8 Week Placements (1 8 Weeks) Unit 1:

8 Week Placements (1st 8 Weeks)
Unit 1: Weeks 1 – 3 Getting to Know Your Placement
Supervision Documentation: Please document each time your supervisor observes you
throughout your placement(s) and submit this form at the completion of your student teaching
experience. Supervision/Record
Day 1 Reflection - 1st placement : Reflection Form Basic
Complete this reflection after your first day on the school campus. This can be a professional or
in-service day or a day with students on campus. Choose any one of the eight Iowa teaching
standards as your focus. (See course content for the Eight Iowa Standards). Remember that you
can reflect on the school environment or the cultural environment, or both. This is due after the
first day of your placement.
Long Range Plans: Refer to pages 137-143 in Defining the Relationship Handbook to help you
complete this form: Long Range Plans
During your first week of student teaching, you should sit down with you cooperating teacher and
complete this form together. Decide how you will progress from an observer to a teacher over
the course of the placement. Typically you will observe and have small roles in the first week and
increasingly take on additional responsibilities, prep periods and/or subject matter as the weeks
progress. You should have two continuous weeks of full responsibility in each eight-week
placement. During your final week you should spend some time observing other classes and
teachers in the building and/or district.
Observation of Cooperating Teacher: This assignment is due during the second week of your
placement. Instructions: Complete the form during your first week of observations. Pay attention
to the details so you can ensure a smooth transition that when you assume responsibilities:
Observation of Cooperating Teacher Form
Observation of Students: This assignment is due during the second week of your placement.
Instructions: Complete the form. Pay attention to the details so that you will be prepared for all
students and teach to their individual needs as you assume responsibilities in the classroom:
Observation of Students Form
Blog Questions:
Week 1: Introduce yourself, your placement, and if you are keeping a personal blog for the
semester then you may share the link if you wish. (Introduction Blog)
Week 3: How do students in your class know the expectations for their work and behavior?
(Communicating Student Expectations Blog)
Unit 2: Week 4 – 6 Goal Setting, Instructional Planning
Week 4 Reflection:
This reflection is due at the end of your fourth week. Instructions: Complete this reflection
sometime during your 4th week of student teaching. Choose any one of the eight Iowa teaching
standards as your focus. (See course content for the Eight Iowa Standards). Remember that you
can reflect on the school environment or the cultural environment, or both: Basic Reflection Form
Mid-Term Self Evaluation: This assignment is due at the midpoint of your placement.
Complete this midterm evaluation on yourself. Use this as a conversation piece at your midterm
conference with your cooperating teacher to discuss how your thoughts may be similar or
different regarding your progress. Ultimately, your cooperating teacher's midterm is what will be
submitted via e-mail from their e-mail address, also e-mail your midterm to your coordinator.
Choose the appropriate form for your major and the placement you are currently completing.
**Note...Most of you will use the basic form called "Midterm evaluation". Only speech pathology
majors and early childhood majors will use the other forms, all forms are available on the student
teaching website.
Blog Question:
Week 5: Describe two ways that you are differentiating instruction for your students. (Planning
Differentiated Instruction Blog)
Unit 3: Weeks 7 – 8 Self - Reflection
Final Reflection (1st Placement)
This assignment is due at the end of this placement: Reflection Form Final
Complete this reflection during your final week of student teaching in this placement. Please
reflect on your personal and professional growth through your interactions in the cultural and
school environment.
Remember to mail TWS to your UNI Supervisor: EdTPA will be uploaded to Show
Carrie Elser/Leigh Martin
SEC 509
Cedar Falls, IA
Blog Question:
Week 7: What goals do you have for your second eight-week placement?