JANUARY 1931 STATION CIRCULAR 101 Winter Rations for the Farm Flock in Eastern Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Oregon State Agricultural College CORVAWS OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION T1nn ( -. 1. Ssoo The; . ., ... Portland Hon. Herman Oliver Canyon City Hon. Albert Burch Hon. C. C. Colt Portland Hon. E. C. Pease Hon. B. F. Irvine Yortland Hon. F. E. Callister Hon. t.. C. Sammons Portland Hon. Aubrey Watzek Dr. E. E. Lindsay, Executive Secretary -- Medford The Dalles Albany Portland Salem STAFF OF AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION W. J. Kerr, D.Sc., LL.D J. 1'. Jardine, B.S H. P. Barso, S.ibL..Plant Pathologist in Chg. F. D. Bailey. M.S...Asso. Pathoioptst, inset. Sicide and Fungicide Ed., U. .S. D. of .4. R. S. flesse, M.S Associate us Farm llgt. F. M. Bolin, l).V.M...Asssstaut Veterinarian V. TI. HnIlen. Ph. I) 4ss't Bacteriologist A. C. Bousiuct, M.S Horticulturist (Vegetable Grops) P. hI. Urandt. A.hI.....Dairy Husband,nan sn Charge E. N. Bressman, .\LS.......A:soc. Agronomist G. C. Brown, U.S... Horticulturist, flood River Branch Exp. Station, Hood River %V. S. Brown, M.S.......11orticu!turist in (ho. D. E. flullis. M.S..............4sstrtant Chemist A. S. Burner. M.S......._........Assisiant in Farm Management J. C. Burtncr, 1LS....dsso. Dir., News Scrvtce C. D. Byrne, hl.S.....Dircctor, News Service Leroy Childs, A B .....Superintende,,t Hood River Branch Exp. Station, Hood River Grace M. Cole. A. U.........Ass't Botanist Seed Lab., U. S. Dept. of Agric. (Seed Analyst) B. Cooter...........................Orchard l'ore,nan G. V. Copson, MS.. Bacteriologist in Charøe G. Vt. Darrow, Ph.D.........Sr. Pomologist in Charge Small Fruit Inves., I-fort. Crops and Dis., U. S. Dept. of A,jric. U. K. Dean, U.S uperintendent Umatilla Bran c/s Exp. Station, Hcrnisston E. hI. Dickinson, l).V.M..................Assistant Poultry Pathologist \V. II. Dreesen, Pli.D............A0'l Econo,,iist T. P. l)ykstra, M.S .....Assistant Plant Pathologist, U. S. Dept of Agriculture F. M. Edwards, B.S...._ 4:st. Animal fins. baudman, East. Ore. Br Exp. Sta., Union A. F. Enghretson, U.S 5uerintendent John Jacob Astor Br. Exj,. .5 Ia., Astoria F. E. Fox, M.S...Asso. Poultry 1-1iss'andman L. C. 0. Gentner, B.S.....As.sodat Entoniol. ogist. So. Ore. Br. ExP. Station. Talent D. C, dilk.pie, M.S.........Asst. Entomologist Hood River Branch Experiment Station L. N. Goodding B.A., B.S Associate Plant Pathologist, Li. S. Department of Agric. B. M. Goode, fl.A........ Associate Editor J. R, Haag, Ph.D Chemist (Aninigl Put.) H. Hartinan. M.S.........Horiicutturist (Porn.) F.. M. Harvey, Ph.D.....Horticulturist (Phys. I). D. Hill, MI.S..._ _As,tociale Agronomist F. J. Hinnian. M.S............Jr. Entoissologut, Stored Prod, insect:, U. S. Dept. of A grit. C. J. Hurd, B.................Ass'l Ag'l Engineer It. F. Hutchison. 14.5..... 4ssistnt t Supt. of Harney Valley Br. Exi'. Sb., Burns C. IL Hyslop, B.S.......Agronomist in Char1ie V. -r. Johnson, l).V.M...Poultrr Pat holiiqist I. It. Jones, PIs.l)...Assoc. Dairy Hushand'n 5. S. Jones, M.S.A ..........Clse,nist in Charge S. Jones, MS .................AssI. Eiitoiiiologist F. L. Knowlton. B.S.....Poultry Hubaudman G. %V. Kuhlsnan, M.S.........Assistant in Farm Management A. 0. Larson, M.S.,.....Entomnolo gist, Stored- Prod. Insects, U. S. Dept. of Agric. hI. H. Lewis. C.E Jrrigation and Drainage Specialist; Agricultural Eii,jines'r. Buresiii of Public Roads, U. S. Dept. of Ayrie. A. G. Lunn. H.S..........Pouitry ilusbandusan in Charge President Director A. hI. McCapes, D.V.M...A::t. Veterinarian F. P. McVhorter, Ph.D Liso, Planr Pathologist 5. F. Martin, U.S Jr. Apron., Office of Cereal Crops and Diseases, U. S. D. of A. P. %V. Miller, Ph.D Assoc. Plant Pathologist, Horl., Crops and L)is.. U. S. D. of .1. H. H. Milisap 4j;ent. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. DePt. of Agric. G. A. Mitchell. U.S.....As.sistant Agronomist, Office of Dry.Land Agric., U. .5. D. of 4. D. C. Mote, Ph.D ...Ento,nologist in Chy. 0. 1-1. Muth, I).V.M Assistant Veterinarian hI. N. Nelson. Phi)..... Agricultural Econnniist in Charge 0. M. Nelson, M.S Animal Hiishandmams ...Assi:tant Animal A. W. Uliver, M.S Husbandnian hI. M. Oveson, B.S ....A.rst. to Supt.. Slier. man County Br. Exp. Sta., Moro K. L. l'ntter, M.S.........Aninial Hus&andmaii in Charge W. L. Powers, Ph.D.....Soil Scientist ii; Clig. F. F.. Price, B.S ......Agricultural E,sqineer F.. 'I. Heed, U.S., A.B.... iditor F. C. Itcimer. M.S......Superintendent Son. them Oregon Br. Exp. Station, Talent R. H. Robinson, M.S....-.........Chcmist, Iii. sectscides and Fungicide: C. V. Buick, M.S ..........Associate Soil Sci. eiitist (Fertility) H. A. Schoth, M.S.....Associate Agronomist. Forajje Crops, U. S. Dept. of Agric. C. F., Schuster1 M.S.....Horticulturist, Hart. Cro.s and Di:., Bureau of Plant Industry', U. .s. Dept. of Agric. II. D. Seudder. 13.S...Chief in Farm Man'g't 0. L. Searcy, lt.S _Technician, Vet. Med. H. 11.. Ss'lby, U.S .Associale in Farm Myt. 0. Shattuck, M.S Superintendent l-iamney Valley Branch Experiment Sta.. Burns J. N. Shaw, U.S., D.V.M...Asst. Veterinarian 5. F. Simmons, M.S.......Asst. Bacteriologist II. T. Simma, D.V.M...V,'triivarian in Clig. R. Sprague, Ph.D.......AssiAtant Pathologist. U. S. Dept. of AVric. F. Stephens, ILS.....Superintctident Sher. man County Bronchi Exp. Statio,s, Moro H. E. Strphenson, Ph.D........._A:sociate Soil Scientist L. Sulerud. M.A.......Asst. Ag'l Economist B. G. Thompson, M.S.._.A.tst. Entomologist F.. F. Torerson, B.S.....Assistant Sail Scta'ntart (Soil Survey) R. B. Webb, B.S Agent. Cereal Crops and Di:., U. S. Dept. of Agric., Sherman Co. Br. .cralion C. F. Whitakcr. U.S. Assistant Chemist F.. H. Viegand, B.S..__...._.__HorticulturisS (Horticultural Products) Joseph Wilcox, M.S.........Asst. Eiitonio!ogisl _...Ho,,it Economist ifaud \Vilson, B S Gustav Wilster, Ph.D....__.Associate in Dairy Manufacturing .Superintendeiit Robt. Withycombe, B.S Eastern Oregon Br. Exp Station. Union H. A. Work, lI.S...Asst. Irrigation Engineer, Div. of Ag'l Engineering, U, S. I). of A. S. hI, Zeller. Ph.D......,........Plant Pathologist TABLE OF CONTENTS Page IntroductionPlan of the Experiments, Feeds, Stock Used, Shelter and Equipment Rations Before and After Lambing 5 6 Corn, Pea-and-bald-barley, and Sunflower Silage with Alfalfa Hay 10 Different Amounts of Pea-and-bald-barley Silage vith Alfalfa Hay 10 Alfalfa Hay vs. Alfalfa Hay and Silage 10 Farm Flock Record 11 Maintaining the Flock 12 Fleece Weights 13 Monthly Gains of Lambs 13 Financial Considerations 14 SUMMARY Alfalfa hay without other feeds proved entirely satisfactory for wintering breeding ewes. One pound of silage and likewise one pound of grain fed in addition to alfalfa hay to ewes after lambing produced a slight but similar increase in the gains made by the lambs. One pound of silage added to the hay ration throughout the winter added to the expense but did not improve the ration. The lambs were slightly larger at birth but seemingly not as strong as those from ewes fed alfalfa alone. Two or three pounds of silage fed throughout the winter in addition to alfalfa produced no better results than one pound of silage. Pea and bald-barley silage, corn silage, and sunflower silage are apparently of equal value when fed with alfalfa hay for wintering breeding ewes. A 100-percent lamb crop at marketing time has under these conditions paid the market price for feed, paid for all labor, taken care of the death loss and replacement, and paid interest on the livestock investment. Lambing percentages above 100 percent would of course give greater returns. A good farm flock in Eastern Oregon can be made to produce an average lamb crop of 137 percent, counted at marketing time. Winter Rations for the Farm Flock in Eastern Oregon By ROBERT WITHYCOMBE, F. M. EDWARDS, and E. L. PoTTER The five objects of these tests were: (1) to determine a satisfactory winter ration for breeding ewes; (2) to compare the results obtained from feeding alfalfa hay and silage both before and after lambing with those obtained from feeding alfalfa hay alone; (3) to determine the value of the addition of silage and of grain after lambing to a ration of alfalfa hay; (4) to compare different kinds of silage and different amounts of silage when fed with alfalfa hay; (5) to obtain a detailed record for a farm flock of grade ewes. Plan of the experiments. The Station flock was divided for experimental winter feeding into lots containing ewes of as near the same age, quality, condition, and weight as possible. Complete records were kept for each of the tests. The ewes were all run as one flock during the pasture season and separated into their respective lots during the winter feeding period. They were branded and tattooed for identification. Feeds. The feeds used in these tests were produced on the Station farm and were generally of good quality. The alfalfa hay was fed as it came from the stack, except when the top or bottom of the stack was moldy or damaged. Similar cuttings of alfalfa hay were fed to all lots on test at the same time during any one particular period of the test. The hay was fed twice daily. The crops used for silage were corn, field peas and bald barley, and sunflowers. Silage was hauled fresh from the silo and fed once a day except when more than one pound per day was fed, in which case two equal feeds were given. Grain was fed whole and in two feeds per day. The pasture consisted of native meadow, blue-grass, sweet clover, and grain stubble on irrigated and subirrigated lands. Stock used. The ewes used for the first test were range ewes of unknown breeding, purchased in October, 1917. Their appearance indicated considerable proportion of fine-wool blood, together with a little black-face breeding. The rams used in all cases were good pure-bred Hampshires. The better ewe lambs each year were kept for replacement purposes. The original ewes were used for only two years. In subsequent years the ewes used were all descendants of the original stock. By 1930 most of the ewes in the flock had three to five top crosses of Hampshire breeding. The ewes were generally in a good, thrifty condition at the beginning of each test and all had sound mouths. Shelter and equipment. The ewes were fed in open lots, which were fairly well protected for feeding and lambing. In feeding hay, panels were AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CIRCULAR 101 used, and the grain and silage were fed in troughs. The ewes had free access to running water and rock salt ( ground) at all times. Feed lois were kept well bedded with straw, especially during lambing. After lambing the ewes and lambs were moved into a shed and kept in small pens for a few days, after which they were placed in outside lots. RATIONS BEFORE AND AFTER LAMBING Four years' work on rations for ewes before and after lambing has been completed. The rations fed to the different lots were as follows: Before lambing Lot 1...Alfalfa hay Lot 2Alfalfa hay Lot 3Alfalfa hay After lambing Alfalfa hay Alfalfa hay and 1 pound grain Alfalfa hay and 1 pound silage Alfalfa hay and 1 pound silag Lot 4Alfalfa hay and 1 pound silage The grain fed was whole barley except one year, when whole oats was used. Pea-and-bald-barley silage was used during all four years. Figure 1. Typical lot at the beginning of the tests. All lots were as nearly alike as it was possible to get them. Table I gives a summary of the records of weights, gains, and feed for the four years. The average length of the feeding periods for the four years was 98 days and of this the ewes were on the "before lambing" ration for an average of 52.5 days and on the "after lambing" ration for 45.5 days. The ewes were in good, thrifty condition when the test began. They were given a full feed of alfalfa hay for the entire time, but the grain or silage was limited to one pound per head daily for the time fed. WINTER RATIONS FOR THE FARM FLOCK IN EASTERN OREGON 7 TABLE I. RATIONS BEFORE AND AFTER LAMBING Summary of four years' work with a total of 102 ewes per lot Average length of test 98 days All lots fed all the alfalfa hay they would eat throughout the test Lot 1, per head Lot 2, per head Lot 3, per head Lot 4, per head Grain after Silage after lambing Silage through-. 1aznbint Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 177.0 167.1 176.0 167.0 176.6 168.3 177.1 168.4 10.2 10.1 9.5 9.8 20.1 9.9 19.2 17.8 8.3 18.5 Feed in addition to alfalfa Initial weight Final weight Gain before lambing, 52.5 days Loss during and after lambing-45.5 days.. Net loss for 98 days.... 9.1 out the winter 87 Feed per day-. Alfalfa hayOffered Refused Consumed Grain Silage 5.51 .47 5.04 5.28 .49 4.7 .65 5.29 .46 4.83 4.95 .55 .66 .93 4.40 The ewes gained an average of 10 pounds per head before lambing and lost from 18 to 20 pounds during lambing, making a net loss ranging from eight to ten pounds. The ewes were in good condition in all cases, as is indicated by their weights. The difference in gains and losses between the lots was so small as to be within the limit of experimental error. The amount of alfalfa hay fed to the first three lots before lambing was nearly the same. The ewes in these three lots were fed an average of 4.4 pounds of hay a day. Of this amount 0.32 pound was refused. Lot 4, which had one pound of silage a day throughout the winter, ate 0.3 pound less hay than the lots without silage. TABLE II. HAY CONSUMED DAILY PER EWE BEFORE AND AFTER LAMBING Summary of four years' work with a total of 102 ewes per lot Average length of test 98 days All lots fed all the alfalfa hay they would eat throughout the test Lot2 Lot 3 Lot4 Grain after lambing Silage after lambing Silage throughout the winter Lb. Lb. 4.25 4.03 Lb. 4.09 3.82 5.95 1.70 5.67 1.64 5.69 1.60 Ln 1 Feed in addition to alfalfa Before lambing After and during lambitig ................... Increase Lb. 506 1.24 The lambs ate some hay and doubtless some of this increase in consumption is due to that. Table III gives the lambing record of the various lots, figured on the basis of the ewes that actually lambed. 8 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CIRCULAR 101 TABLE III. LAMBING RECORD Average of four years' work with a total of 102 ewes per lot Lot2 Lot3 Lot4 Grain after ainbing Silage alter lambing Silage through- 183.2 17S.I % 173.4 % 175.8 9.9 173.3 6.9 166.4 14.6 163.5 11.7 20.0 155.8 6.3 149.5 LoLl Feed in addition to alfalfa % Lambs born Lambs lost during and before end of lambing Lambs marked Lambs lost on pasture. Lambs matured 163.5 161.7 10.6 151.1 out the winter The percentage of lambs born was high in all lots. The difference in the number of lambs born in Lots 1, 2, and 3 was apparently due to causes other than feed as these three lots were handled and fed as nearly alike as possible until the lambs were born. Lot 4 had silage before lambing, but since the silage was fed for only 52.5 days before lambing and since the "number of lambs born" includes the dead lambs, it would seem that the silage fed for this short period had no effect on the number of lambs born. There was a marked difference, however, in the number of lambs lost during the lambing season between Lot 1 on straight alfalfa and Lot 4 which had silage through the winter. There was also a difference in the birth weights. The lambs from Lot 4 averaged at birth 9.56 pounds while the lambs from the other three lots averaged 9.33 pounds, or .23 pound less. The lambs from the ewes that had silage through the winter were therefore larger at birth but somewhat weaker. During the summer the lots were all run together and were separated only when the lambs were weighed. The average loss of lambs during the summer was 6 percent. During the third year of this test dogs caused a heavy summer loss, especially in Lot 3. If the loss caused by dogs were deducted from the total loss for each lot, the number of lambs lost during the summer in Lots 1, 3, and 4 would be exactly the same. It was apparent that the difference in the summer losses for each of the different lots was not caused by the difference in winter feeds. The lambs seemed strong and healthy when they were turned on to spring pasture. The losses were due to bloat, dogs, and unknown causes. Final weights were taken and the test for the year terminated at the time the wether lambs were marketed. The wether lambs were sold to local shippers with the exception of two years when they were shipped by the Station to the North Portland market. Some of the ewe lambs were kept to replace old ewes in the Station flock and the others were sold to local sheepmen for breeding stock. The first two years of the experiment all lambs in each lot were weighed together. During the last two years the single and twin lambs of each lot were weighed separately. The average weight of the lambs when the test was ended was 87 to 90 pounds at the Station, weighed off pasture and as soon as separated from the ewes, without shrink. The difference in the average gains shown by the lambs of the various lots at marketing time is largely attributed to the rations fed to the ewes WINTER RATIONS FOR THE FARM FLOCK IN EASTERN OREGON 9 TABLE IV. GAIN FOR LAMBS, BIRTH WEIGHT TO MARKETING WEIGHT Average for four yearsPer-head basis Feed fed ewes in addition to alfalfa hay Lot 1 Lot2 Lot3 Lot 4 None Grain after Silage after lainbing Silage through- Lb. 80.87 2.47 Lb. Lb. 81.35 2.95 Lb. Gain per lamb Difference over Lot 1 78.40 lambing out the winter 80.83 2.43 after lambing. The feed evidently influenced the quantity of milk produced by the ewe and this in turn accounts for the gains made by the lambs. The greater gains of the lambs in Lots 2, 3, and 4 would make possible the marketing of these lots approximately one week sooner than for Lot 1, and at the same weight. The addition of 1 pound of grain to a full feed of alfalfa hay for 30 days after lambing replaced 0.43 pound hay per day and produced lambs that showed a total gain at marketing time of 2.47 pounds more than lambs from ewes fed only alfalfa. For each lamb matured 19 pounds of grain was fed. The addition .of 1 pound of silage to a full feed of alfalfa hay for 30 days after lambing replaced 0.39 pound of hay per day and produced a lamb that showed a total gain at marketing time of 2.43 pounds more than lambs from ewes fed only alfalfa. For each lamb matured 19 pounds of silage was fed. In the daily ration of 1 pound of silage and a full feed of alfalfa hay before and after lambing, the 1 pound of silage replaced 0.56 pound of hay per day for the entire period and produced a lamb with 2.95 pounds more gain at marketing time than lambs from ewes fed only alfalfa. For each lamb matured 64 pounds of silage was fed. Grain and silage fed after lambing show about equal results. Both apparently increased the amount of milk produced by the ewes. The lambs of the two lots made approximately the same gains. Figuring the cost of the feed required to make the additional gain per lamb and crediting for the hay saved, with alfalfa hay at $10.00, silage $5.00, and grain at $30.00 per ton, each additional pound of gain made by feeding grain during and after lambing cost 100. Each pound of additional gain made by feeding silage during and after lambing cost 2.30, while the additional gain made by feeding silage throughout the winter cost 4.60 per pound of gain. Considered from all angles these tests indicate the following: (1) Straight alfalfa hay throughout both winter and lambing season is very satisfactory but may be slightly improved by the use of 1 pound of silage after lambing. The erection of a silo for this one purpose, however, would hardly be practicable for less than 2,000 ewes, and that number would need only 30 tons. (2) The use of silage throughout the winter was expensive and any increase in size of lambs was offset by heavier loss of lambs during the lambing season. (3) Grain fed after lambing gave no better results than an equal weight of silage. (4) The exact amount of gain obtained from this supplemental feeding varied greatly in the different tests and in some cases the supplemental feeding produced no additional gain. 10 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CIRCULAR 101 CORN, PEA-AND-BALD-BARLEY, AND SUNFLOWER SILAGE WITH ALFALFA HAY One year's work on rations of alfalfa hay fed with different kinds of silage shows little difference in the comparative value of these silages. The pea-and-bald-barley and the corn silage seemed to be relished a little better by the ewes, but the gains made by the different lots were approxi- mately the same. DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF PEA-AND-BALD-BARLEY SILAGE WITH ALFALFA HAY In one year different amounts of pea-and-bald-barley silage (1, 2, and 3 pounds) were fed with alfalfa hay for a 60-day feeding period before lambing. In this one test the use of 1 pound of silage was the most satisfactory in replacing hay as it replaced nearly as much as 2 pounds and more than 3 pounds of silage. No detrimental effects were noticed during lamb- ing from the use of more than 1 pound of silage. There was also no apparent difference in the condition of the ewes. ALFALFA HAY VS. ALFALFA HAY AND SILAGE Seven years' work with 14 lots, containing 359 ewes, on winter rations comparing alfalfa hay and alfalfa hay and silage, shows results similar to those shown by Lots 1 and 4 of the four-year experiment already quoted. The average for the seven years shows that 1 pound of pea-and-bald-barley silage fed with a ration of alfalfa hay saved 0.43 pound of hay per day for a 60-day period before lambing. The percentage of lambs dropped figured on the number of ewes that lambed was nearly the same-180.0 percent for the straight-alfalfa-hay lot and 180.1 percent for the alfalfa-hay-and-silage lot. The loss of lambs during the lambing period was 4.01 percent greater for the lots receiving silage and alfalfa hay as compared to the lots on alfalfa hay alone. Figure 2. The experimental farm flock on pasture. WINTER RATIONS FOR THE FARM FLOCK IN EASTERN OREGON 11 FARM FLOCK RECORD In order to answer the many inquiries received as to just what a farm flock will do through a series of years, a complete record was kept of the performance of the Experiment Station flock. This record includes all of the ewes on the farm, regardless of how fed or handled. Since the cost of maintaining a flock is determined by the number of ewes bred, the figures are all given on that basis. TABLE V. LAMBING RECORD-13 YEARS-1918 TO 1930 INCLUSIVE Total lambs and losses per 100 ewes bred Ewc Year lot q Dead sum- before her bred 228 119 47 102 108 100 99 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 lamb. jug Dry % 1.32 3.52 % 14.90 10.10 Lambs lost Lambs marked 2.02 6.31 % 121 139 170 166 128 184 193 163 111 .90 99 100 102 122 194 1.96 1.64 4.04 7.00 4.90 4.10 8.25 152 166 136 161 t 1.12 8.19 151.15 159 161 1 % 10.50 11.60 10.60 13.70 12.00 17.00 37.40 16.20 15.20 13.00 9.80 8.20 9.79 % 111 128 160 152 116 167 156 147 143 148 142 158 126 13.53 137.62 on Lambs matured % % pasture ing 5.88 24.10 3.00 Lambs lost during lamb- Lambs born 4.63 9.00 3.03 5.41 7.07 11.00 1.96 2.46 10.30 I 6.38 111 158 153 141 136 137 140 156 116 136.71 'No record. The variations of the farm flock lamb record, including the high and low percentages, were as follows: Low Ewes dead before lambing Ewes dry High 3.52 24.10 193.00 37.40 167.00 11.00 158.00 121.00 Lambs born 8.20 Lambs lost during lambing 111.00 Lambs marked 1.96 Lambs lost on pasture 111.00 Lambs matured It will be noted that the lowest lambing percentage was the first year, when the experiment started with ewes of uncertain age and breeding. At the beginning of the second year nearly half of these older ewes were sold. The lamb crop the second year is therefore distinctly better. The third year all of the old ewes were sold and only their daughters remained in the flock. The effect of this culling is shown plainly in the lamb crop. In 1930, on account of a desire to increase the size of the flock, very little culling was done and the resulting lamb crop was below average. The large number of dry ewes and the comparatively smaller lamb crop of 1922 is attributed to a ram that proved to be a poor breeder. 12 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CIRCULAR 101 The highest percentage of lambs was born in 1924. This year also shows the largest loss during lainbing. There was an unusually large percentage of twins and triplets and the losses were largely from these. The lowest loss of lambs was in 1929. The lambs in that year were unusually strong and vigorous but the cause of this extra strength and vigor is not known. The summer loss of lambs was highest in 1927. Of the 11 lambs lost this year 7 were killed by dogs. The following year, 1928, the loss was the lowest, with only two lambs lost on pastureone from bloat and one from cause unknown. TABLE VI. EWE LOSSES PER 100 EWES BREDEIGHT YEARS Year Number of ewes 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 100 99 Total Feed lot 3.00 111 .90 99 100 102 122 194 3.00 1.96 3.28 927 1.40 Pasture 6.00 9.09 14.41 5.05 3.00 3.92 4.92 6.70' To September 1, 1930. Table VI shows that the total yearly loss of ewes (feed lot and pasture) for the eight years was 8.09 percent. The high summer loss of 14.41 percent for the year 1925 was due to bloat on alfalfa. Of the 17 ewes lost that year 9 were lost from bloat. For the entire period 20 percent of the total loss of ewes was caused by bloat, 3 percent by dogs, 5 percent by lambing and udder trouble, and the remainder by other causes. MAINTAINING THE FLOCK Ewe lambs kept for the flock were selected from the year's lamb crop at marketing time. Care was taken to select only hardy lambs of good mutton conformation and Hampshire type. These lambs were fed alfalfa hay aiid usually some grain or grain screenings during the winter, with the idea of keeping them growing in a good thrifty condition and making some gain. The following spring, when the ewe lambs were approximately one year old, they were turned in with the flock. These yearlings were bred to drop their first lambs in the spring that they were two years old. For a farm flock of approximately 100 ewes it was found necessary to keep 20 to 25 ewe lambs each year for the replacement of ewes lost and old ewes sold. The average yearly loss of breeding ewes was 8 percent. By carefully selecting ewe lambs and culling the breeding flock closely, it was possible to keep a flock of good ewes with sound mouths. WINTER RATIONS FOR THE FARM FLOCK IN EASTERN OREGON 13 FLEECE WEIGHTS A complete record of.the wool produced by the farm flock has been kept since 1922. The sheep were sheared in May or June of each year. The average is as follows: 7.45 pounds Ewes more than one year old 8.68 pounds Ewes one year old 9.32 pounds Rams 7.71 pounds Flock average MONTHLY GAINS OF LAMBS For two years the lambs were all weighed once a month. The average birth weight of these lambs was 9.42 pounds. Their average weight when turned on to pasture was 18.4 pounds. After the ewes and lambs were turned on to pasture the average daily gain of the lambs by months was as follows: 1st month.. 0.54 pound 2d month.....53 pound 3d month.....47 pound 4th month-----41 pound 5th month.....25 pound The actual inventory, death loss, and sales for a farm flock of 100 breeding ewes were found to be as follows: Invenfory Breeding ewes Rams 100 2 23 Ewe lambs for replacement Total 125 10 Death loss (at 8 percent) Sales Lambs (matured 137 but kept 23 for replacement).... 114 head 13 head Old ewes 963 pounds Wool Table VII shows the yearly average of all the feeds fed to the farm flock for the six-year period. TABLE VII. WINTER FEED PER HEAD, AVERAGE 1924.1929 INCLUSIVE Average length of winter feeding 132 days Alfalfa hay Offered Refuced Coneumed SiIae ---------._-.-.-- Gram Grain screeningc Molasses Ewes Ewe lambs Rams Lb. 564 49 Lb. 274 Lb. 42 none 515 17 51 none 17 257 34 110 2.4 356 14 342 3 27 70 none 14 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CIRCULAR 101 The ewes, and in some years the ewe lambs, were separated into differ- ent lots for experimental winter feeding work. This partly accounts for the number of different feeds used. The experiments with alfalfa hay alone have shown that the feeds other than alfalfa, while helpful, were not necessities. The flock was run on the farm pastures for the portion of the year when not in the feed lot. There was also a little overlapping of hay and pasture. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS All the facts necessary in order to determine the cost of production and the income have already been given, except the prices of the feed and pasture and the market price of the product. These items, however, will vary from year to year and from farm to farm. It may be said briefly that for the period of these tests, 1918-1929, the wool and a lamb crop of 100 percent counted at maturity would have paid a fair market price for feed, labor, interest, and all other items of cost, including the purchase of rams and the maintenance of the ewe lambs kept for replacement purposes. With good care and management it is possible to obtain lambing percentages in excess of 100 percent. Lambs in excess of 100 percent greatly increase the flock returns without materially increasing the costs, and therefore greatly increase the net profit.