Pragmatic Analysis of Crowd-Based Knowledge Production Systems with

AAAI Technical Report SS-12-06
Wisdom of the Crowd
Pragmatic Analysis of Crowd-Based Knowledge Production Systems with
iCAT Analytics: Visualizing Changes to the ICD-11 Ontology
Jan Pöschko and Markus Strohmaier
Knowledge Management Institute, Graz University of Technology,
Inffeldgasse 21a/II, 8010 Graz, Austria
Tania Tudorache and Natalya F. Noy and Mark A. Musen
Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research,
1265 Welch Road, Stanford, CA 94305-5479, USA
While in the past taxonomic and ontological knowledge was
traditionally produced by small groups of co-located experts,
today the production of such knowledge has a radically different shape and form. For example, potentially thousands
of health professionals, scientists, and ontology experts will
collaboratively construct, evaluate and maintain the most recent version of the International Classification of Diseases
(ICD-11), a large ontology of diseases and causes of deaths
managed by the World Health Organization. In this work,
we present a novel web-based tool—iCAT Analytics—that
allows to investigate systematically crowd-based processes
in knowledge-production systems. To enable such investigation, the tool supports interactive exploration of pragmatic
aspects of ontology engineering such as how a given ontology
evolved and the nature of changes, discussions and interactions that took place during its production process. While
iCAT Analytics was motivated by ICD-11, it could potentially be applied to any crowd-based ontology-engineering
project. We give an introduction to the features of iCAT Analytics and present some insights specifically for ICD-11.
Figure 1: The iCAT platform allows users to edit the ICD-11
ontology with domain specific content. This view shows a
hierarchy of the concepts (categories) in the ontology to the
left and the detailed view of the properties for one particular
concept to the right. Other views allow to browse notes and
to manage the hierarchy.
makings. The most important contribution of ICD is that it
enables the exchange of comparable data from different regions, and it allows the comparison of different populations
over long periods of time (Israel 1978).
The previous revisions of ICD pursued a traditional
knowledge-production process, where committees behind
closed doors made the decisions on what to include in
the classification. For the 11th revision, WHO pursues an
open crowd-based approach, in which experts all around the
world are contributing to the content using a Web platform
similar—at least in some ways—to Wikipedia. In the current
alpha phase of the project, around 70 international experts
work on the ICD-11 ontology using the ICD-11 Collaborative Authoring Tool (Tudorache et al. 2010) (iCAT; see Figure 1). iCAT is a custom-tailored version of WebProtégé, a
general collaborative ontology-authoring tool (Tudorache et
al. 2011). We designed iCAT specifically for the development of ICD-11. In the beta phase starting in May 2012, potentially thousands of other contributors will join this WHO
effort to produce ICD-11 by 2015. iCAT provides a collaborative Web-based platform that presents the underlying
ICD-11 ontology in a user-friendly way. It shows users the
disease characteristics (represented as OWL ontology properties) as simple Web forms that they need to fill in.
Ontologies are widely used to represent taxonomic and other
types of knowledge. With recent advances in collaborative and web technologies, large-scale ontology engineering projects increasingly seek out crowd-based strategies for
supporting the process of knowledge production. Towards
this end, researchers have proposed several ways in which
these strategies can be applied (Simperl and Luczak-Rösch
2011). However, with increasing social and ontological
complexity, such systems require effective analytical tools
and methods to understand and interpret pragmatic aspects
of crowd-based knowledge production, and how pragmatics
(the way users interact with one another and with the system) influence the collective product (the ontology).
In this demonstration paper, we will present an analytical tool—iCAT Analytics—that we developed to investigate the knowledge-production process behind the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11)
managed by the World Health Organization (WHO). ICD is
used worldwide to compile morbidity and mortality statistics, to monitor health-related spending and to inform policy
c 2012, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Copyright Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
Table 1: Examples for the measures of conflict and author contributions on one concept with several properties. Letters represent
individual edits made by the corresponding users. Vertical lines indicate session boundaries.
Property Authors of changes
Overrides Edit sessions
Distinct authors
(sorted by time)
by property
overall measure
In this paper, we present a web-based tool that allows analysts to investigate the knowledge-production process for
ICD-11. Specifically, the analysts can investigate the following interactive networks that the tool provides:
1. concepts, their properties, and their respective number of
changes, notes, and various other measures;
2. authors and their relations through mutually edited concepts and overrides; and
3. properties attached to concepts and their relations
through follow-up changes.
WebProtégé and, hence, iCAT offer extensive collaboration features and functionality. In addition to editing the
ontology collaboratively, users may add threaded notes attached directly to ontology classes that enable them to have
contextualized discussion as part of the development process. WebProtégé tracks all the changes and notes that the
users make in a structured log (Noy et al. 2006). We have
been maintaining this log in iCAT since November 2009 and
using this data for analytical purposes provides great insight
into the ICD-11 development process so far. See our previous work (Pöschko et al. 2012) for a detailed description of
the dataset and the underlying model.
In order to understand the pragmatic history of such
knowledge-production systems, and to gain both a quick
overview and deeper insights into what areas are active,
conflicted or neglected, we need effective analytical instruments. The main contribution of this demonstration paper is
the introduction of a novel analytical tool that (i) has been
applied to a very large collaborative ontology-engineering
project and (ii) has the potential to increase our ability to
make sense out of the complex dynamics and processes behind crowd-based knowledge production systems.
Providing this information has several purposes:
• Content editors see what concepts are “trending” and can
plan their own efforts accordingly. They might be motivated by comparing their own contributions to others.
• Managing editors get an overview of the whole ontology
engineering process and the current state of the ontology
in terms of its history. They can evaluate collaboration
between authors and set future goals and milestones accordingly.
• Ontology engineers see what parts of the ontology have
been actively used and which parts have been neglected,
giving them hints about possible improvements in the underlying model or at least in the communication of the
meaning of certain properties to the editors.
The general goal is to provide further insights into specific
knowledge production processes, with special focus on the
social context of the production. Our tool is released via
open-source software licenses1 and is in active use in the
development process for ICD-11.2
Materials and Methods
In this section, we define the dataset that we use in our analysis, present the measures for identifying conflicts in the
knowledge production, describe the typical user interaction
in iCAT Analytics, and provide implementation details.
iCAT Analytics can naturally handle data from any ontology that is edited using WebProtégé and iCAT, which is a
customization of WebProtégé. But iCAT Analytics is easily extensible to visualize pragmatic aspects related to arbitrary ontology engineering projects, given that data about
changes and possibly notes is available. Specifically, the tool
assumes the following datasets:
• the ontology characterized by concepts and relations
among them. In the case of ICD-11, which is primarily
a taxonomy, we focus on parent–child (“is-a”) relations;
• changes and notes to the ontology identified by their respective author, by the affected concept, its properties (if
any) and a timestamp.
In the current stage of ICD-11, we deal with 119,382
changes and 27,181 notes by 68 different authors. The data
in iCAT Analytics is updated frequently through automatic
mechanisms, to reflect changes in the underlying process.
Defining and Measuring Conflict
A large part of our analysis focuses on areas of conflict in
the ontology. Because there is no explicit notion of a revert
in a non-version-controlled system such as ICD-11—as opposed to Wikipedia, for instance—we define an alternative
construct of “conflict” for the purpose of our study object
(ICD-11). Specifically, we say that there is a conflict if there
are subsequent edits that, at least partially, undo previous
edits to a concept.
In this work, we focus on conflict in property values, leaving out changes to the hierarchy of the taxonomy. This approach is reasonable, as 76.8% of all changes affect property values. Another 10.9% of changes are class creation
and users hardly ever reverse a class-creation operation. We
use the following three measures to analyze the changes in
property values:
• Overrides is the number of times one author edits the
same property as another author did previously.
• Edit sessions is the number of changes grouped by consecutive changes by the same author on the same property.
• Distinct authors by property counts the number of distinct
authors for each property and sums over all properties.
Table 1 illustrates these measures.
User Interaction in iCAT Analytics
The typical way of interacting with iCAT Analytics is
through visualizations of weighted networks, i.e., sets of
nodes (with different sizes and possibly colors) and connecting edges (with different sizes). Table 2 presents a list of the
available node weights.
We use either the twopi (radial) or sfdp (multi-scale forcebased “spring model”) layout of Graphviz (Ellson et al.
2003) for network layout. While the radial layout is better
suited for a hierarchical taxonomy such as ICD-11, a forcebased layout could be more appropriate for other ontologies
and networks.
A user can browse the visual networks by scrolling around
using common drag-and-drop principles, and by zooming
in and out using either the mouse wheel or dedicated zoom
buttons. A button allows a user to jump to the center of
the graph quickly. We designed the general look-and-feel to
resemble common applications such as Google Maps.3
For large networks with tens of thousands of nodes (the
network of concepts, in our case), it is not useful to display all of them at the same time, especially because in this
case we focus on the attributes of individual nodes (their
size and color) and not on the overall layout of the network.
To account for this, iCAT Analytics displays only the most
“important” nodes in a given view, where we compute the
importance of a node based on the weight function the user
chooses. Given the coordinates of the user view’s bounding box, we select the displayed part of the network in the
following way:
Figure 2: Titles of nodes are shown as users move a cursor
over them. Related nodes are highlighted and a short form
of their respective title is shown as well.
Additional Rankings and Details
In addition to the network views for categories, authors, and
properties, there are overview pages in iCAT Analytics that
show the corresponding entities ranked by the different features. These pages allow users to find quickly the most (or
least) changed concepts in the system, the most active users,
etc., without having to scan through the whole network visualization (which provides an overview but not a linear ranking).
Clicking on nodes leads to a page with details for the corresponding concept, author, or property (Figure 3). This
page provides information about the history of a concept,
answering questions such as,
• when was it edited the last time?
• How was work on the concept distributed over time?
• How was work distributed among authors?
Implementation Details
1. The bounding box is divided into 10 × 10 raster boxes.
For each box, the node with the highest weight is selected.
We implemented iCAT Analytics largely in Python4 using
the Django Web framework.5 For network calculations, we
use NetworkX (Hagberg, Schult, and Swart 2008), employing Graphviz (Ellson et al. 2003) for computing graph layouts. We export the iCAT data using the Protégé6 API and
store it in a MySQL database.
On the client side, we use JavaScript with AJAX (“Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”) to load dynamically and to
display parts of the networks. We maintain this part in a
separate open-source project.7
2. All nodes on a directed path from any selected node to
the root node are selected, too.
3. All edges between any two selected nodes are selected.
Step 2 allows us to provide the context for each node (concept). Without information about the parents of a concept, it
would not be possible for the user to make sense of individual nodes.
Showing all node titles at the same time would produce
too much visual clutter. However, when the user moves the
cursor over specific nodes, we show their title, highlight related nodes and show a shortened version of their respective
titles (Figure 2).
Figure 3: Category detail page showing a timeline of the
number of changes and notes on the concept, a chart depicting the contributions of different authors, and a list of parents and children of the concept. Further down (not visible
in this screenshot) would be a detailed list of all changes and
Figure 4: The main view of iCAT Analytics showing the ontology with concept nodes sized according to their respective number of changes, and edges denoting parent-child relations. The color of the nodes is blue for categories that are
ready for public consideration, yellow for work-in-progress
and red for categories that need sufficiently more work.
Network Views
The user can select to display the network of categories, authors, or properties.
where authors have been active, and what kind of contributions they have made. Figure 5 shows two examples of
such networks. Figure 5(a) suggests that it corresponds to
a kind of “ontology manager” who mostly makes high-level
changes across all branches of the ontology, whereas 5(b)
seems to represent a different kind of user—a “domain expert” (Falconer, Tudorache, and Noy 2011)—who focuses
on one particular part of the ontology.
Network of Categories
The categories network shows the concepts in the ontology
and their parent–child relations. The user can choose one
of several node weight functions, which we use (1) to select
the nodes that the tool displays (see the previous section),
and (2) to size them accordingly. Table 2 presents a list of
all features and the corresponding questions that analysis of
these features can answer.
The color of the nodes reflects their display status, which
is assigned by the editors of the ontology:
Network of Authors
In the network of authors, nodes represent users in the
ontology-engineering process. iCAT Analytics provides two
different ways for linking these nodes:
• red: the concept requires sufficiently more work;
1. Mutually touched categories shows edges between authors weighted according to the number of concepts that
both authors edited or annotated; node sizes reflect the total number of changes by each author. This view gives
an overview of the state of collaboration in a crowd-based
knowledge-production system.
• yellow: the concept is being edited, but it is not ready yet;
• blue: all aspects of the concept have been edited and it is
ready for public consideration.
Nodes that have not been assigned a display status are gray.
Figure 4 shows a screenshot of categories with their respective number of changes.
This visualization provides a quick overview of the current production system state, displaying how the status is
distributed and nested. For example, Figure 4 shows that
one branch of the ontology (XII ’Diseases of the skin’) is almost entirely blue, meaning that it is close to being finished.
Apart from that branch, blue nodes are rather spread out,
suggesting that editors often mark a concept as ready even
when its parents and children are not yet ready.
In addition to the overall view of concepts and corresponding features, iCAT Analytics also allows users to focus
on individual authors and to view the network of concepts
that they changed. This analysis can be interesting both to
the users themselves and to managers to get an overview of
2. Overrides (Figure 6) weighs edges according to the number of changes by one author that were overridden by another author; node sizes reflect the fraction of changes by
an author that were overridden. This view answers both
the question of who gets contradicted most often and the
question of who contradicts them.
Network of Properties
In the network of properties, nodes correspond to the properties in the ontology and weighted edges indicate the number of follow-ups on a different property, i.e., the number of
changes of a given property that were followed by a change
on a given other property. This view can be further restricted
Table 2: Features that users can select as node weights and to sort concepts, and the questions they address.
Question addressed
Changes and notes history
Number of changes
Where are highly edited areas in the ontology?
Number of notes
Where are highly discussed areas in the ontology?
Changes + notes
Where are highly active areas in the ontology?
Distinct authors of changes / notes
Which concepts attract many different authors?
Authors Gini coefficient
Which concepts are edited more “democratically”, i.e., in a more evenly
distributed manner? Contrarily, where are areas that are dominated by many
changes by a single author?
Which concepts cause most dispute?
Edit sessions
Where are highly active areas (modulo consecutive changes of the same
property by the same author)?
Distinct authors by property
Which concepts have many properties that are edited by many different authors?
Network features
Number of parents
Which concepts have many parents? (This is particularly interesting in the
case of ICD-11, as multiple parents were not possible in ICD-10 and are
therefore introduced gradually.)
Number of children
Which concepts have many children?
Depth in network
Which concepts are very deep in the taxonomy?
Betweenness centrality (directed)
What are central concepts in the taxonomy?
Betweenness centrality (undirected) ”
Pagerank, Closeness centrality
to the follow-ups that happened within three hours. Figure 7
shows a portion of the resulting network in iCAT Analytics.
This network visualization aims to provide new insights
for the creators of the ontology and the pragmatic usage of
it. Strong connections between properties suggest that
• there is a strong semantic relation between them, and
• they should probably be placed close together in the user
interface for the editors.
Examining these questions is already interesting for the limited collaboration that has happened so far in the process of
ICD-11, but it will be even more useful to monitor crowd behavior and processes continuously when the system is open
to a much broader public. Furthermore, iCAT Analytics can
potentially be used in other knowledge production contexts
that focus on ontologies as a collective product.
There are several extensions to the tool that would be interesting to pursue:
1. Providing a way to compare different “snapshots” of the
ontology over time could be useful to monitor recent
Discussion and Conclusions
In this paper, we presented a novel web-based tool, iCAT
Analytics, that enables users to explore pragmatic aspects of
crowd-based knowledge-production systems. Our tool focuses on analyzing changes and notes that were made during
the production process. The way we present this data visually allows users to get a quick overview of what happens in
the ontology. Particularly, it indicates
• which areas in the ontology have been actively edited and
which areas have been neglected;
• which concepts are edited more “democratically” than
others, i.e., what are the relative contributions of different authors to the concept;
• how work is distributed among authors;
• which areas are disputed, i.e., have many concepts with
conflicts among the editors;
• what authors collaborate with each other and to what extend they contradict each other;
• how properties in the ontology are used and in which order.
2. Integrating more aspects of “rewarding” authors for their
contributions could encourage broader participation.
3. A deeper integration into iCAT itself (or other ontology
engineering tools) would be desirable, especially in combination with 2.
We are grateful to our WHO collaborators for giving us the opportunity to participate in the ICD-11 project and to analyze the iCAT
log data; especially, we want to thank Bedirhan Üstün for helpful discussions. This work was generously funded by a Marshall
Plan Scholarship with support from Graz University of Technology. The work on iCAT and the generation of the change logs is
partially supported by the NIGMS Grant 1R01GM086587.
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