630.71 Or3e1 no.812 c3 Beef Carcass Evaluation Contest 'DOCUMENT cou.ecTios OREGON tOLLECTios I. 64904.9, 7 Cooperative Extension Service Oregon State University Corvallis'' This bulletin was prepared by J. C. Miller, professor and head of the Department of Animal Science, and John H. Landers, Jr. and W. Dean Frischknecht, Extension animal science specialists, Oregon State University. The contest described was held at the 1962 Pacific International Livestock Exposition in Portland, Oregon. It was sponsored by the Oregon Beef Cattle Improvement Association, the Oregon Cattlemen's Association, the Pacific International Livestock Exposition, and Oregon State University. Appreciation for making the contest possible is extended to Kienow's Food Stores of Portland, the Oregon Beef Council, the Armour Packing Company, the Market Supply Company of Portland, and the progressive cattle breeders who entered their steers in competition. Beef Carcass Evaluation Contest Introduction "Mr. Paulus, that's the most beauti- ful roast I've ever seen !" This was Mrs. Murphy's reaction when she stopped at the super market to pick up the standing rib roast she'd ordered for a dinner in honor of her husband's boss. She'd been specific '.. . it must . be Choice grade, between 7 and 8 pounds, nicely marbled and not too fat! Mr. Paulus hadn't disappointed her ; carcass weight of many beef carcasses to prepare cuts for the retail trade? Because Mrs. Murphy won't buy the cuts with that much fat on them. The consumer doesn't want it, the retailer doesn't want it, and the packer doesn't want it, yet it comes with the carcass. Nobody wants it, yet some one pays for it. Who? The consumer, yet she doesn't want it and doesn't take it the roast he brought out was just to home with her. her order. She was very pleased until she heard the price ! Really, she hadn't realized it would be so high, what with her rancher friend and his The fat trim which the retailer sells at 11 cents per pound adds materially to the consumer price of beef. It also cost the feeder more than he got for it wife talking about the price they were when he sold the live animal. Why getting for cattle these days. It looked then, does the feeder finish his cattle pretty obvious that somebody was get- to that degree of wastiness ? Because ting rich at the expense of the con- he is trying to make choice quality catsumer. She knew a standing rib roast tle which command a premium price. was one of the most desirable cuts, Unfortunately, cattlemen and meat but that hardly explained the price she men cannot consistently identify qualwas being charged. ity carcass grades in the live animal. Mr. Paulus was glad to have the op- Furthermore, cattle differ widely in portunity to explain that part of the their lean-to-fat ratio, even when the cost was because he trimmed his cuts same age, on the same feed, and fed to the way his customers like themwith the same slaughter weight. Degree of less than one half inch fat cover. In fact, he'd trimmed almost 11 pounds marbling largely determines quality grade. Some cattle will marble to choice of fat from this 8-pound roast. He explained that he gets only Li- cents per pound for the fat trim and that his loss has to be spread over the cuts he sells. grade with less than one half inch fat cover over the rib, while others may require an inch or more outside fat to reach choice grade. These differences are largely hereditary, which means the lean-fat ratio can be improved by Mrs. Murphy accepted the roast knowing it would please her husband's boss, but feeling upset with what seemed to be too high a price to the consumer. Mrs. Murphy's experience is repeated many times daily by other shoppers at super markets. Why is it neces- selection. Identification of breeding stock that will produce the most desirable market animals for all segments of the beef business is a major problem confront- ing the industry: The fast growing, sary to trim off up to 25-30% of the high gaining, well muscled animal that 3 will yield a quality carcass of popular weight with a minimum of waste fat trim is desired by the breeder, feeder, processor, and retailer and should be less expensive to the consumer. Fortunately for producers, the larger framed, heavier muscled kind also make faster and cheaper gains. If beef is to continue to be America's first choice at the meat counter, it must remain competitive in price. The 1962 Contest Current trends in meat merchandis- trucked to the Armour Packing Plant ing, consumer preference, and carcass where they were slaughtered. The carevaluation studies have created an ac- casses were graded by two USDA tive interest in carcass contests and methods of on-foot identification of graders on October 15. The 10 top carcasses were selected by a committee of 4, including the 2 graders, D. A. Barnard, Meat Buyer for Kienow's Food Stores, who purchased the carcasses, and a University meats spegrade. It is hoped that such contests cialist. Carcasses were identified by will help to alert all segments of the number. None of the selection commit- carcass differences. The 1962 contest was held for the purpose of focusing attention on the differences in value of beef carcasses within the same quality beef industry to these differences, and lead to merchandising slaughter cattle according to their true value. This in turn should provide the necessary incentive for breeders and feeders to do tee had seen the live animals. Because pre-weighing treatment was not uniform for all steers, carcass weights do not provide valid comparisons of dressing percent. Following the a better job of satisfying consumer grading and selection, all carcasses preference. Eighteen were measured and photographed. The wholesale rib from the right side of each of the top 10 carcasses was displayed in a refrigerated case at the Pacific International Livestock Exposition on Tuesday, October 16, and for the duration of the show. Preliminary carcass data was also released at that time. steers consisting of 7 Angus, 5 Hereford, and 6 Shorthorns were entered in the contest by 10 breeders from 4 states. They were en- tered as junior yearlings (calved between January 1 and April 30, 1961) or summer yearlings (calved between May 1 and August 31, 1961). Minimum weight of 1,000 pounds was required for junior yearlings and 800 pounds for summer yearlings. Four steers failed to meet the weight requirements for junior yearlings and were eliminated from competition. After they were weighed and photographed, the steers were placed on foot Friday morning, October 12, by a committee of four competent judges, consisting of two breeders, a commission The left side of the carcasses aged until Tuesday, October 23, when they were broken down into trimmed retail cuts. To insure uniformity, 10 of Kienow's meat cutters, under the supervision of D. A. Barnard, working on a disassembly line basis, cut and trimmed the carcasses for retail sale. Oregon State University personnel observed and recorded the results. All carcasses graded low choice or man, and a University professor. Im- higher. The following statement mediately after judging, the steers were 4 taken from Mr. Barnard's report : : is "The valuation was placed on them starting from the standard of 45¢ per pound packing house rail value. They were cut against a 16¢ per pound retail market value standard price list mark up, which with labor, operating cost, and advertising cost produces about 1¢ per pound net for the retailer. It is interesting, yet astound- that within comparable grades, fat trim is by far the most important factor determining the true retail value of the carcass. This points up the need for an accurate and practical means of determining the lean-fat ratio or cuta- ing and alarming, to note that there is a 13.56 cents per pound difference in the value of these cattle from the top to the bottom for the retailer when cut for sale. In these tests, it can all be traced to the amount of outside, inside, and internal bility of a slaughter animal and its meat tissue to size of carcass that make the difference in the retail value of these worth. carcass fat with the smaller amount of red carcass. Furthermore, it reveals the weakness of our present marketing system, where all too frequently high cutability animals sell too low and wasty ones sell for more than they are Because the steers were shown by breed and by age (junior and summer As noted in Table 1, the top carcass yearlings), the groups were so small (No. 5) had a retail value of $62.76 that on-foot placings do not have much per 100 pounds, while the bottom car- meaning. However, steer No. 17 was cass (No. 14) was worth only $49.89 the unanimous choice of the four cattle." per 100 pounds. At the wholesale level, these carcasses were worth $47.53 and $33.97 per 100 pounds, respectively. Using the wholesale values and assum- ing that hide and offal cover the cost of slaughter (standard procedure), steer No. 5 was worth $28.50 per 100 pounds on foot and steer No. 14 was judges for grand champion, yet his carcass ranked fifth in dollar value per hundred pounds. Steer No. 5 which produced the top value carcass was placed third in the summer yearling Hereford class, and steer No. 8 which produced the second place carcass was the fourth place summer yearling. Car- worth $21.60, a difference of $6.90 per casses steer. Both carcasses graded low choice horn steer were not selected among the 100 pounds or $69 on a 1,000 pound produced by the champion Angus steer and the champion Short- and probably both steers would have top 10 carcasses for breaking down sold for the same price under current into trimmed retail cuts, because they were considered too fat by the judgmarketing procedure. It is of interest (Table 2) that 4 Hereford, 3 Angus, and 3 Shorthorn carcasses were selected in the top 10, indicating that there are good ones in all breeds and no breed has a monopoly. The percent bone obtained by cutting and trimming for retail is almost constant (Figure 1). It is also of interest to note the relation between per- cent fat trim and percent consumer cuts. Figure 2 shows a straight line relationship between percent fat trim and retail value of carcass. It is obvious ing committee. The estimated yield of trimmed retail cuts (Table 2) and the correspond- ing yield grades made by the USDA graders ranks the cutability of the carcasses almost exactly in the same order as their actual retail cut out value. For example, the dual grade of carcass No. 5 is Choice 2+, while that of carcass No. 14 is Choice 5. The remaining eight carcasses are relatively close, and, except for No. 13, were all given a Choice 3 grade. On the basis of these 10 carcasses, it appears that dual grading offers a practical and reasonably 5 Table 1. Summary of Cutting Data Rank in carcass value Carcass 1 5 2 8 3 3 6 17 4 5 no. 6 7 18 8 4 9 10 1 13 14 Percent trimmed cuts Percent steaks Percent Percent fat and lean Hind- Foretrim trim quarter quarter roasts 23.0 22.5 21.5 21.5 21.6 20.5 20.1 31.1 27.8 26.3 27.2 27.5 25.8 27.0 19.4 19.1 18.1 25.6 25.6 23.8 46.9 45.6 42.3 42.2 43.1 40.8 40.6 39.5 38.1 35.7 23.1 24.4 23.8 24.1 20.5 22.7 20.0 14.0 15.6 18.5 17.8 20.7 21.1 23.1 23.4 24.3 21.8 22.2 22.4 27.6 Percent shank and soupbone Percent Percent cutting Wholesale Live animal Retail value/ value/ value/ bone loss cwt. cwt. cwt. 1.3 1.9 1.7 $47.53 46.13 42.93 42.75 41.54 40.13 40.00 37.99 1.1 38.11 4.2 9.5 1.2 33.97 $28.52 28.00 25.46 24.90 25.57 24.53 24.40 22.84 23.56 21.63 $62.76 60.80 57.96 3.0 3.7 3.6 4.3 2.8 3.8 11.3 11.1 11.2 11.6 10.4 10.5 10.1 10.4 10.3 3.4 2.6 2.6 - 0.7 1.6 1.3 1.6 1.3 57.41 55.83 55.44 55.10 53.57 53.19 49.89 Table 2. Summary of Slaughter and Carcass Data Rank in Anicarcass value mal no. Breed Live wt. USDA carcass grade Cold Dressing carcass wt. percent' Con formation2 Marbling3 Quality Fat Rib-eye Est. area thickper yield ness trimmed Yield over 100 lbs. cuts' grade' 12th rib carcass Inches Square Percent inches 8 Hereford Hereford 910 840 3 Angus 880 1 5 2 3 4 6 6 17 18 7 13 8 9 4 10 14 5 1 Hereford Hereford Angus Shorthorn Angus Shorthorn Shorthorn 1,025 900 965 895 890 880 1,090 510 522 597 554 590 546 60.0 60.7 59.3 58.3 61.6 61.1 61.0 535 60.1 544 61.8 63.7 54-6 694 CCCC- SI.+ Mt.+ Sm.+ ChoiceChoiceChoice Choice- Mdt. Choice+ Mt. Mdt.± Choice+ C- G+ G+ Choice+ SI. Ab.- Choice Mdt. Mt.+ Mdt.- ChoiceChoice- 53.8 51.6 51.3 51.0 49.7 51.6 49.4 50.4 50.3 45.5 2+ 3 3 0.3 0.4 0.4 3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.6 0.7 3 0.5 5 1.1 3 3 3+ 4 2.72 2.37 2.16 2.12 2.18 2.35 1.97 2.10 2.10 1.94 C = Cho'ce ; G = Good. Preslaughter treatment not uniform. Marbling : SI. Ab. = slightly abundant ; Mdt. =-- moderate ; Mt. = modest ;; Sm. = small ;; SI. --=- slight. *Estimate made by USDA graders based on area of rib eye, thickness of fat covering, kidney knob, trim fat, carcass weight and ; ; conformation. Yield or cutability grade combined with quality grade comprises the dual grade. Percent Consumer Cuts 4.1 5 8 '4 ;It' WeAkt4 1 'TA gt7,st. 6 ' " "It ' 1.-. w..,,-,. : if . '. ,,,-Y.T..- .'1,14',,,,,it'''''f,- 04,;Z'l 700,4"1:045"Ar l't I 4 Mre z-tf.: NM 42'. 13 "4:" ' e,A A ,ff: vow- -' ' '44ii 4C4',S... ' r 18 .,A0Ik..15'.;!i, :,,an.r."01i*, ?`%1".:4AZ,-.!vle'12it A r 17 1g1N)Nai; 0 ' 11 (M.C45, 2215,474F0.1 6ricit v.d.A74. ;;;....0. 4p....*--1:47 '1'v iT*0.4'. !.`.1"y7- .4.44;41 ; '.1-.6 3 r Trim Fat Bone '. , H1oo rt sm.r A Mil A gIl A '-A4.wiiiiiiiiiiii 1 14 0 . 20 40 60. I1/ I A 810 100 Percent Figure 1. Results of the retail cutting test. accurate means of evaluating the cutability of beef carcasses. growthy, large framed type with good muscling make the fastest and cheapest In view of the wide differences in gains and also produce carcasses of true value of beef carcasses within the same quality grade, it is obvious that present systems of merchandising cat- highest cutability. Cattlemen should ob- tle and carcasses do not reflect these tain all the carcass information they can get on their cattle to guide them in their breeding and feeding programs. differences. Although fatness or degree Unfortunately, until a practical of finish is influenced by length of method of marketing cattle according to their true value is available, there is feeding period, it is an established fact that the lean to fat ratio varies within comparable lots of cattle of the same little incentive for cattlemen to improve the carcass merit of their cattle. USDA age and fed for the same length of dual grading is a step in the right di- time. Muscling and the lean to fat ratio are hereditary. So is the ability to gain rapidly and economically. Accordingly, rection, but its acceptance by the industry appears doubtful. In the meantime, cattlemen should select for muscling and for rate and economy of gain. Fortunately, feeding trials followed by carcass cutting tests reveal that the 8 processors will pay a slight premium for meaty cattle and penalize wasty, low-yielding cattle. However, the spread between them does not reflect their true value as indicated by cutting tests. $ 65 ti) Carcass No. 60 b55 c az) 413 1.13 45 JO 15 20 25 30 Percent Fat Trim Figure 2. Relation of fat trim to carcass value. 9 Steer No. 1 No. 1 BreedShorthorn Live weight-880 lbs. Cold dressed weight-544 lbs. USDA quality gradeChoiceCarcass conformationGood+ Marbling scoreModest+ USDA yield grade-3 Fat thickness-0.5 inch Rib-eye area/cwt.-2.1 sq. in. % fat trim-22.4 % steaks and roasts-38.1 % lean trim-24.3 Wholesale value/cwt.$38.11 Retail value/cwt.$53.19 Live value/cwt.$23.56 10 Steer No. 3 No. 3 BreedAngus Live weight-880 lbs. Cold dressed weight-522 lbs. USDA quality gradeChoice Carcass conformationChoice- Marbling scoreModerate+ USDA yield grade-3 Fat thickness-0.4 inch Rib-eye area/cwt.-2.16 sq. in. % fat trim-18.5 % steaks and roasts-42.8 % lean trim-23.8 Wholesale value/cwt.$42.93 Retail value/cwt.$57.96 Live value/cwt.$25.46 11 Steer No. 4 4111111111111101111111111111111111110 EMI IIII II No. 4 BreedAngus Live weight-890 lbs. Cold dressed weight-535 lbs. USDA quality gradeChoice Carcass conformationGood I Marbling scoreS1. abundant USDA yield grade-3 Fat thickness 0.7 inch Rib-eye area/cwt.-2.1 sq. in. % fat trim-22.2 % steaks and roasts-40.5 4 12 % lean trim-23.4 Wholesale value/cwt.$37.99 Retail value/cwt.$53.57 Live value/cwt.$22.84 Steer No. 5 9114444 ^ Mt= No. 5 BreedHereford Live weight-910 lbs. Cold dressed weight-546 lbs. USDA quality gradeChoiceCarcass conformationChoice- Marbling scoreModestUSDA yield grade-2+ Fat thickness-0.3 inch Rib-eye area/cwt.-2.72 sq. in. 4 % fat trim-14.0 % steaks and roasts-46.9 % lean trim-23.1 Wholesale value/cwt.$47.53 Retail value/cwt.$62.76 Live value/cwt.$28.52 13 Steer No. 6 ATM '11111111.. 1111111miri- ettrt No. 6 L BreedHereford Live weight-1,025 lbs. Cold dressed weight-597 lbs. USDA quality gradeChoiceCarcass conformationChoice- Marbling scoreSmall+' 5 USDA yield grade-3 Fat thickness-0.4 inch Rib-eye area/cwt.-2.12 sq. in. % fat trim-17.8 % steaks and roasts-42.2 % lean trim-24.1 Wholesale value/cwt.$42.75 Retail value/cwt.$57.41 Live value/cwt.$24.90 14 Steer No. 8 - No. 8 BreedHereford Live weight-840 lbs. Cold dressed weight-510 lbs. USDA quality gradeChoiceCarcass conformationChoiceMarbling scoreSlight+ USDA yield grade-3 Fat thickness-0.4 inch Rib-eye area/cwt.-2.37 sq. in. % fat trim-15.6 % steaks and roasts-45.6 8 715. % lean trim-24.4 Wholesale value/cwt.$46.13 Retail value/cwt.$60.80 Live value/cwt.$28.00 15 Steer No. 13 No. 13 BreedShorthorn Live weight-895 lbs. Cold dressed weight-546 lbs. USDA quality gradeChoice+ Carcass conformationChoice6 Marbling scoreModerate USDA yield grade-4 Fat thickness-0.6 inch 9, Rib-eye area/cwt.-1.97 sq. in. % fat trim-23.1 13 r, 16 % steaks and roasts-40.6 % lean trim-20.0 Wholesale value/cwt.$40.00 Retail value/cwt.$55.10 Live value/cwt.$24.40 Steer No. 14 No. 14 BreedShorthorn Live weight-1,090 lbs. Cold dressed weight-694 lbs. 3. USDA quality gradeChoiceCarcass conformationChoice Marbling scoreModerateUSDA yield grade-5 Fat thickness-1.1 inch Rib-eye area/cwt.-1.94 sq. in. % fat trim-27.6 % steaks and roasts-35.7 14 % lean trim-21.8 Wholesale value/cwt.$33.97 Retail value/cwt.$49.89 Live value/cwt.$21.63 17 Steer No. 17 No. 17 BreedHereford Live weight-900 lbs. Cold dressed weight-554 lbs. USDA quality gradeChoice+ Carcass conformationChoice Marbling scoreModerate USDA yield grade-3 .8. Fat thickness-0.7 inch Rib-eye area/cwt.-2.18 sq. in. % fat trim-20.7 % steaks and roasts-42.1 13. 18 % lean trim-20.5 Wholesale value/cwt.$41.54 Retail value/cwt.$55.83 Live value/cwt.$25.57 Steer No. 18 No. 18 BreedAngus Live weight-965 lbs. Cold dressed weight-590 lbs. USDA quality gradeChoice-fCarcass conformationChoice 7. Marbling scoreModerate+ USDA yield grade-3+ Fat thickness-0.3 inch Rib-eye area/cwt.-2.35 sq. in. % fat trim-21.1 % steaks and roasts-40.8 18 12. % lean trim-22.7 Wholesale value/cwt.$40.13 Retail value/cwt.$55.44 Live value/cwt.$24.53 19 'COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK In Agriculture and Home Economics State of Oregon Oregon State University and the U. S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating Oregon State University, Corvallis Dear Friend: We are glad to be of service in providing this material in answer to your request. As you may know, the Cooperative Extension Service is an educational agency of Oregon State University at Corvallis, cooperating with the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the local governing bodies of all counties in the state and a few cities. The purpose of the Extension Service is to make available to the people of the state the latest information on agriculture and home economics and to help them make use of such information in the improvement of incomes and family living. Extension serves men, women, andthrough 4-H club workboys and girls. If you are not already acquainted with your County Extension Agents, we hope you will call on them at your first opportunity. They are the local representatives of Oregon State University. They will welcome an opportunity to be of service to you, through an office or telephone call, or, if the problem requires it, through a personal visit to your farm or home. If our local representatives do not have the information you de- sire, they may obtain the help and advice of our campus staff of specialists in various fields of 'agriculture and home economics. In this way, the services of yoirr-State University are made available regardless of where, you mai', live in the state. This is a public service and no charge is made to Oregon residents. - Sincerely yours, Dean and Director