Corva ll is, O r egon, J an ua ry, 1958
N u mber I
O n July I, 1957, the Forest Experiment
Station of the School of Fo restry was consol·
idatccl with the Agricultural Experimen t Sta·
t ion becom ing the Fores t Research Di vision
o[ the the !a Lter. This move has been co n·
sidcrcd for some time. Forest research pro·
jects a nd been activated in the departments
of Ento molog}·, R ange. P a tho logy, Soils, Agri·
cultural Economics and in the Seed Lahora·
tory to wh ich the Agricu ltural Experiment
Station was contributing su bstan tiall y. The
interrelations of ad ministrative and techn ic;ll
staffs of the two separate stations were q ui te
w tn p lcx an d the amalgamation was i n the
in terest of greater operating eHicie ncy and
coordination of effort.
Under the n ew plan th e Dean of Agri ·
culture serves as D irector o f the enti re p ro·
g ram . The Dean of Forestr y is an Associate
D irector; he and his representatives par·
ticipate in plann i ng all experim ent station
proj ects com;erned in any way with forestry.
A great ga in to the forestry program is the
availabi lity o f the Station's service prog ra m ~
such a s accou n ting, car pool, sta tistical serv·
ice, an<J fa nn serv ice.
Other significan t events in the fo rest re ·
search program are: (1) Complet io n of a
forest insect laboratoqr consisting of work
space, rearing and treating chambers, and
green house. These facili ties have been fu lly
equ ipped by the Forest Protection and Con·
scrvation Commiltee wh ich admin isters the
stale severance tax fun d s. (2) Completion of
Cordley H a ll whose expauded facil i ties and
equi p111ent strength en the work in pa thology
~ n d entomology. (3) Add ition to the Forest
R esearch D ivision staff of a forest geneticist.
Research P rojects:
As a participan t with ot her research
agencies in a coordinated regional progran1 ,
th e Forest R esearch Division is advised to
concentrate its efforts o n projects in the basic
rie lds of science. T h is emphasis provides the
hest usc of OSC's specia lized techn o logists
and facilities. In tl1is respect Dr. R udinsky
a nd a grad uate student are conducti ng wo rk
in m ass rea rin g of problem insects to perm it
the screen i ng of e ffective i nsecticides for theil
control. Another graduate studen t o n lcav~
from the Pacific Northwest Forest an d R ange
Experimen t Statiou is working on the bi?·
logical control of th e balsam woolly ap h1d
(<.:hermes) b)' use of pa rasi tcs and p red ators.
Jn the field of pathology, Dr. Roth and
two graduate students a rc continuing studies
on l'h ytophthora R oot Rot a nd on life
cycle phases of needle bligh t of ponderosa
(Contin ued o n Page 4)
Yes, It Is A Little Out of Perspective
During Spri ng term, 1957, si x alum·
n i task force groups analyzed the
School of Forestry's curr iculum and
operations in i ts six major areas to
aid Lhe Sd1·ool in improving its pro·
d uns a nd ser vices. T hese grou ps were
formed under the ausp ices of the O SC
Fores try Al umn i J\ssocia Lion a nd they
exami ned Lhe ad min istration, forest
management departmen t, forest engi·
neeri ng departmenl, forest p rodu.cts
department, r esearch and forest.
The original idea was ex pressed b y al un1 s
a series of meetings held throughout th e
state last win ter. D ean McCu ll och and sev·
cra l of the staff met with in terested a l ums
in J>ortl and, Rend Medford, Eugene ·and Co·
quille. H ere they discussed developmen t and
employment of slUdenls, curriculum short
courses, public relations, staff, sub~profes·
sional fo restry training, high school contac ts
and research. T he intense interest and en thusiasm of those attending the meetings led to
th e formation of the task force groups. ·
Rex Resle r, president o{ Forestry Alumni
Association, appointed the cha irme n of each
group in March. Clarence Richen, a d m inis·
I ration; Lucien A lexander, fo rest ma nage·
ment; Ra lp h DeiVfo isy, engineering; Stan
llishoprick, forest products; Rudy Ka llander ,
rcscardr; and Norm Bjorklund, forest, headed
eaclt g roup. ;\ t an initial meeti ng March 30,
each chairman o u tlined his gTou p's plans
and requested the School to send th em an y
material abou t courses, c urri cu lu m, o rgani·
zation , etc., that wou ld speed the work. T he n
during the mon th of May each task force
visited the School and spent a fu ll day going
over their ideas and check ing an y thoughts
they wanted to investigate. i\ le111bership of
each task force attending the full day ses·
sions at the School were: ad m ini stra tio nRichen, Bert Thomas, r\1 Arnst, Bob A uf·
clerhcidc, a nd Lora n Stewar t; ma nagementAlexa nder , Wal ter L und, Bill Penney, R uss
Get ty, Gene Knudsen, and T. ] . Starker;
cngineeri ng-DeMoisy, Russ N i block, Char·
lie f ogelquist, Don Davidson, Les Calder,
and Bob Conklin; prodncts- Rishoprick, B . C.
Sm ith, Bill Welch , D on Rurnel, Frank Me·
Pherson, and Pat l\fcKeown ; research-Kal·
lander, Don Rassinger·, Tho rnton i\runger.
Jim Sowd er, Leif Espcnas, Bob Cowl in, Ril l
Cummings, Lee H un t, a nd George i\leager·;
fn rcst- Bjorklu nd , Don i\ lat!hews, Rex ' Vake·
(Continued on Page 2)
Page Two
Annual newsletcer of the OSC Forestry
Alumni Association published at the OSC
School of Forestry and m ailed to the last
known add ress o[ all OSC Fernhopp crs.
Term Exj>ires
Rex Resler (President)
U. S. Forest Service
Prospect, Oregon
Carwin Woolley (Vice Pres.)
100 S.E. •17th Street
Portland, Oregon
Von d is Miller
Ochoco National Forest
Prineville, Oregon
Rudy Kallander
2025 Ferry Street
Salem , Oregon
Rrucc Starker
3800 Van Buren Street
Corva llis, Oregon
Ralph Dei\Ioisy
U. S. Plywood Corporation
Roseburg, Oregon
Kermit Linstedl
U. S. Forest Service
1' . 0. llox <!137
Port land, Oregon
Albert Arnst
Edi tor of The Timberman
5 1!! S.'W. Park Avenue
Portland, Oregon
Ch uck Lewis
AI l'ierce Lumber Company
Coos 13ay, Oregon
l~ d Schroed er
Oregon Stale Hoard o[ Forestry
2600 State Street
Salem, Oregon
Chuck Dane (Sec. Treas.- Editor)
School of Forestry
Oregon State College
Corva llis, Oregon
\V. F. 1\fcCnlloch (Advisory)
School of Forestry
Oregon State College
Corva llis, Oregon
ln l!J52 over 130 contri butors established
the George W. Peavy Memorial Fund to
commemorate the late Dean . The fun d is
loaned LO forestry undergraduates b y the
OSC Studen t Loan Fund "h ich ha n dles the
paper work of the transaction whi le a Sehoul
of Forestry faculty committee gives fina l approval to the loan . Loan users must pay
4% interest ou the unpaid balance. Any unea rned interest that exceeds administrative
expense of the OSC Student Loan Fund is
credited to th e Peavy i\lemorial Fund. The
fina n cia l sta t us of the 1\lcmodal Fund as
of November 12, 1957, is show below:
Total con tribu tions to fund to date S3,68!J.8~
T ota l loaned from fund to date
.-\moulll loaned as of th is da te
5 1,365.30
Ta x deductible contributions LO this fund
m ay be mailed to the Secretary Treasurer,
OSC f ores try Alumn i Associa tion , OSC School
of Forestr y.
January, 1958
January, 1958
School Doings
Alumni Business ....
. On. February 22, ano ther yea r of acti viUes w11l ~e completed by your Forestry Alumn i _:"-ssOCi atiOn .The _Forester offers your
P' es1d~n1 an oppor n nuty to say thanks for
~he f111~ coopera tion of al umni members
111 carr)•m g on the work of t he Association
?nd LO dir~ct you r attention to some of
11s accomplishments.
! h e major
u ndertaking consisted u[ carrymg through wi th the six "Task F orce"
assignm ents planned in 1956. Each Task
Force com mittee, con sisting of six to n in e
1nemhcrs, m el at the School of F orestry wit h
D ean McCulloch and the various department personn el concerned. C urricu lum Leaching t_cchniques, faci lities, equipment: staff,
Leach mg p hilosophy and objectives wer e
a_mung the many elements carefully conSidered b y the committees. The objective
was to h elp t he Dean, staff, and the A lu m ni
a~so~ia t i<_Jn find ways and means of cont mumg 1mprovement at THE School of Forestry b y suggesting possible solmions to complex p roblems facing both the school a nd
mdustry. The opinion s and ideas of men who
a1:e. lead ers in t he industry and who are
lun1~ g om graduates were requested and
rece1ved 111 a most gratifying manner.
Reports submi u cd by the com mittees
sho nld prove he lpful in the administration
of_ the schoo l. So~n e of the fi nd ings are
b1 1efed e lsewhere 111 the F orester. You a rc
a ll urged to aucnd t he Association meeting
on February 22 to hear Dean McCulloch's
comments on t he Task Force fi n dings and
report of accomplish ments.
Your president wishes to publicly thank
COill lll lttee members and, particularly, Chairmen L. 13. Alcxande1·, S. Bishoprick,
. E.
BJorklund, R . G. Del\loisy, R. M. Ka llander
and C. W . Rich en for their efforts.
:·\ long with the Forester, you have received a ballot for the election of th ree new
members of th e Board of Directors. R etiring
members are Vondis i\!iller, Rudy Kalland cr , and Bruce Starker . Don 't fo rget to exJ~rc;ss ~o ur choice by ballot. The active part1c1pauon and su pport by a ll a lumni can do
much_ toward m aking t he Forestry Alumni
Assoc1atwn even more effective th an it has
been in the past- and its achievements are
H ere's hoping you can all m ake it to Corvallis o n February 22. See you around the
banquet table.
fie ld , Vern Bronson, Ed Schroeder, ami Eugene Peterson. Graduates of other forestry
schools were among the group to sharpen
t he suggesuons and ana lysis of each commi ttee.
By _Jun e mo_sL of the task force groups had
submll ted thc1r repor ts to the Alumn i Association a nd to th e staff man a t t he School
~f Forestry in charge of the respective areas.
E~ch of these men diswssed Lh e report~
wllh the o~hcr members of their departm ents to d1gesL as much as possible and
to start th e ba ll r?lling ?n the projects sugy,ested that were mlmcdlately feasible. Since
September the reports are being discu ssed in
staff_ ~n eeti_ngs where each department is
outhnmg ILS plans along the suggestions
offered b y the task force and the Dean wi ll
report the p rogress to the OSC Fo1·cstry
Alumni Association meeting February 22
l !J58.
The School is mu ch indebted to the alumni
who panicipatcd in the five meetings wi th
the staff last year; and to those who also
gave their time to the task force con fere nces
and reports: Developments growi11g out of
Llus work will he discussed at the a nnual a lum ni n•eeting on Fern h opper Da y. The
strong support o f alums is a tradition of this
Schoo l, and bel ieve me is highl y appreciated.
J AI\IES L. !\li NTON, class of '37 died
in Roseburg, O regon. He was tl;e coowner of l'adfic Lumber Distributors and
for the last year he had been F ield E xam i ner for_ the Oreg~m. Un emp loyment
Compensa tion Comm1ss1on .
1\IAYNr\RD H . McCORI\IACK class of
'40, was killed 1ovember 17, i957, n ear
R oseburg, Oregon , whe n his car left the
road and struck a teleph one pole.
TERRY C. ~lcDONALD, class of 'iiii,
drowned 1\farch 16, 19ii7, in Lake Louise
n e~r Ft.. Lewis, " ' ash ing ton. Terry was a
prn:atc Ill the 22ncl i nfantry and was
statiOned a t Ft. Lewis.
.Balance J a nua ry I, 1957
1957 dues (286 members)
Ti cket sa les, 1957 Banquet (484)
Miscellan eous
Newsle tter expen ses
Femhopper Banquet ex p enses
An nual Cru ise expenses
Miscellan eous expenses
Ba la nce J anuary l, 1958
Page Three
With the Classes
T. J. STARKER writes t hat h is extracurricular activi ties con sist o[ building three
homes the last ten months-all wood. The last
on e is his h ome and con tain s nine d ifferent
woods. H e is carrying on a o ne-man campaign
for mo re wood in our schools. As Trustee
of the Federated C hurches i n Corvallis, h e 's
h elped to move and rebuild the original
Bap tist Ch m ch which is over 70 years ol d.
T. J . notes that it is built of wood. Besides
crusading [or ''better water" in Corvallis an d
servi ng on a commi ttee of t he I ndust ria l
Forestry Association that is t rying to develop
some [ore~ try Lax laws, T. J. claims h e's
n ce?l ing arbitrary governmental agencies.
T im fa ll h e p la n ted 80,000 trees. T . J. says
he is get tin g pleasu re when ever he sees one
of his ex -students getting a boost.
CUST.-\ F \V. HULT writ es that he is
living with his wife, Ada, a t their old home
at 3029 J o h nson St., Cor vallis, Oregon. Classmates and o ther fores ters a rc a lways welcome al his h<:llne. His _work as a consulting
fores ter IS mam ly on tunbcr brokerage and
appraisals, check-cru ising a n d insp ectiom.
H e has been reading and translating books
on Swedish forestry, fo rest history an d "World
Tim ber and Prospects'' by Dr. Thorsten
St reyffert.
(Continued o n J>age 4)
. We are now g iving each d epartm ental curncu l um a thorough ana lysis based on suggest wns wh1ch yon ha ve 1nade. At 1he sam e
time we a re trying Lo upgrade the qual i ty of
our teachmg through a series of sta ff sem inars on the improvemen t o f inst ruction. One
such session was particu larly valuable last
fa ll. In October we na iled the door shu t
in Corva llis, haled up the en tire staff and
took o_ff for t he Boh emia Lumber Company
operation cast of Cottage Grove. Slllb ancl
Faye Stewart and Larry Chapman had lin ed
up an cxcc ll~n t program showing us th e integrated worku1g of woods, poncl, sawmill , veneer plant, office, and sales. Sched ule timed
LO the minu te kept a ll h an ds on t h e prod
all day: \Vo~md up with an evening round
table d 1scussw n follow ing a very fin e dinner .
Entire trip was ex.ccedingly va luable to the
School staff a nd we are much indeb ted to
Bohemia for th is contr ibution to ou r ed ucation .
We _look forward to a differen t type of
edn cat1 on next spring wh en we wi ll have
a visi ti ng professor, Dr. Fritz l, isch er, head of
forest research in Swi tze rland. Under the aus pices of the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family l~ou nd at i on he will be with us for two
months in spring term , give several public
talks, meet with some classes, and advise on
our research program.
Th is year we con tinued t he policy of selective admission began in 1956. At that Lime
70 me~1 were plac~d _in the pre-forestry program 111 !.ower DIVISIOn beca use of deficient
high school preparation. Of those 70, just
seven survived to transfer into forestry. \Ve
cannot afford to devote professional forestry
staH effort to men who will n ot become [01:~s le rs. Starting these men in pre-forestry o flcrs t hem a chan ce to come into fo restq• if
th ey make good, whi le il relieves us of work ing with those w ho wi ll no t.
Fal l term enro llmen t at tb e Sehoul surged
upward 10% from last year making this
year·s enrollment th e tenth highest ever experienced b y t he School. O n ly the peaks in
1935-1940 and 1946-1950 exceed the 373 fall
term total. Not included in the statistics are
6(i studen ts enrolled in pre-forestry.
FE FM F l' FE-Fi\1 Total Students
44 11
5 1 10
101 219 44
Twenty-nine p er cent of t he studen ts are
married; an increase from last year, while
vetera ns drop ped to onl y 35% of th e total
e n rollme n t.
Standing-le ft to light: O'Leaq•, Jaenicke, Ferrell, Bell McKinuny1 Krygier Robinson
Wheeler, Dane, Van Vliet, Powell, l Vilson , Randall, Seate'd -left to ri aht: Patt~rson 'Vest'
Barnes, McCulloch , Dilworth , Davies, Nettleton. "
· '
Assistant Director, Forest Research Division , Agr icul tural Experiment Station. Dr.
Barnes a nd fa mily visited B.C. this stnn ~ner . Hi~ so11 , Ji m, grad uated from OSC
111 chenliC:a l e~ gi n eering last year a nd is
now workmg Wi th Standard Oil Compan y at
San F rancisco.
J oh n was teach ing valuation and timber
management fa ll term while tak ing leave
from the . O_regon State _Board of Forestry
where he 1s 111 charge of mventory and man agem ent plan ning. J o hn wore out the high way between Corvallis and Salem commuting to the campus. H e left his wife and
two girls i_n t he big city. H e graduated
!rom OSC 111 1949 and completed his i\I aster's work in I 9!i l al Duke in forest Econ omics.
C huck finally became so enamored wi th
graduate work, a Ia G.l. Bill, that private ind ustry n o longer held its spe ll. H e's now ;\ ssistan t to the Dean.
13i ll spent his sum mer giving 1e t a hand
on the school forest. H e tried once to take
a vacation to California but the older of
his. boys scuttled their plans by h aving an
acCid ent. Bil l's a University of Washington
. Di_ck attended the _Jndu_st ria l Forestry
Scm m ar at Berkeley, Cahforn1a, and is keeping up his heavy load of short courses. U nder
Di c~ 's d irection , t he school is expan d ing
then· graduate program to include Ph .D level
"'?rk i 1~ forest management fiel ds. This i\Iay
D1ck wil l tou r Europe for an intensive coverage of European fores try with a grou p o(
West Coast foresters.
13ill transferred here from the U niversi ty
of Idaho wh ere he was a Pro(essur of Forest ry. Bill has a ttended Michigan , California,
and Duke. H e spen t last sumn1er worki ng o n
a soi ls-vege tation project in th e A lsea Basin .
H elge is the newly-appointed funior }"orest Cene ticist in the Forest R esearch Divi sion_. H e attended th e Royal Veterinarian and
Agncul t_ure C_ollegc in Copenhagen a nd is
compleung Ius doctor 's degree at Oregon
State <?allege. He has don e fo rest gen eti cs
work 111 D enmark, Can ada, and th e U.S.
His second dau ghter was born this summer.
Alex is a special lecturer in Forest Man ag~n~ent. AI assisted the School last year after
retmng from the U.S. Forest Service where
he gained 42 years of fo restry experien ce in
the western U n ited States in forest protection
and m anagmen t. Alex's son is enrolled as a
fo restr y freshm a n .
~ can. Emeritus of. U1e Co llege of l' orestry,
Umvers1ty o f Idaho, 1s here w mter and s pring
terms as a s pecial lecturer in fores t econm ics. " J eff" has had experien ce in the U.S.
Forest Service, teaching at Iowa State, 'Vashington , and lcla ho and has been doing con sulting work since his retiremen t. He has
been at OSC several times b efore; on ce as a
visitin g lcctllrcr un der th e auspices of the
South Santia m Ed ucation al and R esearch
Jim , a U tah 'er, recently completed a wide
swing through the west looking over watershed m an agemen t resea rch. J im, his wife and
two chi ldren are residing in the home tha t
J im h as bui lt over t he last severa l years.
i\l cCU LLOCH, 1\IAC
1\ lac spe n t last summer ch asi ng rai lroad
engin es on a t r ip tha t touched o n t he sh ore
of H udson Bay and returned via the Canad ian Rockies.
i\ lc Kll\lMY, MILFORD
1\l ac, his wife and sun recently moved into
their new home on H ayes Street. Last summer Mac worked a t the Crown -Zellerbach
Central R esearch Departmen t a t Camas,
Washington, ancl in h is weekend commuting,
wore out one ca r.
(Continued on Page •1)
l'agc Fo ur
January, L958
Forestry Staff
Net is being kep t busy a s forest supervisor.
Th e gate-breaking artists arc still his pet
peeve and he thin ks (h e's keeping h is fi ngel's
nossccl) Lewisburg Saddle plan ting made it
1hrough last su mmer.
J o hn spen t last summer as forest eng111ccr
for the llLI'vf, travelin g over most of western
Oregon. H e n ow has h is Logging Methods
students clear-cutting the west bank of the
Rogue Ri ver in thei r lab problems. John is
cha irman of the local SAF C h apter and sti ll is
preaching the virt u rcs of European travel.
Pat breezes in to t he School during fall and
spring terms to teach FE 323. He still likes
h is coffee b lack and is in the best of health .
Lou, a 1!!50 OSC'er, is t eachi ng mensuration a n d assisting in aeria l photography. Bob
Keniston left h im with the job of pre-regislration so with his new son , horn November
21, 1957, h is new house on Mulkey D rive and
his budding Christmas tree farm in the coast
range, he's plen t)' busy.
Casey is st ill stomping Oregon for the
tree iden t. samples t o confound and con ·
fu se as wel l as t ur n ing out the forest products
market report. He h as moved into a new
house on North 27th a nd is keeping as far
away from t he hospit al as possible.
Dan sp ent the sum mer giving t he U. S. For·
est Service a hand with theu- studen L tramee
program . H e wen t all the way back to the
national SAF Meeting 111 New York th1s November to ca tch the fl u .
Tony spent the s ummer o n forest products
research for t he Forest R esearch Division
and travelled th rough out western Oregon
swiping l umber from green c h ~i n s .. Tony
>Wears h e wi ll complete h1s thests th1s year
to give him more time for his cross-cam pus
committee work . He became a father for th<:
second time J anuary 3, 1957, when his daughter was born.
Bill \•Vest moved into h is new home atop
C em et ery Hill last spring where he ext olls
the virtues t•f wood p roducts. Rtll hauled
a trailer over the mou n tai ns of Canada last
st lltllner. H e's recen t ly com pleted an index
or lm·cst products articles th at have appeared
in 1he trade journals d u nng the last 6
ye;ns. The 1n(lex is availa b le from OSC
Our Personnel D irecLOr is m a king plan s fo r
doctor's work at Syracu se next year. Rill
spen t t he s11mmcr learn ing to "sprech cn sic
dctt tsch ' ' and painting his h o use.
Bob adj usted the sidewa lks and. checked
th e crown of streets this Sli mmer wh tlc working for the Corval lis C i ty ~ngineer. He ad ded
anot her son, .Jo hn ~·l a nnm g, t o the fan11l y
last May 3 1st.
Ray is still in Tha ila nd where he is helping Kasetsart University's Forestr y Sch ool.
Ray wi ll be back next school year.
OSC's Research Program
\ •V c were un fort un ate to lose Dl'. Young-
berg of Soils, \Vho moved on to in.dust tfs
greener fields. \•Vhile a rcplaccmen t 1s bemg
sou ght, two graduate s tt.'cie.nts are.
in the field; one on a soll-st te qu ality piOJeCt
and the 0 1her on soil-vegetatio n relationshi ps
in a ponderosa pine area.
The Seed L aboratory, after completing
som e tree-seed genn ina tion st11<lies, is about
l o ini ti ate a new project to yield in formation
to permit bette r eva lua tion of com me rcial
tree seed qua lity a n d aid in establish ing
1ree-seed s tandards.
Dr . l ' errell and L ouis Powe ll were employed last summer, thro ugh su pport o f the
B ureau of Land Managconent, on a p ilot
soil · vegatalion mapping project in the Alsea
watershed. An a ttempt was made to apply
principles and techn iques that were developed in Cal i fornia. JVh. ' •Vicslander, recenth•
retired fro m the Forest Service, was employed
on the project as a consultan t.
The n ew posi tion in forest genetics has
been filled by appointmen t o f H clge Irgens·
Moller. C u rren t projects are concerned with
reactions of altitudinal a nd lati tudina l variations of Douglas-fir when placed in com mon environments. An interage n cy cooperative program in t h is fie ld is being developed
wi t h R oy Silen of the Pacific Northwest F or est and Range Ex perimen t Station and Dr.
Chin g of t he Oregon Forest R esearch Center.
I n th e more practical p hases of fores t management, two s tudents were em ployed during
the s u mmer in testin g h erbicides for control
of big leaf maple, vine map le, wh ile oak.
a nd g rasses. This work was conducted in cooper ation with t he Bureau of Land Manage·
ment. Professor R andall also worked durinv,
the summer on examinat ion of pla n tations
and othe r main tenance tasks.
The Forest Products Departmen t has been
concentrating its work on characteristics of
young-growth Douglas-fi r. As part o f thi ~
comprehensive proj ect, Ton y Van Vl iet is
wor king on tension strength p ara llel to th e
F inally, report must be made of con struction o [ t he new Oregon Forest R esearch
Center. The OSC forest research program has
been developed t hrough fin ancial support
from outside age ncies. Some su pporters arc
t he Sta te F orest Protection and Conservation
Com mi llee, Bureau of La nd iVIanagcrnent ,
U. S. Forest Service, F orest Genetics Foundation, and the Foundation for Ame r ican R esource Management. Consolidation of th e
sta te research program i n Corval lis offers
excep tional opportunities for in tcrgency coopera tion.
With the Classes
(Conti nu ed)
191 9
RERT 'fHO l\ f:\S, \'ice-I'residen t of Valsell. Lum ber Co. and Gen e ral Manager of
t he Valsctz D ivision , has a business address of
807 Termin al Sales R uilding, Portland :i,
Oregon . lkn now h as seven grandchi ldre!1
a nd more o n the way. H e \vrotes thai he 1s
very m u ch interested in making possi b le the
installation of a set of Carri llo n .Bel ls on th ..:
OSC campus.
OON .\l.D N. MATTH EWS retired in 1955
from over 30 yea rs witl1 the U . S. Forest
Sen·ice in R egions I and G. H e is now Jiving
on a 14 3 acre tree farm a nd is a member of
the Clackam as Cou nty Fa r m Forest Association . Foreste rs always welcome.
192 1
C.-\.RL :\. R ICKSON is living a t 6610 S.E.
30th Avenue, Portland 2, Oregon. Since J anuary I, 1951) he 's been manager of Lhe Col umbia -River L og Scaling a nd G1·ading Bureau .
LEES. HOLl\IES lives a t 3600 N.E. Broad·
wav, Portland I, Oregon .
fiRADLEY A. PEi\VY lives at 18635 Kes ·
wick Street, Reseda, California.
C OL. E. MOR GAN PRYSE retired last year
but fi nds i t isn ' t a very satisfyin g li fe after
man y years of st renuous acti vity. H e has
toured Europe, the m iddle and far eastern
countries, revisiting old battle fie lds of i •Vorlcl
i Vars l a nd TT. H e writes t hat j udgi ng from
p resen t world conditions he is sorely afraid
he will see the n ext catastroph e, this Hme, in
ou r own countr y. H e wan ts to k now if anyone
knows of a good , deep, tax-free cave in the
JAMES L. MIELKE says tha t " Research
on tree diseases in the In te rmoun tain R egion
conti nues to keep me busi ly occupied. My
office is on the U tah Stal e Unive rsity cam pus at Logan . The fa mi ly (3 o[ us) cnjov
it here wi thin a m ile of t he Cache Nationa l
Forest boundary. "
GEORGE SPAUR was i n Oregon for a
brief period in Dece m ber and J anu ary be·
!'ore returning· to \ •Vashin gton. D. C. George
is returning to Pakistan where he is super,·ising the bui ld ing o[ a forest products la b
for the P a kistan governme n t. His trip to the
U. S. was for rou nding up information and
Ro~k y Mountain ~.
ROBERT P. CONKT.l N of Lake O swego,
Oregon , is Vice-President of Cascades P lywood Corp., Director of Tndust rial Forestry
i\ss 'n ., membet' of Associated F orest Industries
of Oregon, Oregon Forest Fire Ass'n., American Forest P roducts Ind ustr ies, O SC Al umni
Association , Advisory Commi ttee on Forest
Engineering l' AO Uni ted Nations, Society of
Am e rican Foi·esters a nd Forest P roducts R c·
search Society. H e wri tes he h as been happil y
ma rried to t he same wife fo r 32 years, is
dam n busy wi th health y fmn re still ahead
of hi m .
DR. ERNEST WRTGHT retired September
30th from the P acific N.W. Fm-est and Range
Experimental Station where he was a Research Pa thologist. During his 32 years of
federa l service. he gained a nationwide reputation in con trol of forest nmser y d iseases
and a u thored many pub licatious on forest
tree diseases. H e started work with the Bu reau of J>Jant Tndn stries in 1927 a nd in 1935
moved to Lincoln , Nebraska. Seven years la ter
he transfened to Portland and in 1953 when
the Forest Disease Section of th e Department
was transferred to the Forest Service, Dr.
i>Vrig·ht also tran sferred . Now he i s a rc·
sen:h Pathologist at the Oregon Forest Re·
search Center in Cor vallis, Oregon . His addJ·cs~ is 145 H i ll top R oad, Cor va ll is, Oregon.
PERCY E. MELlS is now Area Directo r
for the Bureau of Indian Affa irs in Billings.
i\lontana . Percy taugh t classes in forest sur·
vcying an d mapping part time in 1924 a nd
then went to work for th e governme n t w tlh
the office of lllister Rust Control ancl the
BUJ eau of l nclian Affa irs. During t his t ime
he worked mostly in t he Inla nd Empire. I n
19~C. he transferred to tile U. S. Forest Ser v i c~ and has b een super visor of several nation al fo rests. 1n 19-!6 he spen t six. months
in .Japan 011 a detai l with the Army occu ·
pationa I fo rces. I n 19.52 he . _11:ansferrcd bacK
to t he Rure;o u of Jud oan Affan·s an cl worked
in Ari1ona and \ •Vashington, D. C. In 19:'\fi
he was tnmsfcrred t o his presen t position.
l-Ie wri tes tha t his s pecia l accomp lishmen ts
indude three daughters, three sons-in - law
(one forester) , three gram ld.a ugh tcr~ a nd
~even grandsons and a grow •ng dcsne lo
evcn t uallv return to Oregon .
CL. \R ENCE C. STRONG, formerly ass i\
tan l regioua l forester in charge of st ate a nd
private forestry, and m ore recently. servm~
on a specia l assign ment 111 the D ovtswn of
Fir-:: Control in 1\>fissoul a, l\l on tana , retired
follow ing 33 years of federal service in De·
cember. H e ha s recen tly been with FAO as
a forestry advisor t o AfKha nistan . .
E. ' '" · Bt\ LDERREE is owner and manager
of Del ta Lumber Company, P.O . R ox 2fi5,
Springfield , Oregon . H e would like to hear
from an y of his former classmates.
L EW IS R . ZOE BEL is now with Ford
Motor Co ., Sa n J ose, Californ ia.
C H .-\RLES W. FOX and his wife, Vivian
Orcu tt (OSC class of 1928), live at 6 12 N.W.
Albemarle Terrace, P ortland 10, 0 regon.
Th t y hav,~ one daughter. M rs. J oanne
Thome, a nd two grandchildren . Charlie h a~
been employed i n the wood products industry si nce leaving college and is now president of Cascades 1'lywood Corp., 1316 Public
Ser vice Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
ALVI N C. OLSEN writes, that after 30
years in logg·ing and lum bering in Oregon
;mel California , he is e njoying trial retirement in a beautiful h and picked h ome i n
Nevada City, California. Twen ty-one of those
years were with th e C lover Valley Lum ber
Compan y of Loyal ton , Californ ia, logging
t:ng·ineering t o management. Fo r the p resen t
he is glad to he rid of the trials and tri bu lations of the l uonber indus try, and ti.Jere
are many. H is wife, Evelyn, and he n ow
fi nd time to enjoy their flowers and garde n.
" Retiremen t need not IIJea n idleness. T h e re
is plenty to do to care for this small acreage.''
I n addition he fi nds ti me to put in a shift
with a title company in Nevada City. Their
tlaughter, Greta, after graduating from the
Univers ity of Cal i fornia is married to a bio ·
chemistry major at Ber keley. They have two
fine son s and "we Jind it rather nice being
g randparents. Son Jarnes and l ds wife, Susan ,
live in Corvall is whe re Jim, after four years
as a Navy Sea Bee and one year at Sacram ento J.C., is beginn ing his first in the
school of Forestry."
ALV I N L. PARKER was with the U. S.
Forest Service in Cal ifo rnia from J un e 1927
to July 19'1r). Jn 1930 he married Mae M .
Moore of Cor vallis (class of I !!27). He con t racted polio in 1943 while District Forest
R anger. Recuperated pretty well b y 1944.
Tra nsferred to Oregon C i ty, Oregon in Jul v
1915 as farm forester. Jn 1948 Sta te Division
of Forestry took over th e project and h e
transferred to them wh ere h e is still eJII p loycd.
DOUGLAS M ILLER writes t hat be lw.s
been married for many years. H e has two
grown chi ldren , a boy a n d a girl, and is a
grandfather-so OSC has anothe r potential
Fcrn hopper. He works for the U.S . Forest Service Exp erimen t St ation and is i11 charge of
Foro,sL Disease Survey in the D ivision of Forest
Disease R esearch. Off the job be wor ks wi t h
the Boy Scon ts and accom pa nied a troop back
to the National J amboree at Valley Forge,
Pennsyl va nia , last Ju ly.
i\L·\U RICE C. BONNEY is with Intema·
tiona! Paper Compa11y at Lougview, i•Vash ·
ington .
.-\ DO LP H C. BYRD , dry kiln fore m an for
Odooco Lumber Co., lives at 540 South 2nd
Street, Prineville, Oregott H e hai three
Page Five
daughte1·s; one married, o n e a j u n ior a t OSC
a ncl one a sen ior in h igh school.
.J. F. GRANT is stationed in Washi ngton .
D. C. w h ere he is 1\ssis tan t Director of the
Coopera tive Forest Fire Di vision foo· the U.S.
Forest Service.
NORl\ 1.\ N R . HA Wl .EY writes tha t he is
in charge of Cordele Research Center, S.E .
Forest E xperim ent Sta ti•m , Cordele, Georgia_
Th is year he is C hairm an of th e Ceorgia
Chap ter of the Society of A merican Forester~. H is eldest son, Larry, is a junior in
(ore,.try at the University of Georgia. He's
a ttend ing on a U nion Bag-Camp Pa per Cor·
pora tion Scholarship; he's a varsi ty miter and
2-mi lcr on the sid e. Their second son, Doug,
is a senior in h igh schoo l, has been w r iting
sports-for pay-for fou r years, and is headed
for school o f journalism next year and what
looks like a fi ne career as well. ""Vhat make~
u s all go," he wri tes, "is a wonderful wife
and mother, P eggy (nee Margaret Steckle) ,
Universi ty of Oregon , class of 1931. (There
was somelh ing good over there!) "
LESLIE D. LLOYD has sent several special
students to the School from Formosa to look
over forestr)' a nd woods operations here in
the states. Les has been in Formosa severa1
)•ea r> initiating some wide scale logging in
that cou n try.
LESTER J . McPHERSO N received th e
Silver Bear Award from the Rlue Moun tain
Cou nci l of t h e Boy Scouts of .-\merica for
GLENN VOORHIES is manager of Tdaho
P ine Co., P .O. Box R68, Meridian, Ida h o.
AJ.B ERT AR NST is still in Portland, Oregon as Editor of The Ti mberman, published
by Miller-Freema n P u blications. They will
occupy n ew office quarters wi th T he Lumber11/G:I about January 1, 1958. No add it ions
to the famil y- still t hree fast-growing grem lin.;, one now in high school.
JAMES W. KIMMEY was transferred from
Berkeley to the l nLermountain St ation a t
Ogden as C hief of t he Division of Forest
R esearch on Sep tember 8th. His daughter
is m arried to a M .D. in San Francisco and
his son is in the Navy . T he Kimmey's h ave
sold th eir home in Berke ley anrl now occupy
an apartment in Ogde n. After 25 years his
wife wi ll he able to get awa y from t he hous~
to go with him on some ot h is field trip~
again as she did in 1932 a n d 1933.
WALTER A. GUSTAFSON, Timber Management Assistan t fo r the Mt. H ood National
Forest at Estacada wri tes, " H ave t wo married
daughters. One d a ug·htcr is a U n ited Air
Lines stewardess stationed in New York Cit y.
One boy attending Madison H .S. in Portlan d .
Wife has just com pleted a nursing course.
Stil l have my h ome a t 5417 S.E. 99t h in Port·
land where I a m home weeke nds."
LEE 0. H UNT, R te. 5, Box. 125, Salem ,
Oregon, h as been wi t h the B ureau of L and
Management sin ce 195 1. One daughter is a
sop homore at Lewis and C lark College; the
second is a sophomore in h igh school and
Feno h opper j un ior is n ine )'Cars o ld. Lee is
being transferred to R oseburg this winter.
W. J. MOISIO is now wi th the Land~
D ivision o[ the U. S. Forest Ser vice in Port·
land , Oregon .
W.-\L TER J . P UJ-TN is now Supervisor of
t he Sierra Na tiona l Forest in Fresno, Ca1i lorn ia. For the past four years he has been
Supervisor of the C levelan d Na tional Forest
at Sa n Diego. Cali fomia.
H ARO LD R. W TNG is now at the Umat ill:t
Reservation, Pendleton , Oregon.
C.\RT.OS T. BROWN is su pervisor of t he
Sot ll h Tongass Nation al forest wh ich r uts
arou nd 200 million board feet of Li m be r an nua l!. lie an d his st aff a rc kept bu sy with
the layou t, cruising and a p praising work tha t
goes with the cutting of the timber. Ketchikan Pnlp Co. is their principal cons ume r.
ROB ERT E. COU R TNEY is supe r visor of
1he Carson Nationa l Forest a nd li ves at Taos.
New o\lexico. He h as three ch ildre n ; a marr ied son in the Marine Air Corps. a daughter
at t en d ing the Un iversi ty of New Mexico and
a second daughter attending Taos Junior
W ILLIAM PARKE is now a st aff officer
with 1he U. S. Forest Service in "Vashington,
D.C. Parke is directing the recreation part of
"Operation Outdoors." H e has been with
the Forest Service ever s ince graduation, work·
in6 in Oregon, "Vashington a nd Alaska. H e
has been active in the National Ski Patrol
and Boy Scout programs. H is oldest son , Bill ,
attends the Universit y of Oregon a nd he has
a younger son and a daughter in grade school.
H ARO LD A. THO iVIAS gradua ted in 1933
and worked on the Umpq ua N ationa l Forest.
Then on "Showboat" through 1 93.~. In 193!1
through 1940 h e was on . the State F orester's
sta!f ,i•ilh ti me out in 19117·38 to star t 011 his
MF degree. After that he spen t four years
in the Arm y. Since his disch arge from the
.-\rmy he has worked in the R ogue River
National Forest wi t h the last 12 year s as
D istrict R anger in Ashland. H e married Cwen
Glantz in 1936 a nd has three chi ldr en ; Ker ·
mi t 19, Karen 16, and Kip, 8.
trallsfer red fro m his o ld stomping grounds
of C lide, Oregon to Portland where he is
now Assistant H ead of th e Recreation Section ,
Division of R ecreation and Lands for the
U.S. Forest Service. Ceo rge's oldest son, Tom,
was married in l!J.'i6 and is attending OSC
whc.:re he is taki ng electrical engineering.
FR E D l.EMER Y is a gypo logger and road
con t ract or with jobs in Gold B each and Oakridge, Oregon. H e lives at 11 75 L orane High ·
way, Eugene, Oregon. His ?idest dau g_h ter,
Sally, is mother of two choldrcn, Davtd IS
a sen ior in Hig h School, .Ji mmy is a junior
i n high sch ool and Diane, the youngest
daughter, is in th e 3rcl grade.
J . R . l'HTLBR1CK is n ow wi t h th e U. S.
fores t Ser vice in Port land, Oregon in t he
Divis ion o [ Fire Contro l. H e transferred
there last year fro m Crau ts Pass. H e h as
worked for the Forest Service s ince gradua tion
excep t fo r a five year stin t with the U. S.
.-\rm y as a L t. Col. H e bas two dau ghte r~ .
Sharon and Donn a R ae.
GEORGE BURNETT is forest supervisor
wi th the U. S. Fores t Ser vice at P r ice, U t ah.
BOB AUFDER HEIDE, su pervisor of the
Wi llamette National Forest, wr ites " Residing
at 22~0 Friendly St., E ugene. Behind on fis h ·
ing, way behind on hu nting an d way way be ·
hind on the job. Am still trying to con vince
some fo lks t hat timber harvesti ng and recrea·
tion n eed not be iu compatible uses. Attended
the SAF meeting in Syracuse. Returned via
t he south ern pine region. T hey grow pulp
but [ didn't see much l umber competition ;
Oregon looks good."
C LARE NCE W. RICHEN became manager
of t he Northwest Timber Department o f
C rown Zellerbach Corp. last Octob er. Rich en
succeeds Ed Stamm.
l'age Six
GEORGE 1-1. SC H ROEDER is now with
the Forestry DepartmenL. Crown Zellerbach
Corp., 11 00 Public Service l31dg ., Portland ,
Oregon and covers western Oregon and ' Vash ·
ington on jobs as chief fo rester. H is home
address is R o u te ,), Box 253, Sherwood. Oregon. Wor king interest- forest management on
corporation tree fa rms. Chief hobby: gene tics--currently working in a uto-sexing and
color breeding: d o minant a nd recessive genes
-with 10 p ens of squabbing pigeons. i\ lrs.
Schroede1· now op erates the " Sherwood Forest Florists'' sh op. N ancy is 21 years old and
a senior in music education , Le wis and Clark
College. Nei l, 19, is enrolled in Portland
State College and is much in d eman d a s
a soloist (bari ton e) at weddings. George is
10 and runs th farm , cares for the chickens,
pigeon s, ducks, rabbits, and black La b. d ogs
and does some sd1ool work.
EUGENE PETERSON is now Assistan t
Area D istrict Forester for the Bureau of
!.and Managem en t in P ortland, Oregon.
JOHN R . STEVF.NSOt has a mailing address of Box .?3-J., P agosa Springs, Colmado.
KE NNETH A. BURKHOLDER is elll p loyed by the Bureau of La nd Managem ent
as State Range and Forestry Officer a t Spokane, ' ·Vn., wh ere h e is i n ch a rge of range
and forestry operations in the State of Wash ington. H e is m arried and bas a son and
daug hter. Ken writes t hat h e is getting gray
a n<l h air is t hinning but just about Lhe sa me
weight as twenty years ago. Office is in the
Federa l Bui lding i n downto wn Spoka ne so
be sure to sto p in when you arc in town .
i\L\ URIC F. K . FOX now li ves at 1224
Alta Vista Dr ive, Corvallis, Oregon. H e is
timber bu yer for Simpson Logging Co. The
oldest boy of his sLx child ren recently enlisted
in the Ma rine Corps.
Forester at Crown Zellerbach's Tah ken itch
Lake Tree Farm al Gardine r, O regon (com monl y known as the "Banana 13ell " of Oregon) , h as five children who are rapidly
growing out of this category.
Wi\LTER R . JOHNSON is now working
with the Burea u of La nd Managemen t in
Salem, Oregon, doi ng engineering work. Sin ce
graduation he has sp en t a con siderable
amount of time doing engin eering work for
t he U.S.E.D ., United States A rm y in W o rld
\Var ll, U.S. Fo rest Service and Rureau o f
Land i\lan agement.
0.-\. VID KERR is farm ing in Iowa and is
th e father of two boys, Don and T om.
C H AR LES SAMSON is with th e U.S. Arm y
and is stationed at Ft. Winifred Scoll, Cal.
CL\YTON H . W E AVER is n ow Supervisor
of the Fremo nt ;\lal iona l F orest, Lakeview,
Oregon . Dur ing the past two and one-half
years he has been on the sta ff of the El dorado National ForcsL in Californ ia and has
worked as a district ranger and staff officer
in Colorado. H e is the fath er of a hig-h sch ool
age hoy and a daughter who is auendin).(
e lementa ry sch ool.
ROSS YO UNGBLOO D is now d istri ct Forester for the Bureau of Land ]\[anagement
at !\Iedford . Oregon. He previously was with
the Ru rean a t Coos Bay, O regon .
A.W. BLACKERBY wri tes ''Hazel and I
have one son, Kirk, who is a high school
junior a nd in terested in d ebate. Kirk p la ns
to 11ttend college in Oregon. A m supervisor
of the Nez l'erce N a tiona! Forest. l t borders
Hells Canyon, has a portion of t he fa m ous
Sa lmon River of No Return, 15,000 elk and
we're b eginning to cut lodgepole pine at
the rate ol' I 0 l\ [ l\f fl. or more ann uallv.
Though uot as large as Alaska, it's still a hig,
interesting area. Greetings to a ll."
LOUJS H . BLACKERBY is on the staff of
i\ filler Freeman Publications, publishers of
for.,st products ind ustry journa ls since I !NO.
H P. becomes Ed itor of P11lj1 &: Pa j1cr.
C ILBERT l\OWE is a partn er in the finu
of :. rason, Rruce &: Girard in l'onland, Oregon. H e has three children ; two girls and
one poten tial fores ter. The o ldest girl is a
sophomore at O .S.C.
i\fYRL .-\ . IJAYGOOD lives at Ci70 \Vest
i\f ai n, Phi lom ath, Oregon .
G. N. K 1 UDSON li ves at 1180 Greenwoed Drive, Sa le m, Oregon . H e is Vice Presiden t o[ the \Villamette Valley Lumber Co.
JOE ~1. LEBO l ives at 693 Sou t h 8th
Street, T o ledo, Oregon where h e is employed
by Georgia-I'aci fic Corp. as forest manager
for the T oled o-Valsetz Division .
STANTON E. LYON wri tes from " Th e::
Lyon's De n " on Kellogg Creek, " Log Scaler
and Grader with Columbia River Log Scal ing and Grading Bureau and father of 1 hree
sons- Doug las 15, Bruce I I , Robert, 8. Now
own som e land upon which C hristmas trees
have been planted in order LO p rovide fu nds
for sending No. I, 2 &: 3 sons to O.S.C in
years to come! Kindly p lace orde r for Christmas trees six years from n ow, if you want
C]Uality t rees, that is!"
Tile Oregon Stale College School o f F or e~try will condu ct t wo short courses and a
European i nd ustri a l forestry conference and
technical tour in 1958 that will be open to
foresters throughout the United States.
From March 24-28, th e tenth aerial phoo
short course will he pre.~en tcd as a service to
practicing foresters who are now using, or
wi ll be u si ng, aerial photos in t heir professional work. T he course is d esign ed to present fu ndamenta ls of p h oto- interp retation
and photogram m etry as we ll as the most ad vanced mehods of fie ld application . Appli ·
ca tion for en ro llment should be made b v
letter to th e School or Forest ry. Maximum en-roll men t is twenty.
i\fa rch I 9-21, t he ' ort h west F orest l ' est
.-\ ction Council will sponsor an insect and disease shon CO IIrse to b e put on b y the Sch oo l
of f'ores t r y. T h e proposed sh ort course w i ll
cover forest insects and diseases of hoi h the
D o ug las fi r a nd pine region . Instructors will
he Wright , Rndinsky, J aen icke, Childs,
and Krygier. For further information , write
to the School o f Forestry.
J. R. Di lworth wi ll be director for a tech nica l Lour through 1he ou tsta nding forests
a nd indust ria l plants of ~uro pe designed for
professional foresters, research and develop ment personnel , engineers, and other execu ti ves of the forest products in d ustry. FrotH
i\lay Hi to July l 2 participams will visi t No,·way, Swedcu, D eumark, Gcrmauy, J\ ustria,
Switzerland, an d Fran ce and , besides seei n ~
forest r y d evelopm ents in these areas, will participate in forest resea rch and development
conferences in Sweden , Germa n y, and Swit zerland . T hese confere nces will be co-spon sored b y the Swedish R oyal College of Forestry, Gultingen U niversil)' , Un iversity of Zu rich , and Oregon State College. For furt h er
information , write to Dr. Dilworth at t h e
School of Fo restry.
.1 a n uary,
January, 1951!
VANCE L. l\IORRJSON, Assistant State
forester , State Forest Division, Oregon State
Board of F orestry, resides at 1200 North 24th
Street, Salew, Oregon with his wife, Elva and
daughter , Leslie, age 10.
.JOH N B. Sl\IITH resides with wife, Ruth
Lange (O SG 1939) and three kids, .Jane t.
.Jolo n and J e nny (ages 14, 12 and II ) a;
:!37·1 S\V Vermont St., Portland, Oregon . H e
was transfe rred from E ugen e t his year and
now has the p osi tion of Assistant Chie f, Di 'ision o f Fire Control, Region 6.
ELi\1E R L. SURDA M is ~tanager of f or·
es t Jndnsl ries Radio Communications Hearl ·
quarters in E ugen e, Oregon . The organization is nationa l in scope a nd represents all
two-way radio licen ses in forest products
before the Fed e ral Com munications Commission.
I 940
130B APPLEBY sends b es t regards to a ll
F ernhoppe rs out west in the Banan a Belt
from l\lilwaukee, Wisconsin where he is in
1he Tim ber Management Di vision o f R egion
9, U. S. Forest Ser vice.
T\RITTAIN H . ASH is on the Supe1·visor's
Staff of the South Tongass National Forest
at Ket chika n , Alaska.
WILI.TA i\l S. BARNES has a new address
o[ Route ~ . Box 146, Centra l Poin t, Oregon .
.-\. l' . CO LT.J NS is l<'orester with th e Bureau
of Land i'vla nagement at Medford, Oregon .
FRANCIS l'. JACQUEJ\liN is with t he
Burea u of Land Ma nagement in Eugene,
R UDY Ki\LLANDER, Adm inistrator for
t he forest P rotection and Conservation Com miLtee is n ow living at 3400 ' •Villamette D1·i ve,
Corvallis, Oregon. The Comm ittee, whi ch
supervises the industry and State Forest Prod ucts an d Forest Lands R esearch Progra m s,
h as offices in t he n ew Oregon Forest R esearch
Center on Philomath Road. H e was C hail·man of t he OSC l'orest ry A lumni Task Forte
on Research and is Schoo l of Forest ry re p resentative on the OSC t\lumni Board of
i\1:\Yt ARD IT. i\JcCORi\IAGK was k illed
nca r R oseburg, Oregon o n November 17th
when his car ra n off a n t ral roa d into a
te lephoue po le.
AUSTIN 0 . McREYNOLDS has been wi th
G i ustina Bros. Lumber Co., E u gene for ten
years as L and s i\fa nager. H e has a daugh ter,
Gwenn, 15 years old and a boy, Larry 11.
Th e)' live at 730 \Valnu l Avenue, Eugen e,
BRUCE STARKER writes "with my dad ,
a m managi ng our several thousand acres of
fo rest and tree farms in northwest Oreg-on,
with headquarters in Corvallis. l'm in charge
a nd do m ost of 1h e fie ld work on a ppraisals,
acquisition, plauLing, trespass, m arking a nd
timber sales, road layout, TSl , ere., etc. A
diversifi ed assig n ment, and ver y iul
because we arc ' p laying with our own dol lars.' Receutly, l 've atteud ed <1 brush con I rol confereucc in Eugene, ami t he Wed ge
cruising short course at t he school, renewiug
se\eral pleasant acquaintauceships at each .
One of my sidelines is the dcvelopmcut o[
severa l miles of b ea ch and ocean fmntagc
between Yachats and Florence. I hope wi thi n
t h e year to have a number o[ fine homesiles
in the market in this mild-cl imate recreation area. I would like to hear fro u1 anyone
\\'ho has tried to record forest sta nd condi tions in stereo; particu larly methods of presenting and analyzing photos. (~o te to Budelier and Joe Simpson : Have acquired a set
of tem plates for lettering-cheap er t h an
sending an interpreter wit h each m ap).''
MERLE H . WJNN is District Forester for
Lhc Bureau of Land M a nageme nt at R oseburg, Oregon.
L A WRE 'CE W . ZACH lias an address of
Box t1, i\l t. Angel, Oregon.
, WIL~I i\ l\ ( H . SEi\n ! LER is Logging Unit
Supervtsor for U.S. Plywood Corp., R oseburg,
LYL E A. 1.\AKER wri tes " J a111 now living
al the new stale forest nursery located near
th e Umpqu a River abo u t five miles sout h
and west of E lkton. i\ly wife and two sons
are very h appy to be here with me. There arc
106 acres o[ land in the nurseq• and we ex·
p eel to grow about 15 million trees annually."
C. GORDON COLLARD is R esiden t .Engi·
neer-Forester for Crown Zellerb ach COt·pora tion and lives at 51.5 Stillwell, D etroiL, Oregon. H e writes t h at his work is laying out
road d evelopment and logging on two sub' tantially old-growth blocks iu Tillamook
~nd Lincoln Counties. H e ami h is wife Li llian h ave two boys, Greg and Cl iff.
RAY~ I O 10 H . DOUGHERTY is Resource
Staff Assistant on the Shasta Trinity National Forest at R edding, Ca lifornia.
LESTER C. D U 1N writes "P resently District Manager of the E ugene District, Bureau
of La nd l\Ianagement. Have h ad about I~
years ex p erience with t he Bureau of Land
Managemen t and its predecessor agency, h a ving worked in Lhe Portla nd, Eugene, P ort land ,
Salem and again Eugene offices in that order,
starting in Decembe r 1945 a fter the end of
World War II. H o me address- 1649 Sherwood
Place, E ugene, Oregon. T elephone DI-5-06 Il
Served in USN R in Pacific area aboard B R~R - U.S.S. P ennsylvania during World W ar
JJ- came out a Lt. (Sr. Grade). Married to
Alvera Brook ma n in 1945. H ave three ch i!·
d ren : daug hter 5, son about 4, an d son abo ut
I . U sually take in t he H omecoming game-alwa ys disappointed beca use J see so few of
the old gang.''
ED ERI CKSON is living at 1 30~ Terrace
Drive, Rosebu rg, O regon.
H . 'IV. FREED is manager of Longview
Fibre Co.'s Timber Di visio n of Longview,
W AYNE E. GlJRLEY is now District R a n ·
gcr at the Columbia Gorge District, i\It. Hood
Na tion al Forest, 45 m iles east of Port la n d
on l he fam ous Co lumbia River H ighway.
Since 1912, when he received hi s pe rmanent
:~ ppoin tm ent , he has worked on the Zigzag,
Barlow, Hood River, and Bear Springs Dis1riels, as well as the Supervisor's Staff of the
li l t. Hood Na tio nal F orest. H e is acti ve in th e
Lions, the Boy Scouts and th e American
Legion , and writes t h a t his hobbies are
han1 radio, photogra phy, a nd hunting.
GENE .\ . H O FSTED writes " i\ly wife
Geraldine (nee Gilmore, OSC 19·13) ami son
.Jol yon , age 15, a nd I moved in to the new redwood r an<:h -style h ome in Eureka t h is year.
i\ 1y work h ere for t h e past four years h as been
Coun ty I'orester , (t hi s county owns n o fo rest
land) , working up management interest
;nnong ra n ch timber owners (about 35% of
private ownership) and co-operating with
industry in this area. The depa rtment is
100''{, county suppo rted. Gera ld iuc is o utsid e
part of t he time as a city sch oo l clerk. J o ly
is a radio and ekct ronics enthusiast."
LARR Y T. l\I.-\ .R SHALL w rites " H ave now
been in California about e ight years. r\m li vm g n ear Arca ta . 1 sta rted in consulting work
over a year ago after m a n y years with Ja r!{~
timber corpora tions. I t is different, interesting a nd keeps me jumping. I am married
and have a g irl eigh t and a boy n ear ly six.
There are severa l OSC F ernh oppcrs in this
a rea, mostly of p ost-war classes."
. D.-\LE N. BEVER is now Jiving a t 171
Corva lhs where h e is Associate
Director of the Oregon Forest Lands R esea rch Center.
VERNE D. BRO rso 1, Co-owner of Tree
.Farm i\Ianag~menL Service, lnc., wh ich provtdes consultmg fores try ser vices to western
t!mber owners, is l iving at 301 Bushnell Lane,
l~ uge ne. H e wr ites, "family n ow incl ud es
si x sons an d five daugh ters. Fonr oldest
ch ildren are in '1-H livestock club and show
their milking sh o rthorn cattle at several fairs.
In ~ u.r spare tin_1 e we ll')' to manage o ur own
certt fl?? tree farm and b u ild on to our
WILLIAM H. CHRISTY is land and tim her b t~ ye r for Crown Zellerbach Corpora tion.
H1s w1fe, i\Jary A., and h e li ve at Rte. I , Box
HOG, St. H elens, Oregon . They have a son,
Steven, who is two years old a nd a daughter,
Bronwyn l\Ia rgaret who is two mon t hs old.
BRICE HAM l\11\CK is logging superinten d ent for Publisher's Pap er Co. at Oregon City.
H e and his w ife,_ Rita, have a son a nd
J OHN H . HANN is employed by t he Oregon State Board of Forestry as R eforestation
Director and is concerned with reforestation
of non-stocked fores t a nd state land boa rd
lands. H e says t ha t a big problem is th e Tillamook-llurn reforestation by aerial and han d
seedmg and b )' planting. His wife is the former Phyllis Gray, OSC 1942. They have two
children : Sharon , 10 and Saudra, 9 years.
has been with
the State Forestry Departmen t in Salem the
past 11 years and is presently managing the
C. lackamus-North Marion Uu it of State !'orest Land . After g raduation he served over
four years in the Arm y in the Sou th Pacific . His wife, Barba ra, twin daughters 9 and
son , 8, all are working toward their goal
o f htuldmg a house and livi ug on their 54
acre tree farm eig ht miles south of Salem.
CHARLES S. LE WTS is I' ores ter for t h e
.\1 Pierce Co., Coos Ba y. H e married Li la
1.. _Larch , OSC 19Hi, a nd they now have three
chtldreu . Except for fou r years as a N aval
aviato r with the Marines iu the Pacific, h e
has been in forestry work wi th the Oregon
~talc Board of Forest ry, tintber crui~er for
~lason, Rr uce and Girard, I'orester for Coos
H ead Timber Co. a nd wi th Id s present job.
DO N i\[A US is n ow E xecu tive Assistan L
for the Oregon State Board of l' oresl r y in
_P :\U L i\JOYF.R is n ow working for the
DIVlswu of H ighways, Stat e of California at
.\farzsville si nce he left h is posi tion of Forest Eng-nt eer on the Modoc 1\'ational Forest
in June.
ROY RliHK i\L.\ h as a busin ess address of
Rnhkala i\lo uumc nt C.o., 1001 Broadway, Sacremcnto 18, California. H e and his wife
.\larjorie (nee Lekberg, OSC 19<13), liv~
a t 12-1 Wiuding Lau e, R ock lin, California
and have th ree girls and one boy.
~at r haven,
I 943
\V . \~TER i\f. WOOD 1·eceutly sold his i n -
terest 111 Honeywood , Inc. and is curreutlv
worki ng lor the Northwestern i\lutual I.if~
l n~ uran ce Co., 506 L ivesley Bldg., Sa len1.
Hts ho m e address is 2385 MarkeL St., Sa lem ,
Oregon .
Page Seven
H UBERT 0. PESSNER is owner of West
Coast Timber Products Agency. His wife and
th ree chi ldren , Kirk, Verne and Sandra, live
in Greenbrae, San Rafael, Ca lifornia where
h e built in 1955. Huber t writes that h e b e·
lieves the School of Forestry should p ut a l l
th e emphasis possib le on merch andising of
lumber and lumber products.
RALPH G. D el\IOISY is Production l\Ianager for U. S. Plywood Corporation in Roseburg, Oregon . H e moved there from Mapleton where he h ad been manager for U . S.
Plywood's operations in that area.
ROBERT C. LINDSAY is now in Portland at 2030 N.E. 57 th Avenue and working out of the Portland office of Crown
Zellerbach Corpora tion on m atters of fire
protection, second-growth management and
rcforesta tion .
C. R . M ILLER writes that he is Forest Eng in eer for th e Lo ngview Fibre Co. at Longview,
Wash ington, a nd has been eleven years wit h
:he compa n y. H e wri tes, "I am married-have
o ne child, a girl fi ve years old. We live at
26 1 I Fir St., Longview."
j Ai\IES 1-1 . llRIGHAM r esig ned from
Georgia-Pacific Corporation April 1st to become f orester for the Moore Mill and Lumber Co. at .Bandon , Oregon.
WILLIAM L. BURGESS is Forester for the
D eschu tes National Forest at Bend, Oregon .
J OSEPH V. FLYNN is Forester on the Serp wia N ational Forest at l' o rtcrville, California.
HARRY L. MERTENS is Man ager-Part ner of Snperelle in T hree Forks, Mon tana.
There he is President of the Chamber of
Commerce and of the Three Ri vers Sportsmens Association. H e and his wife, Dod ie,
h ave two ch ildren, Ma rk and Leslie J eanne.
BOll OSLUN D, who was with th e Oregon
State Tax Commission as Chief Appraisa l
Engineer unt i l 1956, is now Tax Agent for
Georgia - Pacific Corporation with head l[Uarlers i n t he Eq u itable Building, Portland,
Oregon. Jle is married and they h ave two
girls; 12 a ud 15 years old .
CLAUDE A. PH ILLIPS with his wife, Eu ni ce, and four children, Brian 8, Brenda, 7,
T odd 5, and Rhonda 4, have been living on
his farm nea rly t wo years. H e writes, "Abou t
h a lf of our p lace is ti mberland which will
need some repla nting as soon as rclogging
is completed . We raise Fescue and H ighland
13en t Grass seed . l am still working a t Paris
Woo len Mills in Stayton where I have been
plan t eng iu eer for nearly eight years and
still fl y with the Air Fo rce R eserve in
ART ROU N D is working for Reich hold
C hetuicals, Inc., sellin g adhesi ves to the p lywood in d ustry, a nd lives at 3 184 Wem bl ey
Park Road , Oswego, Oregon.
F.DW.-\RD SCHROEDER writes that he
·•came in to Sa lem office of the Oregon Stale
Hoard of Forestry as Assistant Stale Forester
in charge of' the State Fores t's Division in
:-.lovcm ber 1%5. Promoted to D eputy Slate
Forester in July l!Jfi7. Miss the years of Fire
protection activi ty in the Tillamook Jlurn .
hut find the present job to be very interesti ng. There are many challenges in the field
of state fo restry activities today."
H ARLEY E. H ORN is now Logging E ngineer for H a nel Lumber Co. at H ood River,
Page Eigh t
BOB KISCHEL wri tes "My principal p ro·
blem seems to be that of keeping up wi t h
the demands of a family (four children)
growing up, fin an cially, p h ysically and men·
tally. The overtime n ecessa11 to expend in
d oing a good job for the good citizen s of
D ouglas County, Oregon , keeps me from
getting bored, also cu ts out time for hobbies
a nd sports. Run in to a lot of Fern hoppers
in m y work and i t's fun to h ash over some of
t he good o ld d ays like "A'' Day w he n we
shaved Professor ' <Yillison 's mustache a nd
warm beer for breakfast on J>rofesso r Di J.
worth 's Wind River fi e ld u·ip."
MILNER LARSON is Loggin g Superinten ·
den t for the Robert D ollar Co., Glendale,
Oregon . His home address is 451 NE 11th,
Grants P ass.
THEODORE W. MAUL is Exec uti ve
Assistant in the Protection Division of the
Oregon State Board o f Forestry. His home
address is 885 Vinyard Aven ue, Salem .
L ARRY PAGTER is in business fo r him·
se lf b u yi ng timber and sel ling logs in the
vicinity of Prineville, Oregon.
LOU PIHA is starting a nursery and his
presen t address is Rt. 2, Box 369, Eugene.
W ILLIS E. RAGLAND is District R anger
at Brookings, Oregon for the U.S. Forest
Service . His two boys are n ow 12 a nd 13
years old. Rags claims that his principle
t ype of work is crawling through h uckle·
berry and tan oa k brush looking for mer·
chantablc timber.
D AVID H. RODGERS writes tha t h e is
"working with Cali forn ia State Division of
H ighways as Assistant Highway En gineer,
d esigning freeway on R o u te 50 cast from
.Sacramen to. Pat's LE courses have been most
useful. See " Duke" DuCray occasionally i n
headquarters, Departmen t Pub I i c "Vorks.
Edy is teaching in high sch ool. Family en joyed seeing OSC beat Ca l i n Berkeley this
D AR RELL H . SCHROEDER wri tes, "iVf y
residence is Crescen t City, California, Rt. l ,
Box 856. We have two children, on e girl aged
seven and a boy aged t hree. I am employed
by t he Rcllim Redwood Co. in the capacity
of Logging Manager and Vice Presid ent."
LYLE H. SEYMOUR is living in Eugen e,
Oregon with his w ife and two children, a
son and a daughter. H e is co-owner of Tree
Farm Management Service, Inc., a cons ult·
ing forestry f irm in Eugene.
A.L. SORSETH h as been employed on
the Willamette National Forest since the
clay following h is graduation e xce pt for
twenty months as District Ranger on the
Malhcur Na tional Forest. AI, his w ife Arlene,
and two son s, ages 10 and 12, now live a t
Detroit, Oregon, where h e is D i s t r i c t
W ILLIAM I. STEI N was awarded a Uni·
versi t y fellowship and is presently wor king on
his doctorate i n forest ecology a t the Yale
Sch ool of F orestry. In June he will res ume
regeneration research work with the P aci fic
Northwest Forest Experiment Station's Siski·
you-Cascade R esearch Cen ter in Roseb u rg.
Bill 's family, which now includes six children,
five boys and one girl, accompanied hi m to
the east coas t.
SHERWOOD C. T ROTTE R is n ow D ist·
rict Ranger on the Zigzag Ranger D istrict
at 1\{t. Hood, Oregon.
R ALPH WIESE is Dis trict R anger on the
R ogue River N a t i on a I Forest, Medford,
WRIGHT MALLERY was transferred fro m
the Baker Ranger Dis trict, Wallowa-Whitman
N a t ional Forest to the Umatilla National For·
J anuary, 1958
est at Pendleton, Oregon where he is a Staff
Offi cer.
C. DWAYNE B LAKNEY wri tes, "We a rc
going on t wo years here in U ki ah. My work
with Masoni te Corp ., as a lVIill R esearc h
Technologist, is very in teres ting and stim u·
lating- also, Eleanor and our three active
chil dren k eep me on my toes. California is
fin e if yo u li ke California. We .~ till miss the
the wonderful Pacific Nort hwest."
HE NRY G . DAVIES is cruising wi t h Ma·
sou, B r uce a nd Girard, Consulting Foresters.
Hank lives at 4334 N .E. D avis St., P ortland,
with his wife J o, daughters Sallie and Marilee
and son J on. Sin ce gr aduation Han k has
worked in TM and Fire Control fm the U.S .
l'orest Service, logged an d was assista nt log·
ging Sup t. at Medford Corp.
ROBERT E. E H i'vf is working in the Lanrl
D epartmen t of Southcm Pacifi c Co. in San
l'rancisco as "Assist a 11 t to t he Forester. "
H om e add ress is 114 1 Paloma Avenue Bur·
liugame, Cal.
R USSELL L. ELLWOOD is with Gi ustina
B ro t hers Lumber Co., Eugene. His fa mily of
two boys and two girls live at 933 E l.izabeth
DON ALD GAR VI K is Dist r ict Ranger on
t he Pasa yten Ranger D istrict, Okanogan
National Forest, Mazama, ' •Vashington .
BILL HUGHES is now Executi ve Assista nt
in t he Division of Service in the State
For ester's Office in Sa lem, Oregon.
WALTER C. KI RCH N ER is in the Tim·
ber Management Division a t th e U.S. F orest
Serv ice's R egional Office in San F r ancisco.
ROB KLI N E h as been living in Medford
since 1950. Bob is contract logging arou nd
Ei MM. ann u ally and was featured in t he
Sep tem ber , 1957, Timberman. Bob's second
bo)' arrived Novem ber 13.
BOB LARSO N is wi t h Georgia-Pacific as
Contract Sup ervisor a nd lives in Toledo,
O regon. H is girl and boy are now six and
fo ur years old, respect ively.
BOB LEC~<LIDER is living in Roscbur~r
and keeps himself busy cruisi ng timber a nd
locating roads on his own hook. In December,
1956, he became the father of a son, Bradley
J ohn.
ELMER i\IcDAD'E is living in San ta
Rosa, Calif., and works with F leur Products
at Whittier.
DA VTD R. McMI NN is F o r e s t e r for
Crown-Zellerbach Corp. at their Columbia
County T r ee Farm at Veronia, 01·egon .
J A MES M ERRITT is now on the Ml.
Baker National Fores t at B e I l in g· h a 111,
' •Vashington.
JULIA~. F. MILLER is wi th the Manage ·
mcn l DJvJsJOn of t he Sta te Forestry Dept. a t
Coos .Ra y, Oregon.
ALLEN H. MULLEN is District Ranger,
Lassen N ational Forest, Susanville, Cali f.
AL O'BRIEN has been em ployed by t he
R yan Lumber Co.- "l'holesale Lumber Co.
for the past six years. H is office is in t he
U .S. National Bank Bldg. in P ortland. His
three children , Mike, I 0, Bi ll, 8, Cathy, 6,
live at 2703 N.E. H a m b le t St.
WAYNE P AR SONS is employed by T im ·
h er Structu res, In c., in Por tlan d as a sales
representative covering· the area of New York
a nd New J ersey adj acen t to th e New York
City marketing area . H e is living at 15 Sien na
Wa y, Oakla n d, N.J . He wri t es, " We are and selling the use of Douglas fir
1n l a n~mated stru ctural building framing.
The wlfe, the th ree children, and m yself all
extend a heart y welcome to all former class·
mates to drop in on us at a ny time."
Page Nine
Ja nua r y, 19fi8
SAM W. R AYMOND is with Weyerhaeuser
T irn ber Co. a t Klamath Falls, as Supervisor
o f l he H ardboard Division Process Control.
He is married and has two sons : David. [ivc
months, a nd D ouglas, 21 months.
STA RR REED i s loggi ng Manager for
Simpson L ogging Co. and lives at 55 1 E.
Sherman, L eban on, Oregon.
ROBERT 0 . REXSES is sawmill s u per ·
in tcndent of the Vaughn Branch of Inter·
national Paper Co. H is wife, Marie, and
daugh ter, Margaret, age two, live a t 1' .0.
Box 780, R t. I, Veneta, Oregon.
J AC K USHER has been t ransferrecl to the
Walla Walla Ranger District.
DAN ABRAH AM is District R a nger on
the Siski you N ation a l Forest at Gold Beach,
Oregon , in C urry County, which has no
railroad; no elevators; the l argest virg·in
stand of old growth left in the stale; the
R ogu e River sal mon; extreme sceni c beauty;
a nd wh ere t he bears ou tnumber the people.
MORRIS J . ANDER SON is working fo•·
H a r bor Plywood Corp . at Riddle, Oregon.
H ARVEY BARNICKOL is Project Engi·
neer on the Eldorado N ational Forest at
Placervi lle, Ca lif.
.JO H N R. BRANNON m arried Bar bara L.
Johnson on J une 7. H e is wi th F ruit Growers
Supply Co., Hilt, Cal.
H ANK GRATKOWSKI's latest a dd ress i s
93~' 1.£. Knoll Avenue, Roseburg, Oregon.
TED GllMP is now a Highway Engin eer
at t he Sisk iyou National Fores t a t Grants
Pass, Oregon .
E OWARD C. HOUGH writes, "1 am em·
ployed as the Personnel Supervisor for Lhe
Neah Bay divi s i on of Crown -Zellerba ch
Corp. Ou r address is Sail Ri ver Camp, Port
Angeles, ' 'Vashington. I am married to P at·
ricia, and we h ave two daughters; l'vfary, age
~. a nd Shauna, age l. I find my work, which
con sists ol pu blic and industrial relation
acti vities, very interesting. "Vc are located at
th e northwest tip of th e U nited Sta tes, an
area of unexcelled salmon fi shing."
CLAR ENCE JACOBSON is Assistant Dis·
lrict Ranger o n the Plumas National Farest,
Qu incy, Ca l.
GARTH S. J EFFERS is Forcstc1· o n th e
Lassen National Forest at Susan ville, Cal.
EDWARD J. K IR KPATRICK i s wi t h W es·
ICl'll Kratt Corp. in Alba n y, Oregon.
M IC H E L J . KNIGHT is Forester on the
Sierra National F orest a t F resno, Cal.
LLO YD H. L ARSO N wri tes, "After spend·
i ng six years in forest engineering and fire
control in Region One (Id aho), I was trans·
fenc cl in April, 1956, to tim ber manag·emenr·
on the North Umpqua D istrict, Umpqua
Na tiona l Forest, Idleyld P ork, Oregon. Finally settled down and was m arried in August,
1956, to Laura H iggins from Grangeville.
lda h o . For the past yea r an d one-halE m y
work on the d istrict has been engineering and
timber ma nage111en t administration ."
NEIL J. HacGREGOR is technical ad·
visor for th e Bl ister Rust Control Division ,
U.S. Forest Service, in San Francisco.
ROBERT S. MADSEN writes, "Transfer·
red to Salem , Oregon , in March, 1957, to
accept position as Soil Bank Fores ter wi th the
Oregon State F orestry D ept. Ad ded another
twig to th e fami ly t ree on O ctober 2, 19.'iG.
H er na m e is An drea . She has two sisters,
Ellen and Eileen , and o ne brother, Steven.
Ou r home address in Salem is 1382 Morningside St."
WYNNE MAULE was promoted to Dis·
triel Ranger of the Paci fi c D istrict, E ldorado
Forest, last May.
CARL NE W PORT is Research Forester
for the California Research .·and Forest Ex·
perimenl Sta tion at Berkeley, Cal.
DAVID PET ERS writes, " 1 am now scaling
at Mul tnomah Plywood Corp . in Portland ,
employed by the Colum bia River L og Seal ·
ing and Gradi ng Rureau, 710 U.S. Natio n al
Bank Bldg., Port land, Oregon. J am unmar ·
ried (m y wife, !\'l arge, succumbed to polio
in i\larch, 1956, after a n illness of 2y2 years) ,
and have one da ughter, Lorrie, five years
o ld. M y address is: 1924 N.E. !41st Ave ..
Por tla nd , Oregon."
A. A. l'ETERSON, JR. writes "At the
present time I am Assistant Logging Engi·
n eer for the Sim pson R edwood Co. at Kor bel,
Cal. My wife and I wi th om four-year·old
daugh ter l ive at the end of t he l in e of the
103-year·old Arcata and Mad River R ail·
road. \•Ve have been in northern Californi a
goi ng o n three years a n d enjoy t his area
very n1uch ."
FR AN K E. PRICE, JR . is in Ketchikan ,
. \ Iaska, on the Tongass National l 'oresl.
WILLI:\i\1 A. R AD C I.IFFE is Camp A udi·
tor for McClo ud River Lumber Co. at Me·
Cloud, Cal.
J A MES C. S.-\RVl S writes, " Presently e m ·
ployed as Produ ction Manager of P i ttsburgh
Pla te G lass Co. p aint fact or y in cit y of Port·
land. ' 'Ve h ave had o ne addi tion to t he fa m i·
Iy sin ce leaving school, J eanette Marie, age
eight months. H elen Lee, age fi ve is looking
fo rward to the start of school in l' ebruary.
. Would like to hear from the wood pwdu cts
gang of 1950. H om e a dd ress, 5442 S., •V .
i'Jebraska, Portland 19, Oregon ."
G JLIIERT A. ·wARD was p ronwted to
District Ranger of the H yampom District of
th e Sh asta-Trini t y National F orest on .J anu·
ary 2, I!J:'i8. His mailing address is U.S. Forest
Service, Ha yfork , Cal.
DON ZWAHLEN is with the Credit Depar t·
m cnt for Standard Oil Co., Pacific Bldg.,
DA VE BANTA is working for Crown -Zel ·
lerbach at Neah Bay. Dave successfull y passed
his examina t ion to become a registered Ore·
gun Land Surveyor in October.
TWAIN BREWER is build ing suppl y sa les·
man [or Dia mond W Supply, 6408 W ard low
Rd., Lo ng Beach , California.
EAR L CARLINGER is now D istrict R an·
ger for the Forest Ser vice at Estacada, Oregon .
H ..\RRY CHASE is working for R odd is·
cra [t, lnc., a t Arcata, Cal.
D.\N.-\ COLLINS is work ing for t he nureatJ
o f Land Management at Salem, Ore., and is
living al ·166 Lantz 1\ ve. His first chi ld, a
da ughter, was born Augus t 29 . Dana J'C·
turned to O ..S.C. in 1!!56 to pick up his
r. laster 's degree.
(;l.Jo:N DUYSEN writes," H ave been living·
in !\Iedford fo r 1he p ast six years. Employed
as Timber Ma nager for Kogap Lu mber In ·
dustries, a Medford lum ber and veneer manu ·
factu rer 11·i th an a n nnal capaci ty of 45 Mi\ 1.
Our famil y welcomed a n ew baby girl in
r. Ja rch of this year, m aking the grand to tal
of two boys and one girl. "
COROON W . FRUITS wri tes, " H ave been
employed b y 1he Oregon Stale Board of
Forestry since graduation . ' •Vas Technical
AssistatH a ttach ed to Doug las F orest Pro ·
tective in R oseburg u ntil June , 19!i2. From
1952 un ti l March of 1957 I was Forest i nspec·
tor work ing ou t of R oseburg, then !his yea r
I transferred to Assistant District \•Varden
worki ng in t he Ceno·al O regon Fire Di strict
on the .Joh n Day Unit, wi!h s ub-h eadquarters
al J ohn Da y. Fami ly not increasin g too fast ,
jus t Wanda, my wife; Anne Marie (3 yea rs);
and Margaret ( I Vz years),"
GORDON W . GEORG E is now a t Sisters,
Oregon, wi th the U. S. Forest Ser vice as Dis·
lrict T .l'vf.A . H e 'Hites, "The famil y is fi n e
a nd we now ha ve three chi ld ren; Ph il ip , age
H, Cyn t hia, age 5, and Steven, age 3. W e
would be glad to h ave anyone goiug through
s1o p in and have a cu p of coffee."
NOR i\ IAN GOULD writes, " Moved h om
th e ' Villamette National Forest to the lJm.
pqua Forest in March as district ran ger on
the North Umpqua District. Residence is at
Steam boa t Ranger Station , 40 miles east of
Roseburg. Daughter will be two in July."
D AN A. GRAHAM writes, "Am assistant
to t he plant s uperintendent and a partner in
H i lls Creek Lbr. Co., J asper, Oregon . Am
gradually remodeling and mode rnizing an old
[arm home I y2 miles west o f J asp er-Rt. 2.
Rox 542, Creswell , is the mailing address.
Ma ril yn and I h ave two claughters-J ean , 4,
and Mary, 2."
H ERUERT H AGL UN D is T i mber Sales
Officer fo r the Bureau o f Land Ma nagement
in Portland .
h ave been transferred by I n ternational Paper
Co. to th e ·weed Branch, Weed, Ca l. Anyon e
passing t h rough th is area , s top by and look
me up."
W i\ DE HOWF.LL aud his fami ly, includ·
iug sons J err, 4, and Cra ig, I, and daughte r
Jeannine, 3, live at 445 N. 12, Corvallis. He
works for I. 1'. Miller Lumber Co. at Mon·
GERHARD H U BBE 1·cports that he and
famil y have moved to McKenzie Rridge, O re.,
wh ere he is doing road s urvey work for the
\Villamette Nation al F orest.
GEORGE E. KNO.WLES is forester for El·
lingston Lumber Co. at Kl amath Fa lls, Ore·
SAM KO NN !E writes. " I am working as
Assistam Logging Supt. for Swa n son Bros.
Lumber Co., Noti, Ore., and have been [or
the last three years. Our family has increased
to five with the oldest boy, Larry, almost
four and the twins, Pat ti and Danny, a lmost
two. We wou ld be glad to see any of our
old friends."
GEORGE LITTEN is a l Crowu · Zeller·
bach's Sail River C amp, Port Angeles, Wash .
H AROLD LYND is Assista nt District Man·
agcr in Charge of Operations for th e B.L.M.
in Eug-ene, Ore. His wife, lvlargarct, and
daughter, Gayle- age 10, live a t 3<150 Danna
Ct. H e was recen tly tran sferred there fro nt
Roseburg a nd wi ll probably have to g ive up
his membership in the Roseburg R od and
(;uu C lub.
.JO H N MeN TE is Logging E ngineer wit h
i\fichiga n~ Ca lifornia Lu mber Co. a t Calllino,
Cal. Hi s boy is now four and the girl, one.
H OW.-\RD l\ IITCH EI.L writes, "Moved
to i\led [ord in June, 1956, and wen t to work
[or Timber Products Co. with duties of a
general forester natu re. Unofficial t itle, 3rd
.-\ssistant Logging Super . Third son born
Nov. 27. 1!!57."
EARL N I CHOLS is D ist.ricl Ranger on
t he San Bernar dino Nation al Forest in Ca li·
forn ia .
(;. D . "N IC K" N I XON is in Sa les wit h t he
Plastin D ivision of Monsanto Chem ical Co.
speciali zing i n adhesives for t he plywood and
wood compositio n board industry. H e resides
in Portland with wife, Darleen, and daugh·
ters, J ane ll, 4, an d Lisa , eight months.
ROBERT N ORTON writes, " l am part·
owner and manager of Roseb urg ' •Vood Pro·
d ucts Co ., currently engaged in the manu·
fact ure of mou ldings and door j ambs. T he
plant is located four mil es south of Roseburg
o n old highway 99. The Norton family lives
a t 1125 S.E. Main St., Roseburg, and all of
us, Kerry (6), 1\oJargaret (4), and D ' and
m yself, would be pleased to have our friends
stop to sec us."
.Jii\f RIGGS is now on t he O.S.G. campus
tak ing a Master 's degree p rogram in me·
chanica! en gin eering. Upon completion of
his work, Jim wi ll be in terested i n plant en·
gi neering, design , and time studies. H e has
h ad fi ve years in the senice.
ROllERT F. STERMITZ is Sales Ma nager
for Intermo untain Lumber Sales, Box 1443,
i\l issou la , i\•Ion tan a .
JOH N SYME i s Product D evelopment En·
gin eer for Hines Lumber Co., J> .O . Box 360,
Hines, Oregon .
STU WELLS is working ou t of the Sa len1
office of the Oregon State Board of Forestry.
OSGOOD MUNGER wri tes, " 1 am livi ng
at 55:; Mission St., Salem, Ore. I a m worki ng
as a Material T esting Engineer for t he Ore·
gon State H ighwa y D ept., testing soils for
th e highway con struction p rogram. ' "'e had a
daughter born Labor Day, so we now have
a boy 24 mon t hs old and a daughter five
months old."
LEO N V. OLSON is work ing with the
13ureau of La nd 1\lanagemenl in Roseburg,
Ore. Vern married Carla J oan Peet z in July.
H e su ccessfully passed his land s urveyor 's
exa m . in October.
KEN P A LEN was married to Ma rgare t
Krug o n Novem ber I in Portland. Ken has
been with the State For estry Dep t. for a
num ber of years as farm forester with h ead·
quarters at Hillsboro.
KEITH PETRIE is Assistant Wood Sup·
ply Manager for Kaiser Gypsum Co. at St.
Helens, Ore. H e is living at 6327 N . Ca mp·
be ll, Portland.
ED PIERSON writes, " .Since I953, teach er
of fo res try manage men t at Humbo lt State
Co llege . Proud father of three-newest addi·
tion is Cameron H owell Pierson, July 31,
1957. C reator of "The Monstcr"-a n I 8-foot
l·abi n ~ r u is e r, now occup ying the garage,
whi ch s hould he ready for sa lmon fishing in
1958." Ed , his wife, J oan, and famil y live at
!733 Roberts ' 'Vay, Arcata, Ca l.
ELMER RICE is Logging Eng ineer for
U.S. Plywood at Maple ton , Ore., and has
1hrcc boys; ages two, fou r , and six.
CF.CTL RODGERS is Forester-engineer for
13rookings Pl ywood Corp. a nd lives at Brook·
ings, Ore.
(; .·\RN ETT (DEAN) ROG E RS writes ,
":\ lmost recovered fro m my February 'f>7
auto accideul , back to work as C hief of Con·
s truclion Engineering D ept., C: are y B ros.
Constru ction Co., San Anselmo. '~' i fe has her
hands fu ll wit h m y new son w ho is o n the
verge of walking. Still living at 1056 W ild
Rose D r i ve, .Santa Rosa, CaL Open h ouse to
a ll o ld classmates t raveling down here" .
.JOE ROBB is Pole Ru ycr for L. D. Me·
l'a rl ancl , Box !!O:i:j, Eugene, Ore. Joe claims
1ha t after 36 years he finally took h is fi rst
paid vacation and iu the compan y of John
.\mh·inga a nd Glen Smi t h , chased elk over
in T . 2i'l., R . 38E. He reports, "We managed
to find t hree elk there. Our ha ts h aven't fit
D UNC BRIN KERHOFF is working for
the con sulting firm of H ammond, Jensen ,
and Wallen and lives at 660 Hcgen bergcr
Road , Oakland 21, CaL
l'age Ten
GENE W. CA RLSON is T.r.t..-\. on the
Skagit District, l\It. Baker Nationa l Forest,
Marblemount, Wash. His oldest is a son.
John, age two, and his daughter, Ann Louise,
w~s born J anuary 30, 1957.
.J A 1\J ES CR1\ DLER is in charge of the engi·
neering a nd eMimating for Arch-Rib Sum·
mcrbell Fabri cator~, P.O . Box 67-!2, Los An geles, 22, Cal.
CHUCK DANE completed his military
service, including a shon stretch in Korea,
b y wisely following the advice of the old
veter~ns in the class of '52. He married
Louise Robinson last Jun e.
Pi\ IJL EGAN is now Assistant Supcri nten ·
dent for C lackamas Logging Cu., 6637 S.E.
IOOth, Portland.
II ANK FROEHLICH is Logging Engi·
uccr for Si mpson MR:I\1. He li ves at 812
Fickle H ill Rd ., Arcata, Cal.
.JACK FROST writcs," Recame a married
mau in 1\lay, 19.~7. Transferred to the Wena tchee Na t ional l'orest as Forest Engineer in
J unf:!. A II o ld friends and classmates are
urged to drop by and say hello at 1108 Ftrsl
St., phone 3·5980, Wenatchee."
.J ACK GATES is Techni cal Service Engi·
neer for American 1\ fari ella Gl ue Co. at Seat·
tit', Wash.
1\1,\RK GROVES is doing cousul ting work
at Trinity Cemer, Cal. \ Ve've heard that
i\ l ark completed his service in 195-t with out
a blemish except for pinching a colonel
when l\[ark was acting Game Warden on Lh e
Ft. Lewis military reservation.
DAVE JOHNSTON is forester for General
1\ox Distribu tors where he is working on an
ex perimental program with a German ro·
tary slicer. Da ve was tmtrried last June and
is li ving at 1909 Chann ing Way, Fres no 5,
TOI\ 1 SCOTT returned to O.S.C. in '!i:;
and '.~6 and completed a degree in i ndus·
trial e ngineering; plann ing to go into h igh
school teaching. His la test address is General
Delivery, Lincoln, Ca l.
OUR WARD SLATER is Assis tant District
Ranger on the Eldorado Nationa l F orest,
Placerville, Cal.
G L EN S. S~HTH is stationed at the end
o[ the trail in the Ochoco National Forest
at Rager Ranger Station. Paulina. Ore., with
his wife and t h ree children , where he is
District ,\ ssistan t.
NORl\1 SM ITH is forester on the Siski·
)O U National Fores t out of Grants Pass, Ore.
RON Sl\ IITH writes, " ln .Jul y, after three
years as Assistant Dis I riel \Varden for north ·
west Oregon at Tillamook, J was transferred
lO the State Forester's OHice in Salem . i\l y
n ew job is Training Or£icer for the l'rotec·
Lion Division. The fa 111 i I y sLill numbers
three: l\lary Lo u , two · year · old daughter,
janice, a nd I. In November we moved mto
;,ur new home south o[ Salem, 4722 Lon e
Oak Rd .''
1\IICIJ..\EL STEWART wri tes, " Am now
living in Nelson, ll.C. Present job is R egiona l
Research Officer for Nelson District. Main I)'
concern ed wi t h problems of regenerating o ld
l,urns, logged areas and gelling areas of
decadent timber back into production. I
think l could work on this for the rest of
my li fe wi thout making much o[ a dent in
i t. Interesting, though."
RUREN SULLIVAN is forester for the
Mount H ood Nat ional l' orcst.
VERNON H . USHER is T.~l.A., Tahoe
National Forest, Nevada Ci ty. Ca l.
BOR VOIGHT is log buyer for R. H .
Em merson and Son, Arcata, Cal.
EARNEST SANGSTER i s block. forester
for Southern Lumber Co. at Warren, Arkansas. H e and his wife, Betty, send regards
to lheir western friends.
BOll BAKER writes, " We are living here
in Eugene as we have been [or the last year.
,\m now working with the State Board of
Forestry here in Lane County. More o( m y
tnnc will be spent in the future in Dougla s
a nd J oseph ine Co. as our district has picked
up some stale land down there to administer.
The Bakers arc three now with the second
addition coming in late December. Eugene
is Cine and we a re certainly enj oying th e
a d van tages of th e 'big town'. Regards to all."
DAVE BAKER has had his s miling fa ce
in a display at t he fiftieth annivers~ry celebration o[ t.hc U niversity o[ Washington
f'orcsll')' School. Dave is taking graduate
work there in forest products and must
have been photogenic.
RO LAND CASEY is now with R obert
Kleiner in Arcata, Cal., doing land survey·
ing and cruising work.
JOH N L. CHRISTIE, JR . writes,"Presenl·
ly living in the sticks ncar Astoria, Ore.
Employed by the Oregon State Board of
Forestry, ManagemenL Dept., as a Senior
l·orcster. Spend most o[ time trying to gel
the annual cut sold, i.e., cruising, surveying,
etc. Peg and I have three chi ldren : Pete, age
(our, Pierce, age three, and Cathy, age two.
.\lso a large black dog. Am scoutmaster [or
loca l troop, sec-treas. of local SAF Chapter
and the kids want to know who the stranger
is when I walk in the ho u se."
W IU .I AM COGGi\N is with .John Man s,·ille Research Center in Mansville, N.J.,
wi th th e vVood Fiber Products Section . H e
lives at 70 Bmokside Ave., Apt. 8B, Somer·
ville, N .J.
RAY CONKLI NG writes, "I am st i ll in
the photography business, which is Charles
Conkling and Sons, Inc. 'Vc do commercial
photography both in color and black and
white and have a co 111 p l et e color film
processing a nd prin t service. \•Vhat I i l l I e
spa re titHe I have is m ade up of a myriad
o[ activities too numerous to mention h ere.
I am also a member u( the Rotary club of
cast Portland. Marita l s taw s: single."
BARRETT COUGHLAN is District Engi·
neer for the U.S. Forest Service at Tiller,
JOHN D UBAY is attending WillameLLc
University at Salem and is majoring in Law.
.\LEX GOEDHARO writes," Following the
19-mon th trek through Europe with Jim
'Kcin Celt' Larson, '5 3, and a shon career
with the California Division of Forestry,
I married (Dolores l3ackeberg,'.?4) and join·
cd \ Veyerhaeuser Timber Co., Longview
Branch . as an I nven tory Forester. At present
m y main work is with setti ng up, marking,
a nd cruisin g stands for thinning. 0 the r
11ork includes fi nding and laying out arras
to be scari£ied in preparation for aerial and
hand seeding, examining lands possibly in
need of treatment and examining the results
of lands alread y seeded. Present address is
131!l-20th, Longview, Wash ."
FRED G R EEN reports a new address; 13ox
3 1!!, Redway, Cal., but the same old job of
beating the brush for the Pacific Coast Co.
of Willits. Cal.
CHARLES HIBBS writes, " I h ave been
employed since January, 1957, by Western
Milling Co., Veneer Division, Philomath,
Ore. 1 am now P lant Supt. I h ave a family
of t hree boys, a nd m y address is Rl. I , Box
338, Corvallis."
January, 1958
LES H I LL is in the Forestry Department
of Georgia-Pacific at Toledo, Ore.
EARNEST l'v!cDONALD, his wife, :Marge,
and son, Dale live at Glide, Oregon, where
he is doin g timber management work on th e
Umpqua National Forest.
RON :'I!ETCALF is Resident E ngineer,
Zi~ag Ranger District o[ the l\Iount H ood
National Forest.
JOHN MI NSINGER is ,\ ssis tant Board ·
mi ll Superintendent [or U.S. Gypsum Cor p.
J ACK :\. NELSON w riLe s, "I am with
Roseburg Lumber CQ. in the plywood CJU~Ii ·
ty con trol dept. Not geLLing rich but staying
happ)'· \'Ve now have three children; two
boys and a girl. Our hom e is j ust off the
highway in \ Vinslon."
JOHN OLSON is Chicf-o£-l'any for O scar
Larson and Assoc. at Eureka, Cal.
T01\f OPATZ is Fie ld Engineer for Food
Machinery and Chemical Corp. at Los Angc·
les, Cal. H e li ves at 95fi E. 6th S.. Sa lt Lake
Ci t y, U ta h.
W i\ l.I.Y OWEN w rites, "'Work con tinu ing as Ass't. F.ngr. for Robert Dollar Lbr.
Co. at G lendale, Ore. first child was born
May 23; a girl, Robin Louise. Bought a
farm this summer, 9 miles north of Gran ts
!'ass on Hy. 99, 5 acres o [ vineyard, and 13
acres of potential Christmas tree farm.
Passed the sLate surveyor's exam. in Septem·
IJer; n ow just call me 42+."
DAV E PAINE is back at O.S.C. doing
grad u ate work in aerial photo cru ising. Dave
~pent h is service Lime in the Far East.
REX RESL ER is District Ranger on the
Union Creek Ranger District at Prospect ,
J O H N TUCKER is Logging Engineer for
Davidson Indusu·ies with a mailing address
of Ti ernan, Ore.
LARA Y i\Ri\lSTRONG sent word of the
arrival o( a d aughter June l!l. T hey have
named the junior miss, Peggy Lee. Peggy has
a n older brother, Danny. Ra y is with Lite
Forest Service on the 0 c h oc o National
Forest at Prinevi lle, Ore.
TOl\f COl ER is Assistant Engineer for
Bohemia Lum ber Co. al Cu lp Creek, Ore.
Last October, Tom completed his Oregon
Mtrvcyor's test.
EARNEST D . TI ARDMAN writes, "District Ranger, Crescen t Ranger District, Deschutes Nationa l Forest , w i t h headquarter~
a l Crescent, Ore. M y wife, Kathryn, and sons,
Richard a nd R yland, are enjoying the re·
creation, fishing a n d scenery of centra l Ore·
gon . Visi tors alwa ys welcome.''
(;EN£ HOLLOTO R writes, ". \l'ter gradu ·
ating, I received m y permanent appointment
with t he U.S. Forest Service at !'arkdale,
Ore., o n the Mt. Hood 1\'ational Forest.
After working there for abonl five months,
I was drafted into the army for t wo years in
.J a n uary, J!J5:;. I served in a g u ided m issil e
battalion at F.l Paso, Texas, and later in
I!J5fi, near Numbcrg, Germany. I returned
to Parkdale in Febru ar y o[ 1957 and re·
s umed m y work with the Forest Service, al
ll'h ich place I am al the present lime. l\Iy
wife and I now have three boys, ages three
years to three month s."
WARREN JIM ERSON lives at 2838 Palo·
ntas Drive N.E., Albuqucrf]llC, ' .IVf., and h e
is with D uke City Lumber Co.
January, 1958
VAN C. J OHNSON, 50 Canal St., Placer·
ville, Cal., writes, "Got out of the Army and
Japan a year ago. Am now with the Eldorado
:'oialiona l Forest working on timber manage·
ment p lans-moslly field work. ;\m sti ll a
bache lor a nd getting a liLLie t ired of it some·
t imes in these hills, but m)' feet are still
a little too itchy to settle down yet.''
WENDELL JONES is doing timber
man agf:!men t work at Detroit Ranger Station
on the \VillameLLe Na tional fo rest. H e reports his wife, Jessie ,and their two girls and
one boy, ( Linda, Sandra, and Stevie) are
all normal a nd health y in this grea t out·
ROllERT G. LEW IS was released fro111
t he service last August and his latest address
t hen was 492.? N. Washington Rou lcvard .
.-\rlington 5, Virginia.
Tii\1 PLUMB is working fur the Calif·
orn ia Forest and Range Experiment Station.
I' .0. Box 2•15, Berkeley, Cal.
NEIL SKILL resigned fro m the Stale Forestry Dept. in Jnne and is now stud ying for
a Civil Engineering degree here a L O.S.C.
JOHN WILLIAMS is attending the Brooks
In stitute of Photography at San ta Barbara,
Cal. His h ome address is 191S Taggart St.,
Boise, Idaho.
H ERBERT BOSSELl\fr\N is employed by
the Rureau of L and :'l•lanagemen t at Coos
Bay, Oregon .
LEONARD .JAMES BRADY is working in
forest inventOry and appraisal for the North·
ern Paci fi c Railroad Co., 812 Smith Tower,
JTM CRANE is working for H .E. Bovay,
J r., Consulting Engineers as a jun ior engi·
ncer working in the forestry branch in the
finn . .Jim's address is P.O . Box l!i, Liberty
Lake, Washington.
CHARLES HOWE returned from the ser·
vice this [all. Charles was in E urope as an
officer in the U.S. Army.
NOJU JAN JOHNSON is worki ng for
Weyerhaenser Tintber Co. as an entomologist in the ir research center at Centra lia ,
Was hington. His add ress is 814 South Gold
Street, Centra lia.
DAVE KEISER was promoted to District
R anger on the Siuslaw National Forest in
September. His address is Rt. I , Gardner,
Oregon .
RILL McCREDIE is working Cor Roy G i b·
son in consulting engineerin g. His address
is 3205 Sou th Geary, Albany, Oregon .
DON i'vi acKENZIE is expect ing to be
transferred to Pendleton , Oregon where he
will contin ue his Forest Service work in
engineering. Don, h is wife, Ellen , and the
youngest member, D on Ellen , have an ad·
d ress of Box 218, W a llowa, Orego n .
GAYLORD PARKS writes, " 1 am s till o n
the Sierra National Forest, only I am now
in timber management. l\'Iy job is timber
managemen t assistant on the l'ineridge Dist.
The work here is pleasant (as can be) and
varied, T im ber , TSI, planti ng, J3ltC, fire,
recreation and anything else they can think
oL lily wife and I are fi n e and enjoy living
here in .Big Creek. \Ve have a daughter two
;ears old and expect an o t h e r one i n
J anuary."
JACK WlNJU l\1 was released [rom the Air
Force in December and his lates t address is
:H9 North 3rd, Hillsboro, Oregon .
WAYNE DOBBERFUHL is in t he service
and is sta tioned at O'Hare National Airport,
l'ark Ridge, Illinois.
MAR V ROSETTE was disch aRged from
the ser vice in June and is now working for
t he Oregon Stale Hig hway Dept. His address
is 561 Riverview Dr., Salem.
M ILTON F.. SCH ULTZ was re leased from
the Arm y in September and is working for
Brooks-Scan lon Lumber Co., Bend , Ore. His
home address is 145 Hawthorne St.
l\IARK A. Sl\IITH , now a lieutenant, is
the father of a baby da ughter, Da rlene Ann.
1•1ho was born August 19. They Jive at 6 13
:ith Ave., Coraopilis, Pa.
DICK SPRAY has returned from the service and is working for the Siuslaw Nat ional
Forest, out o[ Corvallis.
CARL WESTRA TE is on t he San Bcrnar·
di t~~ National Forest an d may be reached by
wntmg the Forest at Box I 12, San Bcrnar·
dino, Cal.
Jll\1 BREWER writes, " Presently in training as B·47 Co-p i lot in the Air Force. Will
be stationed at Schilli ng AFB, Salina, Kansas
in J anuary. Am enjoying th e flying but miss
the woods. It 's just too dem flat in this section of the country!!"
JA C K CARTER is working in Ti mber
Sales on the Bohemia District of the Umqua
National Fores t, Cottage Grove, Oregon .
DALE CHRISTANSE N writes, " ! am at
present a Forester on the Cottonwood Ranger Dist. on the Boise National Forest. Work
consists of equal parts of timber and range
m anagement with a good s prinkling of re·
creation , wildlife, etc. M y wife, Jun e, our
two children and myself live in a small
house at 127 E. Highland , Boise, eighteen
m iles from excellent skiing at Bogus Basin.
l n addition to the skiing, I have found excellt:nt Cishing and hunting for e lk, deer, u p·
la nd game birds and waterfowl near Boise.
I would like to hear [rom any of the fel ·
lows wh o would care to write."
TED COBO finis hed his Army tour at Ft.
Belvoir and returned to work on the Rogue
River National Forest at Klamath l' a lls. His
work will b e n early full time on recreation
tract and development. H is address is 202
Payn e A lley, Klamath Falls.
JOHN COLLINS left T ygh Valley Lunt·
bcr Co. to return home to Rt. 2, Box 2253,
Paradise, California. In September he decided to he lp Uncle Sam with his military
TOl\1 Ell 1 ER is now serving with the
Third 1\Iarine Division in the Far East.
Jil\1 FISHER is working for the Oregon
State Board of Forestry in Medford, Oregon.
H e is Technica l Assistant Cor t he District
Warden. On June 27th, a new baby gi rl cam e
into their family as a playmate [or their
13 month old son. His address is 32 1 Maple
Street, Medford.
DON JOHNSON is working for Santiam
L umber Co., Sweet H ome, Oregon . He a nd
his wife a re expecting an addition Lo the
fam ily th is Apri l.
N ICK KI RKMIRE is Second Lt. in the
Corps of E ngineers, U .S. Arm y, Executive
OHicer o[ the 73rd Engineer Heavy Equipm ent Co., stationed at Ft. Bel voir, Va. and
plans to attend Army Aviation School in
J\l arclt.
ERVI N KULOSA is Assistant Forester for
Glcnco Forest Products in Sacramento, Ca l.
GEORGE LEONARD is working for the
Stanislaus National Forest at Sonora, Ca l. He
spcnL a two year tour of duty w ith the U.S.
:-.lavy after gradu a t ion.
BOB MADISON wr i tes, "After leavin~
schoo l in 1956, I made two steps toward m y
career , one-marrying Amy Bartow of Newport, and two- working for Lhe Pacific North·
Page Eleven
west Forest and Range Experiment Station.
I am employed b y the station as Officer in
C harge o[ Cascade Head Ex p c r i men Lal
forest. T h e m ai ling address is 1'. 0. Box
I l:'i. Otis, Oregon. We wish to invite our
fri end s 10 stop a nd visi L."
DARRELL MAHER is working for the
Ohio l\Iatch Co., Coeur d'A len e, Idaho. His
address is 1222 3rd Street.
D ICK l\IOR RTS is now F orestr y Aide for
Crown Zellerbach Corporation at Tillamook,
Oregon .
DO UG MORRISON is a Forester with
the Rurea u of Land Management. He and
his wife, G loria, arc camped in Eugene.
Jii\1 0\IERBA Y has r c turned Lo the
Ochoco National Forest [rom Lhe service
where he was sta tioned at Ft. Belvoir, Va.
a re both working (or Flour Products Co. a t
Whittier, Cal. Bill is in the D evelopment
De par Lm c n t and Elmer in the Sales
Departmen t.
11 LOYD PAGE writes, "We are n ow livingin \ •\l illi ams, Arizon a . I am Assistant Ranger
on the C halender District, K aibab National
Forest. \Ve have a boy, Eddie Joe; he will be
nine m o nths old Christmas. I£ an y of you
are traveling U.S. 66, stop and see us."
PITTS is now working for the
Nation al Forest at Redding,
Cal. H e and his wife, E laine, li ve at Apt. 2.
2007 East Street.
Sb~sta-Tri ni Ly
C H ARLES SIKORA writes, "We came to
the Stanislaus after leaving Corvallis, sin ce
then, we have lived in Sonora and Hathawav
Pines, Ca li f. and we have bad another addition to th e family. \ 'Ve now have two boys:
F.ric, two years old and Peter, one year old.
For the first year I was on th e Stanislaus,
I was an engineer, timber marker and snow
ranger out of the Supervisor's Office. Since
] une, I have been Project Sales Officer on
the Ca laveras District. Our address is Cal a·
veras Ranger Station, HaL haw a y Pines,
Ca lif."
DON SMITH, wri te s, "Grad uated four
years behind original class of 19!>2 due to
four years of naval duty: end result, wife
( Marcia Berry Smith,OSC 1952 ) , son 4Y:?,
twin daughters 2Y:! (double duty) . E mployed
with U.S. Forest Service , L i LLie River D ist rict, Umpqua National Forest, Glide, Ore·
gon. H ad dubious honor of taking FE 423
from ex-classmate, C.S. Dane who passed m e
o nl)' beca use l h ad too much on him. Just
missed having Prof.??? C. S. Van Vliet for
Fl' courses who wouldn't have been so kind
(another '52 classmate) . Glad to have school
behind me and so hope that the School
doesn't make entrance requi rements and
grades retroactive. That's all.''
Editors note: After those remarks, we arc
now trying to cancel his diploma.
H F.RB STOLTENBERG is Forester with
U.S . .Forest Service at P laccrvi lie, Cal.
AL T HOl\IPSON should be out of Lhe
service any day now . His last few months
have been aL Ft. L ewis. H e married Barbara Ann :Benson in l\Iay.
BOB TONEY is now working for the U .S.
Forest Service in J uneau, Alaska.
TED YAROSH is with the U.S. fores t
Service on the Ochoco Nation al Forest s ta·
t ion ed at Prinevill e, Oregon.
Page Twelve
By H . I. Nettleton, Forest Supervisor
A two man crew spent a total o£ 124 man
days- 108 on the McDonald Forest and 16 on
the Ada ir T ract from June 10 to September
10 o n the following miscellaneous projects:
road maintenance , water h o le development,
plantation su rvival sllldies, timher sale layout. timber marking [or improvem en t th in llillgs, a nd tree prun ing.
No fires occurred on either area during the
Twen ty thousand 2-0 Do uglas-fir seedlings
we•·e planted in March and forty-nine thousand in December, 1957, on a total o f approximately 100 a cres, all within the McDona ld
Forest. The D ecember, 1956, plantations and
the March, 1957, plantations showed an average survival of eighty per cenl. These two
p lan tings have filled in most of the p roblem areas alon g the rnain !VIcDonald Forest
ridge road in cludin g the fifteen acre ba ld
spot at the Lewisbu rg Sadd le.
'Ve are now concentrati ng o ur p la n ting
on the n orth slopes of the United Loggers
area west o[ Sulphur Springs. Some seventy·
odd acres of this area were planted in Dec·
ember by and under the direct su p~rv i sion
of m embers of the Forestry Cl ub usmg 8x8
Two salvage Jogging operations, remov m g
windfalls, were completed d u ring the ca lendar year on the forest, one sou th o f Sulphur
Sprin gs a nd the othe.r at t he Lew1sburg
Saddle. These o perauons to ta led 270,250
boa rd feet net a nd income of $3,337.35.
'fhrou gl; a coopera tive agreement with Extension Fo restry, a forty acre tract was set
aside in the Spau lding Tract for demonstration use h y that Ser vice. Th e seventy-year ·
old stand of Do uglas-fir o n the area was
O.S.C. Forestry Alumni Ass'n.
OSC School of Forestry
Corvallis, Oregon
marked for thinning and 226,010 board feet
were removed, b ringing an income to the
Schoo l of Foresu·y o f $2,740.62. A simila r
thinning on a 29 acre tract of si mi lar age
o n Oak Creek was started in September to
remove an estimated 130,000 board feet. This
operation wiU be completed this spring. An
~dd it iona l 49 acres have been marked, in ·
volvi ng an additional 100,000 board feet i n
areas adjoining the main ,\lcDo na ld Forest
R idge Road.
As a work ing base for fu ture opera tional
plans, a complete sLUdy was made dming
the su mmer and fall wh ich shows the following future needs on McDonald Fo rest.
I. Acres needing· planting: (full) GOO; partia l, 350.
2. Acres needing thinning: commercial, I,·
·HiS; pre-commercia l, 17 1.
3..-\cres needing liberation : (brush control)
- 160.
~. Acres needing pruning o nl y- 80.
5. Acres need ing clear-cutting- 300. Estimated volu me 5.8 MM.
Referring back to the wood rat damage repon ed to you in last yea r's Oregon State
Fo rester, the final to ta l acreage invo lved
amounted to 120 acres o n the McDonald Forest and 658 acres on the Adai r Tract, primarily in the 20-25 year age class but to some
exten t in the 15-20 year class. The cost of
comrol amounted to $3.00 per acre, including
location and poisoning with thalli um- treated
grain and wal nut meats. The entire infested
a rea was treated d uring the winter and
sp ring of 1957.
The deer harvest for the past year amounted to 17 killed with bow and arrow and
31.') by rifle on both the McDonald and Adair
January, 1958
Scholarships Awarded
Twenty-one forestry stude nts arc completing their education a t the OSC School of l'orcstry tinder financial awards established to
benefit forestry. Eight graduate students have
n:ceived awards va lued at S l2 ,:i00 from " ' eyerhaeHser Timber Company, Industrial Forestry Association, United States Plywood
Corporation, " ' · K. Kellogg Fou ndation a nd
from fellowships establisl~ed b)• i\frs . i\lary
.J . L. :McDonald .
Th irteen u ndergrad11ates received award .~
totaling S7,200 [rom th Max D. Tucker Foundat io n, St. Regis Paper Co., Autben Foundation, Crown Zellerbach Founda tion, Louis
a nd i\faud H ill Famil y Foundation, Nutrilite
Foundation, Floyd H art l\femorial Fonndation aud the J ohn Snellstrom Fund.
We're Famous
Evidently the OSC School of Foresu·y is as·
sured o[ fame for people are now trying to
establ ish that they graduated from here when
they haven 't. Two winters ago an employe•·
mentioned to a staff 111a11 fro m the School
rhat he wasn't too sure about 1he a bility of.
an OSC fores ter he had hired . H e just wasn't
doing the job he shou ld be able to do.
A check in the records revea led h e'd never
enrolled here, much less graduated, bu t only
claimed that in o rder to obtai n the job.