Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation Modeling, Global Constraints, and Decomposition∗ J. Christopher Beck Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Toronto Extended Abstract Constraint Programming and Global Constraints recognition of sub-structure in problem for which there already exists a corresponding global constraint or, failing that, for which a novel global constraint can be formulated. Similarly, search is seen as the interplay between global heuristic decisions (e.g., branching on a variable) and local inferences as the propagation algorithms of each global constraint work to compute the local implications of the branching decisions and inference of other constraints.2 Our primary thesis here is that this perspective on modeling and search should be pursued more vigorously to expand the modeling and solving approaches that are commonly viewed as mainstream CP. In Constraint Programming (CP) the concept of a constraint has been formalized as a relation over a set of variables that defines the tuples of values that the variables can simultaneously be assigned to. The same formalization can be seen in other approaches to mathematical optimization such as SAT solving and mixed integer linear programming (MILP). However, unlike most other approaches, CP has eschewed structural restrictions on the definition of a constraint: there is no real restriction on the language in which constraints can be expressed. This lack of restriction can be most obviously seen in the in relation constraint (also called the table constraint) (Beldiceanu et al. 2007)1 where the relation is defined explicitly as a list of allowed tuples. More commonly, and often more usefully, in CP a constraint (and especially a “global constraint”) embodies some, often combinatorial, sub-structure of a problem together with algorithms for inference on that substructure. For example, the cumulative constraint (Aggoun and Beldiceanu 1993) which has been developed in constraint-based scheduling, enforces that the total resource capacity used by a set of activities executing at any time point must be less than or equal to some maximum. A variety of inference algorithms have been developed to remove possible values from the start time domains of the activities when it can be proved that the values do not participate in any feasible solution. Of course, for a global constraint to be a useful object for modeling and solving, the sub-structure it represents must be frequently encountered across a variety of problems that people wish to solve. The primacy of global constraints results in a particular perspective on both modeling and solving constraint programs. More than many other approaches, modeling consists of the composition of global constraints and therefore the modeling task is more about the, sometimes non-trivial, Logic-based Benders Decomposition Over the past 15 years, the Logic-based Benders Decomposition (LBBD) approach has been developed, primarily in the area of hybrid algorithms. Formalized by John Hooker (Hooker 2000), a number of authors have used this pattern to solve hard combinatorial problems in planning and scheduling (Jain and Grossmann 2001; Hooker 2005; Beck 2010; Heinz, Ku, and Beck 2013; Ciré, Coban, and Hooker 2013), call center scheduling (Benoist, Gaudin, and Rottembourg 2002), steel production scheduling (Harjunkoski and Grossmann 2001), dispatching of automated guided vehicles (Correia and Captivo 2006), multicore architecture optimization (Benini et al. 2008), traffic diversion (Xia, Eremin, and Wallace 2004), two-dimensional bin-packing (Pisinger and Sigurd 2009), transportation network design (Peterson and Trick 2009), aircraft maintenance scheduling (Aramon Bajestani and Beck 2013), location-allocation problems (FazelZarandi and Beck 2012), and queue design and control (Terekhov, Beck, and Brown 2009). The core of LBBD is to model a problem as a master problem (a relaxation of the original problem) and one or more sub-problems. The master problem is solved first, assigning values to the master variables. The sub-problem(s) are then solved based on the assignments to the master variables. A sub-problem is formally an inference dual (Hooker 2000) which derives the tightest bound on the global objective function, given the values of the master variables and the constraints of the sub-problem. If this bound is greater ∗ This extended abstract accompanies an invited talk given jointly at the Tenth Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation (SARA2013) and the Sixth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SOCS2013) on July 12, 2013. c 2013, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Copyright Intelligence ( All rights reserved. 1 2 It is somewhat ironic and unfortunate that “global” constraints are actually the embodiment of “local” structure and inference. 2 than the master objective (assuming a minimization problem), then there is no sub-problem solution consistent with the master solution. A Benders cut is therefore generated by the sub-problem and added to the master. This cut is a new constraint for the master model, expressing aspects of the global solution that are not satisfied by the current master solution. After gathering cuts from each of the sub-problems, the master is re-solved. This iteration continues until all subproblems are consistent with the master solution and therefore an optimal global solution has been found. For example, in a resource allocation and scheduling problem studied by Hooker (2005), the global problem requires the assignment and scheduling of a set of independent, time-constrained jobs to resources. In the simplest version, each job has a cost to be assigned to each resource and the goal is to minimize the total assignment cost subject to the constraint that each resource must have a feasible schedule. The master problem models the resource assignment decisions while a sub-problem is defined for each resource to determine if the assigned set of jobs can be feasibly scheduled. The Benders cut in the simple case is a no-good over the set of resource assignment variables corresponding to the jobs assigned to a resource. Such a cut removes the assignment of the same set of jobs, or a superset, from the feasible space of the master problem. There are three main challenges to using LBBD: deciding how to model the problem as a the master/sub-problem decomposition, developing a relaxation of the sub-problems in the master problem, and deriving strong but computationally inexpensive Benders cuts. The first challenge is to conceptualize how the global problem can be modeled to identify the sets of variables and constraints that will form the master problem and sub-problems. Given a decomposition, it is typically necessary to augment the master problem with some relaxation of the sub-problem(s): if the master does not have some representation of the sub-problems to constrain its search space, it may end up blindly enumerating all master solutions, depending only on the Benders cuts for guidance to part of the search space where the sub-problems will be satisfied. Finally, a Benders cut must remove the current master solution while not removing any globally optimal solutions. In practice, a simple no-good cut is seldom sufficient for computational performance. A cut should be formulated not only to remove the current master solution but also other master solutions which also fail to satisfy the sub-problem. There are various methods for strengthening and lifting a cut so that a larger area of the globally infeasible (or suboptimal) search space is removed from the master problem (Hooker 2007b). The core idea of logic-based Benders decomposition is delayed constraint posting. Rather than represent all variables and constraints in a monolithic model, structure is introduced so that sub-problem constraints are only taken into account when a master solution has already been found. If the master problem and sub-problems are modeled such that the interaction among their variables is low, exponential gains can be observed. The idea of delayed constraint posting is present in other approaches to combinatorial problem solving, sometimes for reasons of expressivity as well as computational gains. Prime examples are found in Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) (Nieuwenhuis, Oliveras, and Tinelli 2006) as well as the common MILP technique of branch-and-cut (Miller, Tucker, and Zemlin 1960). LBBD and CP The expressivity of global constraints and the perspective of modeling and solving by combining active and encapsulated combinatorial sub-structure may provide a connection between standard CP techniques and LBBD. In particular, global constraints can be seen as LBBD sub-problems while the master problem is an extreme relaxation: the domain store (Hooker 2007a). The domain store is clearly a relaxation of the globally feasible problem space. As search is performed (e.g., by branching) each global constraint responds by pruning domain values of variables that it can prove do not participate in any local solution. One can view a global constraint as a sub-problem where the Benders cuts, communicated to the master problem, are unary constraints, removing values from domains. This definition is entirely consistent with the formalization of LBBD (Hooker 2000) where sub-problem solving can be triggered by partial solutions to the master problem. This conceptualization, though not the link with Benders decomposition, is explicit in work in constraint logic programming where a distinction was made between primitive constraints and propagation constraints (Wallace, Novello, and Schimpf 1997; Marriott and Stuckey 1998). Loosely, primitive constraints are simple constraints (e.g., unary constraints that remove domain values, linear constraints) which are included with the domain store in the core representation of a solver. Propagation constraints correspond to what we now think of as global constraints: constraints with accompanying propagation algorithms that generate new primitive constraints. Making this connection between CP and LBBD is only useful if the concepts and techniques in one area can be successfully used to extend the modeling and solving power in the other. Two broad and, to some extent, speculative directions for such development include viewing search in CP, specifically the relation between branching heuristics and constraint propagation, as the interplay between primal and dual3 and the investigation of alternatives to the domain store as a relaxation in CP. The primary example of the latter is the recent work on multi-valued decision diagrams as a core representation for CP (Hoda, van Hoeve, and Hooker 2010). Perhaps the most developed direction is the view that algorithms embedded and information available from global constraints can be more than consistency algorithms and domain pruning. If global constraints encapsulate useful substructure, perhaps they can share more global information as 3 These ideas were expressed in presentations and discussions by a number of researchers at the Workshop on General Principles in Seeking Feasible Solutions for Combinatorial Problems, organized by John Chinneck, Gilles Pesant, and Louis-Martin Rousseau at CPAIOR 2013. 3 References well as solve sub-problems. For example: Aggoun, A., and Beldiceanu, N. 1993. Extending CHIP in order to solve complex scheduling and placement problems. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 17(7):57–73. Aramon Bajestani, M., and Beck, J. C. 2013. Scheduling a dynamic aircraft repair shop with limited repair resources. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 47:35–70. Beck, J. C.; Davenport, A. J.; and Le Pape, C. 2000. Introduction. Constraints 5(4):327–334. Beck, J. C. 2010. Checking-up on branch-and-check. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP2010), 84–98. Beldiceanu, N.; Carlsson, M.; Demassey, S.; and Petit, T. 2007. Global constraint catalogue: Past, present and future. Constraints 12(1):21–62. Benini, L.; Lombardi, M.; Mantovani, M.; Milano, M.; and Ruggiero, M. 2008. Multi-stage Benders decomposition for optimizing multicore architectures. In Perron, L., and Trick, M., eds., In the Proceeding of the Fifth International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR’08), 36–50. Benoist, T.; Gaudin, E.; and Rottembourg, B. 2002. Constraint programming contribution to Benders decomposition: A case study. In In the Proceeding of the Eighth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP’2002), 603–617. Ciré, A.; Coban, E.; and Hooker, J. N. 2013. Mixed integer programming vs. logic-based benders decomposition for planning and scheduling. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR2013), 325–331. Correia, I., and Captivo, M. E. 2006. Bounds for the single source modular capacitated plant location problem. Computers & Operations Research 33:2991–3003. Fazel-Zarandi, M. M., and Beck, J. C. 2012. Using logicbased Benders decomposition to solve the capacity and distance constrained plant location problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 24:399–415. Fox, M. S. 1983. Constraint-Directed Search: A Case Study of Job-Shop Scheduling. Ph.D. Dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, Intelligent Systems Laboratory, The Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. CMU-RI-TR-85-7. Harjunkoski, I., and Grossmann, I. E. 2001. A decomposition approach for the scheduling. Computers and Chemical Engineering 25:1647–1660. Heinz, S.; Ku, W. K.; and Beck, J. C. 2013. Recent improvements using constraint integer programming for resource allocation and scheduling problems. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR2013), 12–27. Heinz, S.; Schulz, J.; and Beck, J. C. 2013. Using dual • Global constraints can be a source of heuristic information, based on their structure, though the calculation, approximation, and aggregation of the number of solutions to each global constraint (Pesant, Quimper, and Zanarini 2012). • Global constraints and the sub-structure that they represent can be used generate explanations of inferences that can be aggregated and reasoned about in a global clause store (Schutt et al. 2011). • Global constraints can detect when they have become independent sub-problems and use a generic or specialized algorithm to find a solution or to prove infeasibility (Heinz, Ku, and Beck 2013). • Global constraints can be used for automated remodeling via dual presolving techniques that decompose constraints and fix and/or remove variables (Heinz, Schulz, and Beck 2013). Epilogue: From Optimization Back to AI? One of the historical areas that influenced constraint programming was the knowledge-based problem solving approach from Artificial Intelligence (Beck, Davenport, and Le Pape 2000). One of the first uses of the word “constraint” in this literature is due to Simon (1973). Building on the cognitive science work of Reitman (1965), Simon uses constraints “to refer to any or all of the elements of that enter into the definition of a problem” (p. 189). For example, in the goal of designing a house, an architect may decide that it is to be two storeys high, generating a constraint that there must be some way to move between floors. This constraint evokes from memory (or a knowledge base) various design alternatives such staircases, elevators, and slides. Resolving this constraint produces other constraints on the design (e.g., the space required for a staircase) and other sub-design alternatives (e.g., a spiral staircase). A constraint, therefore, is a generative object in the knowledge representation. It contains or evokes alternative approaches to its own satisfaction (solution components) and these components in turn create sub-goals which impose further constraints, interleaving the process of modeling and solving. In short, rather than the restricted definition of a constraint generally accepted today within CP, Simon’s concept was of a much richer component of knowledge representation. This approach was explicitly followed in early work on constraint-based scheduling (e.g., (Fox 1983)), where a constraint contained knowledge, for example, about how it could be relaxed. While it is undoubtedly true that much of the power of modern CP arises from the formalization of a constraint and accompanying inference algorithms, it may be time to once again broaden the knowledge and algorithms embodied by constraints. Without losing the hard-won formal characterizations, generalizing global constraints to sub-problems of a logic-based Benders pattern is a promising direction forward, perhaps toward “good old-fashioned AI”. 4 presolving reductions to reformulate cumulative constraints. Constraints 18(2):166–201. Hoda, S.; van Hoeve, W.-J.; and Hooker, J. N. 2010. A systematic approach to mdd-based constraint programming. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Principles and Practices of Constraint Programming (CP2010), 266– 280. Hooker, J. N. 2000. Logic-based Methods for Optimization. Wiley. Hooker, J. N. 2005. A hybrid method for the planning and scheduling. Constraints 10(4):385–401. Hooker, J. N. 2007a. Integrated Methods for Optimization. Springer. Hooker, J. N. 2007b. Planning and scheduling by logic-based benders decomposition. Operations Research 55:588–602. Jain, V., and Grossmann, I. E. 2001. Algorithms for hybrid MILP/CP models for a class of optimization problems. INFORMS Journal on Computing 13:258–276. Marriott, K., and Stuckey, P. J. 1998. Programming with Constraints: An Introduction. The MIT Press. Miller, C. E.; Tucker, A. W.; and Zemlin, R. A. 1960. Integer programming formulation of traveling salesman problems. Journal of the ACM 7(4):326–329. Nieuwenhuis, R.; Oliveras, A.; and Tinelli, C. 2006. Solving SAT and SAT modulo theories: From an abstract DavisPutnam-Logemann-Loveland procedure to DPLL(T). Journal of the ACM 53(6):937–977. Pesant, G.; Quimper, C.-G.; and Zanarini, A. 2012. Counting-based search: Branching heuristics for constraint satisfaction problems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 43:173–210. Peterson, B., and Trick, M. A. 2009. A Benders approach to a transportation network design problem. In In the Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR’09), 326–327. Pisinger, D., and Sigurd, M. 2009. Using decomposition techniques and constraint programming for solving the twodimensional bin-packing problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 19(1):36–51. Reitman, W. R. 1965. Cognition and Thought. Wiley. Schutt, A.; Feydy, T.; Stuckey, P. J.; and Wallace, M. G. 2011. Explaining the cumulative propagator. Constraints 16(3):250–282. Simon, H. A. 1973. The structure of ill-structured problems. Artificial Intelligence 4:181–200. Terekhov, D.; Beck, J. C.; and Brown, K. N. 2009. A constraint programming approach for solving a queueing design and control problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 21(4):549–561. Wallace, M.; Novello, S.; and Schimpf, J. 1997. Eclipse: A platform for constraint logic programming. ICL Systems Journal 12(1):159–200. Xia, Q.; Eremin, A.; and Wallace, M. 2004. Problem decomposition for traffic diversions. In In the Proceeding of the First International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 2004), 349–363. 5