Fisheries management and fisher discount rates Louisa Coglan and Joel Lim School of Economics and Finance, QUT Sean Pascoe CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research CRICOS No. 00213J Queensland University of Technology Outline • Aims of the study • Conceptual model and functional forms • Data – Apparent relationships • Model results • Conclusions a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Purpose of this study • to examine the relationship between fisher discount rates and varying types of management in Australian fisheries • test the assumption that rights based management instruments reduce uncertainty around future catches – lower discount rate • Asche 2001; Alcock 2006 – increasing expectation of profits a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Conceptual model ExprofitFEt discountrate * K t discountrate ExprofitFEt Lt O Kt discountrate ExprofitFEt Lt K t O discountrate Lt O Licence value (L) • • option value (O) NPV of future expected full equity economic profits • i.e. less op cost of capital (K) discountrate fn(it , it n , managementt , managementt n ) ExprofitFEt fn( profitFEt , profitFEt n , Boatst , Boatst n , managementt , managementt n ) a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Functional form • Assume non-linear function – error correction form – assumes management affects both expectations about future profits and discount rate – considers both long and short term dynamics 1 2 3 profitFE Boats ITE ITQ ( Lt Kt ) (O ?) i 5 6 ITE 7 ITQ a university for the real world 4 R CRICOS No. 00213J Error correction model ln( Lt Kt ) 1 ln( profitFE ) 2 Boats 3management 4 i 5 imanagement L1 ln( Lt 1 Kt 1 ) L 2 ln( profitFEt 1 ) L 3 Boatst 1 L 4 managementt 1 L 5it 1 L 6it 1management • Red bit is the dynamic (short run) component • Blue bit is the long run component – Long run model: L3 L2 L4 ln( profitFEt 1 ) Boatst 1 managementt 1 L1 L1 L1 L5 L6 it 1 it 1management L1 L1 ln( Lt 1 K t 1 ) a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Other Functional forms considered • Linear model ( Lt Kt ) 1 2 ITE 3 ITQ Option value profitFE ( 4 5 ITE 6 ITQ) i • Log-linear model ln( Lt K t ) 1 2 ITE 3 ITQ Option value profitFE ( 4 5 ITE 6 ITQ) ln i a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Data • Economic survey data – Fishery level (averages) – avoids issues relating to heterogeneity between vessels – Commonwealth fisheries data from ABARES annual reports – SA fisheries data from Econsearch annual reports – 1991/92 to 2010/11 • Not all fisheries in earlier years • 233 observations • 15 fisheries – – – – – 5 Input control 2 ITE only 7 ITQ only 1 transition from input to ITE 1 transition from input to ITE to ITQ a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Data Fishery Commonwealth trawl sector Eastern tuna and billfish fishery Gillnet (shark boats) Hook and trap (non trawl) Northern Prawn Fishery Torres Strait Prawn Fisheries SA Abalone fishery SA Blue Crab fishery SA Gulf St Vincent Prawn Fishery SA Lakes and Coorong Fishery SA Northern Zone Rock lobster SA Sardine fishery SA Scalefish fishery SA Southern Zone Rock lobster SA Spencer Gulf and West Coast Prawn Fishery Total a university for the real world Input controls ITE 16 3 4 ITQ 20 15 15 17 17 15 15 15 10 1 5 9 11 15 15 15 75 43 115 R CRICOS No. 00213J Apparent relationship a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Results • Non-linear model – dummy variables for each fishery (mostly significant not displayed) t SE coeff 0.046 0.246 0.325 0.072 0.053 0.542 0.117 1.722 1.527 0.652 0.594 0.096 -0.362 -0.065 -0.538 0.105 -0.331 -0.241 0.894 1.014 0.070 0.157 lnprofitD lnInterestD lnBoatNoD lnTotalL lnprofitL lnInterestL lnBoatNoL ITE ITQ ITEI ITQI Adjusted R-squared: LR coefficients 0.196 -0.617 -0.448 1.663 1.887 0.130 0.292 0.2307 F-statistic: 2.938 on 26 and 142 DF, AIC sig Prob 0.040 * 2.072 0.144 -1.468 0.842 -0.199 0.000 *** -7.479 0.050 * 1.981 0.542 -0.612 0.042 * -2.054 0.604 0.519 0.508 0.664 0.915 0.107 0.792 0.264 p-value: 2.47e-05 138.1524 a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Returns by management type a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Conclusions • Higher profits lead to higher licence values • Boat numbers also linked to higher licence values – expectations of higher profits • ITQs and ITEs appear to be associated with higher rates of return – not fully capitalised into the licence value – taken as higher “incomes” • Unlikely that ITQs and ITEs affect discount rate – but higher profits under ITQs lead to higher licence values a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J