4. Knowledge Integration Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul 4.1 KIT3 the value of urban centres Prof Bill Hillier UCL Martin Wedderburn Buchanan Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 Every Centre has a centre the space syntax theory of centre formation in cities Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL Space Syntax theory of centres • • • • iValul Every centre has a centre. It starts with a spatial seed, usually an intersection, but it can be a segment. The seed of a centre will have destination and route values at both local and global levels. Some centres start because they are the focus of a local intensified grid – a local case – other because they are at an important intersection – a global case. Both global and local properties are relevant to how centres form and evolve. The spatial values of the seed for the centre will establish what we can call a fading distance from the seed. Up to what distance from the seed will shops be viable ? This is a function of metric distance from the seed proportionate to the strength of the seed. Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge integration KIT3 Centres Local Choice R400 Local centre starts at southern end of Streatham High Street. 10 6 274 Choice R400 (Streatham model) 458 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout Accessibility high low UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 London high streets Streatham High Road Choice R800 Local centre starts at southern end of Streatham High Street… …. and shifts gradually to the North towards a more global radius 2842 3379 Choice R800 (Streatham model) 3153 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout Accessibility high low UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 London high streets Streatham High Road Choice R1200 Local centre starts at southern end of Streatham High Street… …. and shifts gradually to the North towards a more global radius 10200 11235 Choice R1200 (Streatham model) 9800 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout Accessibility high low UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 London high streets Streatham High Road Choice R1400 Local centre starts at southern end of Streatham High Street… 15500 …. and shifts gradually to the North towards a more global radius 15900 The best fitting radius with the retail definition of the high street is R1400. Choice R1400 (Streatham model) 15622 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 London high streets Streatham High Road Choice RN Choice RN (Streatham model) Streatham High Street not highest global choice route in the area Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul • The centre will grow beyond the fading distance established by the initial seed to the degree that further seeds appear within the fading distance. Again these can be local or global, and stronger or weaker. A centre becomes larger to the degree that it is reinforced by what are in effect new seed which allow the shopping to be continuous. • Centres expand in two ways: – linearly, that is along a single alignment or two intersecting alignments. This is the most common case. Linear expansion occurs when the reinforcers are more or less orthogonal or up to 45 degrees to the original alignment – convexly, that is the shopping streets form a localised grid, which is rarer, but great when it occurs. Convex expansion occurs when reinforcers occur on the parallel as well as the orthogonal alignment Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul • So centres vary in the strength of their local and global properties, and the balance between them will tend to define the nature of the centre. Most centres will tend to be pretty strong both in local and global terms, but differences in the balance will be very influential in generating the scale and character of the centre. • Centres also grow or fail through interaction with neighbouring centres at different scales, but the way in which the urban grid evolves tends to ensure that seeds for potential centres occur only at certain distances from each other. We need to account for the spatial factors if we are to really understand the ways in which centres interact with each other. • Apply and verify the Space Syntax theory on a set of well studied centres (CABE/Buchanan 2007, Paved with Gold) Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul Hampstead Kilburn Swiss Cottage West Ealing Walworth Rd Chiswick log Choice RN Clapham Tooting Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout Streatham UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul Key questions: A. Are centres spatially distinguishable from non-centres? B. Is there a typology of centres? C. What is the relationship between the centre and its context? D. What spatial factors are a component of the value of centres? Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul Cl ap ha m Ro ad A. Centre - non-centre am Centre ph am Non-centre Cla log Choice R 2000m `Co mm on So uth Si d e h ap Cl gh Hi et re t S Non-centre We take the main high street (centre) and compare it with its linear extension to both sides (non-centre). Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul A. Centre - non-centre We compare centres and non-centres on a series of spatial variables. If the theory is right, we would expect that: 1. Centres have shorter segment lengths 2. Centres have higher local choice (path overlap) 3. The differences between centres and non-centres on choice will disappear as we increase the radius from local to global Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities Segment Length What do we find? i-VALUL iValul 160 Variables 1. In all cases, centres have shorter segment 140 lengths that non-centres, on average by 120 about 40% - a remarkably clear result 100 80 Non-Centre 60 40 1. Centre Observations segL max segL av ch300 Ch 400 Ch 800 Ch 2000 Ch10,000 n Centres 155.9 56.9 156.2 356.7 5632.4 9,3441 31,107,168 2,502,094,571 Noncentres 248.7 93.7 90.6 212.0 4,366.9 8,3634 32522119 2,502,215,728 % difference -39% -39% +72% +68% +29% +12% -4.5% 0.0% Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL Non-Centre iValul Regression Plot 2.25 Segment length for centres against non-centres covary, so there is a local segment length context. 2.2 logNC-seglenthAV 2.15 2.1 2.05 2 1.95 1.9 1.85 1.8 1.75 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.85 logC-seglengthAV Y = -.257 + 1.266 * X; R^2 = .75 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout 1.9 1.95 2 Centre UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities Choice 800m i-VALUL iValul Univariate Line Chart 6000 What do we find? 5000 1. Centres have shorter segment lengths Centre Variables 4000 2. In all cases, centres have higher local choice3000 2000 Non-Centre 1000 2. 0 Observations segL max segL av ch300 Ch 400 Ch 800 Ch 2000 Ch10,000 n Centres 155.9 56.9 156.2 356.7 5632.4 9,3441 31,107,168 2,502,094,571 Noncentres 248.7 93.7 90.6 212.0 4,366.9 8,3634 32522119 2,502,215,728 % difference -39% -39% +72% +68% +29% +12% -4.5% 0.0% Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities Choice 10,000m i-VALUL iValul 6E9 What do we find? 5E9 1. Centres have shorter segment lengths 2. Centres have higher local choice 3. But the difference disappears as we increase the radius from local to global) Variables 4E9 Centre 3E9 2E9 1E9 0 Non-Centre -1E9 Observations segL max segL av ch300 Ch 400 Ch 800 Ch 2000 Ch10,000 n Centres 155.9 56.9 156.2 356.7 5632.4 9,3441 31,107,168 2,502,094,571 Noncentres 248.7 93.7 90.6 212.0 4,366.9 8,3634 32522119 2,502,215,728 % difference -39% -39% +72% +68% +29% +12% -4.5% 0.0% Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout 3. UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul Choice R400 Choice R800 Choice R2000 700 600 500 Centre Centre Non-Centre Non-Centre Centre 400 300 200 100 Non-Centr 0 Choice R10000 Choice RN Centre Centre Non-Centre Non-Centre Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul 4.00 Centre Groups Centre – Non-centre variable for the 10 high streets at different radii. (Average Centre / Average non-centre) 3.00 2.00 Chisw ick av Kilburn av Sw iss Cottage av West Ealing av Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout Clapham av North Finchley av Tooting av CH_RN CH_R10000 CH_R7500 CH_R5000 CH_R4000 CH_R3000 CH_R2000 CH_R1200 CH_R800 CH_R600 CH_R400 0.00 CH_R300 1.00 Hampstead av Streatham av Walw orth Road av UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul 4.00 Group 1 3.00 2.00 Clapham av Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout Hampstead av Tooting av CH_RN CH_R10000 CH_R7500 CH_R5000 CH_R4000 CH_R3000 CH_R2000 CH_R1200 CH_R800 CH_R600 CH_R400 0.00 CH_R300 1.00 The centre segments have a slightly higher choice values (10-40%) than the non-centre segments from a radius of 400 to 3000m. They peak at 800m (Hampstead) and 1200 m (Clapham, Tooting), but this is not significantly higher than the other values. From a radius of 3000, only Hampstead and Tooting show higher values in the centre, while Clapham has higher non-centre values.) UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul Group 2 4.00 These centres have a small peak at local radius of 400m, stay significantly higher up to 1200m and decrease to similar values as the noncentre segments. (Streatham, Walworth Rd) 3.00 2.00 Streatham av Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout CH_RN CH_R10000 CH_R7500 CH_R5000 CH_R4000 CH_R3000 CH_R2000 CH_R1200 CH_R800 CH_R600 CH_R400 0.00 CH_R300 1.00 Walw orth Road av UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul 4.00 Group 3 These centres show a high peak (over 2) at a radius between 400m (Clapham, West Ealing), 600m (Swiss Cottage) and 800m (Kilburn) and decrease than to a level of 0.7 to 1.5 at higher radii. 3.00 2.00 Kilburn av North Finchley av Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout Sw iss Cottage av CH_RN CH_R10000 CH_R7500 CH_R5000 CH_R4000 CH_R3000 CH_R2000 CH_R1200 CH_R800 CH_R600 CH_R400 0.00 CH_R300 1.00 West Ealing av UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul Integration R400 Integration R800 Integration R2000 Centre Non-Centre Non-Centre Centre Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul B. Centre – context The relationship between local and global measures is crucial. Different centres behave differently. Let’s look at the differences between centres and their context – our second key variable along with centre - non-centre. Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul C. Centre – context How do centres stand out from their context? Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul We already know that centres vary on different radii: B. Centre – context Global movement Choice R400 Choice RN Up pe r Up pe r To oti To oti ng Ro ad ng Ro ad Local movement m ha itc m ha itc M M Rd Rd Tooting Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout Tooting UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul But can we measure how centres stand out from their context? C. Centre – context We do this by calculating the ratio between the spatial values of the segments in the centre and their context in different radii. In all cases the centre segments are sharply distinguished from their surrounding context. The difference increases with increasing radius Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Dev. Std. Error Count Minimum Maximum # Missing CC/ped800segA400avg 2.397 .609 .193 10 1.643 3.339 0 CC/ped800segA800avg 3.230 .696 .220 10 2.539 4.543 0 CC/ped800segA2000avg 4.356 .903 .286 10 3.019 5.584 0 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul How do centres stand out from their context? C. Centre – context Centre - Context CHOICE R2000 6 5 4 3 2 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout Hampstead Swiss Cottage North Finchley Clapham Chiswick West Ealing Kilburn Streatham Tooting 0 Walworth Road 1 UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul How do centres stand out from their context? C. Centre – context Regression Plot Centre-context ratio strongly correlates with pedestrian activity. 15000 14000 R15_pedactivity 13000 12000 The higher the ratio the higher the level of pedestrian activity 11000 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 CC/ped800segA2000avg Y = 1767.536 + 2016.606 * X; R^2 = .584 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout 5.5 6 UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul How do centres stand out from their context? C. Centre – context Regression Plot SE27_averagelocalexpenditure 240 Centre-context ratio correlates negatively with average local expenditure 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 CC/ped800segA2000avg Y = 295.955 - 33.851 * X; R^2 = .586 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout 5.5 6 UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul How do centres stand out from their context? C. Centre – context Regression Plot 70000 Centre-context ratio correlates with higher local population and employment densities 65000 totalPOP+EMP 60000 55000 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 CC/ped800segA2000avg Y = 9755.183 + 8954.775 * X; R^2 = .452 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout 5.5 6 UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul How do centres stand out from their context? C. Centre – context Regression Plot 1200 that it correlates weakly but negatively with Zone A rental values, with the highest values associated with the centre most integrated into its contextual area. R12_rentperzoneAsqm 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 CC/ped800segA2000avg Y = 1247.326 - 170.07 * X; R^2 = .354 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout 5.5 6 UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities Results i-VALUL iValul There is a generic economic value associated with the variables which distinguish a centre from its context, since these create the conditions for a successful centre in the first place. This however is realised in two different ways: 1. Popular centre - the centre is sharply distinguished from its context on choice - which has high local population and employment densities - has high rates of pedestrian activity - success comes from numbers rather than affluence - larger, less street oriented shops 2. Selective centre - the centre is more part of its context on choice - has lower local population and employment densities - lower rates of pedestrian activity - success comes more from high value and local affluence - smaller, more street oriented shops Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul Integration Integration R400 100 Hampstead C- K400_MD400_AV 95 90 85 Tooting Sw iss Cottage Walw orth Road North Finchley 80 75 70 65 60 the key selectives are the best integrated into their neighbourhoods at 400m but the top populars are also almost as good Streatham West Ealing Chisw ick Kilburn 55 Clapham 50 centre-context order Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul Integration R800 Integration 240 Sw iss Cottage C-K800_MD800_AV 230 220 Tooting 210 Walw orth Road and at 800 they are more similar North Finchley 200 190 Hampstead Streatham 180 170 160 Kilburn Chisw ick 150 140 130 West Ealing Clapham centre-context order Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul The starting point… Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul High street vitality Street design Street layout CABE (2007) Paved with Gold i-VALUL (2008) Formed of Gold? Vitality ££ Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul The Paved with Gold model Average zone A rent (£/m2) = constant + a*Vacant units variable + b*Local spending power + c*Competition factor + d* Street design quality var Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul A similar approach… Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul 1400 1200 observed Average retail zone A rent per sqm (£) Average zone A rent (£/m2) = regression constant + 1000 800 a* Local spending power + 600 b* Competition factor + 400 200 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout West Ealing Walworth Road Tooting Swiss Cottage Streatham North Finchley Kilburn Hampstead Clapham Chiswick 0 c* Local accessibility variable (Average Choice 800m) + d* Street design quality variable UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul But… Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul Street design quality can thought of as linear… … so improved access, attractiveness and performance are assumed to translate into ££’s Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul As seen in Prof Bill Hillier’s presentation • Centres are spatially distinguishable from non-centres • The formation of centres can be thought of as a process leading to different centres types (Popular centres, selective centres) • One main factor is the relationship centre – context Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul An alternative approach… …Can we explain total rateable value? Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul Correlation between Centre - Context variable and floorspace Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul 6.000 CCped800segA2000avg 5.500 Tooting Walworth Road Streatham Kilburn 5.000 West Ealing 4.500 4.000 Chiswick Clapham 3.500 North Finchley Swiss Cottage R Sq Linear = 0.196 Zone A floor space as a percentage of total floor space can be used an indicator of the extent to which a high street relies on frontage-focussed retail. Sites with a lower centre context indicator tend to have a more frontage-focussed retail offer. Hampstead 3.000 0.10 0.125 0.15 0.175 0.20 0.225 R8g_zoneAareatotalarea Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul Typology Hampstead and North Finchley: well embedded and high core penetration 6.000 CCped800segA2000avg 5.500 Tooting Walworth Road Clapham, Swiss Cottage, Chiswick: fairly well embedded and low core penetration Streatham 5.000 Kilburn West Ealing 4.500 4.000 Chiswick Clapham North Finchley 3.500 Swiss Cottage Hampstead Walworth, Kilburn, Streatham: nonembedded and low core penetration 3.000 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 R17_corepenetration Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout 0.05 0.06 0.07 Tooting, West Ealing: non-embedded and high core penetration UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 UrbanBuzz 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul 12,000,000 observed Total retail zone A rent (£) 10,000,000 regression Total rateable value (£) = constant 8,000,000 + 6,000,000 a* Total floorspace + 4,000,000 b* Average local spending power + 2,000,000 Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout West Ealing Walworth Road Tooting Swiss Cottage Streatham North Finchley Kilburn Hampstead Clapham Chiswick 0 c* Local accessibility variable (Average Choice 800m) d* Centre context dummy (Centre/Context > 4.5 = 1) UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008 4.1 Knowledge Integration KIT3 - Centres UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities i-VALUL iValul Some conclusions • Evidence that the spatial accessibility of the centre especially at a local radius up to 2 km is important for its performance • Evidence that the street layout of the context is important for high street performance • Differentiation of centre types according to centre-context relationship • Promising approach for evaluating alternative floorspace scenarios Mid Term Event i-VALUL the intangible value of urban layout UrbanBuzz © Space Syntax 2008