Enhancing mental capacity Dr Sarah JL Edwards Senior Lecturer in Research Governance

Enhancing mental capacity
Dr Sarah JL Edwards
Senior Lecturer in Research Governance
• Patients’ understanding medical
• Assessing mental capacity
• Treating those without capacity
• Informational manipulation
Patients’ understanding
• cancer screening “the 5-year survival of
patients diagnosed with early stage
cancers is much greater than that of
patients diagnosed with later stage
cancers” (Schwartz 1999, p.128).
• People usually believe that this shows
screening is beneficial, but patients
diagnosed earlier live with a cancer
diagnosis longer.
Understanding Risk
• Grimes and Snively (1999) asked 633
women in a gynaecology outpatient’s clinic
to compare which of the risk levels
represented by 8.9 per 1000 and 2.6 per
1000 was the higher
• Risks stated as rates were better
understood than as proportions (Lloyd
2001, p.i16)
Goal of treatment
• Gattellari et al. (2002) reported that 80% of
patients who had been told by their
physician that there was no chance of cure
stated that there was actually some
chance of cure, while 15% stated that their
chance of cure was at least 75%.
Assessing Capacity
A person lacks capacity in relation to a
matter if at the material time he is “unable
to make a decision for himself in relation to
the matter because of an impairment of, or
a disturbance in the functioning of, the
mind or brain.” s2(1)
In practice…
• Assume patient has various degrees of
ability along certain dimension that can be
• ‘Expert’ judgement/impression
• Neurological predictive factors
• 18 different ‘objective’ instruments
• Constructs have different meanings
• First- or third-person scenarios
The Mini-Mental State Exam
Patient___________________________________ Examiner
____________________________ Date____________
Maximum Score
5 ( ) What is the (year) (season) (date) (day) (month)?
5 ( ) Where are we (state) (country) (town) (hospital) (floor)?
3 ( ) Name 3 objects: 1 second to say each. Then ask the patient
all 3 after you have said them. Give 1 point for each correct answer.
Then repeat them until he/she learns all 3. Count trials and record.
Trials ___________
Attention and Calculation
5 ( ) Serial 7’s. 1 point for each correct answer. Stop after 5 answers.
Alternatively spell “world” backward.
3 ( ) Ask for the 3 objects repeated above. Give 1 point for each correct answer.
2 ( ) Name a pencil and watch.
1 ( ) Repeat the following “No ifs, ands, or buts”
3 ( ) Follow a 3-stage command:
“Take a paper in your hand, fold it in half, and put it on the floor.”
1 ( ) Read and obey the following: CLOSE YOUR EYES
1 ( ) Write a sentence.
1 ( ) Copy the design shown.
_____ Total Score
ASSESS level of consciousness along a continuum ____________
Alert Drowsy Stupor Coma
McArthur competence tool
• Semi-structured interview
• In conjunction with clinical assessment
• Measure on scale 0-6
– understanding of the disorder and its treatment,
including associated risks and benefits
– Appreciation of the disorder and its treatment (belief)
– Ability to compare treatment with alternatives
– Ability to express a choice
• TRAT fictional vignettes
Grisso and Appelbaum Am J Psychiatry 1995; 152:1033-37
Re C (1994) 1 All ER 819
• Case Law
• Schizophrenic refusing amputation for
gangrenous leg
• Believed he was world class surgeon
• Court ruled he was competent to decide
• Not treated under Mental Health Act for his
Statue s3(1)
“A person is unable to make a decision for
himself if he is unable to:
1)understand the information relevant to the
2)retain the information;
3)use or weigh that in formation as part of the
process of making the decision; or
4)communicate his decision (whether by talking,
using sign language or any other means).”
Still no belief requirement
• No express requirement in test that person
believes the information or has insight into
• If false belief results from psychotic delusion
then assessed formally under mental health
• Denial of the facts itself not sufficient to render
– (remember Jo and denial of his daughter’s death?)
Marginal or fluctuating capacity
• Protect person’s position in event s/he is
likely to regain capacity
• New right to have all ‘practical’ help
• New role for statutory Independent Mental
Capacity Advocate service (IMCA)
• May be duty to provide specialist help
outside normal fiscal restraints
• The decision-maker should make sure that
all practical means are used to enable and
encourage the person to participate as
fully as possible in the decision-making
process and any action taken as a result,
or to help the person improve their ability
to participate.
Help to restore capacity
• The explanation must be in the most
appropriate and effective form of
communication for that person.
• There are different methods for people
who use nonverbal means of
communication (for example, observing
behaviour or their ability to recognise
objects or pictures).
Use of equipment?
• It may be important to provide access to
technology. For example, some people
who appear not to communicate well
verbally can do so very well using
MCA Code of Practice chapt 3
• using simple language and/or illustrations
or photographs
• asking them about the decision at a time
and location where the person feels most
relaxed and at ease
• breaking the information down into easyto-understand points
• using specialist interpreters or signers to
communicate with the person.
• Avoid questions that need only a ‘yes’ or
‘no’ answer (for example, did you
understand what I just said?)....But there
may be no alternative in cases where
there are major communication difficulties.
In these cases, check the response by
asking questions again in a different way.
Treating non-competent adults:
best interests
• Decisions made under the MCA must be
made in the person’s best interests
• Sole exception is in event of valid and
applicable advance decision/statement
• Competent person may nominate another
(donee of Lasting Power of Attorney) to
make decisions in case of incompetence
Common law doctrine of necessity
• Act in best interests of non-competent
patient but treatment must be ‘necessary’
• Protect doctor from liability for acts which
could otherwise amount to battery
• Re F (Mental Patient: Sterilisation) [1990]
2 AC 1
Assessing best interests
• New statutory criterion s4
– Consider person’s past and present wishes and
feelings (particularly any advance statements)
– Consider beliefs and values that would be likely to
influence his decision if he had capacity
– Consider the other factors that he would be likely to
consider if he were able to do so
• Not complete checklist
• No order of priority given
• But assessment must be ‘reasonable’ in the
Process of Consultation
• When ‘practical and appropriate’, decisionmaker must also consult following people as to
what would be in person’s best interests
– Anyone named by person
– Anyone engaged in caring for person or interested in
his welfare
– Any donee of a lasting power of attorney
– Any deputy appointed for person by Court
• Code of practice encourages as wide a range of
people who are close to the person except in
research where single ‘consultee’
Persuasion paradox
• Patient unaware that information has been
manipulated which could itself undermine
Framing risk
• Schwartz (1999) “simple changes in the
format of otherwise identical numerical
information can profoundly influence its
interpretation” (p. 127).
• Given a choice between surgery and
radiotherapy, patients would tend to
choose surgery despite probable
outcomes being the same but framed
Whose interests?
• Manipulating information truly in patient’s
best interests?
• Hard vs soft paternalism
• Fairness and statistics
• Evaluating effects