Implementation of Vision Strategies: 1. Manage Inventory The goal of this strategy is to determine the most cost effective manner by which to manage inventory. The Campus Supply and Warehouse functions will be integrated and additional storage space in the warehouse will be provided for materials management. Paul has been asked to find alternate storage locations for vehicles in the first two bays on the east side of the warehouse. Scott has been asked to relocate the mezzanine storage for electrical supplies to the physical plant and that area will be reassigned to the Warehouse. The materials stored beneath the mezzanine will be retained by Operations and Maintenance for materials storage until an alternate location can be determined. A staff relocation and implementation plan will be developed and provided to Dean. Target ­ April 13, 2009. Dennis will submit a lay out plan and provide a list and cost of materials that will be needed to accommodate materials storage. This reassigned space in the warehouse will be used to relocate longer­term materials storage from the physical plant shops areas. Target – April 13, 2009. The inventory management model that is currently used by Building Services will be implemented for consistency of materials acquisition and management. Scott and Mike will work with their respective staffs to provide a listing of materials that is commonly used by crafts persons on a daily basis and that is equivalent to a one­month supply (Physical Plant building). Bill and Paul will work their staffs to implement a similar model in the Grounds area and Transportation Services. If small materials (nuts, bolts, washers, etc.) exceed a “typical” one­month supply, no restocking will occur until the materials are used to that level. (Documentation of the materials list will be provided to Dennis Hayes and a process identified for restocking and the manner of materials ordering will be determined). Target – June 1, 2009. Other materials including wood materials (dimension lumber, plywood, etc.) piping and other inventory currently stored in the shops areas that exceed an amount that would be used for maintenance and repairs in a one­month period will be relocated to the warehouse and become part of the central inventory. A location within the physical plant building will be identified for temporary storage of materials associated with an impending or current project(s) and will be managed by the Facilities Coordination Center. Scott will work with Ron Hall and Keith Reid to determine a one­month materials supply that will be maintained in the Area Maintenance shops and/or equipment rooms. Building specific inventories will need to be established and the direct responsibility for inventory management due diligence in the remote shops will fall to the appropriate supervisors, in this instance, Ron and Keith. Target – May 1, 2009. Scott and Mike will work with their staffs to inventory the equipment and materials in the vehicles assigned to their respective areas and to determine a “standard” for equipment and materials to be maintained in the work vehicles. A quarterly inventory process will be devised and implemented by the appropriate supervisor. The equipment in each work area will be inventoried annually and a listing provided to the appropriate manager. Target – June 1, 2009. The one­month inventory targets will be posted in each physical plant shop area and in the area maintenance shops and equipment rooms. A “running inventory” concept is recommended to assist with determining when a restocking request is initiated. Bull­pen storage: Each of the units that have materials storage in the bull­pen area will inventory the material and provide a list to Dennis Hayes. The materials list will be updated when materials are pulled from storage for maintenance or projects. A semi­annual inventory will be taken by the appropriate unit manager (Grounds, Operations and Maintenance, Power Plant) and provided to Dennis. Dennis will provide a recommendation about upgrading storage space in the bull­pen area (concrete floors, walk­in doors, overhead doors, oversight, etc.) Target – June 1, 2009. 2. Centralize Purchasing Dennis Hayes will work with Mike, Scott, Paul, Bill, and Chuck to determine the materials that will be ordered through Campus Supply. There may be advantages for unit managers to order specialized materials directly from a supplier. A plan for purchasing materials and supplies will be developed for implementation. Target – June 30, 2009. 3. Maximize Productive Work Time Managers and supervisors will focus on planning tools for the efficient and effective allocation of staff resources. Work assignments will be provided to crafts persons so they will not need to continually return to the physical plant building. It is expected that crafts persons will take morning and afternoon breaks at the work site. Returning to the physical plant building for lunch breaks will be fine, as long as the break does not exceed the allowable time (including travel time to and from the work site). Returning to the physical plant building for bench work is an acceptable practice. Wash­up time, if needed, will not exceed that which is “reasonable” and “adequate”. Generally, wash up time will not exceed 15 minutes. There is an expectation that all staff will be responsible for ensuring the efficient use of resources. Taking the most expeditious route from job to job is expected to minimize the use of fuel and to effectively utilize their time. Minimizing vehicle idling time is also expected. Target – Immediate. 4. Review Organizational Structures Physical Plant organizational structure reviews have been initiated. February 2009. 5. Review Space Allocations A short and long­term space plan for the physical plant building has been developed. The plan includes multiple phases to be completed over a period of time. The plan includes reallocating space to ensure its efficient use. The current electric shop area will relocate to the former mason shop. Scott Hall and Jim McNamee will develop a transition plan and a layout plan. Target – May 1, 2009. An inventory of electrical materials that would be equivalent to a one­month supply will be developed and posted. A material purchasing and restocking plan will be developed in concert with Dennis Hayes. Target – May 1, 2009. The equipment that is used by the System Control Technicians (HVAC) that is currently assigned to Keith Reid will be relocated to the current electrical shop area after the electrical supplies and equipment is relocated to its reassigned space. Scott and Keith Reid will develop transition plan and a layout plan. Target – May 1, 2009. An inventory of HVAC supplies and materials that would be equivalent to a one­month supply will be developed and posted. A material purchasing and restocking plan will be developed in concert with Dennis Hayes. Target – May 1, 2009. The equipment used by the carpenters for masonry work will be relocated to the carpenters’ work area. Mike Zwanziger and Dave Diercks will develop a transition plan and a layout plan for the equipment. Target – April 13, 2009. An inventory of carpentry supplies and materials that would be equivalent to a one­month supply will be developed and posted. A material purchasing and restocking plan will be developed in concert with Dennis Hayes. Target – May 1, 2009. Dimension lumber, plywood and other building materials that exceed a one­month supply will be relocated to the warehouse. The exception would be quantities of nails, screws, etc. which would be retained in the carpenters’ work area and used until the one­month supply is attained and the reorder and restocking process is implemented. An inventory of pipefitting and steam fitting supplies and materials that would be equivalent to a one­month supply will be developed and posted. A material purchasing and restocking plan will be developed by Scott Hall, Keith Reid and Ron Hall in concert with Dennis Hayes. Target – June 1, 2009. Supplies and materials that exceed a one­month will be relocated to the warehouse. The exception would be quantities of small materials which would be retained in the pipefitting/steam fitting area and used until the one­month supply is attained and the reorder and restocking process is implemented. 6. Green Initiatives Three electric vehicles have been ordered and an additional electric “gator” will be ordered as part of this initiative. Increasing the number of flex­fuel vehicles in the rental and physical plant fleets will continue to be a focus. March 6, 2009