NATIONAL HEART FAILURE AUDIT STEERING GROUP TERMS OF REFERENCE Version 2 10th August 2015 NATIONAL HEART FAILURE AUDIT STEERING GROUP TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. TITLE The National Heart Failure Audit Steering Group 2. INTRODUCTION The National Heart Failure Audit Steering Group is the main stakeholder engagement group of the National Heart Failure Audit. These terms of reference set out the membership, structure of partnerships, decision-making and accountability, work plan and performance management, confidentiality and the arrangements for the conduct of business of the group. 3. PURPOSE The Steering Group is the audit’s main stakeholder engagement group. Stakeholders in the audit include Consultant Cardiologists from all participating countries, primary care physicians with an interest in heart failure, Heart Failure Specialist Nurses and Pharmacists, clinical audit and effectiveness personnel, heart failure patients, and NICOR analytical, technical and project management and operational support. The group is expected to discuss all major audit developments at a primary stage, to contribute feedback and constructive input to the National Heart Failure Audit Executive Group, and to review all planned developments prior to their implementation. Steering Group members are expected to discuss audit issues with other members of the groups which they represent, in order to ensure that their comments are as representative as possible, and thus audit decisions are not made on the basis of anecdote or personal opinion, as far as possible. The Steering Group is represented on the audit National Heart Failure Audit Executive Group by the clinical lead, the British Society of Heart Failure (BSH) representative and the project manager. It is represented on the NICOR Professional Liaison Group by the clinical lead and the BSH representative. MEMBERSHIP 3.1. The Chair The Chair of the National Heart Failure Audit Steering Group is the audit’s Clinical Lead. His/her responsibilities include: Inviting specialists to attend meetings when required by the Steering Group; Guiding the meeting according to the agenda and time available; Ensuring all discussion items end with a decision, action or definite outcome; and Reviewing and approving the draft minutes before distribution 3.2. The Project Manager The National Heart Failure Audit Project Manager will be responsible for supporting the Chair in the management of the Steering Group’s business. His/her responsibilities include: Scheduling meetings and notifying members; Preparing agendas and issuing notices for meetings, and ensuring all necessary documents requiring discussion or comment are attached to the agenda; Distributing the agenda and associated papers seven working days prior to any meeting; Taking notes of proceedings and prepare minutes of the meeting; Brief minutes and action points arising from the meetings to be written and circulated within 14 working days of the meeting; Having the minutes checked by the Chair and accepted by committee members as a true and accurate record at the commencement of the next meeting. 3.3. Qualification of membership Steering Group members shall be proposed by the Chair, or recommendations sought by the Chair from the Group, and subsequently voted on or agreed to by the group. The Steering Group must have representation from Consultant Cardiologists from all participating countries, primary care physicians with an interest in heart failure, Heart Failure Specialist Nurses and Pharmacists, clinical audit and effectiveness personnel, heart failure patients, and NICOR analytical, technical and project management and operational support. Other stakeholders, such a NHS England, Clinical Networks, Cardiac Networks, Clinical Commissioning Groups, local health boards and HQIP shall not be members of the group, but may be invited where appropriate. Eligibility for reappointment will be considered when members reach the end of their term (three years unless otherwise specified), when non-NICOR representatives terminate their membership, or when members cease to represent their respective stakeholder group. Member Position Stakeholder role End of membership Theresa McDonagh Consultant Cardiologist and Professor of Heart Failure (KCH) and National Heart Failure Audit Clinical Lead National Heart Failure Audit January 2019 Suzanna Hardman Consultant Cardiologist (Whittington Hospital) and past Chair of British Society for Heart Failure (BSH) BSH January 2019 John Cleland Professor of Cardiology (Imperial College London) Consultant cardiologist (England) January 2019 Gethin Ellis Consultant Cardiologist Consultant cardiologist (Wales) January 2017 Jim Moore General Practitioner and GP with Special Interest (Gloucestershire Heart Failure Service) Primary care practitioner January 2017 Jackie Austin Nurse Consultant (Aneurin Bevan Health Board) and Lead Nurse South Wales Cardiac Network Cardiac network/Heart Failure Nurse Specialist (Wales) January 2017 Gemma BaldockApps Cardiology Audit and Data Manager (East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust) Audit and clinical effectiveness/database user January 2017 Janine Beezer Heart Failure Specialist Clinical Pharmacist (City Hospitals Sunderland) Heart Failure Specialist Clinical Pharmacist /database user January 2017 Dawn Lambert Heart Failure Nurse Specialist (Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust) Heart Failure Nurse Specialist/database user January 2017 Kathy Simmonds Heart Failure Nurse Specialist (Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) Heart Failure Nurse Specialist/database user January 2017 Richard Mindham Heart failure patient Patient representative January 2017 Akosua Donkor National Heart Failure Audit Project Manager NICOR Duration of employment Marion Standing Developer for National Heart Failure Audit NICOR developer Duration of work on audit Aminat Shote Information Analyst for National Heart Failure Audit NICOR analyst Duration of work on audit 3.4. Quorum membership A quorum is necessary for the transaction of business. A minimum of five members must be present before the meeting can proceed. The following of members must be present before a meeting can proceed: The Chair (or a nominated deputy) The BSH representative (or a nominated deputy) Three other members 3.5. Invitees Internal or external persons may be invited to attend meetings at the request of the Chair on behalf of the group to provide advice and assistance where necessary. It may not be necessary for an invitee to attend the whole meeting and may be requested to leave the meeting at any time by the Chair. 3.6. End of membership Members will cease to be a member of the Steering Group if they: Resign from the group Fail to attend three consecutive meetings without providing apologies to the Chair or a representative to attend the meeting Resign from their employment at NICOR Breach confidentiality 4. STRUCTURE OF PARTNERSHIPS The Steering Group reports to the National Heart Failure Audit Executive Group. The decisions of the Executive Group are accountable to audit stakeholders on the Steering Group and HALO. 5. DECISION-MAKING AND ACCOUNTABILITY Decisions will be made on a simple majority in any quorate meeting. In the event of decisions required outside of the meeting schedule, an email vote by a minimum of 5 Steering Group members shall be satisfactory, with members given a minimum of one week to respond to a decision request from the Chair through the project manager. 6. WORKPLAN AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT The National Heart Failure Audit Steering Group is responsible for informing the decisions of the National Heart Failure Audit Executive Group and Specifically, this includes Input into: o The audit’s high-level project plan; o The appropriate methodology for the audit; o Dataset revisions; o The annual report analysis plan o The minimum data standard and minimum case ascertainment rate; o The functionality of the database applications and front end; Feedback from stakeholder groups on the functionality, public image, communications and credibility of the audit. 7. CONFIDENTIALITY The business of the Steering Group is not confidential, although the Chair reserves the right to censor sensitive information from published minutes in exceptional circumstances. Minutes will be made publically available on the NICOR website. 8. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE CONDUCT OF BUSINESS In addition to the ways of working highlighted within the roles of the Chair and minute-taker, the following apply: 8.1. Frequency of meetings The meetings will occur quarterly. 8.2. Duration of meetings The meetings will be scheduled for 120 minutes. 8.3. Location of meetings All meetings will be held at UCL. Room availability permitting, all will be held at NICOR, 170 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7HA. Travel expenses can be reimbursed. In line with UCL procedure, all claims for reimbursement of expenses, incurred by an individual in the course of UCL related business, must be supported by official receipts or some other valid form of supporting documentation, providing details of the purpose of expenditure, which will be signed by the claimant and an authorised NICOR staff member. All expense claims must be presented for reimbursement within three months of the expenditure being incurred and will be reimbursed via cheque or BACS to the nominated bank account. All claims should adhere to the UCL Travel policy: 9. REVIEW OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE The terms of reference and membership shall be reviewed annually from the date of approval to ensure the group continues to be fit for purpose. They may be altered to meet the current needs of all members, by agreement by the Chair and the majority of members. 10. TERMS OF REFERENCE – AGREEMENT The terms of reference of the National Heart Failure Audit Steering Group have been: Reviewed: 23/01/2014 Agreed: 25/02/2014 Date for review: 25/02/2015 [NB: updated on 10/08/2015 to account for changes in NICOR staffing]