GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 25, NO. 19, PAGES 3665-3668, OCTOBER 1, 1998 Slow rock fracture as eruption precursor at Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat ChristopherR.J. Kilbum BenfieldGreigHazardResearch Centre, Department of Geological Sciences, University College London, London, U.K. BarryVoight Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania StateUniversity,Pennsylvania Abstract. Breakout of magmaticactivity at Soufflere Hills tips of existingflaws, promotingcrack growthand reducingthe volcano,Montserrat,wasprecededby a tenfoldincreasein rateof bulk strengthof a rock.(Mineral precipitationfrom fluidscanalso rock,butnormallyat timescales greater earthquake occurrence.A new modelof subcriticalrock failure healcracksandstrengthen showsthat this increaseis consistentwith the growth, possibly thanthosefor stress-induced corrosionto takeplace.) episodic,of the magmaconduitat a ratecontrolledby progressive Crackspropagateby breakinga rock'smolecularbonds. As weakeningof the host countryrock. The preferredweakening the stretchedbondsrelax, they releaseelasticstrainenergyand mechanismis stresscorrosion,by which circulatingjuvenile and this becomesavailable to drive further growth or to open new hydrothermalfluids chemicallyattack the country rock and cracks[Marder and Fineberg,1996]. The new and growing promotefailure at stressessmallerthan the rock's theoretical cracks increase the bulk volume of rock under stress and, strength.The resultsilluminatethe potentialfor slow-cracking eventually, theycoalesce to forma majorfracture[Lockndret al., models to enhanceeruption forecastsusing the inverse-rate 1991; Main and Meredith, 1991]. As collectionsof cracksgrowtowardseachother,their local techniquecombined withtraditionalmonitoring methods. stressfieldsmayinteractto inhibitcoalescence until the numberdensityof cracksexceeds a criticalvalue[Mainet al., 1993]. The bulk fractureresistanceof the host rock may thereforeincrease Introduction temporarily until coalescence begins. Shouldthis occuramong Followingmore than three yearsof elevatedseismicityand small cracksaheadof a main fracture(in the so-called"damage four monthsof strongphreaticeruptionsat the SoufriereHills zone"),then the main fracturemay show intermittentratesof volcano[Younget al., 1997],a tenfoldincreasein the daily rates advance.The averagegrowthrateof the mainfracture,however, of earthquakes immediately preceded thebreakoutof andesitclava is expected to increase withtimebecause the net rateof elasticin November1995(Figure1). Thisincrease wasaccompanied by strain-energy releasevaries with the increasein total crack accelerating rates of grounddeformation[Jacksonet aL, this volume,whilethe net rateof energylossdependson the increase issue]and was clearly relatedto propagationof a magmatic in total crackarea [Griffith, 1920]. Thusthe meangrowthrate conduitthroughthe volcanicedifice. Conduitpropagation results accelerates until the deformingbulk stressis relaxed,or until the from somecombinationof an increasein magmatically-inducedfractureis haltedby strongerrock. stressand a weakeningof hostrock. Sincemagmaticstresses are often assumed to be the dominant factor at active volcanoes, comparativelylittle attentionhas been directed toward the influenceof rockweakening[Voight,1988;1989]. The computed accelerationis here usedinsteadto highlightthe importanceof slow rock fractureas a mechanismfor limiting the rate at which an eruptionis approached.We reviewpertinentaspects of timedependentsubcriticalrock fracture,considerits occurrencein volcanicenvironments and, appliedto SoufriereHills volcano, evaluateitspotentialfor forecasting eruptions. Subcritical Fracturing at volcanoes Conditionswithin and below volcanicedificesare particularly conducive to stress corrosion: volcanic rocks contain structural flaws for crack propagation,they are strongly strained by intrudingmagma,and they are subjectto severechemicalattack from hot geothermalor magmaticfluids. Indeed,eruptionsare commonlyprecededby self-acceleratingprocesses,including earthquakefrequencyand rates of grounddeformation[Scarpa and Tilling, 1996]. Such accelerationscan be describedby [Voight, 1988]: rock failure (d2Oddt 2)= A (d•/dt) • Rocks can weaken and crack at stresses much smaller than (1) whereA and a are constants, and 1'2is the quantitywhoserate of theirtheoreticalstrengths [Atkinson,1984;Meredithet al., 1990]. changemeasures the rate at which eruptionis beingapproached. Underconventional geologicconditions, the dominantweakening In this "failureforecastmethod"(FFM), the constants A and a are mechanism is considered to be stress corrosion, i.e. stressdeterminedempiricallyfrom observationaldata and, when they enhancedchemicalreaction[Andersonand Grew, 1977;Atkinson, are known,Equation(1) canbe integratedto yield an estimateof 1984].Circulating fluids,' notably waterwhichcanreadilycorrode the timeto eruption.Appliedto severalpre-emptivesequences, a silicatematerials[Atkinson,1984], attackmolecularbondsat the has been found to lie between 1 and 2 (typically closer to 2), irrespectiveof the processwhich .(2 describes[Voight, 1988; Corneliusand Voight,1995]. Copyright1998by theAmericanGeophysical Union. Fracturestudiesin the laboratorysuggestthat rates of crack nucleationincreaseexponentially with time [Locknetet al., 1991; Papernumber98GL01609. 0094-8534/98/98GL-01609505.00 Main and Meredith, 1991], but that rates of crack extension 3665 3666 KILBURN AND VOIGHT: SLOW ROCK FRACTURE AS ERUPTION PRECURSOR increaseexponentially with the lengthof the crack[Main et al., 1993]. Extrapolatinglaboratoryresultsto large-scale failure,the bulk rockstraine dueto a populationof fracturesis expected to changewith time as [McGuireandKilburn, 1997] d•/dt= (d•/dt)0 ex(t-tø) ea(e-eø) (2) where(de/dt)o is thebulkstrainrateat time,to,,• is an empirical (1) therateof fracturegrowthis accelerating, and(2) fracturing is occurringat shorterdistancesfrom the monitoringequipment, therebyincreasing the proportionof small events(e.g., in a damage zone)whichcanbe recognised. Of primaryinteresthere is the increasein seismicity dueto accelerated fracturegrowth, and so the effect of a changingsourcepositionmustbe filtered out. nucleation constant (1/time), a = Bw2•L•kT(dimensionless), L Sincelargereventsaremostlikelyto be caused by extension of is the characteristic diameter of the zone of strained rock when a principalconduit,an obviousstrategyis to focusattentionon the slowcrackingcommenced, S is the remoteappliedstress(tensile frequencyof seismiceventslargerthana thresholdvalue. Ideally, or compressive), Y is Young's modulus, k is Boltzmann's the thresholdvalue is chosenby selectiveanalysisof the total constant, T is rock temperature (absolute), co is an atomic population;in practice, and especiallyduring a crisis, it is stretchingdistancefor breaking bonds at crack tips, and B determinedby expediency.Even so, providedthe absoluterange (dimensionless) incorporates Poisson'sratio for the hostrock, the and frequencydistributionof fracture sizes show only modest coefficientof frictionalongthe crack,and termsdescribingthe variationswith time, the frequencyof eventsgreaterthan the geometryof the array [Locknet, 1993; Main et al., 1993]; all thresholdshouldbe proportionalto the event-rateof the whole componentsof a are assumedto be constant. population. It is thus viable to seek evidencefor fracture usinglarger-eventdata. Seismiceventratecanbe relatedto bulkstrain-rate by settinge propagation Pre-emptiveseismicdata at SoufriereHills (Figure 1) were = N•L, whereN is the numberof recordedeventsand (pis the length extensionper fracturingevent averagedfor the whole obtained from an array of short-period vertical-component with triggereddata obtainedfrom the PC-SEIS population(including both the openingand the extensionof seismometers, acquisitionprogram[Aspinallet al., this issue]. The triggering fractures).With this substitution, Equation(2) yields algorithm countsthe number of events during each 10-minute dN/dt= (dN/dt)0 ex(t-tø) e•-•ø) (3) period by comparing successive2.5-second average signal where 2,= a•L, and (pis assumedconstant.The referenceevent amplitudes,with thresholdsset on ratio of comparedamplitudes, rate (dN/dOo describesthe host rock's resistanceto fracture, andon absoluteamplitudevalue [Murray et al., 1996]. smallervaluesbeinglinkedwith greaterresistance.Derivedfrom On an inverse-ratediagram(Figure2a), the datashowa broad reaction-ratetheory, 2' measuresthe fractionof fluid molecules inverse relation between rate of triggered events and time. with energysufficientto corrodecountryrock. As 2'increases, the Initially the trendis crudely-defined, but alter 11-12Novemberit energyavailablefor crackingincreasesand,hence,alsothe rate of appearslinearand converges uponthe observeddateof eruption crack acceleration. Notice that (dN/dOoand 2' need not vary (aboutNovember15). The early fluctuationsmay reflect data together:once fracturinghas started,the rate at which dN/dt uncertaintyor truly intermittentrates of fracturegrowth. The changes(measuredby y) can be the samein rockswith different main sourcesof uncertaintyin measuredevent rates are (1) resistance, althoughthe actualeventrateat anygiventime will be variationin the proportionof active cracksthat trigger detected events,(2) clusteringwith time of detectedevent-rates,and (3) smallerin rockswith greaterresistance (smaller(dN/dt)o). variabilityin the physicalpropertiesdetermining•, in Equation DifferentiatingEquation(3) with respectto time leadsto d2N/dt 2= • dN/dt+ ¾(dN/dt) 2 (4) (5); instrumentalerroris expectedto be negligiblein comparison. Althoughlack of data preventstheseuncertainties from being (using, for convenience,initial values to define the reference measureddirectly,first-orderestimatescan be madeby analogy parameters).Equation(4) shows,as expected,that at low event with laboratorydataandfrom standarderrorpropagation. rates(and strainrates),fracturingis drivenby the appearanceof Laboratorymeasurements of slow cracking(for which errors newcracks, such thatd2N/dt 2• AdN/dt (a-->1,A--->•in( 1)), while on 2' are assumedinsignificant)show typical scattersof a few at large event rates, fracturing becomeslimited by the rate of percent[e.g.,Meredithet al., 1990];accordingly, or,thecombined crackextension, forwhichd2N/dt 2• y(dN/dt) 2(a-•2, A-->2').The errordueto (1) and(2) above,is setat 5-10%. For uncertainties limits to Equation (4) are identical to those reportedfor pre- in event rate due to variationsin g, standarderror propagation eruptiveepisodesusingFFM Equation(1), providinga physical interpretationof the FFM approachin terms of subcriticalrock 1400 fracture. ERU[•.•_•...... Equation (3) indicatesthat the final stagesof deformation beforecatastrophicfailure (when dN/dt is very large) shouldbe well-described by d2N/dt 2 • g(dN/dt) 2 which gives,after 1200 • 1000 • 800 so that a plot of inverseeventrate againsttime yieldsa negative linear trend. The time at failure (as dN/dt-->oo)can then be • 600 estimated from the intersection '• 400 integration, (dN/dt) 4 = (dN/dt)04 - ¾(t- to) (5) between this trend line and the timeaxis((dN/dO 4 = 0). Thelinearnature of thetrendgreatly helps failure forecasting[Voight, 1988] and forms an important partin our analysisof eventsat SoufriereHills. 200 ß ß 0 3 Application to Soufriere Hills, November 1995 As a magmaticconduitpropagatestowardsthe surface,the ratesof detectedrock crackingare expectedto increasebecause 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Time, November 1995 (days) Figure 1. Accelerationin daily seismiceventratebeforeeruption on 15 November1995. Filled trianglesas in Figure2a. KILBURN AND VOIGHT: SLOW ROCK FRACTURE AS ERUPTION PRECURSOR 3667 0.05 0.05 ............. I...... 0.04 ERUPTION[ ' '!iii •'•0.04[ •' 0.04',•. •o•l .03 • 0.02 ............ •0.01 •,,,,• . 5 9 11 13 15 17 19 Time, November 1995 (days) 21 0.02 0.01 . 0 00 ß 3 ERUPTION I ,, 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 0.00 I Time, November 1995 (days) 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 Time, November 1995 (days) Figure2. Inverse seismic eventrateswithtime. (a) Treated asa singlepopulation, a simplelineartrendis clearonlyafter11 November. Fillederrorbars,or=n= 0.05;dashed errorbars,cr= n = 0.1. Thenarrow solidlineis a linearregression forthewhole data.Backward extrapolation (dashed) ofregression line(bold)forlastfourdatapoints (filledtriangles) runsclose tofiveearlier points andsuggests thepossibility oftwodistinct trends (seec). (3)Simulated inverse event using nonlinear FFManalysis andextrapolating from12November. Thepreferred valueof a is 1.88,yielding failureon 19-20November (solidline). Theeruption window is 14 November13December (broken lines).(c)Treated astwopopulations, thedatafallonnear-parallel inverse-rate trends, perhaps due toepisodic growth ofthemagmatic conduit (filledtriangles, population 1;opentriangles, population 2). [Barlow, 1989] yields a fractionalerror on inverseevent rate of displacement indicatesa greaterresistance to fracturegrowthfor tptx/8, where n (assigned a single valuefor simplicity) is the population2 events. The simplestinterpretationis that the fractionalerroron component termsfor 2'(exceptfor k, whichis populations are produced by the intermittent advanceof a single beinginducedeitherby alternating constant). Figure 2ashows example variations intotalerrorfor2' fracturesystem,intermittency or by temporary = 0.0024d4 (seebelow)andcr= n andsetat 5 and10%. The layersof rockwith differentfractureresistance, in effectiveresistance withina damagezone. largererrorbars(or= n = 0.1) yield total uncertainties on inverse increases event rate from 13% to almost 400% as event rate increases. A damage-zone controlis attractivebecauseit is an integral part of the fracturing process,and doesnot dependon variations Nevertheless, a singleline cannotbe locatedthroughall theerror bars(eventhe bestsolutions omit2 of the 14 errorbars);for n < in external conditions. The alternativeinterpretationwould 0.1, thisconditioncanbe achievedonlywhencr> 0.2. Although requirea bimodalstructurefor SouMereHills. Even for fracture the layersof differentstrength musthave large,component errorsof 20% or morecannotyet be discounted. growthoverkilometers, ---100m or less,andsomaybe too thin to be resolved Two evaluations thusremainfor Figure2a, according to whether thicknesses surveys. However,if a damage-zone or nottheearlyfluctuations canbe attributed to datauncertainty. by standardgeophysical control was important, then the population2 eventsmight be Treatingthe data as a singletrend with large scatter,linear frompopulationI by a greateroccurrence of smaller regression (Figure2a) givesan eruptiondateof 16 November,but distinguished onlya modest correlation coefficient (r2 = 0.79). A nonlineareventsas the damagezonesform. Suchanalysesawait future regressionanalysisused in FFM forecasting[Corneliusand study. The key point is that the inverseevent-ratedata,whether Voight, 1995] yields a = 1.88 (i.e., very close to the linear treatedas one or two populations,suggestthat subcriticalrock inverse-rate trend, a = 2) and preferrederuptiondatesof 19-20 fractureis a feasiblemechanismfor limiting the rate of conduit November(Figure 2b). Both analysesgive preferrederuption propagationbeforean eruption. dateswithindaysof the actualevent(15 November),supporting Forecastingvolcaniceruptions the associationof acceleratingeventrate with propagationof a magmaticconduit. A tantalizing featureof the inverse-rate methodis itspotential sometypesof eruption[Voight,1988; Relaxingthe single-trendassumption,Figure 2a showsthat as a tool for forecasting half of the ten "scattered"data points(before 12 November)lie Corneliusand Voight, 1995, 1996]. As for SouMere Hills, a alonga linearextrapolation of theregression line(r2 = 0.94)for commonproblemhasbeenambiguityin detectingan inverse-rate noisydata [Corneliusand Voight,1995]. the lastfour pre-emptiveeventrates. The remainingdataappear trendfrom apparently herethatevena singlefracturesystem mightgenerate to define a secondlinear trend and, if two trends are assumed Recognition advanceoffersnewinsight (Figure2c), linearregression yields,for dN/dt in eventsper day parallelinversetrendsdueto episodic to analysingsomeinverse-rate data. In additionto seekinga andt in days, single mean trend by statistical methods [Corneliusand Voight, (dN/dt) -•= 0.037- 0.0024t (6) 1995], parallel linear trendsmight also be consideredusing for the trend that includes the last four pre-emptive data pattern-recognition techniques. Applied to the Montserrat (population 1;r2= 0.99for9 points), and seismicitydata, which fortunately(and perhapsdeceptively) appearto be simple,evenjudgmentby eye might have raised (dN/dt) 4 = 0.045- 0.0021t (7) suspicions of two trendsby November9. Extrapolating the two forthesecond trend(population 2; r2= 0.87for5 points); in both trends from this date would have revealed 15-21 November as a cases,to = 0 corresponds to 01 November. Stronglinear trends are implied,againsupporting an interpretation in termsof conduit propagation,especially as the population I trend correctly indicates15Novemberasthepreferreddateof eruption. As expectedfor a commondeformingsource,the two trends potentialeruptionwindow (smallerthan the window from FFM analysisonthe wholedataset;Figure2b). Previousexperiencehas shownthat forecastersshouldnever rely on a singledata set, but shoulduse all appropriate supplementary evidence. FFM analysis (analogous to Figure2b) share virtually thesamegradient (7•, 0.0024d'l). Theirrelative on November12 for line-length displacements of CastlePeak 3668 KILBURN AND VOIGHT: SLOW ROCK FRACTURE AS ERUPTION PRECURSOR measurement(SSAM) analyses with the Materials Failure dome [Jacksonet al., this issue] suggestsan eruptionabout ForecastMethod (FFM), June 1991 explosiveeruptionat November 16, within an eruption window 13-27 November. Considered together, eruption windows from different MountPinatubo,in Fire and Mud: Eruptionsand Laharsof MountPinatubo,Philippines,editedby C.G. Newhall andR.S. measurementscould provide information useful for hazard Punongbayan, pp. 249-268,PhilippineInst.Volc. Seismology, management decisions.The Montserratdatathusfurthersupport QuezonCity, & Univ. 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