary data to be reduced. foreMay 1981 and 0.48 + 0.01 rad s-• afterthat. The PV Or- The coronalcontaminationwas largestnearsolarmaximumand biter spin axis was usually aligned within ---5ø of the south was unobservable past 5 Venus radii at solar minimum.The ecliptic pole. The PVOUVS optical axis slanted60ø away Venus coronaand its variation over a solarcycle are discussed fromthe spin axis. Thus the instrumentfield of view (1.4ø x by Colwell [1997]. A time-dependentinstrumental back0.14ø) observeda smallcircularstrip on the celestialsphere, ground of 7-12 R due to cosmicrays was subtractedfromthe with a 1.4ø width, at an ecliptic latitude 30+_5øS. The data. This background was largest near solar minimum and PVOUVS instrumentsensitivityat Lyman (z found in calibra- smallest near the two solar maxima. tions was 130 counts s-• kR-•. Observed stellar brightnesses Becauseof a minor problemin the grating drive system,difindicate that the Lyman (z sensitivity was nearly constant ferent fixed gratingpositionswere used to observethe Lyman over the course of the mission. 3. (z line during different parts of the mission. The reported intensities were correctedto reflectthe part of the instrumental line profile being observed. No overall systematicoffsetsbe- Observations tween data and model were identified that could be conclu- The PioneerVenus Orbiter maintaineda polar orbit around sively attributed to the use of these differentgrating steps. Venus with a 24-hour period. Typical distancesfrom planet However, residual differences between data and models in centerwere •70,000 km for apoapsisand 6200-8000 km for early 1979 may be related to incompletelycorrectingfor the periapsis. InterplanetaryLyman {x data were obtained at ir- transition from grating step 42 to step 41 on orbit 70 (1979 regular intervals when ground stations were available and day 43). when Venus was not in conjunction with the Sun. The instrumentoperatedin fixed gratingpositionmode,typicallyusing a 32-ms integration. This integration period leads to a 5. Modeling spinsmearingof about0.9ø. In orbits wheretwo setsof 240 ø arcswere taken, the data were combinedfor a full 360ø coverage in longitude. Figure 1 illustratesthe spacecraft orbit and the PVOUVS observinggeometry. Plate 1 includes a color display of the PVOUVS data selectedfor modeling,with time on the horizontalaxis and ecliptic longitude on the vertical axis. The data are brightest in upwind longitudes near ecliptic longitude 250ø and dimmest near the downwind direction, where slow neutrals have been 4. Data Reduction BecausePV obtainedinterplanetary Lyman c• data nearVenus, carefulexclusionof the Lyman c• signatureof the Venus depleted by charge exchangeand photoionization. Data becamesparseras the missionprogresseddue to reducedground station coverage. The brightest data are at the two ends of Plate 1 during maximain the solar activity cycle. The data PERIAPSlS 2 hr SPACECRAFT MOTION 30m 4 hr PLANE OF ECLIPTIC 8 hr 30m lhr APOAPSIS 2hr 8hr 4hr PVOUVS "VIEW CONE" x = SUBSOLARPOINTAT VOl SPACECRAFT SPIN AXIS Figure 1. Illustration of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter polar 24-hour orbit. The PVOUVS observedin longitude circlesat -30 ø ecliptic latitude. InterplanetaryLyman (z datausedhere were obtainedwherethe distancefrom the instrumentlook vector to the planetcenterexceeded5 Venusradii. Times from periapsisare indicated.VOI standsfor Venus Orbit Insertion. PRYOR ET AL.: LYMAN o(OBSERVATIONS FROM PIONEER VENUS o x• • o I • = E •- o0 _j E E • • .',;.....;.:.:: ..................... 0 I •,• ..., ,:..•.. &?.,, ...... 0 0 0 0 opn'l!6uo"l 0 0 0 0 0 t,..O 0 0 ',el"' 0 CO 0 O4 I,,r) 04 ,.,.- ,,"- • 0 0 opn),!6uo"l::)]:ld!!::)3 26,835 26,836 PRYOR ET AL.: LYMAN czOBSERVATIONS FROM PIONEER VENUS o 00 o ß epn•,!õUO'l •!ld!l• 3 I",. o to o o o ,• o 00 o o• •'• • 0,,I ,-. ,,...- o •o o aPnl!õuo-Io!1d]io3 o• ,-- PRYOR ET AL.: LYMAN • OBSERVATIONS FROM PIONEER VENUS MAXIMUM • \ EMISSION • • 26,837 • IONI•TION CAVI• Figure 2. An illustrationof the upwind-downwindviewing geometryat two spacecraftlocations. The ecliptic plane is viewed edge-on. The interstellar wind (ISW) flows to the left. A cavity in the ISW hydrogen near the Sun is carved by solar wind protons chargeexchangingwith the slow interstellar neutral hydrogen population, creatingfast neutrals which are Dopplershifted off the solar Lyman • line and are thereforeinvisible. The contour lines schematicallyillustrate the variations in the Lyman a volumeemissionrate. It hasa local minimumcenteredon the Sun, and a local maximum(the maximumemissionregion) upwind of the Sun, abouthalfway betweenthe Sun and the upwindcavity boundary. Waves visible in Plates 1 and 2 related to the motionof Venus(andthe PV Orbiter) about the Sun are due to distancevariationsbetweenthe look vector in the upwind direction and the maximumemissionregion. The PVOUVS views in longitude circles near-30 ø ecliptic latitude. These instrumentlook directionsapproachthe maximumemissionregionmore closelywhen the spacecraftis upwind. Throughoutthis paper, the PVOUVS values are scaledto the Galileo-basedmodel values. The scalingfactorsare near 2 but The bestfit SME-based"lagged"model is also presentedin vary somewhatdue to modeling variations and uncertainties. Plate 1. Details of this model will be discussed below. Plate Using the Galileo calibration [Hord et al., 1992], the current 2 presentsthe data and best fit SME-based lagged model for modelsrequire a high numberdensity of hydrogen inside the the first 2 yearsof the mission. Apparentin the models(Plates termination shock, n=0.17 cm-3 [Ajello et al., 1994] as oplb and 2b), and somewhatlessapparentin the data, is a modu- posedto earlier modelsthat found n=0.07+0.01 cm-3[Ajello et al., 1987], somewhatincreasing the importance of multiple lation or waviness in the upwind intensity associatedwith the 225-day orbital period of Venus. When the spacecraftis scattering. We preferto use the more recent Galileo calibration for the on the upwind side of the Sun (times marked with "U" in Plates l a and 2a), it is closerto the upwind maximumemission following reasons. Becauseof launch delays, there was aderegion, increasingits angular extent (Figure 2). A parallax quatetime for extensivecharacterizationand calibration of the shift in the direction to the maximumemissionregion due to Galileo UVS. The Galileo UVS laboratory absolute calibragreaterthan 1300 A, basedon National the orbital motion of Venus makesthese waves appeardiago- tion at wavelengths nal in Figure2. The brightnessmaximumon eachwave tends Institute of Standardsand Technology (NIST) standard photo passthrough the upwind directionwhen the spacecraftis todiodes, is estimated to be accurate to better than 20%. We directlyupwind. In Plate 2 a diagonalvariation is also visi- also obtained Galileo UVS laboratory spectraof electron imble correlatedwith the -25-day sidereal rotation period (28 pact on H2 and N2 that providea high-quality relative calibradays as seenfromVenus) of Lyman ct bright solar active re- tion in the FUV, includingLyman {x [Ajello et al., 1988; Hord gions. A detailed study of one suchwave was presentedby et al., 1992]. The estimatedadditionaluncertaintyat Lyman {x with this technique is-20%. Comparisonof Galileo UVS Ajello et al. [1987]. The modeldevelopedfor fitting Galileo extremeultraviolet spectraof the star Sirius with rocket observationsshows ex(<20%) at wavelengths greaterthan 1300 A spectrometerdata [Pryor et al., 1996] was used here. This cellentagreement modelis a versionof a "hot"density model describedby Tho- where sufficientstellar signal is present(W. McClintock, primas [1978]. The model has evolved to include latitudinal vate communication,1998]. Based on these considerations, anisotropiesin the solarwind flux [Witt et al., 1979], as well the density derived from Galileo Lyman {x measurements,includingestimatederror barsfrom the calibrationonly, is -0.17 as latitudinal and longitudinal anisotropiesin the solar Lyman{xflux [Pryor et al., 1992, 1996]. One troubling, persis- -I-0.05 cm'3 . The density used here should also be comparedto neutral tent problemfound in our modelingeffortsis the differencein absolutecalibrationsat Lyman {x betweendifferentspacecraft. hydrogendensity estimatesfrompickup ion studies. GloeckPVOUVS reportedLyman {x intensitiesare -•2.13 timeslower let et al. [1997] used Ulysses solar wind ion composition than simultaneousmeasurements by Galileo when it passed spectrometer(SWICS) pickup ion measurementsto derive a Venus [Colwell 1997; also personal communication1998]. neutral hydrogendensity near the terminationshock of 0.115 takenfrom 1983 to 1987 are the least bright, correspondingto solar minimum. 26,838 PRYOR ET AL.: LYMAN c•OBSERVATIONS FROM PIONEER VENUS + 0.025 cm-3. The SWICS estimate and the Galileo estimate better calibrated than SME. have overlappingerror bars. Another technique,measurement of the solar wind slowdown due to massloading, has been studied by Richardson et al. [1995]. From a measuredsolar wind slowdownof •-30 km s-• between 1 and 40 AU, they es- tion of time of SOLSTICE is closely monitoredby l:neasure- the model as follows: about0.9 A-1timestheSME-or UARS-derived integrated so- The relative calibration as a func- mentsof a suite of stars. The UARS Lyman ct fluxesare systematically higher than the SME measurements, by •-30% or more,and have a larger solar maximumto solar minimumratio timatea low neutralhydrogen densityof0.05crn -3,basedon [Woods and Rottman, 1997; Tobiska et al., 1997; de Toma et theory presentedby Lee [1997]. Another model for the slow- al., 1997]. Figure 3a shows the computedecliptic and polar down presentedby Isenberg [1986, Figure 2] shows that a Lyman ct fluxesfor the SME model. As we have previously slowdownof•-30kms'• at 40 AU corresponds to a neutral suggested[Pryor et al., 1992; Ajello et al., 1994], the comhydrogen density of 0.1cm-3,closerto theGloeckler et al. re- puted polar Lyman ct flux is substantially (---20%)below the sults. Recentwork by Isenberg [1997] showsthat a neutral equatorialflux at solarmaxima.Figure 3b compares the SMEhydrogen densityof 0.125cm-3nearthetermination shockis basedand UARS-basedeclipticLyman ct fluxes. consistentwith an analysis of anomalouscosmicray spectra A key assumptionin the modeling is that the unmeasured by Stoneet al. [1996]. Lymanct linecenterflux (photons cm-2s-1fl,-i) responsible for The solar cycle variationsof five quantities are included in resonancescatteringfrom interstellarneutral hydrogenequals 5.1. Solar Flux Variation lar Lyman ct flux (photonscm-2s-i) throughoutthe solar cycle. Ajello et al. [1987] usedPVOUVS data to show that this ratio is fairly constant over the solar cycle. The rough validity of this assumptionis testedhere by trying modelsthat assume Our model uses solar He 1083-nm imagesto computethe solar Lyman ct flux on a given day at any solar latitude and the factor of 0.9 A-1 for all orbits. The 0.9 A-1 estimate comes longitude[Pryor et al., 1996]. The He 1083-nm imageset obfrom recentmeasurements of the disc-integratedsolar Lyman ct tained at Kitt Peak provides a valuable indicator of the Sun's line shapeobtainedat solar minimumby the Solar Ultraviolet Lyman ct distribution. The disc-averagedequivalent width is Measurementsof Emitted Radiation (SUMER) instrumenton an excellentproxy for Lyman ct [Harvey, 1984; Tobiska 1991; the Solar Heliospheric Observatory(SOHO) [Lemaire et al., Harvey and Livingston, 1994]. Harvey and colleagueshave 1998]. Our previousmodels[Ajello et al., 1987, 1994; Pryor combinedthese imagesinto Carrington rotation maps,which et al., 1992,1996]assumed a factorof 1.0.A'•. SUMERresults provide the equivalent width as a function of latitude and from closerto solarmaximummay shedlight on thisproblemin longitudefor eachsolarrotation. TheseCarringtonmapsform the basis for our calculation. First, holes and artifacts in these imageswere correctedby using informationfromneighboring Carrington rotations. This proceduremay introducesomeerrors in the record,particularly in the late 1970s when more datagapswere present. Next, an integralwas performedwhich finds the disc-averagedequivalent width that would be seen above any solar latitude and longitude on any given day. This procedurereproducesin considerabledetail the previously reporteddisc-integratedequivalentwidths in the ecliptic plane. It was then assumedthat the samelinear relationship that exists between the ecliptic plane disc-averaged equivalent width of He 1083-nm and disc-integrated, lineintegrated Lyman ct flux [Tobiska, 1991] exists at all other latitudes. Two different relationshipswere usedhere. The linear relationship between the He 1083-nm equivalent width (EW) and the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) line- integrated solar Lyman & measurements is[Tobiska, 1991] Lyman c•SME = 8.40x101ø + 3.78x109xEW the future. 5.2. Solar Radiation Pressure Variation Estimatesof the radiationparameter g alsorely on assuming the numericalcorrespondence between line centerand integratedsolarLyman ct emissions.The radiation pressurehas a latitude dependencedirectly causedby the latitude dependenceof the solar flux [Ajello et al., 1994]. Atoms that pass over the solar poles are exposedto a lower averageradiation pressurethan those that passover more equatorial latitudes. This effectis crudelyrepresented by averagingthe 12-month averageecliptic value of g, with the lower polar value. The time averageis used to compensatefor the varying pressures experiencedby a hydrogenatomas it approachesand then recedesfromthe Sun. During a 1-yearperiod a hydrogenatom travels4.2 AU at a velocityof 20 km s-•. This is roughly comparableto the scalesize of the system:the maximumemission region isatdistances rc/2from2.25to 3.35AU from theSun, dependingon the hydrogenatom lifetime [Ajello et al., 1987]. Hererc isthedistance alongtheupwindaxisfromtheSunto in units of photons cm-2s-1 at 1 AU fromthe Sun. Measured valuesof EW rangefrom 39 to 97. The linear relationship between the He 1083 nm equivalent width and the Upper AtmosphereResearchSatellite(UARS) solarLyman cttime series in the sameunits(throughthe end of 1995) is the point where ionizationhas attenuatedthe original density tral IrradianceMonitor (SUSIM)) reportsLyman ct values 10% lower than SOLSTICE. The UARS instrumentswere probably and1.0A-• timesthe line-integrated flux. Theradiationpres- by a factorof 1/e. Both the ecliptic value and polar values of g are estimated fromthe He 1083-nm solar images. The solar flux information in Figures3a and3b is usedto computethe equatorialandpolar 1-year-average ratio of radiationpressureto solargravity. The computed polar 1-year-average radiationpressureis lower Lyman ctUARS=0.95x(2.10x 101ø+7.07x 109x EW). than the equatorial value by 10-20% at solar maxima. For The UARS data come from the Solar Stellar Intercomparison modelingpurposes we usethe averageof the polarand equatoExperiment(SOLSTICE) measurements[Woods and Rottman, rial 1-year-averageradiation pressures,shown in Figure 3c. 1997] and have been scaled by the factor of 0.95 becausethe SME and UARS-based models of the radiation pressureare other Lyman ct instrumenton UARS (Solar Ultraviolet Spec- bothshownfor caseswiththe line centerflux equalto 0.9 sureparameterg for the SME-basedLyman ct fluxesis gener- PRYORET AL.: LYMAN c•OBSERVATIONSFROM PIONEERVENUS 5.0x10 26,839 11 7E 4.5x1011 I I c o -• 4.0x1011 i c o 3.5x10 11 E __o 3.0x10 o o .o 2.5x10 11 11 ........ South i North 2.0x10 Ecliptic 11 1980 1985 1990 199,5 Year Figure3a. ThedailySME-based solarLyman(xline-integrated fluxfor theeclipticplaneandforthetwo solarpolesforthePV period.ValuesaretakenfromtheHe 1083-nm calculation usingtheproxymodeldescribed in thetext. Modelsin this paperuse the line centerflux, assumedto be 0.9 timesthe valuesshown. 7.0xlO11l: ' 7 m 6.0x10 ? E u • 5.0x10 I .... I .... I .... I ' 11 11 o o .c •- 4.0x10 11 i c o 3,0xt0 11 E • 2.0x10 1.0x10 11 11 _- UARS-bosed - _ - _ : SME-bosed : _ _ 1980 1985 199o 1995 Year Figure3b. TheSME-andUARS-based solarLyman(xline-integrated eclipticfluxcomputed t•omthe He 1083-nmcalculation. Modelsin thispaperusethelinecenterflux, assumed to be 0.9 timesthevaluesshown. 26,840 PRYOR ET AL.: LYMAN •xOBSERVATIONS FROM PIONEER VENUS o ........ 0.5 I ... UARS-based SME-based 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year Figure3c. Assuminga one-to-onecorrespondence between the numericalvaluesof line-integratedLyman(x solar flux (photons -2 cm -2s-])andlinecenter Lyman (xsolar flux(photons cm s'• A']) leads to 1-year average (before theindicated date)radiation pressureparameterp valuesfor SME andUARS fluxes. The averageof thenorthandsouthpolarp valueshasbeen averagedwith the eclipticp valueto estimatethe "average"radiationpressure(solidlines). Modelsin this paperuseradiation pressurevalues (dashedlines) equalto 0.9 timesthe solid lines. The horizontalline at p=l separatesp valuesthat leadto a net solarattractionof hydrogenatomsby the sun(p<l) from valueswith net solarrepulsion(g> 1). ally less than 1, so the net effectin passing the Sun is focusing. However, the UARS-based Lyman c• fluxes imply la generally >1, so the net effect is repulsion. 5.3. Solar Wind Flux Variation Chargeexchangebetween slow (20 km s-l)interstellar hydrogenatomsand faster (---300-700km s-l) solar wind protons createsa cavity near the Sun depletedin slow neutralsthat can scatterthe solar Lyman c• line. The rate of this processin the ecliptic is estimated l•om the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) on-line databaseof solar wind proton density and velocity measurementsat 1 AU. These measurements madeby the near-EarthspacecraftISEE 1, ISEE 3, IMP 7, and IMP 8 are documentedby King [1977a, b, 1979, 1983]. Most of the data used here comel•omthe IMP 8 spacecraft.Hydrogen atom-protonchargeexchangecrosssectionsare fi'omBarnett et al. [1990]. The rate of the chargeexchangeprocessat other ecliptic latitudesis not well known; finding this rate is one goal of our modeling efforts. If x(0) is defined to be the time-averagedlifetime against solar wind charge exchangein the ecliptic (ecliptic latitude 0 degrees),then the lifetime at eclipticlatitude[• is assumed to be of the form •(1•)=•(0)/[1. - ,t sin2(13)l Our initial model approximatesthe varying solar wind fluxesencounteredby the interstellarneutralsby averaging the solarwind flux overthe 12 monthsbeforea given observation. This is the sametimescaleusedfor the radiation pressure calculation,for the samereasonsdiscussedabove. Figure 4 shows the monthly averagehydrogen lifetime against solar wind chargeexchangeat 1 AU and the 12-month-averagelifetime. The averagevaluesrangefrom-1.2 to 1.9xl 06 s. The actual lifetime will be somewhatshorterdue to solar EUV photoionization of hydrogen. 5.4. Solar EUV Flux Variation A secondaryloss processfor ground state (ls) interstellar hydrogen is photoionization by photons with wavelengths less than 91.2 nm. The solar EUV flux variation over a solar cycle is not particularly well known. Ogawa et al., [1995] evaluatedthe total photoionization rate [•, including a very minor componentl•om loss of metastable(2s) hydrogen. Using Ogawa et al. 's, Table 3, we representthe total photoionizationrate at 1 AU, [•, in s-• as [•=1.50x10-7+ (2.42x10'7-1.50x10 -7) x ((F 10.7-62.7)/(214.0-62.7)) where F10.7 is the 10.7 cm radio flux l•om the Sun in units of whereA is the solarwind asymmetryparameter. 10-22W m-2Hz-]. The photoionizationlifetime• is the recip- PRYOR ET AL.: LYMAN ct OBSERVATIONS FROM PIONEER VENUS 5.5x106 ' 5.0x106 - ' t .... I .... I , • .... 26,841 I ' monthly average H lifetime against charge exchange ...... 12-month average H lifetime against charge exchange -12-month average H lifetime '•' 2.5xl 06 '•' • 2.0x106 :• 1.5x106 1.0x106 5.0x105 0 , , I 1980 , , , , , 1985 , 1990 1995 Yeor Figure4. Thevariation in themonthly average hydrogen atomlifetimeagainstsolarwind chargeexchange. Also shownis the 12-monthaverageof the monthlyaveragelifetimebeforea giventime,for chargeexchange only; and for chargeexchange combined with photoionization.Valuesof solarwind densityandvelocityaretakenfi'omthe National SpaceScienceData Center(NSSDC) database. rocalof[3. A valueofF10.7=62.7is a very low solarminimum diationpressureandtwo valuesof the hydrogenatomlifetime value, while F10.7=214.0 is moretypical of solar maximum at 1 AU. Linear interpolationbetweenthese six caseswas conditions. For a solar minimum value of F!0.7-62.7, madeto derivethe multiple scatteringcorrectionsappropriate •=l.50x10-7s-1andx=6.67x106s. For a solarmaximum value for a givenday. Thesecorrectionswere computedfor a spaceof F10.7=214.0, [3=2.42x10-7s4 and x=4.13x106s. In both craft 1 AU downstreamfrom the Sun, with values for atomic H casesthe photoionizationlifetimex is substantiallylonger outsidethe cavity but well inside the heliopause,of n=0.17 v=20.0km s-l, andT=8000K. Thedependence on disthanthe hydrogenatom lifetimeagainstsolarwind chargeex- cm-3, change. One-yearaveragesof the photoionizationlifetime tancefi'omthe sun and on spacecraftecliptic longitude is aswereusedin the modelshere. Combiningthe photoionization lifetimeand the solar wind chargeexchangelifetimeyields a surprisingly constantlifetimefor slow neutralhydrogen(Figure 4). Photoionizationis largestnear solar maximum when the chargeexchangerate is smallest. The ecliptic lifetime sumedto be minor. The corrections to an optically thin model brightness /thin arerepresented as I(0)--/thin(0)q(0) found from solar wind and solar EUV flux measurements in Theanglefi'omthe upwinddirection•isdenoted0. For 0=0, Figure4 is generally near-t.2xtO6s. Thiscompares favorably upwind,the corrections arenegligible (<2%),whiledown' with the lifetimeof 1.1x106sec derivedfromparallaxshifts of stream,0=180,theybecomeimportant. The monotonicallyinthemaximumemissionregionin PioneerVenusinterplanetary creasingfunctionq(0), where0 is in degrees,canbe well repdata [Ajello et al., 1987]. resentedas a polynomial: 5.5. Multiple Scattering Correction q(O)=ao+a • 0+a202+a 303 Next, the time dependence of the multiple scatteringcorrection was includedin our optically thin model. (Currentcom- Table 1 showsthe six casesused. This multiple scatteringcorputationallimits favora hybrid approachbetweenfast opti- rection scheme was used for all models shown. A similar cal-3gavesimilarresults(within3%),incally thin modelsand slow multiple scatteringcodes.) The culationforn-0.10 cm multiplescatteringmodelused [Hall, 1992; Ajello et al., dicatingthat the correctionfactorsare not a strong function of between 0.10and0.17cm'3. An independent calcula1994] assumescylindrical symmetry;no attemptis madeto density deal with latitudinal variations in the solar wind flux or the tion by Quemerais and Bertaux [1993, Table 3] found that q solarLymanc• flux. Multiplescattering correctionswere com- increases from 1.09 to 1.23 to 1.30 to 1.34 to 1.36 in the putedfor six cases,involvingthreerealisticvaluesof the ra- downwind multiple scatteringcorrectionwhen the density 26,842 PRYOR ET AL.: LYMAN {xOBSERVATIONS FROM PIONEER VENUS Table1. MultipleScattering Corrections %s !.t 1.4x106 0.75 !.4x10• 1.10 1.4x10• !.60 2.1x10• 0.75 2.1x10• 1.10 2.1x10• 1.60 (n=0.17 cm-3) a0 0.99129 0.98381 0.97097 !.0005 0.99048 0.97638 a1 -2.1501x10-4 8.1145x10-5 6.0193x10-4 -3.1373x10-4 1.7690x10-5 4.8491x10-4 a2 q(180) a3 6.0459x10-6 -2.6860x10-• -1.873lx10-5 7.8907x10-6 -8.1105x10-7 -1.7107x10-5 2.6745x10-8 9.5069x10-8 2.1399x10-7 -4.1819x10-!0 7.06844xl 0-8 1.9652x10-7 1.301 1.462 1.716 !.195 1.377 1.651 increases from0.01 to 0.05 to 0.1 to 0.15 to 0.20 cm'3,for an observer1 AU fromthe Sun and 90ø fromthe upwind axis. Theirresultssupport the ideathatthe multiplescattering correctionis not too sensitiveto densityvariationsin the range genatomlifetimeat 1 AU of 1.4x10 6Sisfairlyrealistic;chang- 0.1-0.2 cm-3. Querneraisand Bertaux [ 1993]. Increasingradiation pressuredepletesthe downwind density,leadingto a very anisotropicdensitydistribution. Multiple scatteringproducesa brightnessdistributionthat is less ing to a 50% longerandlessrealisticlifetimeof2.1xl06 s has only a modesteffecton the correction. An extensive discus- sion of these radiativetransfereffectsis presented by 6. Modeling Results anisotropicthan would be obtainedin a single-scattering An initialattempt wasmadeto fit thetimeseriesoftheupwind and downwinddatasets with an SME-based model, wherethe radiationpressure, hydrogenatomlifetime,andmul- model. The derived multiple scatteringcorrectionsare a strongfunctionof the assumed radiationpressure.A hydro- i .... i , UARS o) t-- SME Period --I 1 500 Begin 700 600 ' 500 • ' .... OARSi 'b)I--SME Period iBegin i _ : 400 1000 300 5OO A=0.60 200 RMS Fit = 9.79% Doto = . Foctor = 1.63 Model =-SME-bosed Initiol Model , i , i i , i , , , , i , • 100 1980 1985 A=0.60 RMS Fit = 18.1% . Dote = Foctor Model =-- = 1.53 0 SME-bosed Inltio, I Model i 1990 i i 1980 SME Period I , , , 1990 ........ d) [--SME Period • Begin . + 1.5 + 1.0 o10 C3 + + ++ o 0A"S' Begin: + + + + + +$ -½' +** + • + •, + t+.%, *+ + ß + 0.5 A=0.60 SME-bosed 0.0 , Yeor 2.0 0.5 , 1985 Yeor c) • ß , Initiol Model I I 1980 1985 + -A=0.60 SME-bosed , i 1990 Yeor 0.0 • Initial Model I I I 1980 1985 1990 Yeor Figure 5. Initialmodel fitstothetimeseries PVOUVS interplanetary Lyman t• data.Thedatahavebeenscaled upward to fitthe modelderivedfor Galileodataof Pryor et al., [1996]. This scalingreflectscalibrationdifferences betweeninstruments. This initialmodel uses solar radiation pressure, solar windionization, andphotoionization values averaged overthe1 yearpriorto theobservation. A solar windasymmetry parameter of,4=0.6 wasused. (a)Fittotheupwind data.Datarepresent theaverage of three10øbinscentered ontheupwind direction. Modelpointshavebeencomputed foreachdayandconnected witha linefor clarity; dataareshown asdots,theactual locations ofpoints canbemore easilyseenin Figures 5cand5d. (b)Fit to the downwinddatawith the samemodel.Datarepresent the average of six 10ø binscentered on the downwinddirection.This model fitsthedownwind timeseries poorly. (c)Thetimeseries ofdatadivided bymodel in theupwind direction. (d)Thetime seriesof datadividedby modelin the downwinddirection. PRYOR ET AL.' LYMAN ct OBSERVATIONS FROM PIONEER VENUS 26,843 Physically, the light observed downwind is coming fi'om hydrogen atoms which passedthe sun in earlier years (see wind time series data with the Pioneer Venus calibration are AppendixA for morejustification). This travel time effectsugindependently scaled to the Galileo-based model. For suc- geststhat the 1-year-averagingschemeis not adequatefor decessfulmodelsthe two scaling factorsshould be similar and scribing the downwind hydrogen. Hydrogen atoms downnear 2 in order to match the cross-calibration results obtained wind at solarminimum may have passedthe Sun at solar maxiwhen both PV and Galileo were near Venus. A solar wind mum, when the radiation pressureis much larger. A variation asymmetryfactor of A=0.6 was used (Figures 5a-5d). Three on the model was constructedto account for the time lag. Upbins 10ø wide in ecliptic longitude centeredon the upwind wind volume emissionrates are computedusing the radiation directionwere modeledseparatelyand then combinedto form pressureand hydrogen atom lifetimes averagedover 1 year the upwind set. Six of the dimmer10ø bins centeredaround before the observation. For downwind volume elements the downwindwere combinedto provide countingstatisticssimi- radiation pressureand hydrogen atom lifetimes are averaged lar to thoseof the upwindset. The downwind bin containing over 1 year beforethe time when the atomsin that volume elethe star Iota Orionis was excluded. Each data point in this set ment crossa plane6 monthsdownwindof the Sun, assuminga tiple scatteringcorrectionare all representedas a 1-yearaveragebeforethetime of the observation.The upwind and down- contains at least 85 counts, while most contain several hun- bulkhydrogen velocityof20 kms'1. Thisapproximation as- dred counts. The upwind data are in fair agreementwith the sumesthat the largest effecton the atoms occurs in the year model,but the downwind data lead to a systematicproblem: when they are closestto the sun (AppendixA). Solar wind 1the data are higher than the modelnearthe two solar maxima year-averageecliptic data were used beginning in January and lower than the model near the solar minimum. 1975. Radiationpressure1-year-averagedata derived fi'omHe _c I | WARSt o) [-- SME Period --{ 1 500 o I Begin-[ 1 000 • 700 • 600 • 500 n- 400 'Period 'b)[--SME -- ' O^RS• Begln i -o 500 5OO • A=0.60 RMS Fit = 9.84% Factor = 1.64 Data = ß Model =-- 1985 A=0.60 ß RMS Fit = 13.2% Factor = 1.69 Data = . Model =-- o 100 os,ed, Lo, gg,ed, M,od,el , , .... ca 0 S,ME,-b, SME,-b, os,ed ' Lo, gc•ed, Mgd,el .... 1980 200 1980 1990 1985 1990 Yeor Yeor 2.0 2.0 WARS Begin ' i i I WARS d) t--SME Period Begin + ß . 1.5 • 1.5 + + ++ + o + -•.+ + + + + + o10 -• + E3 ß + + ++ + c 0.5 • m . A=0.60 SME-bosed Logged Model 0.0 , , ............ 1980 1985 Year 1990 C + '• 0I5 ßA=0.60 co 0.0 + SME-bosedLoggedModel ...... , .... 1980 1985 . , , , , 1990 Year Figure6. The fit of the bestSME-basedlaggedmodel(usedin Plates 1 and 2 and Figures6 and 7) to the time seriesPVOUVS interplanetaryLyman rt data. This model computesdownwind densities using solar radiation pressureand solar wind ionization and photoionizationvalues averagedover the year when the downwind hydrogenatomshad crossedthe upwind- downwind plane,assuming a bulkdownwind flowof20 kms4. Upwinddensities arecomputed forradiation pressure and ionization values averagedover 1 year beforethe observation. Scaling factorshave been applied to the data with the PV calibrationto bring them into agreementwith the Galileo-derivedmodel. A solar wind asymmetryparameterof A=0.6 was used. (a) Fit to theupwinddata. Data(points)represent theaverage of three10ø binscentered onthe upwinddirection.(b) Fit to the downwinddata with the samemodel. Data (points) representthe averageof six 10ø bins centeredon the downwind direction. This model does better at fitting the downwind time seriesthan the model in Figure 5. (c) The time seriesof data divided by modelin the upwinddirection. (d) The time seriesof datadividedby modelin the downwinddirection. 26,844 PRYORET AL.: LYMAN ctOBSERVATIONS FROMPIONEERVENUS 1 ooo i i i i i J i 1 :24 Feb 1980 (Orbit 446) RMS Fit=7.13% • R=0.720 AU - Factor= 1.53 -• X=0.082 AU A=0 25 q Y=0.71 • ,•,r47½•_ 8OO - _ • • •'•.•..•'•T - A=0.60 •tt/t•'•.<-: ....... "*-.• --• -I ',.% x=o:oo ........ 600 5 AU Z=0.005 S/C Angle=85.4ø n-O. 400 1 7 cm T=8000 200 v-20.O - • SME-bosed Logged Model .... -• O! ;•Data with 1crError Bars 560 515 270 225 180 155 90 AU -5 K km s-' • 45 0 Ecliptic Longitude 000 • ....... •10 Jan1985(Orbit2227) •8OO •- • •;:• I- 600 400 z•,•"--• • RMSFit=6.55% Factor= 1.95 A=0.60 --- A=0.25 - -- -1 -1 -- R=0.722 AU X=0.586 AU Y=0.610 AU Z=-0.01 AU ../'/•.::. •.7...-....--.•t..:.... '-•...••,. A =O. O0 ......... S/C Angle=57.6ø n=0.1 T=8000 v=20.0 7 cm -5 K km s-' 200 •- -- SME-bosed Logged Model'""-'--'-...--..".-.•."::'":" oL 560 515 270 225 180 155 90 45 0 Ecliptic Longitude Figure 7. The fit of the best (A=0.6) SME-basedlagged model (used in Plates 1 and 2 and Figures 6 and 7) to PVOUVS interplanetary Lyman czdatafrom two "typical"days. Scalingfactorshavebeenappliedto the data to bring theminto agreement with the solar wind asymmetryparameter A=0.6 model. Also shown are modelswith ,4=0.25 and ,4=0.0. (a) For February24, 1980 (orbit 446), duringsolarmaximum. (b) For January10, 1985 (orbit2227), duringsolarminimum. 1083nm imageswas used beginining in July 1977. The values for January1975 and July 1977 were used for the solar wind and radiation pressuredata,respectively,when examining volume elementswhere the atomshad passedthe Sun before thosetwo dates. As our PV data span 1979-1992, this is not a majorhandicapin the modeling,exceptpossibly in the first year or two. Figures6a-6d showthe resultsof this SMEbasedlaggedmodel. The quality of the downwind fit to the datais now muchcloserto the quality of the upwind fit, suggestingthat this crudetime-dependent model has capturedthe essenceof the effect. This lagged modelalso fits the upwinddownwind variation observed on individual daily data sets. This is illustratedin Figure 7 for two "typical"days, one near solarmaximumand one near solar minimum. Figure 7 also illustratesthe effect of the solar wind asymmetryparameterA on the upwindto downwindratio. Increasing`4 reducesthis ratio, althoughwe shouldagain point out that manyfactorsinfluencethe upwindto downwind ratio and that the PVOUVS data are not ideal for determiningA. Finally, we show a lagged model based on the UARS SOLSTICE solar fluxes,which are systematicallyhigher than the SME fluxes,and have a largersolar maximumto solar minimumbrightnessratio. Woods and Rottrnan [1997] suggest scalingthe UARS SOLSTICE fluxes by 0.95 to reflectthe averageof the UARS SOLSTICE and UARS SUSIM Lyman cz measurements.This is done here for both the model solar Lymanczflux andthe model radiation pressure. This modelhandlesthe time dependence in the sameway as in Figure 6. Figures 8a-8d show the UARS-based fit to the time series, in this casefor A=0.75. The modelbrightnessesare not very different •om before because increasing the radiation pressure has largely compensatedfor the increasingsolar flux. The downwind time seriesdataare now betterfit by the model. The large radiation pressureassociatedwith the UARS fluxes depletes the downwind hydrogenmorethan in an SME-basedmodel. For a UARS-based model with A=0.5 the scaling factorsupwind and downwindare ---20%different,with an upwind scaling factorto applyto the dataof 1.99 and a downwindfactorof 1.65. Using A=0.75 provides somewhatbetter agreement (within ---10%) in scaling factors:upwind is 2.03 and downwind is 1.82. This asymmetryparametercorresponds to a polar hydrogenatom lifetime 4 times longer than the equatorialone. PRYORET AL.:LYMANc•OBSERVATIONS FROMPIONEER VENUS [ 500 .. . [ , UARS• o) t-- SMEPeriod --t Begin- i 700 • 600 26,845 ' [ 'b') [-- SME 'Period --• ß ' UARS:: IBegln i - . . ß •, 500 rY 400 ooo ! ß ß: -o 3oo . 500 0 • A=0.75 RMS Fit = 9.68% Factor = 2.0.:3 Data = ß Model =- o m U,AR,S-,bo,se,d L,og,ge,d Mo,del,, , , , 1980 1985 200 100 0 A=0.75 ' RMS Fit = 10.9% Factor = 1.82 Data = . Model =-- U,AR,S-,bo?•,d L,og,g•,d¾od,•,, , , , , 1980 1990 , ' ' c) 1985 1990 Year Year 2.0 :' ' SMEPeriod OARS , d) [-- +SME Period Begin UAR S- Begin] . . 1.5 • + + 1.0 ,•-+ + + g + + 0.5 A=0.75 UARS-bosed Lagged Model 0.0 , i , , 1980 , i I , 1985 , o • 0.0 1990 Yeor Figure8. Thefit of a UARS-based laggedmodel(solidline)to thetimeseriesPVOUVSinterplanetary Lymanc•data. This modelcomputes downwinddensities usingsolarradiationpressure andsolarwind ionizationandphotoionization values averaged overthe yearwhenthe downwindhydrogenatomshad crossed the upwind-downwind plane,assuming a bulk downwind flowof20kms'•. Upwind densities arecomputed forradiation pressure andionization values averaged overoneyear beforetheobservation. Scalingfactors havebeenapplied to thedatato bringthemintoagreement withthe model.A solarwind asymmetry parameter ofA=0.75hasbeenused.(a)Fittotheupwinddata.Data(points)represent theaverage of three10ø bins centered ontheupwinddirection.(b) Fit to thedownwind datawiththesamemodel.Data(points)represent the average of six 10ø bins centeredon the downwind direction. This modelfits both time seriesbut does not simultaneouslyfit upwind and downwind withthesamescalefactor.(c) Thetimeseriesof datadividedby modelin theupwinddirection.(d) Thetimeseriesof datadividedby modelin the downwinddirection. It is not entirelyclearthat we aresolvingfor the physical that damprapidlywith heliocentric distance.OuterhelioquantityA in this datasetbecause the look directionis al- sphericmodelsof the downwindhydrogen (Pioneer10 data) waysat -30ø. will needto incorporate thiseffectin thefuture. A majorassumption in the modelingeffort wasthatthe discintegrated solarline centerLymanc•flux, whichis r•sponsible 7. Discussion fortheresonance scattering (and radiation pressure) effects, A key resultin thisstudyis thatthe downwindbrightness is largerthanexpected at solarmaximum andlessthanexpected at solarminimumin a 1-year-average model. We haveargued has a constant line centerto line-integrated flux ratio of 0.9, based on initial SOHO SUMER results at solar minimum [Lemaire et al., 1998]. It would be of interestto see if spatially resolved solar Lyman c• spectrafrom the Solar Max Mission (SMM) couldbe disc-integrated to testthis conclusion,as has been done for the O 130.4-nm emission [Gladstone, 1992]. Spatially resolvedSMM solar Lyman c• spectrahave a wide varietyof shapes,with differingdegreesof self-reversal[Fontenla et al., 1988]. Their SMM quiet Sun profiles have a line centerto integratedflux ratio of-•l.06. Their SMM active Sun profilesincludebothlargerand smallerratios. Our successful modelingeffortssuggestthat the disc-integratedflux and line centerflux mustbe roughly proportionalto eachother or the that this is due to the fact that downwind atoms reflect condi- tionsnearthe Sunin earlieryears. A crudemodelof this effect has improvedthe fits to the PioneerVenusLyman c• data. Other workershave arguedthat such a time dependenceis needed.Blumet al. [1993] useda Monte Carlo simulationto show that the downwind direction contains a seriesof hydro- gen densitywavespersistingto hundredsof AU resulting fromthetimedependence of It. Kyrola et al. [1994],Rucinski and Bzowski[1995],andSummanen[1996] performed similar calculationsshowing moremodest,but real, density waves 26,846 PRYOR ET AL.: LYMAN ct OBSERVATIONS FROM PIONEER VENUS time seriesdatawould not trackwith the model. The cavity shapealso dependson this ratio,throughthe radiationpressureparameterg. Variationsin g substantiallyalter the ca¾ity shapeandaffectourability to simultaneously fit the datafrom differentlongitudes.Our bestfitting modelparameters should not be considereda unique solution to the problem,as other effects,suchasthe time dependenceof the solar wind latitude asymmetry,may be involved. Solarwind monitoringsatellites in the ecliptic do not recordsolarwind eventsat high solar latitudesthat mightchangethe latitudeasymmetry. The PVOUVS datamodeledhereonly sampleone ecliptic latitude(-30ø), so they are not particularlywell suitedfor determining the value of A. A primarily affectsthe downwind wouldhavea solarwind chargeexchange lifetimeasymmetry factorof A=0.5. TheUlyssesmeasurement is obviouslymore direct and is in satisfactory agreement with the SME-based Lymanct modelsdiscussed here. Summanenet al., [1997] arguedthattheA representation doesnot very accurately representthe Ulysses solar wind data, which leadsto an ionization ratethat is sharplypeakednearthe eclipticplane. Theyfind that use of the A representation overestimates the meanioniza- tionrateby 20%. Pryor et al., [this issue]reporton different representations for the solarwind massflux in fitting Ulysses GAS Lymanatmapsthatare bettersuitedfor studyingthe solar wind asymmetries. We haveattempted to usethe bestavailableinput parame- brightness andmay be a functionof time. We found that to si- ters in the models, but the uncertaintiesin some of them remain multaneously fit the PVOUVS dataobtainedovera solarcycle in boththe upwindand downwindhemispheres with an SMEbasedmodelrequiresan averagevalueof A=0.5-0.6. Fitting the UARS-basedmodelsrequireda largervalue of,,1=0.75 or uncomfortably large. Oneconcern is in thewide rangeof publisheddensitiesfor hydrogennearthe terminationshock. The old standardpicturefavoredan inflowinghydrogengasdensity of n=0.06-0.08cm'3. However,"a consensus hasbeen buildingfora higherhydrogendensity"[Isenberg,1997,p. more. Our earlier modelingstudiesof A used SME-basedmodels. 623]greater than0.1cm'3. Ourhydrogen density based onour Galileo EUVS Lyman c• data fromnear solar maximumfavor a GalileoUVScalibration ofn=0.17+0.05 cm'3 is a bit higher low asymmetryparameter A--0 [Pryoret al., 1992, 1996]. This thanaverage, buttheerrorbaroverlaps with the recentpickup result may be comparedwith A=0.25+0.25 derived fromGali- ionresults of Gloeckler et al., [1997](n=0.115+0.05 cm'3)and leo UVS datafrom 1990 [Ajelloet al., 1994] at solar maximum. the Lymanctradiationanalysisof Quemeraiset al., [1994] Independentwork has foundA=0.30+0.05 fromsomespecial high-latitudePVOUVS observationsmadeduring the 1986 encounterwith Comet Halley at solar minimum[Lallement and Stewart,1990]. The modelsare particularlysensitiveto A at solarminimumwhenthesolarLymanc•flux is moresymmetric [Ajello 1990; Ajello et al., 1994]. A companionpaper [Pryor et al., this issue]reportsevidencefromUlyssesinter- (n=0.165+0.035 cm'3).Detection of a solarwind slowdown between1 and40 AU by Richardson et al. [1995]wasattributedto a ratherlowhydrogen densityof0.05cm-3. However, thislowdensity of0.05cm'3requires onlya modest multiple scattering correction for an observer at 1 AU from the Sun lookingdownwind(fromsidewind) of-•23% insteadof-35% forn=0.17cm-3[Quernerais andBertaux, 1993,Table3] and stellarneutralgas(GAS)Lymanc• mapsthat the asymmetry makesit somewhatharderto reconcilethe models with the observedupwindto downwind ratios[Ajelloet al., 1994]. A second majorconcern is thelargedifference betweenSME The interplanetary Lymanc• datacanbe compared to other measurements of the solar wind asymmetry. Radio observa- andUARS SOLSTICEsolarLymanat fluxes. Tobiskaet al., tions combinedwith white light coronagraphobservations [1997] usethe PioneerVenusdata set fromthis paperto imply that in goingfromsolarequatorto solarpole,the solar bridge the gap in time betweenSME and UARS. As can be windmassflux(densityn• timesvelocityVsw) decreases by a seenin Figure6, thereis no largejump in the ratio of the PV theendof SMEandthebeginning factorof 2.3 andsolarwindvelocityv• increases by a factorof datatothemodelbetween between thelargeUARS solarLyman 2.2 at solarminimum[Wooand Goldstein,1994]. At a typical of UARS. Differences valuesandsmaller SMEirradiance valuesprobaeclipticsolarwind speedof 350 km s-i, the chargeexchange atirradiance as was also found crosssectionc•is 1.91xl0-lScm-2;at a polar wind speedof bly reflectabsolutecalibrationdifferences, 350x2.2=770 kms-l,{Jfallsto 1.30x10-lS cm'2[Barnettet al., by Woodsand Rottrnan[1997] 1990].Thus,if the lifetimeagainstchargeexchange x of a hy- Toma et al. [1997] also found a calibration differencebetween SME and UARS by usingVoyagerinterplanetary Lymanat drogenatomat 1 AU x=l/[mwv• o(v•w)],then parameteris largerat solarminimumthansolarmaximum. datato comparethe solarmeasurements. •pole/•equator =[n•v• {J(V•)]equator/[ns•V• {J(V,w)]poie=2.3(1.91/1.30)= 3.37. Usinga UARS-based modelprovidesimproved agreement with thePV downwindtimeseriesdata.However, the large radiation pressuresin the UARS-basedmodel makethe de- rivedasymmetry parameter A somewhat largerthanexpected fromprevious workin orderto matchthe observed upwindto This ratio correspondsto A=0.70. This estimateis not too downwindratio. OtherfactorsbesidesA maycontributeto different from the UARS-based models evaluated here. Direct theupwindto downwind ratio. Forexample, a minorpopulasolarwind measurements by Ulyssesat solarminimum [Phil- tionof superthermal H atomsmayactto fill in the downwind lips et al., 1995] found the median massflux between -80.2 cavity. High spectralresolutionHubbleSpaceTelescope latitude (September12, 1994) and 80.2 latitude (July 31, (HST)measurements [Clarkeet al., 1995]of thehydrogencol1995) to be nearlyconstantwith latitude. However,the more umnbetweenEarthandMarsalsoindicatean unexpectedly relevantquantityfor the hydrogendensity,the meanmassflux largeamountof hydrogen(of noncometary origin) in the foundin thesesolarwind experiments, decreases by -•40% downwindcavity. Interplanetary line shapemeasurements fromequatorto pole [Summanen,1996; Summanenet al., fromthe Solar Wind Asymmetry (SWAN) experiment on 1997]. A "harmonic"representation of the Ulysses data SOHO and the Hydrogen DeuteriumAbsorption Cell (basedon the ionization ratesof Surnrnanen et al. [1997,Fig- (HDAC) experimenton Cassinimayhelp bettercharacterize ure 2, after subtractionof the photoionizationcomponent) the downwind material. PRYOR ET AL.' LYMAN c•OBSERVATIONS FROM PIONEER VENUS Appendix: Justificationfor a Model with a "Lagged" Radiation Pressureand Lifetime First, consider the source function for emission, also known as the volumeemissionrate. Formally,it is the productof the hydrogendensityn, the solar flux, the scattering crosssection,andthe phasefunction.We usethe standardtable of hydrogendensitiesof Thomas[1978] to evaluate the source function. The relative source function for an observerat the Sunis simplytheproductof density and 1/r2, wherer is the distancefrom theSunin AU. Figure A1 illustratesthe relativedensityand sourcefunction.The upwindsourcefunctionis rather sharplypeakednear the maximum emissionregion,1-2 AU upwindof the Sun. The m is the massof a hydrogenatom. SinceI•=1,the acceleration due to effectivegravity is smallerthan that due to solar gravity. Findingthe trajectorydue to effectivegravity is analogousto a small angle Coulombscatteringproblem [Nicholson,1983). Define 0 as the anglebetweenthe ray fromthe Sunin the upwind directionand the ray from the Sunto the atom. Definethe impactparameterfor an atom movingpast the Sun as the closestapproach distancep. Thenthe perpendicularvelocityacquiredin passingthe Sun is vl=• dtFg l =--• 7dtGM(/•-l)sinO /.2 downwind source function is rather broad, with substantial • dtGM(/•- 1)sin0 contributionsfrom a rangeof distances.This meansthat light comingfrom downwind is being scatteredfrom hydrogen atomsthat passedtheSunat varioustimesin the previousfew years,when solar conditionswere different from the current conditions. We show below that a 26,847 =• (p/sinO)2 Let x be thepositionat timet, givenan initial velocityv0 reasonablefirst approximationis to model the source along the upwind-downwind direction. Assumingthe at t=0,then functionfor eachdownwind volumeelementusingthe solar upwind-downwindplaneis crossed conditions duringtheyearwhen thehydrogenatomsin that volumeelementmovingatthebulkvelocitypassed theSun. x=Vot =-rcos0 =-pcos0 =Vot sin0 The ionization,radiationpressure,and solar gravity all havea 1/r2 dependence. Theratioof theLyrnanccradiation so that pressure forceona hydrogen atomto solargravityis called I•. Definetheeffective gravityforceFg=GMm(Iz-1) / r2 where G isthegravitational constant, M isthemassof theSun,and pdO at -- • vosin20 1.0 >, 0.8 ß Thomos 1978 Toble 20 Density 0.6 -> 0.4 o + + a: 0.2 0.0 - • , , , I , , , , , , , 2O , , + +,-!-•., -I- i ii 10 , + , , , , 0 , , • , , , , , -10 Upwindto Downwind(Sun ot O) in AU • 0.08 .... , ......... ! ......... , ......... I ......... i .... _ _ c - + oo6 _ - + Thomos1978 Teble2o SourceFunction o c ._o 0.04 + + "0.02 _ o 0.00 _ .... + ................... 20 '•.•+ 10 0 + + t + -10 -20 Upwindto Downwind (Sun ot O) in AU FigureA1.Table2aof Thomas [1978]presents relative hydrogen densities forthecaseof initialdensity n=l cm'3,velocityv=20 kms-•, andtemperature T=10,000 K, ionization rateat 1 AU •=5.x10 '7s-1,and!.t=0.75. (a)Therelativedensities fromthattable along the upwind-downwindaxis are shown. Upwind is on the left. (b) The relative sourcefunction (volume emissionrate) is shownin arbitraryunits. Note the broaddownwindsourcefunction. 26,848 PRYOR ET AL.: LYMAN ctOBSERVATIONS FROM PIONEER VENUS and finally GM(I.t1)idOsin 0 vop o Thelastintegralnumerically equals2. For atomstraveling atthebulkvelocityV0 = 20 kms-1,a distance of 4.2 AU is traveledin 1 year,for example, from2.1 AU upwindto 2.1 AU downwindin 1 year. Consideran atomwith impact parameter p=2.1AU. In that1-yearinterval,0 variesfrom --45ø to--135ø, if the effectivegravity is small. The same integralevaluatedfrom45ø to 135ø numericallyequals 1.414. In this case, 1.414/2.0=71% of the transverse velocityis acquiredin theyearof closestapproachto the Sun. For atomswith a few AU impactparameterthe radiationpressureandeffectivegravityduringthe year of closest approachto theSuncontrolthetrajectory. We alsoestimatethe relative importance of ionizationat differentdistances.This is importantfor evaluatingthe E. Simmons,andD. T. Hall, Observationsof interplanetaryLyman c• with the Galileo ultravioletspectrometer: Multiplescatteringeffects at solarmaximum,Astron.Astrophys.,289, 283-303, 1994. Barnett,C. F., ed., Collisionsof H, H2,He and Li atomsand ionswith atomsand molecules,Oak RidgeNatl. Lab., Rep. ORNL-6086/VI, Vol. 1, Oak Ridge, Tenn., 1990. Bertaux,J.-L., R. Lallement, V. G. Kurt, and E. N. 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