A Labor Saving Sewing Cabinet FEDERAL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE i OREGON STATE COLLEGE CORVALLIS Cooperative Extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics, F. E. Price, director. Oregon State College and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Printed and distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Extension Bulletin 760 April 1957 A Labor Saving Sewing Cabinet ERMINA FISHER Marion County Extension Agent HOMES lack convenient and adequate storage for MOST sewing equipment and supplies. If yours is one of these, no doubt you store supplies and equipment in numerous drawers and boxes throughout the house. The cabi- net displayed in this leaflet was designed to provide sufficient storage and work area to make sewing convenient and fun. The cabinet top opens to make a cutting table 48" x 67" and 37V2." high. If you are average height (5'4" to 5'5") this should be comfortable for cutting. When closed, the cabinet is 25" x 484" and is on casters for easy rolling. The cutting surface has a cork top, which prevents fabric from slipping and is convenient for pinning. A removable trough that fastens to the end of the table will hold any length of material not accommodated by the table top. Two pull-out boards give a working surface for pinning, basting, and hand sewing, as well as a place to lay patterns, scissors, and pins while sewing. You can make your sewing easier by arranging the machine, cabinet, and a sit-down ironing board in a Ushape. The machine might be at the right side, the cabinet in the middle, and ironing board at the left. If you can lay hands on a secretarial-type swivel chair, reserve it for your sewing center! Put your chair in the center of the U, and you can turn easily from sewing to pressing as needed. Storage is provided for a small portable sewing machine. The size of portable machines varies, so this space should be changed to fit the particular machine you will use. A 1- 3i' 14 TRAY GUIOE r--- a Og" N- it-4--1 PLY WOO A as " FRONT VIEW DRAWERS REMOVED DRILL ENDS To RECEIVE (SOSS) INVISIBLE HINGES DOWELS 11,1 MATE R I AL TR AN wri. MINCES _DROP LEAF Su PPoRTS TOPS TO E.PLNWOOO CORIV3o AR D WITH _L" OR W 000 BANJOE 1=3v4fl4 P$ DRAWER GUIDE 13 REQD. PLYVV 00CD EIACK, FRONT $ SIDES SECTION A-A rs 78 1-8 D%A. powELs } JO MATERIAL TRAY 4 PLYWOOD SIDES a BOTTOM LENDS Ti " I-REQD. ISOMETRIC LEGEND DRAWER 1 PATCHING MATERIALS 8, SEWING EQUIPMENT DRAWER 2 DRAWER 3 DRAWER 4 DRAWER 5 DRAWER 6 GARMENTS TO BE MENDED DRAWER DRAWER DRAWER DRAWER DRAWER 128<13 CUTTING FINDINGS GARMENTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NEW MATERIALS 7 SHOULDER PADS, LININGS, BUCKRAM 5, MACHINE ATTACHMENTS 9 PRESSING 10 PATTERNS EQUIPMENT II SEWING MACHINE, THREAD PULL-OUT BOARDS VIEW ri 15" NoTC-Tal r----1 t os)7 (e7 w0 to'. HO7C-14 1 tp 1 1 I I 1 1 1 -.11_,_r 4I Li_ ,_. _, 1 3 1.' ..-/2' Z 1 I 1 1 1 : 4 192' -4- 4-cd DRAWER : 1 DRAWER 6 1 2. -- l - r- IC° 4 0 NOTC .4 FOR ,-, -., CM .. MBE.. -.,OM 10 )7-."1/1 2 41 0 .._ 1 I hg_ Ir.1 ahg" 2_ I DRAWER DRAWER 2 Zo,1_ N . 2032' .1- Tc. H t.-11...-......_ .,?*, 1"-71:L1 0 S'' i ,T 3 .1. -'.I '') ,00 it T.' .-1.' V4. A. 0.1' 0A. 4!, 00 "riTt I_i -It Tr- 2 I - " DRAWER DRAWER 4 5 g -01 NOTCH I :1",1 1'18 -1 DRAWff R 7 .0 raccfc.4 t liginn IA 0 'rnti- f4f. 1- - :( _ 0 i: ul f/... J I t o-< cf w tf, o 4-1 w 1 I ill I-- -.,,t_i'4- Ce -w _I 111 at '6" o 7 I-- tz71.-1 I- DRAWER Z 3116. H I 9 DRAWER 3 5Ptc. (D 10" = 0 0 7 SPACES 3 ya. 1.4 J. - 9.' I 4 -1-U PP ER TRAY LOWER TRAY II II 9 r ---- GRowiE ot-1 TO oTTWA ZOE FOR NANO PULL -OUT Tht DOOR II PULL-OUT BOARDS W0010, PULL PULLOUT UNIT FOP TOP Construction plans shown in this circular are a modification of a cabinet designed by Montana State College. Homemakers may wish to make further adjustments. For example, some women have indicated a preference for full-length drawers across the bottom in place of the sew- ing machine storage bin. This would allow flat storage of large materials. The cabinet illustrated was built for use in the Marion County Extension office, and was finished in birch. Construction costs would be somewhat less with regular plywood and an enameled finish.