Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation Reformulating Dynamic Linear Constraint Satisfaction Problems as Weighted CSPs for Searching Robust Solutions Laura Climent and Miguel A. Salido and Federico Barber Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Valencia, Spain In this paper, we focus our attention on searching for robust solutions. A solution is robust if it has a high probability of remaining valid faced with changes in the problem. However, it is difficult to characterize such robustness, mainly when there is no information associated about the possible future changes. We consider DynCSPs whose constraints are dynamic and the information about their dynamism is unknown. We do not analyze constraint deletion since it cannot invalidate a solution and it only relaxes the problem. However, a modification in a constraint could invalidate a solution if it is a restrictive modification over an original constraint. In this context, we focus our attention in DynCSPs with linear constraints in the form: AX + l{<, ≤, >, ≥}0, where X represents the variables, A represents the coefficients of the variables and l is a constant. The obtained solution space is a convex and n-dimensional space, where n is the number of variables of the DynCSP. In order to clarify the explanation of our approach and without loss of generality, we will show an example in a convex and 2-dimensional space. Abstract Constraint programming is a successful technology for solving combinatorial problems modeled as constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). Many real life problems come from uncertain and dynamic environments, which means that the initial description of the problem may change during its execution. In these cases, the solution found for a problem may become invalid. The search of robust solutions for dynamic CSPs (DynCSPs) has become an important issue in the field of constraint programming. In this paper we reformulate DynCSPs with linear constraints as weighted CSPs (WCSPs), and we present an approach that searches for robust solutions in problems without associated information about possible future changes. Thus, the best solution for a modeled WCSP will be a robust solution for the original DynCSP. 1 Introduction Many real life problems can be modeled as constraint satisfaction problems and can be solved using constraint programming techniques. Much effort has been spent to increase the efficiency of the constraint satisfaction algorithms. This effort resulted in the design of constraint reasoning tools to solve real problems. Nevertheless, many of these techniques assume that the set of variables, domains and constraints involved in the CSP are known and fixed when the problem is modeled. This is a strong limitation when we deal with real situations where the DynCSP may evolve because of the environment, the user or other agents (Verfaillie and Schiex 1994). Thus, the solution found for a problem may become invalid after changes in the parameters of the DynCSP. We consider the importance of preventing the loss of a solution because it could entail several negative effects in the modeled problem. For example, in a scheduling problem composed of several machines, the loss of a solution could cause the stop of the production system, the breakage of machines, the loss of the material/object in production, etc. In addition, these negative effects probably will have associated an economic loss. ; & &¶ &¶ &¶ & &¶ & & ; Figure 1: Example of the DynCSP P and changes over its constraints. c 2011, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Copyright Intelligence ( All rights reserved. Figure 1 shows a DynCSP called P, which it is composed of two variables x0 and x1 with domains D0 : {3..7} and 34 CSP(0) , CSP(1) , ..., CSP(i+1) , each CSP(i) resulting from a change in the previous one (CSP(i−1) ), representing new facts about the dynamic environment being modeled. As a result of such incremental change, the set of solutions of each CSP(i) can potentially decrease (in which case is considered a restriction) or increase (in which case is considered a relaxation). In this paper, we will refer to the CSP(0) as the original DynCSP. Since the information about the dynamism of the constraints is unknown, we assume that any constraint could change in the future. Thus, the set CSP(1) , ..., CSP(i+1) is unknown when the DynCSP is solved. We focus our attention in DynCSPs in which the set of solutions of each CSP(i) decreases in relation to CSP(i−1) (more restricted problem). D1 : {2..6} (discontinuous lines) respectively, and four dynamic constraints (continuous lines): • • • • C1 C2 C3 C4 : x0 + x1 − 12 ≤ 0 : x1 − x0 − 2 ≤ 0 : x1 + x0 − 6 ≥ 0 : x0 − x1 − 4 ≤ 0 It can be observed that the Cartesian product of the variable domains involve 25 tuples and 21 are solutions. If we do not know any information about the dynamism of the constraints, then, what is the most robust solution? In Figure 1, four possible modifications, one for each original constraint, are represented (C1 , C2 , C3 and C4 ). If the original constraints of the problem change in this way, the solution space will be reduced and the tuples (x0 = 3, x1 = 3), (x0 = 3, x1 = 5), (x0 = 4, x1 = 2), (x0 = 4, x1 = 6), (x0 = 6, x1 = 2), (x0 = 6, x1 = 6), (x0 = 7, x1 = 3) and (x0 = 7, x1 = 5) will not satisfy the new constraints C1 , C2 , C3 and C4 . The solutions located close to the bounds of the original constraints have a low probability of remaining valid after changes in the problem. For this reason, the main idea of our technique is based on searching for solutions which are located as far as possible from the bounds of the solution space. In this example, it can be observed that the most robust solution is the centered solution (x0 = 5, x1 = 4). Nevertheless, in problems with a n-dimensional solution space, it is not easy to obtain this solution. To this end, we reformulate the original DynCSP as a WCSP and a cost is assigned to each valid tuple of each constraint. Thus, the best solution for the modeled WCSP (the solution with the minimum associated cost) will be the most robust solutions for the original DynCSP. 1.1 Definition 3. A Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem (WCSP) is a specific subclass of valued CSP (Schiex, Fargier, and Verfaillie 1995), (Larrosa and Schiex 2004), (Givry et al. 2003). A WCSP is defined as P = X , D, S(k), C, where: • X and D are the set of variables and domains respectively, as in standard CSP. • S(k) is the valuation structure, where k ∈ N+ denotes the maximum cost. • C is the set of constraints as cost functions (namely, Ci : j∈var(Ci ) Dj → {0, 1, ..., k}), where Ci ∈ C is defined over a subset of variables var(Ci ). The valuation structure S(k) = ({0, 1, ..., k}, ⊕, >), where: is defined as • {0, 1, ..., k} is the set of costs, which are natural numbers bounded by k. • ⊕ is the sum of costs. ∀a, b ∈ {0, 1, ..., k}, a ⊕ b = min{k, a + b} Technical Background • > is the standard order among naturals. By following standard notations and definitions in the literature we summarize the basic definitions that will be used in the rest of the paper. A tuple t is an assignment to an ordered set of variables Xt ⊆ X . For a subset B of Xt , the projection of t over B is noted as t ↓B . When Ci assigns a cost k to a tuple t, it means that t is an invalid tuple for Ci . Otherwise (the cost assigned is lower than k) t is a valid tuple for Ci with the corresponding cost. The cost of a tuple t, noted V(t), is the sum of all the applicable costs: Ci (t ↓var(Ci ) ) V(t) = Definition 1. A Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is defined by a triple P = X , D, C where, X is a finite set of variables X = {x1 , x2 , ..., xn }, D is a set of domains D = {D1 , D2 , ..., Dn } such that for each variable xi ∈ X there is a set of values that the variable can take, and C is a finite set of constraints C = {C1 , C2 , ..., Cm } which restrict the values that the variables can simultaneously take. Ci ∈C,var(Ci )⊆Xt The number of tuples of a constraint Ci is composed by the elements of the Cartesian product of the domains of the variables involved in Ci . The tightness of a constraint is the relation of the number of forbidden tuples to the number of all possible tuples. The tightness is defined in the interval [0,1]. The tuple t is consistent if V(t) < k. The main objective is to find a complete assignment with the minimum cost. Example. Figure 2 shows a WCSP P = It can {x, y}, {{v1 , v2 }, {v1 , v2 }}, S(5), {C1 , C2 }. be observed that the set of costs is [0,...,5]. Let’s assume var(C1 ) = {x, y} and var(C2 ) = {x, y}. The costs assigned by the constraints are represented as labeled edges connecting the values of the tuples involved in the Definition 2. A Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Problem (DynCSP) (Dechter and Dechter 1988), (González and Meseguer 2008) is a sequence of static CSPs 35 C4 : Bend ≤ 8 C5 : Bbegin − Aend ≥ 3 C6 : Aend − Abegin ≥ 2 C7 : Bend − Bbegin ≥ 1} In real life problems, delays can occur in activities of the schedule. For this reason, the constraints related to the duration of the activities (C6 and C7 ) are dynamic. A solution for P is: S1 = {Abegin = 0, Aend = 2, Bbegin = 5, Bend = 6}. Figure 3 shows the schedule that represents this solution. This solution is located on the C6 and C7 boundaries. corresponding constraint. The cost assignment of the constraint C1 is represented in Figure 2 (a) meanwhile the cost assignment of the constraint C2 is represented in Figure 2 (b). & & [ Y \ [ Y Y \ Y Y Y Y Y $FWLYLW\$ D $FWLYLW\% E 7LPHK Figure 2: An example of WCSP P . Figure 3: Schedule that represents the solution S1 . Table 1 shows the set of tuples of P with their corresponding costs assigned by the constraints and their V(t) values. In addition, it shows which tuples are solutions for P . The tuples (x = v1 , y = v2 ) and (x = v2 , y = v2 ) are not solutions of P because their values of V(t) are not lower than 5. However, the tuples (x = v1 , y = v1 ) and (x = v2 , y = v1 ) are solutions of P . The best solution for P is (x = v2 , y = v1 ) because V(x = v2 , y = v1 ) = 1, which is the minimum global cost of the problem. Let’s consider a delay of 1 hour over the duration of the first activity (Aend − Abegin = 3). After this change in the initial specification of the problem, the solution S1 becomes invalid since it does not satisfy the constraint C5 : Bbegin − Aend ≥ 3. Following the initial modeling of the scheduling problem, and considering that the duration of all the activities might be extended, we can search for a solution located farther from the C6 and C7 boundaries. This solution could be S2 = {Abegin = 0, Aend = 3, Bbegin = 6, Bend = 7}. Figure 4 shows the schedule that represents S2 . The solution S2 can be considered more robust than S1 because if a delay occurs (≤1 hour) in any activity (restrictive modifications over C6 and/or C7 ), the solution S2 remains valid. Table 1: Set of tuples of P and their corresponding costs. x v1 v1 v2 v2 y v1 v2 v1 v2 Cost C1 0 4 0 5 Cost C2 3 1 1 0 V(t) 3 5 1 5 Solution? Yes No Yes No $FWLYLW\$ 1.2 A toy example of a scheduling problem Following, we present a toy example of a scheduling problem. It can be considered a dynamic problem since constraints may change. We model this problem as a DynCSP and we present different solutions with different robustness degree. In this scheduling problem, two activities A and B have to finish in 8 hours or sooner: Aend ≤ 8; Bend ≤ 8. In addition, the activity B has to start at least 3 hours after the end of the activity A: Bbegin − Aend ≥ 3. The duration of the activity A is greater than or equal to 2 hours: Aend − Abegin ≥ 2. The duration of the activity B is greater than or equal to 1 hour: Bend − Bbegin ≥ 1. The original DynCSP that models the scheduling problem is P = X , D, C, where: $FWLYLW\% 7LPHK Figure 4: Schedule that represents the solution S2 . In scheduling problems, searching for a solution located far from the bounds of the constraints related to the duration of the activities, means including buffer times between activities. The most common way to generate robust schedules is by including buffer times because they can absorb delays and avoid their propagation over the schedule (Climent et al. 2008). However, the buffers also decrease the optimality of the schedule, due to they increase the makespan. Figure 3 shows the first schedule, whose makespan is 6 hours. Figure 4 shows the second schedule, whose makespan is 8 hours because it is composed of two buffers of one hour each one. Therefore, the second schedule is more robust than the first one, although the first one has the optimal makespan. In many dynamic problems, there exists an optimality criterion so it is necessary to find a trade-off between robustness and optimality. • X = {Abegin , Aend , Bbegin , Bend } • D = {DAbegin : [0, 8], DAend : [0, 8], DBbegin : [0, 8], DBend : [0, 8]} • C = {C1 : Abegin ≥ 0 C2 : Bbegin ≥ 0 C3 : Aend ≤ 8 36 1.3 Stability, Flexibility and Robustness the variables could be lost temporarily. The technique consists basically on penalizing the values that are no longer valid due to changes in the problem. Thus, although these values can be used later, the algorithm will try to find solutions that do not include them. This idea is incorporated in a technique of hill-climbing, where the penalties are used by min-conflicts to make the selection of values for the variables. An example of the second set of approaches can be seen in (Fargier and Lang 1993), where there is a probability of existence associated with each constraint. The most robust solution is the solution that maximizes the probability of satisfying the constraints. Another example of the second set of approaches is shown in (Climent, Salido, and Barber 2010), where there are two parameters associated with each constraint. The first parameter represents the probability of change of the constraint and the second one represents its amount of change. According to these parameters, several restricted CSPs are generated. The most robust solution is the solution that satisfies the highest number of restricted CSPs. Note that in the above approaches that search for robust solutions, there exists knowledge about the future changes that could occur. It is important to consider the dependence of the algorithm with the knowledge about the dynamic environment. For instance, some approaches might require a list of the possible changes and/or an associated probability distribution. In this way, depending on the associated information about the dynamism to the problem, some approaches could be used and others not. In this paper, we propose an approach for solving dynamic problems with no knowledge about the future changes. There is a misunderstanding between the concept of robustness and stability of the solutions in DynCSPs. Some researchers talk about stability while others about robustness to refer to the same concept. However there is a difference between stable and robust. In general, a solution is stable in a dynamic system, if by means of a few changes in the solution we can obtain a new solution that is similar to the original one. However, the robustness is a measure of feature persistence in systems that compel us to focus on perturbations because they represent changes in the composition or topology of the system. The perturbations are small differences in the current state of the system (Jen 2003). Furthermore, in (Verfaillie and Jussien 2005) the concept of flexible solution is introduced as a solution that, in case of change, can be easily modified to produce a solution of the new problem, in a similar way than a stable solution. However, a robust solution is considered a solution that is able to resist changes, i.e., to remain valid in spite of these changes. Taking into account all these concepts, we can classify the nature of the solutions as: • A stable (also called flexible) solution has the ability of sharing as many values as possible with a new solution of the problem if a change occurs (Hebrard, Hnich, and Walsh 2003). It is measured in terms of similarity of the new solution with the original one. • A robust solution has a high probability of remaining valid faced with changes in the problem. It is measured in terms of the persistence of the solution. In this paper, we focus our attention on the search of robust solutions. Regarding the concept of robustness, there is not a general measure of the robustness. Depending on the types of changes and the knowledge about these future changes, the robustness measure will differ. 2 3 The Centroid of the Solution Space In section 1, we refer to the idea that solutions located close to the bounds of the solution space are less robust solutions in a DynCSP. This is due to the fact that these solutions have a low probability of remaining valid faced with restrictive modifications over the constraints. However a solution that is located as far as possible from the bounds of the solution space has a high probability of remaining valid after changes, so these solutions are considered to be more robust solutions. Taking into account the Euclidean geometry definitions, we can calculate the centroid or gravity center of a geometric figure. Note that the centroid of a figure is located as far as possible of all the bounds of the figure. As it has been explained previously, we deal with linear constraints. The resultant solution space with these constraints is a convex space. The centroid of a convex geometric figure always lies in the geometric figure. In addition, it could be considered to be the most robust point, since it has the highest probability of remaining inside the geometric figure after changes in its bounds. If we consider a 2-dimensional solution space, its centroid is the intersection of all straight lines that divide the solution space into two parts of equal moment. Figure 5, shows a DynCSP R which it is composed of two variables x0 and x1 Related Work Due to the fact that the real world is dynamic in its nature, new techniques attempting to model the real world problems must be taken into consideration. In the field of the robust optimization in linear programming, there exist several techniques which can be classified based on the way of modeling the uncertainties: deterministic, probabilistic and possibilistic (Beyer and Sendhoff 2007). Nevertheless, we focus our attention in the field of constraint satisfaction in uncertain and dynamic environments. The techniques that have been proposed in this area can be classified based on the kind of solutions that they obtain (Verfaillie and Jussien 2005). The frameworks that have been proposed for finding robust solutions differ mainly in the assumption of the changes that may occur. On the one hand, some techniques focus their attention in possible changes in the variables and the values that they can take. On the other hand, other techniques focus their attention in the constraints. An example of the first set of approaches can be seen in (Wallace and Freuder 1998). This technique solves a restricted class of recurrent DynCSPs in which the values of 37 ; best solution for the modeled WCSP (the solution with the minimum cost) is considered to be one of the most robust solutions for the original DynCSP. Algorithm 1 shows the reformulation of the DynCSP as a WCSP and the solving process. & & &HQWURLG 4.1 & & ; Figure 5: Example of the DynCSP R and its centroid. with domains D0 : {1..8} and D1 : {1..7} respectively, and the constraints: D(t, Ci ) = • C 1 : x1 − 6 ≤ 0 |a1 x1 + ... + an xn + l| a21 + ... + a2n (1) The maximum distance of any t ∈ T (Ci ) from Ci is denoted as maxD(T (Ci ), Ci ): • C 2 : x0 − 7 ≤ 0 • C 3 : x1 − 2 ≥ 0 • C 4 : x0 − 3 ≥ 0 maxD(T (Ci ), Ci ) = max{D(t, Ci )}∀t ∈ T (Ci ) The geometric figure of the solution space of R is a square whose centroid is the solution (x0 = 5, x1 = 4). Note that this point is the intersection of the two straight lines that divide the square in two equal areas. The concept of centroid can be extended to a n-dimensional solution space. The centroid of this solution space is the intersection of all hyperplanes that divide the solution space into two parts of equal moment (Gao 2006). In DynCSPs with discrete domains, the centroid of a solution space may not be a solution, so that the most robust solution is the nearest solution to the centroid of the solution space. 4 Calculating the Costs The first step of the WCSP modeling consists on calculating the cost associated to each tuple of each constraint Ci ∈ C. The set of valid tuples of Ci is denoted as T (Ci ). The penalty of a tuple t ∈ T (Ci ) is indirectly related to the distance between Ci and t. A constraint Ci is represented as a hyperplane in the search space. A tuple t is represented as a point of the search space. In order to calculate the distance of t from Ci we use the Euclidean distance from a point to an hyperplane D(t, Ci ) (see equation 1). Note that the value of the numerator is the value of the constraint Ci for the tuple t. Particularly, if t is located on the Ci boundary then D(t, Ci ) = 0. (2) The main utility of the cost functions is to prioritize among the valid tuples of each constraint. In addition, they forbid the invalid tuples. The cost function for the tuples of Ci is denoted as Ci (t ↓var(Ci ) ) (see equation 3). Ci (t ↓var(Ci ) ) = ⎧ (D(t, Ci ) − maxD(T (Ci ), Ci ))2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ if t ∈ T (Ci ) ⎪ 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩k, where k > maxD(T (Ci ), Ci ) if t ∈ / T (Ci ) (3) Algorithm 1 (lines 1-5) calculates the cost associated to each tuple of each constraint of the DynCSP. As it was pointed out in Definition 3, Ci (t ↓var(Ci ) ) assigns a cost of k to a tuple t that does not satisfy the constraint Ci , since it is a non valid tuple (see equation 3). Note that for t ∈ T (Ci ), Ci (t ↓var(Ci ) )∈ [0, maxD(T (Ci ), Ci )2 ] . Consequently, k must be greater than maxD(T (Ci ), Ci )2 . The penalization assigned to each tuple t ∈ T (Ci ) is 0 if its distance from the constraint Ci (D(t, Ci )) is the maximum possible (maxD(T (Ci ), Ci )). This is due to the fact that t is considered the most robust tuple for Ci since t is the valid tuple with the highest probability of remaining valid faced with changes in Ci . On the other hand, we assign the maximum penalization (maxD(T (Ci ), Ci )2 ) to a tuple t ∈ T (Ci ) that is located on the Ci boundary, that it is to say D(t, Ci ) = 0. Note that t is the least robust tuple for Ci because it has the lowest probability of remaining valid after modifications in Ci . Modeling DynCSPs as WCSPs The aim of modeling a DynCSP as a WCSP is for obtaining an approximation to the centroid of the solution space of the DynCSP. Searching for the centroid of a DynCSP requires to determine the solution space of the DynCSP which is NP-complete. However, our aim is not to calculate all the solutions of the DynCSP, but to find a solution close of the centroid of the solution space. To this end, we have developed a technique based on the assignment of penalizations to the tuples of each constraint. The solution with the minimum global penalization is located close to the centroid of the solution space. The developed technique assigns costs to the tuples of each constraint Ci ∈ C, where C is the set of constraints. The cost associated to each tuple represents the penalization assigned to it, which depends on the distance of the tuples to Ci . The solutions obtained for the modeled WCSP are the solutions of the original DynCSP. Furthermore, the 38 4.2 Solving the WCSP sentation of P. After the assignment of costs to the tuples of all the constraints of the DynCSP, the WCSP is generated and solved by a general WCSP solver. Table 2: Valid tuples of C1 for the resultant WCSP of P and their costs (left). The solutions of P and their global costs (V(s))(right). Algorithm 1: Reformulation of the DynCSP as a WCSP and the solving process. Data: A DynCSP (P ), P = X , D, C and k. Result: Robust solution Sol and V(Sol). begin 1 foreach Ci ∈ C do 2 foreach t ∈ Ci do 3 if t ∈ T (Ci ) then 4 Ci (t ↓var(Ci ) ) = (D(t, Ci ) − maxD(T (Ci ), Ci ))2 ; else 5 Ci (t ↓var(Ci ) ) = k; T (C1 ) x0 x1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 5 Generate WCSP = X , D, S(k), C ; Sol ← Solve WCSP; if ∃ Sol then return (Sol, V(Sol)); else return (N o Solution exists); 6 7 8 9 10 Algorithm 1 shows the generation (line 6) and the resolution (line 7) of the WCSP. The obtained solution for the WCSP (line 8) is a solution of the original DynCSP and it is considered to be one of the most robust solutions. As discussed in Definition 3, the cost of a tuple t (V(t)) is the sum of all the applicable costs, so the best solution of a WCSP is the solution s with the minimum sum of penalties (V(s)). The complexity of the modeling phase of Algorithm 1 (lines 1-5) is related to the number of valid tuples of the constraints and the number of constraints of the DynCSP. The format used for the specification of the WCSPs has been the WCSP file format1 , which allows us to assign a default cost to the invalid tuples of a constraint. Thus, for each Ci ∈ C, it is just necessary to calculate the cost of each t ∈ T (Ci ). First of all, it is calculated the distance of any t ∈ T (Ci ) from Ci (see equation 1). Once the maximum distance is determined (see equation 2), a penalty is assigned to each t ∈ T (Ci ) (see equation 3). Thus, the modeling phase of Algorithm 1 is O((2 ∗ |T (C)|) ∗ |C|), where |C| denotes the number of constraints of the DynCSP and |T(C)| is the number of valid tuples of the constraints (see equation 4). The arity of the constraints is denoted as |C| and the size of the domains is denoted as |D|. |T (C)| = (|D||C| ) ∗ (1 − tightness) 4.3 0 0 2 4 8 0 2 4 8 12 2 4 8 12 18 4 8 12 18 24 8 12 18 24 Solutions x0 x1 3 3 3 4 3 5 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 3 7 4 7 5 V(s) 40 40 40 40 36 32 36 40 40 32 32 32 40 40 36 32 36 40 40 40 40 In Table 2 (left), it can be seen the valid tuples of C1 (T (C1 )) for the modeled WCSP and their associated costs (C1 (t ↓var(C1 ) )). In this example, Ci (t ↓var(Ci ) ) ∈ [0, 24] ∀i ∈ {1, .., |C|} ∀t ∈ T (Ci ). In the right hand side of Table 2, the solutions of the modeled WCSP and their global costs are shown. One of the best solutions found by a WCSP solver (the solution s with the minimum V(s)), corresponds to the solution located in the center of the polygon that represents P : (x0 = 5, x1 = 4) (V((x0 = 5, x1 = 4)) = 32). It can be observed that the solutions located on the bounds of the solution space of P ((x0 = 3, x1 = 3), (x0 = 3, x1 = 5), (x0 = 4, x1 = 2), (x0 = 4, x1 = 6), (x0 = 6, x1 = 2), (x0 = 6, x1 = 6), (x0 = 7, x1 = 3) and (x0 = 7, x1 = 5)) are the least robust solutions for P . These solutions have the maximum global cost of 40 (see Table 2, right). It means that the sum of their penalizations is the maximum possible for P . Figure 6 shows the centroid of the geometric figure that represents the solution space of P . It represents one of the best solutions found for the modeled WCSP of P (x0 = 5, x1 = 4). (4) Example Following, we apply the modeling phase to the example introduced in section 1 (P). Figure 1 shows the graphic repre1 C1 (t ↓var(C1 ) ) 5 Evaluation In this section, we evaluate the quality of the solutions obtained by the reformulation technique. To this end, we will file format 39 ; & generated from the original instance. The percentage of static CSPs satisfied by the solutions found by our technique is presented in %Sat. The runtime (in milliseconds) of the WCSP modeling phase is denoted as timeM and the runtime of solving the WCSP with ToulBar2 solver is denoted as timeS. All instances were executed on a PC Pentium D 840 3.2GHz. & &HQWURLG & Table 3: Percentage of static CSPs satisfied by the solution of the modeled WCSP. Runtime (milliseconds) of the modeling and solving phase. & ; Figure 6: Example of the DynCSP P and its centroid. use the solver ToulBar22 for solving the resultant WCSPs. To the best of our knowledge, there are no benchmarks of DynCSPs in the literature. Thus, we have generated random instances of DynCSPs. In (Climent, Salido, and Barber 2009) and (Salido, Climent, and Barber 2009), three methods for measuring the robustness of the solutions have been proposed: checking pseudo-random constraints, checking pseudo solutions and checking both methods. In this paper, we have used a similar method to checking pseudorandom constraints, but with some differences. The main difference with this method is that we do not simulate the dynamism of the constraints randomly. Instead, we have developed restrictive modifications over all of them. Thus, the generated DynCSPs are composed of k static CSPs: CSP(0) , CSP(1) , ..., CSP(k) , where each CSP(i) is more restrictive than CSP(i−1) , and consequently the set of solutions of each CSP(i) decrease regarding to the previous ones. For each CSP(i) , we have modified the constant term of their constraints in i units with regard to CSP(0) (the original DynCSP). In this way, we generate as many static CSPs as possible, with the condition that they must maintain at least one solution.The problems were randomly generated by increasing the number of variables |X |, the domain size |D|, the number of binary constraints |C| and the tightness of the constraints tigh. All constraints must satisfy that the number of valid tuples according to equation 4 is correct, taking into account that a range of variability of 10% on the tightness is allowed. Furthermore all random constraints must be non-redundant, that is, a new random constraint must invalidate at least one different tuple than the rest of the generated constraints. If any of these conditions are not satisfied, the constraint is ruled out. Table 3 shows the results obtained for 10 random instances of each DynCSP topology, according to parameters |X |, |D|, |C| and tigh. For each instance type, we measure the average number of static CSPs (M od(k)) that could be 2 |X | |D| |C| tigh M od(k) %Sat timeM timeS 50 100 150 100 100 100 50 50 50 0.1 0.1 0.1 78.2 90.8 99.3 50.9% 68.5% 82.1% 223.3 232.4 237 1344 1110 938 100 100 100 80 120 200 60 60 60 0.2 0.2 0.2 60.8 87.4 158 53% 56.8% 62.9% 158.6 295.5 903 694 2374 13719 100 100 100 50 50 50 30 60 80 0.2 0.2 0.2 46.6 36.1 10.6 78.8% 50.4% 31.5% 26.6 48.1 63.8 203 375 437 150 150 150 200 200 200 60 60 60 0.1 0.25 0.4 184 143 95.6 72.1% 54.9% 50.9% 1158 807 822 6969 8405 6452 The results show that our modeling technique was able to find a solution that remain valid for a high number of restricted static CSPs. For example, in instances |X | = 150, |D| = 100, |C| = 50 and tigh = 0.1, an average of 99.3 static and feasible CSPs could be generated. The modeling phase was carried out in 237 milliseconds and the solution for the modeled WCSP was found by ToulBar2 solver in 938 milliseconds. This solution was feasible in 82.1% of the restricted static CSPs, being the best percentage obtained. This percentage gives us an approximation of the probability of our solutions of remaining valid after changes. It is also interesting to analyze how the parameters of the problem influence in the robustness of the solutions. We obtain the most robust results for under-constrained instances. The highest percentages are achieved when the number of variables and the domain sizes were greater and the tightness and the number of constraints were lower. 6 Conclusions and Further Work In this paper, we reformulate DynCSPs with linear constraints as weighted CSPs (WCSPs) in problems where no information about the possible changes is given. The main objective is to find solutions that are close to the centroids of the hyper-polyhedron generated by the solution space due to the fact that these solutions have a high probability of remaining valid after changes. The main advantage of our technique over other algorithms that search for robust solutions, is that they require a list of the possible changes, the associated probability distributions or other type of knowledge about the future changes. 40 However, our approach does not require any specific knowledge about the future possible changes, which it is really useful in many real problems where no information is given. In any case, all knowledge about further changes can be easily included in the resultant WCSP. To the best of our knowledge, there are no benchmarks of DynCSPs in the literature, so we have analyzed the robustness of the obtained solutions by generating random DynCSPs composed of static CSPs where each CSP is the result of restrictive modifications in the constraints of the previous one. The obtained results were promising, obtaining the best robustness results in under-constrained DynCSPs. 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For such problems, the objective is beyond the optimality of the solutions because it is deeply important to obtain robust solutions. Currently, we are applying these techniques to the railway timetabling in order to generate timetables that can absorb incidences/delays of trains. Currently, we are working on the development of efficient heuristics for finding robust solutions. These heuristics will be faced on solving DynCSPs with dynamic constraints. We are also considering to model the dynamism in the domain constraints of the DynCSPs. Furthermore, we are interested in the combination of a multi-criterion cost function for the WCSP modeling, in order to combine the optimality and the robustness of the solutions. In addition, our approach can be extended to disjunctive linear relations (DLRs) (Jonsson and Bäckström 1998) which are a formalism for reasoning about temporal constraints. The DLRs have associated a set of disjunctive convex spaces with different centroids. Acknowledgments This work has been partially supported by the research projects TIN2010-20976-C02-01 (Min. de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain) and P19/08 (Min. de Fomento, SpainFEDER), in the fellowship program FPU. References Beyer, H., and Sendhoff, B. 2007. Robust optimization- a comprehensive survey. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 196(33-34):3190–3218. Climent, L.; Barber, F.; Salido, M.; and Ingolotti, L. 2008. Robustness and capacity in scheduling: Application to railway timetabling. In IBERAMIA Workshop on Planning, Scheduling and Constraint Satisfaction, 87–96. 41