Ping Pong in Church Productive use of concepts in human probabilistic inference To b i University College London Tobias Gerstenberg What does a computational model need in order to capture the abstract knowledge people use for everyday reasoning? Ping Pong strength match Connectionist Network Logic A A B B Bayesian Network A vs. 2 How do people make inferences from complex patterns of evidence across diverse situations? 1 B C D winner being lazy A B Stanford University Model (mh-query 1000 100 ;Monte Carlo Inference ;CONCEPTS (define define personstrength (mem mem (lambda lambda (person) (gaussian 10 3)))) (define define lazy (mem mem (lambda lambda (person game) (flip flip 0.1)))) (define define (teamstrength teamstrength team game) (sum sum (map map (lambda lambda (person) (if if (lazy person game) (/ (personstrength person) 2) (personstrength person))) team))) (define define (winner winner team1 team2 game) (if if (< (teamstrength team1 game) (teamstrength team2 game)) 'team2 'team1)) ;QUERY (personstrength 'A) ;EVIDENCE (and and (= 'team1 (winner '(TG) '(NG) 1)) (= 'team1 (winner '(NG) '(AS) 2)) (= 'team1 (winner '(NG) '(BL) 3)) (lazy '(NG) 1) ;additional evidence, used in Experiment 2 ) ) Thinking is compositional and productive. team Noah Goodman Singles personstrength normally distributed persistent property lazy p(lazy) = 10% not persistent teamstrength individual strengths combine additively winner team with greater strength wins Doubles C C A B A B B B C E D B C A A C Thinking = probabilistic inference over compositionally structured representations data 1.5 model 1 1 Overall Correlation 1.5 r = 0.989 RMSE = 0.161 0 −0.5 0.5 −1 −1.5 −1.5 A > B A > B * A > B * A > B A > B * B > C B < C A > C* A > B B > D B < D A > D confounded * = lazy in experiment 2 weak indirect strong indirect 14 12 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 Model Prediction 1 diverse data strength 0.5 confounded 8 strong indirect weak indirect diverse irrelevant 6 • people can reason flexibly based on different patterns and sources of evidence 2 1.5 after 1 0 Individual Correlation 4 0 Doubles model 1.5 10 # participants 0 before 0.5 Empirical Means strength 1.5 Commentator 4 Singles strength 3 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 Pearson correlation 1 • compositional concepts model support productive extensions over novel situations and objects 1 • only a handful of concepts required to predict inferences in fourty different situations 0.5 A B > C D A B > E F A B > E F A B > E F A B > E F A B > C D A B > E F A C > E G B C < E F B C > E F A C > G H A C > B D A B > G H A D > E H B D < E F B D > E F A D > I J A D > B C confounded confounded partner opponent strong indirect weak indirect diverse round robin • understanding people’s intuitive theories through models based on probabilistic programs Gerstenberg, T. G., Goodman, N. D., Lagnado, D. A., & Tenenbaum, J. B. (2012). Noisy Newtons: Unifying process and dependency accounts of causal attribution. Cognitive Science Proceedings Goodman, N. D., Mansinghka, V. K., Roy, D., Bonawitz, K., & Tenenbaum, J. B. (2008). ah Church: A language for generative models. Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence No Goodman, N. D., & Tenenbaum, J. B. (in prep). The probabilistic language of thought.