Aditva Spinners Limited 6-3 -668/ l0 I 66, Durganagar Colony, Punjagutta, Hyderabad - 500 082. Telangana State , India Grams :"ADITYASPIN" Tel Fax :040 -23404708 CIN Site : : L18l00APl99lPLC012337 :040-23404758 E-mail: H.O. : ASL/BSE 12015.16 Date: lgth May, 2016. The Department of Corporate Service, The Bombay Stock Exchange P J Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 001 Dear Sirs, Subject: Submission of Audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended Months Ended 3 I't March. 2016. & Twelve The statement of Audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended & Twelve Months Ended 3l't March, 2016 is enclosed. The results are considered and taken on record by the Board at its meeting held on 19.05.2016 Commenced at 11.00 AM and Concluded at 12.30PM. Also, Auditor's Report along with covering letter in Form A are enclosed. Thanking you, Yours Faithfully, FoT ADITYA SPINNERS LIMITED "hi,i?nm* MANAGING DIRECTOR Encl: a/a. Registered Office : Perindesam Village, K.V.B. Puram Mandal, Chittoor Dist. A.P. " ADITYASPINNERS LIMITED " CIN :L18100AP1991 P1C012337 REGD OFFICE: PERINDESAM VILLAGE, K.V.B. PURAM MANDAL NEAR SRTKALAHASTT, CHTTTOOR DIST. A.p. PART - I STATEMENT OF AUDTTED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER AND TWELVE MONTHS ENDED 31ST MARCH'2015 ( Lakhs) I 3 months 12 months ended ended 3U03l2016 31.03.2016 - Previous year ended 31.03.2015 - AUDITED AUDITED AUDITED TNCOME FROM OPERATIONS: a. Net Sales b. Other Operatinq Income 1236.66 4739.83 4474.6I c. Total Income from Ooerations 1236.66 4739.83 4474.6L a. Cost of materials consumed 532.L2 2089.85 2098.93 b. Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in pro9ress (s.e6) 20.L7 2 EXPENSES: c, Emplovee benefits exDense C. Depreciation and amortisation expense :. Other Exoenses '. Total Expenses Profit from Operations before other Income, Finance 5 Costs & Exceotional Items 4 Other Income 5 Profit Before Finance Costs & Exceptional Items 6 Finance Cosb 7 Profit after Finance Costs but before exceptional iterms 206.36 25.07 3.51 748.05 108.57 692.s8 80.45 440.56 1570.0E 1438,83 1198.15 4536.72 43t4.3C 38.51 203.1 1 160.31 9.67 L7.72 38.05 48.18 220.83 198.36 6.48 89.23 80.s9 4t.70 131.60 tL7.77 4'-.70 131.60 tt7.77 5.57 5.57 0.55 8 Exceotional ltems I Profit/(toss) before Tax 10 Iax Expense 11 Net Profit/(toss) from ordinary activities 36.13 126.03 r17.22 t2 Paid Up Equity Share Capital of Rs.10/- each 1674.09 L674.09 t674.09 13 Reseryes Excluding Revoluation Reserves L4 Basic & Diluted Earnings Per Share (Rs.) o.75 o.70 ADITYA SPINNERS LIMITED CIN : L181OOAP1991 PtCOl 2337 REGD OFFICE: PERINDESAM VILLAGE, K.V.B. PURAM MANDAL NEAR SRIKALAHASTI, CHITTOOR DrST. A.p. PART - II sEtEcT INFORMATTON FOR THE QUARTER AND TWEwE MONTHS ENDED 31ST MARCH'2016 3 months PARTICUTARS OF SHAREHOLDING A. I PUBTIC SHAREHOLDING Number of Shares Percentaqe of Shareholdinq 2 ended 12 months ended 12 months ended 3U03l2016 31.03.2016 - 31.03.2015 - AUDITED AUDITED AUDITED 5630248 5630248 5630248 33.630/o 33.630/o 33.630./< PROMOTERS AND PROMOTER GROUP SHAREHOLDING a) Pledged/Encumbered - No of Shares - Percentaqe of Shars (as a o/o of the total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group) - Percentaqe of Shars (as a o/o of the total Share NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Capital of the company) ) Non - Encumbered No of Shares - Percentaqe of Shares (as a 111 0/o of the total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group) Percentaqe of Shares (as a o/o of the total Share Caoital of the comoany) INVESTOR COMPTAINTS B. 10640 1 1 1 10640 I 11 10640 l00o/o L00o/o L00o/o 66.37o/o 66.37o/o 66.37o/o 3 months ended 31.03.2016 Pendinq at the beqinnino of the ouarter Received during the quarter Disposed of durino the ouafter Remaining unresolved at the end of the quafter NIL NIL NIL NIL Notes: 1. The above results have been audited by the Statutory Auditors of the Company, reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at their respective meetings held on 19,05.2016 2, Figures for the previous periods are re-classified / re-arranged / re-grouped, wherever necessary, as per the format revised by SEBI in conformity with the amended Schedule 3, The Figures for the last quarter are the balancing figures between the audited figures in respect of the full financial year and year to date figures upto the third quarter of the financial year. foT ADITYA SPINNERS TIMITED Place: Date : HYDEMBAD 19.05.2016 JI MANAGING DIRECTOR <l ADITYA SPINNERS LIMITED CIN : L18 100AP199 1 PICO 1 2337 REGD OFFICE: PERINDESAM VILLAGE, K.V.B. PURAM MANDAL NEAR SRTKALAHASTT, CHTTTOOR DrST. A.P. i STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES in Lacs AS AT 31ST MARCH, A 2016 2015 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders' funds (a) Share capital (b) Reserves and surplus L,674.09 109.01 1,783.10 L,674.09 945.57 22.70 33.63 1,001.90 339.43 L7.L3 31,68 388.24 369.07 42.82 230.70 642.59 299.90 39.07 171.30 510.26 3.427.58 2.7t6.55 2,233.32 L8L.72 0.30 136.58 2,55L.92 L,9L6.52 18.96 0.30 82.44 r43.96 1,818.05 Non-current liabilities (a) Long-term borrowings (b) Deferred tax liabilities (net) (c) Long-term provisions Current liabilities (a) Short Term borrowings (b) Trade payables (c) Other Current Liabilities TOTAL B ASSETS Non-current assets (a) Fixed assets - Tangible assets - Capital Work-in-progess (b) Non Current Investments (c) Long Term Loans &Advances Current assets (a) Inventories (b) Trade receivables (c) Cash and cash equivalents (d) Short-term loans and advances (e) Other current assets L0.23 875.66 276.78 229.5L 50.13 130.88 11.02 698.33 3,427.58 2,7t6.55 287.35 345.95 141.00 9r.t4 TOTAL 2,0r8.22 C. RAMACHANDRAM & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS the M/s. ADITYA SPINNERS LIMITED Pursuant to the Reeulation 33 of the SEBI To Board of Directors of l\{/s. ADITYA SPINNERS LIMITED We have audited the standalone quarterly financial results of IWs. Aditya Spinners Limited for the quarter ended March 31,2016 and the year to date results for the period April 1, 2015 to March 31,2016 attached herewith, being submitted by the company pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure. Requirements) Regulations, 2015. These quarterly financial results as well as the year to date financial results have been prepared oh the basis of the interim financial statements, which are the responsibility of the company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial results based on our audit of such interim financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Accounting Standard for interim Financial Reporting AS 25, prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act,2013 reat with relevant rules issued there under and other accounting principles generally accepted in India. We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assuftmce about whether the financial results are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts disclosed as financial rpsults. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanationS given to us financial results as well as.the year to date results: . these quarterly (i) are presented in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 in this regard; and (iD give a true and fair view of the net profit and other financial information for the quarter ended March 31,2016 as well as the year to date results for the period from April l" 2015 to March 31,2016. X'or C.RAMAGHANDRAM & CO., Chartered Accountants Firm Regn.No.:0028645 Place: Hyderabad Date: 19.05.2016 3'6-237, Flat # 606, Lingapur La Builde Complex, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad - 500 029. Phone : 040 23264L44,23223787, Email: FORM A Covering letter of the annual audit report filed with the Stock Exchange ADITYA SPINNERS LTD. Name of the Company Annual financial statements for the 3 1" March 20 I 6 year ended Type of Audit observation Un-Modified Frequency of observation NOT APPLICABLE To be signed byFor ADt TyA Spf * |WRS $ffIED Managing Director .K. VIJAY I(UMAR Managtng Dlreotnr_ For C. MMACHANDRAM & CO. .!. Auditor of the company Chartered Accourytants C. RAMACHANDRAM Partner (M.No. 25834) {. Audit Committee Chairman