.'i , -.- G ~THE VE~OR . I; b " .. , *++I "h1.equiredby m a s Wl Statutes. M c l e 6252-13aM,the Zkxm Rsgister publishes executive - &,ad&issued by the Governor af Ilexas. Appointments and pmdamations are also published. -&pointmennfs are published in chrom1ogical order. Additional information on documents for publication by the Governois Office can be obtained by calling (512)463-1828. *a + ,,,..,. 4.: ., . '.f,.' ti .. . . > .: (,.: . . .. . . ' ' . .; .. , ..'. ?.L %.c. .:& . . ;.;, .. . ' a:;. . ti . .- ,.b!+ . : $: .,:,: v (iii) make recommendations as to how all Texas citizen$ may Exewgve Order ... '5. THE; SP&IE OF TEXAS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, OFFlCE OF THE GOVERNOR-AUSIXN, TEXAS, EXECUTIVE ORDER GWB 00-1 ,., 4 : .!. , . , . y<. &,! a. .+ I . . I ., ..--.; . >, .. .a> ' ,-; RELATING TO CONSERVATION , >: .: -REAS,. the State of Texas has perhaps the most diverse:natural . . resources of all 50 states; and these resources contribute directly to :~.;a.. .. . .,, !, ;.'. the State's economy and quality of life; and . .:... .... .,u : . . . .. .,q . .-. WHEREAS,consendon and yise utilization of these resources is a to many factors, including rapid population loss of natural areas, c o m t s associakd with the risiog ddfor access to the outdoors: J. > : L.. !. benefit from the many forms of economic activity ~sociatedwith natural resources, including hunting, fishing, other fonns of &door recreation, and nature to&, and (iv) provide specific recommendations as to how the state. in partnership with other goverpment entities, private landowners and community-based groups can better meet the conservation and outdoor recreation needs of the State of Texas in the future. The Task Force shall have no final action authority. ,i-. , _ I . ninety-seven percent of the Texas landscape privately the most serious"consercFation challenges in the st$e;is.the continued breakup of family lands; and .. REAS, AS, many institutiok in Texas, including private landown-, ?'!b.-ii. . . . .. as~intai-profit o r g ~ n sand , public agencies have contributed to . . I.&. .... ;;:~$it$,g~eraI health of.these resources in Texas today; and . ...,.. . . ,.-.. ..., .- , ."*k"%,.:i ,-. :.-;,:" . nature burism offers =,+iting economic development .:. . , arising fsom .Texas9great natural d i ~ w i t y ;and . .,. . - . ,&$-8ies .;,!,C, . :$&a@, The Governor shall appoint the members of the Task Force and he shall designate a chair. The Task Force shall include members of non-profit conservation organizations, private landowners, persons affiliated with statewide conservation efforts, and community leaders. The Task Force chair shall convene the Task Force'at the earliest practicable time after appointment and shall accomplish its charge by November 1,2000. It shall submit to 'the Govexnor a written summary . of its findings and recommendations by November 1,2000. The Task Foace shall meet as frequently as necessary upon call of the Chair. A majority of the membership shall constitute .a quo& for the purpose of conducting the business of the Task Porce. i l i ..,. . .. .. .".,., ... , , ;a Wi%s, . .. *as h9s an extensive system of State and local parks ...;$..":.; .:..-..6+t&$Wbute diectly to its qua'& of life, but are cwrently overtaxed ,..a7.t*.:3*;e. ,. . ,$.{dd*3$ttp:~ased demand, aging infrastructure, and insufficient. .,< ,&,i&&i;&.j ,:. , ~ ;.!. -.,..A.., ,,., *.., .. ,zs.j 7. : ;,:.>, 7 L . ::a:':. .. ., ~, .: . .. .,. . . ..\. .. ::, :. . -+v&, placing-tools and incentives in the hands of private .~l&'&;?r<g!, $ partnering with local communities have been suc- . : , c ; ~ ' ~ : i %. i p r v $ o nstrategies for the state; and' .. . ( .. '.. , . , WBEKEM, . ...... . .. .. :Texas should encourage responsible stewardship and ::. <. enh&+ outdoor recreational opporhrnities to ensure that future :. . ,; . t g & d n s can enjoy the state's abundant beauty and natural . .. .., . ' :. ;:. :. :,-*ources; . . .. . ., ,.. -*OW;T&D?,REFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, GOVERNOR OF .. : ... .. - .. .'EEX@, undw the authority vested in me, do hereby create and . . : '*&Wish the Governor's Task Force on Conservation to serve in an .. , . . ; advisory.capacity to the Governor. This Task Force shall (I) examhie the impact of fragmentation on lands in Texas and the wilWe habitat located thereon; The members of the Task Force shall serve without salary. Reasonable and necessary travel and per diem expenses may be reimbursed when such expenses are incurred in direct performance of official duties, but such reimbursement shall not exceed $80 per day as permitted by Article M,Section 33, of the Texas General Appropriations Act This Executive Order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me. George W. Bush, Governor of Texas Filed: February 14, 2000 , " :. <,,, .i Clr ' .' "' , -. :,.. , , , . +. . .':.a> ($),.make rewmmendations as . .to appropriate incentives and tools - . ,. . t y l e 0 assist landowners in .. . ..!:...y"fp,~%ing lands htheir ste-&hip; ,,?',.:,>?<': ., . ; .*,...4T:...~. A:~;. *. ..P, l,:*i ; :...,: . $;&j>: . . ;.. . more effectively c o n h g and THE STATE OF TEXAS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, OFFTCE OF THE GOVERNOR-AUSTIN, TEXAS EXECUTIVE ORDER GWB 00-1A RELATING TO AMENDllVG THE ORDER ESTABWSHRVG THE GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE ON CONSERVATION WHEREAS, the Governor has established the Governor's Task Force on Conservation; and WHEREAS, the Governor has determined that the members of the Task Force should be reimbursed for necessary and reasonable travel expenses associated with conducting the official duties of the Task Force; and ,.$+'% . GOVERNOR March 10, 2000 25 TexReg i921 =.<ne. cG'!,J,:, $:*&.;,; .:.,' .,,'. L :' , .. . .-