Slow neutrons and their role to test gravity Testing Gravity 2015 16.01.2015 Gunther Cronenberg Dark Matter & Dark Energy Search • galaxy rotation problem • Supernova Ia • cosmic microwave background (CMB) experimental evidence for Dark Matter (DM) and Dark Energy (DE) Planck 2013 results, arXiv:1303.5076 limits of 2 parts in 10' . Furthermore, it has been shown that the gravity acceleration is independent of the composition of matter within one part in 10".' Thus it may be concluded that neutrons and protons bound in nuclei experience the same gravitational acceleration within about 10 "4g/g. On the other hand the behavior of free particles, atoms, ' neutrons, electrons, ' and photons" in the earth's gravitational field has been studied with lower accuracy of about only one part in 10' or 10'. Among the particles, the neutron is best suited for a study of the gravitational force in the "quantum limit"" since it may experience the gravity simultaneously while reacting as a matter wave. Thus, experiments with freely falling matter waves may provide a direct proof of the statement that the action of gravity does not affect the validity of the quantum physical laws for matter waves. A verification of this fact includes also the verification of the Einstein equivalence principle. On the other hand, experiments with freely falling neutrons in the "classical" limit, without neutron reactions other than simple detection, are not suitable for verifying the equivalence. In this note I will report on evaluations of exact measurements of scattering length for slow neutrons which led to a direct verification of the equivalence for the neutron in the quantum limit. within stringent dependent on and independent of gravity. The gravity-dependent measurements were made in the neutron gravity ref ractometer. In this device (see Fig. 1) very slow neutrons are reflected from liquid mirrors after having fallen a distance h. By the free fall they gain an energy mgfh in the direction of gravity. If this energy equals the potential energy of neutrons inside the mirror substance (scattering length b, N atoms per cm') the relation '' Neutrons & Gravity ""' First experiments: • COW (1975): first observation of gravitational shift for neutrons m g, h, = 2~5'm. -'Nb is valid. h, denotes the critical height for total reflection. Measurements of h, for liquid lead' and previous experiments" on liquid bismuth yielded values for the scattering length bf listed in line 12 of Table I. These quantities were calculated with effective values h,* for the critical height of — Nb& —m, m g&h,*/2vh' = test equality of inertial and gravitational mass II. METHOD AND RESULT by scattering measurements From the length experimentally (with high accuracy) ym~ ,g,*h2/sv'. The equivalence fa. ctor y = (m,./m)(gz/g, ) was taken to be unity. If this assumption is not fulfilled, Köster (1976): • fall" according to m ain . slit K1 K3 K2 K5 -„t0 "or 9 a K4 ~ beam 0 axis 0 O Ch confirmed principle of the universality of free fall it follows that the gravitational accelerations mirror of the free neutron (gz) and of bulk matter, the 0 20 40 100 m 60 80 local value (g, ), are equal. Thus, neutron exFIG. 1. Principle of the neutron gravity refractometer. which result periments in value for the a equiKl, . . . , Kg: slits and stopper for the neutron beam Colella, R., Overhauser, A., & Werner, S. (1975). Physical Review Letters, 34(23), 1472 = valence factor (Ref. 8). /m)(gz/g, ) provide a test Koester, L. (1976).Physical Reviewy D,(m, 14(4), 1F I 14 907 I I I I I I I Ultra/Very Cold Neutrons 6.5 m/s UCN VCN! ⇡ 1.5nm 15nm ⇠ 50nm Ekin ⇡ (50 Neutron: • no electric charge • small polarisability • total reflection for even big angles (VCN < 1°) absorption ! courtesy of C. Plonka nEDM UCN/VCN source: PF2 at ILL 300)neV (11.6 ± 1.5) · 10 4 fm3 / 10 19 ↵atom |dn | < 2.9 ⇥ 10 26 ecm • • 50 m/s Baker, C. A., et al. (2006), Physical Review Letters, 97(13) UCNs in the gravity field 90° 40 30 20 10 0 40 30 20 10 0 V.I. Luschikov and A.I. Frank, JETP Lett. 28 559 (1978) V. Nesvizhevsky et al., Nature, 415 297 (2002) UCNs in the gravity field Schrödinger eq. with linearized gravity potential • ' !2 ∂2 $ %% − + mgz ""ϕ n ( z ) = Enϕ n ( z ) 2 & 2m ∂z # & z En # & z En # ϕ n ( z ) = an Ai $ − ! + bn Bi $ − ! % z0 E0 " % z0 E0 " • • bound, discrete states Non-equidistant energy levels bc: ϕ n (0) = 0, 40 30 state 1 energy #1.41#peV 20 10 0 2 #2.46#peV 3 #3.32#peV ϕ n (l ) = 0 7< =6A5:7C; D:>E A96EC:57F? =:;@65C;6> BCN967C<5F 65E F< <5[? 7@:5 7@: =<7C<5 <G 7@: 5:879<5F ;65 N: E:;<8K>:E C57< C5E:K:5E:57 B:97C;6> 65E @<9CT<576> ;<=K<5:57F4 #@: A96BC767C<56> G<9;: 6;7F <5 7@: B:97C;6> ;<=K<5:57 <5>L? 65E C5 7@CF EC9:;7C<5 3: 7@:5 <N76C5 7@: K<7:57C6> 3:>> 7@67 >:6EF 7< 7@: ;<5F:M8:5;:F E:F;9CN:E 6N<B:4 !< G<9;:F 6;7 <5 7@: @<9CT<576> B:><;C7L ;<=K<5:574 \5 <9E:9 7< G897@:9 ;@696;7:9CT: <89 :JK:9C=:57? 3: @6B: 7< =6]: 8F: <G 7@: 85;:976C57L K9C5;CK>:? 3@C;@ 9:>67:F 7@: c>65] ;<5F7657 Z! ! W!W # ,2!,W :( F[ 7< 7@: =C5C=6> 7C=: K:9C<E !"? E89C5A 3@C;@ M86578= F767:F ;65 N: 9:F<>B:E 3C7@ 65 :5:9AL ECGG:9:5;: !! U !" ! !"!!4 #@:9:G<9:? 7@: B:97C;6> :5:9AL F;6>: <G 7@: M86578= >:B:>F !, ! ,!+, K:( 9:M8C9:F 7@67 !" ! 2!- =F4 " ;<=K9<=CF: @6F 7< N: G<85E N:73::5 7@: >:5A7@ <G 7@: 9:b:;7C5A =C99<9 65E 7@: @<9CT<576> B:><;C7L <G 5:879<5F4 S: @6B: 8F:E =C99<9F 3C7@ 6 >:5A7@ 2009 <G ,2 ;=? 65E 5:879<5F 3C7@ 6 B:><;C7L <G ",2 = F!,4 " K<3:9G8> et 67al.7@: F<89;: <G 8>796;<>E 5:879<5F Z$O![,,R,+? Della 3@C;@ Valle <K:967:F ,7@: 5:879<5F 3C7@ \5F7C787: *68:I*65A:BC5? d9:5<N>: ? K9<BCE:F Gravitational Cavity Photon Bouncing F8;@ B:><;C7L4 #@: :5:9AL !, ;<99:FK<5EF C5 7@: ;>6FFC;6> 6KK9<JCI =67C<5 7< 7@: B:97C;6> B:><;C7L ;<=K<5:57 % ! ,!. ;= F!, ? 3@C;@ CF FCA5CD;657>L F=6>>:9 7@65 7@: @<9CT<576> B:><;C7L ;<=K<5:574 \G 3: >:7 7@: 5:879<5F bL _F>CA@7>L 8K369EFV ZF:: PCA4 1[? 7@:L 3C>> G<>><3 6 K696N<>C; 796`:;7<9L E8: 7< A96BC7L4 "7 7@: =6JC=8= <G 7@: K696N<>6 7@:C9 B:97C;6> 2002B:><;C7L ;<=K<5:57 3C>> N: T:9< C5 7@: ;>6FFC;6> 6KK9<JC=67C<5? 65E 3C>> 7@:5 C5;9:6F: 6A6C54 #< >C=C7 7@: B:97C;6> Abele et al. K696>>:> 7< 7@: N<77<= B:><;C7L Nesvizhevsky, ;<=K<5:57? 3: 8F: 65 6NF<9N:9 =C99<9 65E K>6;:E 6N<B: C7 of ZF::UCN PCA4 1[4gravity #@: ECF765;: Demonstation statesN:73::5 6NF<9N:9 65E =C99<9 ;65 N: 6E`8F7:E4 6NF<9N:94 # ;<=K<5:5 ;<=K<5:5 6E`8F7=:57 \E:6>>L? G9< G85;7C<5 <G M86578= F FK67C6> 3CE F@69K>L4 P8 F=6>>:9 7@6 F@<8>E 6A6C ;>6FFC;6> E F7:K3CF: C5 7@67 ;>6FFC; 6EEC7C<56> C5;9:6F: C5 7@: ><3:F7 Ball N:;68F: C5 =6JC=6>4 #@: :GG:; 7@: :JK:;76 :5;L <G 7@: ;>:69>L <NF: 7@: FK67C6> _EC6=:7:9V 7@: 3CE7@ < G<9 5:879<5 98>: <87 65 7@: F@6K: < B6>8: <G 7@: Absorber <5 7@: B:97 Neutron 8K 7< ,- " detector F8GD;C:57>L Collimator Bottom mirrors 6>7@<8A@ 7@ 5:879<5 36 F>C7 CF 9:6>> ~10 cm 7965F=CFFC< E<:F 5<7 !"#$%& ' !"#$%& $' &() )*+),-.)/&0 1() 2-.-&"&-$/ $' &() 3),&-4"2 3)2$4-&# 4$.+$/)/& :JK:9C=:57 5)+)/56 $/ &() ,)2"&-3) +$6-&-$/ $' &() "76$,7), "/5 .-,,$,0 1$ 2-.-& &() ($,-8$/&"2 3)2$4-&# et al.,)/&,# Appl. Phys. B, 407()-:(& (1992) PCA89: + 4$.+$/)/& 9)H. %6)Wallis "/ "55-&-$/"2 4$22-."&$,0 1()54 ,)2"&-3) "/5 6-8) $' &() )/&,# 7965F=CFFC< 4$22-."&$, 4"/V. 7)Nesvizhevsky "5;%6&)50 et al., Nature, 415 297 (2002) G. Della Valle et al., PRL, 102 (2009) Quantum Bouncer 1971,1974 Langhoff, Gibbs The Quantum Bouncer 1992 Wallis et al. Trapping Atoms in a 1978 Lushchikov, Frank Quantum Bouncer with UCN P.W. Langhoff, Am. J. Phys. 39, 954 (1971) R. Gibbs, American Journ. o. Phys. 43 25 (1975) V.I. Luschikov and A.I. Frank, JETP Lett. 28 559 (1978) *+, © 2002 Macmillan Magazines qBounce: Timeline 2009 Jenke et al. First Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy 2007-2009 Jenke et al. qBouncer 2012 Cronenberg, TJ, HF, MT et al. Full 3-part Rabi like setup 2014 Thalhammer, TJ, TR et al. qBouncer 2010, 2011 Jenke, GC et al. Axion, Chameleon measurements H. Filter Neutron charge ω pq !" B FIG. 2: Proposed experimental setup. Region 1: Preparation in a specific quantum state, e.g. state one with polarizer. Reg 2: Application of first π/2-flip. Region 3: Flight path with length L. Region 4: Application of second π/2-flip. Region 5: St analyzer T. Jenke et al., NIM A 611 318 (2009) H. Abele et. al., Nucl. Phys A827, 593c (2009) V.I. Luschikov and A.I. Frank, JETP Lett. 28 559 (1978) of the Airy function, Ai(−ϵn ) = 0, due to the boundary condition ψn (0) = 0. For zero electric charge of the neutron, the eigenenergies of the quantum bouncer are En(0) = ϵn mg z0 (q = 0) , (11) (0) 2. a region, where one applies a π/2 pulse creat the superposition of the two states, whose ene difference should be measured, 3. a region, where the phase evolves, 4. a second region to read the relative phase by app ing a second π/2 pulse, and finally Quantum Bouncer step: 60 µm Rabis method A magnet C scatterer scatterer UCN B magnet 1 neutron mirror 1 → 4 neutron mirror ω pq 1? neutron mirror counter Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy • Rabi scatterer scatterer 1 → 4 1 UCN neutron mirror neutron mirror ω pq E = hν 1 ? counter neutron mirror Transm 1.0 0.8 0.6 transitions induced by mechanical oscillations or magnetic fields 0.4 0.2 f [Hz] 300 400 500 600 700 800 Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy • Rabi (2012) scatterer scatterer 1 UCN neutron mirror 1 → 4 1 ? neutron mirror ω pq neutron mirror • First realisation (2009, 2010) scatterer UCN ω pq counter neutron mirror ω pq T. Jenke et al.: “Realization of a gravity-resonance-spectroscopy technique” Nature Physics 7, 468–472 (2011) counter symmetry. The non-observation of an nEDM at current sensitivity levels constrains the CP violating term (θ-term) in the Lagrangian of the strong interaction to be nine orders of magnitude smaller than naturally expected [7]. This fact is known as the strong CP problem and a solution to it was proposed in [8], where the spontaneously broken Peccei-Quinn symmetry was introduced. A new pseudoscalar boson emerges from this symmetry, the axion [9, 10]. An intrinsic feature of the Peccei-Quinn model is a fixed relation between mass and interaction strength of the axion. The originally assumed symmetry breaking scale (corresponding to the electroweak scale) was ruled out, leaving only higher energy scales possible. For the axion one thus expects a small mass and a feeble interaction with other particles. The possible mass of the axion is constrained by cosmology and astro-particle physics measurements to the so-called axion window [11]. A short range spin-dependent interaction which could be mediated by an axion was proposed in [12]. There, three classes of interactions were presented, involving either g2S -, gS gP -, or g2P -couplings, whereas gS gP -couplings are considered of particular interest, since they violate CP symmetry. A gS gP -coupling diagram is shown in Fig. 1 (a) and takes place between an unpolarized particle Ψ (where unpolarized means randomly pos p larized with respect to any quantization axis) and a polarized particle Φ⋄ . The symbol ⋄ is used to denote properties of the particle interacting at the pseudoscalar vertex with a strength proportional to the coupling constant g⋄P of the particle Φ⋄ . The potential caused by such a gS g⋄P -coupling between an unpolarized particle and a polarized particle with mass m⋄ and spin σ⋄ is derived as [12]: ! " 2 1 −r/λ 1 (!c) ⋄ ( σ̂ · r̂) + e , (2) V(r) = gS g⋄P rλ r2 8πm⋄ c2 Axions • • Our measurement with ultracold neutrons is part sitive to axion-like particles with a mass in the rang 10 meV to 100 meV coupling to fermions. It also mass range targeted by helioscopes such as CAST would be sensitive to axion-like particles coupling spin-mass coupling scalar-pseudoscalar coupling Introduced to solve problem on CP-violation in strong Figure 1: (a) Interaction diagram of a scalar-pseudoscalar co interactions particles Ψ and Φ . Ψ is unpolarized and interacts at the scalar Candidates for dark matter ⋄ coupling constant gS , whereas Φ⋄ is polarized and interacts at t vertex with the coupling constant g⋄P . The total interaction stre tional to the product gS g⋄P . (b) A polarized neutron n with spin an unpolarized nucleon N at distance r within bulk matter shap thickness d. A view of the ϱ-z plane in a cylindrical coordinate is shown. ✓ ◆ !·! 1 n 1 ! r/ V ( r ) = ~g g + 2 e 8⇡mc r r 3. The measurement with the nEDM apparatus Also search for Axion-like particles (ALPs) ⋄ Spin-polarized ultracold neutrons of energies be are confined in a cylindrical storage chamber with height H=12 cm, and inner diameter ø=47 cm at t the nEDM apparatus. A vertical magnetic hold ∼1 µT is applied. The UCN spins precess for 1 precession frequency is inferred using Ramsey’s The spins of polarized 199 Hg atoms precess simul the same volume allowing to correct the Larmor pr quency of the neutrons for magnetic field fluctuatio Neutrons ecific symmetry breaking scale. Thus, no sigt (i.e. comparable to experimental sensitivity can be deduced from current EDM limits [16] Search for Axions eneric boson being the interaction mediator. ent with ultracold neutrons is particularly sene particles a mass intothe rangefor of roughly Setupwith is sensitive axions eV coupling to fermions. It also matches the ed by helioscopes CAST (10µeV..1eV) [17] which 0.2µm suchas2cm e to axion-like particles coupling to photons. ion diagram of a scalar-pseudoscalar coupling between Afach, S., et al. (2014). arxiv:1412.3679 K. Nakamura et al. (Particle Data Group), JPG 37, 075021 is unpolarized and interacts at the scalar vertex with the result was obtained for the case of an ideal ) but remains valid at room temperature essure of 10−4 mbar. We calculate bounds g constant β by comparing the transition h their theoretical values, which are propormatrix elements νkj − νtheo kj ∼ βðhkjΦjki− he corresponding data analysis, the fit Applying magnetic field • Earth’s acceleration was fixed at the local 5 m=s•2 , while all othereffect parameters were Measuring for each acted confidence intervals for limits on the nd n are given in Fig. 3. The experiment is at 2 ≤ n ≤ 4 (visible only on a linear scale 2 The neutron spin polarization is analyzed by our modifi detector described above. A hypothetical spin-depende force would change the transition frequencies. This shift obtained by reversing the direction of both the applied gui field as well as the detector field and by measuring t difference in the count rates at the two steep slopes the three-level resonance j1i↔j2i↔j3i. We do not obser any significant frequency shift. A fit of the strength gs and range λ together with all other lea Spinparameters Up spin (at 95% C.L.) to an upper limit on the axion interacti Spin Down strength as shown in Fig. 4. For example, at λ ¼ 20 μm, Search for Axions & ALPs 12 13 scatterer ω pq !" B this work GRS UCN counter neutron mirror ω pq Log10 gs g p atomic physics 14 15 n 5.5 8 10 nline). Exclusion plot for chameleon fields level). Our newly derived limits (solid line) A A 5.0 Log10 5th force tests 6 GRS this work 16 6.0 4 B 4.5 4.0 m FIG. 4 (color online). Limits on the pseudoscalar coupling axions (95% confidence level). Our limit for a repulsive (attra Jenke, T., Cronenberg, G., et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, 151105. (2014) tive) coupling is shown in a solid (dashed) line marked w A þ ðA−Þ. The limits are a factor of 30 more precise than t L. Filter Chameleons • Dark energy candidate mechanism suppresses in vicinity of masses# massless scalar field, hidden at laboratory scales Ve↵ (') = V ( ) + MPl '⇢ Ratra-Peebles model (n > 0): 4+n ⇤ 4 V (') = ⇤ + 'n leads to screening effects Khoury, J., & Weltman, A. (2004). Chameleon cosmology. Physical Review D, 69(4) P. Brax, G. Pignol, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 111301 (2011) n=3 80 Veff (ϕ) V(ϕ) 60 Veff • ρ eβϕ/MPl 40 20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ϕ Self interaction 1.0 1.2 1.4 Interaction with matter Ref. [26]. This result was obtained for the case of an ideal vacuum (ρ ¼ 0) but remains valid at room temperature and vacuum pressure of 10−4 mbar. We calculate bounds on the coupling constant β by comparing the transition frequencies with their theoretical values, which are proportional to the matrix elements νkj − νtheo kj ∼ βðhkjΦjki− hjjΦjjiÞ. In the corresponding data analysis, the fit parameter for Earth’s acceleration was fixed at the local value g ¼ 9.805 m=s2 , while all 2other parameters were 2+n E = h | (z⇤) | nfor i limits on the Chameleon shifts energy of state: varied. The n n extracted confidence intervals 2 parameters β and n are given in Fig. 3. The experiment is ◆ 2+n ✓ m 2 + n most sensitive at 2 ≤ n ≤ 4 (visible only on a linear scale p z⇤ V (z) = mgz + ⇤~c Chameleon fields M Pl 2 15 1.0 atomic physics 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 300 GRS this work 10 Log10 transmission 0.8 no chameleon 5 n=2, Log10 [β]=7.4 400 500 600 700 5th force tests 0 800 Hz 2 P.#Brax,#G.#Pignol,#Phys.#Rev.#Lett.#107,#111301#(2011)# A.N.#Ivanov#et#al.,#(2013).#Physical#Review#D,#87(10),#105013.# FIG. 3 Jenke,#T.,#Cronenberg,#G.,#et#al.#Phys.#Rev.#Lett.,#112,#151105.#(2014) 4 n 6 8 10 (color online). Exclusion plot for chameleon fields (95% confidence level). Our newly derived limits (solid line) are 5 orders of magnitude lower than the upper bound from Lloyd interferometer L L0 very cold neutrons 10 nm, 40 m/s shielding in realization by Filter, Masahiro, Oda et al. collimation L M1 Lloyd = neutron 2a mirror M2 neutron beam S2 S1 detector 200 section 2 section 1 Neutronen @ D 150 N 100 50 0 3.9 Simulated#MC#data 4.0 4.1 Detekto rkoordinate @ m m D 4.2 4.3 Roman Gergen Pokotilovski,#Y.#N.#(2011).#JETP#Letters,#94(6),#413–417 V1 V2 M V4 turbo- V5 molecular pump air prepump He Slow neutrons ⇡ 3Å • R We will calculate the chameleon bubble integral ’ðxÞdx and show that it can be suppressed when introducing a gas at moderate pressure in the sample cell. The chameleon profile ’ðxÞ in the sample cell satisfies the 1D chameleon equation, −10 beam at side 20 0 10 x [mm] 20 0 −20 −10 II 0air 10 x [mm] chamber positions: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 88, 083004 (2013) 5 8 4 n II 7 k II h II −20 vacuum 20 g II d II a II I I I air I I I 94 mm 40 mm 6 2 y [mm] O detector I 3 1 5 0 4 -1 3 incident beam -2 -3 -4 1 -5 -5 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 x [mm] 2 3 4 5 (12) where $ is the mass density of the gas inside the sample cell. We will assume the boundary condition ’ð$RÞ ¼ ’ðRÞ ¼ 0, which proves to be valid when ’c & ’0 where ’c is the field value inside the plate bulk and ’0 ¼ ’ð0Þ is the maximum of the field in the sample cell. represented the field profile in 2D obtained numerically in Fig. 6 when the transverse dimension of the chamber is finite. We find that bubbles still form in this geometry. Let us now elaborate in the case $ > 0. First we trans- 50 mm 4mm 2 FIG. 6 (color online). The chameleon profile ’=! in 2D in a square box calculated for n ¼ 2. d2 ’ ! ¼ V 0 ð’Þ þ $; 2 MPl dx 0 beam at side path −10path beam at center movable 10 n=4 PROBING STRONGLY COUPLED CHAMELEONS WITH SLOW . . . spacial profile measured density dependence 30 n=2 n=3 neutrons wavelength • 40 n=1 H detector 10 interferometer (a) y [mm] φ /Λ −20 neutron beam as shown in Fig 4. We will assume that the transverse dimension of the cell is infinite and denote the distance between the plates by 2R. For numerical studies we will set 2R ¼ 1 cm as in the experiment performed at NIST [13]. When the cell is filled by no gas, i.e. in vacuum, a chameleon bubblelike profile ’ðxÞ, $R < x < R, will appear in the cell, inducing the potential !m=MPl ’ðxÞ for the neutrons. One can then show (see e.g. [14]) that the phase shift due to the chameleon bubble is given by m ZR m "# ¼ 2 ! ’ðxÞdx: (11) kℏ $R MPl 20 (d) (c) interferometric setup S18 at ILL realized by Th. Potocar / T. Jenke & collaborators chamber phase flag (b) V3 V1 Brax,#P.,#Pignol,#G.,#&#Roulier,#D.#(2013).#Physical#Review#D,#88(8),#083004 prepump pressure gauge V2 V4 turbo- V5 molecular pump air M leak valve He chamber Kevin Mitsch Peter Geltenbort Jason Jung Hanno Filter Martin Thalhammer Tobias Jenke G. C. Hartmut Abele