VOL. 77, NO. 1 YOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH j•ANUARY 1, 1972 Mariner6 and7 Ultraviolet Spectrometer Experiment' Implications of CO?, CO,andO Airglow A. I. STEWART Departmento• Astro-Geophysics and Laboratory•or Atmosphericand SpacePhysics University o• Colorado, Boulder 80302 The Mariner 6 and 7 ultraviolet spectrometerexperimentsobservedintenseemissions from CO, O, andCO,+in the Martian airglow.Analysisshowsthat they are excitedpredominantly by the absorption of solarEUV photons by COsandconstitute a majorenergy-loss mechanism for the thermosphere. Modelsof the thermospheric temperature profileandthe airglowlayer that demonstrate the effects of neutralchemistry andionospheric composition aredeveloped. With their aid, the observedCO Cameron-bandemissionscale height of 19 ñ 4¾2km is shown to suggestan exospherictemperature of 315 ñ 75øK. Consideration of other data suggests a 'best'valueof about350øK.The emissions fromCOs + areconsistent witha topside ionosphere containingabout 30% COst The abundance of O necessary to convertthe rest to Os+ is about 2% at 135 km, in good accordwith an independentdetermination.Within the uncertainties in the excitation efficien'cies andin the thermospheric cooling mechanisms, the observations are consistent with the measured electron density.Eddycooling mayho important if theeddydiffusion coefficient is large,butit is difficult to reconcile theheating effectsof CO3with the smallobservedairglowscaleheights.There is no indicationin the data that the ionosphereis modified by the solar wind below 200 km. In recentyears the Mariner seriesof planetary flyby missionshas greatly stimulateddiscussionof the possiblecompositionand thermal structureof the upper atmospheres of Mars and Venus. Radio occultation experiments carried on Mariners 4 and 5 measuredelectron-density profiles for the ionospheresof Mars [Kliore et al., 1965a,b] and Venus [Kliore et al., 1967], respectively,and an ultraviolet photometeron Mariner 5 observedLyman-a radiation from the exosphereof Venus [Barth et al., 1967]. The Mariner 5 results seemed consistent with a cur- ionosphere was depressed by the solarwind [McElroy,1969; Cloutieret al., 1969].A scarcity of atomicoxygen in theupperatmospheresof Mars and Venus,compared to the amountfoundon the earth,wassuggested by the resultsof Mariner 4 [Chamberlaina•d McElroy,1966],Mariner5 [Barthet al.,1967], andthe Russian Venera4 [Kurt et al., 1968]. Thisscarcitywasascribed by Shimizu[1968, 1969] to a high degreeof turbulencein the lowerthermosphere and by McElroy [1967, 1968] to a rapid recombinationof 0 and CO rent theoretical view [McElroy, 1968] of the to formCO,via a chainof reactions involving Venus upper atmosphereas consistingof essen- C03•. In neithercontroversy didthe datathemtially pure C0,with an exospherictemperature selves offerany clueas to which,if either,of around 600øK and an ionospherecomposedof the postulateswas correct. COs+ ions in local equilibrium betweenphotoThe 1969flybymissions to Mars by Mariner ionization and dissociative recombination. The compositionof the upper atmosphereof Mars was thoughtto be similarto that of Venus,but, to explain the Mariner 4 electron-densityprofile, it was necessaryto postulate either that dynamicalcoolingaffectedthe thermosphereon Mars to a much greater degreethan on Venus [Hogan and Stewart, 1969] or that the Martian Copyright ¸ 1972 by the American GeophysicalUnion. 6 and 7 offeredthe opportunityto examineits atmosphere in much greaterdetail than previouslypossible. Thetwospacecraft carriediden- tical scanning ultravioletspectrometer (UVS) experiments, one of the objectives beingto detectand measurethe airglowin the 1100-to 4300-Arange.In this, as in their otherobjectives, the experiments were successful [Barth et al., 1969]. The spectroscopic information, yieldingthe identitiesof major and minor con- 54 IMPLICATIONS OF MARTIAN ULTRAVIOLET AIRGLOW implicationsof the UVS measurements regarding the airglow-excitationmechanisms, the thermechanismsas well, has been surveyed else- mospheric-temperature profile,and the processes where [Barth et al., 1971]. The intensity data controllingthe thermospherictemperatureand [Barih ei al., 1971] yield the topside scale compositioncan be explored. height of the emitting layer for the brighter UVS EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS features,and, for the brightest emission(the The instruments,the data, and the dataCameronbandsof CO), the peak and bottomside of the layer were observedas well. This reduction process have been described elselatter fact permits the location of the observed where [Pearceet al., 1971; Barth et al., 1969, layer on an atmospheric-pressurescale and 1971]. The following is a summary of those greatly enhancesthe value of the UVS experi- points that are particularly relevant to the ments as a tool for investigatingthermospheric presentanalysis. structure. The line of sight of the instrumentsscanned Another, more unexpected, feature of the downwardthrough the atmosphereabove the U-VSmeasurements rendersthem especiallyuse- bright limb of Mars 4 times,onceat a point ful to this end. Althoughthe emissions observed where the solar-zenithangleX was 27ø, once whereit was 44ø (the first 'limb crossings' of in the short-wavelengthchannel (1100-1900 A) are weak, their weaknessindicatingthat those Mariner 6 and 7, respectively),and twice at gasesobservedin resonanceor fluorescentscat- the subsolarpoint whereX was 0ø (the second tering in this channel(I-I, O, and CO) are minor limb crossings).A given spectral feature was constitutentsonly [Andersonand Hord, 1971; scannedat altitude intervalsof about 20 kin, on the spacecraftvelocityand the Thomas, 1971], the emissionsin the long- depending wavelength channel (1900-4300 A) are very experimental geometry. The instrument's recstrong. In fact, more than 95% of the total tangular(2.3ø X 0.23ø) fieldof viewwasaligned airglowenergyrecordedby the instrumentswas nominallytangent to the planet'ssurfacebelow received in the long-wavelengthchannel. The the line of sight. The effective vertical extent immediate inference is that these bright emis- of the field of view was about 40 kin. stituent gasesin the upper atmosphere,and in some instances the nature of the excitation sions arise as a direct result of the interaction On eachlimb crossing, airglowemissions were of solarUV photonswith the maior constituent, clearlypresent in the long-wavelength channel CO2. Thus the airglow-intensityprofiles are (1900-4300A) of five spectra,coveringan altivery closelyrelated to the distributionof CO2 tude rangeof about 100 kin. Figure I presents with altitude, that is, to the thermospheric- the measurements of the strongestof these temperatureprofile.The UVS datacantherefore emissions,which are to be discussedin detail. be expected to yieldreliableinformation about They are the a3II-X• (Cameron) bandsof CO, the temperatures in the Martian thermosphere.the 3P-•S (2972 A) multipier of O, and the and In this paper,the originsof the bright airglow •.2II•'-•2II,(Fox-Duffendack-Barker) emissions are considered. A rangeof modelsof X2IIo ('doublet') bands of CO2+. The by the much the temperatureprofileare developed, and air- multipierof O is accompanied glow-intensity profilesare calculated fromthem. strongerxD-x• branchat 5577 A, which is beThe models are developedwith two ends in yond the range of the UVS instrument. view.First, if a variety of physicallyreasonable The relativealtitudesof the data pointsfrom a particularlimb crossing are accuratelyknown from the spacecrafttrajectory data. Points wereplacedon a common rangeof temperatures in the thermosphere that from all four crossings the is compatible with the UVS profilesand the altitudescaleas follows.For eachcrossing, excitation mechanismsthat adequately repro- point of maximumintensityof the CO Cameron ducethe observedintensities.Second,the models bandswasfoundby a simplecurve-fitting promodelsare available to compareto the data, it becomesa fairly sim•le matter to decidethe demonstrate the influence on the calculated tem- cedure. This maximum was assumed to occur peratures of the uncertainties in themechanism at the samealtitudeon all four crossings, thus that removes0 from the thermosphere and in removingthe small effectsof the variations of the composition of the ionosphere. Thus the solar-zenithanglefrom the subsequent analysis, A. I. STEWART 56 betweenone crossingand another,but the only suggestionof a systematicdifferenceis that the measurementsat the subsolar point (second crossings, opensymbols)indicateslightlyhigher intensities and slightly larger topside scale heightsthan do the measurements at X = 27ø and 44ø (first crossings, closedsymbols).Any suchdifferences will be ignoredfor the purposes 14o I00 02( of this paper. The mean maximum limb intensity of the ,,,,,, Cameron bands is 610 kR. The maximum of 21 A M7-2 i i ill I i • i I I0 LIMB INTENSITY, i I00 i i • I000 kl:{ Fig. 1. Observedlimb intensitiesof four airglow emissions.The different symbols distinguish the observations from each limb crossing.The closed circle represents Mariner 6, first limb crossing; open circle,Mariner 6, secondlimb crossing;closed triangle, Mariner 7, first limb crossing;open triangle, Mariner 7, secondlimb crossing. which assumesa mean zenith angle of 20ø. Sincethe shapeof the emission profileof the Cameronbandsis well definedin the data, the errorsin this processare small,lessthan 5 km. The atmosphericmodelsdevelopedbelowwere placedon an absolutealtitude scaleby requiring that, when X equals57ø, the maximum electrondensity in the associatedmodel ionospheresshouldoccur at 135 km, which is in accordance with the results of radio occultalton [Fjeldbo ½• al., 1970]. The absolute altitude scalefor the UVS data wasthen chosento give the best over-all agreementbetweenthe data and the intensityprofilesof the Cameronbands calculated for the models. Because of the simi- larity betweenthe processesthat producethe ionosphereand those that excite the Cameron bands, the error in this absolutescale is also small, not more than about 10 km. It arises largely from the uncertainaltitude dependence near 135 km of quantities such as the ionospheric-recombinationcoefficientand the degree of scattered-light contamination of the measurements of the Cameron bands. As seenin Figure 1, the observationsfrom the four limb crossingsagree very well with each other. There are, of course,differencesin detail kit for the O(•P-•S) multipict impliesthat the associated (•D-•S) multipict reaches 330 kit [Garstang,1951]. The CO•+ band systemsgo off scale before reaching their maximum intensities; the greatest intensities recorded are 140kit at 140km for the .•-.• system and35 kR at 148km for the •-.• system. The mean topsideemissionscaleheightsare obtainedfrom the three highest data points on each limb crossing (two for the CO•+(•-.•) bands)and thus refer to the approximate altitude range 150-190 km. The scale heights are 19 km for the CO Cameronbands,24 km for the 0 mul- tipier,24 km for the CO•*(.ff,-œ) bands,and 25 km for the CO•*(•-.•) bands.The uncertainties in the intensities and scale heights will be discussed at appropriatepointsbelow. For comparison with the airglowdata, the ionosphericscaleheightin the 150- to 190-kmregion is about45 km [Fjeldboet al., 1970]. Although the observationsin the 1100- to 1900-A region are not discussed here, use will be made of two resultsfrom the analysisby Thomas [1971], namely, that 0 and CO are scarce in the Martian thermosphere.The atomic-oxygendensitywas estimatedfrom the observations of the resonance triplet near 1304 A, which is excitedby the scatteringof solar photonsand by photoelectron impacton 0 and whichis stronglyaffectedby radiationtrapping in the opticallythick oxygenmedium.Upper and lowerlimits on the CO densityweresetby considering,on the one hand, the amount of CO that wouldproducethe observedintensity in the CO fourth positivebandsby fluorescent scatteringof sunlightalone,and, on the other hand, the amountof CO necessary to produce the observedamountof self-absorption in this sameband system.The densitiesof 0 and CO at 135km werefoundto be of the orderof 3% and •%, respectively. IMPLICATIONS OF MARTIAN ULTRAVIOLET AreaLOW 57 IMPLICATIONS The .• and• statesmay alsobe populated by cascade from the •'•o+ state. The experimental Becauseof the geometryof the experiment and the relatively large sampling interval (20 km, comparableto the topside emissionscale heights), no attempt is made to obtain volume emissionrate from the limb-intensity data. The approachadoptedis to constructmodelsof the thermospheric-temperature profile and the airglow layer from which limb intensitiesmay be calculatedand compareddirectly to the measurements.This approachpreservesthe integrity of the data, and permits various experimental effects, such as the finite field of view, to be information on theseprocesses was surveyedby Dalgarnoet al. [1970], who found that the contribution of photoelectronimpact, process2, is not important on Mars. More recent experimental work [Wauchopand Broida, 1971; Ajello, 1971] confirmstheir conclusions.Although the bulk of the sun'sionizing radiation lies between 150 and 350 A [Hinteregger,1970], no measurementsof the branchingratios in photoionization, process1, have beenmadeat thesewavelengths, and thus values based on the data at 584 A were used [Turner and May, 1967; Spohr and yon from the data. It alsopermitsa straightforward Puttkamer,1967; Bahr et al., 1969; Wauchopand 1971],givingratiosforthe.•, .•, •, and evaluationby inspectionof the agreementor lack Broida, • states of 0.33:0.33:0.22'0.11. The calculations of it between model and observation. presented below take account of the fact that The comparisonprocessdivides itself into folded into the models rather than removed fallsbeyondthe two steps, each yielding a different type of part of the .•-.• bandsystem information. In the first step, the data are set long-wavelengthlimit of the observationspreagainsta range of modelsrepresentingvarious sentedin Figure 1. The observationof a limb intensity of around alternativesas to heating and excitationproc600 kR in the Cameronbandsat ionospheric altiesses.The comparisongives guidance about tudes (as evidencedby the simultaneousdetecwhich excitation mechanisms or combination of mechanismsare adequate to produce the ob- tion of emissionsfrom C02') rulesout excitation servedintensitiesand which temperatureprofile mechanismsinvolving ambient CO at the low or range of profiles adequately reproducesthe densities deduced by Thomas [1971]. If the observedshape of the airglow layer. In the atmosphereat 135km containsx/•% CO, fluoressecondstep, the physicaland chemicalconsid- cent scatteringof sunlight producesa limb inerations that went into the building of the tensity of about 10 rayleighsat that altitude (the transitionbeingopticallyforbidden),and photomodels and the estimated effects of those left out are discussedin the light of the conclusions electron impact on CO producesnot more than drawn from the first step.The constraintsplaced 25 kR, even though the crosssectionmay be by the UVS observations on processes and con- very large [Hake and Phelps, 1967; Brongersma, 1968]. It may be noted that a limb ditions in the actual Martian thermosphereat the time of the experimentscan then be assessed. intensity of 600 kR implies a zenith intensity 30% of the energy This section deals with the modeling of the of about30 kR, representing in the incident solar ionizing flux [Hinteregger, thermosphereand airglowand performsthe first 1970]. Similar remarks apply to the excitation stepof the comparison;the secondstepis postof the 3P-•S multipict of O. Three per cent ponedto the discussion. Excitationprocesses. The .•'II•-.•-IIg and atomic oxygenat 135 km yields not more than •2Z?-.•,IIo bandsof CO,+ canbe excitedfrom about 100 rayleighsby photoelectronimpact, as comparedto 21 kR observed;the O(•S) proneutral CO, by photoionization duction implied by this observationrepresents 8% of the incident ionizing energy. Thus the + co* (if, + important mechanismsfor the productionof or by impact of fast photoelectrons CO(a3II) and O(•S) must be those involving dissociative excitationof the major atmospheric C02 -+-e-• C02+ (if, •) + 2e (2) constituent,C02, by solar photons and from CO, + ions by fluorescentscatteringof sunlight COe-]- h• -• CO* + O* (4) + (œ) + + (X, (3) by fastphotoelectrons A. I. S?EWAR? 58 and ionization crosssections[Hake and Phelps, 1967; Englander-Goldenand Rapp, 1964] and or by photoionizationand subsequentdissocia- were performedaccordingto the proceduresdetire recombination scribedby Dalgarno et al. [1969]. Calculations CO• + e -, CO* + O* + e (5) of electron and ion densities involve the dissociative recombination coefficients for CO• + and CO•. -]-h•--•CO•. +-]-e• O•+, which have beenmeasuredby Weller and ++ co* +o*l (6)Biondi [1967] and Kasner and Biondi [1968]. The asterisksindicatethat the productsmay be The effectsof minor constituentssuchas CO, O, excited.A further possibilityfor the production and O• were not included. None of the emisof O(•S) is dissociativerecombination of 03+ sionsdiscussedhere are subject to appreciable quenchingin the thermosphereof Mars. O,.+ q- e --40 q- O* (7) Model atmospheresand ionospheres. Details for which the yield of O(•$) is 10% [Feldman of the temperatureprofile calculationsare given in the appendix. In this section,some aspects et al., 1971]. Becauseboth CO(a8II) and O(•$) are roeta- of particular relevanceto the present analysis stable,quantitativeexperimentalinvestigationof are discussed. Atomic oxygenis known to be a product of processes 4-6 is more difficult than for processes 1-3, and much less information is available. photoabsorptionby CO• at wavelengthsbelow McConnell and McElroy [1970] reviewed the 2280 A, even at very low pressures[Clark and positionand estimatedthe relevant crosssections Noxon, 1970; Felder et al., 1970]. The indicafor photodissociation and photoelectron impact, tions in the Mariner 4 and 5 data, mentioned processes4 and 5. In performing the present in the introduction,that this oxygenis rapidly calculations,it was considereddesirable that removedfrom the thermospheresof both Venus the modelsshould closelyreproducethe Cam- and Mars, are confirmedfor Mars by the Mareron-band intensities so that the temperature iner 6 and 7 UVS data near 1304 A [Thomas, profile calculationsshould take proper account 1971]. The two explanationsoffered for this of this important energy loss.A secondarygoal removal differ greatly in their implicationsfor was to reproducethe O(8P-•$) measurements. thermosphericheating. Shimizu [1908, 1909] proposedthat the O To these ends, the following otherwise arbiis rapidly trary assumptionsare made: Wherever ener- and CO producedin the thermosphere transported downward by strong turbulence to getically possible,the yield of CO(a8II) and O('$) in processes4-6 is 100%, 75% being regions of higher pressure,where recombination proceedsvia the three-bodyprocess CO(a*II) and 25% O(•$); whereveronly O('$) is accessible,its yield is 100%. In practice, the total excitation of the Cameron bands and the O(sP-'$) multipict by processes4 and $ together under these assumptionsis very similar to that calculatedby McConnell and McElroy [1970]; they make no estimateof the contribution from dissociativerecombination,process6. The translation of the above information on excitation processesinto predicted limb intensitiesfor a givenmodelatmosphereis relatively straightforward.The solar flux was taken from tabulationsby Hinteregger [1970], Hinteregger et al. [1965], Brinkmann et al. [1966], and Johnson[1965], whereasthe COsabsorptionand photoionizationcross sectionscame from Inn et al. [1953] and Henry and McElroy [1968]. Calculationsof the effectsof photoelectronsrequire knowledge of electron-impact excitation O q- CO q- M--• COz q- M (S) If this is so, each pair of molecules,O and CO, carries with it 5.4 ev of chemicalenergy that is lost from the thermosphere,beingultimately released during the recombinationreaction 8. From the work of McElroy and Hunt,en [1970] and of Hunten and McElroy [1970], it can be estimatedthat an eddy diffusioncoefficientof about 3 X 10• era' see-• is requiredto keep the 0 abundanceat 135 km down to 3% of the ambient CO• density. The secondexplanation [McElroy, 1967, 1968] was that oxygenin the excited'D state, producedin the photodissociation of CO• at wavelengthsless than 1670 A or in the recombinationof the ionosphere,is removedin a chain of two-bodyreactionsleading to the local recombinationof CO• IMPLICATIONS OF MARTIAN ULTRAVIOLET AIRGLOW o('z)) + co, COs* • co, (e) CO --• 2 C0• (10) Here the chemicalenergyof the 0 and CO contributes directly to the thermosphericheating. Ground-stateatomicoxygen,producedin photodissociation of CO, at wavelengths between1670 and 2280A and in reactionsthat quench0 (XD), must still be removedby eddy transport,but a smaller eddy diffusioncoefficientof about 5 X 106 cm' sec-• seems adequate [McElroy and Hunten, 1970]. It is convenientto expressthe heatingrate in terms of the 'heatingefficiency' e, which is the fraction of the total energy of the solar UV photonsabsorbedat a given altitude that appearslocally as heat. The 5.4 ev per dissociationevent, by which the heating in the two modelsdiffers,representsa changein e of 0.29 in the upper thermosphereand of 0.55 in the lowerthermosphere.(SeeTable 1.) A third possibilityarisesif the CO3• produced 59 angleis 57ø (the value appropriateto the occultation experiments). The compositionof the ionosphereaffects the heating efficiency,since the identity of the ion determinesthe amount of energy radiated by the excited productsof dissociativerecombination.Although CO,+ is the most abundantly producedion, it is efficiently convertedto 0, + by reactionswith 0 CO•* -•- 0 -• 0•* -•- CO, k = 1.6 X 10-•ø CO•* -•- 0 -• 0 + -•- CO•, k = 1.0 X 10-•ø O* -•- C02 -• O•+ -•- CO, k = 1.2 X 10-9 and alsoby reactionwith O, CO,.* + O•--• O•+ + CO•, k-where the reaction 5.0 X 10-• (13) rates k are in cm3 sec-• [Fehsenfeld et al., 1966a, 1966b; Fehsenfeld in (9) reacts with 0 rather than with CO et al., 1970]. Under the present assumption about the products of dissociativerecombina(11) tion, 5.1 ev is radiated per recombinationin a [SeeMcElroy and Hunten, 1970.] Here the CO CO,* ionosphere,but only 0.2 ev is radiated in and O2carry away 2.9 ev per dissociation event; an 0,* ionosphere.The differencein the heating however,it is not necessary to invoketurbulence efficienciesin the two ionospheresis 0.11. (See to explain the observedO density, since, at Table 1.) The effects of the minor constituents 0 and least in principle, reactions9 and 11 can consume all the 0 producedin the thermosphere CO on thermosphericheatingare not explicitly provided at least half is producedin singlet includedin the calculations.SinceCO+ is rapidly states. The density of atomic oxygen would convertedto CO,* by chargetransfer [Fehse•then be controlledby photochemistry,and that feld et al., 1966b], the presenceof CO hasno efof carbonmonoxidecontrolledby diffusion. fect on ionospheric composition, and excitation The ionospherescalculated from the model of the Cameronbandsby photoelectronimpact atmospheresdevelopedhere are of the modi- on CO at the observed densities causes a reducfied F•-layer variety [Donahue, 1966]; the tion in the heating efficiencyby only 0.01; thus maximumelectrondensityoccursat a pressure CO may reasonablybe ignored.The mostimporclose to 8 X 10-' pb when the solar zenith tant effectsof the presenceof 0 are indirect.One ' TABLE 1. Partition of Energy Kinetic Model A B C A B C (CO, +) (CO, +) (CO• +) (0• +) (0, +) (0, +) Energy 0.19 0.48 0.36 0.30 0.59 0.46 (0.33) (0.SS) (0.64) (0.33) (0.88) (0.64) Chemical Energy 0.37 0.0S 0.20 0.37 0.08 0.20 (0.66) (0.12) (0.35) (0.66) (0.12) (0.35) Radiated in IR 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 Radiated in Airglow (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.21 0.21 0.21 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) Radiated in Cameron Ban ds 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.14 0.14 0.14 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 60 A.I. STEWART effect,the conversion of CO,+to O,+,hasalready beenmentioned. The otherimportanteffectis that the energyof slowphotoelectrons, which would otherwisego into vibrational excitation 200 , , ,[ , ' ' ' I t, ' ] 'l [ ' 180 t of CO, andbe radiatedin the infrared,maygo [ into the excitation of the •D level of O and be convertedby quenchinginto heat. Both effects can increasethe heating efficiencyby up to 0.11 if sufficientO is present.For a neutral atmospherecontaining3% O at 135 km and an ionospherecontaining30% CO,+ (as discussed below), the increasein e over the pure CO•, pure CO,+ situation is rather less than 0.11; [ ' ,,,. + iI •oo[ • B(O•) •;11 I I0 I00 llOO0 LIMB INTENSITY, kR the heating efficienciesin the CO,+ and O,+ modelscanbe regardedasbracketingthe values F1•. 8. Comparison between model appropriate to the actual observations. layers and observations for the Cameron bands of Temperature profiles calculated for various CO and the 2972-A emission of O. Hexagons are combinationsof the oxygen-removalmecha- d•t• points. Solid •nd dashed lines sre used nismsand the ionospheric composition are pre- represent the models for reasonsof clarity. sentedin Figure 2. The label A denotesremoval by strongturbulenceand three-bodyrecombi- variation on B in whichthe CO? reactswith O, nation, reaction8; B denotesremovalby for- reaction 11. The ionosphericcompositionis inmation of COo*,which subsequently reactswith CO, reactions 9 and 10; and C denotesthe _ _ . dicatedin parentheses. The stronginfluenceof the chemistryon the temperatureis apparent; in the models B, the exospherictemperature T. is about 130øK greater than in the models A. The conversion of all the CO,' ions into 0,' B'(C'ø•)/ _ increasesT. by between35ø and 55øK, largely 200 because of the decreased radiation - 180 - radiated I00 in the Cam- eron bands. The importance of the airglow emissions as an energylossmay be judgedfrom the fact that if, in model A (CO,+), the energy 200 500 400 TEMPERATURE, 500 600 øK Fig. 2. Temperatureprofilesfor six modelsof neutral and ionic recombination.Model A, neutral recombination proceeds via the reaction 0 + CO + M --) CO, -]- M; model B, via C08 + CO -• CO, -]- CO,; model C, via C08 + 0 --) CO• -]- 0,. The compositionof the ionosphereis indicated in parentheses.The altitude scale is discussed in the text. in the Cameron bands is instead con- verted to heat, the exospherictemperature is raisedfrom 333ø to 432øK. The heatingefiqcienciesand the temperaturesat selectedaltitudes are tabulatedfor eachmodelin the appendix. Comparisonwith observation.The limb intensitiescalculatedfrom the modelsare displayed in Figures3 and 4, togetherwith the data points. Figure 3 showsthe CO Cameronband and the O•P-•S multiplot intensities,and Figure 4 shows the CO,+•,-.• and •-.• bandintensities.Curves for modelsC(CO, +) and C(O,+) are omitted for clarity; they fall approximatelymidwaybetween those for models A and B. Because the CO, + ion is a possiblesourceof all the emissions, the model intensities depend on the ionosphericcomposition. They do not, however, depend on the neutral chemistryexceptindirectly through the temperature profiles. Two quantities will be used in the comparisonof the modelswith the IMPLICATIONS OF MARTIAN ULTRAVIOLETAIRGLOW 61 350 kR for the points near 151 km, gives a 200 topside scale height of 19 ñ 4% kin. The correspondingquantities in models A (COJ), A (OJ), B (CO,*), and B (OJ), which have exospheric temperaturesof 333ø, 386ø, 474ø, and 510øK, are 20, 23, 28, and 31 km. The Cam- 180 • 160 I- 140 eron-band measurements therefore indicate an exospherictemperatureof 315 -- 75øK. This conclusionis in accord with a more subjective appraisalof Figure3, whichsuggests that model B(COJ) offersa much poorerfit to the data 120 ,oo i O.I than does model A (COJ). Model B (CO.,,*) lies © • i i il I i LIMB i i II i IO INTENSITY, i I ii IO0 kr aboveall the data pointsnear 194 and 172 kin, but below all but one of the points near 151 km and below all of thosenear 129 km, whereas Fig. 4. Comparison between model airglow modelA (COJ) passes throughall the groupsof layersandobservations forthe_•-• and5-.• bands points. of CO,+. Hexagonsare data points.Solidand dashed linesare usedto representthe modelsfor reasonsof clarity. Since the excitation mechanismsare similar, the topsidescaleheightof the O(sP-'S)multipict (24 km) mustbe interpretedin the sameway as data. The first, the emissionscaleheight in the that of the Cameronbands.In effect,this is also scaleheight(25 topside (150-190 km), reflectsthe temperature true of the CO,+(•--•) system profilethroughoutthe regionwherethe optical km) after a correctionis made for the small depth for the ionizing solar radiations is less contribution from fluorescentscattering;the corthan unity (Z • 135 km). The exospherictemperatureis a reasonableparameterfor this part of the profile.The secondquantity, the maximum limb intensity,is determinedby the solarEUV flux and the efficiencyof the excitation mechanism acting on CO2; for the CO,+ bands, the densityof this ion alsoenters. The determinationof the topsidescaleheight is affectedby the removal from the raw data of off-axisscatteredlight, noise,and instrument background[Barth etal., 1971]. Except at the lowestaltitudes,the Cameronbandsare almost rection is 3 km if the observedionospherecon- tains 30% CO,+ (see below). Becauseof the greaterdegreeof contamination by off-axislight, thesevalues,24 and 22 km, are lesswell-determined than the Cameron-band value of 19 km. A_reasonable compromise is 21 km, corresponding to an atmospherewith an exospheric temperature of about 350øK. This value is then the 'best' one obtainable from the data. Little additional informationregardingtemperaturesis contained in the CO,+(*-.•) systemobservations because of the greater uncertainties.However, if the entirelyfree of off-axislight, whicharisesfrom exospherictemperatureis 350øK and if the contains35% CO2+, the presentcad the scatteringof sunlightfrom the lower at- ionosphere mosphere andsurfaceof Mars and is therefore culationsreproducethe observedratio of 2.8:1 much weaker at short wavelengthsthan at long betweenthe intensitiesof the •-.• and •-.• ones.Their scale height is therefore the most accuratelydetermined.The group of data systemsat 160 km and predicta 31-km scale heightfor the •-.• system, in accord withthe pointsnear194km havea meanintensityof 36 kR, after subtracting corrections of about data within the errors. 45 kR each for instrument background and the 610 kR in the Cameron bands and the 21 cosmic-ray noise.To the uncertainties of 3 and 9 kR, respectively, in thesecorrections, a statistical uncertainty of 4 kR must be added; kR in the O(•P-•S) multiplot, together with the a conservativeestimate of the total uncertainty is thus 16 kR, the arithmeticsumof thesecom- ponents.This value,togetherwith a lessimportantuncertainty in the meanintensityof Turning to the maximum limb intensities, implied 330 kR in the associatedO(•D-•S) multiplot, show that CO(a•II) and OtiS) are producedin the ratio 63:37. McConnelland McElroy [1970] find 70: 30 for the sum of processes4 and 5, and the present analysis assumes 75' 25. This ratio is in accord with the 62 A.I. STEWART data within the uncertainty in the relative tion on the temperaturesin the thermosphere calibration[Pearceet al., 1971]. The agreement of Mars. Fjeldbo et al. [1970] presenttheir rewould be still better if the dissociative recombisults in the form of a temperature of about nation of Os* yields substantiallymore O(•S) 450øK, but the significance of this figure depends on the nature and compositionof the than has been assumedhere, as might occurif If the topsideof the observedionothe O2* producedby the reactions12 is in high ionosphere. vibrational levels. sphere is in diffusive equilibrium, their temThe modelswith a CO•+ ionosphereaccurately perature is the mean of the ion and electron reproduce the maximum Cameron-band intemperaturesand provides an upper limit to tensity, since the excitation eflqciencieswere the neutral temperature. However, since the chosen with this reproduction in mind. I-Iow- experimentally determined quantity is the ever, the sum of the maximum observedslant plasma scale height, the deducedtemperature column excitation rates of CO (a•II) and O('S) dependson the mean ion mass.Fjeldbo et al. is 9.6 x 10• cm-• sec-•, whereas the CO2+ assumedthat the ion was CO•*; if the ionomodels predict only 7.5 X 10• cm-• sec-• and sphere contains about 70% 0,*, their temthe O•+ models4.6 X 10• cm-• sec-LA deficiency perature must be reducedto about 370øK, in in the solar EUV flux usedis indicatedby fac- good accord with the UVS results. It is much tors of 1.3 and 2.1, respectively,although the more likely that the ionosphereis in photocalibration uncertainty (a factor of 1.7) per- chemicalrather than diffusiveequilibrium.[See, mits the data to be reconciled with the flux as for example, Johnson,1968.] In this instance used if the ionospherecontains 25% or more the relationship betweenthe plasmascaleheight CO•+. The deficiencyis naturally greater if the and the neutral temperatureis uncertain,being sum of the quantum yields of CO(a•II) and affectedby altitude-dependentfactors such as O(•$) in processes4-6 is lessthan the v.alue of opticaldepth,ion and neutralcomposition, and unity assumedhere. With regard to the CO•+ recombination rates. In simple models the band system intensities, photoionizationalone plasmascaleheightis roughlytwice the neutral fails to explainthe data at 160 km by a factor scaleheight,and thus there is no immediately of 1.8 ----+0.4. The discrepancyis removed if apparentconflictbetweenthe measuredplasma the ionosphereconiains between 10 and 30% COs+, but a larger EUV flux can be accommodated if photoionizationbetween 150 and 350 A producesfewer excited ions than the measurementsat 584 A suggest. To summarize, the UVS measurementsof Martian airglow emissionsin the range 19004300 A suggestthat the exospherictemperature lies in the range 315 ----+75øK, with a best and airglow scaleheightsof about 45 and about 21 kin, respectively,in the 150- to 190-kin region. Sometheoreticaltemperaturecalculations appropriate to the Mariner 6 and 7 fiybys have teregger [1970]; an increaseof a factor of 2 is readily reconciled with the data, and a greater increasecannotbe ruled out. 430øK and calculatea limb-intensityprofile fo,r beenpublished.Stewarta•d Hogan [1969] predictedexospheric temperaturesof about 490øK, greater than all but one of the presentmodels even though their EUV heating efficiencywas value of about 350øK. The measurements are quite small (0.35). Presumably,the reasonis in accord with existing knowledgeof the solar that they employedan augmentedversion of EUV flux and of the excitation mechanisms the solar ionizingflux measuredby Hinteregger for these emissionsif the Martian ionosphere et al. [1965], which is more intensethan the contains about 30% CO•+. However, the data one used here [Hinteregger,1970]. McConnell are also consistent with a solar EUV flux suband McElroy [1970] presenta model atmosstantially greater than that measuredby Hinphere with an exospherictemperature of DISCUSSION Apart from the UVS results,only the radio occultation measurements of the electron-dens- ity profile provide any experimentalinforma- the Cameronbandsexhibitinga scaleheightof 26 km between150 and 190 km. This figureis outsidethe limits set by the presentanalysis, and, in fact, the fit to the data providedby their modelshowsmost of the shortcomings of the fit provided by model B(CO,*) discussed earlier. •I•IPLICATIONS OF MARTIAN The UVS results provide the only experimental evidence on the compositionof the Martian ionosphere.An internal consistency check is possiblebecauseof the conversiono! COs*to O•* by reactions12 with O. In the absence of NO [Barth et al., 1969], 0•* is the terminal ion, and dissociativerecombinationis the only lossprocess.Thus, in equilibrium, +) = +) where k is the effective rate constant of the re- actions12, a is the O,• dissociativerecombination coefficient,and the n's are the number densitiesof the indicatedspecies.A knowledge of the electrondensityand ion compositionat any altitude determinesthe density of O at that altitude, and a straightforwardextrapola- tion yieldsthe abundance of O at 135kin. Thus 30% CO•* and 70% O•* at 160 kin, where n, -- 1.1 X 105cm-• [Fjeldbo et al., 1970], is consistentwith 2% 0 at 135 km; less CO2• impliesmore O. This result is in goodaccord with the entirelyindependent figureof about3% obtainedfrom analysisof the observationsnear 1304 A [Thomas, 1971]. ULTRAVIOLET AIRGLOW 63 effect and is more than balancedby the additional heating resultingfrom the conversionof CO•* to O•• by O. A potentiallyimportant cooling mechanismthat is not includedin the present models is eddy cooling, as suggestedby Johnson[1966]. If the mechanicalheatingtha•. must accompanythe turbulenceis ignored,the volumecoolingrate is • -- --(a/az) l•,•[(aY/•z) + r]] (1•) in which cp is the specific heat at constant pressure,p the massdensity,K the eddy diffusioncoefficient,and I • the adiabaticlapserate (about 5ø/km). A comparisonof (15) with the volume heating rate showsthat eddy cooling is a small effect in models B and C, in which K is 5 X 106cm• sec-• or less,but may be important in the modelsA, in which K _• 3 X 107 cm• sec-•. These conclusions are rein- forced by the fact that the criterion suggested by McElroy [1967] for the suppression of eddy coolingby radiative relaxation effectsis satisfied in models B and C but not in the models A. In the absenceof an adequate descriptionof the thermal effects of turbulence, the imporConsideration of the maximum intensities in tance of eddy coolingremains problematical, the previoussectionshowedthat the UVS but it is an attractive possibility. measurements permitted a substantialincrease With regard to the controversiesthat arose in the adoptedsolarEUV flux, by a factor of from the analysisof Mariner 4 and 5 results, up to about2, with still largerincreases being Mariner 6 and 7 data offer clear evidence on possible within the uncertainties in the excita- one but not the other. McElroy [1969] and tion efficiencies.Further evidencefor a greater Cloutier et al. [1969] invokeda depression of flux comesfrom a comparisonof the measured maximumelectrondensity,1.6 X 105cm'•, the Martian ionosphereby the solar wind to with the values of 7.6 X 104 cm-• and 1.0 X 105 reconcilethe Mariner 4 plasmascaleheight of 29 km with a theoreticaltemperature profile cm-• calculatedfor CO•* and O•* ionospheres, showing an exospheric temt•erature of 487øK. respectively. An increaseby a factorbetween They suggestedthat, at the time of Mariner 2.6 and 4.4 is indicated.I-Iowever,increasingthe ionizingfluxby a factor of 2.5 raisesthe exospherictemperaturein modelsA(CO••) and A(O•*) by about110øK,and an adjustmentto the heatingat longerwavelengths, or to the cooling,must be soughtto restorethe agreement between models and data. Prag and Morse [1970] find that the solar vacuumUV flux is variable,andHall andHinte- regger[1970] suggests that the 1325-to 1775-A flux usedheremay be too largeby a factorof 3. & suitablyreduced flux,however, lowersthe exospheric temperature by onlyabout50øK.Cooling by infraredradiationfrom0 andCO [see, for example,McElroy et al., 1965] is a small 4, the plasma and neutral scale heights were in fact equal. This equality was clearly not true at the time of Mariner 6 and 7, at least below 200 km, where the plasma scale height is about 45 km and the airglow scaleheight is about 21 km. Since it seemsunlikely that the exospherictemperatureat the time of Mariner 4 shouldbe substantiallylarger than the preferred value of 350øK deducedfrom the present analysisfor Mariner 6 and 7, it is unlikely that their explanationof the Mariner 4 result is the true one. The view of Hogan and Stewart [1969] that the plasma scaleheight was small becausethe thermospherewas cold is much more in accordwith the presentresults. A. I. STEWART 64 The only aspectof the present analysisthat has a bearing on the questionof the role of CO? in the Martian atmosphereis the difficulty of reconcilingthe warm thermospheres predicted in those models that include CO? chemistry [McElroy, 1969; and the present work] with the small observed airglow scale heights. When the laboratory evidence that CO? plays no important role in the photolysis of CO, is considered [Young et al., 1968; Clark and Noxon, 1970; Felder et al., 1970; Slanger and Black, 1970; Loewenstein,1970], it is difficult to resist the conclusion that the agent responsible for the scarcityof O and CO in the Martian thermosphere is dynamical rather than chemical. SUmmARY AND CONC•,VS•ONS airglow-excitation mechanisms,thus ensuring the consistencyof the calculatedtemperature profilesand airglow intensities.The modelsthat included CO• chemistryexhibited higher temperaturesthan thosewhich did not becauseof the releaseof kinetic energy in the reactions of CO• with CO or O. The models that allowed for the conversionof CO,* to O,* by reaction with O were also warmer because dissociative recombination of CO,* was assumed to excite emission in the Cameron bands of CO. The highest quality data are those on the Cameron bands of CO that exhibit a topside emissionscale height of 19 ñ 4% km. Comparison with the models shows that this implies an exospherictemperatureof 315 ñ 75øK. Considerationof other data as well suggestsa best value of about 350øK. The data on the CO,* band systemssuggestthat the ionosphere ments carried to Mars in the summer of 1969 at 160 km contains about 30% CO,*; the reby Mariner 6 and 7 provided the first oppor- mainder is most probably O,*. This result is in tunity to examine the upper atmosphere of good accordwith the atomic-oxygenabundance (3% at 135 km) deduced elsewherefrom the another planet in detail. The spectrashoweda rich and very intenseairglowin the range1900- UVS observationsat 1304 A. Although the 4300 A, containingemissionsfrom O, CO, and adopted solar flux explainsall the data satisCO,*. The range 1100-1900 A also contained factorily within the scaleheightand calibration emissionsfrom O and CO, but the total inten- uncertainties,an increasein the ionizing flux by a factor of up to 2 is not ruled out. The insity was more than 20 times smaller.The inferby comparisonof the calcuence that the long-wavelengthemissionsarise creasesuggested predominantly from the major atmospheric lated and observed electron density can be if the yields of excitedspecies constituent,CO,, whereasthe short-wavelength accommodated emissions arise from much less abundant minor in the airglow-excitationmechanismsare less constituents,is supportedby a more detailed than has been assumed. examination of the excitation mechanisms. The Such increasesin the solar flux produce unUV airglow constitutes an important energy- acceptableincreasesin the calculatedtemperalossmechanismfor the Martian thermosphere, tures, and additional coolingmust be invoked to explain the observedairglow scale heights. the emissionfrom CO alone representing30% of the energymeasured in the incidentionizing Eddy transport of heat is a likely possibilityif solar flux. Thus the airglow is intimately re- the effective eddy diffusioncoefficientis suffilated both to the distribution of CO, and to ciently large. It seems difficult, however, to the heating mechanismsthat determine this reconcilethe effectsof CO• chemistrywith the The scanningultravioletspectrometerexperi- distribution. observations. The Mariner To aid in the airglow analysis,modelsof the thermospherewere constructedby solvingthe heat balance equation, allowing for heating by UV absorptionand for coolingby thermal conductionand radiation in the 15-/• bandsof CO,. The scarcity of minor constituentspermitted their direct thermal effectsto be ignored tation and UVS measurements do not support the view that the Martian ionosphereis depressedby the solar wind, at least below 200 without serious error. The calculation of the heating efficiencies took into accountthe...details of neutral and ion chemistryand of the 6 and 7 radio occul- kin. APPENDIX: TEMPERATURE PROFILES OF THE 1ViARTIAN TttERMOSPttERE The considerations that determine the tem- perature profiles in planetary thermospheres were first expoundedby Ba•½s [1951, 1959]. IMPLICATIONS OF MARTIAN ULTRAVIOLET AIRGLOW Chamberlain[1962] and McElroy et al. [1965] examinedthe atmosphereof Mars. More recent 65 Cooling. Coolingwas assumedto occur only by radiation in the 15-p band of COs. The work by McElroy [1967,1969] and by Hogan volume coolingrate was taken to be and Stewart [1969] embodiedthe knowledge z = exp gainedfrom the analysisof the Mariner 4 and (A5) 5 results.The modelsdevelopedhere draw on where hv is the energyof a 15-p photon,n is the local number density of CO•, k is Boltzphysicsbut treat someaspectsin greaterdetail. mann'sconstant,and the vibrational relaxation They do not take accountof dynamicaleffects, parameter V is representedby [Simpsonet al., most of the above work for the fundamental beingof the 'planetaryaverage'type in which the sunis assumed to shinefor half of eachday at an average solar-zenith angle of 60ø. The calculatedtemperatureprofilesare usedat and near the subsolarpoint on the assumption that the temperature at a given altitude is not greatly dependent on local time or on areographic latitude. As discussed in the text, the calculationsare for a pure C02 atmosphere, the effectsof minor constituentsbeing ignoredexcept for the action of 0 in transformingthe major ion from C02+ to O•+. The simplified steady-state heat balance equationin pressure-temperaturecoordinatesis 1969] • = 8.3 X 10-25'T ßexp{--40.6T-•/3} cm3see-• (A6) F(X) is a correctionfor the effectsof radiation blanketing; accordingto McElroy [1967], the expression - + (A?) where X = 2.7 X 109/n• for p<<50•zb (AS) [Chamberlain and McElroy, 1966] is a satisfactory approximation. Inclusion of this cor(A1) rectionhas a negligible(<IøK) effecton the temperatureprofilesin Figure 2, and the present calculations setF (X) -- 1. in which p is the pressure,T the temperature, Heating. Although heating in CO• atmosC the thermal conductivity,H the scaleheight, pheres can occur by absorption of infrared and Q and L the volume heating and radiative solar radiation, this effect is negligible in the coolingrates,respectively.The barometricequaupper thermosphere and reaches only about tion 15% at the lower boundary of the present models (R. E. Dickinson, private communicadp/d = --(p/.) (A2) tion 1970). Heating is therefore assumedto transformsthe solutionsto altitude (z) coordi- occur only as a result of the absorption of nates. Equation A1 was solvedby usinga sim- ultraviolet photons.It dependson the partition ple relaxation technique, starting with an of the photon energy into its several ultimate isothermalfirst trial. The boundary conditions forms, kinetic energy of atoms and molecules, are chemical energy of dissociationproducts, and energy radiated in the infrared, visible, and Q- L (A3) ultraviolet airglow. (local equilibrium) at the lower boundary, The visible and ultraviolet emissions that wherep --- 3.162 X 10-• pb, and carry away substantial amounts of energy on OT/Op - -- (H•/ C)(Q/p) Marsarethe•-.• and•-.• bandsof CO,+, the (A4) •D-•S multiplet of O, which is associatedwith at the upper boundary,where p - 0 but Q/p remains finite. (A4) is equivalent to the condition that the atmosphereshouldbe isothermal at very high altitudes.The thermalconductivity C was taken to be 0.33 X 10-' (T/273) •'• cal cm-• øK-• sec-•; the evaluationof L and Q are described below. the •P-•S multipier, and the Cameronbands of CO. The excitation mechanisms are discussed in the text. Various infrared transitions in that are excited by nonthermal processescan properly be describedas infrared airglow and are also important. Solar photonsthat are energetically incapableof causingdissociationof 66 A.I. STrWART COainto the highlyexcitedproductsinvolvedin and McElroy [1968] and of StewartandHogan the airglowemissions may dissociate themolecule [1969], whichreferto ionizingwavelengths only. in lowercontinuums, producing COin theground Table 2 displaysthe temperature calculated state and 0 in the ground or •D states. Slow for eachmodelat the top of the thermosphere photoelectrons may either do the sameor cause (i.e., the exospheric temperat,ire),at the ionizavibrationalexcitation of COaeitherdirectlyby tion maximum (135 km), and at 100 km. The collisionsor indirectlyby heatingthe ambient profilesthemselvesare presentedin Figure 2. electrongas. This vibrationalenergyis most probablylost by radiation in the infrared.Other sourcesof vibrational energy, such as ion and Acknowledgments.It has been a privilege to work with the entire Mariner Ultraviolet Spectrometer team. My special thanks are due to C. A. neutralchemical reactions andthe photodissocia- Barth and G. E. Thomas for many useful dis- tion process itself [Clercand Barat, 1966],are cussions. I thank ignored.Three mechanismsof neutral recombina- of the temperature profile calculations. This work was supportedby the National Aeronautics and Space Administration grant NGL 06003-052. I am indebted to the United 2ingdom Science Research Council for a fellowship held at University College, London, during 1970-1971, tion and two of ionospheric recombinationare considered,as describedin the text. In all in- R. E. Dickinson for discussions stances, it is assumed that the electronic energy of O(xD) is ultimatelyconvertedto heat. Where consistentwith other assumptions and with energyconsiderations, it is assumed in the modelsB The Editor thanks M. B. McElroy and another (recombinationvia the reaction of C03' with referee for their assistancein evaluating this CO)that0 isproduced in thexDstate,andin the paper. modelsC (reactionof C03' with O) that one-half of the 0 is producedin singletstates.In the ]•EFERENCES modelsA (three-body recombination), the state Ajello, J. M., Emissioncrosssectionsof CO2by electronimpactin the interval1260A to 4500A, in which0 is producedis immaterial. 2, J. Chem. Phys.,55, 1369,1971. Table 1 showsthe partition of the energy Anderson,D. E., and C. W. ttord, Mariner 6 in the variousmodelsconsidered. The photons and 7 ultraviolet spectrometer experiment: Analysis of hydrogen Lyman-alpha data, J. responsiblefor exciting most of the airglow Geophys.Res., 76, 6666,1971. and for formingthe ionosphere are absorbed Bahr, J. L., A. J. Blake, J. It. 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