\.' First District's ruling that Prop 64 doesn't apply retroactively has its flaws By Michael L. Mallow, Nicole M. Lee and Eric J. Kohm E ver since Proposition 64 went into effect Nov. 3, defensecounsel have raced to courthousesthroughout the state,briefs in hand, attempting to rid their clients of unfair competition lawsuits filed by uninjured plaintiffs who now lack the requisite standingto prosecutesuch cases as private attorneys genera]. But something happenedon the way to the courthouse. OnFeb. ], the First District Court of Appeal issueda publishedopinion in Californians for Disability _~MII'IRights v. Mervyns, 05 C.D.O.S. ]010, holding that Prop 64's amendments to California's unfair competition law (Business & Professions Code §§11200,et. seq. and 11500,et. seq.) do not apply to cases filed prior to Nov. 3, 2004. In Mervyns, Californians for Disability Rights, a nonprofit whose stated purpose wasto protectthe interestsof disabledindividuals, filed suit againstMervyn's, a corporation operatingretail departmentstores throughout California, seeking to enjoin Mervyn's from allegedly denying storeaccessto persons with mobility disabilities. After a bench trial, the trial court denied COR's requestedrelief and enteredjudgment in favor of Mervyn's. COR appealed. Whi]e COR's appealwas pending,California voters approved Prop 64, mandating, inter alia, that: (I) only the attorney general or specified local public prosecutors may bring a lawsuit for unfair competition unless a person has suffered injury and lost money or property; and (2) persons seeking representative relief must satisfy the class action requirements of California Code of Civil Procedure§382. Based on the UCL's new standing requirementsenactedby Prop 64, Mervyn's Michael L. MaUOwis a litigation partner in the Los Angelesoffice of Kirkpatrick & LockhartNicholsonGraham.He is currently defendingUCL casespending in the San Francisco,Los Angelesand OrangeCounty Superior Courts.Nicole M. Lee is a litigation and labor and employmentassociate andEric J. Kohm is a litigation associateat thefirm. All threeare membersofthefirm 's California Unfair CompetitionLow practice group. Supreme " moved to dismiss COR's appeal. The court, denying Mervyn's motion to dismiss, held that Prop 64's amendmentsdo not apply to casespending before Nov. 3 becauseProp 64 containsno statutorylanguage expressingan intent that it applies retroactively; and absentsuch intent, the presumptionagainstretroactivity governs. Mervyn's arguedthat a different rule applies where statutoryrights are at issue. In support of its argument, Mervyn's purportedly cited a line of casesholding that "a causeof action or remedydependenton a statutefalls with a repeal of the statute, even after the action thereonis pending,in the absenceof a saving clause in the repealingstatute." Mervyn:' (quoting Callet v. Alioto, 210 Cal. 65 (1930». Rejecting the precedent establishedin the line of casescited by Mervyn's, the First District commencedits analysiswith the premise that a "conflict in canons of statutoryinterpretation" existed. It continued: "On the one hand, legislative enactmentsare presumedto operate prospectively. On the other hand, a court should apply the law in effect atthe time it renders its decision, including recent statutoryamendments." Relying on the U.S. Supreme Court case,Landgrafv. USl Film Products,511 U.S. 244 (1994), and the California Court case, Evangelatosv, Superior Court, 44 Cal,3d 1188 (1988), the Mervyn's court essentiallyruled that absentan expression of intent to the contrary,the repealof a right should not be applied to casespending prior to the repeal regardless of whether the right is based on statuteor common law, The Mervyn s decision is flawed becausethe "conflict in canonsof statutory interpretation"noted by the court doesnot actuallyexist. California precedenthasestablisheda bright-line distinction between how changes to common law rights are treated versus the repeal of a statutory right. When dealing with the repeal of a statutory right, retroactive intent is irrelevantwhen determiningwhetherthe repeal of the statutoryright appliesto pendinglitigation. The Mervyn s court's determinationthat a conflict in statutory interpretationexists was basedentirely on the court's mistaken belief that EvangelatosandLandgraf had any relevanceto the issueof whetherProp 64 applies to pending litigation. The court's belief was mistaken becauseneither Evangelatos nor Landgraf involved the repealof a statutoryright. In Evangelatos,the California Supreme Court had to decide whether Prop 51 applied to litigation pending prior to the proposition's effective date. Unlike Proposition64, Prop 51 modified the common law doctrine of joint and severalliability (Evangelatos,44 Cal.3d at 1192). Prop 51 did not repeal or modify any statuteor statutoryright. Becausea common law right, rather than a statutory right, was at issue, the Evangelatoscourt properly conducted a retroactivity analysis. Evangelatoshas no application to UCL caseslike Mervyn s becauseProp 64 did not affect any common law rights. Rather, Prop 64 repealeda "private attorney general" remedy unknown to the common law. This distinction was expresslyrecognized 12 yearsago in ARA living Centers v. Superior Court ofSanMateo County,I8 Cal.App.4th 1556 (1993) (distinguishing Evangelato.r on the grounds that the statutes at issue in ARA living Centers, "amendmentsto elder abuse statutes,do not make a 'substantial change in this state'straditional tort doctrine,' as was the casein Evangelatos"). Brenton v. Metabolife Int'l, 116 Cal.App.4th 679 (2004), a case decided just last year, teaches the same lesson. There the defendantfiled an anti-SLAPP motion seeking to sirike the plaintiff's complaint. Th~ trial court denied the motion andthe defendantappealed.While the case was on appeal, the Legislature amendedthe anti-SLAPP statuteby enacting Code of Civil Procedure §425.17, which identified certain plaintiffs and types of casesas not being subject to antiSLAPP requirements.The SLAPP statute amendment provided an independent ground for denying the defendant's motion. The defendantassertedon appealthat applying §425.17's amendments to the anti"SLAPPstatuteafter the casewas filed and on appealwas an improper retroactive application. The court of appeal,quoting from Callet v. Alioto, 210 Cal. 65 (1930), rejected the defendant's assertion, stating in Brenton that: ..Although the courts normally construe statutes to operate prospectively, the courts correlatively hold under the common law that when a pending action rests solely on a statutory basis, and when no rights have vestedunder the statute, 'a repeal of such a statute without a saving clause will terminate all pending actions basedthereon' (citing SouthernServicev. Los Angeles,15Cal.2d 1,11-12). ..As explained nearly 50 years ago in Callet v. Alioto (1930) 210Cal. 65, 67-68: 'It is too well settled to require citation of authority,that .., every statutewill be construed to operate prospectively and will not be given a retrospectiveeffect, unless the intention that it should havethat effect is clearly expressed....It is also a general rule, subjectto certain limitations not necessaryto discusshere, that a causeof action or remedydependenton a statutefalls with a repeal of the statute,even after the action thereon is pending, in the absence of a saving clause in the repealingstatute. ...The justification for 'this rule is that all statutory remedies are pursued with full realization that the legislaturemay abolish the right to recover at any time.'" The court's reliance on Londgrafv. USI Film Products is similarly flawed. In Londgra[. the SupremeCourt was not anSee PROP 64 next page THE RECORDER' WEDNESDAY,FEBRUARY9, 2005 5 PROP64r Continued from previous page for the Legislature or the electorateto ex- presssuch intent in Prop64. alyzing a repeal of a statutory right. Based on the languageof its decision, Rather,the court was deternlining whether amendmentsto Title VII, that had the ef- the Mervyn's court appearedtroubled by fect of creating new rights, applied the notion that the electorate could strip retroactively. As the SupremeCourt stat- CDR of standing to prosecuteits appeal. As the court noted in Mervyn's: ed, the statutory amendmentat issue"sig"CDR filed this lawsuit in May 2002, nificantly expandsthe monetaryrelief potentially available to plaintiffs who would over two yearsbefore passageof Proposition 64. At that time, CDR had the right to have been entitled to backpay under prior law. ..[and] allows monetary relief for file and prosecutea UCL causeof action, some fornls of workplace discrimination and maintained that right through trial in August 2003, Dismissal of the appeal at that would not previously have justified any relief under Title Vll." Landgraf at this juncture would foreclose considera254 (emphasis in original). Unlike the tion of COR's claims that it should have statutory amendment in Landgraf, Prop prevailedat trial, or is entitled to a newtri64 merely repealed the statutory right of al. Were Proposition 64 applied to pendany personto act asa private attorneygen- ing appeals,as Mervyn's advocates,even eral; it did not expandor createanyrights. those plaintiffs who prevailed at trial Simply put, the Mervyn's court failed to could be stripped of theirjudgments." It may seemharshand perhapscounterapply the brighHine distinction between statutory amendmentsthat alter common intuitive that a plaintiff, who has beenlitlaw rights versus statutory amendments igating a casefor years, can literally lose standing overnight, But Californians for that repeal statutoryrights. California law has long supported the Disability Rights, like every other uninposition that the repeal of statutory rights jured individual or entity acting as a private attorneygeneralunderthe UCL, filed applies to pending cases-notwithstanding the absenceof any intent indicating its lawsuit with the fun understandingthat that suchchangesapply retroactively. See, the right to act as a private attorneygener' e.g., Tapia v. Superior Court of Thlare al could be repealed at any time. Given County, 53 Cal.3d 282 (1991); Brenton v. such notice, plaintiffs facing the terminaMetabolife Int'l, 116 Cal.App.4th 679 tion of their casesbasedon the application (2004); ARA Living Centers v. Superior of Prop 64, cannot now c1aimthatsuchapCourt of San Mateo County, 18 plication is unfair, For those of us who regularly defend Cal.App.4th 1556 (1993); Robertson v. Rodriguez, 36 Cal.App.4th 347 (1995); UCL cases,we can only hope the CaliforSouthCoa.ftRegional Commissionv. Gor- nia Supreme Court will quickly remedy the Mervyn'" decision -before millions don, 84 Cal.App.3d 612 (1978). In fact, given the clarity of existing law of donarsare wasteddefendingcasesthat prior to Mervyn's, it would be superfluous lack a real plaintiff, 8